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Changing the way of thinking…

कृषि ज्ञान सीरीज – 22(a)


Seed Rate of

फसलों की बीज दर
• Seed Rate –
• Broadcasting - 100 Kg/ha
• Drilling Method - 60 Kg/ha
• Hybrid Rice – 15 Kg/ha
• Dapog Method – 1.5-3.0 Kg/ha
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance – 20 cm x 10 cm

• Seed Rate –
• Normal Sowing - 100 Kg/ha
• For late & Broadcasting - 125 Kg/ha
• For Rainfed Condition – 70-80 Kg/ha
• For Dibbling Method – 25-30 Kg/ha
• Row to Row , Plant to plant Distance – 22.5 cm x 10 cm

• Seed Rate –
• Fodder Purpose – 40-50 Kg/ha
• Hybrid Seed - 25 Kg/ha
• For Composites – 15 -20 Kg/ha
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance – 60 cm x 20 cm

• Seed Rate –
• American Cotton– 15-25 Kg/ha (67.5cm x 30cm)
• Desi Cotton – 10-18 Kg/ha (67.5cm x 30cm)
• Hybrid – 2-3 Kg/ha (100cm x 60cm)
• Bt. Cotton – 1-1.5 Kg/ha
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance –
• American Cotton– 67.5cm x 30cm
• Desi Cotton – 67.5cm x 30cm
• Hybrid – 100cm x 60cm
• Seed Rate –
• Eastern U.P. – 50-60 Kg/ha
• Normal Planting - 40,000 Three Buded Sets/Ha
• Wide Space - 36,000 Two Buded Sets/Ha
• Bud Chips – 22,500 Seedling /ha
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance – 90 cm x 90 cm

• Seed Rate –
• Short Duration Variety – 12-15 Kg/ha
• Medium Duration Variety – 10-12 Kg/ha
• Long Duration Variety – 8-10 Kg/ha
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance – 60 cm x 15 cm

• Seed Rate –
• For bunch type Variety – 100-110 Kg/ha (30cm x 10cm)
• For spreading type Variety– 95-100 Kg/ha (45cm x 10cm)
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance – 30 cm x 10 cm

• Seed Rate –
• Optimum for all types of tobacco – 2-3 Kg/ha
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance – 80 cm x 80 cm

• Seed Rate –
• For Direct Sowing – 4.5-5 Kg/ha
• For transplanting – 3.75 Kg/ha
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance – 40-45 cm x 10-15 cm
• Seed Rate –
• Normal Sowing – 8-10 Kg/ha
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance – 60 cm x 30 cm
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance - Short Duration ( 45cm x 30cm)

• Seed Rate –
• Fodder Purpose – 100 Kg/ha (20 cm x 23 cm)
• Grain Crop – 80 Kg/ha (23 cm x 25 cm)
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance –

• Seed Rate –
• For Kharif Crop – 15-20 Kg/ha (30-45 cm x 5-10cm)
• For Spring Crop – 25-30 Kg/ha (25 cm x 25 cm)
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance –


• Seed Rate –
• For Kharif Crop – 15-20 Kg/ha (35 cm x 35 cm)
• For Rabi Crop – 25-30 Kg/ha (25 cm x 25 cm)
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance –

• Seed Rate –
• Bold Seed Variety – 50-60 Kg/ha (25 cm x 25 cm)
• Small Seed Variety – 30-40 Kg/ha (35 cm x 35 cm)
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance –
• Seed Rate –
• Normal Sowing – 70-80 Kg/ha
• For Rabi Crop – 25-30 Kg/ha
• Row to Row Distance– 30 cm

• Seed Rate –
• Normal Sowing – 25-30 Kg/ha
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance – 20-30 cm x 15 cm

• Seed Rate –
• Normal Sowing – 60-100 Kg/ha
• For transplanting – 3.75 Kg/ha
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance – 30-45 cm x 10 cm

• Seed Rate –
• Normal Sowing – 80-100 Kg/ha
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance – 30 cm x 10 cm

• Seed Rate –
• Normal Sowing – 3.6 Kg/ha
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance – 50cm x 20 cm
• Seed Rate –
• For green Manure – 49-50 kg/ha
• Broadcasting – 35 Kg/ha
• Line Sowing – 25 Kg/ha
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance – 30 cm x 5-7 cm

• Seed Rate –
• Normal Sowing – 4-7 Kg/ha
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance – 22.5-45 cm x 10-22.5 cm

• Seed Rate –
• Normal Sowing – 25-30 Kg/ha
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance – 14.5 cm x 20 cm

• Seed Rate –
• For Dry land Sowing – 10-12 Kg/ha
• For Irrigated Land sowing – 5-6 Kg/ha
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance – 90-120 cm x 40-60 cm

• Seed Rate –
• Sole crop – 40,000 stem Cuts/ha
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance – 50 cm x 50 cm
• Seed Rate –
• Normal Sowing – 15-20 Kg/ha
• Row to Row, Plant to plant Distance – 25 cm x Solid Line

Q.1 – What is the seed rate of Hybrid rice? (AF0-Exam)

हाइब्रिड चावल की बीज दर क्या है ?
(a) 15 kg/ha (b) 25 kg/ha
(c) 60 kg/ha (d) None of these

Q.2 What is the seed rate of Alfalfa Crop? (AF0-Exam)

ररजका फसल की बीज दर क्या है ?
(a) 5-10 kg/ha (b) 15-20 kg/ha
(c) 30-40 kg/ha (d) None of these
Q.3 –What is the row to row & plant to plant distance of pigeon pea?
अरहर की फसल के ललए पंक्क्ि और पौधे में ककिनी दरू ी रखिे हैं?
(a) 60 cm x 40 cm (b) 60 cm x 60 cm

(c) 60 cm x 15 cm (d) None of these

Q.4 – What is the seed rate of Bajra Crop? (AF0-Exam)

बाजरा की फसल का बीज दर क्या है ?
(a) 1-2 kg/ha (b) 2.5-3.5 kg/ha
(c) 4.5-5 kg/ha (d) None of these

Q.5 – What is the seed rate of maize Crop (Fodder purpose)?

मक्का की फसल की बीज दर (चारा वाली) क्या है ?
(a) 40-50 kg/ha (b) 50-60 kg/ha
(c) 60-70 kg/ha (d) None of these
Today’s Special Question

Q. What is the seed rate of linseed crop?

अलसी की फसल का बीज दर क्या है ?
(a) 15-20 kg/ha (b) 25-30 kg/ha
(c) 40-45 kg/ha (d) None of these

Answer of Previous Question-

Q. What is the harvest period of sunflower?

सरू जमख
ु ी की फसल अवधध क्या है ?
(a) 60-80 Days
(b) 90-100 Days
(c) 140-150 Day
(d) None of these

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