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Who is your role model?

"My role model is Milkha Singh, the legendary Indian athlete born on October 20, 1929, in Govindpura,
Punjab. His incredible dedication to athletics and his journey from adversity to success inspire me. Milkha
Singh faced numerous challenges, especially during the partition of India, but his perseverance and
commitment to his sport allowed him to triumph against all odds.
One of the most motivating events in Milkha Singh's life is his participation in the 1960 Rome Olympics.
Despite not winning a medal, his sheer determination and outstanding performance in the 400 meters
earned him the title 'The Flying Sikh.' This event showcases the power of resilience and the ability to excel
on a global stage.
Another remarkable moment is Milkha Singh's triumph at the 1958 Commonwealth Games in Cardiff,
where he clinched gold medals in the 200 meters and 400 meters’ events. This achievement not only
symbolizes his athletic prowess but also underscores the rewards that come with unwavering dedication
and hard work.
Milkha Singh's life story, filled with challenges and triumphs, serves as a constant reminder that with
passion, perseverance, and the right mindset, one can overcome obstacles and achieve greatness. His
journey, born on October 20, 1929, is a testament to the transformative power of dedication and
resilience, motivating me to strive for my goals regardless of the challenges I may face."
What are your strengths
I'm good at managing my time efficiently, paying attention to details, and communicating effectively with
my team. I'm adaptable and open to learning new things, and I approach challenges with a positive
What are your weakness
I sometimes spend too much time on tasks because I want everything to be perfect. Also, speaking in front
of large groups makes me a bit nervous. But I'm working on finding a balance for efficiency and improving
my public speaking skills to overcome these weaknesses.
What are your short term and long term goals
In the short term, I aim to enhance my skills in my current role, contribute more effectively to team
projects, and learn new aspects of the job. Long term, I aspire to take on more leadership responsibilities,
possibly in a managerial role, and continue growing professionally within the organization.
Why should we hire you
You should hire me because I have the skills and attitude to do the job well. I'm organized, pay attention to
details, and communicate effectively. I'm ready to learn and adapt to whatever the job requires. My
positive approach to challenges and commitment to doing my best make me a great fit for the team.

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