Non-Traditional Houses - Part 3 Insitu Concrete

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“I find it incredible that there will not be a sweeping revolution

in the methods of building during the next century. A few Non-traditional houses
energetic men might at any time set out to alter all this.”
Identifying non-traditional houses in the UK 1918–75
H G Wells, Anticipations, 1902

“There has been altogether too much buncombe associated

with the factory-built home. Publishers everywhere have Compiled and edited by
accepted too freely the idea of pre-fabrication and have
Harry Harrison, Stephen Mullin,
given it much publicity. Students of the problem should
consider critically what has been proposed...” Barry Reeves and Alan Stevens
John Burchard 2nd, in The Evolving House, Vol. III (A F Bemis), 1936

“Down in the jungle, living in a tent,

better than a prefab – no rent.”
Charlie Chester, Stand Easy, BBC Light Programme, 1946
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BRE is the UK’s leading centre of expertise on the built The Building Research Housing Group (BRHG) – a self-help club for innovative and enterprising
environment, construction, energy use in buildings, fire prevention social housing providers run by a BRE secretariat – is very aware of the great value of this book
and control, and risk management. BRE Global is a part of the to housing maintenance teams. In fact, BRHG owes its existence to concerns over renovation
BRE Group, a world leading research, consultancy, training,
testing and certification organisation, delivering sustainability and problems with non-traditional housing (NTH) in the early 1990s, in anticipation of the ending of
innovation across the built environment and beyond. The BRE the Housing Defects Scheme of Assistance.
Group is wholly owned by the BRE Trust, a registered charity
aiming to advance knowledge, innovation and communication in The Group’s inaugural conference in April 1992 began with a discussion on precast reinforced
all matters concerning the built environment for the benefit of all. concrete NTH; this was followed by a day-and-a-half workshop on house reinstatement, which
All BRE Group profits are passed to the BRE Trust to promote its included a site visit to a BISF house under refurbishment near Swansea. This interest started a
charitable objectives. wave of enquiries on NTH, which has continued to this day.
BRE is committed to providing impartial and authoritative During our early years, we were aware of the large survey undertaken by BRE in the 1980s on
information on all aspects of the built environment for clients, the condition and performance of NTH. During this period, the Group hosted presentations from
designers, contractors, engineers, manufacturers and owners. BRE experts on the development of its Government-commissioned register of upgraded NTH,
We make every effort to ensure the accuracy and quality of
information and guidance when it is published. However, we can which would serve both as a guide to identification and provide information on whether past
take no responsibility for the subsequent use of this information, refurbishment work had changed house type identification characteristics. Our members were
nor for any errors or omissions it may contain. among those local authorities and housing associations sent questionnaires to gather data on
type of system, numbers owned and changes carried out and planned.
BRE, Garston, Watford WD25 9XX
Tel: 01923 664000 The BRHG membership, over its 12-year partnership with BRE, has always recognised the benefits of sharing knowledge. In a spirit of pooling expertise and resources, BRHG members have provided access to properties for investigation by BRE researchers, for example, to
BRE publications are available from:
Reema Hollow Panel houses to measure temperature, humidity and oxygen levels before and after over-cladding.
Consequently, in its recognition of the hard work that has gone into amassing all the detail in
Willoughby Road this splendid book, the Group has enthusiastically sponsored its production. We know that it will
Bracknell RG12 8FB help to answer such questions as whether the repair or improvement of a non-traditional house
Tel: 01344 328038 of any type is possible and can be justified.
Fax: 01344 328005 As responsible housing practitioners, the BRHG welcomes this publication and we are keen to
share these valuable technical details on housing construction, maintenance, refurbishment,
Published by IHS BRE Press renewal and repair. Our aims as a Group are to provide value-for-money through cost-effective
technical solutions and we are pleased to promote this book to those ends.
Requests to copy any part of this publication should be made to
the publisher:
IHS BRE Press Phil Hallman
Garston, Watford WD25 9XX BRE Associate and Advisor to the BRHG Secretariat
Tel: 01923 664761

AP 294
© Copyright BRE 2004, 2012
First published 2004 as BR 469 Information on the BRHG can be obtained from its website, which
Digital edition 2012 contains a password-protected ‘members-only’ section, with a discussion forum for
ISBN 978-1-84806-275-7 sharing day-to-day experience on housing technical and management matters.
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Foreword vi
The Editors x
Preface xi

Introduction xiii

Acronyms xxvi
For Bucky, Cedric and Peter How to use this book xxvii
Designated defective houses xxx
References xxxii
Further reading xxxv
List of house types xxxvi


Appendix to Part One: Metal framed houses 211


Appendix to Part Two: Precast concrete houses 501


Appendix to Part Three: In-situ concrete houses 635


Appendix to Part Four: Timber framed houses 927

ADDENDUM to the digital edition 937

A Systems for which information on structure is not available 947
B Systems based on small unit size loadbearing masonry 948
C Rationalised traditional houses 949

INDEX of house names and alternative names 950

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The Editors Preface

Harry Harrison is a former Superintending Barry Reeves is a Principal Engineer in the In the early 1980s defects in design and con- many of the systems described here were used
Architect at the Building Research Establish- BRE Centre for Concrete Construction. He has struction were discovered in a number of house for the construction of other forms of housing,
ment, responsible for the Construction Practice been particularly involved over the last 20 years types designed and built before 1960. These and are so noted where this is the case, the
Division, including the Housing Defects Unit and with research on the performance and durability were subsequently designated as inherently de- appraisal of multi-storey blocks usually calls for
the BRE Advisory Service. He has been heavily of in-situ and precast concrete systems of fective under the Housing Defects legislation. a different level of expertise from that com-
involved in assessing the performance and construction, and currently advises owners and Although these house types formed only a monly possessed by building professionals
durability of all kinds of non-traditional houses their professional advisers on the condition of relatively small proportion of the entire UK non- involved in the survey of individual houses.
(and, indeed, of other building types) for over non-traditional dwellings. traditional stock (some 1 1/2 million dwellings in However, a CD-ROM containing all 82 BRE
50 years, but with a special interest in metal all), lending institutions were concerned that reports and leaflets on non-traditional housing of
framed systems. Alan Stevens is a former Senior Scientific similar defects might be present in other types all forms in pdf format, covering constructional
Officer with the Building Research Establish- of construction. They recognised that their sur- details, assessments of condition, maintenance
Stephen Mullin is a former Principal Architect ment, and has been particularly involved over veyors and valuers had little or no experience and repair is available separately from BRE
in the Department of the Environment, and its the last 25 years with research on the perfor- of the inspection and assessment of non- Bookshop (Ref. AP 149). Further information is
successor Departments. From 1986 onwards mance and durability of metal framed and traditional houses; since before the advent of given elsewhere in this book.
he was responsible for the Department’s pro- timber framed systems. He was the BRE the Right to Buy virtually none of this stock had Also excluded from the scope of the book
gramme of research into non-traditional dwellings, nominated officer responsible for the research ever been in the private sector. are ‘rationalised traditional’ systems, where the
and for the technical implementation of the contract which DOE placed with BRE for this Accordingly, in 1986 the Department of the primary structure is of loadbearing brick; or of
Housing Defects legislation. He was the DOE book. Environment commissioned a comprehensive blockwork where the size and weight of compo-
nominated officer for the research contract research programme from BRE, aimed at provi- nents is such as to allow for the traditional one-
which DOE placed with BRE for this book. ding owners, valuers and building profession- man lift (as opposed to precast panels requiring
als with aids to identification of the main types; a two-man lift or mechanical aids). Nevertheless,
information on their construction; advice on their where proprietary names are known to have
inspection and assessment; and guidance on been used for such construction they are listed
best practice in their maintenance, repair and in the Appendices to obviate futile searches. But
improvement. be warned that manufacturers in the 1960s and
Some of this information has already been 1970s often used the same name for traditional
published, but much remained unpublished or and non-traditional systems. Check with the
relatively inaccessible to potential users. This Index at the back of the book and the Search
book seeks to remedy this and make unpub- Engine on the CD ROM.
lished information available to building pro- Nor are house types developed after 1975
fessionals. It draws together all BRE’s research included. This is because 1974 saw major
and survey experience in this field and is aimed changes to the Building Regulations which drew
not only at the private sector, but at housing on the experience of previous years, and also
associations and local authorities as well; since because very few new systems were developed
much of the public sector stock which would after that date. Those that were have been
typically currently fall under review for improve- relatively recent, and there has therefore been
ment, because of its age, is of non-traditional insufficient time to adequately assess their per-
construction. Ill-considered work to such houses, formance in use.
without proper understanding of the principles
which need to be followed, could lead to much Help us
wasted investment. Nevertheless, the Editors are well aware that
The book does not cover flats. Although there may still be some house types which do

x xi
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Preface Introduction
fall within the scope of this book, and may not The photograph opposite is by Ian Smith,
have been recorded. In addition, there is and those used in entries T114 and T128 are
scanty information on many other house types, by Jon Broome and Terrapin Ltd, respectively.
either in technical details, or in the form of a A number of black and white archive photo-
proper photographic record. If readers have graphs have been reproduced from widely used
information which could help us remedy these promotional material bearing no copyright ack-
omissions for a later edition of this book, or for nowledgement, including the annual CIBSA direc- Why 1918? After all, practically every form of 20th Century development continued 2, so that by
supplementary information which could be made tories, the IBSAC magazine and National Building construction used in housing has at one time or 1918 it was possible to compile a whole book on
available on the Internet, such contributions Agency certificates. It is understood that these other been seen as non-traditional, from the evo- the various forms of concrete construction
should be sent to photographs were supplied to the original pub- lution of the mediaeval timber frame to the available for domestic use 3.
lishers by the system sponsors, nearly all of introduction of machine-made concrete and
whom by now have been out of business for terracotta blocks and tiles. But before the 20th
Acknowledgements many years. Every effort has been made to trace Century such changes had been relatively gra- Homes for heroes
The generous financial support of the Office extant copyright ownerships, largely without dual, allowing plenty of time for assessing the It was an opportune moment for such a pub-
of the Deputy Prime Minister and the Building success, and the publishers will be glad to hear performance in use of materials and components lication. The Great War had just ended. House-
Research Housing Group is gratefully acknow- of any inadvertent infringement and will acknow- brought together in a novel and unfamiliar way. building had virtually ceased over the previous
ledged. ledge the source. However, when the pace and volume of inno- four years, and Richardson and Aldcroft 4 have
The list of people who have contributed to Photographs throughout this book have been vation overtook the timescale needed for evalu- estimated that nearly 900,000 new houses were
this book in one way or another is endless, but reproduced from the files of Architectural Review ation, then housebuilders entered uncharted needed simply to make up the backlog; and over
special mention must be made of the BRE staff and The Architects’ Journal, by permission. territory. So there are good reasons for choos- twice that number to provide for new households
who either had direct involvement in the investi- ing 1918 as a starting point. But the full story, over the next ten years. All this, without taking
gations of various house types, or made a sig- of course, begins a little while earlier. into account the need for slum clearance. Yet
nificant contribution to the book: Preface to the Digital Edition The impact of the Industrial Revolution on Lloyd George had promised “homes fit for
In preparing the Digital Edition, the Editors have structural innovation is well documented else- heroes”. How could his new Coalition government
Alan Butler, Alan Covington, Ray Cox, taken the opportunity to revise and expand where, most succinctly, perhaps, by R B White 1, meet the challenge?
Marilyn Edwards, Peter Finch, Ian Freeman, existing entries and to add a number of new and readers will no doubt be familiar with the 19th Traditional methods of construction seemed
Eddie Grant, Ken Harling, Ian McIntyre, systems which have come to light since the Century use of cast iron to provide prefabricated unequal to the task. There was a severe shortage
Ros Redman, Cy Robinson, Jim Thomson. original publication, These are detailed in the buildings, including houses, for shipment to the of orthodox building materials, which was to
Addendum to the Digital Edition on page 937, colonies. Less well known, perhaps, is the experi- continue for the next four years 5. Skilled labour
Many private individuals and local authori- after Section 4. mentation in concrete construction that occurred was at nearly half the prewar level, and union
ties also generously contributed archive photo- They have also noted the growing number at the same time. The earliest known pair of no- obstruction meant that progress in training newly
graphs and documents, technical information, and of new non-traditional housing systems which fines concrete houses, on the Isle of Wight, has demobbed soldiers was slow. But wartime
news of previously undiscovered house types: in have emerged over the last ten years as a been dated 1852; and throughout the latter half growth in the armaments industry had produced
particular, Michael Dyson, Ronald Green, Dr result of the Government’s Modern Methods of of the 19th Century and the early years of the a considerable spare production capacity, along
Richard Moore, the late Frank Newby, Dr John Construction (MMC) initiative. While these
with technological advances in construction
Parkinson, the late Sir Philip Powell, Martin Rogers, remain outside the scope of this book, for the
equipment which could allow the use of unskilled
Mike Fisher of the Halifax Building Society, offi- reasons detailed above in the Preface,
labour. The government saw a combination of
cers from Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool and Ports- nevertheless building professionals involved in
financial incentives and technical innovation as a
mouth City Councils, and colleagues in the inspection and assessment will increasingly
way of capitalising on these resources.
Northern Ireland, Scottish and Welsh Offices; need to be aware of the constructional details
The Addison Act of 1919 introduced gen-
without whose help this book would have been of such systems, as properties return to the
erous subsidies for local authorities, with an addi-
much the poorer. market.
tional financial carrot for houses that embodied
new forms of construction. At the same time, the
Ministry of Health launched a fortnightly maga-
zine 6 which dealt with all aspects of the housing
drive, from the financial framework of the new
No-Fines houses at East Cowes, Isle of Wight, built by legislation, through the model house plans and
Richard Langley in 1852. housing layouts envisaged by the 1918 Tudor

xii xiii
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Introduction Introduction

Walters Report, to innovative methods of house- One of the local authorities which made a
building. series of such visits (though not, apparently, to
The task of identifying and approving such the Acton site) was a Sub-Committee of Norwich
systems was entrusted in 1920 to Sir Ernest City Council, who were instructed “to inspect and
Moir as Chairman of the Committee for Standard- report on housing systems that will employ an
isation and New Methods of Construction. The amount of unskilled labour, with the object of
First Interim Report of the Committee in 1924 7 erecting quickly a larger number of houses per
catalogued a bewildering array of proposals, annum than is being erected at the present time” 11.
88 in all, ranging from fully prefabricated house After interviewing a number of entrepreneurs in
types to ingenious variations on standard con- London, with whom the Sub-Committee appears
crete block construction (the latter therefore being Dorlonco houses under construction. to have been somewhat unimpressed (“The sys-
mostly outside the scope of this book). Some of tem appears to be in its experimental stage and
Duo-Slab houses under construction.
the systems described would raise eyebrows Major cities which had pioneered council the Company in its infancy”) they visited Leeds,
today, yet a surprising number of them, like the housing before the war were among the first to Wakefield and Glasgow, before making their final
Duplex Sheath house (M038*) were actually built, adopt such systems of construction, notably Man- shortlist.
at least in prototype form. chester, Birmingham, Leeds, Bradford, Bristol, They identified four house types “the building
Liverpool (which also developed its own sys- of which is on really commercial lines”: Duo-Slab,
tems 8), and, in particular, the London County Underdown (P123), Winget, and Weir. The first
Council 9. But other, smaller local authorities three, all utilizing a mixture of precast and in-situ
proved equally innovative. Acton Urban District concrete, were, they noted, “not systems of
Council, in West London, driven by an energetic housebuilding, but of wall building only”; however,
Surveyor, and pressed with a housing shortage they “find a large proportion of work for unskilled
caused by the construction of factories nearby, men”. The Weir house, by contrast – timber
erected 70 Dry Walls bungalows in an unusual framed and steel clad – “provides a very small
and highly attractive layout. proportion thereof but has the virtue of extreme
At the same time, they compulsorily pur- expedition in erection…The whole point of Lord Boswell houses under construction.
chased a site in East Acton which they offered as Weir’s scheme is complete standardisation of a
a demonstration site for new forms of construc- high class rapidly produced product…” terms White may well be correct in commenting
tion. The Acton site, despite the depredations of As one might expect from their brief, the Sub- that “the impact on the country and the building
The first – and last – Duplex Sheath house under
construction. the double glazing salesman, and the recent loss Committee were divided on the merits of the Weir industry of all this pother was relatively slight” 13,
of a poured concrete house, remains an evo- house, but recommended purchase of 100 each but the wider impact on consumers, producers
The systems which emerged during this cative Garden City reminder of the Ministry’s sug- of the other three types. Their conclusions seem and building professionals should not be under-
period fall clearly into two parts: those (utilising gestion that “a visit…would prove interesting and not untypical of many local authorities, and it is estimated.
steel, timber and large component precast con- instructive to those Councils whose schemes are difficult to disagree with the view of an American By the 1930s, the idea of cheap, off-the-peg
crete) which capitalised on skilled workers in fac- being delayed through lack of bricklayers” 10. commentator a decade later that “most, if not all, prefabricated timber bungalows, clad in sheet
tory and shipyard production, like Atholl (M010), of the alternate systems were employed by the materials like asbestos cement, had proved
Dorlonco (M037), Telford (M093), Weir (T137), Ministry of Health and the Local Authorities pri- widely attractive to the general public, par-
Scano (T110), Boot (P026), and Parkinson (P094); marily as a club to wield over the bricklayers, who, ticularly as holiday or retirement homes. Writers
and those which employed a combination of small aware of the housing shortage and the Govern- like Clough Williams-Ellis might fulminate against
scale on-site precast concrete and in-situ concrete ment program, seemed from time to time to be their effect on the countryside 14, but they did
(Duo-Slab (S022), Winget (P137), Fidler (S027)), on the point of demanding exorbitant wages” 12. demonstrate that non-traditional construction
or climbing or permanent shuttering for in-situ Nevertheless, by the end of the first post-war was not only acceptable to consumers, but
concrete (Boswell (S007), Dry Walls (S021), decade, when the subsidies payable under the could offer definite advantages in terms of cost
Easiform (S023, S024), Forrester-Marsh (S030), Addison Act and its successors were finally and speed of erection. And, at the same time, a
Universal (S056)) to maximise the use of un- phased out, some 50,000 ‘non-traditional’ houses new generation of architects was to see factory
skilled labour. had been built, all but a tiny minority by local production, and, in particular, the standardisa-
authorities. And not all of these were low-skill tion of components, as a logical step towards
* The numbers after the house types refer to the entries systems: steel and timber framed houses ac- achieving the social and political goals of the
in the main part of the book. Parkinson houses under construction. counted for over 20% of the total. In numerical Modern Movement.
xiv xv
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Introduction Introduction

been better to have examined what had gone From the start, there appear to have been
wrong with this catch-all approach some 20 tensions within the Working Party. Colonel Post,
years ago, rather than spend time evaluating for the Ministry of Works, declared robustly that
largely obsolete systems. However, the Commit- “one house in 1946 was regarded as worth two
tee had learned from Moir’s failure to do much in 1947” adding that “the scale of output en-
more than determine whether a system could visaged was of the order of 150,000 per annum
actually be built, and, working closely with the of all types of unconventional construction” (in
Study Committees of the Ministry of Works and the event, it never approached more than a third
the Building Research Station, weeded out the of that). His colleague, the architect Joseph
most obviously complicated and expensive pro- Emberton, had different priorities: “Dear
posals. Symon” he wrote in a confidential letter to the
Nevertheless, by January 1945, Richard Ministry of Health’s representative “The proto-
Sheppard could write that “The Tate Gallery, both type Howard House…was bristling with defects,
inside and out, is crammed with prototypes of and in my opinion showed every indication that
Birmingham Corporation Type ST houses under
prefabricated systems, and daily more appear construction.
its perpetrators did not know a lot about
round these damp walls” 17. Sheppard was one of building…”
a number of young architects, like Edric Neel, the Dorlonco house of the 1920s, much as the Ford “This is very mild” he commented, before
designer of the Coventry Corporation (Radiation) Popular car of 1946 represented a re-styling of a turning his attention to the prototype Airey
house (M027), who had both worked on proto- 1939 chassis and road train. The young Philip houses (P003), designed by the engineer Sir
Popular prefabrication, the ‘Cottabunga’, 1928.
types and written extensively since 1943 on the Powell had worked on these, and was later to Edwin Airey, who had pioneered the Duo-Slab
need for standardisation and dimensional co- develop, with the engineer Eric Chick, the much house in the 1920s. “The…Group…presents
ordination, in journals like The Builder, The more sophisticated Howard house (M050, the general appearance of a site covered with
When we build again Architects’ Journal, and Architectural Design and M051), which contained a truckable 2-storey buildings which look as much like home as air-
With the advent of the Second World War, im- Construction 18. kitchen/bathroom ‘heart unit’. raid shelters…” However, after a cosmetic
mediate attention was concentrated on the need Architects had barely been involved with any In the event, it was not architects but engi- face-lift by Frederick Gibberd, the house went
for emergency housing, which, it was assumed, of the Moir systems, but now they appeared at the neers who, with these notable exceptions, were on, as the ‘Airey Rural’, to be one of the main
would be needed for the many thousands of forefront of non-traditional design. The star per- to prove the front runners when the Permanent workhorses of the programme 22, along with the
people made homeless by a massive bombing formers on the Ministry of Works 1943 Demon- Prefabrication Programme finally got under way Cornish Unit (P039, P040) and Unity (P127,
offensive. In anticipation of this, the British Com- stration Site at Northolt 19 were undoubtedly in 1945. Although major cities like Birmingham, P128) houses, both designed by engineers,
mittee for War Relief asked Buckminster Fuller to Frederick Gibberd’s BISF houses Type A and B Leeds, and Manchester once again produced their and both, like the Airey house, involving small
design a steel emergency shelter, but when the (M016, M018), which in the modified A1 form own systems in some numbers (Birmingham scale, lightweight, precast reinforced concrete
effects of the Blitz proved far less devastating (M017) were to prove a major player in the post- Corporation Type ST (M015), Livett-Cartwright structural elements.
than feared the government saw the need for war Permanent Prefabrication Programme 20. The (M059), Riley (M080), and prewar heavyweights
armament production as more pressing in the BISF houses were essentially an update of the like F R S Yorke, Owen Williams and G Grey
use of scarce resources 15. Wornum put forward prototypes for submission
By 1942, with the entry of the United States to the Burt Committee (Braithwaite (M021), Wilvan
into the war, attention could now be focused on (P136), Keyhouse Unibuilt (M055)), a fascination
post-war objectives. Along with health, education with technical ingenuity tended to result in over-
and social security, housing was seen as a key complex forms of construction.
factor in reconstruction. With the experience of It was the Working Party on Prefabricated
the First World War in mind, the Burt Committee Housing, set up jointly by the Ministries of Supply,
was set up “to investigate the alternative methods Health and Works in 1945, incorporating repre-
of house construction used in the inter-war years, sentation from the Building Research Station, and
and to advise on such methods as might be chaired by Professor J D Bernal, which had the
capable of application or suitable for develop- unenviable task of reducing 39 potentially viable
ment in the post-war period”. systems of construction to a manageable short-
As with the Moir Committee, the Burt Com- list of (according to the minutes of the first
mittee was overwhelmed with submissions, 221 meeting) “as small a number of systems as
in all, and White commented 16 that it might have BISF Type A1 houses under construction. possible” 21. Wilvan houses under construction.

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Introduction Introduction

Other wartime developments in technology to be severely prone to condensation in use. Prefabrication Programme 28, wasting the advan-
also had a considerable impact. The develop- More seriously, the car industry, which had been tages of economy of scale. As a result, the Gird-
ment of resin-bonded plywood for the Mosquito earmarked for its production, did not possess wood Committee of the Ministry of Health,
bomber and for motor torpedo boats produced, presses of sufficient size to manufacture the reporting in 1948, found “no evidence as yet that
first, the prototype Jicwood Temporary Bungalow steel panels: the first Portal house had to be any substantial saving in cost has accrued from
(T062) and then British Power Boats’ Scottwood laboriously hand-built, and suitable presses the use of the prefabricated or non-traditional
house (T112), of which over a thousand were needed to be ordered from the United States. systems of construction so far developed”.
built. But the biggest influence of wartime mass- Finally, the choice of both materials and In strict cash terms this was correct. How-
production techniques was to be, not on the post- manufacturer did not find universal favour in ever, were the same study to be done today, it
war Permanent Prefabrication Programme, but on the National government: Stafford Cripps, the would undoubtedly also quantify the social and
the earlier, and even more vital Temporary Hou- Minister of Aircraft Production, strongly backed health benefits, and reductions in loan charges,
sing Programme. the claims of the aircraft industry to carry out that accrued from the 450,000 dwellings erected
By 1944 it had become evident that, the programme 25. And since Cripps had come under the temporary and permanent prefabrica-
however optimistic the forecast production of close to tying with Anthony Eden as a tion programmes in the decade following 1945,
permanent non-traditional houses after the war successor to Churchill in a 1941 opinion poll, due to speedy access to a decent home 29. An
might be, it would simply not be in place in time his was a voice to be reckoned with. analysis carried out within the National Building
to accommodate returning ex-servicemen and For architects like Hugh Casson, who had Agency in 1965 showed that the peak produc-
war-workers, and those rendered homeless by observed the success of the wartime pro- tion years for non-traditional dwellings – 1947
From the Airey Rural House Handbook of Erection
bombing. There was also the little matter of a gramme of prefabricated housing for war-workers and 1953 – correlated exactly with the high
Instructions, Ministry of Health, 1947.
post-war election to deal with. In spite of in the United States, the Temporary Housing Pro- points in housing productivity during this period,
opposition from his Conservative colleagues to gramme was a vindication of all they had fought measured in man-hours per dwelling per annum.
Mosquitoes and Mulberries the idea of compulsory land acquisition, Churchill for. “At this moment when we are embarking Seen in this light, the balance sheet might have
The wartime need for rapid construction of saw that delivering a programme of instant upon the largest housing programme in history, the looked rather different.
encampments for the forces had provided an ‘homes from the factory’ could be a vote-winner. full significance of this American solution needs
enormous impetus to the development of pre- In a major speech in the spring of 1944, he no emphasis“ 26. Yet, ironically, it was the 850
cision factory casting. Components which could unveiled the Portal Temporary Bungalow (M075) timber-framed houses supplied under ‘lend-lease’
be ordered from depots around the country, and as the answer to the housing crisis. Designed by by the Federal National Housing Agency which were
moved and placed by two men with little more the Ministry of Works (MOW), and built from to prove the only real failure of the programme,
help than a small winch-crane and a lorry, proved pressed steel and plywood with an innovative and the only ones to last less than the 10 years
ideal for housing, particularly in rural areas. Un- prefabricated kitchen/bathroom unit, it immedi- theoretical design life of the 11 house types
fortunately, the very advances in technology which ately caught the imagination of the public. “Mr eventually chosen for the programme 27.
enabled the creation of such components were Churchill is a great man, he is winning the war, he In the event, it was the Aircraft Industries
later to prove their Achilles’ Heel. Minimal con- lays bricks in his spare time, so this tin-can house Research Organisation on Housing (AIROH) which
crete cover to the reinforcement meant that the of his must be all right was the popular attitude” 24. was to build nearly half the 124,455 ‘prefabs’
(then) little understood chemical phenomenon of There were, however, a few problems. The that were eventually delivered before the termi-
‘carbonation’ would eventually significantly reduce prototype, erected at the Tate Gallery, proved nation of the programme in 1948. The ‘Aluminium
their useful life, though not, it must be stressed, Bungalow’ was certainly the most technologically The prototype AIROH Temporary Bungalow is erected in
to much less than the 60 years for which they advanced of all these: factory-built on an assem- Oxford Street.
were originally designed. bly line in four fully-finished sections, and fitted
In addition, the construction of the D-Day with the MOW kitchen/bathroom unit destined
Mulberry Harbours provided further valuable ex- for the unfortunate Portal, whose fate had been The final solution?
perience. Wates, who were heavily involved in the sealed by the advent of the 1945 Labour govern- 1954 was a high water mark for housing pro-
construction of the Harbours, used their expertise ment, with Cripps as Minister of Trade. duction in the UK, with just under 350,000
to develop the eponymous Wates house (P130) 23, In a rational world, there would have been dwellings completed. From then on, output drop-
while the engineers Reed and Mallick, who had but one house type chosen for the programme, ped steadily, before stabilising at a plateau of
also worked on the programme, joined forces to and that would have been the AIROH Temporary around 300,000 in 1960. Yet the need for new
produce the equally successful Reema Hollow Bungalow (M002). But the fatal British in - housing was as pressing as ever. An article in
Panel (P101) house, the first production example cli nation to have ‘some of this, and some of The Times of 2 February of that year revealed
in the UK of a large panel concrete system. Reema Hollow Panel houses under construction. that’ triumphed again, as it did in the Permanent that 90% of the original ‘prefabs’ were still in use,
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Introduction Introduction

and a spokesman for Birmingham City Council scenario, with a new Ministry of Technology were large panel precast concrete systems Modules and Metric Shells
spelled out why. There were 60,000–70,000 taking the Building Research Station under its bought in from Continental Europe, such as Although nearly 3500 5M houses were built
people on the council’s waiting list for houses wing. Circular 76/65 in the following year set a Larsen-Neilsen, Camus and Jespersen. The between 1964 and 1970, the system cannot be
“and in that situation you don’t pull down tempo- target of 500,000 houses a year by 1970, with pattern of post-war reconstruction there had accounted a great success. The need to accom-
rary houses that are still habitable and certainly a local authorities building 40% of their output followed quite a different path from that in the modate as many alternative cladding systems as
great deal better than slum property” 30. by industrialised methods which would be “ex- UK, with high rise construction the norm, and possible meant that, structurally, it was over
Once again, the government looked to alter- pected” to use plans incorporating Parker Morris little interest in ‘cottage’ housing on the UK designed, and an unnecessarily large number of
native methods of construction to put them standards. model 33, at least in terms of non-traditional joints had to be accommodated, with the
ahead in the bidding match with the Labour Party In reality, ‘houses’ was something of a mis- construction. associated risk of water penetration 35. Unkind
on housing targets. In December 1963, in a some- nomer. When the NBA started work, practi- So from the start the bias was towards high commentators have suggested that, like the
what ill-judged turn of phrase, the Housing cally the only industrialised systems available and medium rise flats, a pattern which was to later versions of its progenitor, CLASP, the 5M
Minister, Sir Keith Joseph, announced the “final continue right through to 1975, even after the house could easily have stood up without the
solution” to the housing problem. ‘Industrialised subsidy reforms of 1967 which effectively rang assistance of its steel frame.
building’ would fill the gap between the magic the death-knell for the tower block, sealed by the Meanwhile, the NBA pressed ahead with the
figure of 500,000 homes a year, and current partial collapse of Ronan Point the following year. appraisal of other proposals for two and three
output. A new National Building Agency (NBA) The need for large, phased contracts to achieve storey houses, paying particular regard to modu-
would issue appraisal certificates for systems economies of scale meant that urban local auth- lar co-ordination and the use of preferred plans.
to be used by local authorities, and provide orities were locked into programmes of many By 1968 it had issued certificates for 42 sys-
guidance on their appropriateness for particular years’ duration. The juggernaut, once started, tems, and another 34 were undergoing app-
requirements. had acquired a momentum all of its own 34. raisal. Of these, 24 utilised precast concrete, 4
In a paper 31 given in March of the following However, by 1964 the Ministry had adapted in-situ concrete, 23 were timber framed, 10 were
year, shortly before his departure to the NBA, the Jespersen system for two storey houses in steel framed, and the remaining 15 were of
Cleeve Barr, Chief Architect to the Ministry of Oldham, where it was known as Jespersen 12M ‘rationalised traditional’ construction.
Housing and Local Government, spelled out the (P067), and produced its own steel framed sys- This last category was a comparatively
rationale behind the programme. He was careful tem in a team under the leadership of Pat Tindale recent arrival. As the name suggests, systems of
not to promise dramatic savings in expenditure. (MOHLG 5M (M064)). The appearance of ‘M’ (for this type used traditional masonry crosswalls to
“In terms of costs alone it is extremely difficult to ‘Module’) signals a return to the preoccupations support timber floors and roofs: the factory-made
compete with traditional building”. Where these of architects in the 1940s with dimensionally co- timber framed infill panels at front and rear were
new methods of construction would score would ordinated components. Although a changeover non-loadbearing. Such house types are therefore
be in speed and productivity, helping to offset to the metric system of measurement was to be outside the scope of this book, but a list of
any drain of labour from housebuilding to other many years away, pressure groups like the known rationalised traditional (or ‘Rat-Trad’) sys-
sectors of the construction industry. Modular Society saw as the next best thing the tems is included in Appendix C. Confusingly, some
They would also offer significant improve- adoption of the four inch module, which roughly precast concrete, in-situ concrete or timber frame
ments in space standards, better heating and approximated to 100 mm. crosswall systems offered traditional masonry as
thermal insulation, and greater flexibility in living ‘5M’ therefore stood for a 1'8" dimensional an alternative, so the name alone will not
areas, since “the majority of systems are linked grid, while ‘12M’ (4'0") also related to the stan- necessarily provide identification of the structural
with plan types based on the Parker Morris dard Imperial sheet material size of 8'0" x 4'0". system employed.
standards” 32. Understandably, he omitted to The idea was that components should be readily The common factor in most approved
mention that it was his own Ministry which, with interchangeable. Instead of ‘closed’ systems, systems was the wide range of claddings avail-
Harold Macmillan’s ‘People’s House’ of the 1950s, where only the system manufacturer’s compo- able. Walls might be of brick, tile-hung or boarded:
had significantly reduced the (roughly equivalent) nents would fit, ‘open’ systems would allow the roofs could be gabled, monopitch or flat. This
space standards set out in the 1947 Ministry of use of a multiplicity of products. The 5M system diversity was deliberately encouraged by the
Health Housing Manual. was described by the Ministry as a “non- NBA: they saw a range of choice in terms of
The fall of the Conservative administration proprietary system…designed primarily for use appearance as the best way of extending the use
later that year had little effect on the programme: by the smaller builder”, and was derived from of non-traditional construction into the private
if anything, it accelerated its implementation. the successful light steel CLASP system of sector. However, with the exception of most of
Harold Wilson had promised the “white heat of school construction, initiated by Donald Gibson in the heavy concrete systems, this can make
technology”, and the Industrialised Building the 1950s. visual identification very difficult: the same house
Drive, as it was now called, fitted neatly into this Roften steel framed houses under construction.
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Introduction Introduction

type can appear in a New Town with a flat roof not least, as Muthesius and Glendinning have made Geoffrey Hutton that his dream of a “completely
and simple lightweight cladding, and on a private clear 37, because of the access they provided to finished and equipped building as an end product
estate with a pitched roof and a proliferation of a rather broader social spectrum of potential from which the first user tears the plastic
brick and tile finishes. tenants than hitherto. wrapping” 39 might be some 40 years away from
One area in which the NBA did not encour- Partly as a result of this, from 1973 onwards reality. Or we might even parade a group of dis-
age diversity, at least in the public sector, was such public sector housing investment as survived gruntled tenants before a hapless Keith Joseph,
that of internal planning. In 1968, in preparation the economic downturn and the Conservative bearing placards (handily provided by a daytime
for the changeover to metric dimensioning by party’s return to power in 1979 was mainly con- television programme) inscribed “Get us out of
1972, they published a book of preferred Metric centrated on the improvement of existing stock, this Hell”, and “They call it Alcatraz”.
House Shells. The Ministry of Housing’s Circular while in the private sector the sole relic of non- But, as any devotee of science fiction will
69/69 explained why. “This provides an oppor- traditional construction was to be found in the know, dramatic interventions in the course of his-
tunity, which may never recur, for bringing about limited use of timber frame. Even this was effect- tory rarely have the anticipated effect. The com-
a significant reduction in the great variety of two- ively killed off by a scare television programme in plex social, political and economic factors which Macrae Plus volumetric timber framed houses under
storey house plans used by local authorities… 1983. The allegations subsequently proved to be shaped the evolution of non-traditional housing in construction.
Variety in house design is of course necessary unfounded 38, but by then the damage was done, this country were not susceptible to such simplis-
for many reasons…But none of these require- and the idea of ‘homes from the factory’ was to tic adjustment; and, in retrospect, it is probably and construction chain. What are the chances of
ments calls for the enormous numbers of plans lie dormant for the next 15 years. just as well that this should have been the case. success this time?
now in use.” For they did produce a wealth of case Many of the omens are good. Gone is the
Once again, cost factors had pointed up the studies unique to the UK, from which valuable les- obsession with go-anywhere build-anything sys-
conflict between the house as a product, and as sons can be drawn. They demonstrated that, tems, whether ‘open’ or ‘closed’. Instead, we see
a playground for designers, which Geoffrey given the will, manufacturers and government can a concentration on the development of structural
Hutton had identified in 1964. “There cannot be work together to radically alter for the better our systems in light steel or timber for application to
so many satisfactory solutions for buildings serv- expectations of what that multi-function living- specific housing types, for which Geoffrey Hutton
ing as equipment for a task, and our failure to machine which we call the house should provide. called in 1964. Materials are being exploited for
identify the forms can only be due to ignorance And, through a ‘wasteful’ diversity of house types, their inherent advantages – steel and timber for
of the activities involved on the part of both the they paradoxically ensured that the relatively few internal planning flexibility and speed of erection,
client and his architect” 36. design mistakes that have been made have not precast concrete for acoustic and thermal per-
1970 was to see the peak of non-traditional had major economic and social consequences. formance – rather than being forced into unsuit-
construction, with 55,701 dwellings completed. In fact, BRE’s research shows that, with these able roles.
From then on, as the economic situation wor- Medway Type I timber framed houses under very few exceptions, non-traditional houses built A rational approach to external skins has en-
sened, production tailed off to less than half that since 1918 have performed overall just as well couraged the development of multi-layered
number in 1975, much of it, as already explained, as their traditionally built counterparts; and that rainscreens rather than claddings which depend
consisting of long running contracts. Anthony Hindsight almost all of them have lasted, or are set to last, on the success or failure of a single joint. ‘All in
Crosland’s blunt comment in 1975, as Secretary If we had access to a time machine, and could the full length of 60 years set as a loan period for one’ roofs which allow speedy on-site weather
of State for the Department of the Environment, roam back over the last 50 years, where would local authority investment back in the 1920s. protection have made an appearance, as have
that “the party’s over” only confirmed what most we go? To Sir Ernest Moir, perhaps, to chide his Indeed, they have demonstrated the question- prefabricated bathroom modules. And, at a
local authorities must have known already. Committee for their insouciant approach to evalu- able nature of such arbitrary requirements, when larger scale, volumetric construction, first pro-
Indeed, the NBA’s appraisal role had been termi- ation? And then on to Sir George Burt, to congratu- it is becoming evident that social and locational posed by Wells Coates in 1946, and developed
nated in 1972, and its advisory functions were late him on avoiding his predecessor’s pitfalls, obsolescence is becoming much more of a by firms like Calders, Hallam and Macrae in the
now only available on a fee-paying basis. but warn him of the dangers of ‘some of this and problem in housing than physical durability 40. 1960s, has finally come of age, allowing high
Nevertheless, by 1975 some 418,000 non- some of that’? Or we might bang a few of the Now, for the fourth time in 50 years, we performance factory-finished dwellings to be
traditional dwellings had been erected by local squabbling wartime Ministries’ heads together, again have a crisis in housing supply, albeit one erected with a minimum of on-site labour.
authorities in England and Wales alone, and there and suggest that the clear priorities of the Tem- that appears to be regionally concentrated. Once On the minus side, there still remains a
can be no doubt that the industrialised building porary Housing Programme demanded an equally again, we have an undermanned, underskilled lurking belief that the endemic and longstanding
drive did make a significant contribution to the single-minded approach to production. housebuilding industry, with an output barely half structural problems of the UK housebuilding
physical improvement of the nation’s housing We could suggest to enthusiasts for modular that achieved in the 1960s. And, once more, we industry can be conveniently disregarded; that
stock. The social consequences of an early con- co-ordination that more joints might mean more have a determination by the government of the ‘homes from the factory’ will somehow compen-
centration on high and medium rise flats were, of leaks; or whisper in Sir Edwin Airey’s ear the day to introduce a step-change in housing pro- sate for the lack of skilled labour. But, as Sir John
course, already proving much more debatable; single word ‘carbonation’. And we could warn duction, involving radical reforms in the design Egan has made clear 41, partnering in design,
xxii xxiii
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Introduction Introduction
(M019) which utilised pressed steel construction. handed over exactly nine weeks after building
manufacturing and construction cannot succeed pattern of economic stability is required. Without
The Type C , much mutilated now like the Types A began, whilst in an another London area a pair of
unless the on-site workforce is equally integrated all this, the current administration’s ambitious and B , is not recorded in Demonstration Houses, houses was started and finished in twenty-two
into the process at comparable levels of skill. plans are in danger of going the same way as and was a later addition to the site, as were the working days”. Concrete Quarterly, January 1949.
The experience elsewhere in Europe is that those of its predecessors. prototype Orlit houses (P091, P092) next door. 30 The London County Council still had more than
successful innovation requires a much higher These concerns may prove baseless. But 21 Altogether, by 1 October 1945, a staggering 8000 ‘prefabs’ within its administrative boundaries
level of education and training than that associ- history is a stern judge, and will not lightly forgive 1342 proposals had been received by the Ministry and actually revived the temporary housing concept
ated with traditional construction. Site operatives a failure to learn from experience, not once, not of Works and the Building Research Station for with the LCC Mobile (T071), a sectional timber
need to be able to reach beyond traditional twice, but three times in succession. evaluation. Of these, 84 had received experimental framed bungalow, designed to be transported, as
‘trades’ to embrace a multiplicity of skills, and to building licences, and 28 prototype houses had the name suggests, to other vacant sites as the one
be equipped to take informed decisions at their Stephen Mullin been completed. it occupied became required for permanent housing.
own level. And, for government and industry to 22 And was later built in the Netherlands, albeit In reality, the cost of site preparation, services and
London 2004
make the necessary investment, a continuing with a different type of cladding. See Tuindorp removal meant that this option was rarely exercised.
Kethel Schiedam, Hans van der Heijden and Barbara 31 Housing from the Factory: Progress Report
Notes Klomp, THOTH, 2004. Wates houses were also 1964, at the Royal Institute of British Architects,
built in Morocco for the French colonial govern- 10 March 1964.
1 In Prefabrication: a history of its development Antonia Rubinstein, Andy Andrews, Pam Schweitzer, ment: see 29 below for the publication reference. 32 In fact, it was not until 1967 that Parker Morris
in Great Britain, HMSO, 1965: still the classic work Age Exchange, 1991. This cross-Channel exchange of technology was standards became mandatory for all public sector
on the subject. [The book is reproduced on the 10 Housing, op. cit. Vol II, No. 27, pp142–5 anticipated in the early 1920s with the adoption by housing, as part of the change in subsidy arrange-
accompanying CD ROM.] the Municipality of Amsterdam of the Winget and
11 Report of the Sub-Committee to the Housing ments.
2 Most notably in the Lascelles post and panel Committee of Norwich City Council, 21 October Dorlonco systems in their experiments with pre-
33 The post-war UK programme did include a
system, used by Norman Shaw in 1878; and in J A 1924. Quoted in Concrete Houses in Norwich, fabricated construction, later reciprocated in the
sizeable number of flats, but these were in the
Brodie’s Liverpool System of 1904. See ‘An early use of the Dutch Occident system (ADP001) for
S Potter, unpublished thesis, 1978. main low rise walk-ups, usually in poured concrete
system of large-panel building’, Richard Moore, the construction of the first large panel system (LPS)
12 By John Burchard 2nd in the supplement to (Easiform, Wimpey No-Fines (S063)), although a
RIBA Journal, September 1969. houses in the UK at Cambridge. The Dutch appear
The evolving house Vol III: Rational design, A F 13-storey block was proposed in a Unity brochure,
3 Concrete Cottages Bungalows and Garages, to have had much the same problems with the
Bemis, MIT Press and Batsford, 1936. The supple- and the Reema Hollow Panel system was used for
Albert Lakeman, Concrete Publications Ltd, 1918. building trades unions as their British counterparts.
ment contains an extensive list of prefabricated high-rise blocks in Leeds in the 1950s.
The first edition leans heavily on American examples, See Concrete and Constructional Engineering Vol
systems in use in the USA and Britain at the time, XX no.3, 1925, and Vol XXII 1927. 34 A comprehensive account is given in Tower
but by the second edition of 1924 the author was
with detailed technical descriptions and drawings. Block: Modern Public Housing in England, Scotland,
able to document a wide range of British systems. 23 The prototypes were indeed referred to in the
13 Prefabrication, op. cit. p88. Wales and Northern Ireland, Stefan Muthesius and
4 Building in the British economy between the press as ‘Mulberry Houses’.
Miles Glendinning, Yale U P, 1994.
Wars, Harry W Richardson and Derek H Aldcroft, 14 In England and the Octopus, Clough Williams- 24 Developments in post-war housing in 1944,
35 “Although in terms of machine production it is
Allen and Unwin, 1968. Ellis, Geoffrey Bles, 1928 op. cit. not exactly true to say that every hole in a Meccano
5 The Moir Committee identified 486 derelict 15 The Dymaxion Deployment Unit, developed 25 I am indebted to Ged Robinson for access to set costs money, nevertheless such redundancy of
brickyards at the end of the War, of which only from grain silo construction and a forerunner of the her research on the Portal house. structural facility and material is uneconomic”.
208 were capable of re-opening. Wichita House, did in fact later go into limited pro- Geoffrey Hutton in ‘Pre-IBSAC Symposium’, The
26 Homes by the Million, Hugh Casson, Penguin,
6 Housing, Ministry of Health Housing Depart- duction and deployment for the US Army. See My 1946. Architects’ Journal, 24 June 1964.
ment, July 1919 to June 1921. Private Sky, Ed. Joachim Krause and Claude Lich-
27 Except for the AIROH bungalow, which later 36 The Architects’ Journal, 24 June 1964, op. cit.
tenstein, Lars Muller, pp212–7.
7 Usually referred to as the Moir Report. In fact, suffered from electrolytic corrosion due to impuri- 37 In Tower Block, op. cit.
the committee produced three later, and much 16 Prefabrication, op. cit. p154. ties in the aircraft grade scrap aluminium used, 38 See Moisture conditions in the walls of timber-
shorter, interim reports, but never appears to have 17 Developments in post-war housing in 1944, examples of all the other ‘temporary’ bungalows framed housing, BRE Report 228, 1992.
produced a final report. [The report is reproduced Richard Sheppard, The Architects’ Journal, 18 still survive to this day.
on the accompanying CD ROM.] January 1945. 39 The Architects’ Journal, 24 June 1964, op. cit.
28 The Third Report of the Burt Committee, pub-
8 See, in particular, Housing, op. cit. Vol II, No. 35, lished in 1948 as Post-War Building Studies No. 25, 40 “But perhaps the real challenge lies in persua-
18 Architectural Design and Construction launched a
pp119–24. lists 101 systems considered suitable for develop- ding owners that their ownership responsibilities
monthly Housing Forum in January 1943, starting with
involve replacement – either of the entire asset, or
9 Who experimented on a large scale with timber a summary of the Tudor Walters report and the 1919 ment and use by local authorities. [The three reports
of key components – rather than continual repair
framed, steel framed, precast concrete and in-situ Housing Acts entitled 20 years of housing progress. of the Committee are reproduced on the accom-
and maintenance”. ‘How long should housing last?’,
concrete systems on their ‘out-County’ Becontree, 19 See Demonstration Houses, HMSO, 1944, for panying CD ROM.]
James L Meikle and John D Connaughton, Con-
Castelnau, Downham and Watling estates. For an a detailed account of the house types involved. 29 “As an example of the speed with which Wates struction Management and Economics, 1994 (12).
oral history of these estates, illustrated with many houses can be built, five houses were recently
20 The BISF houses Types A and B still exist on 41 In Rethinking Construction, DETR, London, 1998.
archive photographs, see Just like the Country, Ed. commissioned by a local authority in London were
the Northolt site, as does the more radical Type C
xxiv xxv
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Acronyms How to use this book

BRE Building Research Establishment ODPM Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Systems described in the Handbook are The Search Engine classifies all the systems
BRS Building Research Station PC Precast concrete grouped into four sections classified by form of covered by the Handbook by Construction
CIBSA The Comprehensive Industrialised PRC Precast reinforced concrete construction: Metal Framed Houses (prefixed Class, by the Local Authorities and Regions in
Building Systems Annual ‘M’ in the numbered reference to each system), whose area the system has been reported, by
PS Pressed steel
DOE Department of the Environment Precast Concrete Houses (prefixed ‘P’), In-Situ Name or Alternative Name(s), and by Identifi-
PSA Pressed steel angle Concrete Houses (prefixed ‘S’) and Timber cation Characteristics. Any or all of these classi-
DPC Damp proof course PSRC Prestressed reinforced concrete Framed Houses (prefixed ‘T’). In each case, the fications can be used in combination to narrow
DPM Damp proof membrane PVC Polyvinyl chloride class of construction refers to the loadbearing down the search, depending on the amount of
GRP Glassfibre reinforced plastics PWBS Post-War Building Studies structure of the dwelling, which will not necess- information available.
HAC High alumina cement RC Reinforced concrete arily be of the same material(s) as the external The lists of house types by Local Authority
HT High tensile visible cladding. are drawn from a number of surveys carried out
RS Rolled steel
IBSAC The Industrialised Building Systems The guide overleaf explains in detail the since 1980 for the (then) Department of the
RSA Rolled steel angle function of the text, photograph and isometric Environment, and the Northern Ireland, Scottish
and Components Magazine
RSC Rolled steel channel drawing in each double page spread. Where and Welsh Offices, supplemented by BRE’s own
MOHLG Ministry of Housing and Local
RSJ Rolled steel joist sufficient information on a particular house type research and information provided by others.
RST Rolled steel T-section is not available to provide either a photograph Although every effort has been made to ensure
MOW Ministry of Works
SS Stainless steel or a drawing, the system is included in an that this information is correct, it should not
MS Mild steel Appendix at the end of the construction class necessarily be assumed that it is fully compre-
T&G Tongued and grooved (boarding)
NBA National Building Agency section, and further prefixed ‘A’ (e.g. numbered hensive. Where the information received does
TRADA Timber Research and Development references to the Appendix to Metal Framed not fully specify a named system (e.g. Unity), all
NBS National Building Studies
NHBC National House-Building Council Houses are prefixed ‘AM’). possible systems are listed (e.g. Unity Type I,
NTHSc A Guide to Non-traditional and Colour photographs have been taken within Unity Type II).
Temporary Housing in Scotland the last 20 years. Those in black and white are The CD inside the back cover of the book
(1923-1955). HMSO, 1987, 2001. from archive material. contains copies of key reports on non-traditional
While in some cases it will be possible to housing published by BRE and its predecessors,
identify a particular system through the name and by central government. These are referen-
only, because of the multiplicity of alternative ced in the text and listed in the References
names used for many systems, or because this section on pages xxxii–xxxiv.
information is not available, in the majority of Another CD (Ref: AP 149) is available from
cases it will be necessary to use the Search BRE Bookshop, which contains over 80 BRE
Engine on the CD that accompanies this book to reports on particular house types. Details are
arrive at a definitive identification. given on page xlii.

xxvi xxvii
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How to use this book How to use this book

Each house type is listed alphabetically by Name, and numerically by the Reference in the top Each house type is identified numerically by the Reference number in the
right hand corner. The name is that most commonly used by the manufacturer. The suffixes top right hand corner. M indicates metal framed houses, P precast concrete
‘Mk’ and ‘No’ are those used by the manufacturer. The suffix ‘Type’ is used to differentiate houses, S in-situ concrete houses and T timber framed houses. Reference
between different forms of construction covered by the same manufacturer’s name. numbers for houses listed in the Appendix to each part are prefixed by ‘A’.

Orlit Type II Alternative names known to P092

have been used are listed.
Manufacturer: Orlit Ltd Alternative name: Orlit

Designer: Names of the Manufacturer(s) and Designer(s),

where known, are given.
Period built: 1940s–1950s

Number built: 17,000 (Types I and II) Where dates for Period built are available, these are
listed; otherwise dating is by decade (e.g. ‘1960s’). The cutaway Isometric
Construction Drawing is
Numbers built are drawn from various sources; keyed by number to the
although every effort has been made to verify the Construction notes. The
figures, their accuracy cannot be guaranteed. form of construction shown
in the drawing and described
in the notes is that most
commonly found.
If the house type has been
investigated by BRE the
notes are based on the BRE
The Photograph shows a representative investigation. Otherwise,
view of the house type. However, many they are drawn from
house types used a variety of claddings various published and
(see Identification Characteristics and unpublished sources, and
Variants). In addition the house may have their accuracy cannot be
been re-clad (see Designated defective guaranteed.
houses, overleaf).


The Designated defective
Substructure: Pad foundations [1]. PC stub columns Flat roof of profiled PRC eaves units, screed and asphalt
Bungalows and 2-storey semi-detached and terraced stamp is explained overleaf. cast into foundations [2]. or bituminous felt.
Medium pitch gable roof covered with tiles or flat roof Frame: 5 1/2" x 5 1/2" PRC columns with integral beam
covered with asphalt or bituminous felt. Main PRC columns and beams have only up to 30 mm stubs [3] and bolted steel flange connectors [4]. 7 1/2"
External walls of PRC slabs throughout. cover, carbonation depths 10–20 mm and sometimes PRC primary [5] and secondary [6] beams with
Gable apex tile hanging. significant chloride content. concrete cover [7].
External walls: 2" PC base bonding units [8], 2" PC
Variations from this form of construction
Cracking of OPC and HAC stitches.
Low quality HAC concrete in stitches. slabs [9], 2 1/2" lightweight PC slabs [10], timber framing known to exist are listed in Variants.
Cracking of secondary beams and carbonation depths lined with plasterboard [11]. Galvanised ties [12].
up to 20 mm. Separating wall: PRC frame infilled with foamed slag
aggregate concrete blocks.
Significant levels of chloride in beams.
Partitions: Lightweight concrete slabs. Most of house types were designed using
Deterioration of other PRC components.
Ground floor: Concrete. Imperial measurements, so most dimensions
First floor: Timber boarding on timber beams [13] on
REFERENCES The system was also used for flats.
PRC secondary beams.
are given in feet and inches. For the very few
BRE Report BR 36 Ceilings: Plasterboard. systems built to Metric measurements, Metric
PWBS No. 25 Roof: PRC beams, timber wall plates, timber trusses
and purlins and tiles.
dimensions are used.

References list reports and journal articles for If the house type has been investigated by BRE
each house type. For details see pages xxxii–xxxiv. Notes for Surveyors lists defects found. Such Construction information is presented in a A key to the Acronyms used for components
defects will not necessarily have been encoun- consistent format for each house type, and materials is on page xxvi.
tered in every house surveyed, and they are generally moving upward from the foundations
Identification Characteristics lists features in standard listed to alert surveyors to areas requiring par- to the roof, and from the outside inward.
format to help visual identification. ‘Chalet bungalows’ refer to ticular examination. If the house type has not Dimensions of components are shown in the
2-storey houses with the upper floor rooms wholly contained been investigated by BRE, this is noted, with order height x width x depth.
within a gabled or hipped roof pitch. references to appropriate BRE publications on
Roof pitches are: ‘STEEP’, 45° or greater; ‘MEDIUM’, between survey and assessment.
23° and 44°; or ‘SHALLOW’, less than 23°. Claddings listed are If the system is known to have been used
those known to have been used in the original construction: for flats, this is noted. The construction for
they do not include those used in subsequent alterations. flats may not be identical to that for houses.

xxviii xxix
Licensed copy from CIS:, EGNIOL ENVIRONMENTAL LTD, 09/09/2020, Unco

Designated defective houses Designated defective houses

Thirty house types were eventually desig- stantially in accordance with the construction
nated as inherently defective, in separate shown in the designation documents for
legislation in England, Wales, Scotland and Dorran (P046) and Woolaway (P138) houses,
Northern Ireland. The subsequent BRE research respectively.
programme into all non-traditional housing re- Under the ‘Notes for surveyors’ on the
vealed no further house types which met the relevant pages, a warning symbol appears:
In the early 1980s, investigation of fire damage houses repaired under licensed systems were Government’s criteria for designation. However, DESIGNATED DEFECTIVE
to an Airey house revealed cracking to the generally accepted for mortgage purposes it should be noted that designation was by
structural PRC columns caused by inadequate with an ordinary NHBC warranty." reference to a construction drawing forming The house types listed below are designa-
cover to the embedded steel reinforcement The legislation did not allow for any ‘better- part of the Order, rather than a named house ted as inherently defective under the Housing
and chemical changes to the surrounding con- ment’ during reinstatement, and therefore while, type, and some local authorities have deter- Defects legislation (they are shown under the
crete. Subsequent investigations by BRE superficially, the appearance of a reinstated mined that the construction of Lilleshall (P075) names and reference numbers listed in the
showed that a number of other house types house may have changed dramatically, key and Cheecol Keeland (P035) houses is sub- Handbook):
built in the immediate postwar period exhibited identification characteristics such as window
similar defects, and that these would eventually and door openings, and roof pitch, will remain
Airey (P003) Schindler (S049)
lead to structural failure. constant, as demonstrated in the Before and
Ayrshire County Council (P010) Smith (P107)
Accordingly, in 1984 the Government After photographs of the houses below. Once
Blackburn Orlit (P024) Stent (P110)
brought forward legislation to compensate again, it needs to be stressed that the pre-
Boot Beaucrete (P025) Stonecrete (P113)
owners who had bought, in good faith, houses sence of a new brick skin on such a house
Boot Pier and Panel (P026) Tarran Temporary Bungalow (P115)
from the public sector with serious structural does not of itself signify that the house has
Boswell (S007) Tee Beam (P117)
defects which could not have been known been reinstated in such a way that it is
Cornish Unit Type I (P039) Ulster Cottage (P122)
about, or discovered on survey, at time of pur- generally acceptable for mortgage purposes.
Cornish Unit Type II (P040) Underdown (P123)
chase. The Housing Defects Legislation (now
Dorran (P046) Unitroy (P126)
Part XVI of the Housing Act 1985) allowed the
Dyke (P047) Unity Type I (P127)
Secretary of State to designate particular
Gregory (P055) Unity Type II (P128)
dwelling types as inherently defective, and em-
Mac-Girling (P078) Waller (P129)
powered local authorities to operate a Scheme
Myton (P087) Wates (P130)
of Assistance for eligible owners, either by way
Newland (P090) Wessex (P132)
of repurchase or by way of reinstatement
Orlit (P091, P092) Whitson-Fairhurst (P134)
(‘repair’). Over 28,000 households were aided
Parkinson (P094) Winget (P137)
under the Scheme of Assistance which is now
Reema Hollow Panel (P101) WooIaway (P138)
substantially complete, with only a tiny handful
of eligible properties remaining to be or repur-
chased or reinstated."
Most ‘repairs’ were carried out using sys-
tems of reinstatement licensed, inspected and
certificated by PRC Homes Ltd, a wholly owned
subsidiary of NHBC, but not all owners used
this route, and in addition some local auth-
orities carried out ‘partial repairs’ to their own
stock which did not remove all the defective
PRC structural elements from the dwelling.
Surveyors encountering a house type which
has been Designated Defective are therefore
advised to check whether any ‘repairs’ carried
out were in accordance with a PRC Homes Ltd
licensed system, and certificated as such. PRC
Cornish Unit Type II (upper) and Airey (lower) houses
Homes Ltd was wound up in 1996. After that, before and after repair.

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References References

BR 161 BRS Type 4 houses (1989) BRE DIGESTS

BR 163 Nissen–Petren steel-framed houses (1990)
Digest 405 Carbonation of concrete and its
BR 185 Over-roofing: especially for large panel
effects on durability (1995)
system dwellings (1991)
Digest 444 Corrosion of steel in concrete (2000)
BR 188 Lowton–Cubitt steel-framed houses (1991)
Part 1 Durability of reinforced concrete
BR 189 Telford steel-clad houses (1991)
structures, Part 2 Investigation and
BR 190 Mowlem in-situ concrete low-rise
BRE REPORTS BR 78 Howard steel framed houses (1986) assessment, Part 3 Protection and
dwellings (1991)
BR 93 Overcladding: external walls of large remediation
BR 191 The renovation of no-fines housing: a
These Reports are available in pdf format on a CD panel system dwellings (1986) guide to the performance and rehabilita- BRE GOOD BUILDING GUIDES
ROM (Ref: AP 149) from BRE Bookshop. BR 105 Boswell houses: investigation of tion of loadbearing no-fines concrete
structural condition (1987) dwellings built using the Wimpey and GBG 11 Supplementary guidance for assess-
BR 29 Airey houses: technical information BR 107 The structural adequacy and durability SSHA systems (1991) ment of timber frame housing: Part I
and guidance (1982) of large panel system dwellings (1987) BR 193 Cranwell steel-framed houses (1991) Inspection (1995)
BR 34 The structural condition of Boot pier Part 1: Investigations of construction BR 196 Birmingham Corporation steel-framed GBG 12 Supplementary guidance for assess-
and panel cavity houses (1983) Part 2: Guidance on appraisal houses (1991) ment of timber frame housing: Part II
BR 35 The structural condition of Cornish Unit [Summary in IP 8/87] BR 197 Hills Presweld steel-framed houses (1991) Interpretation (1995)
houses (1983) BR 110 Dorlonco steel framed houses (1987) BR 198 Arcal steel-framed houses (1991)
BR 36 The structural condition of Orlit houses [See also BR 149] BR 199 Homeville Industrialised steel-framed BRE INFORMATION AND OCCASIONAL PAPERS
(1983) BR 111 Thorncliffe cast-iron panel houses (1987) houses (1991)
BR 37 The structural condition of Smith system IP 6/81 Carbonation of concrete made with dense
BR 113 Steel framed and steel clad houses: BR 200 5M steel-framed houses (1991)
houses (1983) natural aggregates [in BR 107]
inspection and assessment (1987) BR 201 Arrowhead steel-framed houses (1991)
BR 38 The structural condition of Unity houses IP 10/84 The structural condition of prefabricated
[Summary in IP 14/87] BR 202 British Housing steel-framed houses (1991)
(1983) concrete houses designed before 1960
BR 116 Reema large panel system dwellings: BR 203 Keyhouse Unibuilt steel-framed houses
BR 39 The structural condition of Wates prefabrica- IP 21/86 Determination of chloride and cement
constructional details (1987) (1991)
ted reinforced concrete houses (1983) contents of hardened concrete [in BR 107]
BR 118 Bison large panel system dwellings: BR 204 Open System Building steel-framed
BR 40 The structural condition of Woolaway IP 8/87 The structural adequacy and durability of
constructional details (1988) houses (1991)
houses (1983) large panel system dwellings: summary
BR 119 Roften steel framed houses (1988) BR 205 Steane steel-framed houses (1991) of the report
BR 50 The structural condition of Ayrshire County BR 120 Dennis-Wild steel framed houses (1988) BR 214 Understanding and improving the IP 14/87 Inspecting steel houses
Council (Lindsay) and Whitson-Fairhurst BR 130 The structural condition of Easiform weathertightness of large panel system IP 15/87 Maintaining and improving steel houses
houses (1984) cavity-walled dwellings (1988) dwellings (1992) OP 5 Aid to identification: Dyke CCC houses (1986)
BR 51 The structural condition of Dorran, Myton, BR 132 Cussins steel framed houses (1988) BR 217 Cowieson steel-clad houses (1992) OP 6 Aid to identification: Mac-Girling houses
Newland and Tarran houses (1984) BR 133 Livett-Cartwright steel framed houses BR 218 Weir steel-clad (1920s) houses (1992) (1983)
BR 52 The structural condition of Parkinson (1988) BR 219 Stuart steel-framed houses (1992) OP 10 Aid to identification: Stonecrete houses
Framed houses (1984) BR 139 Cruden Rural steel-framed houses (1989) BR 221 Riley steel-framed houses (1992) (1983)
BR 53 The structural condition of Reema hollow BR 144 Falkiner–Nuttall steel-framed houses (1989) BR 222 Coventry Corporation steel-framed OP 25 Blackburn-Orlit houses: technical infor-
panel system houses (1984) BR 145 Crane steel-framed bungalows (1989) houses (1992) mation (1984)
BR 54 The structural condition of Stent houses BR 146 Trusteel Mk II steel-framed houses (1989) BR 228 Moisture conditions in the walls of timber- OP 34 Gregory houses: technical information
(1984) BR 147 Trusteel 3M steel-framed houses (1989) framed housing (1992)
BR 55 The structural condition of Underdown BR 148 Atholl steel-framed, steel-clad houses (1989) BR 233 Briefing guide for timber-framed housing
OP 35 Hawksley SGS houses, technical
and Winget houses (1984) BR 149 Dorlonco steel framed houses. (1993)
information (1986)
BR 63 Large panel systems: the structure of Supplement to BR 110 (1989) BR 254 Repair and maintenance of reinforced
Ronan Point and other Taylor Woodrow– BR 152 Hawthorn Leslie steel-framed houses (1989) concrete (1994)
Anglian buildings (1985) BR 153 The structural condition of Wimpey No- BR 275 The structural condition of early cast-in-
BR 71 Smith system houses in Sandwell, West Fines low-rise dwellings (1989) situ concrete low-rise dwellings (1996) Unpublished written information and drawings exist
Midlands (1985) BR 154 Improving the habitability of large panel BR 282 Timber frame housing 1920–1975: at BRE. These may be consulted by special arrange-
BR 74 Large panel system dwellings: preliminary system dwellings (1989) inspection and assessment (1995) ment with the BRE Librarian. The EP numbers
information on ownership and condition BR 155 Forrester–Marsh houses (1989) BR 283 Timber frame housing systems built in noted for some houses refer to the Burt Commit-
(1986) BR 156 Cast Rendered No-Fines houses (1989) the UK 1920–1965 (1995) tee Experimental Panel reports and files.
BR 75 Carbonation depths in structural-quality BR 157 Incast houses (1989) BR 284 Timber frame housing systems built in In addition, short films of three housing sys-
concrete (1986) BR 158 Universal houses (1989) the UK 1966–1975 (1995) tems under construction (Spooner, Wimpey No-
BR 77 The British Iron & Steel Federation steel BR 159 Fidler houses (1989) BR 318 The structural condition of cast-in-situ Fines, Woolaway) in the late 1940s are held in the
framed house (1986) BR 160 No-Fines houses (1989) concrete high-rise dwellings (1996) Archive.

xxxii xxxiii
Licensed copy from CIS:, EGNIOL ENVIRONMENTAL LTD, 09/09/2020, Unco

References Further reading

OTHER PUBLICATIONS [in chronological order] NTHSc
Scottish Office Building Directorate. A Guide to
PDF files of publications marked CD are included Non-traditional and Temporary Housing in Scotland
on the CD ROM in the back of this book. (1923-1955). Edinburgh, HMSO, 1987, reprinted
2001. 260pp.
Moir Report CD [Covers more than 90 Scottish systems built
Ministry of Health. Particulars of systems of up to 1955. Company information and plans
house construction approved up to April 1920. are useful for identification purposes.] Anthony, Hugh. Houses: Permanence and Rubinstein, Antonia, Andrews, Andy and Schweitzer,
Report of the Committee on new methods of Prefabrication, Pleiades Books, 1945. 64pp. Pam (Eds). Just like the Country, Age Exchange, 1991.
house construction. London, HMSO. 44pp. Interbuild. System Building. [Oral history of the LCC interwar cottage
Bemis, A F. The evolving house. Vol. 3. Rational
[The only report of value that survives from the Published in 1963 and 1964 by Interbuild. estates, with many archive photographs of
design. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. and Batsford,
1920s. Contains drawings and photographs of [Describes and illustrates 21 (1963) and 31 non-traditional houses on the Becontree,
London, 1936.
76 housing systems and 12 items of ancillary (1964) systems. Also covers European and Downham and Watling Estates.]
[Includes descriptions of systems designed
equipment approved by the Ministry.] non-housing applications.] and built in the UK in the 1920s.] Some new methods of construction: a brief
survey. The Structural Engineer, Vol. 03, 1925.
PWBS No. 1 CD IBSAC Building Research Station. Structural require-
Interdepartmental Committee on House Construction. The Industrialised Building Systems and Compo- ments for houses. National Building Studies
[Various types of industrialised building briefly
House Construction. Ministry of Works, Post-War nents Magazine. Published between 1964 and Special Report No. 1. London, HMSO, 1947.
described and illustrated.]
Building Studies No. 1. London, HMSO, 1944. 1970. Cox, B H. Prefabricated houses. London, 1945.
156pp. (Burt Committee 1st Report). [Useful ‘snapshots’ of systems available at the Saunders, C E. Some effects of prefabrication on
[Detailed information on 19 house types built time of publication.] Demonstration Houses, HMSO, 1944. post war building. The Structural Engineer, Vol. 35,
between 1919 and 1939.] [Detailed description of houses on the Ministry No. 8 August 1957. pp277–296.
CIBSA of Works demonstration site at Northolt, London,
Sheppard, Richard. Prefabrication in Building,
PWBS No. 23 CD Deeson A F L (ed). The Comprehensive Industrial- with many construction photographs.]
Architectural Press, 1946. 148pp.
Interdepartmental Committee on House Construction. ised Building Systems Annual. Product Journals, Hans van der Heijden and Barbara Klomp, Tuindorp
House Construction, Second Report. Ministry of West Wickham. Published annually between 1965 The corrosion of steel in steel houses. National
Kethel Schiedam, Thoth, Bussum, Netherlands, 2004.
Works, Post-War Building Studies No. 23. London, and 1970. Building Studies Special Report No. 16. London,
[Contains a detailed account of the use of the
HMSO, 1946. 84pp. (Burt Committee 2nd Report). [Useful ‘snapshots’ of systems available at the HMSO, 1951. 44pp. CD
Airey system in the Netherlands.]
[Reports on the first tranche of proposals for time of publication. Many of the entries include [Examines corrosion in steel clad and steel
construction after the war, built in prototype a photograph or drawing.] Lakeman, Albert. Concrete Cottages Bungalows and framed houses built between 1920 and 1927.]
form and assessed. Includes photographs of Garages, Concrete Publications Ltd, 2nd edn 1924.
The durability of reinforced concrete in buildings.
houses under construction.] NBA and Scottish NBA Madge, Charles (Ed.) Clarence Crescent, Pilot National Building Studies Special Report No. 25.
National Building Agency. Certificates were issued Papers, Vol. I, No. 4, Pilot Press, 1946. London, HMSO, 1956.
PWBS No. 25 CD between the mid-1960s and 1972. Dates of NBA [Photo-journalist account of life on an estate of
Interdepartmental Committee on House Construction. appraisal certificates are given where known. The Timber Development Association. Prefabricated
Seco temporary bungalows.]
House Construction, Third Report. Ministry of Works, BRE collection of these certificates is not complete, timber houses. A statement of the principles and
Post-War Building Studies No. 25. London, HMSO, but a full set is thought to be housed in ODPM Madge, John (Ed.) Tomorrow’s Houses: new practice of prefabrication. London, [1944?], 26pp.
1948. (Burt Committee 3rd Report). 86pp. Archives. building methods, structures and materials.
Timber Development Association. Prefabricated
[Reports on 10 house types, all approved for [Very detailed information and construction London, Pilot Press, 1946. 336pp.
timber houses. A review of constructional
use by local authorities. Includes photographs drawings of proposed systems, which may Ministry of Health. Housing, Vols I and II: July methods, including in situ and prefabricated
of houses under construction.] have been modified for production.] 1919–June 1921. constructions. London, 1947, 39pp.

White R B, Prefabrication CD NFBTE Ministry of Works. New methods of house con- Vale, Brenda. Prefabs: a history of the UK
Prefabrication. A history of its development in British Systems Yearbook 1977–78. National struction (1945–47). National Building Studies temporary housing programme. London, Spon,
Great Britain. National Building Studies, Special Federation of Building Trades Employers, London, Special Report No. 4. London, HMSO, 1947. 1995. 192pp.
Report No. 36. HMSO, London, 1965. 368pp + 1977. 64pp. [Analyses labour content and costs.]
Watson, Alexander. Demonstration Houses:
52pp illus. [Brief information and photographs of 46 Ministry of Works. New methods of house con- Sighthill, Edinburgh (1945–65), Scottish Special
[Valuable narrative account of the technical and housing systems.] struction, Second Report (1947–48). National Housing Association, Edinburgh, 1987. 92pp.
political development of prefabrication up to Building Studies Special Report No. 10. London, [A review of the housing stock built for experi-
1962. Numerous photographs and references.] HMSO, 1948. mental and demonstration purposes at Sighthill,
Edinburgh, from 1945 to 1965, with plans and
Richardson, Harry W and Aldcroft, Derek H.
construction details.]
Building in the British Economy between the Wars,
Allen and Unwin, 1968.
xxxiv xxxv
Licensed copy from CIS:, EGNIOL ENVIRONMENTAL LTD, 09/09/2020, Unco

List of house types List of house types

Appendix to Part One: P021 Bison Wall Frame
P022 Blackborrow
Metal framed houses
P023 Blackburn
Note: Some systems built with different materials have the same name. Use of the Index of AM001 Adams P024 Blackburn Orlit
AM002 Anchorloc P025 Boot Beaucrete
names and alternative names at the end of the book or the Search Engine on the accom- AM003 Anderson Permanent House P026 Boot Pier and Panel
panying CD ROM is therefore strongly recommended in searching for a particular house type. AM004 Arlon P027 Broadmead
AM005 Bailey Stratton P028 BRS L-shaped panels
AM006 Boyd P029 Bryant Low Rise
PART ONE: M052 IBIS AM007 Braby P030 Bryant Low Rise System 4
M053 Integer P031 Building Systems Ltd
M054 Kelvin AM009 Broadway P032 Camus
M001 AGB Modular 6 M055 Keyhouse Unibuilt AM010 Brodie P033 Carlton
M002 AIROH Temporary Bungalow M056 Kingstone AM011 Buckwyn P034 Channello
M003 Aluminium Bungalow BL8 M057 Langlands AM012 Canister P035 Cheecol Keeland
M004 Aluminium House M058 Liverpool Corporation AM013 Clements P036 Concept 4
M005 Arcal M059 Livett-Cartwright AM014 Copeland P037 Concrete Houses Ltd
M006 Arcon M060 Lowton-Cubitt AM015 Coseley P038 Cornish Flush Panel
M007 Arcon Temporary Bungalow M061 Macfarlane AM016 Fewac P039 Cornish Unit Type I
M008 Arrowhead M062 Mark AM017 Fillod P040 Cornish Unit Type II
M009 Atherton M063 Minox AM018 Fincast P041 Cosmos
M010 Atholl 1926 M064 MOHLG 5M AM019 Fromson P042 Costain
M011 Atholl 1945 M065 Mucklow Plan AM020 Intercon P043 Crosby
M012 Atholl 1951 M066 Multispan AM021 Mackay H & Sons P044 Dalcot
M013 Beanland No 1 M067 New Georgian AM022 MC2 P045 Domkonstruado
M014 Birmingham Corporation M068 Nissen-Petren AM023 Modform P046 Dorran
M015 Birmingham Corporation Type ST M069 Northern Ideal Homesteads AM024 Opperman P047 Dyke CCC
M016 BISF Type A M070 Nuttall Building System AM025 Parcrete P048 East Knowle Special
M017 BISF Type A1 M071 Nuttall Mk II AM026 Sanders-Foster P049 Fairweather
M018 BISF Type B M072 Open System Building AM027 Scott & Middleton P050 Falcon
M019 BISF Type C M073 Paragon AM028 Structural and Mechanical Engineering P051 Farlington Special
M020 B-J M074 Phoenix Temporary Bungalow AM029 Stuart Scheme II P052 Fram
M021 Braithwaite M075 Portal Temporary Bungalow AM030 Swiftplan Multiflex H P053 Glasgow Foamed Slag
M022 British Housing M076 Procol AM031 Thermostatic Steel House P054 GLE
M023 Buchan M077 Quality AM032 Town & Vale P055 Gregory
M024 Conatus M078 Reith AM033 Trellit P056 Gregory Industrialised
M025 Connell M079 Resiform AM034 TSB P057 Hamish Cross Type I
M026 Cornes M080 Riley AM035 Tubrick P058 Hamish Cross Type II
M027 Coventry Corporation M081 Roften AM036 Veneercraft P059 Hardy
M028 Craig Atholl M082 Rothschild AM037 Waldic P060 HDC
M029 Crane M083 Rotinoff P061 Hertsmere Special
M030 Cranwell M084 RTB Temporary Bungalow PART TWO: P062 Hexham Special
M031 Cruden M085 Rubery Owen P063 Howells
M086 Seco
M032 Cussins
M033 Denis Poulton M087 Shipston Aluminium P001 Adams H1 P065 Industricon
M034 Dennis M088 Spaceway P002 Adams HVA3 P066 Jansel
M035 Dennis-Wild M089 Steane P003 Airey P067 Jespersen 12M
M036 Discus M090 Stewart & Lloyd P004 Alcrete P068 Kenkast
M037 Dorlonco M091 Stuart P005 AMcK P069 Ketton
M038 Duplex Sheath M092 Symplex P006 Anglia Type A P070 Kincorth Mk III
M039 Falkiner Nuttall M093 Telford P007 Argyll P071 Kingsthorne Special
M040 Formula M094 Thames P008 Arrow P072 Lecaplan Type A
M041 Gateshead Corporation M095 Thorncliffe P009 Atlas Stone P073 Lecaplan Type B
M042 Gee Walker & Slater M096 Trusteel 3M P010 Ayrshire County Council P074 Lightning Construction
M043 Grenfell Baines M097 Trusteel Mk II P011 Balency P075 Lilleshall
M044 Grid M098 Turner & Newall P012 Balfour Beatty P076 Livett-Cartwright
M045 Hawthorn Leslie M099 Unitroy P013 Bates 4L P077 Loudon Mk II
M046 Hillcon M100 Universal Temporary Bungalow P014 Battery Cast P078 Mac-Girling
M047 Hills Presweld M101 Universal Type I P015 BCCF P079 Malthouse
M048 Hitchins M102 Universal Type II P016 BDG P080 Marley
M049 Homeville Industrialised M103 WH P017 Beanland No 2 P081 MeTraCon
M050 Howard Type A M104 Wilson P018 Belfry P082 MFC
M051 Howard Type B P019 Bellrock P083 Minniel
P020 Bison Crosswall P084 MOD Special

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List of house types List of house types

P085 Modus AP005 Barvis S013 Conslab AS010 Intercon

P086 Morrell AP006 Beale & Son S014 Cook AS011 Intrad
P087 Myton AP007 Bison Trimline S015 Corolite AS012 King & Howse
P088 Natcon AP008 Bonding Block System S016 Corvus AS013 Laidlow Thornton
P089 NCB AP009 British Craft Homes S017 Craftcast AS014 Lo Rona
P090 Newland AP010 Cebus S018 Dagenham Special AS015 MacKeown
P091 Orlit Type I AP011 Cemacrete S019 Diatomite AS016 Multilite
P092 Orlit Type II AP012 Clugston Cawood S020 Doric AS017 MWM
P093 Orlit-Bellrock AP013 Coignet S021 Dry-Walls AS018 Rapirect
P094 Parkinson AP014 Concrete Utilities S022 Duo-Slab AS019 RCC
P095 Pemcrete AP015 Davis S023 Easiform Type I AS020 Sidney Stone
P096 Permabuilt AP016 Dudley Coles S024 Easiform Type II AS021 SSHA Commissioners Resumption
P097 Perma-Erecta AP017 Halls Mk III S025 Edinburgh Foamed Slag AS022 Tayton
P098 Potters Bar Special AP018 Hardie S026 Farrans No-Fines AS023 Whitcon
P099 Reema Conclad AP019 Hayes Interlock S027 Fidler
P100 Reema Contrad AP020 Incon S028 Firmcrete PART FOUR:
P101 Reema Hollow Panel AP021 Kent S029 Foamed Slag
P102 Russell Leighton S030 Forrester-Marsh TIMBER FRAMED HOUSES
AP022 Keylock
P103 SB2 AP023 Kingston S031 Gadie T001 Aberdeen Corporation
P104 Simplified Brickwork AP024 Locarn S032 Herald T002 Anchor 12M
P105 Siporex 6M AP025 Luton S033 Incast T003 Andover
P106 Skarne AP026 Maycrete S034 Kirton T004 Anvil
P107 Smith AP027 Neale S035 Lamella T005 Appleyard
P108 SNW AP028 Oakridge S036 Lowestoft Borough T006 Arbor
P109 Spacemaker AP029 PAC S037 Maxim T007 Arcal
P110 Stent AP030 Palmer S038 Miller No-Fines T008 Arrowtrim
P111 Stewart & Partners Type I AP031 Panelwall S039 Miller Temporary Bungalow T009 Bennett
P112 Stewart & Partners Type II AP032 Pearce S040 MOW Demonstration Expanded Clay T010 Boro
P113 Stonecrete AP033 Pentagon S041 MOW Demonstration Foamed Slag T011 Boulton & Paul
P114 Stubbings Industrialised AP034 Plysyl Bungalow S042 MOW Demonstration No-Fines T012 Bricket Wood Special
P115 Tarran Temporary Bungalow AP035 Poolman S043 Mowlem T013 Bullock
P116 Taylor Woodrow-Anglian AP036 Prefacto S044 O’Sullivan T014 Bur-Pal
P117 Tee Beam AP037 Rationalised Housing S045 Parkwall T015 Burt Boulton
P118 Thornwall AP038 RB2 S046 Permacrete T016 Calder
P119 Token AP039 Ridgeway S047 Quikform T017 Caldervale
P120 Tracoba Low Rise AP040 Ross S048 Rumble T018 Calverley Type I
P121 Truscon RD 27 AP041 Shingleton Conslab S049 Schindler T019 Calverley Type II
P122 Ulster Cottage AP042 Simmcast S050 Solvyt T020 Cameron
P123 Underdown AP043 Speyroc S051 SSHA No-Fines T021 Canadian Demonstration Homes
P124 Uniment S052 SSHA Wartime Cellular Concrete T022 Canadian Timber Type I
AP044 Strongman
P125 Unit-Built S053 Sunskeeme T023 Caspon
AP045 Trentrox
P126 Unitroy S054 Tenaplas T024 Cedar Homes
AP046 Unit System
P127 Unity Type I S055 Unit No-Fines T025 Cedarworth Homes
AP047 Weedon
P128 Unity Type II S056 Universal T026 Celtic Homes
AP048 Western System
P129 Waller S057 Vine & Vine T027 Challow
AP049 WL Ring
P130 Wates S058 Wakefield Special T028 Colt
AP050 Young RW
P131 Webb S059 War Office No-Fines T029 Cowieson
AP051 Ytong
P132 Wessex S060 Weir No-Fines T030 Czechoslovakian Timber
P133 West’s 5M S061 Whatling T031 Devon Lady
P134 Whitson-Fairhurst PART THREE:
S062 Wimpey No-Fines T032 Edgell
P135 Wil-Mac IN-SITU CONCRETE HOUSES T033 Eklectron
P136 Wilvan Appendix to Part Three: T034 Elementhus
S001 Aberdeen Corporation
P137 Winget T035 Elsworthy
S002 Alderton In-situ concrete houses
P138 Woolaway T036 Engineered Homes
S003 Arup AS001 Calway
P139 Woolaways Bungalow T037 Eurodean
S004 Banton No-Fines AS002 Combined Concrete Construction
P140 XW T038 Facta
S005 Beco Wallform AS003 Ctesiphon
S006 Blackburn No-Fines T039 Faculty
Appendix to Part Two: AS004 Davies
S007 Boswell T040 Federated System 2
Precast concrete houses AS005 Davis J T041 Flexi
S008 Boyd Gibbons No-Fines
AS006 F3C and F4C Concrete Houses T042 Fontaberry
AP001 Addison S009 BRS Type 4
AS007 Firth T043 Forfar Borough
AP002 Allbetong S010 Brydon No-Fines
AS008 Giles T044 Frameform
AP003 Andrews S011 Cast Rendered
AS009 Hughes T045 Fredericks Cedarwood
AP004 Artmet S012 Concrete Frames

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List of house types List of house types

T046 Fredericks Frame System T109 Scano Type II AT025 Essihus AT076 Rothwell-Perrin
T047 G Block Watne T110 Scano Type III AT026 Factrad AT077 RTE
T048 Goldcrest T111 Scotlog AT027 Farquahar AT078 Ryedale
T049 Grenfell Baines T112 Scottwood AT028 Finnish Timber AT079 Salveson
T050 Grove Homes T113 Seco Temporary Bungalow AT029 Fleming AT080 Scan
T051 Guildway T114 Segal AT030 Formula AT081 Scanda Plan
T052 Hall T115 Shepherd AT031 Forth AT082 Scandev
T053 Hallam Mk I & Mk II T116 Sherwood AT032 Framecourt AT083 Scandia
T054 Hallam Mk III T117 Silksworth AT033 Fraser & McDonald AT084 Scansiv
T055 Hallam Volumetric T118 Simms C-DA AT034 Fribohus AT085 Scansystem
T056 Harvey Frame T119 Simms Sons & Cooke SWPA AT035 Gart AT086 Scotfast
T057 Hertfordshire County Council T120 Simms Sons & Cooke AT036 Glasgow Corporation AT087 Shaddow Wall
T058 Hultsfreds T121 Solid Cedar AT037 Goldenhomes AT088 Slingsby
T059 Humphreys T122 Spooner AT038 Grange AT089 Spacemaker Bungalow
T060 Jackson T123 Spooner Temporary Bungalow AT039 Gray AT090 Steinkjer
T061 Jansel T124 SSHA AT040 Grayholme AT091 Stex
T062 Jicwood Temporary Bungalow T125 Swedish Timber AT041 GT AT092 Supalite
T063 Ketton T126 Swift AT042 Heath AT093 Superhome
T064 Kier BDC T127 Swiftplan Multiflex H12 AT043 Highland Tain AT094 Surrey Grove
T065 Lanark County Council T128 Terrapin AT044 Howard Mersham AT095 Sutherland
T066 Langlands Bungalow T129 TRADA Type I AT045 Interbild AT096 Swedale
T067 Langlands Mansard T130 TRADA Type II AT046 Janes AT097 Systemac
T068 Langlands Terrazzo T131 Trybo AT047 Kingston AT098 Taygon
T069 Langlands Type N2 T132 Unicorn AT048 Lawrence Building Co. AT099 Thain Capital
T070 Lawrence T133 Unit System 67 AT049 Leyland Industrial AT100 THUS
T071 LCC Mobile T134 USA Temporary Bungalow AT050 Lisset AT101 Timber Frame (UK) Ltd
T072 Linton T135 Wates AT051 Lothian AT102 Timcon
T073 Liverpool Special T136 Weir Postwar AT052 Louden AT103 Toogood
T074 Lovell T137 Weir Prewar AT053 Ludford AT104 Trussit
T075 Macrae T138 Wellbuilt AT054 M&J AT105 Unicom
T076 Macrae Plus T139 YDG AT055 Mactaggart & Mickel AT106 Unistem
T077 Mactrad T140 Yorkshire Timber Frame AT056 Marley AT107 Unit
T078 Maple Leaf T141 Young Elizabethan AT057 Maxim AT108 Variform
T079 McAlpine T142 Youngman AT058 McLean AT109 Varney
T080 McDonald T143 Yuill AT059 Mears Cowlin AT110 Waddington
T081 Medway Type I AT060 MFC AT111 Walemesh
T082 Medway Type II Appendix to Part Four: AT061 Mitchell AT112 Walker
T083 MeTraTim AT062 Module Two AT113 Wallis
T084 Meyer Timber framed houses AT063 Modumould AT114 Walton
T085 MHC AT001 Anchor 600 AT064 Multispan AT115 Wellgrave
T086 Miller AT002 Anchor Modular AT065 Neata AT116 Western
T087 Minox AT003 ASD AT066 New Trend AT117 Whatlings Redwood
T088 Moelven Brug AT004 Aspect AT067 Nuway AT118 Wilson
T089 MOHLG AT005 Austin Hall AT068 Papworth Permanent Bungalow AT119 Woodclad
T090 Multicom AT006 Avonside AT069 Potton
T091 Multigrid AT007 B&J AT070 Pratten
T092 Newcastle Corporation AT008 Barratt AT071 Pre-Cut Norwegian Addendum to the digital edition
T093 Nokkelhus AT009 Bayley Bartlett AT072 Pyrocol ADM001 Span Type K
T094 Norwegian Log AT010 Bigland & Mowat AT073 Ramsjo ADP001 Occident
T095 Peak Homes AT011 Bradley AT074 Redifice Bungalow ADT001 Douglas Special
T096 Perren AT012 Brims AT075 Reid ADT002 Swedish Sectional Timber
T097 Prestoplan AT013 Brown of Wem
T098 Purpose Built Type I AT014 Bruce
T099 Purpose Built Type II AT015 Build Form
T100 Puutalo AT016 Canadian Timber Type II
T101 Quikbild AT017 Contrad
T102 Reeves Frame AT018 Cosmos
T103 Resiform AT019 Cuckow
T104 Rileyform AT020 Cuyper
T105 RMR AT021 Daleholme
T106 Rowcon Type I AT022 Domus
T107 Rowcon Type II AT023 ECP Modular
T108 Scano Type I AT024 Elliott

xl xli
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Duo-Slab houses under construction.

Part Three
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Aberdeen Corporation S001

Manufacturer: Alternative name:

Designer: Aberdeen Corporation

Period built: 1939

Number built: 120


Semi-detached and terraced bungalows and chalet Cracking of chimney breasts and stacks. Substructure: Concrete strip footings. DPC. Window sills to dormer windows at eaves level and first
bungalows. External walls: Rendered [1] 7" dense RC front and rear floor joists built into concrete external walls.
Steep pitch gable roof covered with concrete tiles. walls and 8" dense RC [2] gable wall lined with woodwool
External walls rendered throughout. slabs [3]. Horizontal and vertical reinforcement [4]
Some dwellings have curved bay windows to front located centrally within concrete walls.
elevation. Separating wall: 6" PC blocks. Wall tied to chimney
breast with hoop-iron ties.
Partitions: Brick and block.
Ground floor: Not known.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Timber rafters, timber dormer windows and
concrete tiles.

PWBS No. 1

510 511
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Alderton S002
Manufacturer: Alternative name:

Designer: J S Alderton and Co.

Period built: 1940s

Number built:


2-storey detached houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: RC piles. 6" RC slab thickened to 12" None known.
Flat roof covered with bituminous felt. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: below external and spine walls. DPC.
External walls rendered throughout. External walls: Rendered [1] 8" dense aggregate RC
Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) cavity walls [2] with 2" cavity filled with wheat straw rope
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) laid horizontally [3],3/8" horizontal reinforcement [4].
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) 1/
4" hook reinforcement at junctions [5] with internal
Partitions: Spine wall of eaves height 4" dense
aggregate RC walls. Ground floor partitions of storey
height 4" dense aggregate RC walls. Non-loadbearing
walls of 3' x 1' x 3" PRC slabs.
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: T&G boarding on timber fillets [6] cast into
REFERENCE 3" RC topping [7] reinforced with 5/8" MS bars [8] and
4" MS bars [9] on 5" hollow clay blocks [10].

BRE Archive (EP 9) Ceilings: Not known.

Roof: 11" x 5 1/2" RC beam [11] bearing on spine wall,
5" hollow clay blocks [12] with RC topping [13] covered
with bituminous felt.

512 513
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Arup S003
Manufacturer: Alternative name:

Designer: Yorke Rosenberg and Mardall

Period built: 1947

Number built:


2-storey detached houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: RC strip footings. RC slab. None known.
Flat roof covered with bituminous felt. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: External walls: Front wall of 4 1/2" brick [1], cavity, 2"
Front wall of brick and rear wall of timber frame infill clay blocks [2]. Metal wall ties [3]. Rear wall of 1 1/4"
panels clad with asbestos cement sheets. Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) timber frame infill panels clad with asbestos cement
Flank wall rendered [Tyrolean] throughout. Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) sheets and lined with plasterboard with sawdust/paper
Small kerb to perimeter of roof slab. Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) pulp insulation slabs between frame studs.
Flank wall of rendered [Tyrolean] [4] 8" dense aggregate
RC [5], cavity, 1" timber battens [6] lined with fibreboard
Separating wall: Not applicable.
Partitions: Loadbearing of 4" dense aggregate
concrete. Non-loadbearing of timber stud lined with
REFERENCE Ground floor: Screed on bituminous DPM on RC slab.
First floor: 6" RC slab.
Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: 6" RC slab without falls and bituminous felt.

514 515
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Banton No-Fines S004

Manufacturer: Alternative names: Banton


Period built: 1954–55

Number built: 70

No photograph available.


2-storey semi-detached houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete slab [1]. DPC. None known.
Medium pitch gable roof covered with concrete tiles. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: External walls: Rendered [2] 10" no-fines concrete [3]
External walls rendered throughout. with continuous reinforcement at first floor [4] and eaves
Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) level [5].
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) Separating wall: 10" no-fines concrete.
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) Partitions: Brick.
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists on timber
wall plate [6] on galvanised RSA [7] embedded in no-fines
concrete gable and separating wall.
Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Timber rafters, woodwool sarking, bituminous felt
and concrete tiles.


516 517
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Beco Wallform S005

Manufacturer: Vencel Resil Ltd Alternative name: Isorat Bausystem

Designer: Beco Products Ltd

Period built: 1975 onward

Number built:


Bungalows, chalet bungalows and 2-storey houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete foundations. DPC. External walls with rounded corner blocks, squint blocks
Steep pitch hipped or gable roof covered with slates or assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: External walls: Rendered [1] ribbed polystyrene foam or adjustable radius blocks.
concrete tiles. permanent shuttering blocks [2] filled with concrete [3], External walls clad with cavity brickwork.
External walls clad with brick, stone, render or timber Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) plaster [4]. Timber wall plate [5] fixed with cast-in External walls clad with timber boarding on timber
boarding. Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) anchors. battens.
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) Separating wall: Ribbed polystyrene permanent Floors of lightweight steel beam with insulation infill panels
shuttering blocks filled with concrete. with in-situ concrete overlay.
Partitions: Ribbed metal polystyrene permanent Linings of plasterboard.
shuttering blocks filled with concrete. Roof cover of concrete tiles.
Floors: Timber or PRC beam and concrete block.
Ceilings: Plasterboard.
Roof: Timber rafters and slates.


518 519
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Blackburn No-Fines S006

Manufacturers: Blackburn (Dumbarton) Ltd Alternative names: Blackburn
SSHA No-Fines

Designer: Blackburn (Dumbarton) Ltd

Period built: 1950s

Number built: 60


2-storey semi-detached houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Brick under- Two RC spine beams.
Medium pitch gable roof covered with concrete tiles. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: building [1]. Concrete slab. DPC.
External walls rendered throughout. External walls: Rendered [2] 8" no-fines concrete [3],
Some houses have flat roof canopy over front door. Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) storey height timber frame panels [4] lined with
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) plasterboard [5] over building paper. RC ring beam [6]
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) at first floor and eaves level with 2 reinforcing bars at
Separating wall: 6" no-fines concrete. RC beam at eaves
Partitions: Timber stud lined with plasterboard.
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: RC slab [7] on RC spine beam [8] and
timber frame panels.
REFERENCE Ceilings: Plasterboard.
Roof: Timber trussed purlins [9], timber rafters, sarking
NTHSc and concrete tiles.

520 521
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Boswell S007
Manufacturer: M A Boswell and Co. Ltd Alternative name:

Designer: M A Boswell

Period built: 1920s

Number built: 4000


2-storey semi-detached and terraced houses. DESIGNATED DEFECTIVE Substructure: Clinker aggregate concrete strip footings Tie bars running from front-to-back and from side-to-side
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with plain or concrete and underbuilding. DPC. at first floor level.
tiles. Aggregate may contain unstable fractions of unburnt External walls: Eaves height L-shaped clinker aggregate 3/
4" or 1" bars embedded in concrete at mid wall height
External walls rendered throughout. coal. PRC corner columns [1] with legs and square cage having threaded ends to accept nut and 4" or 6" square
Some houses have ground floor and first floor bay Cracking of render. reinforcement bars [2]. PC ring beams [3] at first floor end-plate to tie internal walls and separating wall to
windows. Reinforcement corrosion in PRC corner columns. level. PRC ring beams [4] at eaves level. Rendered [5] external walls.
Friable concrete below DPC level. 9" clinker aggregate concrete cavity walls [6] with 2" First floor of RC slabs.
Lack of tying between flank and internal walls. cavity. Leaves connected by concrete ribs staggered Roof of steel frame and plain tiles.
between 18" lifts. Steel ties at column heads [7].
Separating wall: 9" clinker aggregate concrete, cavity.
Partitions: 3 1/2" or 4 1/2" clinker aggregate concrete
Ground floor: Timber boarding on timber joists on
REFERENCE timber sole plate.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists built into
BRE Report BR 105 inner leaf of external wall.
Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Timber rafters and purlins and concrete tiles.

522 523
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Boyd Gibbons No-Fines S008

Manufacturer: Boyd Gibbons Alternative names: Boyd Gibbons


Period built: 1940s

Number built: 75


2-storey semi-detached and detached houses. Horizontal and vertical cracking of no-fines concrete Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Concrete None known.
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with concrete tiles. external walls. underbuilding. Brick-faced concrete slab [1]. Vertical
External walls rendered throughout. Inadequate lateral restraint to no-fines concrete external DPC.
Flat roofed ground floor bay and porch to front elevation. walls. External walls: Rendered [2] 10" no-fines RC [3] with
Very low cement content in external walls resulting in 2" square twisted MS bars over ground floor openings

friable concrete. [4] projecting beyond reveals.

Separating wall: 10" no-fines concrete.
Partitions: 4" clinker PC blocks recessed into external
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists with ends
notched over and skew nailed to timber wall plate [5] on
flat MS plates [6] cast into wall.
REFERENCE Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Timber trusses and concrete tiles.

524 525
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BRS Type 4 S009

Manufacturer: Alternative name: BRS

Designer: Building Research Station

Period built: 1953–56

Number built: 60


2-storey detached and semi-detached houses. Deterioration of render. Substructure: Concrete underbuilding. Concrete slab. None known.
Flat roof covered with bituminous felt. Spalling of RC roof slab oversail. External walls: Rendered [1] 8" no-fines concrete [2],
External walls rendered throughout. Corrosion of reinforcement in RC roof slab. timber frame panels lined with waffle plaster as
Deterioration of bituminous felt roof cover. permanent shuttering [3]. Lightly reinforced dense RC
Ponding of water on roof. ring beams [4] at first floor and eaves level.
Internal condensation. Separating wall: 6" no-fines concrete and timber frame
Water penetration through external walls and roof. panels lined with waffle plaster.
Inadequate compaction of dense concrete in RC beams. Partitions: Cellular cardboard cored partitions [5] lined
Inadequate cover to reinforcement in dense RC beams. with plasterboard. Dense RC spine beams cast into head
High rates of carbonation in dense RC spine beams. of front to rear partitions at first floor and eaves levels
Surface corrosion of reinforcement in dense RC spine [6].
beams. Ground floor: Concrete.
Low and significant levels of cast-in chloride. First floor: 7" RC slab [7].
REFERENCE Low cement content. Ceilings: Ribbed plaster on timber frame panels.
Roof: RC slab [8], woodwool slabs and bituminous felt.
BRE Report BR 161

526 527
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Brydon No-Fines S010

Manufacturer: Brydon Construction Co. Ltd Alternative names: Brydon


Period built: 1940s

Number built: 6


2-storey semi-detached houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Concrete under- None known.
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with concrete tiles. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: building. Concrete slab. DPC.
External walls rendered throughout. External walls: Rendered [1] 13" no-fines RC [2]. DPC
Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) over openings [3] and beneath windows.
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) Separating wall: 10" no-fines concrete.
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) Partitions: 4" no-fines concrete.
Ground floor: Timber boarding on 2" timber battens
wired to floor and screed on DPM on concrete.
First floor: Timber boarding on 2" timber sleepers [4]
and screed [5] on 7 1/2" no-fines RC slab [6].
Ceilings: Plasterboard.
Roof: Timber rafters, purlins and concrete tiles.
Chimney: Concrete.
REFERENCE Stairs: Concrete.


528 529
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Cast Rendered S011

Manufacturer: W H Webb Alternative name: No-Fines

Designer: W H Webb

Period built: 1940s

Number built:


2-storey detached houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete underbuilding. Concrete slab Substructure of RC footings and concrete underbuilding.
Steep pitch gable roof covered with plain tiles. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: thickened below loadbearing walls. DPC. External walls of 10 1/2" no-fines clinker concrete.
External walls rendered throughout. External walls: Rendered [1] 8" clinker no-fines RC [2] First floor of timber joists located in hollow breeze blocks
Front porch with pitched tiled roof. Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) with 3/8" bars [3] below window openings, 1/2" bars at cast into external walls.
Metal casement windows with externally tiled sills. Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) first floor level [4] and eaves level [5] encased in dense
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) concrete over openings. Lead sheet DPM over openings
[6]. Brick course [7]. Timber wall plate [8].
Separating wall: Not applicable.
Partitions: Ground floor of 4" clinker concrete.
First floor of 2 1/2" clinker concrete.
Ground floor: Timber block flooring or quarries on
screed on concrete.
First floor: T&G boarding on timber joists housed in
REFERENCES pockets cored into external walls. Insulation mat laid over
BRE Report BR 156 Ceilings: Not known.
The Builder, 4 April 1947 Roof: Timber trusses and purlins and plain tiles.

530 531
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Concrete Frames S012

Manufacturer: Concrete Frames Ltd Alternative name:

Designer: Concrete Frames Ltd

Period built: 1945

Number built: 2

No photograph available.


2-storey semi-detached houses. Investigated by BRE at prototype stage only. Guidance Substructure: RC raft underbuilding thickened under None known.
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with profiled on inspection and assessment of reinforced concrete external and loadbearing walls [1]. Slate DPC.
asbestos cement tiles. durability is given in: Frame: Storey height RC columns [2]. RC posts at
External walls of PRC panels. corners, and window and door openings [3].
Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) External walls: 10 1/2" x 4" flanged channel section PRC
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) panels [4], cavity, 2" clinker aggregate PC blocks [5].
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) PRC lintels over openings [6].
Partitions: 3" clinker aggregate PC blocks.
Separating wall: PRC channel section panels, cavity,
clinker aggregate PC blocks lined with plasterboard.
Ground floor: Concrete [7].
First floor: PRC T-beams [8].
Ceilings: Wood-fibre boarding on timber battens [9];
REFERENCE galvanised hoop iron fixings to first floor ceilings.
Roof: PRC purlins, PRC ridge beam, PRC common
BRE Archive rafters [9] and PRC ceiling joists [10] and profiled
asbestos cement tiles.

532 533
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Conslab S013
Manufacturer: Leslie's Ltd Alternative name:

Designers: P M Powell
Charles Woodwood

Period built: 1950s

Number built: 2


2-storey semi-detached houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete strip footings [1]. Concrete External and separating wall cavity filled with cellular
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with concrete tiles. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: slab. DPC. lightweight concrete.
External walls rendered [pebbledash] throughout. External walls: Rendered [pebbledash] [2] 1 1/2" PRC 9" separating wall.
Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) slabs [3] with splayed edges, 5" dense aggregate Ground floor of suspended timber.
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) concrete [4] reinforced over openings, 1 1/2" clinker First floor timber joists built into external walls.
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) aggregate PRC slabs [5]. First floor of concrete slabs.
Separating wall: 8" PC slab cavity wall with cavity filled Timber or PC surrounds to openings in external walls for
with dense concrete. metal windows.
Partitions: Loadbearing of 6" PRC slab cavity walls
filled with dense concrete, bonded to external walls with
cast-in hoop ties. Non-loadbearing of 3" Hitchins
Ground floor: Concrete.
REFERENCE First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists on
galvanised joist hangers [6].
The Builder, 18 January 1946 Ceilings: Plasterboard.
Roof: Timber joists, timber rafters and purlins and
concrete tiles.

534 535
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Cook S014
Manufacturer: R Cook and Sons Alternative name:

Designers: Clayton and Black

T Garratt and Son
W H Overton
Period built: 1920

Number built: 14

Insufficient information available for detailed drawing.


2-storey semi-detached houses. Vertical cracking of render between ground and first Substructure: Not known. None known.
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with tiles. floor openings. External walls: Concrete covered with render.
External walls rendered [pebbledash] throughout. Separating wall: Not known.
PC canopy over front door. Not investigated in detail by BRE. Guidance on inspection Partitions: Not known.
and assessment of reinforced concrete durability is Ground floor: Concrete.
given in: First floor: Not known.
Ceilings: Not known.
Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) Roof: Timber, tiles.
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254)
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19)


Housing, 22 November 1920, p151

536 537
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Corolite S015
Manufacturer: Corolite Construction Co. Ltd Alternative name: No-Fines


Period built: 1923–27

Number built: 700


2-storey terraced houses. Aggregate may contain unstable fractions of unburnt Substructure: Clinker aggregate concrete strip First floor of 3" clinker aggregate RC slabs.
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with concrete tiles or coal. footings. Clinker aggregate concrete pads. Roof cover of slates.
slates, or flat roof covered with bitumen. Cracking of clinker aggregate no-fines RC external walls. External walls: Rendered [1] 8" clinker aggregate Flat roof of clinker aggregate RC slab and bitumen.
External walls rendered throughout. Shrinkage of clinker aggregate no-fines RC. no-fines concrete [2] reinforced over windows and door
Corrosion of reinforcement in clinker aggregate no-fines openings [3].
RC external walls and first floor slabs. Separating wall: 8" clinker aggregate no-fines concrete.
Gross deflection of clinker aggregate RC first floor slabs. Partitions: Clinker aggregate no-fines concrete
thickened at base to form strip footings.
The system was also used for flats. Ground floor: Timber boarding on timber joists on
timber bearers on clinker aggregate concrete pads [4].
First floor: Timber boarding on timber battens on 6 1/2"
clinker aggregate RC slab [5].
Ceilings: Not known.
REFERENCES Roof: Timber rafters and concrete tiles.

BRE Report BR 275

PWBS No. 1

538 539
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Corvus S016
Manufacturer: William Cowlin & Son Ltd Alternative name:

Designer: N Rooke

Period built: 1946

Number built: 4


2-storey semi-detached houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Concrete under- First floor of suspended timber.
Medium or steep pitch gable roof covered with inter- assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: building. RC cavity wall. DPC.
locking or plain concrete tiles. External walls: Rendered [1] 10" RC cavity walls of 4"
External walls rendered throughout. Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) dense concrete outer leaf [2], 2" cavity and 4" foamed
Monopitch canopy to front door supported on concrete Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) slag concrete inner leaf [3] with reinforcement at eaves
columns. Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) level [4]. 2 additional MS bars [5] to inner leaf below
Pitched roof single storey extension to gable wall. first floor level. Weep holes [6]. Cavity tray above
openings [7]. Metal spacing tubes [8] acting as wall
Separating wall: Foamed slag RC cavity wall.
Partitions: Ground floor of 4" or 6" foamed slag
concrete. First floor of 2 1/2" foamed slag concrete.
REFERENCE Ground floor: Mastic asphalt on concrete.
First floor: Mastic asphalt on sand/cement screed [9]
The Architect and Building News, 24 January 1947 on 12" x 5" hollow PRC beams [10] built into inner leaf
of external wall with 1/2" reinforcement [11].
Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: PRC rafters, purlins and ceiling joists and concrete
Chimney: RC.

540 541
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Craftcast S017
Manufacturer: Jones & Harvey Alternative name: Jones & Harvey

Designer: Craftcast Ltd

Period built: 1940s

Number built: 200


Bungalows and 2-storey detached and semi-detached Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete slab thickened below external External walls of 6 1/2" or 7" dense or lightweight
houses. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: and separating walls. DPM. (Cheecol) RC.
Flat roof covered with asphalt. External walls: 7" RC walls [1] with 1/4" vertical reinforce- External walls of 8" no-fines RC.
Box gutters cast in top of flat roof slab. Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) ment [2] and 3/8" horizontal reinforcement [3], 1 1/2" Internal walls of 4 1/2" RC.
External walls rendered or coated in cement paint. Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) woodwool slabs [4]. Walls thickened at first floor level Linings of fibreboard.
External walls thickened at quoins to form mock columns. Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) [5]. Mock corner columns [6].
Impression of formwork visible on surface of external Separating wall: 8" RC.
walls. Partitions: 4" concrete.
PRC window sills. Ground floor: T&G wooden blocks in bitumen on
First floor: T&G wooden blocks on 6" RC slab [7]
bearing directly on external walls and partitions, woodwool
slabs [8].
REFERENCE Staircase: RC.
Ceilings: Not known.
BRE Archive Roof: 5"–6" RC cambered slab with overhanging eaves
and RC dentils beneath eaves overhang [9]. Cast-in box
gutter [10] and asphalt.

542 543
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Dagenham Special S018

Manufacturer: Alternative name:


Period built: 1920s

Number built: 30


2-storey terraced houses. Vertical cracking of dense aggregate concrete external Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Brick stretcher Substructure of concrete strip footings and RC plinth.
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with concrete tiles or walls. course. 2 concrete bands [1]. Concrete slab. DPC. Roof cover of slates.
slates. Horizontal cracking of dense aggregate concrete External walls: Rendered [2] 4" dense aggregate
External walls rendered throughout. external walls, particularly above top corners of window concrete [3] to first floor level and 3 1/2" dense aggregate
PC porch to flank wall door of end-of-terrace houses. openings. concrete [4] above, 5" clinker aggregate concrete [5]
Concrete window frames. Corrosion of vertical MS tubes. to first floor level and 2 1/2" clinker aggregate concrete
[6] above. Vertical lapped bitumen sheet DPM [7] held
with MS clips [8] and 1 1/2" MS tubes [9] at 6' centres in
clinker concrete skin. Timber wall plate at first floor [10]
and eaves level [11].
Separating wall: Clinker aggregate concrete with brick
chimney breast and stack.
Partitions: Clinker aggregate concrete.
REFERENCE Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists on timber
wall plate.
Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Timber rafters and concrete tiles.

544 545
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Diatomite S019
Manufacturer: Manchester Housing Department Alternative name:

Designer: Manchester Housing Department

Period built: 1920s

Number built: 1050


2-storey semi-detached houses. Vertical cracking of concrete external walls. Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Brick under- Ground floor of timber boarding on timber joists.
Medium pitch hipped or gable roof covered with slates. Horizontal cracking of concrete external walls above building [1]. Concrete slab. DPC. External wall string courses of bricks and terracotta
External walls of render to first floor window sill level and window openings. External walls: Rendered [2] 10" monolithically cast blocks.
brick or hollow terracotta blocks above. Corrosion of reinforcement. walls of dense aggregate concrete [3], clinker aggregate Brick external walls above first floor window sill level.
Brick stretcher course at ground and first floor window Fully carbonated clinker concrete. concrete [4] and 1/2" diatomite slabs [5] to first floor
sill level and at first floor level. High carbonation in dense aggregate concrete. window sill level with brick string courses [6] at ground
High sulfate content of clinker concrete. floor window sill and first floor level. Brick string course
[7] at first floor window sill level. Hollow terracotta
The system was also used for flats. blocks [8] tied to 2" clinker concrete [9] with wall ties
[10] with cast-in timber battens [11] and 1/2" Diatomite
slabs [12] above. RC lintels [13] over openings.
Separating wall: Not known.
Partitions: Ground floor of clinker aggregate concrete
REFERENCE with brick skin and diatomite slabs on timber battens.
First floor of clinker aggregate concrete and Diatomite
BRE Report BR 275 slabs on timber battens.
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists on brick
stringer course.
Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Timber rafters, purlins and slates.

546 547
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Doric S020
Manufacturer: Modern Building Co. Alternative name:


Period built: 1920s

Number built:


2-storey semi-detached houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Concrete under- Composition ground floor.
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with tiles or slates. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: building. Roof cover of slates.
External walls rendered [roughcast] throughout with first External walls: PC block corner and intermediate piers
floor walls projecting over ground floor walls. Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) [1]. 10" walls to first floor level and 8" above of roughcast
PC block piers at corners. Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) building sheets [2], concrete [3], asbestos cement
Moulded cement string course at first floor level. Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) sheets [4]. Iron staples [5]. Timber wall plate [6]. Anchor
Exposed vertical cement cover strips. irons [7] and moulded cement string course [8] at first
floor level. Timber stretchers [9]. Vertical timber cover
strips covered with cement [10].
Separating wall: Not known.
Partitions: Not known.
Ground floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
REFERENCE Ceilings: Asbestos cement.
Roof: Timber rafters covered with tiles.
Housing, 16 February 1920
Moir Report

548 549
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Dry Walls S021

Manufacturer: Victoria Construction Co. Alternative name:

Designer: M Maberley-Smith

Period built: 1920s

Number built:


Bungalows and 2-storey semi-detached houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Concrete under- Roof covered with slates.
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with natural or assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: building. Concrete slab.
asbestos cement slates. External walls: Rendered [1] 3" dense aggregate
External walls rendered throughout. Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) concrete [2], bituminous sheet DPM [3], 3" clinker
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) aggregate concrete [4]. Wall ties [5]. 6" concrete block
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) corner and intermediate columns [6] with integral DPM
[7]. Cast-in fixing ties [8].
Separating wall: Not known.
Partitions: Not known.
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: Not known.
Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Structure not known. Asbestos cement tiles.

Moir Report

550 551
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Duo-Slab S022
Manufacturer: William Airey & Sons Ltd Alternative name: Airey

Designer: William Airey

Period built: 1920s

Number built: 4650


2-storey semi-detached and terraced houses. Variation in cross sectional area of clinker concrete Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Concrete under- Ground floor of timber boarding on suspended timber
Medium pitch hipped or gable roof covered with tiles. columns. building [1]. DPC. joists on clinker aggregate concrete sleeper walls.
External walls of render throughout. Horizontal and vertical cracking of render at joints External walls: Rendered [2] clinker concrete columns
between concrete blocks. [3] infilled with 3" clinker aggregate PC blocks [4], 2"
Nominal bearing of lintels. cavity, 3" clinker aggregate blocks [5]. Timber formers
High carbonation in clinker concrete columns. [6].
High sulfate content of clinker concrete. Separating wall: Clinker aggregate concrete columns
Bowing of flank external wall. infilled with clinker aggregate PC block cavity wall.
Partitions: Ground floor of clinker aggregate concrete
The system was also used for flats. columns infilled with clinker aggregate PC blocks. First
floor of timber stud lined with plasterboard.
Ground floor: Timber boarding on timber battens on
concrete. Concrete in kitchen.
REFERENCES First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
Ceilings: Not known.
PWBS No. 1 Roof: Timber rafters and tiles.
Bemis A F, The evolving house. Vol. III Rational design
Moir Report

552 553
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Easiform Type I S023

Manufacturer: J Laing Construction Ltd Alternative names: Easiform


Period built: 1919–1928

Number built: 2100


Bungalows and 2- and 3-storey semi-detached and Aggregate may contain unstable fractions of unburnt Substructure: Concrete strip footings [1]. DPC. Weep None known.
terraced houses. coal. holes [2].
Medium pitch hipped or gable roof covered with concrete External walls: Rendered [3] solid external walls of 8"
tiles. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and clinker aggregate concrete [4], timber wall plate [5].
External walls fair-faced concrete or rendered. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: Separating wall: Clinker concrete.
Partitions: Ground floor of clinker concrete. Upper floors
Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) of breeze block.
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) Ground floor: Clinker concrete.
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) Upper floors: T&G boarding on timber joists.
Ceilings: Plasterboard.
The system was also used for flats. Roof: Timber rafters, purlins and concrete tiles.


BRE Report BR 130

House Construction: The Easiform System, Cement &
Concrete Association, 1945, 4pp
PWBS No. 1

554 555
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Easiform Type II S024

Manufacturer: J Laing Construction Ltd Alternative names: Easiform
Laing Crosswall
Designer: Slipform

Period built: 1920s–1970s

Number built: 100,000


Bungalows and 2- and 3-storey semi-detached and Complete carbonation of concrete cover to dense RC Substructure: Concrete strip footings [1]. DPC. Weep Mid-1920s to 1945
terraced houses. external walls, particularly in properties built before holes [2]. External walls of dense RC, cavity, clinker aggregate
Medium pitch hipped or gable roof covered with concrete 1960. External walls: Rendered [3] 3" or 3 1/2" dense RC [4], concrete.
tiles. Minor cracking of RC external walls. 2" cavity, 3" to 3 1/2" clinker RC [5]. Wall ties [6]. Four Separating wall of 8" clinker concrete.
External walls fair-faced concrete or rendered. Out-of-plane movement of some flank walls. horizontal bands of MS reinforcement [7]. Expanded Clinker aggregate concrete partitions throughout.
Non-carbonate carbon content of clinker concrete inner metal lathing [8]. Timber wall plate [9].
leaf of external walls sometimes exceeds 10%. Separating wall: Clinker concrete cavity wall. Post 1945
Partitions: Ground floor of clinker concrete. Upper floors External walls partially clad with tile hanging on timber
The system was also used for flats. of breeze block. battens.
Ground floor: Clinker concrete. Brick external leaf.
Upper floors: T&G boarding on timber joists. Inner leaf of external walls of Lytag.
Ceilings: Plasterboard. Polythene cavity flashing above ground floor openings.
REFERENCES Roof: Timber rafters, purlins and concrete tiles. Galvanised metal straps to sides of floor joists.

BRE Report BR 130

House Construction: The Easiform System, Cement &
Concrete Association, 1945, 4pp
PWBS No. 1
NBA Certificate, February 1966, June 1967
Scottish NBA Certificate

556 557
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Edinburgh Foamed Slag S025

Manufacturer: Holland and Hannen and Cubitts Alternative name:

Designer: S Bunton

Period built: 1944

Number built: 2

No photograph available.


2-storey semi-detached houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete underbuilding. Concrete slab. Non-loadbearing partitions of 2" gypsum plaster planks.
Medium pitch gable roof covered with tiles. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: DPC.
External walls rendered throughout. External walls: Rendered [1] 7" foamed slag
Flat canopy over front door. Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) aggregate concrete [2], PRC lintel [3], PRC trim around
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) windows [4].
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) Separating wall: 4" foamed slag aggregate concrete
cavity wall with 2" cavity.
Partitions: Loadbearing partitions of 7" foamed slag
aggregate concrete.
Non-loadbearing partitions of 4" foamed slag aggregate
PC blocks.
Ground floor: Timber boarding on 2" foamed slag
aggregate concrete on 4" concrete on 1/2" cold asphalt
REFERENCE DPM on 3" ashes on 6" concrete slab.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
Ceilings: Plasterboard.
Roof: Timber rafters, timber sarking, bituminous felt
and tiles.

558 559
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Farrans No-Fines S026

Manufacturer: Alternative name: No-Fines


Period built: 1960s

Number built: 1000

Insufficient information available for detailed drawing.


2-storey terraced houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Not known. None known.
Medium pitch roof covered with tiles. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: External walls: Rendered no-fines concrete throughout.
External wals rendered throughout. Separating wall: Not known.
Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) Partitions: Not known.
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) Ground floor: Not known.
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) First floor: Not known.
Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Timber purlins, rafters and tiles.


560 561
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Fidler S027
Manufacturer: Alternative name:

Designer: D G Fidler

Period built: 1926–28

Number built: 2000


2-storey semi-detached and terraced houses. Vertical cracking of external walls and clinker concrete Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Concrete slab Brick string course in external walls at first floor level.
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with tiles. blocks. [1]. DPC. Separating wall of 9" brick.
External walls rendered throughout. Localised spalling of render. External walls: Rendered [2] dry laid 2 1/2" clinker
Corrosion of wall tie ends. concrete blocks [3], 4" concrete core [4], dry laid 2 1/2"
clinker concrete blocks [5]. MS wall ties [6]. Brick quoins
The system was also used for flats. [7] at corners. RC string course [8] at first floor level.
PRC lintels. Timber wall plate [9].
Separating wall: Clinker concrete block cavity with
concrete core.
Partitions: Brick or block.
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
Ceilings: Not known.
REFERENCES Roof: Timber rafters, purlins and tiles.

BRE Report BR 159

BRE Report BR 275
PWBS No. 1

562 563
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Firmcrete S028
Manufacturer: Firmcrete (London) Ltd Alternative name:


Period built: 1960s

Number built:


2-storey houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete footings. Concrete slab. Flank wall rendered throughout.
Flat roof covered with bituminous felt. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: External walls: Front and rear walls of storey height
Front and rear external walls of timber frame panels timber frame panels [1] clad with plywood [2] to first
clad with plywood to first floor level and tile hanging Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) floor level and tile hanging backed with building paper
above. Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) above [3] and lined with plasterboard [4]. Insulation
Brick flank wall. Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) between frame studs [5].
Flank wall of render [6], 9" cavity wall comprising two
The system was also used for flats. leaves of 2" chemically impregnated cement bonded
chipboard slabs (Firmcrete slabs) [7] with cavity filled
with RC [8]. Metal staples [9]. 1/4" starter bars [10]
between ground floor and first floor lifts.
Separating wall: 9" cavity wall of two leaves of 2"
Firmcrete slabs infilled with RC.
REFERENCE Partitions: 2 1/4" Firmcrete slabs.
Ground floor: Concrete.
The Architect and Building News, 19 May 1965 First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Timber joists, 2" Firmcrete slabs, insulation and
bituminous felt. Internal gutter [11].

564 565
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Foamed Slag S029

Manufacturer: Alternative name: No-Fines


Period built: 1946–51

Number built: 200


2-storey semi-detached houses. Vertical cracking of render and foamed slag no-fines Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Concrete slab. Smooth render string course at ground floor and first
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with concrete tiles, concrete external walls, particularly at window head level. Brick underbuilding [1]. DPC. floor lintel levels.
built above concrete flat roof extending 8" beyond Horizontal cracking of render and foamed slag no-fines External walls: Rendered [2] 9" foamed slag no-fines No reinforcement in first floor ring beam.
external walls. concrete external walls at ground and first floor level. concrete [3] with 4 reinforcing bars [4] adjacent to first Brick string course overhanging dense concrete plinth
External walls of brick or rendered throughout. Spalling of render at corners of external walls and at floor timber joists. RC ring beams [5] at first floor and and floor slab.
Some houses have recessed front door. ground floor lintel level. eaves level with 2 reinforcing bars at base of first floor PC outstand string course at ground floor lintel level.
Some houses have flat roofed PC canopy over front beam and 3 bars at base of eaves beam. DPC cavity PC window sill.
door. tray [6] over first floor joists.
Separating wall: Not known.
Partitions: Brick and concrete block.
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
Ceilings: Not known.
REFERENCE Roof: Timber rafters (recent modification) and concrete
tiles over flat concrete slab.
BRE Archive

566 567
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Forrester-Marsh S030
Manufacturer: Edwards Construction Co. Ltd Alternative name: Edwards Construction


Period built: 1920s

Number built: 50


2-storey terraced houses. Dense aggregate RC external walls fully carbonated. Substructure: RC slab [1] deepened below loadbearing None known.
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with tiles. Minor corrosion of reinforcement in dense aggregate RC walls to form downstand beams. DPC.
External walls rendered [pebbledash or smooth] external leaf of external walls. External walls: Rendered [2] 2 1/2" dense aggregate RC
throughout. Unsound clinker aggregate concrete in inner leaf of [3], 2 1/2" ventilated cavity, 3" clinker aggregate RC [4].
Re-entrant front door porch. external walls and partitions. Wall ties [5]. Rounded internal corners to inner leaf.
Horizontal and vertical cracking of dense aggregate RC Brick header course [6] at eaves level. Timber wall plate
external walls. [7]. Reinforcement detail, see Figure [A], shows mortar
spacing blocks [8] retained in wall cast with protruding
thin gauge metal straps [9]. 1/4" vertical reinforcement
[10] threaded through holes in each strap with adjacent
straps linked by 1/4" bar reinforcement [11].
Separating wall: Concrete.
Partitions: Clinker and dense aggregate concrete.
REFERENCES Ground floor: RC slab.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
BRE Report BR 155 Ceilings: Not known.
BRE Report BR 275 Roof: Timber rafters, purlins and tiles.
Moir Report

568 569
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Gadie S031
Manufacturer: Gadie Alternative name:

Designer: Gadie

Period built: 1920s

Number built: 82


2-storey semi-detached houses. Corrosion of reinforcement to clinker RC columns. Substructure: Clinker concrete underbuilding. DPC. Air Clinker concrete columns.
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with concrete tiles or Bowing of external walls. brick [1]. Roof cover of slates.
slates. Efflorescence on inner surface of some substructure External walls: Rendered [2] 4' 0" x 12" dry laid clinker
External walls rendered throughout with smooth render walls. aggregate concrete blocks [3], 4" cavity, 4' 0" x 12" dry
at building corners finished to mimic ashlar quoins. Distress to lintels. laid clinker aggregate concrete blocks [4]. Clinker RC
Square fronted single storey flat roofed bay to front columns [5] with 3/8" bar reinforcement formed by
elevation. chamfered ends of panels and timber formers [6]
RC window sills. retained within cavity.
Separating wall: Clinker aggregate concrete blocks.
Partitions: Not known.
Ground floor: Timber.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists built into
external wall.
REFERENCE Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Timber rafters covered with concrete tiles.

570 571
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Herald S032
Manufacturer: Page-Johnson Construction Ltd Alternative name: Page-Johnson

Designer: Page-Johnson Design Group

Period built: 1960s

Number built:


Bungalows and 2-storey terraced houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete ring beam. Concrete slab. Upper storey of front and rear external walls clad with
Shallow pitch hipped roof covered with interlocking assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: DPM. tile hanging.
concrete tiles. External walls: Front and rear walls of timber frame
Front and rear external walls clad with vertical timber Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) panels [1] directly clad with vertical timber boarding [2]
boarding to first floor level and shiplap timber boarding Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) backed with bituminous felt to first floor level and shiplap
or tile hanging above. Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) boarding above [3] and lined with foil-backed plaster-
Flank wall of textured finish concrete with ends exposed board [4]. Double 10" x 2" timber eaves beam [5] with
or faced with light coloured stone bricks. The system was also used for flats. polythyene DPM [6].
Flank wall of 8" lightweight aggregate concrete [7].
Separating wall: 8" dense aggregate concrete.
Partitions: Timber stud lined with plasterboard.
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: Chipboard on timber joists. 2" x 1/4" MS
REFERENCES straps [8]. Timber wall plate [9].
Ceilings: Not known.
CIBSA 1970 Roof: Timber rafters and binders covered with inter-
NBA Certificate January 1967 locking concrete tiles.

572 573
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Incast S033
Manufacturer: Metropolitan Concrete Co. Ltd Alternative name: No-Fines


Period built: 1940s

Number built: 5


2-storey detached and semi-detached houses. Investigated by BRE at prototype stage only. Guidance Substructure: Concrete strip foundations. RC under- Partitions of brick.
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with interlocking on inspection and assessment of reinforced concrete building [1]. Concrete slab. DPC. Suspended timber ground floor.
concrete tiles. durability is given in: External walls: 4' I-section no-fines PC columns [2].
External walls rendered throughout. Rendered [3] 10" no-fines RC [4] reduced to 4" at front
2-storey flat roofed bay window to front elevation. Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) elevation bay window [5]. Two layers of 1/4" bar rein-
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) forcement [6]. L-shaped no-fines RC eaves beam [7].
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) Timber wall plate [8].
Separating wall: 8" no-fines RC.
Partitions: PC block.
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists. RSJ [9]
encased in concrete adjacent to bay window.
Ceilings: Not known.
REFERENCES Roof: Timber rafters, purlins and tiles. Flat timber roof
[10] over first floor bay window.
BRE Report BR 157
BRE Archive (EP 40)

574 575
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Kirton S034
Manufacturer: Alternative name:


Period built: 1920s

Number built: 8


2-storey terraced houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete strip footings. DPC. Bay windows.
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with concrete tiles. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: External walls: Rendered [1] 9" concrete walls [2] with
External walls rendered throughout. cast-in tapered vertical and horizontal ventilation cavities
Rebated window reveals to accommodate window Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) [3] with air inlet/outlet holes [4]. Integral concrete corbel
frames. Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) [5] to support first floor joists. Integral window sill [6].
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) Separating wall: Not known.
Partitions: Concrete.
Ground floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Timber rafters, purlins and concrete tiles.


576 577
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Lamella S035
Manufacturer: F Hills & Sons Ltd Alternative name: Lamella Roofed Cottages


Period built: 1946–48

Number built: 183


2-storey detached and semi-detached houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete footings [1]. None known.
External walls of rendered in-situ no-fines concrete to assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: External walls: Rendered no-fines concrete to underside
ground floor continuous PC sill level, cavity brickwork of ground floor sills capped with PC plinth [2]. Cavity
above sill level to underside of projecting eaves. Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) brickwork from sill level to eaves of lamella roof [3].
Distinctively shaped lamella gable roof covered with tiles Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) Gable wall as front wall to eaves level with timber
or metal sheeting, with projecting flat topped dormer Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) framing above, overlaid with breather membrane [4]
windows. and directly clad with wooden shingles [5].
Gable roof apex rendered or shingled. Separating wall: Not known.
Partitions: Not known.
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: T&G timber boarding on stub joists carried
on RSJ [6] bearing on brickwork.
Ceilings: Plasterboard.
REFERENCE Roof: Timber lamella grid [7], shaped sprockets [8]
sarking felt and plain tiles [9].

578 579
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Lowestoft Borough S036

Manufacturer: Lowestoft Borough Council Alternative name:

Designer: S W Mobbs

Period built: 1920s

Number built:

No photograph available.


No information known. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Double L-section, None known.
assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: forming channel, PC block underbuilding filled with
concrete [1]. Concrete slab. DPC.
Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) External walls: L-section dense aggregate PC blocks
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) [2] and L-section clinker aggregate PC blocks [3],
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) forming channel, filled with concrete [4].
Separating wall: Not known.
Partitions: Not known.
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: Not known.
Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Not known.


Moir Report
Bemis A F, The evolving house. Vol. III Rational design

580 581
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Maxim S037
Manufacturer: A A Stuart & Sons (Glasgow) Ltd Alternative name:


Period built: 1949–1954

Number built: 700


2-storey semi-detached and terraced houses. Spalling of concrete at external wall corners. Substructure: Concrete strip footings. RC cavity under- First floor of composite Anderson timber joists.
Medium pitch gable roof covered with concrete tiles. building. Concrete slab. DPC.
External walls rendered [Pyroc] throughout. Not investigated in detail by BRE. Guidance on inspection External walls: Rendered [Pyroc] [1] 10 1/2" dense RC
PC window sills. and assessment of reinforced concrete durability is cavity walls [2] with 3 1/2" cavity, MS mesh reinforcement
Steel casement windows. given in: with 18" returns at building corners [3], 1/4" bars at
corners of all openings [4], 1/4" or 1/2" MS bars over
Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) openings [5] and 3/8" bars [6]. PRC cavity closers [7].
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) Wood asbestos fire stop to cavity.
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) Separating wall: Dense RC cavity.
Partitions: Ground floor of 3 1/2" dense concrete and
timber stud lined with plasterboard.
First floor of timber stud lined with plasterboard treated
with Pyrok.
REFERENCE Ground floor: Sand/cement screed on concrete.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists supported
NTHSc at mid-span on PRC beam.
Ceilings: Rendered plasterboard.
Roof: Timber rafters, purlins and concrete tiles.
Chimney: Concrete reinforced at each corner above
first floor level with 1/2" MS bars.

582 583
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Miller No-Fines S038

Manufacturer: Alternative names: Miller

Designer: J Miller & Partners Ltd

Period built: 1950

Number built:


2-storey semi-detached and terraced houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Concrete under- None known.
Medium pitch hipped or gable roof covered with inter- assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: building. Concrete slab. DPC.
locking concrete tiles. External walls: Rendered [1] 10" no-fines concrete [2]
External walls rendered throughout. Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) lined with plasterboard on timber battens [3]. Flashing
Flat canopy over front door. Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) over window and door openings.
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) Separating wall: No-fines concrete.
Partitions: Timber stud lined with plasterboard.
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: T&G boarding on composite timber and metal
lattice beams [4].
Ceilings: Plasterboard.
Roof: Timber trusses and interlocking concrete tiles.



584 585
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Miller Temporary Bungalow S039

Manufacturer: J Miller & Partners Ltd Alternative names: Miller
Miller No-Fines

Period built: 1945–46

Number built: 100


Detached bungalows. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete raft foundation. No-fines Steep pitch gable roof of timber trusses and concrete
Shallow pitch gable roof covered with asbestos cement assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: concrete perimeter and internal dwarf walls [1]. DPC. tiles.
sheets. External walls: Rendered [2] 8" no-fines concrete [3] External walls overclad with dry dash render, expanded
External walls rendered throughout. Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) lined with hardboard on timber battens [4]. metal lathing and polystyrene insulation.
Flat canopy over front door. Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) Separating wall: Not applicable.
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) Partitions: Timber stud lined with hardboard.
Ground floor: T&G boarding on timber battens on
Photo shows change to roof pitch after later alteration. timber joists on timber wall plate.
First floor: Not applicable.
Ceilings: Plasterboard.
Roof: Timber battens cast into no-fines concrete
external walls, timber rafters, purlins and asbestos
cement sheets.


586 587
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MOW Demonstration Expanded Clay S040

Manufacturer: Alternative names: Expanded Clay
MOW Demonstration

Designer: Ministry of Works

Period built: 1940s

Number built: 2


2-storey semi-detached houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Dense concrete None known.
Steep pitch gable roof covered with tiles. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: underbuilding. Concrete slab. DPC.
External walls rendered throughout. External walls: Rendered [1] 8" expanded clay
Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) aggregate concrete [2]. 3/8" continuous bar reinforce-
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) ment [3] surrounded by cement mortar 2" above door
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) head height, and above head of gable wall windows on
first floor.
Separating wall: 8" expanded clay aggregate
Partitions: 4" expanded clay aggregate concrete.
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
Ceilings: Not known.
REFERENCE Roof: Timber rafters and tiles.

588 589
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MOW Demonstration Foamed Slag S041

Manufacturer: Alternative names: Foamed Slag
MOW Demonstration

Designer: Ministry of Works

Period built: 1940s

Number built: 2


2-storey semi-detached houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Dense concrete None known.
Steep pitch gable roof covered with tiles. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: underbuilding. Concrete slab. DPC.
External walls rendered throughout. External walls: Rendered [1] 8" foamed slag aggregate
Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) concrete [2]. 3/8" continuous bar reinforcement [3]
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) surrounded by cement mortar 2" above door head height
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) on ground floor, and above head of gable wall windows
on first floor.
Separating wall: Foamed slag aggregate concrete.
Partitions: 4" foamed slag aggregate concrete.
Ground floor: Wood blocks on concrete.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Timber rafters, purlins and tiles.

590 591
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MOW Demonstration No-Fines S042

Manufacturer: Alternative names: MOW Demonstration

Designer: Ministry of Works

Period built: 1940s

Number built: 2


2-storey semi-detached houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Dense concrete None known.
Steep pitch gable roof covered with tiles. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: underbuilding. Concrete slab. DPC.
External walls rendered throughout. External walls: Rendered [1] 12" clinker aggregate no-
Flat canopy over front door. Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) fines concrete [2]. 3/8" continuous bar reinforcement [3]
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) surrounded by cement mortar 2" above door head height
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) on ground floor, and above head of gable wall windows
on first floor.
Separating wall: 8" ballast aggregate no-fines
Partitions: 4" ballast aggregate no-fines concrete.
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
Ceilings: Not known.
REFERENCE Roof: Timber rafters, purlins and tiles.

BRE Archive

592 593
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Mowlem S043
Manufacturer: Mowlem (Buildings) Ltd Alternative names: No-Fines

Designer: Constructional Services Ltd

Period built: 1965–81

Number built: 14,500


Bungalows and 2- and 3-storey semi-detached and Cracking of brickwork at separating wall junctions. Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Concrete under- Flat roof of timber joists, woodwool slabs and asphalt.
terraced houses. building [1]. Concrete slab. DPC. Roof of timber rafters, purlins and concrete tiles.
Shallow pitch gable or monopitch roof covered with The system was also used for flats. External walls: Brick [2], 2" cavity, 4"–5" aerated External walls of 9" no-fines concrete with dense RC ring
concrete tiles, or flat roof covered with asphalt. lightweight concrete [3]. Wall ties [4]. Continuous tie beams at first floor and eaves level.
External walls of brick or render throughout, or to first bar reinforcement [5] at first floor and eaves level, RSA Additional reinforcement over openings and 2 bands of
floor level and tile hanging or horizontal timber boarding [6] above openings. Timber wall plate [7]. continuous reinforcement below window openings.
above. Separating wall: 2" aerated lightweight concrete walls Rendered external walls.
Some dwellings have balconies, porches and bay cast back-to-back, keyed and bonded with wire ties. Upper storey external walls clad with tile hanging or
windows. Partitions: Lightweight aerated concrete. horizontal timber boarding on timber battens.
Ground floor: Concrete. Partitions of honeycomb plasterboard.
Upper floors: Timber boarding on timber joists on Concrete window sills.
rebated timber wall plate [8]. Asbestos cement soffit board.
Ceilings: Not known. Upper floors of timber boarding on timber joists built
REFERENCES Roof: Trussed rafters and concrete tiles. Flush fascia into inner leaf.
BRE Report BR 190
CIBSA 1970
NBA Certificates February 1966, November 1967

594 595
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O’Sullivan S044
Manufacturer: E O’Sullivan Alternative names: Miller O’Sullivan

Designer: E O’Sullivan

Period built: 1940s–1950

Number built: 100


2-storey semi-detached houses. Vertical cracking in external walls between ground and Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Concrete under- External wall with 11" PRC lintel.
Medium pitch hipped or gable roof covered with concrete first floor openings. building. Concrete slab. Honeycomb sleeper walls. DPC. Continuous RC course at eaves level.
tiles. External walls: Rendered [1] 11" concrete cavity walls Staggered air vents in both leafs.
External walls rendered throughout. [2] with 2" cavity, MS wall ties [3]. PC slip blocks seal Slate or asbestos cement liner to door and window
Tiled window sills. cavity at window and door openings. RC lintel over reveals.
Square fronted single storey flat roofed bay on front openings [4]. Lead DPM [5]. Timber wall plate [6]. Floor of 3" x 1 1/2" pressed steel joists and concrete.
elevation. Separating wall: 11" concrete cavity wall to eaves
Some houses have flat roof of bay continued as canopy level and 9" brick in roof space. 9" concrete behind
to front door. fireplace.
Partitions: 4 1/2" concrete block bonded [7] to external
walls and tied with MS hoops.
Ground floor: Timber boarding on timber joists on
timber wall plates on concrete sleeper walls.
REFERENCE First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
Ceilings: Plasterboard.
NTHSc Roof: Timber rafters, purlins and concrete tiles.
Chimney: 4 1/2" concrete block to ground floor and 4 1/2"
brick above.

596 597
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Parkwall S045
Manufacturer: Sir Lindsay Parkinson & Co. Alternative names: Lindsay Parkinson
Outinard Parkinson

Period built: 1960s

Number built: 3100


Bungalows and 2-storey terraced houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Brick under- Flat roof covered with asphalt or bituminous felt.
Medium pitch gable roof covered with concrete tiles, or assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: building [1]. Concrete slab. DPC.
flat roof covered with asphalt or bituminous felt. External walls: Front and rear walls of storey height
Front and rear external walls clad with plywood with Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) timber frame panels [2] directly clad with plywood [3]
Arpax finish or other claddings. Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) with Arpax finish and lined with foil-backed plasterboard
Flank wall of brick. Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) [4]. Polystyrene insulation between frame studs [5].
Wedge-shaped timber packing [6] and polythene
The system was also used for flats. membrane [7].
Gable wall clad in brick [8], cavity, 7" concrete inner leaf
[9], butterfly and galvanised MS strip ties [10]. 2 coats
bituminous paint, mortar joint as fire stop [11]. Timber
bearer at first floor level [12]. RSA [13] at eaves level.
Separating wall: 8" concrete.
REFERENCES Partitions: Timber stud lined with plasterboard.
Ground floor: Concrete, mineral wool insulation and
CIBSA 1967 sand/cement screed.
NBA Certificates February 1966, June 1967 First floor: Chipboard on timber joists.
Ceilings: Plasterboard.
Roof: Timber trusses and purlins and concrete tiles.

598 599
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Permacrete S046
Manufacturers: Cemacrete Ltd Alternative names: Cemacrete

Designer: H E Cavell

Period built: 1940s

Number built:


2-storey semi-detached houses. Investigated by BRE at prototype stage only. Guidance Substructure: Concrete strip footings. RC under- Cement/sand screed to first floor.
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with clay or concrete on inspection and assessment of reinforced concrete building. Concrete slab. DPC. Timber ceiling joists at eaves level.
tiles. durability is given in: External walls: Rendered 9" RC comprising 3' x 2' x 1" Roof cover of clay tiles.
External walls rendered throughout. PC slabs [1], 6 1/2" RC infill [2], 1 1/2" PC slabs [3].
String course at first floor level. Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) 3/16
" MS ties [4]. 1/2" MS bars [5] at first floor and eaves
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) level. Stringer course at first floor level [6]. PRC window
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) and door surrounds [7]. Timber wall plate bolted to first
floor ceiling slab [8].
Separating wall: 9 1/2" RC comprising 1 1/2" PC slabs,
RC infill, 1 1/2" PC slabs. 9" brick in roof space.
Partitions: 6" RC comprising 1 1/2" PC slabs, 3" RC infill,
1 1/2" PC slabs to first floor level and 2 1/2" clinker concrete
blocks above.
REFERENCE Ground floor: T&G timber blocks on sand/cement
screed on concrete.
BRE Archive (EP 154) First floor: Timber boarding on timber battens cast in
6" RC slab on 1 1/2" PC slab permanent shuttering [9].
Ceilings: 5" RC slab.
Roof: Timber rafters, purlins and concrete tiles.

600 601
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Quikform S047
Manufacturer: C Bryant & Son Alternative names: Bryant
Bryant Kwikform
Bryant Quikform
Designer: Bryant System A

Period built: 1945 onward

Number built:


2-storey semi-detached and terraced houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete strip footings [1]. Concrete Roof of RSA trusses.
Shallow pitch hipped roof covered with concrete tiles, or assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: slab. DPC. Flat roof of suspended concrete slab and bituminous felt
flat roof covered with asphalt or bituminous felt. External walls: Rendered [2] 4" concrete [3], 2 1/4" or asphalt.
External walls rendered throughout. Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) clinker concrete blocks [4], 1 1/2" cavity, 2 1/4" clinker Loadbearing partitions of clinker concrete or terracotta
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) concrete blocks [5]. Horizontal reinforcement above wall blocks.
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) and below openings and at first floor level [6]. RSA [7] Ground floor of suspended concrete.
above openings supporting blockwork. DPM [8]. Metal
tube weep and vent holes [9]. Timber wall plate [10].
Block beam filling [11].
Separating wall: 8" hollow clinker concrete blocks
filled with lightly reinforced concrete.
Partitions: Loadbearing of brick. Non-loadbearing of 2"
clinker concrete.
REFERENCE Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: 2" concrete slab with integral downstand
Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Timber rafters, purlins and concrete tiles.

602 603
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Rumble S048
Manufacturer: Tersons Ltd Alternative name:

Designer: Hugh Casson

Period built: 1952–53

Number built: 8


2-storey semi-detached and terraced houses. Spalling and cracking of PRC roof panels due to Substructure: Not known. DPC. Roof trusses removed.
Shallow pitch gable roof covered with asphalt. corrosion of reinforcement. External walls: Rendered [1] 10" dense RC cavity wall
External walls rendered throughout. Cracking of roof slabs. [2] of 4" leaves with 2" discontinuous cavity; leaves
RC integral roof and gutter panels. Horizontal cracking of gable wall at eaves level. joined by integral webs [3]. Galvanised MS ties in webs.
Absence of movement joints. Mesh reinforcement [4]. 3" radius corners to floor to
Vertical cracking of chimney stack. wall and wall to wall junctions [5]. External wall cavity
open at eaves level. Additional reinforcement over
openings [6].
Separating wall: Not known.
Partitions: Dense RC.
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: 4" RC slab [7].
Ceilings: Ground floor not known. First floor of RC slabs
Roof: RSA roof trusses [9] with bottom and top cord of
truss cast into first floor RC ceiling slab and junction
between adjacent roof slabs. 6" dished RC panels [10]
with integral gutter and asphalt.

604 605
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Schindler S049
Manufacturer: Hawksley Construction Alternative names: AW Hawksley
AW Hawksley SGS
Designer: G Schindler Hawksley
Hawksley SGS
Schindler-Gohner System
Period built: 1949–54 SGS

Number built: 1400

joined. Concrete tiles.
2-storey semi-detached and terraced houses. DESIGNATED DEFECTIVE Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Brick under-
Medium pitch gable roof covered with concrete tiles. building. Concrete slab extended to form plinth. DPC.
External walls of brick throughout. Concrete cover to steel reinforcement minimal or absent Frame: 5" x 4 5/8" RC corner columns [1] and concrete
in places. intermediate columns [2] with starter bars at ground VARIANTS
Corrosion of wire wall ties tying brickwork to RC floor level and continuity bars at column heads. RC ring
columns. beams [3] at first floor and eaves level. 13 1/4" RC Inner leaf of external walls of 1 3/4" foamed plaster
spine beam. Formwork of plasterboard or fibre bonded to 3/4" layer of fibre reinforced plaster cast into
reinforced plaster sheets retained for columns and aluminium edge strips.
beams. Timber wall plate [4]. Separating wall in roof space of asbestos cement
External walls: 4 1/2" brick [5] tied to frame with sheets infilled with 4" mica concrete.
galvanised steel wires, 5" cavity, storey height timber Roof of RSA trusses.
framing [6] fixed to column and beam formwork and lined
with bituminous paper and 2 layers of plasterboard [7].
REFERENCE Separating wall: RC corner columns and ring beams
and concrete intermediate column. Timber frame cavity
Hawksley SGS houses, technical information (BRE OP 35, wall lined with bituminous paper and 2 layers of
1986) plasterboard with 2" cavity. 4" PC blocks in roof space.
Partitions: Plaster panels.
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
Ceilings: Not known.

606 607
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Solvyt S050
Manufacturer: Alternative name:

Designer: R G Roberts (Architect Newcastle


Period built: 1927

Number built: 44


2-storey semi-detached and terraced houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Engineering External wall outer leaf of brick.
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with slates or concrete assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: brick underbuilding. DPC. Roof covered with slates.
tiles. External walls: Asbestos-cement-faced clinker concrete
External walls of brick or asbestos-cement-faced clinker Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) blocks [1] with facing extending 1" beyond ends and
concrete blocks. Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) base of blocks, cavity filled with clinker concrete [2],
Eaves height square fronted gable roofed bays to front Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) 4" clinker concrete blocks [3] to first floor level and 3"
elevation. clinker concrete blocks above. Galvanised MS wall ties
The system was also used for flats. [4]. Concrete lintel [5] supporting inner leaf. RC ring
beam reinforced with 3" x 2" RSA [6].
Separating wall: Not known.
Partitions: Brick and block.
Ground floor: Timber joists on sleeper walls.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
REFERENCE Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Timber rafters, purlins and concrete tiles.

608 609
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SSHA No-Fines S051

Manufacturer: SSHA Alternative names: No-Fines
SSHA Cellular Concrete
Designer: SSHA

Period built: 1940–41

Number built: 550


2-storey semi-detached and terraced houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Brick under- Roof cover of slates or plain tiles.
Medium pitch hipped or gable roof covered with concrete assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: building [1]. DPC.
tiles or slates. External walls: Rendered [2] 8" no-fines concrete [3].
External walls rendered throughout. Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) Separating wall: 8" no-fines concrete.
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) Partitions: No-fines concrete or prefabricated plaster
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) panels.
Ground floor: Timber boarding on timber joists [4].
The system was also used for flats. First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists [5] or
The naming of SSHA Wartime non-traditional houses is Ceilings: Plasterboard.
imprecise. No-fines is occasionally referred to as cellular Roof: Timber rafters and concrete tiles.
concrete and vice versa.


BRE Report BR 191


610 611
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SSHA Wartime Cellular Concrete S052

Manufacturer: SSHA Alternative names: No-Fines
SSHA No-Fines
Designer: SSHA

Period built: 1940

Number built: 100


2-storey semi-detached and terraced houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Brick under- None known.
Flat roof covered with bituminous felt. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: building [1]. Concrete slab. DPC.
External walls rendered throughout. External walls: Rendered [2] 8" no-fines concrete [3].
Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) Separating wall: 8" no-fines concrete.
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) Partitions: No-fines concrete.
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: RC slab [4].
The naming of SSHA Wartime non-traditional houses is Ceilings: Plaster.
imprecise. No-fines is occasionally referred to as cellular Roof: RC slab and bituminous felt.
concrete and vice versa.


BRE Report BR 191


612 613
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Sunskeeme S053
Manufacturer: Sunley System Houses Ltd Alternative name:

Designer: Sunley System Houses Ltd

Period built: 1966–70

Number built:

Insufficient information available for detailed drawing.


2-storey terraced houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Concrete slab. Upper storey external walls clad with tile hanging.
Shallow pitch gable roof covered with tiles. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: DPC. Front and rear upper storey external walls clad with
External front and rear walls of asbestos cement panels External walls: Front and rear walls of storey height aluminium sheets.
to ground floor window sill level and horizontal timber Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) timber frame panels directly clad with asbestos cement
boarding, aluminium sheets or tile hanging above. Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) panels to ground floor window sill level and horizontal
Gable wall of brick throughout or to first floor level and Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) timber boarding above.
tile hanging above. Gable wall of brick, cavity, RC.
Flat canopy over front door with slatted timber side Separating wall: RC.
panels. Partitions: Ground floor not known. First floor of
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: RC slab cast monolithically with gable and
cross walls to form H-frames.
REFERENCE Ceilings: Concrete slab.
Roof: Prefabricated sectional roof and tiles.
CIBSA 1970

614 615
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Tenaplas S054
Manufacturer: Tenaplas Ltd Alternative name:
Edron Trust

Designer: Tenaplas Ltd

Period built: 1940s

Number built: 2


2-storey semi-detached houses. Investigated by BRE at prototype stage only. Guidance Substructure: Concrete underbuilding. Concrete slab. External wall render reinforced with wire mesh.
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with clay tiles. on inspection and assessment of reinforced concrete DPC.
External walls rendered [roughcast] throughout. durability is given in: External walls: Rendered [1] 3' x 1' 6" x 8" hollow
woodwool slabs [2], 6" RC sill course [3] poured over
Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) rag bolts [4] cast-in to concrete substructure. 8" x 8"
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) RC corner columns [5] reinforced with 1/2" bars. 6" x 4"
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) concrete posts [6] reinforced with 1/2" bar at window
jambs and door posts. 8" x 6" RC string course [7] at
first floor level, 6" x 6" RC string course [8] at eaves
level. Galvanised wire wall ties [9]. Steel flats [10].
Separating wall: Concrete posts and hollow woodwool
Partitions: 4" clinker aggregate concrete blocks with 2"
REFERENCE woodwool slabs to first floor level.
Ground floor: 9" x 3" urea-resin bonded blocks on
BRE Archive (EP 81) bitumen DPM on concrete.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Timber rafters, purlins and clay tiles.

616 617
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Unit No-Fines S055

Manufacturer: Unit Construction Co. Ltd Alternative names: Lovatt
Wilson Lovatt and Sons Ltd No-Fines
Designer: Unit Construction Co. Ltd Unit
Wilson Lovatt
Wilson Lovatt 83
Period built: 1927–1950s

Number built: 4350


2-storey semi-detached and terraced houses. Pre-war houses Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Dense concrete Pre-war houses
Medium pitch hipped or gable roof covered with clay or Cracking of clinker concrete above communal walkways underbuilding [1]. Concrete slab. DPC. First floor of lightweight steel joists.
concrete tiles. and above and below door and window openings. External walls: Rendered [2] 8" clinker no-fines RC [3] Roof of lightweight steel trusses.
External walls rendered throughout. with 1/2" bar reinforcement at ground floor window head
Post-war houses [4] and below openings extending up to 18" beyond Post-war houses
Cracking in foamed slag concrete external walls. reveals. External walls of foamed slag concrete.
Horizontal cracking of external walls coincident with Separating wall: 8" foamed slag concrete. Separating wall of foamed slag no-fines concrete.
reinforcement. Partitions: Clinker concrete blocks tied to external and Partitions of clinker block.
Foamed slag concrete friable and weak but usually separating walls with iron hoops grouted into cored Roof covered with clay tiles.
sufficient for use in 2-storey houses. recesses. Dense concrete blocks below DPC level. Chimney breast of brick.
Ground floor: Concrete.
General First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
Aggregate may contain unstable fractions of unburnt Ceilings: Not known.
REFERENCES coal. Roof: Timber trusses and concrete tiles.
Chimney breast: Foamed slag concrete.
BRE Report BR 275
PWBS No. 1

618 619
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Universal S056
Manufacturer: Universal Construction Co. Ltd Alternative name:


Period built: 1920s onward

Number built: 1060


2-storey semi-detached houses. Severe corrosion of RSC stanchions. Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Concrete under- External walls rendered throughout or to first floor level.
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with clay or concrete Severe corrosion of reinforcement in clinker and dense building [1]. Concrete slab. DPC presumed. External walls overclad with 4 1/2" brick.
tiles. aggregate concrete. External walls: Horizontal asbestos cement channel External walls of 4 1/2" brick bonded directly to RC.
External walls of horizontal asbestos cement sheets or Cracking of concrete external wall and asbestos cement section boards [2], 6 3/4" clinker and dense aggregate Partitions of timber stud lined with asbestos cement
rendered throughout or rendered to first floor level. channel section boarding. RC [3] with horizontal reinforcement. 3 1/2" x 2" RSC sheets.
Some houses have external walls of brick throughout. High carbonation of clinker and dense aggregate stanchions [4] and timber battens [5] lined with asbestos Roof covered with clay tiles.
Some houses have brick chimneys. concrete. cement sheets [6]. Timber cover fillets [7]. MS wall
Rain penetration of asbestos cement boarding. plates [8].
Medium chloride level in concrete external walls. Separating wall: 7 1/2" clinker RC with RSC stanchions
Cracking of chimney stacks above roof level. and timber battens lined with asbestos cement sheets.
Partitions: Clinker aggregate concrete.
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
REFERENCES Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Timber rafters and concrete tiles.
BRE Report BR 158
BRE Report BR 275

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Vine & Vine S057

Manufacturer: Mattock & Parsons Alternative name:

Designer: Vine & Vine

Period built: 1948

Number built:


2-storey semi-detached houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: RC slab thickened below external and External wall and partitions lined with insulation and
Medium pitch gable roof covered with clay tiles. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: separating walls to form trench footings. Slab projects plasterboard.
External walls of concave asbestos cement sheets 3' beyond external walls to form path around house. DPC. Insulation to external walls.
sprung between small section eaves height timber Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) External walls: External and internal 2" x 2" eaves height Window sills of dense PC units.
posts. Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) moulded and grooved timber posts [1] connected by 1/2"
Some houses have single storey garage extension. Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) MS tubes [2]. Concave asbestos cement panels [3],
clinker no-fines RC [4] reinforced with 3/8" MS horizontal
bars above DPC level [5], 5/8" MS bars at first floor level
[6] and 3/8" MS bars at eaves level [7], hardboard [8].
Separating wall: Clinker no-fines concrete.
Partitions: 2 1/2" clinker concrete blocks lined with hard-
board on timber battens and with vertical joints covered
with timber battens. Sliding wooden partition (in curved
REFERENCE sliding track) between dining/kitchen/living areas.
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists bolted to
RSA [9]. Intermediate support to joists provided by
6" x 3" RSJ spanning between cross walls and 5" x 3"
steel stanchion.
Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Timber rafters, purlins and clay tiles.

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Wakefield Special S058

Manufacturer: Alternative name:


Period built: 1920s

Number built:

Insufficient information available for detailed drawing.


2-storey semi-detached houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Not known. None known.
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with plain tiles. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: External walls: No-fines concrete, rendered throughout.
External walls rendered throughout. Separating wall: Not known.
Brick soldier course over ground floor windows and Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) Partitions: Not known.
door. Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) Ground floor: Not known.
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) First floor: Not known.
Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Plain tiles.


624 625
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War Office No-Fines S059

Manufacturer: Alternative name: No-Fines

Designers: Building Research Station and

War Office

Period built: 1953

Number built: 20


2-storey semi-detached houses. Dampness in kitchens. Substructure: Not known. None known.
Medium pitch gable roof covered with concrete tiles. Cracked and loose internal plaster panels. External walls: Rendered [1] 11" no-fines concrete wall
External walls rendered throughout. [2], coffered plaster panels [3] with bitumen coating [4].
Plaster panels tied to temporary external shuttering by
wire ties [5]. RC ring beams [6] at first floor and eaves
Separating wall: No-fines concrete lined with coffered
plaster panels.
Partitions: Not known.
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: RC slab on T-section PC joists.
Ceilings: Ground floor plaster ceiling panels.
First floor not known.
REFERENCE Roof: Timber rafters and concrete tiles.

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Weir No-Fines S060

Manufacturer: Weir Housing Corporation Ltd Alternative names: No-Fines

Designer: Weir Housing Corporation Ltd

Period built: 1949–1950s

Number built: 100


2-storey semi-detached and terraced houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Concrete under- None known.
Medium pitch gable roof covered with tiles. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: building. Concrete slab. DPC.
External walls rendered throughout. External walls: Rendered [1] 10" no-fines concrete [2].
Flat PC canopy over front door. Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) RC beams at first floor [3] and at eaves level [4].
Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) Timber wall plate [5].
Carbonation depths in structural-quality concrete (BR 19) Partitions: Timber stud lined with plasterboard.
Ground floor: Sand/cement screed on DPM on
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists on PS
Ceilings: Plasterboard.
Roof: Timber trusses, insulation board sarking,
bituminous felt and tiles.


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Whatling S061
Manufacturer: J L Whatling Ltd Alternative name:


Period built: 1919–1930s

Number built: 500


2-storey semi-detached houses. Vertical cracking in dense aggregate RC external walls. Substructure: Concrete strip foundations, Concrete Mansard roof.
Medium pitch hipped or mansard roof covered with clay Horizontal cracking in dense aggregate RC external underbuilding. DPC [1]. Drainage holes [2]. Roof covered with clay tiles.
or concrete tiles. walls over ground floor windows. External walls: Rendered [pebbledash] [3] dense
External walls rendered [pebbledash] throughout. Absence of vertical movement joints in external walls. aggregate RC cavity walls [4] with leaves tied with
Some houses have bay windows at ground floor front Damp problems in dense aggregate RC external walls. galvanised wall ties [5], 3" cavity. Horizontal 1/2" bar
elevation. reinforcement [6] lapped at corners. DPC [7] at first
Flat canopy to front door. floor level and at eaves level. Air bricks [8]. PRC window
and door surrounds [9]. Brick external window sill [10].
Tiled internal sill [11]. Timber wall plate [12].
Separating wall: Dense aggregate concrete.
Partitions: Dense aggregate concrete.
Ground floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
REFERENCE Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Timber rafters and concrete tiles.
House Construction: The Whatling System, Cement &
Concrete Association, 1946, 4pp

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Wimpey No-Fines S062

Manufacturer: George Wimpey & Co. Ltd Alternative names: Butterfly
Butterfly No-Fines
Designer: Gateshead Butterfly
Gateshead No-Fines
Period built: 1940s–1970s Wimpey
Wimpey W6M

Number built: 300,000


Bungalows and 2-storey semi-detached and terraced Vertical cracking of no-fines concrete external walls. Substructure: Concrete strip footings. Brick under- 1945–1952
houses Horizontal cracking of render above window drips. building [1]. Concrete slab. DPC. External walls of 12" no-fines concrete.
Medium pitch hipped or gable roof covered with tiles, or Scarcity and corrosion of wall ties to brick cladding. External walls: Rendered [2] 10" no-fines RC [3] with RC eaves beams. PRC lintels above openings; 2" deep
flat or shallow valley roof covered with bituminous felt or Low to high rates of carbonation of dense aggregate horizontal tie reinforcement [4]. Dense RC eaves beams at external face and 3" deep at internal face.
asphalt. concrete ring beams. [5]. PRC lintel [6] with projecting reinforcement above
External walls of render throughout, or to front and rear openings. Timber wall plate [7]. 1957 onward
walls and flank wall of brick. The system was also used for flats. Separating wall: 10" no-fines RC with tie reinforcement. Gable or flank external wall with two 5/8" reinforcing bars
Precast concrete corbel to gable end eaves. Partitions: Timber stud lined with plasterboard. or 16" band of mesh reinforcement at ground floor level.
Some dwellings have front bay windows. Ground floor: concrete.
First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists on metal 1964 onward
corbels [8]. External walls of 8" no-fines concrete with 21" band of
Ceilings: Plasterboard. mesh reinforcement at first floor level.
Roof: Timber rafters, purlins and tiles. PRC rectangular or boot lintel above openings.
REFERENCES Bitumastic DPM above lintel.
9" no-fines concrete separating wall, possibly rendered.
BRE Report BR 153 Ground floor of suspended concrete or timber boarding
BRE Report BR 191 on timber joists.
BRE Film Archive First floor of timber joists in pockets cast into external
NBA Certificate February 1966, May 1967 walls.
Scottish NBA Certificate March 1966 Flat or bowstring roofs of timber covered with bituminous
felt or asphalt.

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Appendix to Part Three


Calway AS001

Combined Concrete Construction AS002

Manufacturer: Combined Concrete Construction Ltd CONSTRUCTION
Period built: 1920 External walls: 4" hollow tiles, cavity, 4" hollow tiles.
Cavity filled with concrete. T-section concrete beams.
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: Concrete on concrete beams.

Ctesiphon AS003
Manufacturer: Barchild Constructions Ltd CONSTRUCTION
Designer: Barchild Constructions Ltd Roof: Parabolic roof with corrugations at 4' 0" centres,
Period built: 1940s double skin construction and rendered.
2-storey detached houses.
Parabolic shaped corrugated concrete shell roof with
large overhang front and rear.
BRE Archive

Davies AS004
Manufacturer: Davies Estates Ltd CONSTRUCTION
Designer: Davies Estates Ltd Substructure: Concrete slab deepened under external
Period built: 1940s walls to form concrete underbuilding.
Number built: 2 External walls: Ground floor front and rear walls of
aerated RC, first floor of storey height steel stanchions
IDENTIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS fixed on ground floor elements infilled with grooved
2-storey semi-detached houses. concrete slabs clad with tile hanging.
Pitched roof covered with large concrete tiles. Flank wall of 6" x 15" storey height PRC panels. Lined
External walls of concrete to first floor level and tile with plasterboard.
hanging above. Separating wall: 5" x 15" storey height PRC panel
cavity wall.
Ground floor: Concrete.
First floor: Hollow PRC floor slabs.
Roof: Steel trusses, purlins and large concrete tiles.

Davis J AS005
Designer: A E Sherman CONSTRUCTION
Period built: 1940s Steel shutters for no-fines concrete.
BRE Archive

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F3C and F4C Concrete Houses AS006 Laidlow Thornton AS013

Designer: Lanark County Council CONSTRUCTION
Period built:
Number built:
External walls: Rendered RC.
Partitions: RC.
Lo Rona AS014
Ground floor: RC slab. Designer: W S Owen CONSTRUCTION
IDENTIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS First floor: RC slab. Period built: 1920 Substructure: Concrete underbuilding.
2-storey semi-detached houses.
Roof: Screeded PC slabs and bituminous felt. External walls: Concrete columns with short steel rods
Pitched roof or flat roof covered with bituminous felt.
External walls rendered throughout. at base. Grooved PC slab cavity walls with cavity filled
VARIANTS with concrete. Iron cramps in vertical grooves. Cement
NOTES FOR SURVEYORS Roof of timber trusses over flat PC slabs. in horizontal grooves. Concrete lintels, possibly
Internal condensation. reinforced with iron bars.
Corrosion of metal windows. Ground floor: Concrete.
Deterioration of bituminous felt roof cover. First floor: Concrete on concrete beams.
The system was also used for flats.

Firth AS007 MacKeown AS015

Manufacturer: J MacKeown CONSTRUCTION
Giles AS008 Period built: 1920 Substructure: DPC.
External walls: Grooved eaves height PC columns.
Designer: C Giles CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE Concrete cavity walls.
Period built: 1920–25 External walls: Dense concrete poured in-situ in two BRE Archive (EP 157)
leaves between wooden formwork, leaving a thin central
REFERENCE cavity which was later filled with poured bitumen to
Bemis form a continuous vertical DPC. Multilite AS016
Alternative names: Selleck Nicholls
Hughes AS009 Selleck Nicholls & Williams

Intercon AS010 MWM AS017

Designer: Denis Clarke Hall CONSTRUCTION Alternative name: Stanley Miller
Period built: 1940s External walls: 9" in-situ concrete directly clad with
brick at ground floor level. Storey height timber frame
IDENTIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS timber panels clad with timber above first floor level.
2-storey semi-detached houses. Separating wall: 9" in-situ concrete.
Rapirect AS018
Shallow pitch roof clad with asbestos cement sheets. Ground floor: Concrete. Designer: Henry Jennings and Homer CONSTRUCTION
Brick cladding to ground floor returned round corners, Roof: Shallow pitch steel trusses covered with Period built: 1940s Substructure: RC raft thickened under perimeter and
with timber clad timber panels above. asbestos cement sheets. 1" glass fibre insulation. internal walls.
IDENTIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS External walls: RC posts cast between twin leaf 2 1/2"
REFERENCE 2-storey semi-detached houses.
BRE Archive (EP 37) concrete block leaves. Exposed block outer face of hard
Flat roof. Durastone aggregate. Plastered internally.
NOTES FOR SURVEYORS Projecting semi-wing (much larger than a simple bay) on Separating wall: 9" in-situ concrete.
Investigated by BRE at prototype stage only. front elevation. Ground floor: 6" concrete raft thickened at perimeter
Staircase of separate treads and risers supported off and under loadbearing internal walls.
serrated brick walls. First floor: Inverted PRC T-beams covered with clinker
Intrad AS011 concrete.
Manufacturer: Fram Gerrard Ltd CONSTRUCTION Roof: Inverted PRC T-beams covered with clinker concrete.
BRE Archive
Designer: Fram Gerrard Ltd Substructure: Concrete.
Period built: 1964–70 External walls: Front and rear walls of brick.
Alternative name: Intrad/H Flank wall of brick-faced RC. RCC AS019
Separating wall: RC.
IDENTIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS Ground floor: RC. Manufacturer: Rogers Construction Co. Ltd CONSTRUCTION
Low rise terraced houses. Intermediate floors: RC cast monolithically with cross Period built: 1920s Substructure: Concrete strip footings, rebated 1" depth
Shallow pitch gable or flat roof. walls on table forms. Alternative names: Rogers Concrete Construction to receive external walls. DPC.
External walls of brick throughout or front and rear walls Ceilings: RC. Rogers Construction External walls: 4" no-fines RC external leaf, 4" clinker
of PC panels to first floor level and tile hanging above. RC internal leaf. Both leaves reinforced with MS sheets
VARIANTS IDENTIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS with triangular perforations bent inwards and outwards,
NOTES FOR SURVEYORS Front and rear external walls of PC panels. 2-storey semi-detached houses. joined together with MS clips.
The system was also used for flats. Upper storey front and rear walls clad with tile hanging. Medium pitch hipped roof with clay tiles. Separating wall: 8" clinker RC.
Ceilings of plasterboard. External walls fairfced or rendered throughout. Partitions: 4" clinker RC.
Roofs: Timber joists and purlins, and plain tiles.
King & Howse AS012
Period built: 1940s CONSTRUCTION
Concrete blocks with in-situ concrete infilling.
BRE Archive (EP 157)

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Walemesh AT111
Walker AT112
Number built: 60
to the digital edition
Wallis AT113
Manufacturer: John Wallis and Co. CONSTRUCTION
Period built: 1920s Substructure: Not known.
External walls: Timber frame panels infilled with flint-
IDENTIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS faced concrete and lined with lath and plaster.
External walls of exposed timber frame panels infilled
with flint-faced concrete.

Walton T114
Manufacturer: F Walton CONSTRUCTION
Period built: 1920s Substructure: Slate footings. Concrete underbuilding.
External walls: Balloon frame construction. Eaves height
IDENTIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS timber frame panels tied together with vertical iron rods
2-storey houses. and covered with lath and render and lath and plaster.
Medium pitch hipped roof. Ground floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
External walls of lath and render and lath and plaster. First floor: Timber boarding on timber joists.
Moir Report

Welgrave AT115

Western AT116
Manufacturer: Western Timber Co.

Whatlings Redwood AT117

Wilson AT118

Woodclad AT119

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Span Type K ADM001

Manufacturer: Span Developments Ltd Alternative name: Span

Designer: Eric Lyons

Period built: 1967–69

Number built: 341

Insufficient information available for detailed drawing.


Terraced bungalows and 2- and 3-storey terraced Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Not known. None known.
houses. assessment of steel framed houses is given in: Frame: Coupled RS A-frames placed centrally on plan.
Shallow pitch monopitch roof, or double monopitch roof Protective coating: Not known.
of sawtooth section, covered with asbestos Steel framed and steel clad houses: inspection and External walls: Front and rear walls of timber frame
cement slates. External walls of brick, painted asbestos assessment (BR 113) panels with asbestos cement, brick, vertical timber
cement sheet, asbestos cement slate hanging or Inpecting steel houses (IP 14/87) boarding cladding or asbestos cement slate hanging to
painted vertical timber boarding to first floor level, and Maintaining and improving steel houses (IP 15/87) first floor level, and vertical timber boarding or asbestos
stained vertical timber boarding or asbestos cement cement slate hanging above. Gable wall of brick, cavity
slate hanging to upper floors. Single storey entrance The system was also used for flats. and blockwork.
porch to most dwellings, clad in stained vertical timber Separating wall: Brick, faced externally with 9" width
boarding, with flat roof. painted asbestos cement panels.
Some dwellings have single storey rear extensions with Partitions: Timber stud lined with plasterboard.
flat or monopitch roofs. Ground floor: Concrete.
Painted asbestos cement sheet panels at separating wall. First floor: Timber panels.
Gable wall of brick throughout. Ceilings: Plasterboard.
Roof: Pitched roof of timber panels on timber purlins,
and asbestos-cement slates. Flat roof of timber panels
REFERENCE and bituminous felt.

Architectural Design and Construction, February 1944

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Occident ADP001
Manufacturer: British Occident Concrete Alternative name: Wheatley
Construction Co. Ltd

Designer: John Bland

Period built: 1926–27

Number built: 30

Insufficient information available for detailed drawing.


2-storey semi-detached houses. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete strip footings. None known.
Medium pitch hipped roof covered with clay tiles. assessment of reinforced concrete durability is given in: External walls: Full width storey height 71/2" PC
External walls of storey height PC panels throughout, panels incorporating door and window frames to
painted to first floor level and covered with tile hanging Corrosion of steel in concrete (BRE Digest 444, Pts 1–3) ground floor on mortar bed, with 2" exposed dense
above. Repair and maintenance of reinforced concrete (BR 254) aggregate outer leaf, 31/2" cavity with loose clinker
Bay window to front elevation with spandrel panels of Carbonation depths in structural quality concrete (BR 19) fill, and 2" clinker concrete inner leaf, finished skim
rendered blockwork. coat plaster. First floor similar, but with 2" clinker
Cast concrete architrave to door. concrete outer leaf covered with tile hanging. Steel
interlocking lugs linking edge steel reinforcement.
Mortar joint.
Separating wall: Full width storey height 71/2" clinker
concrete PC panels incorporating flues, finished skim
coat plaster.
REFERENCE Partitions: Storey height room sized clinker concrete
PC panels, 41/2" to ground floor, and 2" above, finished
Concrete and Constructional Engineering 1925,1927 skim coat plaster.
Ground floor: Suspended timber joists.
First floor: Timber joists.
Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Timber joists and purlins, and plain tiles.

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Douglas Special ADT001

Manufacturer: Alternative name:

Designer: A H Mottram

Period built: 1944

Number built: 64

Insufficient information available for detailed drawing.


Semi-detached bungalows and chalet bungalows. Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Brick on concrete strip footing. None known.
Medium pitch hipped roof (bungalows) or medium pitch assessment of timber framed houses is given in: External walls: 2" solid timber planking lined
gable roof (chalet bungalows), covered in concrete tiles. internally with fibreboard and externally sheathed with
External walls of vertical timber boarding (bungalows) or Timber frame housing 1920–1975: inspection and building paper, diagonal timber boarding and vertical
horizontal timber boarding (chalet bungalows) assessment (BR 282) timber boarding (bungalows) or horizontal timber
throughout. Supplementary guidance for assessment of timber- boarding (chalet bungalows).
Timber porch. framed houses: Part 1 Examination (GBG 11), Part 2 Separating wall: Not known.
Interpretation (GBG 12) Partitions: Timber stud.
Ground floor: Not known.
First floor: Timber joists.
Ceilings: Not known.
Roof: Timber rafters and purlins, and concrete tiles.

Architectural Design and Construction, February 1944

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Swedish Sectional Timber ADT002

Manufacturer: Alternative names: SST
Swedish Timber

Designer: C L Sjostrom Mardall

Period built: 1937–47

Number built: 300

Insufficient information available for detailed drawing.


Semi-detached bungalows and 2-storey semi-detached or Not investigated by BRE. Guidance on inspection and Substructure: Concrete strip footings carried up above External walls clad externally with 3/4" vertical timber
terraced houses. assessment of timber framed houses is given in: ground level. boarding and cement render on bitumen impregnated
Shallow pitch monopitch roof,or shallow pitch gable roof External walls: 1- and 2-storey height timber frame fibreboard lathing.
covered with profiled asbestos cement sheets. Timber frame housing 1920–1975: inspection and panels lined internally with fibreboard on 11/2" T&G
External walls of stained or painted horizontal or vertical assessment (BR 282) timber boarding, and clad externally with felt and 1"
timber boarding, or render. Supplementary guidance for assessment of timber- vertical or horizontal timber boarding.
Timber porch. framed houses: Part 1 Examination (GBG 11), Part 2 Separating wall: Timber frame panels lined each side
Interpretation (GBG 12) with 11/2" T&G timber boarding and asbestos cement
Partitions: Timber stud.
Ground floor: T&G timber boarding on timber joists.
REFERENCE Paper insulation to joists.
First and second floors: T&G timber boarding on
Architectural Design and Construction, February 1944 timber joists.
Ceilings: Fibreboard.
Roof: Asbestos cement profiled sheeting on timber
rafters and purlins. Sawdust and lime insulation to
ceiling joists.

944 945
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Appendix A
Systems for which information
on structure is not available

Alastair MacDonald Hybrid

Arnold Hypsecon
Ayr Ideal Industrialised
Bittner Jones & Harvey
Bunton LVS
Celconite MacGregor
Chase McInerney
CHS Monoform
Clerk Mulso
Colridge U Frame 234 Multex
Consell Muniment
Crosspan Penilee
Crouch Point
CW Roy Industrialised
Donald Brown Skagervic
DSIR Stone Clad
E H Smith Tarmac
Edran Tarslag
EFMB Taylor Interlock
Elisol Templar
Experimental Thornton
Gough Cooper Torvale
Hadley Hollcoh

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Appendix B Appendix C
Systems based on small unit size Rationalised traditional houses
loadbearing masonry

These systems are outside the scope of this book. These systems are outside the scope of this book but are listed so that readers can eliminate
them from investigations. It should be noted that some manufacturers used the same name
Systems considered by the Moir Systems considered by the Burt for rationalised traditional and non-traditional houses.
Committee in the 1920s Committee Experimental Panel in the
For an explanation of the operation of this 1940s 4 H/7 New Decade
Committee, see Introduction, page xiv. For an explanation of the operation of this Bates Peak Homes
Committee, see Introduction, page xvi. Crouch Transitional Plus 3 Contracts
Aero Block (Thornley, Mott and Vines) Crux RATRA or Ratra
Autobond (McKaig) The EP numbers refer to the Experimental Drury System 3 Ratrad (Terrapin)
British Lean Panel reports held by BRE, which may be Faculty Rat-Trad (John McLean)
Cable-Rolock (WM Smith) consulted by arrangement with the BRE Federated System 1 Richard Thomas & Baldwin
Carler (Mountsorrel) Library. Forum Homes Rowcon
Haigh’s Improved Hales RTE
Interlock (Walter Jones) Airwork (EP 117) Hallam Mk I SASB
Jackson Aulei (EP 22) Halliwell Rat Trad Scan
Jefferies (Arthur E Jefferies) Beardmore (EP 134) Harvey & Lawrence Shaneley
Lissaman Carmyle (Stuart) (EP 204) Hemelite Homes (Rationalised Building Shanplan
Loc-Block (Aldridge) Clarincrete (EP 181) Systems) Shepherd Spacemaker
May System (Besarwick and Bruner) Dibden Purlieu Special (EP 161) Hillcon Sherwood
RE-Con-Block (Mitchell) Dri-crete (EP 217) HSD Simms CDA
Slater’s Three-ply Harvey Habala (EP 179) Jansel Southend 3M
Sutcliffe Laing’s Lightweight Concrete (EP 200) Kier Span Type K
Swingler LBC (EP 84) Kier BDC Housing Spooner Urban
Tebe (Sundstrom) Lockspeed Drylay (EP 62) Laing Stubbings
Triangular Block Mons-block (EP 16) Lawrence Weaver Surebuilt (Pearce and Barker)
Morgan Chemical Co (EP 11) Lesser Homes System 22 (Eton)
Mouldbloc (EP 146) Loudon Tersons 169
Masonry systems described by Bemis Muller (EP 20) M+J Thomson
in The evolving house Vol. III Rational Quetta (EP 20) Mactrad (John McLean) TR
design, 1936 Speed Block (EP 137) Medway Industrialised Transitional
Stabalite (EP 180) MeTra Trim
Carter WB (EP 52) MHC (Midlands Housing Consortium) Trybuilt
Jefferies Willment Type A (EP 196) Middleton Trygon
Loc Bloc Minox Ty-Built (Tiley and Sons)
Swingler MJ Three Unit M Plan
Triangular Block Mod L Unit System 66
Modform Weaver
Morris & Jacobs WG
Murphy YDG

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Index Index
Index of house names and alternative names Beanland No 2 P017 BRS Type 4 S009
Beco Wallform S005 Bruce AT014
Belcon P018 Bryant P021 P029 P030 S047
Belfry P018 Bryant Kwikform S047
Bell-Livett M059 P076 Bryant Large Panel P029
Bellrock P019 P093 Bryant Low Rise P029 P030
Bennett T009 Bryant Low Rise System 4 P030
Bigland & Mowat AT010 Bryant Quikform S047
Birmingham Corporation M015 Bryant System 2 P029
Many house types may be known by alternative names, Example Birmingham Corporation M014 Bryant System A S047
and these could have been used for more than one house The reported name of the house type is Adams and the Birmingham Corporation Postwar Experimental M015 Bryant Wall Frame P021
type. The names shown in bold are the definitive names structure is known to be of concrete. Adams is the Birmingham Corporation Type ST M015 Brydon S010
used in this book, and the entries to which these refer are definitive name of entry AM001. However, this is a BISF M016 M017 M018 M019 Brydon No-Fines S010
also shown in bold. metal-framed type. The most likely entry for this house BISF Type A M016 BSC P107
A definitive name may also have been used as an type is therefore either P001 (Adams H1) or P002 BISF Type A1 M017 BSL P031
alternative name for other house types, and where this is (Adams HVA3), both of which are precast concrete BISF Type B M018 Buchan M023
the case the references for these are also listed. house types. BISF Type C M019 Buckwyn AM011
Bison P020 P021 Build Form AT015
12M Jespersen P067 Arcon Mk V M007 Bison Crosswall P020 Building Systems Ltd P031
4L P013 Arcon Permanent House M006 Bison Trimline AP007 Bullock T013
5M M064 Arcon Temporary Bungalow M007 Bison Wall Frame P021 Bur-Pal T014
Argyll P007 B-J M020 Burt Boulton T015
A Arlon AM004 Blackborrow P022 Butterfly S062
Aberdeen Corporation S001 T001 Arrow P008 Blackburn M002 M003 P023 P024 S006 Butterfly No-Fines S062
Adams AM001 P001 P002 Arrowhead M008 Blackburn No-Fines S006 Butterley P127 P128
Adams H1 P001 Arrowtrim T008 Blackburn Orlit P024
Adams Housing Syndicate AM001 Artmet AP004 Blackpool P094 C
Adams HVA3 P002 Arup S003 Block Watne T047 Calder T016 T084
Addison AP001 ASD AT003 Boiler Plate M010 Calder Homes T016
AGB Modular 6 M001 Aspect AT004 Bonding Block System AP008 Caldervale T017
Airey P003 S022 Atherton M009 Boot P025 P026 Calverley Modular T018 T019 T143
Airey new improved duo-slab house P003 Atholl M010 M011 M012 Boot Beaucrete P025 Calverley Modular Type I T018
AIROH Temporary Bungalow M002 Atholl 1926 M010 Boot Pier and Panel P026 Calverley Modular Type II T019
Alcrete P004 Atholl 1945 M011 Boro T010 Calverley Type I T018
Alcrete Mk I P004 Atholl 1951 M012 Borohus T010 Calverley Type II T019
Alcrete Mk II P004 Atholl Postwar M011 M012 Boswell S007 Calway AS001
Alderton S002 Atholl Prewar M010 Boulton & Paul T011 Cameron T020
Allbetong AP002 Atlas Stone P009 Bourne P101 Camus P032
Aluminium Bungalow M002 M003 Austin Hall AT005 Boyd AM006 Canadian Demonstration T021
Aluminium Bungalow B1 M002 Avonside AT006 Boyd Gibbons S008 Canadian Demonstration Homes T021
Aluminium Bungalow B2 M002 AW Hawksley S049 Boyd Gibbons No-Fines S008 Canadian Timber T021 T022 AT016
Aluminium Bungalow BL8 M003 AW Hawksley SGS S049 Braby AM007 Canadian Timber Type I T022
Aluminium Bungalow BL8D M003 Ayrshire County Council P010 P134 Bracpress M069 Canadian Timber Type II AT016
Aluminium House M004 Braddock AM008 Canister AM012
AMcK P005 B Bradley P086 AT011 Carey Homes AT022
Amey Chivers P085 B&J AT007 Braithwaite M021 M093 Carlton P033
Anchor 12M T002 B&P T011 Braithwaite Unit Frame M093 Carnavon T028
Anchor 600 AT001 Bailey Stratton AM005 Bricket Wood Special T012 Caspon T023
Anchor Modular AT002 Balency P011 Brims AT012 Cast Iron M095
Anchorloc AM002 Balfour Beatty P012 Bristol Aeroplane M004 P004 Cast Rendered S011
Anderson Permanent House AM003 Banton S004 British Cast Concrete Federation P015 Cathcart T137
Andover T003 Banton No-Fines S004 British Craft Homes AP009 Cavi Costain P042
Andrews AP003 Barratt T088 AT008 British Housing M022 Cavicrete P042
Anglia P006 Barvis AP005 British Power Boat T112 CAWL T133
Anglia Type A P006 Bates 4L P013 British Ropes P031 C-DA AP042 T118
Anglian P116 Battery Cast P014 British Steel Construction P107 CDC T020
Anglian P006 Bayley Bartlett AT009 Broadmead P027 Cebus AP010
Anglo Swedish AT003 BCCF P015 Broadway AM009 Cedar Homes T024 T051
Anvil T004 BCCF Temporary Bungalow P015 Brodie AM010 Cedarwood T045
Anvil 6B T004 BDG P016 Brown of Wem AT013 Cedarworth Homes T025
Appleyard T005 T006 BDG Wessex P016 BRS S009 Celtic Homes T026 T052
Arbor T006 Beale & Son AP006 BRS Battery Cast P014 P052 Cemacrete AP011 S046
Arcal M005 T007 Beanland M013 P017 BRS Brecast P014 Cemalite S046
Arcon M006 M007 Beanland No 1 M013 BRS L-shaped panels P028 Challow T027

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Index Index
HLB M045 Knightsbridge T059 Mac-Girling P078 Multiflex T127
Homeville M049 Kwikform S047 Mackay H & Sons AM021 Multigrid T091
Homeville Industrialised M049 MacKeown AS015 Multilite AS016
Housing Development & Construction P060 L Macrae T075 Multispan M066 AT064
Howard M050 M051 Laidlow Thornton AS013 Macrae Plus T076 MWM AS017
Howard Mersham AT044 Laing P067 S023 S024 T104 AT093 Mactaggart & Mickel AT055 Myton P087
Howard Type A M050 Laing Crosswall P067 S024 Mactrad T077 Myton-Clyde P087
Howard Type B M051 Laing Timber AT093 Malthouse P079 Myton-Solway P087
Howells P063 Lamella S035 Maple Leaf T078
HSSB P064 Lamella Roofed Cottages S035 Mark M062 N
Hughes AS009 Lammermuir T052 Marley P080 AT056 Nadder P101
Hultsfredhus T058 Lanark County Council T065 Marnel M062 Natcon P088
Hultsfreds T058 Langlands M057 T066 T067 T068 T069 Martin Construction AM022 NBA Silksworth T117
Humphreys T059 Langlands Bungalow T066 Maxim S037 AT057 NCB P089
Humphreys Knightsbridge T059 Langlands Mansard T067 Maycrete AP026 Neale AP027
Langlands Terrazzo T068 MC2 AM022 Neata AT065
I Langlands Type N2 T069 McAlpine T079 New England T006
IBIS M052 Larsen & Neilsen P006 McDonald T080 New Georgian M067
IDC P060 Lauderdale T052 McLean T077 AT058 New Trend AT066
Ideal M069 Lawrence T070 Mears Cowlin AT059 Newcastle Corporation T092
Ideal Industrialised M069 Lawrence Building Co. AT048 Medway T081 T082 Newland P090
Incast S033 LC M060 Medway Industrialised T081 T082 Newton Chambers M095
Incon AP020 LC System M060 Medway Type I T081 Nissen-Petren M068
Index M059 P076 LCC Mobile T071 Medway Type II T082 No-Fines S004 S006 S008 S010 S011 S015
Industricon P065 LCC Timber T108 T109 T110 MeTraCon P081 S026 S029 S033 S038 S039 S042 S051
Integer M053 Lecaplan P072 P073 MeTraTim T083 S052 S055 S059 S060 S062 AS021
Interbild AT045 Lecaplan Type A P072 Metratrim T083 Nokkelhus T093
Intercon AM020 AS010 Lecaplan Type B P073 Meyer T084 Norlog T094
Intrad AS011 Leeds Corporation M059 P076 MFC P082 AT060 Northern Ideal Homesteads M069
ISEC T087 Lexington T006 MFC Housing P082 Norwegian Log T094
Lexington Super T006 MHC T085 Norwegian Timber T088 T092
J Leyland Industrial AT049 Midland Housing Consortium T085 Nuttall M039 M070 M071
Jackson T060 Lightning Construction P074 Millard T098 T099 Nuttall Building System M070
James Wild M035 Lilleshall P075 Miller S038 S039 T086 Nuttall Mk II M071
Janes AT046 Lindsay P010 P134 Miller No-Fines S038 S039 Nuway AT067
Jansel P066 T061 Lindsay Parkinson P064 S045 Miller O'Sullivan S044
Jespersen P067 Linton T072 Miller Temporary Bungalow S039 O
Jespersen 12M P067 Linton TD T070 Minniel P083 Oakridge AP028
Jicwood T062 Lisset AT050 Minox M063 M097 T087 Occident ADP001
Jicwood Temporary Bungalow T062 Liverpool Corporation M058 Monox Econstruction T087 Ontario T042
Jones & Harvey S017 Liverpool Special T073 Minster T023 Open System Building M072
Livett-Cartwright M059 P076 Mitchell AT061 Opperman AM024
K Llewellyn T101 Mitchell Unit P032 Orlit P024 P091 P092 P093 P122 P132
Keeland P035 Llewellyn Shells T101 MOD Special P084 Orlit Type I P091
Kelvin M054 Lloyd M090 Modern Building (Wales) T038 Orlit Type II P092
Kencast P068 Lo Rona AS014 Modform AM023 Orlit-Bellrock P093
Kenkast P068 Locarn AP024 Modular 6 M001 OSB M072
Kent AP021 Lothian AT051 Modular Housing M001 O'Sullivan S044
Ketton P069 T063 Louden AT052 Module Two AT062 O'Sullivans S044
Keyhouse Unibuilt M055 Loudon P077 Modulow M060 Outinard Parkinson S045
Keylock AP022 Loudon Mk II P077 Modumould AT063 Owen Williams P136
Kier T064 T081 Lovatt S055 Modus P028 P085
Kier BDC T064 Love P083 Moelven Brug T088 P
Kilpeck T004 Lovell T074 MOHLG T089 PAC AP029
Kinch T055 Lovell Housing System T074 MOHLG 5M M064 Page-Johnson S032
Kincorth P070 Lowestoft Borough S036 Morrell P086 Palmer AP030
Kincorth Mk III P070 Lowton-Cubitt M060 MOW Demonstration S040 S041 S042 Panelwall AP031
King & Howse AS012 Ludford AT053 MOW Demonstration Expanded Clay S040 Papworth Permanent Bungalow AT068
Kings Thorn Special P071 Luton AP025 MOW Demonstration Foamed Slag S041 Paragon M073
Kingsthorne Special P071 Lynn M022 MOW Demonstration No-Fines S042 Parcrete AM025
Kingston AT047 MOW Emergency M075 Parkinson P064 P094 S045
Kingston AP023 M Mowlem S043 Parkwall S045
Kingstone M056 M&J AT054 Mucklow M065 Parkway T036
Kirton S034 Macfarlane M061 Mucklow Plan M065 Peak Homes T095
Multicom T090 Pearce AP032

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Index Index
Challowette T027
Channello P034
D F Gilbert Ash
Gilbert Ash Tracoba
P120 AT035
Dagenham Special S018 F J Moore P113
Cheecol Keeland P035 Giles AS008
Dalcot P044 F3C and F4C Concrete Houses AS006
Chicago T025 Glasgow Corporation AT036
Daleholme P046 AT021 Facta T038
CLASP M064 Glasgow Foamed Slag P053
Dare M072 Factrad AT026
CLASP 5M M064 GLC Anglia P006
Davies AS004 Faculty T039
Clements AM013 GLC Anglian House P116
Davis P104 AP015 Fairweather P049
Clip Slab M009 GLCC Mobile T071
Davis J AS005 Falcon P050
Clore Grange P046 GLE P054
Dean T037 Falkiner Nuttall M039
Clothed Concrete Construction P047 Goldcrest T048
Denis Poulton M033 Farlington Special P051
Clugston Cawood AP012 Goldenhomes AT037
Dennis M034 M035 Farquahar AT027
CM T018 T019 T143 Grampian T052
Dennis Steel Frame House M035 Farrans S026
CM Yuill T018 T019 T143 Grandidge T084
Dennis-Wild M035 Farrans No-Fines S026
CMX T018 T019 Grange AT038
Dennis-Wild Patent Steel Frame Composite System M035 Federated System 2 T040
Coignet AP013 Gray AT039
Devon Lady T031 Fewac AM016
Colt T028 Grayholme AT040
Diatomite S019 Fidler S027
Combined Concrete Construction AS002 Great Yarmouth Borough T060
Discus M036 Fillod AM017
Compton T031 Gregory P055 P056
Domkonstruado P045 Fincast AM018
Conatus M024 Gregory Crosswall P056
Domus AT022 Finnish Timber T100 AT028
Concept P036 Gregory Industrialised P056
Donald Cameron T020 Firmcrete S028
Concept 4 P036 Grenfell Baines M043 T049
Doncaster P031 Firth AS007
Concrete Construction (Wales) P132 Grid M044
Doric S020 Fleming AT029
Concrete Frames S012 Grove Homes T050
Dorlonco M037 Flexi T041
Concrete Houses Ltd P037 GT AT041
Dorman Long M037 Florida T025
Concrete Utilities AP014 Guildway T051
Dorran P046 Foamed Slag S029 S041
Connell M025
Douglas T137 Fontaberry T042
Conslab S013
Douglas Special ADT001 Forfar Borough T043
Conspan P109 Hall T052
Doxford M022 Formula M040 AT030
Contrad AT017 Hallam T053 T054 T055
Drury P049 P056 Formwall S062
Cook S014 Hallam 3M T054
Drury System 3 P056 Forrester-Marsh S030
Copeland AM014 Hallam Mk I & Mk II T053
Dry Walls S021 Forth AT031
Cornes M026 M032 M092 Hallam Mk III T054
DSIR Edmonton BRS P014 Fram P014 P032 P052 AP013 AP020
Cornes Cussins M026 M032 M092 Hallam VM T055
Dudley Coles AP016 T039 Fram BRS P014 P052
Cornish P038 P039 P040 Hallam Volumetric T055
Dudley Coles M001 Fram Construction P014 P032 P052 AP013 AP020
Cornish Flush Panel P038 Hallamshire Mk I T053
Duo-Slab S022 Fram Industrialised P052
Cornish Unit P038 P039 P040 Hallamshire Mk II T053
Duplex M038 Fram Russell P014 P032 P052 AP013 AP020
Cornish Unit Type I P039 Halliwell T138
Duplex Sheath M038 Framecourt AT032
Cornish Unit Type II P040 Halliwell Timber T138
Dyke P047 Frameform T044
Corolite S015 Halls Mk III AP017
Dyke CCC P047 Fraser & McDonald AT033
Coronation T028 Halls Programme H T052
Corvus S016 Fredericks T045 T046
Hamish Cross Type I P057
Coseley AM015 E Fredericks Cedarwood
Fredericks Frame System
Hamish Cross Type II P058
Cosmos P041 AT019 Easiform S023 S024 Hardie AP018
Costain P105 S049 Fredericks Industrialised Timber T046
Easiform Type I S023 Hardy P059
Costain P042 Fribahus AT034
Easiform Type II S024 Harley Haddow P070
Costain-Wilson P042 Fribo Hus AT034
East Knowle Special P048 Harry Neal Battery Cast P014
Coventry Corporation M027 Fribohus AT034
Eastwood T137 Harvey Frame T056
Cowieson T029 Fromson AM019
ECP Modular AT023 Hawksley M002 M003 M004 S049
Craftcast S017 Fyfield T003
Edgell T032 Hawksley Aluminium M002 M003 M004
Craig Atholl M028 Edinburgh Foamed Slag S025 Hawksley SGS S049
Crane M029 EDLO BRS P014 G Hawthorn Leslie M045
Cranwell M030 Edwards Construction S030 G 80 AP031 Hayes Interlock AP019
Croft Granite P015 Eklectron T033 G 80 Panelwall AP031 HDC P060
Crosby P043 Elementhus T034 G B Watne T047 Heath AT042
Cruden M031 P106 T132 Elliott AT024 G Block Watne T047 Herald S032
Cruden Brick-clad M031 Elsworthy T035 Gadie S031 Hertfordshire County Council T057
Cruden Rural M031 Enfield BRS P014 Gart AT035 Hertsmere Special P061
Cruden Unicorn T132 Engineered Homes P099 P100 P101 T036 Gateshead Butterfly S062 Hexham Special P062
Ctesiphon AS003 English Electric T049 Gateshead Corporation M041 Highland Tain AT044
Cubitt M060 Enso Gutzeit T010 Gateshead Experimental M041 High Speed System Building P064
Cuckow AT019 Errol T072 Gateshead No-Fines S062 Hilcon M046
Cussins M026 M032 M092 Eskdale T052 Gee Walker & Slater M005 M042 Hillcon M046
Cussins Cornes M026 M032 M092 Essihus AT025 Gemini T055 Hills M014 M046 M047
Cuyper AT020 Eurodean T037 Geneva T025 Hills Presweld M047
Czechoslovakian Timber T030 Expanded Clay S040 Gerrard Incon AP020 Hitchins M048

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Index Index
Pemcrete P095 Ridgeway AP039 Sherwood T116 Sunskeeme S053
Pennine T120 Rigid Frame M008 Shingleton Conslab AP041 Supalite AT092
Pentagon AP033 Rigid Frame Construction M008 Shipston M087 Superhome AT093
Pentland T052 Riley M080 Shipston Aluminium M087 Surrey Grove AT094
Permabuild P096 Rileyform T104 Sidney Stone AS020 Sutherland AT095
Permabuilt P096 Ringsakerhus T088 Silksworth T117 Swedale AT096
Permacrete S046 RM Housing M044 Simmcast AP042 Swedish Homes T125
Perma-Erecta P097 RMR T105 Simms AP042 T118 T119 T120 Swedish Sectional Timber ADT002
Permanent Aluminium M003 Roberts T017 Simms C-DA AP042 T118 Swedish Timber T058 T125 AT003 AT116
Perren T096 Roften M081 Simms Sons & Cooke C-DA T118 ADT002
PH6 P130 Rogers Concrete Construction AS019 Simms Sons & Cooke AP042 T118 T119 T120 Swift T126
Phoenix M025 M074 M077 M082 Rogers Construction AS019 Simms Sons & Cooke SWPA T120 Swiftplan AM030 T127
Phoenix Temporary Bungalow M074 Ross AP040 Simplified Brickwork P104 Swiftplan H12 T127
Plasteel M045 Rothschild M082 Sindall P103 Swiftplan Multiflex H AM030
Plysyl Bungalow AP034 Rothwell-Perrin AT076 Siporex P105 Swiftplan Multiflex H12 T127
Poolman AP035 Rotinoff M083 Siporex 6M P105 SWPA T120
Portal M075 Rowcon T106 T107 Skarne P106 Symplex M092
Portal Temporary Bungalow M075 Rowcon Type I T106 Slingsby P046 AT088 System DL T031
Potters Bar Special P098 Rowcon Type II T107 Slipform S024 Systemac AT097
Potton AT069 RTB M052 M084 Smith P107
Poulson M072 RTB Temporary Bungalow M084 SNW P108 T083 T
Poulton M033 RTE AT077 SNW XW P140 T&N M098
Pratten AT070 Rubery Owen M085 Solid Cedar T121 Tarran P115
Pre-Cut Norwegian AT071 Rumble S048 Solvyt S050 Tarran Mk IV P115
Prefab M002 M007 M074 M075 M086 M100 Russell Leighton P102 Solway P087 Tarran Temporary Bungalow P115
P015 P115 T062 T113 T123 T134 Ryedale AT078 Spacemaker P109 Tarran-Dorran P046
Prefacto AP036 Spacemaker Bungalow AT089 Tarran-Newland P090
Prestoplan T097 S Spaceway M088 Taygon AT098
Presweld M047 Salveson AT079 Speyroc AP043 Taylor Woodrow-Anglian P116
Procol M076 Sanders-Foster AM026 Span ADM001 Taylor-Woodrow Anglian P006
Prowting M008 T008 Sawston SB2 P103 Span Type K ADM001 Tayton AS022
Purpose Built T098 T099 SB2 P103 Spooner T023 T122 T123 Tee Beam P117
Purpose Built Type I T098 Scan AT080 Spooner Mk III T123 Telford M093
Purpose Built Type II T099 Scanda Plan AT081 Spooner Temporary Bungalow T123 Tenaplas S054
Puutalo T100 Scandev AT082 Spooner-Caspon T023 Terrapin T128
Pyrocol AT072 Scandia AT083 SSHA S051 S052 AS021 T124 Teviotdale T052
Scano T108 T109 T110 SSHA Canadian Commissioner's House T124 Thain Capital AT099
Q Scano Type I T108 SSHA Canadian Timber T124 Thames M094
Quality M077 Scano Type II T109 SSHA Cellular Concrete S051 S052 AS021 Thames House M094
Quikbild T101 Scano Type III T110 SSHA Commissioners Resumption AS021 Thermostatic Steel House AM031
Quikform S047 Scansiv AT084 SSHA No-Fines S051 S052 AS021 Thorncliffe M095
Scansystem AT085 SSHA Wartime Cellular Concrete S052 Thornwall P118
R Schindler S049 SST ADT002 Thornwall 3M P118
R M Rowlands T105 Schindler-Gohner System S049 Stanley Miller AS017 Thornwood P118
Radiation House M027 Scotfast P075 AT086 Steane M089 THUS AT100
Ramsjo AT073 Scotfast Taybank P075 Steinkjer AT090 Timber Flex T035
Rapirect AS018 Scotlog T111 Stent P110 Timber Frame (UK) AT101
Rationalised Housing AP037 Scott & Middleton AM027 Stewart P111 P112 Timcon AT102
RB2 AP038 Scottwood T112 Stewart & Lloyd M006 M007 M090 Token P119
RCC AS019 Seco M086 T113 Stewart & Partners P111 P112 Toogood AT103
RD 27 P121 Seco Frame M086 Stewart & Partners Type I P111 Town & Vale AM032
Redesdale T052 Seco Mk III M086 T113 Stewart & Partners Type II P112 Tracoba P120
Redifice Bungalow AT074 Seco Permanent House M086 Stex AT091 Tracoba Low Rise P120
Reema P099 P100 P101 Seco Temporary Bungalow T113 Stonecrete P113 TRADA T129 T130 AT100
Reema Coffered Panel P099 Segal T114 Stour P101 TRADA Directly Clad T129
Reema Conclad P099 Selleck Nicholls P038 P039 P040 P081 P108 Stratton Bungalow AM005 TRADA Separately Clad T130
Reema Contrad P100 P140 AS016 T083 Strongman AP044 TRADA Type I T129
Reema Hollow Panel P101 Selleck Nicholls & Williams P038 P039 P040 Structural and Mechanical Engineering AM028 TRADA Type II T130
Reema Waffle Panel P099 P081 P108 P140 AS016 T083 Stuart M091 Trellit AM033
Reeves Frame T102 SGS S049 Stuart Scheme II AM029 Trentrox AP045
Reid AT075 Shaddow Wall AT087 Stubbings P114 Truscon P121
Reith M078 Shama Houses M082 Stubbings Industrialised P114 Truscon RD 27 P121
Resiform M079 T103 Sharen T126 Stubbings Industrialised Low Rise P114 Trussit AT104
RFC M008 Shepherd P109 T115 Sunley AP002 Trusteel M096 M097
Richard Thomas & Baldwin M084 Shepherd Spacemaker P109 Sunley Allbetong AP002 Trusteel 3M M096
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Trusteel Mk II M097 Weir Cathcart T137
Trybo T131 Weir Douglas T137
TSB AM034 Weir Eastwood T137
Tubrick AM035 Weir Multicom T090
Turner & Newall M098 Weir Multigrid T091
TWA P006 P116 Weir No-Fines S060
Tweedale T052 Weir Paragon M073
Weir Postwar T136
U Weir Prewar T137
UCO S055 Weir Quality M077
Ulster Cottage P122 Welgrave AT115
Underdown P123 Wellbuilt T138
Unicom AT105 Wellington T082
Unicorn T132 Wessex P016 P132
Uniment P124 West Pennine T120
Uni-Seco M086 T113 Western P138 T058 AT116
Unistem AT106 Western System AP048
Unit P032 P125 AP046 S055 T133 AT107 Westholm P139
Unit Camus P032 Westminster T079
Unit Construction P032 P125 AP046 T133 Westmorland T028
Unit Frame M021 West's 5M P133
Unit No-Fines S055 Weybridge T062
Unit System AP046 T133 WGH Pre-Fab System P096
Unit System 67 T133 WH M103
Unit-Built P125 Whatling S061
Unitroy M099 P126 Whatlings Redwood AT117
Unity P127 P128 Wheatley ADP001
Unity Brickclad P127 P128 Whitcon AS023
Unity Type I P127 Whitson-Fairhurst P010 P134
Unity Type II P128 Wild M035
Universal M100 M101 M102 S056 Wild Steel Frame System M035
Universal Mk III M100 Wilkinsons (Runfold) P096
Universal Permanent Prefabricated House M101 Willett Industricon P065
Universal Temporary Bungalow M100 Wil-Mac P135
Universal Type I M101 Wilson M104 AT118
Universal Type II M102 Wilson House M104
Urba T023 Wilson Lovatt S055
USA T134 Wilson Lovatt 83 S055
USA Temporary Bungalow T134 Wilvan P136
Wimpey S062
V Wimpey No-Fines S062
Variform AT108 Wimpey W6M S062
Varney AT109 Winget P137
Veneercraft AM036 WL Ring AP049
Vine & Vine S057 Woodclad AT119
Volumetric Timber T055 Woodley BRS P014
Woolaway P138
W Woolaways P138 P139
Waddington AT110 Woolaways Bungalow P139
Wakefield Special S058 Wylye P101
Waldic AM037
Walemesh AT111 X
Wales Sindall P103 XW P140
Walker AT112
Waller P129
Wallis AT113
YDG T139
Walton AT114
Yorkshire Development Group T139
War Office No-Fines S059
Yorkshire Timber Frame T140
Wates P130 T135
Young Elizabethan T141
Wates Low Rise T135
Young RW AP050
Watne T047
Youngman T142
Webb P131
Ytong AP051
Weedon AP047
Yuill T018 T019 T143
Weir M073 M077 S060 T090 T091 T136


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