World General Knowledge

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Shafquat Ali GK.

Largest – World
● Largest continent Asia
● Largest ocean Pacific
● Largest river Amazon
● Largest lake (salt water) Caspian sea
● Largest lake (fresh water) Lake Superior
(North America)
● Largest gulf Gulf of Mexico
● Largest sea South China sea
● Largest delta Sundarbans (India &
● Largest peninsula Arabia
● Largest island Greenland
● Largest country (in area) Russia
● Largest country (in population) China
● Largest archipelago Indonesia
● Largest desert Sahara (Africa)
● Largest animal Blue whale
● Largest land animal TheAfrican Elephant
● Largest democracy India
● Largest dam Three Gorges (China)
● Largest city (population) Tokyo (Japan)
● Largest strait The Strait of Malacca
● Largest wall The Great Wall (China)
● Largest planet Jupiter
● Largest bird Ostrich
● Largest sea bird Albatross
● Largest diamond The Cullinan
● Largest plateau Pamir (Tibet)
● Largest mountain range The Himalaya
● Largest statue Statue of unity.
● Largest army China
● Largest natural satellite Ganymede
● Largest Epic Mahabharat


● Smallest continent Australia

● Smallest ocean Arctic
● Smallest republic Nauru
● Smallest state Vatican
● Smallest bird Hummingbird
● Smallest planet Mercury

● Highest mountain peak - Mt. Everest

(Nepal) Highest mountain - Himalaya
● Highest lake - Titicaca (Bolivia)
● Highest plateau - Tibet
● Highest continent - Antarctica
● Highest waterfall - Angel Falls, (Venezuela)
Highest capital city - La Paz (Bolivia)

● Longest river - Nile (Egypt)
● Longest mountain range - Andes (South
● Longest ship canal - Suez Canal
● Longest epic - Mahabharata
● Longest wall - Great Wall of China Longest
Longest Railway Line – Trans - Siberian


● Tallest building Burj Khalifa in Dubai.

● Tallest tree The Redwood Tree
● Tallest animal Giraffe
● BIGGEST –World
● Biggest desert Sahara (Africa)
● Biggest bird African Ostrich
● Biggest eggs Ostrich Eggs
● Biggest flower Rafflesia.
● Biggest planet Jupiter
● Island Greenland

● Deepest ocean Pacific Ocean

● Deepest lake Lake Baikal, (Siberia)
● Deepest point in the ocean Challenger
deep of
● Mariana Trench in Pacific Ocean

● Fastest land animal Cheetah
● Oldest national flag Denmark
● Fastest bird Swift
● Shortest river Roe river in Montana (61 m
● Lowest point on earth Dead Sea
● The oldest capital city Damascus
● Coldest place Vostok,(Antarctica)
● Hottest planet Venus
● Island continents Antarctica and Australia
● Hottest region North-West Sahara, Azisia
● Fastest planet Mercury
● Coldest planet Neptune
● Slowest animal Snail
● Heaviest Rainfall Mawsynram (India)
● Driest place Death valley (California)
● Hottest place Azizia (Libya)
● Furthest planet (from the sun) Neptune
● Shortest day December 22
FIRST in the World

● The first persons to reach Mount Everest –

Sherpa Tenzing, Edmund Hillary
● The first country to print book – China
● The first country to issue paper currency –
● The first country to commence competitive
examination in civil services – China
● The first President of the U.S.A
George Washington
● The first Prime Minister of Britain – Robert
● The first Governor General of the United
Nations Trigveli (Norway)
● The first country to prepare a constitution –
● The first Governor General of Pakistan
Mohammad. Ali Jinnah
● The first European to attack Sindh
Alexander, The Great
● The first European to reach China Marco
● The first person to fly airplane
Wright Brothers
● The first person to sail around the world
● The first country to send man to the moon
● The first country to launch Artificial
satellite in the space – Russia
● The first country to host the modern
Olympics Greece
● First human in space - Yuri Gagarin (Russia)
● The first city on which the atom bomb was
dropped – Hiroshima (Japan)
● The first person to land on the moon Neil
Armstrong followed by Edwin E. Aldrin
● The first woman Prime Minister of England
Margaret Thatcher
● The first Muslim Prime Minister of a
country Benazir Bhutto (Pakistan)

● The first woman cosmonaut of the world

Valentina Tereshkova (Russia)
● The first woman President of the U.N.
General Assembly
Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
● The first batsman to score three test century
in three successive tests on debut
Mohammad Azharuddin
● Chinese Traveler to India – Fa Hien
● Foreign Invader to India – Alexander the
● Person in Space – Yuri Gagarin
● Person on Moon – Neil Armstrong
● The first woman to climb Mount Everest –
Junko Taibei
● The first European to visit China – Marco
● Man to walk in Space – Alexei Leonov
● The first woman Prime Minister of a
Mrs. Srimavo Bhandarnaike
● *The first woman President of a country
Maria Estela Peron
First Muslim to win Nobel prize Anwar
First Pakistani to win Nobel prize Dr Abdus
Shafquat GK

● The first Muslim woman to receive Nobel

Prize Shirin ebadi.

● First Asian city to host Olympics

● Tokyo, Japan (1964)

First Atom Bomb

● “Little Boy” dropped over Hiroshima by the
US during the second world war (1945)
● First human to walk on the Moon
Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11(1969)
● Christopher Columbus (Italian) America
● Vasco da Gama (Portuguese) ...... Sea route to


● City River Country
● Alexandria Nile Egypt
● Brussels Seine Belgium
● Glasgow Clyde Scotland
● Khartoum Nile Sudan
● Shanghai Yangtze-Kiang China
● Baghdad Tigris Iraq
● Bangkok Menam Thailand
● London Thames England
● Montreal Ottawa Canada
● Cairo Nile Egypt
● Karachi Indus Pakistan
● Lahore Ravi Pakistan
● New York Hudson USA
● Paris Seine France
● Yangon Irrawaddy Myanmar
● Rome Tiber Italy
● Tokyo Sumida Japan
● and Tigris Iraq
● Bristol Avon England

● Kangaroo Australia
● Rose UK, Iran
● Kiwi New Zealand
● Crescent Pakistan
● Eagle Spain
● Golden Rod U.S.A
● Secretary Bird Sudan
● Crescent and Star Turkey
● Britain of the East : Japan
● City of Skyscrapers : NewYork
● City of Golden Gate : San Francisco
● City of Seven Hills : Rome (Italy)
● Cockpit of Europe : Belgium
● Copper Country : Zambia
● Dark Continent : Africa
● EmpireCity : NewYork (U.S.A)
● Emerald Island : Ireland
● Eternal City : Rome, Italy
● Forbidden City : Lhasa, Tibet
● Gateway of Tears : Strait Of Bab-el
● Herring Pond : Atlantic Ocean
● Hermit Kingdom : Korea
● Island of Pearls : Bahrain
● Land of Kangaroo : Australia
● Land of Thousand Lakes : Finland
● Land of Morning Calm : Korea
● Land of Rising Sun : Japan
● Land of Setting Sun : Britain
● Land of Midnight Sun : Norway

● White Elephant : Thailand Land

● Pillars of Hercules : Strait of Gibraltar
● Playground of Europe : Switzerland
● Roof of the World : Pamirs
● Sorrow of China : River Huang Ho
● Sickman of Europe : Turkey
● Sugar Bowl of World : Cuba
● Windy City : Chicago
● Island of fire : Iceland

● Lamp : FlorenceNightingale
● Bard ofAvon : William Shakespeare
● The Daughter of East : Benazir Bhutto
● Iron Iron Lady : Margaret Thatcher
● Red Cross : Jean-Henri Dunant

● Black Flag : Protest

● Dove : Peace
● Olive branch : Peace
● Red Flag : Revolution
● Red triangle : Family planning
● White Flag : Peace
● Lotus : Culture and Civilization
● Wheel : Progress


● Boundary between Pakistan and

Afghanistan:Durand Line
● Boundary between India and China:
McMohan Line
● Line between India and Pakistan: Radcliffe
● Line between North and South Vietnam:
17th Par- allel
● Line between North and South Korea: 38th
● Border between France and Germany:
Maginot Line

● The border between USA and Canada: 49th

● The border between Germany and Poland:
Oder Neisse Line

● Boundary between Germany and Poland :

● Hindenburg Line

● Valentine’s Day February 14

● Hiroshima Day August 6
● Nagasaki Day August 9
● U.N. Peace Day September 20
● World Human Rights Day December 10


● Indian President Rashtrapati Bhavan

● Pope Vatican Palace
● American President White House
● Britain Prime Minister 10, Downing Street
● King & Queen of Britain Buckingham
● South Korean President Blue House
● Pakistan President Ivane Sadar
● French President Elysee Palace

To be continued…
Work in progress…

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