Joiners Employment Details

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Employee ID Number Employee Name

HRM7 Nikhar Jain

Date of Joining
Designation Technology Confirmation Date
Business Analyst 2/Jan/2024
Status Department Vertical (ref) Reporting Head Location Tenurity in iNube
Experience Total Experience Retention Bonus Variable Gross CTC Annual CTC
₹ 10,000,000.00
Date Of Birth
PF Number Age Contact Number-Self Official Email ID
17/10/2000 23 7024354657
M/F Status Father Name Mother Name Spouse Name Number Of Children
M Single Akhilesh Jain Neelam Jain
Present Address Permanent Address
SS Studio Stays Boys PG, JP Nagar Phase 6 35/2, Manishpuri, Saket Nagar, Indore
Account Number UAN Number PAN Number Blood Group Qualification
2648715407 BUOPJ6677D B+ve MBA PGP in Business Analytics
University Comments (If Any) Hike Adhar No Personal Email Address
Renaissance University 674036455912
Employee Number Name Joining Date Date Of Birth Gender confirmdate Nick Name
HR has to fill Nikhar Jain 2-Jan-24 17-Oct-00 M HR has to fill
First Name Middle Name Last Name Email Address Personal Email Address Marital Status
Nikhar Jain Single
Marriage Date Blood Group Father's Name spousename Probation Period
B+ve Akhilesh Jain HR has to fill
Emergency Contact Name 1 Relation to Employee(Emergency) Emergency Contact Number
Akhilesh Jain Father 9685132522
Emergency Contact Name 2 Relation to Employee(Emergency) Emergency Contact Number
Sanno Jain Grandmother 9424011566
Name As Per Bank Records Name (As on Aadhaar Card) Aadhaar Card Number
Nikhar Jain Nikhar Jain 674036455912
Mobile Number Country Of Origin Reporting Manager Employee Status Cost Center
7024354657 India HR has to fill HR has to fill HR has to fill
Grade Department Designation Location
HR has to fill HR has to fill HR has to fill HR has to fill
choose dfsdgdx

Are you enrolled in EPS(Employee Pension Scheme) contribution? With

Employee Name Date of joining Gender Marital Status UAN Number Kindly attach Previous Employer PF Passbook the previous employer Name As per Aadhar Card Date of Birth As per Aadhar Card Aadhar Number Name As per PAN Card Date of Birth As Per PAN Card PAN Card Number Bank Account Number Email ID Contact Number Father Name As per PAN Card Number Father Name As per Aadhar Card Present Address

Nikhar Jain

2/Jan/2024 M Single NO Nikhar Jain 17-10-2000 674036455912 Nikhar Jain 10/17/2000 BUOPJ6677D 362602010050854
7024354657 Akhilesh Jain Akhilesh Kumar Jain SS Studio Stays Boys
choose dfsdgdx

Permanent Address

35/2, Manishpuri, Saket Nagr, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, 452018

Employees’ Provident Funds Scheme, 1952 (Paragraph 34
The Employees’ Pension Scheme, 1995 (Paragraph 2
Declaration by a person taking up employment in an establishment on which EPFS 195
1 Name of Member
2 Fathers' Name
(Please tick above whichever is applicable )
3 Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
4 Gender (Male/Female/ Transgender)
5 Marital Status (Married/ Unmarried/Widow/Widower/Divorcee)
6 a) Email Id.
b) Mobile .No
Whether earlier a member of Employee's Provident Fund Scheme, 1952 ?
8 Whether earlier a member of Employee's Pension Scheme, 1995 ?
9 Previous employment details (if Yes to 7 &/or 8 above)
a) Universal Account Number
b)Previous PF Account Number
c) Date of exit frpm previous employment (DD/MM/YYYY)
d)Scheme Certifiicate No. (if issued)
e) Pension Payment Order (PPO) No. (if issued)

a)Internation Worker
b) If yes, state cpuntry of origin ( India/Name of other country)
c) Passport No.
d) Validity of passport [(DD/MM/YYYY) to (DD/MM/YYYY)]
11 KYC Details ( attach self attested copies of following KYCs) a)
Bank Account No. & IFS Code
c) Permanent Account No. (PAN), if available
1) Certified that the particulars are true to the best of my knowledge.
2) I authorize EPFO to use my Adhar for verification/ authentication/eKYC purpose of service delivery.
3) Kindky transfer the funds and service details, if applicable, from the previous PF account as declared above t
possible only if the identified KYC detail approved by previous employer has been verified by present employer
4) In case of changes in above details, the same will be intimated to employer at the earliest.

Date : 02/01/2000
Place : Bengaluru

A. The member Mr./Ms./Mrs.

has joined on and has been alloted PF Number
B. In case the person was earlier not a member of EPF scheme, 1952 and EPS, 1995 :
(Post allotment of UAN) The UAN alloted for the member is
Please Tick the Appropriat Option :
The KYC details of the above member in the UAN database
Have not been uploaded
Have been uploaded but not approved
Have been uploaded and approved with DSC
C. In case the person was earlier a member of EPF Scheme, 1952 and EPS, 1995 :
* The above PF Account Number/ UAN of the member as mentioned in (A) above has been tagged with his/her
Member ID as declared by member. Member ID as delared by member. Member ID as declared by member. M
* Please Tick the Appropriate Option :
As KYC details
DSC of the above are
of establishment member in the UAN
not registered database
with have
EPFO, the been approved
member has beenwith DSC and
informed transfer
to file request
physical claim

New Form No.11 – Declaration Form
(To be retained by the Employer for future reference)
heme, 1952 (Paragraph 34 &57) &
cheme, 1995 (Paragraph 24)
shment on which EPFS 1952 and/or EPS 1995 is applicable
Nikhar Jain
Akhilesh Jain



Yes No


f service delivery.
ccount as declared above to the present PF account(The transfer would be
rified by present employer has been verified by present employer using his Digital

Nikhar Jain
Singature of the Member
s been tagged with his/her UAN /Previous
as declared by member. Member ID as declared by member.

DSC and transfer
to file request
physical claimhas been
(Form 13)generated on of
for transfer portal
funds from his previous

Signature of Employer with Seal of Establishment

Insurance Details

Sl No Emp Code Name of the person Relation to employee Gender

1 Nikhar Jain Self FILL

* As per iNube Insurance Policy benefit is covered as follows

1. Married Employee - Spouse and Two Children only.
2. Unmarried Employee - Self Only

* Addition of Spouse and Children should be initimated to HR- Team within 45 Days
rance Details

DOB Age Desgn_Grade Sum Insured Date of Inclusion

10/17/2000 23 Business Analyst 2-Jan-24
FILL FILL Not applicable
FILL FILL Not applicable
FILL FILL Not applicable
Employee Verification Form

Candidate Name:

Father’s Name:

Employee’s Date of Birth

Present Address

Period of Stay at the Given address

Mobile Number*

Educational Details

Mandatory Document: Degree Certificate/ All Semester Mark Sheets/ Provisional

Highest Qualification

Year of Passing

College Name

Register Number/ Certificate Number

Type of Degree

University Name

Employment Details- Employment 1

Mandatory Document: Experience letter/ Service letter/ Relieving letter capturing the Employee ID
Employment 1

Latest Employer Name and Address



Emp ID

Reporting Manager and HR Contact Number and

Mail ID


Reason for Leaving

Disciplinary Issues

Exit Formalities

Employment Details- Employment 2

Mandatory Document: Experience letter/ Service letter/ Relieving letter capturing the Employee ID

Employment 2

Previous Employer Name and Address



Emp ID

Reporting Manager and HR Contact Number and

Mail ID


Reason for Leaving

Disciplinary Issues

Exit Formalities

References (Personal - Family/Friends)

References (Official - Reporting Manager/ HR of

your previous company any)

I, hereby authorize iNube Software Private Limited., and / or its assigned agents to ma
records including those maintained by both public and private organizations and all public records for t
release (Date)
now andduring
and, if applicable, its assigned agents
the tenure andemployment
of my any person or
servicewhich provides
with iNube informatio
Software Solu
referenced sources used.
I certify that the information provided by me in the Verification Form is true to the best of my belief. M

Date & Place:

Employee Verification Form
Nikhar Jain

Akhilesh Jain


SS Studio Stays Boys PG, JP Nagar Phase 6


Educational Details

ument: Degree Certificate/ All Semester Mark Sheets/ Provisional Certificate

MBA PGP in Business Analytics


Renaissance University



Renaissance University

Employment Details- Employment 1

e letter/ Service letter/ Relieving letter capturing the Employee ID and Letter of Authorisation
Employment Details- Employment 2

e letter/ Service letter/ Relieving letter capturing the Employee ID and Letter of Authorisation



Nube Software Private Limited., and / or its assigned agents to make an independent investigation of my background, refere
both public and private organizations and all public records for the purpose of confirming the information contained on m
igned agents
he tenure andemployment
of my any person or
servicewhich provides
with iNube information
Software pursuant
Solutions to this authorization, from any and all liabilitie
Pvt Ltd.
by me in the Verification Form is true to the best of my belief. My signature below signifies that my consent for Screening i
of my background, references, past employment, education, credit history, criminal or police records, and motor vehicle
rmation contained on my Application and /or obtaining other information which may be material to my qualifications for
from any and all liabilities, claims or law suits in regard to the information obtained from any and all of the above
y consent for Screening is voluntary and freely given.
ferences, past employment, education, credit history, criminal or police records, and motor vehicle
n my Application and /or obtaining other information which may be material to my qualifications for
lities, claims or law suits in regard to the information obtained from any and all of the above
ng is voluntary and freely given.

Nikhar Jain

Signature of the Candidate

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