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“Health Research”



REVALINA AZKIS (31102300034)
VUTRY RAHMAWATI (31102300174)
KARINA AULIA PASHA (31101800049)


“Health Research”

Approved by :

Semarang, 10 Juni 2024


drg. Sita Ratna Prat


APPROVAL SHEET........................................................................................................ lI
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................ lII
BAB I …………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 1
A. Background............................................................................................................... 1
B. Skenario.................................................................................................................... 2
C. Problem Identification............................................................................................. 2
BAB II……………………………………………………………………………………..3
Literature Review.............................................................................................................. 3
A. Theoritical Basis..................................................................................................... 3
1. What are the aspects of informed consent in human subjects health research......3
2. Steps to obtain ethical approval in health research………...……………………...4
3. What are the principles that should be applied In health research that utilises
experimental animals……………………………………………………………..5
4. What is the impact of ethice when conducting health research on the
development of dental scinence………………………………… ………………6
B. Concept Maps……………………………………………………………………...7
BAB III………………………………………………………………………………..…...9


A. Background
Health research is research applied in the health sector. So the principles and
systems that apply are not much different from research in other fields. The only
difference is in the research area with a theoretical approach originating from health
science. One thing that differentiates health research is that the research objects are
humans, both individually and in groups (communities), so ethics and norms must be
taken into account, because humans are directly involved as both objects and
research subjects. Therefore, some researchers classify health research into social
research. In accordance with health science which consists of and is influenced by
various other sciences, health research is usually divided into various branches of
science that support health science, which can be seen in the chart of relationships
and development of Health science.
Health research is carried out in order to address and solve problems that are
often found in the world of health. Health research has two important goals, namely
the first is to overcome or treat health problems or illnesses and diseases. Second, to
maintain, maintain or improve the level of public health. Universally, the research
arena in the health sector does not escape efforts to explain problems in the
preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative fields.
When viewed from its objectives, health research can be divided into three, the
first is exploratory research, improvement research and the last is verification
research, where exploratory research functions as a discoverer of new problems in
the realm of medicine and health. If health research is viewed from the aspect of
origin or location, research can be divided into three, library research, lab research
and field research, where in library research only merging and reviewing information
in references, presentations and other archives is carried out. which is in the library.
Lab research is research carried out in a laboratory which is usually used in clinical
research and finally field research is research carried out in health research in the
Research objectives are a reference for research to provide direction to
researchers to clarify the objectives to be achieved. The aim of a research must be
stated in the form of an affirmation in a precise, measurable and clear manner.
Research objectives can be divided into two, namely, general objectives and specific
objectives. The general aim of the research is as a statement of an objective which in
general is closely related to the formulation of the problem to be studied. Specific
objectives are objectives that are more specific and operational in scope and serve as
a detailed reference in the next series of research.
The benefits of research in life and scientific disciplines are enormous,
especially for the development of the field of life or scientific discipline itself. In
general, health research has two benefits, namely theoretical benefits and practical
benefits. Theoretical benefits are theory development, complementing existing
theories, discovery of new theories or new concepts. Meanwhile, practical benefits
are related to research results that have an influence on application in the field or in
society and as material for consideration in making health policies or programs.

B. Skenario

C. Identifikasi Masalah

1. What are the aspects of informed consent in human subjects health research?
2. Steps to obtain ethical approval in health research?
3. What are the principles that should be applied In health research that utilizes
experimental animals?
4. What is the impact of ethice when conducting health research on the
development of dental scinence?


A. Theoritical Basis

1. What are the aspects of informed consent in human subjects health

The aspects of informed consent in human subject health research are crucial to
ensure that research participants understand the information provided and give
voluntary consent to participate in the study. Here is a more detailed explanation
of the aspects of informed consent in health research involving human subjects
based on the Nuremberg Code:
1. Protection of Research Subject Integrity:
Informed consent aims to protect the integrity and rights of research subjects.
Research subjects should be provided with clear and comprehensive information
about the purpose, methods, risks, benefits, and procedures of the study.
Research subjects should be assured that their participation is voluntary and they
have the right to withdraw from the study at any time without negative
2. Ethical Requirements in Conducting Health Research:
Informed consent also establishes ethical requirements that must be followed in
conducting health research involving human subjects. Researchers must ensure
that the research is conducted in accordance with ethical principles and justice.
Researchers should minimize risks, respect privacy, and maintain the
confidentiality of research subject information.
3. Voluntary Consent from Research Subjects:
One key aspect of informed consent is voluntary consent from research
subjects. Research subjects should provide consent voluntarily and without
coercion to participate in the study.
This voluntary consent is usually formalized through the signing of an Informed
Consent Form, where research subjects acknowledge their understanding of the
information provided and their willingness to participate.
By considering these aspects of informed consent, researchers can ensure that
health research is conducted in accordance with ethical principles, respecting the
rights and integrity of research subjects. These principles are also aligned with
the principles outlined in the Nuremberg Code to prevent inhumane health
research practices.
The aspects that need to be included in an informed consent are as follows:

No Aspects of Informed Consent Research

Health of Human Subjects

1 The willingness of subjects to voluntarily participate in research, including

experimental research.

2 Explanation of the research or explanation of the background and reasons why the
research was conducted.
3 A statement about how long research subjects need to participate in the research.

4 A description of what will be done to research subjects, as voluntary research

participants. Each experimental procedure needs to be explained.

5 A description of the risks and discomfort that the subject may experience if the
subject participates in research or a description of the benefits and risks (side
effects) that the subject may experience.

6 A description of the benefits or compensation for the subject, if the subject

participates in this research.

7 Information regarding treatment and other alternatives that will be given to the
subject, if the subject experiences risks in the research.

8 An overview of ensuring the confidentiality of the subject's biodata and medical

examination results.

9 An explanation of the medical treatment and compensation that will be given to the
subject, if the subject experiences problems related to the research.

10 Clear names and addresses along with complete telephone numbers, to whom
prospective subjects can ask about health problems that may arise in connection
with the research or names of people who can provide explanations to prospective
research subjects about the nature of the research, the rights of the subjects as
participants and other problems. medical problems that may arise during the
implementation of the research.

11 The meaning of participation in research must be voluntary, that the subject can
decide to leave the research without being harmed, that if he is willing to participate
then after a certain period of time he leaves the research, he is free to leave without
any sanctions or the understanding that participation in research is voluntary and the
subject can decide to leave the research at any time without being harmed.

12 The number of research subjects who will participate in the research and the
location where the research will be carried out.

13 Subjects will be notified if a problem occurs that endangers the subjects in the

Individuals who do not have the competence to understand information well

(mentally retarded or have experienced a decline in cognitive abilities), then an
Information Sheet is created using sentences intended for guardians of
prospective subjects. Informed consent consists of 2 parts:
1. Information sheet for potential research subjects
2. Consent sheet after explanation
The information sheet for prospective research subjects includes the
following aspects:
1. Research title
2. Research background
3. Research objectives
4. Reasons why you are considered suitable as a subject
5. Estimated number of subjects included.
6. Research procedures/procedures.
7. Risk and discomfort
8. Direct benefit to the subject.
9. Confidentiality of research data
10. Providing compensation and/or rewards
11. Volunteerism in research
12. Subjects can withdraw/exclude from the research.
13. Responsibility of the Chief Researcher for research complications
14. Person in charge of research (Name, address, telephone number)
15. Signatures of Research Subjects and Witnesses

2. Steps to obtain ethical approval in health research?
a. Human subjects
 Convey research information well, relevantly and in detail
 Ensure that research subjects have a fairly good understanding of the
research material
 Do not convey inappropriate information or intimidate
 Provide multiple opportunities for research subjects to consider
participation in research
 As proof of consent, the research subject will provide a signature.
b. Animal subjects
The research protocol must explain in detail the following things: selection (if
the experimental animal used is a model animal for research on human
disease, then the animal must show symptoms similar to the symptoms of
disease in humans), strain, animal origin, acclimatization, maintenance,
planned actions (including actions to relieve/reduce pain and eliminate
animal suffering), the party responsible for animal care, and how to kill and
how to dispose of the cadaver. The description of the treatment of
experimental animals can be analogous to informed consent for animals and
becomes an assessment in the ethics of research that uses experimental
In the process of obtaining ethical approval in health research, both in animals and
humans, there are a series of steps that must be followed to ensure that the research
is conducted with high ethical principles. Here are the common steps taken in
obtaining ethical approval in health research:
3. What are the principles that should be applied In health research that utilizes
experimental animals?
 Replacement, namely replacing the subject with one that is more effective
to sharpen the research, preferably in line with previous literature or
research if any;
 Reduce, namely reducing the number of subjects if possible, to be more
effective and save time and costs;
 Refinement, that is, if you continue to use experimental animals, use the
most humane method by minimizing or perhaps even eliminating
disturbances that the subject might experience.
 Responsibility, namely as a researcher you must be responsible for
everything that happens to experimental animal subjects.
You should also comply with the 5 principles of Animal Welfare:
 (Freedom from hunger and thirst). This is done by providing easy access
to drinking water and providing sufficient amounts of feed to meet
nutritional needs. If this cannot be fulfilled, it will result in disease and
suffering for the Subject;
 (Freedom from discomport). This principle is fulfilled by providing cages
and good maintenance patterns according to SOP. If these conditions
cannot be provided, it will cause suffering and pain which will have
physical and psychological impacts on the animal;
 (Freedom from pain, injury and disease). The efforts implemented are
related to disease prevention, fast and appropriate handling or treatment.
If this freedom cannot be fulfilled, it will trigger disease which results in
the death of animals and the threat of disease transmission between
animals and humans;
 (Freedom to express normal behavior). This freedom is fulfilled by
providing sufficient space and facilities for subject maintenance,
structuring subjects based on physiological, physical and reproductive;
 (Freedom fear and distress). This condition is met by providing treatment
that can prevent the subject's fear and suffering.

4. What is the impact of ethice when conducting health research on the

development of dental scinence?

 Health research has implications for the field of pediatric dentistry. Some
of the main impacts include:
- Health research supports the development of evidence-based guidelines for
pediatric dental care, which assist pediatric dentists in making better clinical
decisions. For example, the use of stainless steel crowns has been proven to
be more effective than amalgam or composite restorations for primary teeth
with large caries.
-Researchers found that breadfruit leaves (Artocarpusaltilis) can inhibit the
growth of Streptococcus mutans which causes dental caries.
 Health research has had a major impact on the field of dental
conservation, which focuses on preserving natural teeth through the
prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of dental disease.
1. Development of Restorative Materials:
- Research has produced new restorative materials such as resin
composites, ceramics and bioactive materials that are more durable and
aesthetic. These materials allow for conservative treatment that preserves
more of the natural tooth structure.
2. Modern Endodontics:
- Advances in endodontics, such as the use of endodontic rotary systems
and ultrasonic equipment, have increased the efficiency and effectiveness
of root canal treatment, reducing pain and speeding healing.
3. Caries Treatment Without Drilling:
- Non-invasive methods such as the use of infiltration resins and
remineralization treatments with calcium phosphate or fluoride which can
stop caries progression without the need for drilling.
 Impact of Health Research in the Field of Orthodontics:
-Orthodontic Appliance Development: Research has led to innovations in the
design of more comfortable and efficient orthodontic appliances, such as clear
aligners (e.g., Invisalign) .
 Impact of health research in the field of Public Dental Health
- Researchers found that people still do not know that checking their oral
cavity with a dentist must be done every 6 months and also that knowledge
regarding the use of dental floss is still lacking.
-To determine the level of welfare of dental and oral health workers and their
performance Implementation: Researchers found that the level of

B. Concept Maps


Health research is research applied in the health sector. So the principles and systems
that apply are not much different from research in other fields. The only difference is in the
research area with a theoretical approach originating from health science. When viewed from
its objectives, health research can be divided into three, the first is exploratory research,
improvement research and the last is verification research, where exploratory research
functions as a discoverer of new problems in the realm of medicine and health.
Research objectives can be divided into two, namely, general objectives and specific
objectives. The general aim of the research is as a statement of an objective which in general
is closely related to the formulation of the problem to be studied. Specific objectives are
objectives that are more specific and operational in scope and serve as a detailed reference in
the next series of research.
Health research has two benefits, namely theoretical benefits and practical benefits.
Theoretical benefits are theory development, complementing existing theories, discovery of
new theories or new concepts. Meanwhile, practical benefits are related to research results
that have an influence on application in the field or in society and as material for
consideration in making health policies or programs.


Lisa, Amir. 2023. Guidebook for Submitting Research Ethics to the Dental Research Ethics
Commission (Kepkg) Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia. Jakarta: UI
Mappaware, N. A. (2016). Ethics in health medical research. UMI Medical Journal, 1(1),


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