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Ladies and Gentlemen,

Esteemed Teachers, and my Awesome Friends,

Thank you all for gathering here today. Whether you’re here to support me, take a break from class, or
because you heard there might be free cookies, I’m glad you made it!

I’m [Your Name], and I’m running for Unity House Captain. You might be thinking, “Why should we vote
for the person who once tried to convince the principal that we should have ‘Bring Your Pet to School’
day?” Well, let me explain why that person—me—should be your Unity House Captain!

First off, I love Unity House more than I love finding an extra chicken nugget in my lunch. And that’s
saying something. I’m passionate about making Unity House the best it can be, not just because it’s the
coolest house, but because I believe in the power of unity and teamwork.

Here’s why I think I’m the perfect candidate for Unity House Captain:

1. I’m Approachable: I’m more approachable than the ice cream truck on a hot day. Need someone
to listen to your ideas? I’m all ears. Need someone to laugh at your jokes? I’m already laughing.
Need someone to help you dodge a surprise pop quiz? Okay, I can’t actually do that, but I’m here
for moral support!
2. I’m Enthusiastic: I bring the same level of excitement to this campaign as I do to discovering
there’s no homework over the weekend. My enthusiasm is contagious, and I promise to bring that
energy to every event, meeting, and initiative for Unity House.
3. I’m Creative: Remember that time we had to make a volcano for science class, and mine erupted
with glitter and confetti? That’s the kind of creativity I’ll bring to Unity House. Imagine our
events: fun, surprising, and maybe a little bit sparkly. Because who doesn’t love a little sparkle?
4. I’m Fun: Let’s face it, school can be as dry as the cafeteria’s mystery meat. But with me as your
House Captain, I promise to bring a sense of humour to everything we do. From funny themed
days to entertaining assemblies, we’ll make sure to have a blast while achieving our goals.

Now, let’s talk about my vision for Unity House:

 Sports and Competitions: We’ll train hard, play fair, and most importantly, have fun. Whether
we win or lose, we’ll do it with our heads held high and a smile on our faces. Plus, we can
celebrate with some delicious treats – because who doesn’t love snacks?
 Academics: Study groups that are actually enjoyable. Think of study sessions with snacks, music,
and a lot of support from each other. We’ll make learning less of a chore and more of a team
 School Spirit: Unity House will be known for its incredible spirit. From cheering the loudest at
events to creating the most creative banners, we’ll show everyone what it means to have true
house pride.

But more than anything, I want Unity House to feel like a family. A place where everyone feels included,
supported, and valued. Together, we can create memories that will last a lifetime and friendships that will
go beyond the school walls.

So, if you want a leader who is dedicated, fun-loving, and ready to make Unity House the best it can be,
vote for me, [Your Name], as your Unity House Captain. Let’s make this year unforgettable, filled with
achievements, laughter, and a strong sense of unity.

Thank you for your time, your attention, and hopefully, your vote. Let’s unite for a brighter, better, and
more fun Unity House!

Thank you!

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