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Course and Year: BSIT FT IIA


General Instruction: Answer this essay and submit before or on

the date of April 23, 2021 at 4:59 pm.

1. What is hygiene? (10 pts. in at least 30 words or more)

*hygiene when you hear this word it come’s to your mind is cleanliness, of course hygiene is the most
important for being human because is practices or routine to maintain your health , preventing disease
through cleanliness so that can avoid spreading of viruses , hygiene it’s has many types ,hygiene of body
or they called personal hygiene it contains cleanliness of our body like bathing , brushing your teeth
wash your hand and anything that related to our body cleanliness and hygiene for food it is important to
our food has hygiene so that we can avoid food contamination or were getting sick and hygiene for the
equipment , tools and materials we sanitize it to avoid necessities. That’s why hygiene is important to
our daily life and work.
2. How do you define personal hygiene? (10 pts. in at least 30 words or more)

* Personal hygiene it is all about yourself and how you care for your body. Of course includes bathing,
washing your hands, brushing your teeth, and more. Personal hygiene is one of the most effective ways
to protect ourselves and others from many illnesses, such as gastroenteritis and is very much dependent
on the culture in which you live. Personal hygiene it makes as fresh because we are clean and makes a
confident to socialize to other person were not afraid to encounter other people or not afraid to a viruse
, bacteria cause were clean because germs afraid of clean people.

3. How do you define food hygiene? (10 pts. in at least 30words or more)

* most of as is sensitive went it comes to a food , they what serving them there food is clean and of
course delicious , so food hygiene is most important to make a food so that we can avoid food
contamination Food hygiene is an essential aspect of food safety. It refers to the processes that directly
involve food including storage, preparation, and cooking. Good practices in these areas ensure that
customers receive food that's safe and as described all of as is needed it.

4. What are the personal hygiene practices? (10 pts. in at least 30 words or more)

* when you talked about personal hygiene with the word personal it is about yourself of course
cleaning your body every day. washing your hands with soap after going to the toilet. brushing your
teeth twice a day. covering your mouth and nose with a tissue (or your sleeve) when sneezing or
coughing. washing your hands after handling pets and other animals. Anything that make yourself clean
fresh and you can’t get a germ or virus and make you fell comfortable .

5. What is the difference between good grooming and personal hygiene? (10 pts. in at least 30 words or
* The distinction between good grooming and hygiene is that hygiene applies to body cleanliness, such
as the level of dirtiness and stink on one's person and the level of dirtiness and stink maintenance.
Grooming refers to a person's appearance, such as how they trim their beards, cut their hair, or trim
their fingernails. Hygiene and good grooming are a winning combination , although there are several

6. Is food hygiene essential in the workplace, why? (10 pts. in at least 30 words or more)

*food hygiene is part of a nature of one work place because if any food hygiene of course it has food
safety and hygiene are important because they contribute to a better, more efficient, and happier
workplace. A clean work environment is a safe work environment. Diseases spread more slowly and
there are fewer illnesses. As a consequence, a clean work environment is often more efficient. and food
Hygiene is important in the workplace because it contributes to a healthy workforce. A healthy
workforce is happier and more productive. A healthy workplace also means workers take less likely to
get sick.

7. How to apply good personal hygiene in the workplace and at the home? (10 pts. in at least 30 words
or more)

*How to practice good personal hygiene at work and at home Of course, maintaining good personal
hygiene at work and at home needs self-discipline of course you much follow the correct procedures,
such as Make sure you clean up after yourself , Wipe down your workstation on a regular basis ,Wash
the cups and mugs on a regular basis ,Use the hand sanitizer issued ,Follow the company's or home
hygiene policies ,Cover your nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing is just some few but most
important to apply good personal hygiene in work place and at home.

8. What should you do to reduce the spread of germs/bacteria at your workplace? (10 pts. in at least 30
words or more)

* the most important thing you can do to prevent germs/bacteria from spreading at your workplace is to
Stay at home ,Maintain a safe distance ,Never put your hands over your mouth or nose ,Maintain a
supply of hand sanitizer at your workstation ,Hands should be washed properly ,Disinfecting wipes
should be used ,Keep your hands away from your face. Make sure your office is tidy.

9. Why food safety in the workplace is important? (10 pts. in at least 30 words or more)

* Why food safety in the workplace is important? why is that food safety is important to a work place
Food safety and hygiene is of utmost importance for businesses, as it helps to protect the health of
consumers from foodborne illnesses and food poisoning. Food poisoning occurs when food becomes
contaminated by bacteria, viruses and other germs, making those who consume the contaminated food.

10. If cleaning is necessary in the workplace, how should it be done? (10 pts. in at least 30 words or
* If cleaning is necessary in the workplace, how should it be done? of course cleaning the work space is
extremely important for various reasons: employee health, staff illnesses, safety issues, company
morale, and even the reputation of your organization. Getting a space clean may not be fun, but it needs
to be done. And cleaning in work place it should be done by sanitize the utensils , tools and every thing
that need to be clean so that can avoid virus , germ and every thing.

11. What is food contamination? (10 pts. in at least 30 words or more)

* Food contamination refers to the presence of harmful chemicals and microorganisms in food, which
can cause consumer illness. The impact of chemical contaminants on consumer health and well-being is
often apparent only after many years of processing and prolonged exposure at low levels , food
contamination can also happen went the food are not in the right temperature and that time the
bacteria or the germ has given the chance to go to the food that cause contamination.

12. What is sanitation? (10 pts. in at least 30 words or more)

* when we talked about sanitation it applies to public health issues such as access to safe drinking
water and proper care and disposal of human waste and sewage. Sanitation includes avoiding human
contact with urine and washing hands with soap. And also sanitation is refers to one thing sanitation
can also apply to a work place and home sanitation is the most important to avoid bacteria viruses ,
germ etc. sanitation makes all the things cleaning and presentable.

13. How does sanitation apply in the workplace? (10 pts. in at least 30 words or more)

* How does sanitation apply in the workplace? Of course sanitation is the most important in the work
place to maintain cleanliness and presentable so that the customer feel fresh and sanitation apply by
the of Implement a Hygiene Policy ,Take Out the Trash Daily ,Minimize Clutter on Desk ,Assess
Risks ,Make Daily Cleanup a Habit ,Encourage Employee Hygiene ,Provide Clean Wipes, Sanitizer, and
Tissues ,Provide a Clean Bathroom and sanitation can also apply to the staff of a work place like washing
hands and every thing.

14. How does HACCP contribute in Food Industry? (10 pts in at least 30 words or more)

* HACCP is critical in food production because it prioritizes and regulates potential hazards. The food
industry can better convince customers that its goods are as healthy as science and technology allow by
monitoring major food threats such as microbiological, chemical, and physical pollutants. And of course
HACCP-based procedures provide companies with a cost-effective method for food safety monitoring,
from products to processing, storage, and delivery to final customer sale and service.

15. In your own thought of understanding, what is Good

Manufacturing Practices? (10 pts. in at least 30 words or

* for my own thought of understanding being good manufacturing practices of course you much now
the demand of the consumer and what they need and the production of one company is one of the
important being good manufacturing and don’t forget the people of the company because if this
person is not exist of course their no good manufacturing and lastly delivery of the product it could be
on time so that no worries.

16. How does Good Manufacturing Practices affect the Food Industry? (10 pts. in at least 30 words or

* An important good manufacturing practices affect the food industry is the for food processing
facilities , the location, design and construction of the facility. This gives a basic foundation for
controlling external risks to food safety and improves the ability to maintain hygiene, store materials
safely, and remove waste effectively .And good manufacturing practices has Proper maintenance,
layout, and operation of food processing facilities. Proper maintenance of equipment and utensils.
Sanitation processes and controls necessary to ensure food is suitable for human consumption, which
includes: Protection against physical, chemical, and microbial contaminants .


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