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112 學年度第一學期普高英文
老師: 班級: 座號:______ 姓名:__________

一、文意字彙(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. _____________ He asks his wife’s o_____n on every important decision. Her ideas mean a lot
to him.
2. _____________ It takes an a_____ge of eight hours at home to finish reviewing a lesson. I
believe you need as much time as I do, too.
3. _____________ N______l disasters, such as typhoons and earthquakes, might do damage to
our living environment.
4. _____________ The i______n of machines enabled farmers to grow crops better.
5. _____________ Worrying about his studies as a freshman in high school, Smith asked the teacher for
m______ds to prepare for the exams.

6. _____________ Alan’s appearance is quite s______ar to James’s, so many people think they are twin

7. _____________ If you learn to manage your time well, you may improve your e_____y in
learning, and get a better result in a shorter time.
8. _____________ Since the war broke out (爆發), international organizations show their c______ns over
human rights and the safety of children.

9. _____________ The duck is floating on the s______ce of the water.

10. _____________ Because of the cold front, the thermometer recorded a t______ure of eight
degrees Celsius outside.
11. _____________ The Japanese government e______ssed thanks to those who have helped them after
the earthquake by filming a thank-you video.

12. _____________ The habit of drinking bubble tea every day will have a n_____ve effect on
your health. You will have diabetes (糖尿病) sooner or later.

二、詞類變化(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. _____________ Language ______ (diverse) describes how different groups of people use their
language and how they communicate with each other.
2. _____________ The manager placed an _____ (advertise) on the local newspaper to hire new
3. _____________ The amount of milk you add to coffee is a personal _____ (prefer).
4. _____________ After moving to a new city, I have a feeling of _____ (isolate) because I don’t
know anyone here.

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5. _____________ Although this is just a cheap watch, it is a thing of great ______ (valuable) to
me. It is a gift from my grandmother.
6. _____________ The museum houses ______ (variety) ancient books collected from all over
the world.
7. _____________ In a ______ (democracy) country, people are given voting rights and freedom
of speech.
8. _____________ In order to do the study and report, the professor ______ (advice) us to
interview some experts and find some relevant information from the library.
9. _____________ It has been proved that there is a strong ______ (relationship) between
smoking and lung cancer.

三、字彙與慣用語選擇(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. ( ) The tour _____ a visit to the science museum. I think you will learn a lot there.
(A)includes (B)avoids (C)informs (D)limits
2. ( ) Most children _____ cartoons to news reports.
(A)include (B)avoid (C)pop (D)prefer
3. ( ) The student is ready to meet the __________ of the next few years. He knows it will be
difficult but interesting.
(A)challenges (B)surveys (C)managements
4. ( ) You should have _____ thoughts and look on the bright side, so good things will happen.
(A)active (B)negative (C)positive (D)isolated
5. ( ) The mother gave the tired kid a _____ smile to encourage him to finish the race.
(A)tender (B)democratic (C)diverse (D)political
6. ( ) The magnificent sunrise of Ali Mountain _____ those foreign visitors and made their trip
(A)introduced (B)exchanged (C)impressed (D)respected
7. ( ) There are lots of things to _____ before you study abroad; for example, apply for a visa
(簽證), passport, and student dormitory (宿舍).
(A)get along with (B)deal with (C)find out (D)be excited about
8. ( ) The workers held a fierce _____ against the unexpected firing of the senior staff in the
(A)temperature (B)society (C)demonstration (D)breath
9. ( ) The new drug is ________ in fighting the disease. It works well and has good results.
(A)similar (B)effective (C)valuable (D)urgent
10. ( ) Modern society is much more _________ than before. It is made up of people of many
different backgrounds.
(A)natural (B)democratic (C)political (D)diverse
11. ( ) Email is a(n) _________ way of contacting a large number of people. It works fast

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without wasting money.
(A)efficient (B)negative (C)average (D)isolated
12. ( ) Do you have a(n) _________ for any kind of tea? What flavor would you like?
(A)location (B)preference (C)information (D)activity
13. ( ) Darcey is a sweet lover. _____ chocolate cake, apple pie is her favorite dessert.
(A)More than (B)With (C)Like (D)In addition to
14. ( ) The company is now in a(n) _____ situation after the boss got into the scandal (醜聞) of
giving money to the mayor.
(A)urgent (B)effective (C)valuable (D)similar
15. ( ) The school _____ all freshmen to understand which course they thought was the most
interesting and useful.
(A)solved (B)expressed (C)surveyed (D)exchanged
16. ( ) When buying products, most people would value _____ over quantity.
(A)variety (B)surface (C)quality (D)view
17. ( ) Because smoking causes bad __________, his mouth smells really terrible.
(A)society (B)temperature (C)breath (D)surface
18. ( ) The findings of the scientists help us to _____ a picture of life hundreds of years ago.
(A)build up (B)bring about (C)return to (D)base on
19. ( ) The guide will provide you with _____ about the area so that you can know more details.
(A)opinion (B)information (C)advertisement (D)preference
20. ( ) _____ male gorillas have several physical characteristics that help to pursue mates.
(A)Political (B)Impressive (C)Mature (D)Social
21. ( ) When facing a challenge, my dad always tells me to find the _____ to the problem on my
own rather than wait for the answer from others.
(A)effect (B)management (C)communication (D)solution

四、文法選擇(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. ( ) After the serious flood, the rescue team noticed several residents _____ on the water,
waiting for immediate help.
(A)floating (B)to be floated (C)floated (D)to float
2. ( ) Mandy saw the stray dog _____ over by a car. Fortunately, it was not seriously injured.
(A)run (B)ran (C)running (D)to run
3. ( ) The ground is wet. It _____ last night.
(A)may rain (B)might rain (C)may have rained (D)may rained
4. ( ) Matt wanted to break up with Judy, admitting that he _____ with his ex-girlfriend before they
decided to get married.
(A)has communicated (B)had communicated (C)communicates (D)communicated

5. ( ) I was so tired that I couldn’t even feel the house _____ when the strong earthquake hit.

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(A)shook (B)to shake (C)shaking (D)to be shaken
6. ( ) Please leave the windows _____ because I want some fresh air.
(A)open (B)opening (C)opened (D)to open
7. ( ) Jason _____ on the classes for the whole semester. That is why he got a terrible score and failed
in the end.
(A)had focused (B)had not focused (C)has focused (D)has not focused

8. ( ) Taiwan is seen _____ a perfect travel destination owing to its beautiful landscapes and
friendly people.
(A)in (B)with (C)for (D)as
9. ( ) After getting into college, Kevin _____ hard to strike a balance between his studies and his part-
time job until he had a health problem.
(A)managed (B)managing (C)has managed (D)had managed

10. ( ) Jenny has serious stage fright, so she has trouble _____ herself in front of the public.
(A)to express (B)expressed (C)expressing (D)express

11. ( ) I _____ on the report for three days. I’m still writing the conclusion (結論).
(A)worked (B)have being working
(C)have been worked (D)have been working
12. ( ) The driver accidentally bumped into the tree _____ careless driving.
(A)because (B)because of (C)according to (D)since
13. ( ) _____ the car accident happened, people around quickly called the police and helped the injured
(A)As (B)By the time (C)If (D)Because

14. ( ) ( C ) I just found my wallet _____. Could you lend me some money?
(A)steal (B)stealing (C)stolen (D)be stolen
15. ( ) The girl kept me _____ for over an hour. I want to go home.
(A)wait (B)waiting (C)waited (D)to wait

五、綜合測驗(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. If I had magical powers, I would use the power to control time. To be more specific, I want
to make each day longer __1__ I can make my life more colorful every day.
Actually, my life is all about school and cram school. Whenever I go back home at about ten in
the evening, I __2__ go to sleep until I finish my homework and prepare for many quizzes for the
next day. __3__, I don’t have time to develop other interests. With the power to control time, I am
capable of changing a day into forty-eight hours. __4__, schoolwork would no longer be the focus
of my life. After the first half of the day, I still have lots of time to do what I like, such as going to
the gym and taking care of the stray animals in the animal shelters. Although it may __5__ some
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people that having forty-eight hours a day would drag a student down, I believe that this is the
balanced life I prefer.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) that (B) so that (C) thus (D) in addition to
( 2 ) ( ) (A) can (B) never (C) avoid (D) X
( 3 ) ( ) (A) Thus (B) However (C) In the near future (D) On the other hand
( 4 ) ( ) (A) In fact (B) On average (C) As a result of (D) In this way
( 5 ) ( ) (A) manage (B) advise (C) concern (D) impress
2. Everyone knows the Internet is useful for finding people. But now, with human flesh search
engines, finding people is becoming easier than ever . . . and a little scary.
“Human flesh search engine” is the term __1__ to groups of net citizens, or “netizens,” who
search for other people, usually out of anger. Every time you go online, you leave a footprint, so
people who know a lot about technology can hunt you down if they want to. One example of this
occurred when the video of a man hurting his dog __2__ online. Netizens tracked down his
information and reported him to the authorities. __3__ example is that a subway video showed a
woman __4__ cleaning up after her dog. When her identity was discovered, she felt so bad __5__
she had to drop out of college.
The Internet can be a useful tool for justice. But judgment that is too quick and harmful can be
( 1 ) ( ) (A) gives (B) giving (C) given (D) that given
( 2 ) ( ) (A) appear (B) appeared (C) appearing (D) to appear
( 3 ) ( ) (A) Another (B) The other (C) Other (D) Others
( 4 ) ( ) (A) who (B) instead of (C) didn’t (D) not
( 5 ) ( ) (A) , (B) therefore (C) that (D) lead to
3. News can be found almost anywhere these days, from newspapers to television broadcasts
to websites on the internet. It is important to realize that some of the news we encounter might be
fake. If we read, hear, or see fake news and believe it, it can have __1__ effects on us.
Most people feel that reading the news is a must in order to know what is happening at home and
abroad. They tend to be interested in events __2__ shape our world. However, they need to be sure
what they are reading is the truth, and it requires critical thinking. People must be able to __3__
whether the news is real or fake. If they believe fake information, this might __4__ bad life
decisions. For example, false medical advice can badly affect people’s health and may cause serious
illnesses and in some cases, even death.
Though the bad effects sound upsetting, it is not necessary to blame the news for that. There is a
way to avoid __5__ victim to fake news: learn how to spot fake news. It is an important skill that all
people must learn. In this age of instant information, being able to tell the real from the fake is
extremely important.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) active (B) former (C) similar (D) negative
( 2 ) ( ) (A) who (B) whose (C) that (D) whom
( 3 ) ( ) (A) judged (B) judge (C) judging (D) be judged
( 4 ) ( ) (A) find out (B) build up (C) lead to (D) hear of
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( 5 ) ( ) (A) falling (B) falls (C) fall (D) to fall
4. While using our phones, we often see commercials trying to persuade us to buy everything
from shoes to shampoo. People with many followers on social media and much influence on them
are called social media influencers, whose strong influence makes their followers __6__ to buy the
products they see in influencers’ photos and videos. Since our buying behaviors today are greatly
influenced by social media influencers, such individuals are paid by businesses to __7__ how
certain products can improve our lives and images on social media.
Buying products because of social media pressure can __8__ spending too much money on
things we don’t really need. In order to keep ourselves from overspending, several steps can be
taken to control ourselves. __9__, we can choose to follow only those influencers who have similar
interests to ours. We can also set budgets and stick to them strictly. Another effective way is to
make a list which __10__ what we need. It is important that we separate needs from wants before
we buy anything.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) eager (B) are eager (C) being eager (D) to be eager
( 2 ) ( ) (A) prefer (B) search (C) avoid (D) advertise
( 3 ) ( ) (A) agree with (B) lead to (C) be filtered out (D) be a big part of
( 4 ) ( ) (A) However (B) For example (C) Therefore (D) In addition
( 5 ) ( ) (A) hears of (B) gets caught in (C) is based on (D) is stored as
5. In our daily lives, we need to be careful because digital footprints often come from Internet
searches. That is to say, __1__ searching for information on the Internet, we leave tracks behind.
The Internet provides lots of useful information for us, and it sometimes has a good or useful result.
Other times, though, the information about our search __2__ can influence our lives in a harmful
To start with, phones __3__ locate our positions easily. In fact, wherever we go, our
smartphones know where we are. Also, __4__ shopping on the Internet and using APPs are parts of
our daily lives, our personal information might be stolen while doing so. Therefore, some people
__5__ it worrying. If you are worried about privacy, you should look for ways to leave fewer digital
( 1 ) ( ) (A) by (B) on (C) like (D) without
( 2 ) ( ) (A) surveys (B) preferences (C) advertisements (D) communications
( 3 ) ( ) (A) pop up on (B) have an effect on (C) are interested in (D) are able to
( 4 ) ( ) (A) but (B) after (C) as (D) although
( 5 ) ( ) (A) let (B) find (C) make (D) keep
6. Nowadays, people use the Internet all the time. They can search for things they __1__ and
do it very quickly and easily. However, they often make searches others can see. __2__, these
digital footprints can lead back to you.
Many of the digital footprints you leave behind are __3__ you probably know about. For
example, if you post something on Facebook, you know others will see it. __4__, if you search for
something, you may also be tracked. Companies will know __5__ you searched for, and __6__ you
did this. They can then use the information they’ve found to target you with advertisements.
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It is important to __7__ aware of your digital footprints. If they make you __8__ of losing
privacy, that’s probably a good thing. __9__ be safe on the Internet, you have to know that someone
might be watching you online. This will make you more __10__ about your digital footprints.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) interest (B) are interested (C) are interested in (D) are interested in them
( 2 ) ( ) (A) In fact (B) As a result (C) By the way (D) Despite
( 3 ) ( ) (A) one (B) ones (C) that (D) where
( 4 ) ( ) (A) Thus (B) However (C) On the other hand (D) Otherwise
( 5 ) ( ) (A) how (B) where (C) when (D) what
( 6 ) ( ) (A) what (B) when (C) who (D) which
( 7 ) ( ) (A) be (B) take (C) learn (D) X
( 8 ) ( ) (A) scare (B) scaring (C) scary (D) scared
( 9 ) ( ) (A) In order to (B) Contrary to (C) Rather than (D) Besides
(10) ( ) (A) care (B) carefully (C) careful (D) careless
7. When it comes to friendship, some key ingredients are necessary for a happy and healthy
relationship. For instance, it helps to have common interests, such as sports or other hobbies. We all
have the experience that friends who 1 similar interests could last their friendship for years. It’s
also 2 to be a good listener, and to feel that you can trust your friend with your thoughts and
feelings. Someone who has trouble 3 one another is surely not to be appreciated.
The poem Friendship Soup was written by a teenager. It describes how forming a strong
friendship is like making a good soup. It is 4 great value to have the necessary ingredients, and
keep an eye on it to make sure it gets the attention it needs. 5 having ingredients, the willingness
to take some time to help it develop also matters. Like a good chef, don’t forget to add a little spice
to keep things fun and interesting.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) have shared (B) had shared (C) shared (D) sharing
( 2 ) ( ) (A) focused (B) expressed (C) advised (D) managed
( 3 ) ( ) (A) supporting (B) supported (C) be supported (D) to support
( 4 ) ( ) (A) for (B) over (C) with (D) of
( 5 ) ( ) (A) Getting used to (B) In addition to (C) The key to (D) In order to
8. Nick was one of my high school classmates. He barely said a word in class, so all the
teachers and other classmates had trouble 1 with him. However, little by little, we actually found
Nick an interesting guy, and we could share a lot with him by writing on paper.
We got used to this kind of interaction with Nick and it 2 us whether he could actually “speak.”
Besides, we 3 each other well without speaking. One day, in our senior year, all the students were
invited to a campus karaoke competition. 4 we were wondering where Nick was, we saw him
standing on the stage and singing a popular rap like a superstar. This was not
5 to any aspect of him that we had known before, but soon we cheered in excitement. That was
the first time I heard Nick’s clear and charming voice. Needless to say, Nick won the competition
that day.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) to communicate (B) communicating (C) communicated (D) communicate
( 2 ) ( ) (A) had concerned (B) had never concerned (C) has concerned (D) has never concerned
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( 3 ) ( ) (A) dealt with (B) managed to (C) got along with (D) focused on
( 4 ) ( ) (A) As (B) Since (C) Although (D) If
( 5 ) ( ) (A) valuable (B) effective (C) urgent (D) similar
9. Beginning high school is a huge step in your life. If you had thought about your life
changing dramatically in the near future, you are right! You will have a variety of classes, teachers
as well as extracurricular (課外的) opportunities. ___1___ this stage in your life, you will also be
more independent and take on more responsibilities. To make a positive start in your ___2___ year,
there are several ways to prepare for it.
Before the first day of school, you should ___3___ to start the year off. First, make a plan for the
next three years and think about which classes ___4___ your interests, talents, and future plans.
Take a tour of your school, find the location of your classrooms, and buy the supplies you need,
including a backpack and a planner that help you to keep things organized.
As classes ___5___, there are ways to help you have a positive experience. Make a habit of
getting enough sleep and being prepared for every day. Staying organized will help you save time
and avoid cramming at the last minute. Similarly, managing your time will also help you balance
between schoolwork and the time ___6___ with friends and family.
Remember that teachers and counselors (顧問) will help you solve problems. Do not hesitate to
communicate with them and seek their suggestions to ___7___ any worries and problems you have.
___8___, high school also presents an opportunity to build new relationships and expand your
interests. Despite your best effort, ___9___, there are always some bad days ahead. Do not forget
that everyone has been there. You should learn to stop worrying and keep ___10___ on your long-
term goals. You can do it.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) At (B) Of (C) For (D) Among
( 2 ) ( ) (A) victory (B) emperor (C) freshman (D) journey
( 3 ) ( ) (A) get over (B) turn up (C) go through (D) take steps
( 4 ) ( ) (A) explain (B) advise (C) solve (D) match
( 5 ) ( ) (A) beginning (B) will begin (C) begin (D) began
( 6 ) ( ) (A) spend (B) spent (C) spending (D) which spent
( 7 ) ( ) (A) deal with (B) together with (C) agree with (D) get along with
( 8 ) ( ) (A) After you talk to classmates (B) By taking exams (C) Besides your schoolwork (D)
To join clubs
( 9 ) ( ) (A) also (B) finally (C) therefore (D) however
(10) ( ) (A) to be focused (B) focusing (C) to focus (D) focused
10. I’m a lucky guy. My parents have taken me to so many places in Taiwan. Still, one place
sticks out in my mind as ‘the most beautiful,” and __1__ is Lan Yu.
Lan Yu is located about fifty kilometers off the __2__ of Taitung County. Most people take a
small airplane to visit Lan Yu. From the air, the mountaintops peak out from the clouds __3__ you
approach this magical island. As the airplane lands, you can see the green __4__ and woods and the

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blue water of the Pacific Ocean. Even from a distance, Lan Yu is __5__.
After arriving, you can notice many people __6__ a hotel bus or better yet a motorcycle to travel
on the one road around the island. Several small fishing or farming villages offer __7__ of the local
people and their homes and animals. That’s because most of the people __8__ a living by fishing
and farming. Everything here seems so __9__.
Lan Yu also offers great scenery of nature. From the towering mountaintops to the crashing of the
waves on the rocky beaches, Lan Yu seems frozen in time, a natural paradise waiting __10__. If you
want to “get away from it all” but still stay close to Taiwan, there is no better place than Lan Yu.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) these (B) those (C) that (D) there
( 2 ) ( ) (A) issue (B) focus (C) exchange (D) coast
( 3 ) ( ) (A) as (B) for (C) since (D) because
( 4 ) ( ) (A) temperatures (B) demonstrations (C) varieties (D) fields
( 5 ) ( ) (A) tender (B) charming (C) mature (D) political
( 6 ) ( ) (A) taken (B) took (C) taking (D) to take
( 7 ) ( ) (A) suggestions (B) views (C) ranks (D) messages
( 8 ) ( ) (A) give (B) take (C) make (D) have
( 9 ) ( ) (A) peace (B) to be peaceful (C) peacefully (D) peaceful
(10) ( ) (A) to be discovered (B) discovered (C) to discover (D) to be discovering
11. Starting high school can be scary and challenging, but there are some things you can do to
make your first year comfortable and rewarding.
Preparing for your first week before school even starts is the key __1__ getting yourself ready.
This includes studying the school map to learn where your classrooms are and getting to know your
schedule. Next is staying organized. __2__ your time so that your school, home, and social life are
balanced. It is important that you do your homework, study regularly, and keep on top of deadlines.
Besides the abovementioned, joining afterschool activities such as sports or music clubs helps you
__3__ more people. What’s more, try to get to know and __4__ all your classmates.
Lastly, listen to your teachers and don’t be scared to ask questions. They not only teach you
things from the textbook, but they can also provide you with useful __5__ on school life. With a
little thought and some hard work, you will have set your first year of high school up for success.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) for (B) with (C) to (D) about
( 2 ) ( ) (A) Manage (B) Solve (C) Climb (D) Advise
( 3 ) ( ) (A) meeting (B) met (C) to be met (D) meet
( 4 ) ( ) (A) share tips on (B) be excited about (C) get along with (D) be worried about
( 5 ) ( ) (A) advice (B) value (C) preparation (D) communication
12. One of the best things about Taiwan is its democracy. Taiwan’s first presidential election
took place in 1996. Since then, its democracy has developed quickly, and Taiwan is now __1__ the
top 10 most democratic nations. Every citizen in Taiwan has the right to vote, and people are free to
express their beliefs and opinions without fear of being imprisoned or punished. Overall, Taiwanese
people __2__ those who are willing to share their opinions.

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What does Taiwan’s political freedom lead to? Political activities! Almost every day, there are
__3__ protests around the country. It is an important way for people to not only express their views
__4__ the problems but also let the public know what is happening around the island. That is how
many Taiwanese people communicate important __5__ to the public. Without doubt, the Taiwanese
people enjoy and will cherish their democracy.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) among (B) for (C) into (D) without
( 2 ) ( ) (A) express (B) manage (C) focus (D) respect
( 3 ) ( ) (A) a great deal of (B) a variety of (C) a kind of (D) a large amount of
( 4 ) ( ) (A) from (B) in (C) on (D) by
( 5 ) ( ) (A) issues (B) effects (C) solutions (D) challenges
13. There are many good reasons why we should learn, not only in school, but also throughout
our whole lives. We learn how to speak our mother tongue, and how to play and 1 others when
we are little. While we are in school, experts advise us 2 as much as we can. The reason is that it
is easier to 3 on our studies in school. Research has shown that 4 learning can be accomplished
without the pressure of work or peers. With skills learned in school, we will be better able to find
solutions 5 problems in life.
After graduation, we should keep learning new knowledge because the world is changing all the
time. 6 , we live more years after graduation than before, and thus we must learn more
information and skills about our work. We should also keep learning more about our interpersonal
7 with family and friends. 8 we grow, we become mature and different. So do others around us.
An adult must 9 his or her peers as well as the older and younger generations constantly. It is said
that by the time a person became an adult, what he or she 10 made who he or she was. For these
reasons, we should learn as much as we can as long as we live.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) get along with (B) strike a balance between (C) have a relation between (D) express
concerns about
( 2 ) ( ) (A) learn (B) to learn (C) learning (D) learned
( 3 ) ( ) (A) communicate (B) challenge (C) manage (D) focus
( 4 ) ( ) (A) valuable (B) effective (C) urgent (D) similar
( 5 ) ( ) (A) of (B) over (C) to (D) for
( 6 ) ( ) (A) On the other hand (B) However (C) Therefore (D) In addition
( 7 ) ( ) (A) methods (B) organizations (C) relationships (D) messages
( 8 ) ( ) (A) If (B) As (C) Since (D) Although
( 9 ) ( ) (A) deal with (B) stand on (C) share with (D) have trouble in
(10) ( ) (A) had accomplished (B) has accomplished (C) accomplished (D) accomplishes
14. Taiwan’s healthcare system has experienced a number of changes in the past few decades.
The start of the National Health Insurance (NHI) program in 1995 was the first step. It covers most
healthrelated costs for all people. Costly medical bills no longer __1__ people __1__ using the
healthcare system. That is, most of the cost of medical care is covered by the government so that the
poor can also receive medical care. __2__, a smart health care IC card was introduced in 2003. Its
aim is to change healthcare for the better as much as possible.
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Yet Taiwan’s healthcare system still faces many problems, and more reforms are needed. First,
people with the common cold have the same rights as people who are very sick. Big hospitals are
always crowded with patients, but small and local __3__ don’t even have enough patients to keep
them running. Second, there are too many patients, while the number of doctors and nurses is
always insufficient. These problems need fixing at a faster __4__ to ensure that patients quickly
receive the care they need and deserve. __5__ we want to solve the problem, we have to act now.
The longer we wait, the worse it will be.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) point . . . out (B) view . . . as (C) find . . . out (D) keep . . . out of
( 2 ) ( ) (A) In contrast (B) In addition (C) However (D) Despite
( 3 ) ( ) (A) ones (B) those (C) which (D) others
( 4 ) ( ) (A) population (B) trial (C) rate (D) dose
( 5 ) ( ) (A) Whether (B) Unless (C) If (D) Although
15. Among Taiwan’s defining features are the Central and Coastal Mountain Ranges, which run
the length of the island. Mountainous as the country is, however, many coastal areas are __1__ at
sea level, or just above it. __2__, so low-lying are most of Taiwan’s population centers on the West
Coast that these places are at risk of severe flooding if sea levels were to rise by even one meter.
Among the most seriously __3__ areas would be Taipei, Taichung, and areas in Yunlin and Pingtung
Slow as the pace of global warming is, it’s not as if people would be drowning like in some
Hollywood __4__ movie. More likely, rising seas would gradually __5__ the amount of fertile land,
possibly causing food shortages and hardship. Governments and citizens everywhere must take
appropriate action and seize the opportunity to focus on prevention now, rather than looking for a
cure later.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) to locate (B) locate (C) located (D) locating
( 2 ) ( ) (A) In theory (B) On the other hand (C) In contrast (D) In fact
( 3 ) ( ) (A) social (B) impressive (C) affected (D) democratic
( 4 ) ( ) (A) balance (B) variety (C) quality (D) disaster
( 5 ) ( ) (A) challenge (B) reduce (C) focus (D) introduce
16. High school is an important and necessary part of becoming an adult. Unfortunately, many
students have trouble __1__ in at a new school in their first year. I experienced the same thing
when I entered high school. However, before I graduated, I __2__ some tips to survive. Let me
share them with you.
For one thing, getting good grades is its own reward. While some subjects may be boring, doing
well in them is a great way to motivate yourself. Also, make a study schedule and a todo list. They
will help you gradually meet your goals and __3__ everything well.
Learning is not the only thing you should take away from high school, __4__. High school is
also an environment to __5__ friends and be sociable. You should join school clubs and participate
in school events. With these tips in mind, you’ll surely adapt to your new life soon.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) settling (B) settled (C) settle (D) to settle
( 2 ) ( ) (A) learned (B) was learning (C) had learned (D) would learn
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( 3 ) ( ) (A) hope (B) decide (C) advise (D) organize
( 4 ) ( ) (A) plus (B) however (C) thus (D) instead
( 5 ) ( ) (A) take (B) make (C) help (D) remember
17. Using social media is one of the most popular activities that people do every day. People use
programs or apps like Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and many others. What these social media
platforms do is allow people to __1__ ideas, pictures, videos, and other things.
The main difference between social media and traditional media is that social media __2__
participation and interaction. It has resulted in a great change in how we get information. We are not
just reading a story in a newspaper or magazine, nor are we only watching the news on television.
__3__, we are getting information that we can instantly share with others, publish opinions on, or
even add new information to.
While social media makes it possible for many people to exchange amusing content, it can also
keep people __4__ from the truth. We might see and believe fake information __5__ by others This
may cause us to fall for a scam. It’s OK to enjoy browsing social media, but we should never allow
it to start controlling our lives.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) solve (B) share (C) respect (D) rank
( 2 ) ( ) (A) welcomes (B) introduces (C) views (D) challenges
( 3 ) ( ) (A) Also (B) However (C) Thus (D) Instead
( 4 ) ( ) (A) to isolate (B) isolating (C) isolated (D) to be isolated
( 5 ) ( ) (A) posting (B) posted (C) post (D) to post
18. Taiwan may be a small island, but it doesn’t lack beautiful scenery. One reason for __6__ is
that Taiwan is a relatively new land that was born from the activity of two of the earth’s plates
hitting each other. The tectonic activities have created natural beauty, such as mountains and
valleys. You get to see beautiful and __7__ mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, and beaches when you
travel around Taiwan.
Taroko Gorge is perhaps the best place to learn about Taiwan’s natural attractions. The gorge is
sure to surprise you __8__ its steep, magnificent marble cliffs above the Liwu River. There are
many other places in Taiwan that are just as beautiful. Take Sun Moon Lake, for example. __9__
the largest natural lake in Taiwan, it is surrounded by forested hills and mountains. Take a boat trip,
and you will see the lake __10__ all of what it has to offer. As there are so many sights to see in
Taiwan, why not book a trip today?
( 1 ) ( ) (A) this (B) it (C) which (D) what
( 2 ) ( ) (A) inexpensive (B) impressive (C) effective (D) urgent
( 3 ) ( ) (A) over (B) on (C) by (D) with
( 4 ) ( ) (A) As (B) To (C) At (D) In
( 5 ) ( ) (A) showed (B) shown (C) show (D) to show
19. Larry Page and Sergey Brin first worked together on a search engine project at Stanford
University. Out of this project __1__ today’s best known search engine, Google. The name came
from “googol,” a term __2__ by a U.S. mathematician (數學家) Edward Kasner’s 9-year-old
nephew in 1920. The partners changed the last two letters but still kept the sound. It showed their
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aim of providing a lot of information through the search engine, and it actually __3__ the promise.
One of the keys behind this success __4__ a powerful algorithm, PageRank. Today, Google also
provides many different types of services, from e-mail to GPS, and even smartphones. The
company never stops __5__ a chance to those who are willing to take challenges. Maybe in the
future, you can join one of their teams, and have a chance to form a brand-new (全新的) one with
other creative people!
( 1 ) ( ) (A) has (B) grew (C) is (D) born
( 2 ) ( ) (A) invents (B) inventing (C) invented (D) invention
( 3 ) ( ) (A) avoided (B) including (C) led to (D) lived up to
( 4 ) ( ) (A) is (B) are (C) has (D) have
( 5 ) ( ) (A) to give (B) giving (C) given (D) give
20. Without worrying about the budget, I would take my time comfortably and have a leisurely
one-day trip with my younger sister, Ellen. For one thing, I've longed to take a trip with her, and for
another, I can treat her __1__ no budget limit. Going with her makes me feel warm __2__ she is a
caring and warm-hearted sister.
I wish we could go to Beitou for a day trip since it is __3__ its hot springs. We would travel by
taxi. The following is our itinerary. In the morning, we would __4__ nature and watch wildlife in
the mountains. At noon, we would enjoy a five-course meal at a high-class restaurant of a five-star
hotel. After lunch, we would take a luxurious hot spring. In the evening, we would enjoy the night
__5__ of Taipei from the top of the mountain. In conclusion, if I could spend a day without
worrying about the budget, I would take a day trip to Beitou with my dearest sister.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) around (B) for (C) with (D) without
( 2 ) ( ) (A) so (B) due to (C) because of (D) because
( 3 ) ( ) (A) crowded with (B) seen as (C) famous for (D) known as
( 4 ) ( ) (A) breathe (B) introduce (C) impress (D) explore
( 5 ) ( ) (A) society (B) view (C) temperature (D) quality

六、文意選填(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. Rideshare platforms, including Uber, have become popular around the world. For
convenience, many users set up the Uber app so it detects their location automatically.
Online location sharing makes it more __1__ for drivers to pick up customers. They don’t need to
__2__ for addresses on a map or follow unclear directions from people who may be unfamiliar with
their surroundings (環境). A quick glance at a screen __3__ any need for wasting time.
From the customers’ side, it’s unnecessary to make voice calls or type __4__ into their phones.
Nearby Uber drivers automatically receive a(n) __5__ that a car is needed with the simple tap of a
finger on the customer’s phone screen.
The __6__ Uber driver is no doubt hardworking and honest. Still, there have been __7__ cases
where drivers used customers’ location data to carry out crimes. A dishonest driver who knew a
customer was not at home, for example, could __8__ a burglar (竊賊) it would be safe to break in

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and rob their house.
In conclusion, those concerned with personal security may wish to __9__ the sharing of their
location and the risk that brings. Taking a(n) __10__ approach to privacy settings (隱私權設定) on
the app works best.
(A) efficient (B) active (C) avoids (D) inform (E) alert
(F) search (G) isolated (H) information (I) limit (J) average
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______ (5) _______
(6) _______ (7) _______ (8) _______ (9) _______ (10) _______
2. Making friends is like making soup. That is, if you want to 1 someone else, you have to
act in the same way as a chef preparing a special “friendship soup.”
In fact, there are many different ingredients in a friendship, just as many different ingredients are
required to make a tasty soup. For instance, support, trust, 2 , encouragement, and even a little
nuttiness are required for a good friendship, just as a few teaspoons of salt poured into a bowl and
mixed with other 3 ingredients and seasonings are needed for a good soup.
In addition to this, you can’t just sit back and wait for the soup to cook itself. Making soup, like
making friends, requires your 4 on it. And when it comes to friendship, you can’t leave it alone,
in the same way that you can’t leave soup unattended on a stove.
Therefore, if you really want to enjoy a friendship, you have to 5 on working on it, just as a
chef works on making a satisfying soup. It’s not always easy, but in the long run, you’ll find that all
of the time, effort, and care will be worth it.
(A) communication (B) focus (C) similar (D) management (E) get along with
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______ (5) _______
3. What is your opinion about making new friends online? It cannot be denied that there are
some __1__ things about starting friendships in this way.
For one thing, it doesn’t matter whether two people live in the same location or far away from
each other. Although the distance between them could __2__ how often they saw each other face-to-
face, everyone is different. Others feel happier to maintain their friendships in the online world by
just chatting. The social contact they have online is enough to prevent them from feeling __3__.
Thus, if friends belong to the latter group, they may never make plans to actually meet up offline.
Having Internet friends is great. However, if one starts to __4__ going out altogether, it might be
time to step away from the computer or put the phone down. Spending too much time online can
become a(n) __5__ thing. After all, it’s important to stay physically (生理上) active. And what
better way to stay fit than to include a friend next time you step outside for some fun, healthy
(A) negative (B) avoid (C) isolated (D) limit (E) positive
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______ (5) _______
4. When we watch videos on YouTube, our activity is automatically tracked. The recorded
__1__ is fed into the YouTube algorithm. This complex computer program then goes through a
series of steps at a high speed and chooses other videos that __2__ up for us to watch next. The
suggestions may appear in different __3__ depending on the size of the screen we are viewing.
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The algorithm makes suggestions based on what kinds of videos we have __4__ for previously. It
also considers how much time we spend watching them. Stopping videos before they finish causes
the algorithm to attach a negative weight to this reaction. On the other hand, finishing entire videos
shows our __5__ for the content. Of course, liking a video with a thumbs-up is a clear statement of
our opinion about a certain video or __6__.
The YouTube algorithm aims to create a __7__ experience for users of the video-sharing
platform. It thus has a number of advantages. It is very __8__. We can avoid wasting time looking
for content __9__ to our interests. It also determines what products and services are __10__ to us.
Seen in this way, it’s like an invisible helping hand guiding our leisure.
(A) channel (B) data (C) positive (D) related (E) preference
(F) locations (G) efficient (H) searched (I) pop (J) advertised
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______ (5) _______
(6) _______ (7) _______ (8) _______ (9) _______ (10) _______
5. Taiwan is a democracy with a rich culture and history. The political nature of Taiwan is
about balance between the many peoples of Taiwan. It is also a valuable __1__ of how religions can
live together in peace. Many temples in Taiwan respectfully combine Buddhism, Taoism and folk
religious practices. This combination of traditions does not create __2__ and shows the accepting
nature of religion in Taiwan. People are free to __3__ their beliefs and values in many ways.
The variety of traditional arts in Taiwan will surprise you. Oil paper umbrellas and Chinese knots
are made with __4__ care. Spinning tops and diabolos are toys that take mature skills to master.
Simple figures are made with dough and beautifully decorated. Figures can also be made by
blowing sugar. Glove puppets are more complex. Their carved wooden heads, detailed dress and
beautiful backgrounds are already works of art. Then the artist __5__ movement and voice, bringing
the puppets to life. Calligraphy is an art that is beautiful, complex, and filled with history. The rich
nature of Taiwanese traditions offers something for everyone.
(A) tender (B) issues (C) demonstration (D) introduces (E) express
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______ (5) _______
6. For most people, starting a new job makes them feel nervous. This anxiety is perfectly
normal, but it’s possible for you to calm your nerves by following these simple 1 .
First, just accept it. You’re sure to feel uncomfortable when you have a new 2 . Be over
prepared. Arrive 20 minutes early before you walk on the 3 to give yourself some time to adjust.
When you get to your new workplace, find a mentor. The mentor will be able to explain all the
details about the company—the positives and negatives. In the future, you can give 4 on what
you have learned and become a mentor to new employees.
It is also important to 5 stress with your work. Remember to eat healthily so you can keep a
clear mind and 6 yourself well. Drinking alcohol and smoking might seem good ways to stay
calm, but they are only for a short-term and 7 fix and won’t help you in the long run.
If you are still 8 to fit in at work after a while, look for a new job which you find more 9 .
We all suffer from stress and worry when faced with new situations. The best 10 is just breathe
and remember it’s not the end of the world. All you need to do is be true to yourself.
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(A) balance (B) stage (C) valuable (D) solution (E) challenge
(F) methods (G) managing (H) express (I) advice (J) urgent
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______ (5) _______
(6) _______ (7) _______ (8) _______ (9) _______ (10) _______
7. The island of Taiwan offers many types of natural beauty and a range of activities. The
mountains and surrounding ocean are __1__. The gentle __2__ make exploring a pleasure. The
Central Mountain Range runs from the north to the south of Taiwan. Rivers flow down the
mountains toward beaches or __3__ rock faces. Besides, the beaches in the south of Taiwan are
warm and __4__ with life. If you decide to __5__ your swimsuit for warmer clothes, you can see
snow on the mountains in winter. After a hike, you can warm up in one of 120 different hot springs
(so keep your swimsuit with you). In addition to beautiful __6__, there are many exciting hikes and
climbing opportunities. Over 58% of Taiwan is __7__ in forests and there is a diverse range of
national parks to see.
There is a(n) __8__ of animals to be found throughout Taiwan. The most significant are the many
birds on their long __9__ across the oceans. You can easily see deer, flying squirrels, butterflies, and
pangolins. If you are more __10__, you could see the Formosan macaque. Deep in the mountains, it
is possible to see the very rare Formosan black bear.
(A) steep (B) impressive (C) journeys (D) covered (E) variety
(F) scenery (G) adventurous (H) exchange (I) temperatures (J) filled
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______ (5) _______
(6) _______ (7) _______ (8) _______ (9) _______ (10) _______
8. Step into a night market in Taiwan. You will definitely __1__ in the wonderful smell of
Taiwanese food at its best. The high-__2__ food is inexpensive and delicious. You could eat here
every night and never get __3__. The food __4__ to visitors in Taiwan is world-class. If you have
the __5__ to visit Taiwan, you should take it.
Taiwanese food is based around rice, and often noodles. Soup is served with most meals and
strong spice is __6__ used. Pork and chicken are the most common meats and Taiwanese people eat
a lot of seafood. However, about 25% of fish and seafood is farmed. In many restaurants, you can
__7__ and choose your seafood in a large tank before tasting it. __8__, it is easy to find wonderful
vegetarian food. Many Taiwanese people eat vegetarian food for two days every month. There is a
__9__ of Chinese food, especially Sichuan, Cantonese and Shanghai-style food. Japanese
restaurants are common and if you look beyond the __10__, many other international foods can be
found. In winter, the Taiwanese love to gather around a hot pot and cook meat and vegetables
together. The friendly Taiwanese offer a dining experience you will never forget.
(A) offered (B) rarely (C) surface (D) view (E) interestingly
(F) breathe (G) variety (H) chance (I) quality (J) bored
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______ (5) _______
(6) _______ (7) _______ (8) _______ (9) _______ (10) _______
9. For many young people, making friends when starting high school can be a challenge. The
first step is often to __1__ yourself with a friendly smile and a simple “hello.” It may sound easy,
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but finding the courage to talk to strangers can be a real __2__ for shy people. If that sounds like
you, one __3__ is to set a goal for yourself. It could be something like, “I will talk to at least one
person I don’t know today.” Remember: other classmates probably feel the same way, and you have
nothing to lose by expressing a desire to be friendly. If you’re worried about finding something to
talk about, joining clubs is a(n) __4__ way to meet others with similar interests. Doing __5__
together relieves some of the pressure to constantly start a conversation.
In fact, every new __6__ takes time to develop. Fortunately, high school is a __7__ of life where
classmates see each other every day. This means lots of opportunities to __8__ face-to-face, inside
and outside class. Later in life, maintaining friendships becomes more difficult, as adults struggle to
__9__ jobs and families. Indeed, many people feel socially __10__ as they get older, so high school
really is the “golden age” for friendships.
(A) stage (B) concern (C) effective (D) activities (E) solution
(F) manage (G) introduce (H) communicate (I) relationship (J) isolated
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______ (5) _______
(6) _______ (7) _______ (8) _______ (9) _______ (10) _______
10. Having friends who improve your mood, listen to your problems and help you with life’s
difficulties is incredibly important. The question remains – what separates a true or 1 friend from
just a normal friend.
A good friend is somebody who is present. They are available if you need their help to 2 any
problem such as moving your house or change your job. Being present also means being able to
listen and show a 3 about you when you need it. Judge a friend by their actions not their 4 .
When you really need help, are they there for you or do they provide you with 5 methods?
Another thing a good friend should be is loyal. They won’t try to change you and your
personality when you’re 6 each other. They should also be honest. They will offer 7 and tell
you what you need to hear, not just what you want to hear.
The final qualities a true friend should have are reliability and excellent 8 skills. In your
darkest hour, can you count on them and their support to 9 challenges?
Having a few meaningful 10 with close friends is more important than having hundreds of
people you barely know. True friends will accept you for who you are, never judge, and be there no
matter what!
(A) concern (B) overcome (C) expressions (D) valuable (E) deal with
(F) relationships (G) effective (H) advice (I) communication (J) getting along with
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______ (5) _______
(6) _______ (7) _______ (8) _______ (9) _______ (10) _______

七、閱讀測驗(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. With many jobs and school courses requiring meeting deadlines, sometimes people put off
doing their work, which can cause them stress and torment. There’s even a word that describes the
lack of motivation to getting things done: it’s called “procrastination.” And though some people

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may mock others who procrastinate, it can cause profound distress and despair for people who
continually put off their work.
Psychological professionals believe that procrastination can be caused by either physical
problems with the brain or mental difficulties. The physical causes of procrastination may be that
the part of the brain that deals with organizing work may be damaged or does not work properly.
The mental, or psychological, problems that cause procrastination can include low self-esteem, a
vague feeling that things aren’t going to turn out right, or mental depression, from which people feel
sad and hopeless, making it very difficult for them to get anything done. There are also two main
types of procrastinators: those who worry a lot about the work they’re not getting done, and those
who are calm about their procrastination. The first type would have many negative feelings about
not completing their work, and the relaxed type of procrastinators will generally not worry about the
work they’re not getting done.
Though chronic procrastination can be overwhelming, thankfully, there are some ways to modify
one’s procrastination behaviors. Understanding why you procrastinate is the first step in stopping
the behavior. Another helpful tool is to prioritize your tasks and pay close attention to time
management. Setting goals and promising to meet these goals is also a way of avoiding
procrastination and increasing work and schoolwork productivity.
Regardless of someone’s reason for procrastinating, he or she may want to consult with a
counselor to learn about what may be causing their procrastination and how to overcome it.
( 1 ) ( ) What is the passage mainly about?
(A) A treatment that can cure mental illness.
(B) A study that aims at dealing with social issues.
(C) A problem that most people suffer from.
(D) An argument that criticizes a scientific finding.
( 2 ) ( ) What is the structure of the passage?
(A) the problem —> reasons —> solutions
(B) introduction —> examples —> application
(C) problems —> solutions —> examples
(D) introduction —> problems —> reasons
( 3 ) ( ) Which of the following statements about procrastination caused by mental problems is true?
(A) It is because part of the brain is damaged that people put off doing work.
(B) It can refer to people who worry too much about not completing their work.
(C) It can be easier for a relaxed type of procrastinator to manage their time well.
(D) It is found that most procrastinators are suffering from depression.
( 4 ) ( ) Where can we most possibly read the passage?
(A) A TV commercial.
(B) A camping poster.
(C) A science textbook.
(D) A medical journal.
2. Imagine this scenario. There are two stalls selling fried chicken cutlets (肉排) located right
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next to each other. One is very busy, with a long line of people waiting to order. This stall is so dirty
that cockroaches are crawling on the floor, but the line just keeps growing. The other chicken stall is
spotlessly clean, yet absolutely no one is getting in line to place an order. Which place do you
Surprisingly, most people would choose the dirty stall with the long line. This decision has
nothing to do with reason. The impulse to follow the crowd is known as “herd behavior.”
Researchers who study human behavior find that people are more likely to make the same choice as
their peers, rather than strike out on their own.
There are plenty of examples of herd behavior in real life. Thanks to Instagram, we can now see
what everyone else is eating. A few attractive photos of I-Mei milk tea or Krispy Kreme donuts are
so enticing that they have started a food trend. Before you know it, everyone is eating the same
thing. Herd behavior even applies to how people choose to spend their free time. Someone may play
a game just because it’s what the majority of their friends want to do.
Unfortunately, following the herd can have a harmful effect. People who always do what their
friends want may only be doing so because of peer pressure, or worse, bullying from someone with
more power than them. The next time you’re faced with a decision, take a moment to reflect on
whether it’s really you who wants to make that choice, or if it’s your peers influencing you.
( 1 ) ( ) What’s the best title for the passage?
(A) People’s unreasonable behaviors.
(B) The danger of social media.
(C) The power of peer pressure.
(D) Why not pick the dirty food stall.
( 2 ) ( ) What is the author’s conclusion?
(A) You should follow the crowd since two heads are better than one.
(B) You should be careful about peer pressure and make your own decision.
(C) Most people are stupid, so never take suggestions from others.
(D) You should pick the food stall with no customers in line.
( 3 ) ( ) Which one is not herd behavior?
(A) You bully someone because you are stronger.
(B) You buy the same shoes as your friends.
(C) You play online games with friends though you don’t really like it.
(D) You pick clothes with the most popular color this season.
( 4 ) ( ) Which word is closest in meaning to “reflect” in the last paragraph?
(A) Send. (B) Show. (C) Resist. (D) Consider.
3. Computer technology has made it possible to identify and track individuals using images of
their facial features. Actually, facial recognition technology has been employed in some countries.
For example, China is already using this technology, in combination with cameras, to monitor its
citizens in public places. In the near future, the Chinese government plans to use this system to
assign social credit scores to individuals based on their observed behavior.
In order to operate more efficiently, France decided to follow the trend of facial recognition
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technology, becoming the first country in Europe to use this technology to identify its citizens. The
French government denies that it plans to assign scores to citizens. It insists that providing them
with secure digital identities is the only goal of the new system called Alicem, which is supposed to
start this November. The government claims Alicem will make public administration (行政) easier.
Citizens will benefit from enjoying faster and easier access to government services. Moreover, once
citizens have successfully enrolled in (註冊) Alicem by uploading a selfie video using an app, their
facial data will be deleted, the government promises.
However, in a country where freedom is deeply cherished, not everyone is happy about the new
program. For one thing, people will be enrolled in the system without any requirement to obtain
their consent first. There is likewise no possibility for anyone to refuse to take part for any reason.
Many French people therefore consider Alicem to be an illegal invasion of their personal privacy.
Apparently, the independent agency in charge of regulating how data can be used in France agrees.
The regulator has issued a statement that Alicem violates the European General Data Protection
Encouraged by the regulator’s opinion, a privacy rights group has challenged the government’s
legal basis for the Alicem program. The privacy rights group has put the matter in the hands of
France’s highest Administrative Court, asking judges to decide if the government’s plan goes too
( 1 ) ( ) What is the main idea of the passage?
(A) The benefits of facial recognition technology.
(B) Facial recognition technology in China.
(C) The controversy (爭議) over facial recognition technology.
(D) French people’s rejection to facial recognition technology.
( 2 ) ( ) Which is NOT an advantage of using the Alicem system?
(A) To have their personal identity deleted.
(B) To have easier access to government services.
(C) Alicem can help prevent crime by monitoring citizens.
(D) To allow the government to operate more efficiently.
( 3 ) ( ) Which word is closest in meaning to “consent” in Paragraph Three?
(A) Data. (B) Advice. (C) Award. (D) Agreement.
( 4 ) ( ) Who is in favor of using facial recognition technology?
(A) Privacy rights groups in France.
(B) The Chinese government.
(C) Freedom-loving French people.
(D) A data protection agency in Europe.
4. According to all accounts, the Formosan clouded leopard was a magnificent animal. The last
recorded evidence of its existence on Taiwan came from an entry in a diary from 1910. As a result,
in the late 1990s, a team of scientists from around the world decided to determine once and for all if
the Formosan clouded leopard could still be found roaming Taiwan’s forests and mountainous areas.
They thus began a thirteen-year search. Unfortunately, after hundreds of days searching and
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countless hours observing the animal’s natural habitats, the team came to the sad conclusion that the
Formosan cloud leopard is now extinct. In fact, it was determined that this rare animal has likely
been gone for decades.
Understandably, this announcement caused great disappointment among the general public in
Taiwan. Yet, at the same time, it also caused people in Taiwan to ask what should be done to save
the rest of Taiwan’s endangered animals. After all, no one would want other national treasures, such
as the Formosan black bear, the Formosan Sika deer, or the Formosan landlocked salmon, to suffer
the same fate as the Formosan clouded leopard.
Fortunately, the government in Taiwan has listened to the concerns of the public and is taking
action to protect Taiwan’s threatened animals. One of the first steps was to create a special list of
Taiwan’s protected species. When an animal is placed on this list, special measures are then taken
by Taiwan’s Council of Agriculture to protect it. At the moment, 174 animals native to Taiwan are
on the national protected species list.
Another important step was the creation of 67 “safe areas” in Taiwan where the native wildlife is
protected. These areas, which are protected by law, include eight national parks, 18 nature reserves,
and seven wildlife refuges in addition to 12 coastal reserves and 24 natural forest reserves. Perhaps
more importantly, environmental legislation, like the Wildlife Conservation Law, is enabling
officials to not only protect the endangered animals’ habitats but also prosecute those who harm
these animals or damage these areas, with large fines and even jail terms for offenders.
Already, there have been some success stories. The Formosan landlocked salmon, which was
once in danger of disappearing, has benefited greatly from these measures. Today, it is thriving in
Shei-Pa National Park. With these environmental measures in place, it can only be hoped that in the
future more of Taiwan’s endangered animals will follow in the footsteps of the Formosan
landlocked salmon and avoid the sad fate of the Formosan clouded leopard.
( 1 ) ( ) What is the passage mainly about?
(A) Why people listed the extinct animals in Taiwan.
(B) How animals were considered to be native species.
(C) What the government did to protect the endangered animals.
(D) When the scientists noticed the whereabouts of Formosan clouded leopards.
( 2 ) ( ) According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a way to prevent animals from
going extinct?
(A) Establishing nature reserves.
(B) Making strict environmental laws.
(C) Protecting animals in the zoos.
(D) Raising public awareness about the protection of endangered animals.
( 3 ) ( ) How does the author conclude the last paragraph?
(A) With a case story.
(B) With a summary.
(C) With a suggestion.
(D) With a negative outlook.
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(4)( ) What does the word “prosecute” in the fourth paragraph most likely mean?
(A) Organize.
(B) Suggest.
(C) Praise.
(D) Punish.
5. In school, students are often ranked by how much information they can memorize and how
well they do on tests. But once people get out into the real world, they soon realize that they need a
different set of tools to succeed at work and in their personal lives.
Interpersonal skills can be defined as the skills we use to communicate with others. If you’ve
ever admired a powerful speaker, you were probably impressed by their interpersonal skills. If
you’re shy, you may have wondered how they became so charismatic. Although some people are
naturally charismatic, interpersonal skills can be developed with the right practice. Here are some
tips you can use to improve your ability to communicate.
The easiest way to communicate better is to start smiling more. We all prefer to be around happy
and positive people, and by smiling, others will naturally be more responsive to your ideas. Another
way to improve your interpersonal skills is to be appreciative. Everyone likes to hear that they are
doing a good job, and showing your appreciation makes others want to do something nice in return.
If you want to be able to influence others, you will need to become an active listener. We all want
to be heard, so when someone pays attention to us, we are more willing to listen to them as well.
Finally, you should remember the old saying that “laughter is the best medicine” when dealing with
people. By joking around and showing our sense of humor, we can build closer bonds with those
around us.
Interpersonal skills are like anything else in life. The more time we spend learning and practicing
them, the easier they will become. And with enough practice, pretty soon you’ll be amazed at how
you can effortlessly communicate with others without even thinking about it.
( 1 ) ( ) What’s the main purpose of the first paragraph?
(A) To show the difference between in school and after school.
(B) To explain the methods to be successful on tests in school.
(C) To introduce useful tools for students to memorize information.
(D) To warn students about the difficulties they may face in the real world.
( 2 ) ( ) Which of the following words is the closest in meaning to “appreciative” in Paragraph
(A) sensitive (B) smart (C) useful (D) favorable
( 3 ) ( ) Simon wants to practice his interpersonal skills, which of the following methods is
probably NOT helping?
(A) He keeps reminding himself to smile at people around him.
(B) He praises his friends when they do well on tests.
(C) He tries to talk more about himself while being with others.
(D) He memorizes lots of jokes to have a fun conversation.
( 4 ) ( ) What can we infer from the last paragraph?
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(A) Better late than never.
(B) Practice makes perfect.
(C) Actions speak louder than words.
(D) Every cloud has a silver lining.
6. In recent years, colorful murals and paintings have begun to appear on the walls of towns
around Taiwan, and many of these color-painting villages have now become tourist attractions,
bringing in thousands of tourists on some weekends.
One of the most famous of these “painted towns” is Rainbow Village in Taichung, which was
originally a settlement for Nationalist soldiers. Over the years, though, the population of this
community gradually declined, leaving many abandoned and empty buildings there. That’s when
Huang Yung-fu decided to start painting on the walls and even the streets of this village. Although
the elderly veteran was a completely self-taught artist, his colorful paintings of animals, plants, and
even local celebrities soon captured the interest of students from a nearby university. These students
took pictures of the painted village and posted them online, where they quickly went viral.
Further down south in Tainan, Hujia Village had just been another boring, quiet area. However,
about a year ago, some sisters who were visiting their grandmother, who still lived in Hujia, decided
to start painting the walls of the village in order to honor her. Though they had never painted large
paintings before, the Li sisters were able to paint several colorful murals, including some that
featured popular characters from their childhood, like Doraemon and Totoro. Other people soon
joined in and colorful paintings can now be found throughout the village. Reports of this colorful
village in Tainan went viral, and Hujia has now become a popular tourist attraction.
Other painted villages in Taiwan included Baishu in Kaohsiung, where a group known as the
Formosa Wall Painting Group has begun a community-based art project to showcase the history of
Taiwan’s villages and the people who live in them. Beiliao, another village in southern Taiwan, is
also now full of murals, many of which depict local village life and traditions.
So, it is clear to see that Taiwan’s painted villages are adding more color to the island and making
it an even more interesting place, for both locals and foreign visitors alike.
( 1 ) ( ) If we want to see Doraemon and Totoro painted on the wall, which village should we go to?
(A) Rainbow Village. (B) Hujia Village. (C) Beiliao Village. (D) Baishu Village.
( 2 ) ( ) What is the thing that Huang Yung-fu and the Li sisters have in common?
(A) They all live in crowded big cities. (B) They are professional painters.
(C) They like cartoon characters. (D) They made their villages tourist attrations.
( 3 ) ( ) What does “go viral” mean?
(A) Become sick. (B) Turn worse. (C) Become popular quickly. (D) Enter a lab.
( 4 ) ( ) Besides cartoon characters, what is a common theme of the paintings on the wall?
(A) Taiwanese traditions. (B) Scenes of war. (C) Ghosts and gods. (D) Political figures.
7. This is one of Tim’s weekly schedules in the semester that he organizes for his high school life.
Please answer the questions based on the information in the chart.

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( 1 ) ( ) How does Tim organize his schedule?
(A) Making bars to assign time for tasks.
(B) Putting dots to mark important dates.
(C) Drawing lines to connect time and tasks.
(D) Using blocks to separate different plans.
( 2 ) ( ) According to the chart, which of the following statements is true?
(A) Tim spends more time studying than socializing.
(B) Tim works part-time four days a week.
(C) Tim has meetings for study groups almost every day.
(D) Tim has a physics exam on Wednesday morning.
( 3 ) ( ) Tim uses different patterns in his schedule. Which of the following is NOT the correct
patterns corresponding to the plans?
(A) Gray backgrounds: social activities and exercise.
(B) Dotted backgrounds: courses and lessons.
(C) White backgrounds: meetings of study groups.
(D) Striped backgrounds: study time.
( 4 ) ( ) If school counselors are going to ask Tim to share his time management skills to freshmen
on the first day of the new semester, what might he suggest?
(A) Try to do tasks at the same time to work effectively.
(B) Strike a balance between work and entertainment.
(C) Put all your effort into your studies to get good grades.
(D) Work alone would be more efficient than in groups.
8. In search of fresh air, countryside views, and delicious food, my family and I took the
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express train from Taipei to Taitung this summer vacation.  After arriving, we rented bicycles and
rode along the country roads between the green rice fields.  During our trip, we had tried many
different foods at local restaurants, among which Sinasera 24 is my favorite. We were served
several different French courses prepared by Chef Nick.  Most of them were seafood dishes,
which were made with local ingredients in Taitung. We sat by a window overlooking the Pacific
Ocean and watched the sunset.  Before catching the train back to Taipei, we visited a tea farm to
enjoy local iced tea. It was delicious! This was really an amazing and unforgettable trip.
( 1 ) ( ) What is the purpose of this passage?
(A) To examine whether Taitung was worth visiting again.
(B) To prove the food in the restaurant was indeed well-known.
(C) To describe how wonderful the trip to Taitung was.
(D) To point out the link between local foods and the environment.
( 2 ) ( ) What does “course” in the paragraph most likely refer to?
(A) An area of land or water used for a sports event.
(B) A fixed number of regular medical treatments.
(C) A set of classes or a plan of study on a particular subject.
(D) A part of a meal that is served separately from the other parts.
(3)( ) Which blank does the sentence “The view was very beautiful, so I snapped many great
photos of the fields and mountains.” best fit?
(A) .
(B) .
(C) .
(D) .
(4)( ) According to the passage, which of the following did the author pay more attention to?
(A) Food.
(B) People.
(C) Customs.
(D) Scenery.

八、閱讀測驗 (素養)(共 0 分,每題 0 分)

1. More and more young people are opening their eyes to the joys of a working holiday in
another country. Many see it as a way of having a vacation and earning money at the same time.
The benefits are numerous. As well as getting a cheap or free trip, on a working holiday visa you
can stay in your chosen country for a longer period. Therefore, you can explore it more fully. You
get a chance to better understand the local culture and way of life. In other words, it contributes to
your personal development. Of course, there is also the opportunity to make new friends from
around the world.
A working holiday can be a fantastic experience. But its success depends on you. You need to do
plenty of research in advance to find out which country you should go to. Some key factors are

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mentioned on the table below. It’s also important to get a job lined up before you set off, and to
know whether you can do it. Make sure it includes enough free time to explore the country. What’s
more, as soon as you arrive, you should do your best to make friends, especially local ones. Finally,
be openminded and ready for a little culture shock. Then you can enjoy the experience of a lifetime.
The chart below compares working holiday rules for five countries. Take a look and decide which
place would be best for you.

( 1 ) According to the passage, who might be the target readers?

(A) People who want to have a luxurious and wonderful vacation.
(B) People who expect to broaden their horizons by working and living in other countries.
(C) People who have a hard time finding a job in their own country.
(D) People who dream of emigrating to other countries and starting a new life.
( 2 ) If people want to have an awesome working holiday, which suggestion is NOT mentioned in
the article?
(A) For safety reasons, people had better stick with those who are from the same country.
(B) People should not be afraid of experiencing culture shock.
(C) People should make sure what jobs are offered and whether they can handle the job.
(D) People are suggested to collect as much information as they can about the country that they are
heading for.
( 3 ) Sam is a graduate student now, and next year, he is going to turn 33. Which country is the best
choice for him? (A) Canada. (B) Chile. (C) Spain. (D) Australia.
( 4 ) Judy plans to have a working holiday after she completes her bachelor’s degree. Also, she
decides to choose the country where she can stay for the longest period of time. Which
country should she apply for? (A)Australia. (B) Spain. (C) New Zealand. (D) Canada.
2. More than 42,000 people from 297 tour groups (more than 10 countries) visited Taiwan last
year, and they brought an estimated NT$800 million (US$26.5 million) in tourism revenue (收入),
according to the numbers from the Tourism Bureau. Our total international tourism receipts reached
a record NT$458.9 billion (US$15.2 billion) in 2015, nearly double that of the past 10 years.
Now, language services and social structure are being set up as the government tries to attract more
overseas tourists. Among them, the bureau is running tour guide certification courses for new
immigrants and overseas students from Southeast Asia. The chairman of the Taipei Tourism Quality
Assurance Association (TQAA) believes the move is in line with his idea that traveling is more
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than just eating, drinking, and seeing. “The scope of tourism ranges from education, environmental
protection, to languages and public affairs.” He said, “Most importantly, tourism reflects a country’s
level of ability or quality.”

(1)( ) What is the best title of the passage?

(A) How to Boost Tourism.
(B) Tourism: Not Just for Fun.
(C) The Analysis of Tourism Policies.
(D) The Quickest Ways to Promote Taiwan.
( 2 ) ( ) What does the phrase “in line with” most likely mean?
(A) Being similar to something.
(B) Following or obeying a rule.
(C) Doing something especially for a person.
(D) Protecting and loving others.
( 3 ) ( ) According to the passage, which of the following is what the government is trying to
work on?
(A) Free souvenirs.
(B) Stock investment.
(C) Language policies.
(D) Better transportation.
( 4 ) ( ) According to the graph, which of the following is true?
(A) The number of foreigners who came to Taiwan is below 42,000.
(B) Most of the foreigners came to Taiwan simply for travel.
(C) Foreigners visited Taiwan mainly for studies.
(D) Visiting relatives is the second most common reason why foreigners came to Taiwan.
3. When Lizzie Velasquez saw online bullies post a video of her, calling her the world’s ugliest
woman, it hurt her deeply. This was especially cruel to Lizzie because she has a serious medical
condition that affects her appearance. Since looking different from others isn’t something she can
control, it is not right to attack her for something beyond her control. Sadly, the cyberbullying was a
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continuation of treatment Lizzie had become used to all her life. What makes Lizzie so inspiring is
the bravery she has shown in facing up to bullies and not being defeated by them. To deal with this
situation, Lizzie started a YouTube channel to introduce herself to the world and has gained many
followers. Rather than hiding, she speaks publicly about her situation and pressures the government
to pass laws to protect victims of cyberbullying. The result? Lizzie-1 Bullies-0.
The world’s ugliest woman fights back!

Being called the world’s ugliest woman hurt She speaks publicly about her situation and
Lizzie deeply. pressures the government to pass laws to
protect victims of cyberbullying.
( 1 ) ( ) Why did Lizzie look different from others?
(A) She was ill.
(B) She hurt her face in an accident.
(C) She was attacked by bullies.
(D) She was born deformed (畸形).
( 2 ) ( ) How did Lizzie deal with cyberbullying?
(A) She received treatment from doctors.
(B) She turned herself into a YouTuber.
(C) She made herself look uglier to scare the bullies away.
(D) She fought against the bullies on the street.
( 3 ) ( ) What does “The result? Lizzie-1 Bullies-0.” mean?
(A) The government passed one law for Lizzie and none for the bullies.
(B) Lizzie has one supporter and the bullies have none.
(C) Lizzie totally beat the bullies and will not be bullied anymore.
(D) Lizzie won her fight in the beginning but it hasn’t ended yet.
( 4 ) ( ) Which treatment in the following sentences is closest in meaning to “treatment” in the
(A) The patient requires medical treatment from doctors.
(B) The polluted river needs treatment.
(C) The princess enjoys special treatment at school.
(D) The book’s treatment of village life is very realistic.

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The headline above refers to a news report from just after the Russian invasion of Ukraine began.
The report claimed that Leonardo DiCaprio had donated US$10 million to the Ukrainian military
and that he had family ties in Ukraine. However, neither of these claims was true. This is just one
story in a tidal wave of fake news that has flooded social media and the Internet in recent years.
Fake news—news articles that are intentionally false designed to manipulate people’s perceptions
of reality—is a growing problem. It has become a method to stir up social conflict. Here are some
various types of false news we need to be aware of, including clickbait, propaganda, and sloppy
journalism. Clickbait stories use sensationalist headlines to gain more website visitors and increase
advertising revenue for websites. When it comes to propaganda, the purpose of it is to spread biased
information to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. Besides, journalists
may sometimes publish a story with unreliable information which can also mislead audiences.
Therefore, everyone needs to know how to deal with fake news.
One strategy to detect fake news is to examine the source of the information. Take a good look at
the website and do a search on the writer to see if they are trustworthy. In addition, use a fact-
checking site, such as BBC Reality Check or Snopes, to check if the story is true. What's more,
maintain a critical mindset. Some fake news is written to provoke strong emotional reactions such
as fear or anger. Read news from a wide variety of sources to ensure that you are getting multiple
perspectives. Lastly, never share a post on social media without fact checking; otherwise, you will
contribute to the problems. All in all, we should view everything online with a critical eye for fear
of falling prey to fake news.

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30 / 63
( 1 ) What is the third paragraph mainly about?
(A) The importance of media literacy.
(B) The growing threat of fake news.
(C) Tips on how to avoid falling victim to fake news.
(D) People’s attitudes toward fake news verification.
( 2 ) According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) The news about DiCaprio donating $10 million to Ukraine is fabricated.
(B) Fake news stories can’t appeal to people’s emotions.
(C) People can use Snopes to identify fake news.
(D) People had better be openminded toward opposing points of view.
( 3 ) Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
(A) An example of fake news.
(B) Different kinds of fake news.
(C) The dangers of fake news.
(D) A guide to critical thinking.
( 4 ) Look at the picture below. What type of fake news does it belong to?

31 / 63
(A) Clickbait.
(B) Propaganda.
(C) Sloppy journalism.
(D) News satire.
Welcome to We Can Achieve High School! This is a new and exciting stage in your life. It can
also bring challenges. We are here to help you succeed.
The first floor of the school includes the main office, gymnasium, cafeteria, and the
counselors’ offices. Classrooms are located on the second, third, and fourth floors.
Our school has two counselor offices—one is for student affairs, and the other is for academic
affairs. Please contact us if you need guidance in any of these areas.

A 2018 survey of American teenagers was carried out to show the most common concerns

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expressed by high school students. These are shown in the following chart:

If you are experiencing any of these problems or have other concerns, please contact a
counselor. These problems can affect your personal happiness as well as your grades. Our
counselors can offer advice and help you find solutions.
( 1 ) ( ) Michael wants to sign up for the basketball club. Where should he go?
(A) Cafeteria.
(B) Gymnasium.
(C) Counselor office, Room 112.
(D) Counselor office, Room 114.
( 2 ) ( ) If you want to ask one of the counselors for help, what time is NOT a good choice?
(A) 9:30. (B) 11:30. (C) 13:30. (D) 15:30.
( 3 ) ( ) According to the survey, what problem seems to cause the most anxiety on American
(A) Bullying. (B) Poverty. (C) Gangs. (D) None of the above.
( 4 ) ( ) On what occasion might you receive the information above?
(A) In a freshman orientation (新生訓練).
(B) In a social studies class.
(C) In a graduation ceremony.
(D) In a school advertisement campaign.
6. Homeschooling simply means being educated at home. Usually, in this situation it is parents
that teach their own children. Homeschooling is legal in the United States and many other countries.
Parents can take their children out of school and educate them at home. They will need to tell their
local education authorities about it.
The number of children being homeschooled is increasing. In the United States, it is estimated

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that more than two million children are taught in this way. Other countries are following a similar
trend. In 2021, homeschooling increased by 75 percent in the U.K. The main cause was the
COVID19 pandemic. Many worried parents continued to keep their children at home, even after
schools opened again. However, there are many other reasons why parents choose to homeschool
their children. Some of them are shown in the pie chart below.
Dianna Nickell, from North Carolina, began homeschooling her three daughters during the
pandemic. She says it has been a positive experience. Her children have found a lot of freedom and
flexibility in this type of education. They can learn much more about the subjects they love. Dianna
says she does not have a problem with public education. Her daughters can go back to school
anytime they like. But homeschooling seems to work best for them, and for many other children,
right now.

( 1 ) Based on this passage, which of the following is true?

(A) Most children enjoy freedom and flexibility while homeschooling.
(B) Fear of COVID is the only main reason for choosing homeschooling.
(C) 75% of students choose to be homeschooled in England during COVID19.
(D) Parents that find school improper for their children are ranked fourth in the chart.
( 2 ) Which of the following aspects about “homeschooling” is NOT mentioned in the passage?
(A) The reasons behind homeschooling.
(B) The definition and benefits of homeschooling.
(C) How popular homeschooling is among different countries.
(D) How students think about homeschooling during COVID19.
( 3 ) How does the author try to arouse readers’ interests in homeschooling?
(A) By sharing a sample case on homeschooling.
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(B) By doing a questionnaire on families who want to try homeschooling.
(C) By listing the pros and cons of homeschooling.
(D) By making a contrast among different learning modes.
( 4 ) Which of the following graphic organizers can best apply to the structure of this passage?
(A) Flow chart

(B) Timeline

(C) Mindmap

(D) Venn Diagram

九、混合題 (素養)(共 0 分,每題 0 分)

1. Did you know that Facebook shares your profile info when you visit certain websites? In
fact, most “big tech” companies like Facebook, Apple, and Google, use algorithms to harvest your
personal data and allow outside parties to access it.
Technology companies employ algorithms to search through social data (age, gender, location,
etc.), as well as social media activity (comments, likes, posts, etc.). This information is used to
deliver content that is tailored specifically for each user. YouTube, for example, uses algorithms to
promote certain videos that you’ll be more likely to watch. Facebook and Twitter use algorithms to
decide what posts you see first in your feed, such as those of family members and closest friends.

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Similarly, Google uses algorithms to rank the websites that appear in your search results.
Besides delivering content that you’ll be most likely to connect with, tech companies make
money out of your personal data through advertising. Google makes billions of dollars each year
through the information that it collects from its users. Using algorithms to track your online activity,
Google collects this information and then gives it to advertising companies, which in turn give
Google money for it. The advertising companies can then directly target the specific group of the
population (e.g., dog owners or young men) who will be most likely to click on their ads and buy
their products.
Some users believe that tech companies should not make money by selling their users’ personal
data and that these acts break the law. Other users, however, are not so concerned. They put up with
it in exchange for using all of the company’s services for free—be it social media, email, or search
If you’re concerned about your personal information being taken by technology companies, there
are ways you can protect yourself. First, change the privacy settings of your browser. Within the
browser’s settings, you can see and delete your history, as well as set what you’ll allow in the
future. Further, you can change the privacy settings on your smartphone, which lets you control
whether advertisements will be targeted at you. For example, companies can send you ads
according to your phone’s location. Within your privacy settings, you can limit the sharing of this
information. Protecting your online accounts and personal information is important. There are many
other ways to do so than those mentioned in this article, and you are encouraged to dig deeper!

( 1 ) ( ) What can be inferred from the chart? (多選題)

(A) Apple is among all the most protective of users’ personal information.
(B) Personal data are exposed about 66% of the time users are using Google.
(C) Facebook in recent years makes accessing users’ personal data harder than before.
(D) Twitter has relatively fewer users, which makes it easier to protect users’ personal
(E) Snapchat and Apple reveal users’ personal data more frequently than other tech

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( 2 ) 請從文章中找出最適當的單詞(word),分別填入下表的兩個空格中,並視語法需要作適

( 3 ) Which sentence in the article explains why some users aren’t so worried about their personal
information being sold for the benefit of tech companies? (簡答)

( 1 ) Which of the following characteristics belong to people who stay in the comfort zone?
(A) Feeling insecure about change.
(B) Wanting to be like others.
(C) Being excited about the unknown.
(D) Tending to like taking things in control.
(E) Having no regret to challenge.
(F) Living only to survive.

( 2 ) Please fill in the blanks with the correct words to describe the process of moving from the
comfort zone to the growth zone.
37 / 63
Comfort zone —> Fear zone —> Learning zone —> Growth zone

Safe Afraid of __________ Increase __________ Find purpose

( 3 ) What would happen if people successfully step from the learning zone to the growth zone?

3. The bar chart displays the biggest issues the students faced during their time at senior high
school. The findings come from a survey of U.S. teens in 2018. For these students, the biggest
concern is getting good grades. Sixty-one percent believed this is their most important focus and
something which causes them the highest amount of stress.
The other issues which teenagers put heavy pressure on themselves are based around the
relationships with their peers. Looking good and being able to fit in socially are ranked almost of
equal value by teenagers. Looking good is a big issue for 29% of the students while fitting in
socially comes just behind at 28%. For the majority of the students during senior high, the key is to
strike a balance between the educational and emotional sides of school life.
Of less importance, but a similar issue which links with how students feel away from their studies
is being able to join clubs and participate in extracurricular activities. For 21% of the students, it is a
meaningful issue.
Finally, while many students are fortunate enough not to have to worry about the financial side of
studying. For 13% of the students surveyed, it is a worry. Some are forced to have a part-time job,
in order to pay the fees and continue their studies.
For the students who are also struggling to manage all these issues, there are places you can turn
to for advice. You can either go to the Office of Student Affairs or the Office of Academic Affairs
and organize a meeting with either Annabelle Lin or David Chen. You will be able to discuss your
issues and they will try to help you come up with a solution.

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( 1 ) Which issue do the teenagers feel the least pressure?
(A) Getting good grades. (B) Helping their families financially.
(C) Joining school clubs. (D) Looking good.

( 2 ) If Mary is not satisfied with her scores and wants to talk to her teacher, what should she do?
(A) Go to Office of Student Affairs at 4 p.m. (B) Contact David Chen at 3 p.m.
(C) Go to Science Building, Room 47. (D) Go to Languages Building, Room 232.

( 3 ) What percentage of students care a lot about which school club they join?

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4. Think of a country you’d love to visit. Now imagine what kinds of foods you might find
there. The food that belongs to a certain culture or region is called its cuisine. Cuisines develop over
time using local ingredients and ageold methods of preparation. A trip to Japan would likely find
you eating more different foods than you would in Mexico. To find out the most popular cuisines,
CNN Travel issued an online poll asking readers to vote for their favorites.

According to the poll results, Asian food is very popular! Of the top10 favorite cuisines, two
countries are located in Europe (Greece and Italy), with the rest in Asia. Thailand, known for
curries, rice, and noodles, ranked fourth; and Italy, with its pizza, pasta, and tomato sauces, ranked
third in the Facebook poll. The cuisine of the Philippines, which came in second, contains lots of
seafood, pork, and tropical fruits.
Taiwan came in first place in CNN’s poll with significantly more votes than any other cuisine.
Taiwanese food is a mix of several different cuisines: Min Nan, Teochew, Hokkien Chinese, and
Japanese. This must be the perfect mix, as it seems that voters can’t get enough of the country’s
noodles, soups, stinky tofu, bubble tea, and baozi. Do you have a favorite cuisine? In which country
is it located?
cuisine (具某地特色的)料理 ingredient 食材 pasta 義大利麵
( 1 ) ( ) What is the purpose of this article?
(A) To advertise tourism in a particular country.
(B) To introduce unique local cooking styles.
(C) To present the result of a preference survey.
(D) To share tips on preparing delicious food.
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( 2 ) ( ) From (A) to (E) in the following statements about the survey, which ones are true? (多選題)
(A) No European country made it into the top 3 on the list.
(B) The survey was not carried out through pen and paper.
(C) Greece and Italy had nearly the same count of votes.
(D) India ranked slightly higher on the list than Thailand did.
(E) The Philippines received roughly 700 more votes than Italy.

( 3 ) 請從文章中找出最適當的單詞(word)填入下列表格的空格中,並視語法需要作適當的字

( 4 ) Which word in the first paragraph means”to put forth or send out officially”? (簡答)

5. People around the world have a variety of diverse reasons for wanting to travel; these
include wanting to relax or experience a country’s natural beauty. Before COVID, 10% of the
world’s GDP came from tourism, which provided 319 million jobs. COVID-19 destroyed the
worldwide tourism industry, but in fact many countries are using it as an opportunity to rebuild with
sustainable tourism. Taiwan is hoping to grow its international tourism. It is a democratic society
perfectly placed in Asia and has excellent nature, food, and culture. At present, tourists to Taiwan
mainly come from China, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore. These countries have different
spending habits.
The largest group visiting Taiwan is Chinese tourists, but the number has reduced since 2019. As
you can see on the radar chart, they rank highest in terms of spending on shopping.They spend the
most on jewelry or jade. It is estimated that each tourist spends at least US$20 on these products.
Tourists from all the above countries spend at least US$34 on famous Taiwanese products, but
tourists from some countries prefer things such as souvenirs or tea. Travelers who spend more on
shopping, also spend more on transportation, but less on entertainment.
Japanese tourists are the largest spenders on hotels, followed by Chinese and Singaporean
tourists. Generally, tourists that spend more on hotels tend to spend more on food and
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Most tourists to Taiwan come for leisure, and they are normally aged 20-39. Taiwanese
businesses should offer more specialist Taiwanese souvenirs which appeal to wealthier tourists.
Also, a greater quality of entertainment should be offered, as spending by tourists is low.
sustainable 永續的 boast 擁有

( 1 ) ( ) Which of the following marketing strategies best suits Singaporean tourists’ spending
(A) Using popular hotel keywords in its site copy, and making sure the site loads
extremely fast.
(B) Promoting the hotel’s modern hotel amenities, local happenings, and famous tourist
(C) Breaking down different types of customers and offering them various rooms that are
sold at discount prices.
(D) Ensuring the hotel photographs presented on the site are professional, and that they
are displayed in the correct format.

( 2 ) ( ) An analyst is making a table to depict general information about international tourists.

Which of the following matches the description given in the passage?
(A) Tourists visiting Taiwan are likely to spend a lot on entertainment.
(B) Japanese visitors seldom spend money on buying food or souvenirs.
(C) Tourists from China have the tendency to purchase gem stones.
(D) Transportation comprises the largest proportion of tourists’ budgets.

( 3 ) According to the passage, which of the following tourism policies can best increase the overall
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international tourists’ purchase intention in terms of the spending habits? Check the

( 4 ) Sandra 是一名交換學生,她在製作向同學介紹臺灣的海報。請從文章中找出最適當的單
詞 (word) 填入下列句子空格中,並視語法需要作適當的字形變化,使句子語意完
整、語法正確,且符合全文文意。每格限填一個單詞 (word)。(填充)

( 1 ) ( ) 這兩篇日記可用文氏圖(Venn diagram)來呈現兩者之間的相同及相異之處,分別用

43 / 63
(A) Motivated to get good grades.
(B) Studying hard to get scholarship.
(C) Taking great pleasure in club activities.
(D) Taking parttime jobs to cover tuition fees.
(E) Struggling to balance between schoolwork and friends.
(F) Learning to be responsible when faced with different challenges.

( 2 ) ( ) Which of the following words is closest in meaning to the phrase “getting the hang of”
in Diary B?
(A) Quitting. (B) Signing. (C) Surveying. (D) Learning.

( 3 ) ( ) According to Diary B, what might the student who keeps Diary B do as his or her after-
school activity?

(A) (B)

44 / 63
(C) (D)

( 4 ) 請從兩篇日記中找出最適當的單詞(word),填入下列兩段摘要的空格中,並視語法需

十、混合題(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. After the September 11 terrorist attacks in America, national governments have been
concerned about terrorists using the Internet to plan and communicate. Government agencies such
as the F.B.I. want more legal rights to trace people’s Internet use and scan emails. This has
intensified the debate about online privacy rights and national security.
On the security side of the debate, there are those who want more monitoring of the Internet,

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even if this means less privacy for people. These people are convinced that individual rights must
be sacrificed for national interests and the common good. For whoever insists on personal privacy
and freedom, these supporters of national security pose the following question: “What’s the point of
preserving such rights and freedoms if our society is in danger?”
On the contrary, people on the other side of the debate hold the opposing viewpoint. They
argue that protecting society would become pointless if we started to destroy its foundation, which
obviously lies in the freedom of citizens. Some radicals even state that the end justifies the means,
which means they will do anything to protect their privacy.
Reducing the monitoring of the Internet would enable terrorist networks to grow, but freely
observing citizens’ online activities would invade our privacy. Future laws will have to balance the
protection of individual rights with the safeguarding of our society.
( 1 ) 以下為一位學生看完文章後的筆記,請根據文章內容,選出一個單詞(word),分別填入

( 2 ) Choose one of the underlined statements between  and  that best reflects the idea expressed
in the quote.

( 3 ) What are future laws expected to do to solve the abovementioned problem? Copy the exact
same sentence from the passage.

2. Can you remember your parents’ phone numbers? If not, it may indicate you are suffering
from the Google effect, a kind of digital amnesia that has been trending worldwide ever since the
invention of the Internet and smartphone technology. Studies have shown that up to 90 percent of
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people are not memorizing as much information as they used to. For instance, 70 percent of parents
don’t know their children’s phone numbers, and 49 percent of people can’t remember their partner’s
number either.
It is not surprising, though, that we have come to rely on technology to remember things for us.
Modern computers and smartphones have made it unnecessary to memorize numbers, addresses,
and dates. Why bother going through the effort of memorizing something if technology can simply
do it for us?
However, this raises the question: Is technology making us stupid? Some would argue that we are
just adapting the way we behave to our changing world. While it is true that we are not storing as
much data in our own brains, technology promotes smarter living. We are now more likely to
remember where or how to find the knowledge we seek than the information itself, and the skills of
searching for what we need may not be easier than just memorizing. Logically, our dependence on
the Internet for data is just like the way people rely on the memory of friends and family to give us
the particular information we need.
Perhaps the biggest concern with the Google effect is the way it affects how we see the world.
Human memory and the memory of a computer are not the same thing. Remembering is how we
create connections to, and therefore feelings for, people, places, and things; otherwise, we run the
very real risk of distancing ourselves emotionally from the rest of humanity.
amnesia 失憶 memorize 記憶 humanity (統稱)人類
( 1 ) 請從文章中找出最適當的單詞 (word) 填入下列句子空格中,並視語法需要作適當的字形
變化,使句子語意完整、語法正確,且符合全文文意。每格限填一個單詞 (word)。
People _____________ to one another and feel things by remembering, so it is possible that the
Google effect would keep us emotionally away from other people.
( 2 ) According to the passage, which picture best describes the relation between the Google effect
and digital amnesia?

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( 3 ) Which of the following statements best summarizes the arguments in Paragraph 3?
(A) Technology makes our lives more difficult because we remember less than before.
(B) We have to depend on our friends and family to give us the information we need.
(C) We are not becoming stupid; we are just changing the way we live.
(D) Techology is making us stupid but few people really care about it.

( 4 ) ( ) From (A) to (E) in the following statements, which ones are examples of digital amnesia?
(A) Tom doesn’t remember Ivy’s phone number because he is not interested in her.
(B) Jane couldn’t remember her own address after she experienced a serious car accident.
(C) Susan would forget to send the birthday message to Kyle if Google Calendar didn’t
remind her.
(D) Mike couldn’t remember the whole story which Josh just told him because it’s too
long and boring.
(E) Howard can hardly memorize all the passwords to his email accounts which are
saved in his computer.

3. Now we can find a long lost friend much more quickly and easily than we did before. We
only have to upload a picture of the person we want to find, or reveal the person’s backgrounds.
Sometimes we can find the person within one day. Online communities people visit every day
actually play a crucial part in the search process.
Nowadays, more and more people get deeply involved with online communities and become
netizens. Some of them even have difficulty walking away from their computers once they enter the
virtual (虛擬的) world. They leave footprints everywhere in this space—they share opinions,
upload pictures, and make new friends. These footprints become the clues when the netizens start
the “human flesh search engines,” through which people can find whomever they want.
An example is about a man in Taoyuan mistreating (虐待) a dog. Chaining the dog to a fire
hydrant, that man beat it with cruelty. This was recorded and uploaded online. Before long, the 17-
second video fueled public anger, and some netizens—especially dog lovers—started the human
flesh search engines to track down who he was. In only 18 hours, they collected all the information
of the man and reported him to Animals Taiwan. In the end, of course, the cruel man got punished
and apologized for his behavior.
In South Korea, a girl refusing to clean up after her dog on the subway was captured on film.
Shortly afterward, people identified her by her dog and bag, and what the girl had done resulted in
her dropping out of college. The event stirred a debate about whether such “witch hunt” can go too
far. The human flesh search is regarded as witch hunt because sometimes it finds people out without
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telling right from wrong.
From the examples listed above, it is no wonder that Los Angeles Post once commented that
human flesh search engines actually did better than the FBI, for no agents could be as excellent as
the netizens. Yet, when netizens are trying to discover the truth or bring someone to justice, some of
them could violate other Internet users’ privacy without knowing it. Even worse, they might turn
themselves into violent, angry cyber-mobs, taking advantage of freedom of speech to pursue (追求)
their own justice. These are some problems that netizens should try to avoid when making good use
of unlimited (不受限的) convenience brought by the human flesh search engines.
( 1 ) Which of the following behaviors may leave footprints on the Internet?
(A) You log into social media.
(B) You upload private pictures to the Internet.
(C) You make comments in online communities.
(D) You show your mother what you bought yesterday.
(E) You save a video clip in your local computer drive.
(F) You make new friends on Facebook.

( 2 ) According to Paragraph 4, ___________ hunt is the term that can be used to refer to the
process of finding out the identity of bad guys on the Internet. What should go in the

( 3 ) They could violate others’ ___________.

( 4 ) They might turn into cyber-mobs and overuse their freedom to pursue their own __________.

4. Taiwan is among the world’s best countries for quality of life, personal health, and well-
being. A survey by InterNations asked foreigners who live abroad to rate their experiences. The
results were mostly positive.
Taiwan ranked 1st for Health and WellBeing. Not a single respondent felt unhappy with
healthcare costs in Taiwan. In other countries, an average of 21% of respondents felt healthcare was
too expensive. What’s more, 98% of respondents described Taiwan’s healthcare as easily available.
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This figure was only 73% globally, which pointed to the convenience of Taiwan’s medical system.
For Travel and Transit, Taiwan placed 7th, with 94% of respondents rating public transportation
as affordable and 90% rating it as easily available. Both figures are above the global averages of
70% for the former and 73% for the latter. 90% of respondents described Taiwan as a place where it
is “easy and safe to get around on foot and/or bicycle,” which is compared with 77% globally.
For Safety and Security, Taiwan ranked 13th. 76% of respondents felt that they could express
themselves freely, though the number is 64% globally. While no respondents rated Taiwan
negatively in terms of Safety and Security, only 61% reported being happy with political stability in
the country, which fell below the global average of 64%.
Despite Taiwan’s positive showing, work remains to be done to improve the environment.
Taiwan ranked 41st for Air Quality, with 31% of respondents unsatisfied, which is compared with
19% globally.
( 1 ) What is this passage mainly about?
(A) The reasons why there are many foreigners living in Taiwan.
(B) How living expenses in Taiwan are lower than those in foreign countries.
(C) Taiwan as one of the most convenient countries in the world.
(D) Taiwan’s quality of life when compared with that of other countries.

( 2 ) While no respondents felt negatively about Safety and Security in Taiwan, some of them were
not happy with Taiwan’s _____. (Copy the words from the passage)

( 3 ) According to the survey mentioned in the passage, check () the categories in which Taiwan
performs better than other countries.

5. Is it possible to waste time? People’s concepts of time vary from country to country. Our
attitude toward time depends upon where we live.
In North America and Europe, people tend to live on “clock time.” In these countries, time is
measured, and life is very scheduled. People constantly check their watches or cellphones for the
time. They grumble if meetings run over. Activities begin and end according to the hour shown on
the clock. People are expected to be punctual, especially for work. Employees at work or students at
school who are not focusing on the task at hand are considered to be wasting time and lacking
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motivation. Time equals money, resulting in many people overworking. Speed and efficiency are
greatly valued. Entire books are written to advise people to strive to manage their time effectively.
In many countries in South America, Africa, and Asia, however, people have a different outlook
toward time. These people live by “event time.” Their lives are more unplanned and flexible than
those of the people who live according to “clock time.” Activities do not begin and end at certain
times. In practice, activities begin when people come together and end when people decide to part.
These people agree that relationships are more important than the time of day. Time is not the same
as money.
People who live according to “event time” find it difficult to understand “clock time.” For people
who live by “event time,” the concept that time can be wasted does not exist. Their view toward
time is that if you are not doing one thing, you must be doing something else. Many of these people
feel that the great emphasis placed on “clock time” built into the culture of some countries is silly.
There is no absolute right or wrong way to think about time. It is not a case of “clock time”
versus “event time.” There are advantages and disadvantages to each point of view. Respecting
different views toward time helps people from different cultural backgrounds understand and
appreciate one another.
( 1 ) People living by “event time” have developed a(n) __________ that relationships are more
important than the time of day.

( 2 ) Many people consider the idea of __________ “clock time” in some countries silly.

( 3 ) What does the underlined word “those” in Paragraph Three refer to?

( 4 ) Simon is going to Asia on business. When attending a meeting with local clients there, what
should Simon expect?
(A) The local clients might change the meeting time at the last minute.
(B) He should not end the meeting on time, or the clients will not be happy.
(C) He should conduct the meeting efficiently, so everyone can go home early.
(D) He should spend more time making friends with them than talking business.
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(E) He should send out meeting invitations at least two weeks before the selected date.
(F) He should not expect to achieve the results he wants in one meeting.

6. We are usually careful about expressing our thoughts publicly. But at home, while surfing
the Internet, things are different. Somehow, we feel completely free there. We put our queries into a
search engine without the slightest concern. As a result, the companies that operate them learn all
about our private thoughts and darkest fears.
Take Google’s autocomplete function as an example. Autocomplete suggests words to add to our
query based on popular search terms that others have entered. It is supposed to save us time and can
often be very useful. For example, if we type “Paris e” into Google, it will offer us useful options
such as “Paris Eiffel Tower.” But type “jews a” and it will show “Jews and money,” hinting at the
popular stereotype that Jews are greedy. Type “Japanese w” and we’ll get “Japanese war crimes”
among the suggestions. It seems every prejudice we have ever imagined about any group or
nationality is stored in Google’s database!
It can be quite fun sometimes to experiment with autocomplete and see what suggestions come
up, but some people are concerned that it will reinforce stereotypes. Therefore, they have called on
Google to act on the problem and change its software so that prejudiced words and phrases will no
longer be on the list.
( 1 ) ( ) Please copy a sentence from the passage to show how Google’s autocomplete works.

( 2 ) What is the author’s attitude toward autocomplete?

(A) Positive
(B) Regretful
(C) Worried
(D) Angey

( 3 ) Which of the following words is similar in meaning to “reinforce” in the third paragraph?
(A) Support.
(B) Free.
(C) Change.
(D) Limit.

7. School can be challenging, especially when it’s your first day back after a long vacation. For
one thing, you’ll probably be starting new classes with new teachers, and for another, you might
have new classmates to get to know. Perhaps most importantly, you’ll be expected to focus on your
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schoolwork again after weeks of taking it easy. Around the world, students have lots of different
reasons to fear their first day back at school. Children in some parts of the world will have to take
several buses and travel a long way to get to school, while others will walk for hours. Some students
will be going to schools that don’t have enough money to buy good teaching materials, and others
will worry about being picked on and having no friends at school.
Fortunately, most parents understand the problems their children will face, and they probably
went through similar difficulties when they were at school. As a result, they might do something
special to make their kids’ first day back at school a little easier. In India and Germany, many
children are given gifts on their first day of school. Italian children usually get new clothes,
Japanese children get a backpack, and young Russian students often give their teachers flowers and
get a balloon in return.
There are lots of different reasons to worry about going back to school, and there are lots of
things parents can do to make students feel happier about the first days. In the end, though,
whichever country it is and whatever gifts are given, all students want the same things. They want
interesting classes, some good friends, and a valuable experience.
( 1 ) 請從文章中找出最適當的單詞 (word) 填入下列句子空格中,並視語法需要作適當的字形
變化,使句子語意完整、語法正確,且符合全文文意。每格限填一個單詞 (word)。

( 2 ) Which of the following definitions best matches the phrasal verb “picked on” in the first

( 3 ) From (A) to (E) below, check () the correct statement(s) according to the chart and the

53 / 63
8. SanMin Electronics of America Inc.
Dear all,
SanMin Electronics of America is pleased to release a summary of its yearly income for the year
2022. As expected, we delivered strong results this year, reaching about US$200 million in
We sold 2 million SanMin phones this year, with half of these being sold during the fourth
quarter, which ended on November 25, 2022. What’s more, the first quarter saw sales of 400,000
units, with the remaining unit sales divided evenly between the second and third quarters.
We are excited to announce that we sold more phones in 2022 than in the years 20192021
combined. In 2019, our first year, we saw slow growth of only 160,000 units sold. Thanks to the
new strategy in advertising, sales grew three times the next year and further doubled in 2021.
Sales outside North America made up nearly 50 percent of the total sales in 2022. Half of these
units sold internationally were in Asian markets. With 350,000 units sold in Europe, the remaining
ones were sold in South America.
SanMin Electronics will keep growing our company. In 2023, we expect sales to increase by up
to 300 percent, due in part to the upcoming opening of three large factories in China, Malaysia, and
Vietnam. We are happy for the success of 2022 and look forward to continued growth in the coming
Michael Smith.
SanMin Electronics of America Inc.
( 1 ) Which of the following charts show the growth of SanMin Phone sales from 20192022?


54 / 63


( 2 ) Fill in the blanks in the pie chart according to the information given.

( 3 ) According to the passage, which of the following statements are true?

(A) The company sold 320, 000 phones in 2020.
(B) The sales of SanMin Phone have been on the increase.
(C) The company will open new factories in Asia next year.
(D) In 2022, the company sold the most phones in the first quarter.
(E) In 2022, the company sold the fewest phones in the last quarter.
(F) On average, the company can earn about US$100 by selling one phone.

9. Cingjing Farm sits high in the mountains of Nantou County in Central Taiwan. At an
elevation of 1750 meters, the views are unparalleled, the air is thin and clean, and the scenery is
magnificent. This idyllic and pastoral setting has recently become the center of a controversy
surrounding the illegal construction and operation of guesthouses in the area. These privately-
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owned facilities, also known as ‘home stays,’ ‘B&Bs,’ or ‘Bed and Breakfasts,’ are a popular
accommodation choice for tourists. It has come to light, however, that many of the guesthouses in
Cingjing were built without the proper permits and without the required environmental assessments
being carried out first. Most worrying of all, some B&Bs have been built on steep hillsides in areas
designated as being at “high risk” of natural disasters. According to Taiwan’s Ministry of the
Interior, only four out of Cingjing’s 134 guesthouses are fully in compliance with the law.
Of course, these large and luxurious buildings did not appear overnight. It is an interesting
question to consider, how exactly it was that they were allowed to be constructed, in plain sight,
with no one in a position of authority ever questioning their legal right to be there until now.
Dealing with the problem of over-development is not as simple as shutting all the guesthouses
down. First of all, many people are employed by these B&Bs and depend on them for their
livelihood. If these workers suddenly found themselves jobless, it could expose their families to
financial hardship, which would be unfair. Moreover, closing all the illegal guesthouses would
mean the flow of tourist dollars into the area would dry up almost overnight—a catastrophe for the
local economy. Finally, many well-connected investors have considerable savings tied up in these
home stays, illegal as they may be. These business owners are already complaining that the
government is targeting them unfairly, while ignoring illegal development in other parts of the
island. These B&B owners not only have friends in high places, but can be counted on to fight
against any attempts to force them to stop operations.
As a sort of compromise, the government seems to have decided to make an example of several
guesthouses, and has ordered their demolition. The owners of other illegal constructions will be
given a grace period in which to take necessary measures to bring their guesthouses squarely within
the requirements of the applicable laws. It remains to be seen how the situation will be resolved.
( 1 ) According to the passage, many guesthouses in Cingjing didn’t have __________ and they
even didn’t pass the __________ in the first place.

( 2 ) According to the passage, it might be __________ if we simply close these B&Bs and make
the employees jobless. What’s worse, it would definitely be a(n) __________ for
economic development if there weren’t tourist revenue anymore.

( 3 ) According to the passage, what agency is responsible for the management of all the

56 / 63
( 4 ) ( ) Which of the following are the measures the government might take to deal with the
(A) Moving the guesthouses to other places.
(B) Extending the repair session.
(C) Ignoring the issue.
(D) Inviting more guests to live there.
(E) Enforcing related laws.
(F) Employing more workers.

10. Few cities in the world can match Taipei. Surrounded by nature, Taipei, one of the best
places to visit in Asia, is famous for its beautiful skyline, delicious food, and rich cultural history.
Here is a list of the top ten popular tourist destinations in Taipei.
Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Taipei
1. TAIPEI 101: A tall building with beautiful views of the whole city from its 89th floor.
2. The National Palace Museum: It has one of the largest collections of Chinese art in the world.
3. Elephant Mountain: A place to go hiking and view the city skyline, especially at sunset.
4. Shilin Night Market: The biggest night market in Taipei, with traditional Taiwanese snacks from
food stalls such as oyster omelets, stinky tofu, and bubble tea.
5. Tamsui: A place to walk along the Tamsui River, visit gift stores, and try Taiwanese street foods.
There’s a ferry from Tamsui to Tamsui Fisher’s Wharf, famous for the night scene near the
6. Chiang Kai¬shek Memorial Hall: It displays the history of Taiwan and houses a large statue of
Chiang Kai¬shek, the leader of the ROC from 1928 to 1975. The changing of the honor guards
makes it a popular tourist spot.
7. Beitou: A natural hot spring area for relaxing and bathing. There’s an eco¬friendly public library.
8. Taipei Fish Market: A busy market known for its wide variety of seafood.
9. Dadaocheng: An area famous for its traditional buildings, tea shops, and street markets.
10. Taipei Zoo: A place with both native and foreign animals, such as penguins. There’s also a
gondola lift from Taipei Zoo to Maokong, where many tea shops are located. Visitors can enjoy the
view of Taipei and try special teas here.
( 1 ) Amy wants to go hiking to enjoy the beautiful view of the whole of Taipei City, take the ferry
on the Tamsui River, and then experience Taiwan’s night market culture in a day. Which of the
following oneday tours is best for her?
(A) Beitou → Dadaocheng → Taipei Fish Market.
(B) Tamsui → Dadaocheng → Taipei Fish Market.

57 / 63
(C) Elephant Mountain → Tamsui→ Shilin Night Market.
(D) Taipei Zoo → Elephant Mountain → Shilin Night Market.

( 2 ) These are four photos Cindy took when she visited Taipei. Which of the following pictures are
listed among the top 10 tourist attractions in Taipei?





( 3 ) Below is an excerpt from Stacy’s diary. She just got home from a day exploring Taipei. Fill in
the blanks according to the above information.
“I really enjoyed today’s trip! In the morning, I saw many cute animals at Taipei Zoo. During the
afternoon, I took the gondola to _____ to have afternoon tea there. After walking all day, I loved the
hot springs in _____ and tried stinky tofu at night. What a nice day!”

11. In one week, Dante and his classmates would finish high school. It felt like time had flown
by. As he looked back on all that had happened over the past three years, he felt a mixture of
emotions. From the excitement of the first day of tenth grade to the worry of life after graduating,
high school brings both ups and downs.
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Some people consider high school to be the best time of their lives. Many students strike up
friendships in high school that last a lifetime. High school allows students who share the same
interests to come together; athletes join sports teams, writers work on the school paper, and
musicians form bands. Some experience falling in love for the first time—and the heartbreak that
usually follows. There is the fun of sporting events and the drama of parties.
High school is not all fun and games, though. There can be challenging times as well. Students
are expected to balance schoolwork, friends, family, sleep, sports practices, and so on. There can be
pressure from all sides—friends, teachers, and parents—to make students act a certain way. It takes
a strong person to know and do what is right for themselves.
In the last semester of high school, there is often the added stress of passing final exams,
applying to colleges, and bidding farewell to friends. Dante thought about what he would tell his
younger, tenthgrade self: Make the most of your time in high school because it’ll be over before you
know it!
( 1 ) What is the purpose of this passage?
(A) To show what high school students may experience at school.
(B) To provide some useful tips on learning for high school students.
(C) To explain why high school students are worried about their future.
(D) To compare the differences between high school life and family life.

( 2 ) ( ) 請從文章中找出最適當的單詞(word)填入下列句子空格中,並視語法需要做適當的字
Dante felt _____ on his first day of high school. However, when Dante was going to graduate from
high school, he _____ about his life after graduating.

( 3 ) ( ) In the passage, which phrase means “saying goodbye to someone”?

12. School can be challenging, especially when it’s your first day back after a long vacation. For
one thing, you’ll probably be starting new classes with new teachers, and for another, you might
have new classmates to get to know. Perhaps most importantly, you’ll be expected to focus on your
schoolwork again after weeks of taking it easy. Around the world, students have lots of different
reasons to fear their first day back at school. Children in some parts of the world will have to take
several buses and travel a long way to get to school, while others will walk for hours. Some students
will be going to schools that don’t have enough money to buy good teaching materials, and others
will worry about being picked on and having no friends at school.
Fortunately, most parents understand the problems their children will face, and they probably
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went through similar difficulties when they were at school. As a result, they might do something
special to make their kids’ first day back at school a little easier. In India and Germany, many
children are given gifts on their first day of school. Italian children usually get new clothes,
Japanese children get a backpack, and young Russian students often give their teachers flowers and
get a balloon in return.
There are lots of different reasons to worry about going back to school, and there are lots of
things parents can do to make students feel happier about the first days. In the end, though,
whichever country it is and whatever gifts are given, all students want the same things. They want
interesting classes, some good friends, and a valuable experience.
( 1 ) 請從文章中找出最適當的單詞 (word) 填入下列句子空格中,並視語法需要作適當的字形
變化,使句子語意完整、語法正確,且符合全文文意。每格限填一個單詞 (word)。

( 2 ) Which of the following definitions best matches the phrasal verb “picked on” in the first

( 3 ) From (A) to (E) below, check () the correct statement(s) according to the chart and the

13. Communication is one of the most basic needs of a good relationship. It is important for
people to understand each other through good communication. This will help people resolve many
conflicts and build better relationships. There are some important practices that can be followed for
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better communication.
First, listen. To get the most out of a conversation, it is important to listen and not interrupt other
people while they are talking. Sometimes, useful pieces of information can be obtained if we listen
patiently, even when we are angry, busy, or bored.
Second, _____. Nobody likes someone saying, “You always do this” or “You never do this.”
Words like “always” and “never” mean that you are placing the blame on someone else. You
shouldn’t use words like that because the best way to communicate is to make your needs known.
Sometimes, we have to openly tell the people we love what we want and not hope that they can read
our minds and know these things on their own.
Just as it is important to talk, it is also important to listen because communication is a twoway
street. But always remember that discussing a problem does not have to end in a fight. Through
good communication, it is possible to shake hands and make up.
( 1 ) Which of the following statements is the best tip for the second point in paragraph three?
(A) stay positive even when you are blamed
(B) use strong words can make our needs clear
(C) do not criticize the person you are talking to
(D) share our secrets can improve our relationships

( 2 ) Sara is talking about how unfair the current distribution of housework is. Which of the
following is how a good listener would respond?
(A) Give her suggestions on what to do next.
(B) Take the blame and apologize immediately.
(C) Nod your head to show you understand what she is saying.
(D) Point out how you always clean the bathroom because she never does.

( 3 ) ( ) Communication is a twoway street, meaning that both talking and _____ are necessary in a

14. Cindy listed four tourist spots that she had visited in Taiwan, including Sun Moon Lake,
Alishan, Yangmingshan, and Wushigang. After her trip, she posted her reflections on Facebook and
rated them based on three features: scenery, recreation, and food. What’s more, she recommended
some activities, scenery, and foods for these tourist attractions as well. The following infographic
represents Cindy’s recommendations.

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( 1 ) ( ) After reading Cindy’s post, Danny would like to experience both water activities and
cycling. Where should he go?

( 2 ) ( ) Grace wrote the following statement in her diary—

“I had so much fun on the daytrip yesterday. In the morning, I saw the cherry blossoms along
the walking trail. Then, I enjoyed a hot spring in the afternoon. After that, I had dinner in the
restaurant at the top of the mountain to appreciate the night scene at the same time.”
According to the statement, to which tourist attraction did Grace go?

( 3 ) Which of the following statements are true, according to the infographic?

(A) Cindy gave Wushigang’s food the highest rating.
(B) Yangmingshan is an ideal spot for biking and hiking.
(C) In Wushigang, tourists can enjoy seafood and the sunrise.
(D) People can view flowers at both Alishan and Sun Moon Lake.
(E) Wushigang has a lower grade than Alishan in terms of recreation.
(F) When it comes to scenery, Yangmingshan has a higher grade than Sun Moon Lake.

十一、引導式翻譯(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. 我想要住外面有更多自由,但從另一方面來說,這會花很多錢。
I would like to rent my own apartment to have more freedom, but _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________, this costs much money.
2. 紀念品店總是會給你一個紙袋,但事實上,它不是必需的。

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The souvenir shop will always give you a paper bag, but _____________ _____________ it’s not
3. 全體新生都期待著學校老師舉辦的夏令營。
All the freshmen are _____________ _____________ _____________ the summer camp held by
school teachers.
4. 基於科學研究,熬夜的習慣常造成體重增加。
_____________ _____________ scientific studies, the habit of staying up often b_____________
_____________ an increase in weight.
5. Mary 對和同學交朋友感到困難,因為她不知道如何與其他人相處融洽。
Mary has difficulty making friends with her classmates because she doesn’t know how to
_____________ _____________ _____________ other people.
6. 除了學業之外,在學校還有其他有趣的事情等你去體驗,例如社團活動。
_____________ _____________ _____________ your studies, there are also other interesting
things for you to experience at school, such as club activities.

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