Clearings 2015

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Weekly Clearing Statements 2015 Page 1

This is a collection of the weekly clearing statements I have sent out for 2015.
If you need more info or a refresher on the clearing statement, go to

Week of January 5, 2015

This week's clearing is based on the FaceBook posted I made on New Year’s Eve:
Where have I been unwilling to accept the invitation to the party of Life? And anything that prevents or
limits me from accepting that invitation I destroy and uncreate it all. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad,
POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™
Christine Yole answered me on FaceBook with "Yay...a question I play with lots...what would it take to be
the walking, talking invitation to the party of consciousness? How much fun can we have being the
energy, space and consciousness of possibilities and actualizable realities that have never before

Week of January 12, 2015

This week’s clearing comes from the Voice America program “Changing Your Teeth” with Dr. Tome Kolso /
Zyvoloski on April 25, 2013
What energy, space and consciousness can I and my body be that would allow us to activate all
organisms for totally clean, shiny, long-living teeth with total ease are we now capable of generating,
creating and instituting? And anything that prevents or limits that I destroy and uncreate it all. Right
and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™

Week of January 19, 2015

This week’s clearing comes from Dain Heer’s “Tour of Consciousness” from Jan 13, 2015 titled “Getting Rid of Energetic Monsters”.
Here are Dain’s comments on this: “It is time to introduce what may seem like a quite basic tool about the
UNIVERSE, you and…everything! Yet, please trust me; this is a game-changer in its dynamic simplicity!
However, before we begin … There are two words I’d like to add to your vocabulary:
1. Magnanimous: generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness:
2. Penurious: extremely stingy; parsimonious; miserly.”
How much energy are you using to create the penurious reality as your reality rather than the
magnanimous universe as your reality of possibilities are you choosing? And everything that is times
a godzillion will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9,
Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™

Week of January 26, 2015

I don’t remember when this first one came to me, but I posted this on FaceBook on December 30. Then later
when someone was talking about not receiving, I came up with the second one.
WHAT IF you are the splash that creates the ripple that helps create the tidal wave of consciousness!?!
Anything that doesn’t allow that will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right and wrong, good and bad,
POC and POD, all nine, shorts, boys and beyonds. ™
Everywhere you have been unwilling to dive into the pool of infinite receiving, will you destroy and
uncreate it all? Right and wrong, good and bad, POC and POD, all nine, shorts, boys and beyonds. ™

Dawn 321-261-5975 Awareness Center, MM28899, MA67581

Weekly Clearing Statements 2015 Page 2

Week of February 2, 2015

This week’s clearing is based on what Gary Douglas suggests you should ask your body when you desire to
reduce your weight, rather than saying that you are DIEting.
Body, would you please get more slim, lean, alive and lovely? Everything that doesn’t allow that to
show up I destroy and uncreate it all. Right and wrong, good and bad, POC and POD, all nine, shorts,
boys and beyonds. ™

Week of February 9, 2015

This week’s clearing is based on a FaceBook post that is the left half of the picture below from someone called
“A Medic's World”. I then added the part you see on the right about waiting on someone else and created my
own post.

Are you holding yourself hostage, waiting on someone to rescue you or pay more attention to you or something
What if you didn't have to wait? What if you could just set yourself free now?
When I first saw this FaceBook post, I laughed, but then I came to the awareness that there ARE places where
I am holding myself hostage!
What would it take to set myself free?!?!
Everywhere you are holding yourself hostage, waiting on someone to rescue you or pay more attention
to you or whatever, will you now destroy and uncreate all that and allow yourself to be free?
Everything that doesn’t allow that to show up will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right and wrong,
good and bad, POC and POD, all nine, shorts, boys and beyonds. ™

Week of February 16, 2015

This week’s clearing is one that popped into my head last week. It's about wanting a bigger life.
Everywhere you have misidentified and misapplied making your life bigger and greater as making your
body bigger and greater in size rather than making your energy and yourself bigger and greater, will
you now destroy and uncreate all that? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts,
Boys and Beyonds™

Week of February 23, 2015

This week’s clearing is a variation on the “being of service” from Foundation / Level 1.
Everywhere you have decided that you need to be of service to all of humanity which means being a
servant to humanity and a slave to humanity, will you now destroy and uncreate all that? Right and
Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™
Dawn 321-261-5975 Awareness Center, MM28899, MA67581
Weekly Clearing Statements 2015 Page 3
And for those who have seen the Twilight Zone episode “To Serve Man” and know about the cookbook:
Everywhere you have allowed being of service to humanity to consume you, will you now destroy and
uncreate all that? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™

Week of March 2, 2015

This week’s clearings have multiple sources. The first part goes along with the “Committing to Your Life” theme
that is going on in many of the Access® classes now. Here is a recording of Dain Heer and Gary Douglas
talking about it:
So, after hearing that a few times in various forms in various classes, I came up with this clearing (which is a
variation of several ones from Gary and Dain):
What have you made so vital about keeping an escape route or escape hatch so you can quickly
escape life here? Everything that is will you now destroy and uncreate it all? Right and Wrong, Good
and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™
Then a friend and I were exchanging Symphony of Possibility sessions and I had chosen to clear what was
keeping my escape routes open. During the session, I became aware that Earth was not “my planet of choice”
and that I was creating conflictual realities by desiring to love and care for the Earth as my home while also
wanting to destroy it so I would not have to come back to it again. I wonder if that is why we continue to want to
destroy and control the Earth! Because we are upset with her because we feel trapped here!
So all the conflictual realities that you have created by desiring to love the Earth while all the time
desiring to destroy it so you don’t have to continue to come back here, would you destroy and
uncreate all that? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™

Week of March 2, 2015 **BONUS**

I just couldn't wait to send this! So you get a bonus this week!
Have you ever had one of those nights (or even several of them) where your mind just kept going and you kept
waking up doing Access® processes on yourself and had verbal processes running through your head and
wanting to send them out to everyone? OK maybe it’s just me.
Anyway, several nights this week I woke up with my body desiring Access® Body processes and with verbal
processes running through my head. This is one of them. I know it has a few elements of classes I have taken
and audio clips I have heard, etc, etc, but I am not sure of which ones.
What capacities for regeneration is my body capable of that I have denied, not acknowledge and not
allowed that if I would stop denying them and start acknowledging and allowing them would change
everything? And anything that doesn’t allow me to stop denying them and start acknowledging and
allowing it I destroy and uncreate it all. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys
and Beyonds™

Week of March 9, 2015

This week’s clearing came to me during a Symphony of Possibilities session. We were working on committing
to our lives and coming out of hiding.
How many distractors have I created (pain, clutter, excess, more & more training, etc) to keep me from
being present in my life and creating the life I would like to have that would change the world? Right
and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™
Everything I have used to create the web of crap hiding me and distracting me from having a life that
would change the world I destroy and uncreate it all. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9,
Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™

Dawn 321-261-5975 Awareness Center, MM28899, MA67581

Weekly Clearing Statements 2015 Page 4

Week of March 16, 2015

This week’s clearing came to me while I was putting together a schedule of classes.
Have you ever wanted anything very badly and dreamed about it and planned for it and had all these plans for
it for years and then when you finally got or did it, it wasn’t what you expected, so you were disappointed?
Have you considered that maybe it was still what you were asking for but it didn’t “look” exactly the way you
expected so you thought it wasn’t real or wasn’t worth it or wasn’t working?
So everything you thought it would look like and thought it would do or wouldn’t do for you or thought
it would or wouldn’t add to your life and all the expectations and projects you heaped upon it would
you now be willing to destroy and uncreate it all? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9,
Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™

Week of March 23, 2015

This week’s clearing is from Dain Heer's Tour of Consciousness "What If Needs are Not Real," from February
11, 2014 and modified in several of his telecalls.
What invention are you using to create the need for ______ you are choosing? Everything that is will
you destroy and uncreate it all? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and
Where you fill in the blank with whatever is sticking you like validation, being right, control, the perfect
relationship, never committing to your life, separation from others, making your life small, pleasing my family,
chaos, etc
Or you can just use it plain:
What invention are you using to create the need you are choosing? Everything that is will you destroy
and uncreate it all? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™

Week of March 30, 2015

This week’s clearings came to me while talking to friends about people who had just sort of given up on life or
at least some aspects of it.
Often people have some event that occurs like a death of a family member or friend, retirement, accident,
divorce, etc that just sort of stops them dead in their tracks. We call this kind of event a "Beyond" .... something
it is difficult to get passed. People who don't get passed these events seem to just give up.
So here are a few clearings I came up with for this..
When did you stop participating in life? Everything that is would you now destroy and uncreate it all?
Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™
Everywhere you have stopped participating in your life and all the Beyonds keeping that in place,
would you now destroy and uncreate it all TIMES A GODZILLION? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad,
POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™

Week of April 6, 2015

This week’s clearing came to me when I was asking who did the pain in my jaw belong to. I kept getting that it
was mine and that it wasn’t mine. After asking more questions what I finally got was that it was mine from a
previous lifetime.
So here is a clearing I came up with for this.
All of the biomimetic mimicry you are doing of your previous bodies and lifetimes, would you now
destroy and uncreate it all, times a godzillion? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9,
Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™

Dawn 321-261-5975 Awareness Center, MM28899, MA67581

Weekly Clearing Statements 2015 Page 5

Week of April 13, 2015

This week’s clearing came as the result of a discussion I took part in concerning judgement about eating.
Several of us realized how much we alter our eating habits when we are around people whose eating habits
are different than our own.
Do you do that too? For instance if you are not vegetarian, do you eat vegetarian meals when around others
who are? When you are around people who are of the “clean your plate, don’t waste food” opinion, do you
clean your plate even if you ARE NOT hungry? Do you eat at certain hours just because others tell you that is
the proper time?
So here is a clearing I came up with for this.
How much do you allow others to influence and tell you how you should eat, what you should eat, what
you should not eat, how much you should eat, when you should eat and so forth and so on? And
everything that is and brings up and lets down, would you now destroy and uncreate it all, times a
godzillion? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™

Week of April 20, 2015

This week’s clearing came from Dain Heer's Energetic Synthesis of Being class that I attended this past

Gary Douglas and Dain Heer and many others have frequently talked about using the word "want". "Want"
means to lack. When you say that you "want something," you are saying that you lack it so the universe
continues to deliver you that same lack.
In the class, Dain gave us a few clearings related to that.
Whose life of lack are you living? And everything that is would you now destroy and uncreate it all,
times a godzillion and return it to sender with consciousness attached? Right and Wrong, Good and
Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™
and an accompanying statement:
Whose lack of life are you living? And everything that is would you now destroy and uncreate it all,
times a godzillion and return it to sender with consciousness attached? Right and Wrong, Good and
Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™

Week of April 27, 2015

I'm a little late this week!

This week's clearing is from a telecall by Dr.Dain Heer called "Taking your symphony beyond".

What suspension of awareness are you using to create the diminishment of the perceived value…of
you are you choosing? And everything that is would you now destroy and uncreate it all, times a
godzillion? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™

Suspension of awareness is huge with me this week, that's why this is late! So I have this one as well that I
came up with for me (and maybe a few of you as well).

What suspension of awareness am I using to create the perceived difficulties with my body I am
choosing? And everything that is I now destroy and uncreate it all, times a godzillion! Right and
Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™

Dawn 321-261-5975 Awareness Center, MM28899, MA67581

Weekly Clearing Statements 2015 Page 6

Week of May 4, 2015

This week's clearing is based on a Facebook post by Gary Douglas on April 29, 2015.
Gary’s post “One of the things that makes you want to die is when you are not being the power that you know
you are - when you are letting someone else's world or reality determine your life, your business, your creation.
It gives you a sense of having no value, so you don't want to be here.”
So the clearings I made from that:
Everywhere you are not being the power that you know you are, would you now destroy and uncreate
it all, times a godzillion? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and
Everywhere you are letting someone else's world or reality determine your life, your business, your
creation and everywhere that gives you a sense of having no value, so you don't want to be here would
you now destroy and uncreate it all, times a godzillion? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC,
All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™

Week of May 11, 2015

This week's clearing is based on a bunch of different ones I have used and seen.
What awarenesses are you avoiding and refusing to acknowledge that if you would allow and
acknowledge them would set you free? Everything that is would you now destroy and uncreate it all,
times a godzillion? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™

Week of May 17, 2015

This week's clearing is kind of based on one from Dain Heer’s “Reset of Everything” telecalls (which are
amazing by the way, ). The definition of stupidity he
gave is Stupidity is any time you are making yourself unaware
What stupidity are you using to avoid the awarenesses you could be choosing? Everything that is
would you now destroy and uncreate it all, times a godzillion? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD,
POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™

Week of May 25, 2015

This week's clearing is from Dain Heer’s “Reset of Everything” telecalls (which are amazing by the way, as well as a few other places.
What are you punishing yourself for? Everything that is would you now destroy and uncreate it all,
times a godzillion? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™

Week of June 1, 2015

This week's clearing is from Dain Heer’s “Tour of Consciousness" from May 25, 2015, "How High Would You
Fly". See it on YouTube
What’s true about you that you have not acknowledged that if you would acknowledge it would allow
you to create everything in your life including happiness with greater ease? Everything that is would
you now destroy and uncreate it all, times a godzillion? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC,
All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™
What lies have you bought about you that are not actually true that if you would let them go would
make your life the ease and joy that you know it truly can be? Everything that is would you now
destroy and uncreate it all, times a godzillion? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9,
Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™

Dawn 321-261-5975 Awareness Center, MM28899, MA67581

Weekly Clearing Statements 2015 Page 7

Week of June 8, 2015

This week's clearing is from Susanna Mittermaier’s YouTube post “Are you trying to be normal? How does that
work for you?”.
What have you made so vital about being normal that keeps you from creating the life you truly desire?
And everything that that is times a godzillion will you destroy and uncreate it all? Thank you! Right and
Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™

Week of June 15, 2015

This week’s clearing is based on the "Ask A Question Change Your Life" internet radio show that I did with
Susan Shatzer last year. The episode from September 3, 2014 was "Who Would You Be Without Your
Problems?" ( and
posed the questions "Do you let your problems define you? Do you create problems when things are going
well? What if you could create your life rather than create problems and solutions?"
So here are a few clearings I did on the show.
How much have you made your problems and issues, lack and limitations the stability points in your
life that give you something to hold on to and as long as you have those stability points, you know
who you are? Everything that is would you now destroy and uncreate it all, times a godzillion? Right
and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds™.
NOTE: stability points (
What possibilities are you capable of creating beyond your perceived problems right now? Everything
that keeps you from doing that would you now destroy and uncreate it all, times a godzillion? Right
and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds™.
What problems have you created that you are now ready to let go of? Everything that doesn't allow you
to let go of that would you now destroy and uncreate it all, times a godzillion? Right and wrong, good
and bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds™.
Here is a list of all of our episodes. (

Week of June 22, 2015

This week’s clearing is from Gary Douglas’ book “The Utopian Ideal.”
What mistake are you not willing to make, that if you would make it, would give you all of you?
Everything that is times a godzillion, will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right and wrong, good and
bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds™.

Dawn 321-261-5975 Awareness Center, MM28899, MA67581

Weekly Clearing Statements 2015 Page 8
What invention are you using to create the problems you are choosing? what stupidity (and by this I mean
unconsciousness) are you using to create the problems you are choosing? http://access-consciousness-

What do we do to our bodies to bring on death?

Week of February 26, 2015

Access Blog Hopes and Dreams 01-03-15

Gary Douglas says that: “Hope is the pretense of not knowing.” As you move away from hopes and dreams
and into your own knowing, you will notice that your life begins to work with more ease and fewer glitches. It’s
not that hopes and dreams are bad or wrong; it’s that they divert us from our knowing and the awareness that
allows us to make choices that work well for us. What if you gave up your hopes and dreams in favor of a
willingness to be aware? Might this create more of the life you truly desire?

How many of your hopes and dreams actually belong to someone else? D&U and return to sender.

So all the hopes, dreams, goals and aspirations that you followed that were not really yours? D&U

What am I unwilling to be aware of about myself and this dream? D&U

This one came to me when I was listening to Dain Heer’s “Finding the Greatness of You” calls
Where have I only been sampling life rather than participating in it and living it? Everything
that is times a godzillion will I destroy and uncreate it all? Right and wrong, good and bad,
POC and POD, all nine, shorts, boys and beyonds. ™

Dawn 321-261-5975 Awareness Center, MM28899, MA67581

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