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Jurnal Pengajaran
Volume 3, Nomor 01, Desember 2022 hal. 15-26

Body Language and Public Speaking: What Your Gestures Say

Munawaroh1, Lulu’ Alifatur Rahmah2

Institut Agama Islam Muhammad Azim Jambi
Abstrak: artikel ini membahas peran krusial bahasa tubuh dalam konteks berbicara di
publik, menekankan makna mendalam di balik gerakan fisik seseorang. Fokus pertama
adalah pada peran ekspresi wajah sebagai elemen kunci dalam menyampaikan pesan secara
efektif kepada audiens. Ekspresi wajah memberikan dimensi emosional yang dapat
memperkaya makna kata-kata dan membangun koneksi emosional dengan pendengar.
Tema ini mengajak untuk menyadari pentingnya mengelola dan mengoptimalkan ekspresi
wajah guna meningkatkan daya tarik dan kesan yang dihasilkan saat berbicara di depan
umum. Fokus kedua membahas penerapan konsep psikologi dalam bahasa tubuh,
menyoroti bagaimana gerakan tubuh dan postur dapat menjadi cermin dari kepercayaan
diri, kecemasan, atau ketidakpastian seseorang. Pemahaman psikologi diterapkan untuk
menyusun gerakan tubuh yang mendukung pesan yang ingin disampaikan, menegaskan
bahwa keselarasan antara kata-kata dan bahasa tubuh merupakan kunci utama untuk
berbicara di publik dengan efektif.
Kata Kunci: Bahasa Tubuh, Berbicara di Depan Umum, Ucapan Gestur
Abstract: this article discusses the crucial role of body language in the context of public
speaking, emphasizing the deep meaning behind a person's physical movements. The first
focus is on the role of facial expressions as a key element in effectively conveying a message
to an audience. Facial expressions provide an emotional dimension that can enrich the
meaning of words and build an emotional connection with the listener. This theme invites
people to realize the importance of managing and optimizing facial expressions to increase
the attractiveness and impression produced when speaking in public. The second focus
examines the application of psychological concepts to body language, highlighting how
body movements and posture can be a reflection of a person's confidence, anxiety or
uncertainty. Psychological understanding is applied to compose body movements that
support the message to be conveyed, confirming that harmony between words and body
language is the main key to speaking in public effectively.
Keywords: Body Language, Public Speaking, Gestures Say

In the era of globalization and the development of information technology, public
speaking has become an inevitable skill, especially in professional and social contexts.
Successful leaders, educators and individuals are often recognized by their ability to convey
ideas, thoughts or information clearly and convincingly. However, public speaking is not

just about the spoken word; body language or physical gestures also play an important role
in conveying a message with greater impact.
Body language includes elements such as facial expressions, hand gestures,
posture, and eye contact. When used appropriately, body language can enrich verbal
messages, add an emotional dimension, and strengthen persuasive power.1 For example, a
genuine smile can reinforce a positive impression, hand gestures that harmonize with words
can provide additional emphasis, and a confident posture can boost the speaker's
Although the importance of body language is recognized, there is still a lack of in-
depth research on how body language affects public speaking skills. Therefore, this article
will explore the relationship between body language and public speaking, with the aim of
gaining a better understanding of how elements of body language can be optimized to
improve communication effectiveness.3
In a contemporary era filled with demands for good communication skills, a deeper
understanding of body language can contribute significantly to the development of
individuals as effective communicators.4 Therefore, this research is geared towards
providing a better view of the complexity and impact of body language in the context of
public speaking.
This research will focus on in-depth analysis of various aspects of body language,
including facial expressions, hand movements, body posture and eye contact. The scope of
the research also includes the exploration of psychological concepts related to body
language and public speaking skills5 This research will use literature review methods, case
analysis, and experiments to understand the holistic impact of body language in the context
of public communication. Thus, it is hoped that this research can provide rich and useful
insight into the role of body language in public speaking.
The results of this research are expected to provide significant contributions in
several aspects. First, for individuals who have an interest in improving their public
speaking skills, this research can provide practical guidance on the effective use of body
language. Second, for communication trainers, this research can be a basis for developing
more efficient training methods. Finally, contributions to academic understanding of the

Arif Hidayat, “Bahasa Tubuh: Tanda Dalam Sistem Komunikasi,” Komunika: Jurnal Dakwah Dan
Komunikasi 4, no. 2 (2010): 224–34,
Thoriq Tri Prabowo, “Komunikasi Efektif Pada Bahasa Tubuh Pustakawan,” Jurnal Ilmu
Pendidikan, Informasi Dan Kearsipan 7, no. 1 (2019),
Mileh I Nengah, “Makna Bahasa Tubuh: Suatu Kajian Lintas Budaya,” KULTURISTIK: Jurnal
Bahasa Dan Budaya 4, no. 2 (2020): 37–43,
Putu Eka Sastrika Ayu, “Pentingnya Pemahaman Bahasa Tubuh Bagi Para Guru Pendidikan Anak
Usia Dini,” Purwadita: Jurnal Agama Dan Budaya 3, no. 2 (2020): 29–36,
Andika Darmawansah and Raden Hartopo Eko Putro, “Penggunaan Komunikasi Non-Verbal
Bahasa Tubuh Dalam Desain Instruksional Pelatih Dan Atlet Kategori Tanding Pencak Silat,” Jurnal
Komunikasi Profesional 3, no. 2 (2019),

relationship between body language and public speaking may stimulate further research in
this area.

Research methods refer to the systematic and organized approach used to design,
conduct, and analyze a study. Research methods are a framework that provides guidance
on how to obtain, organize, and interpret data to answer research questions or achieve
specific research objectives. The library research method, also known as literature review
or library research, is an approach to collecting, compiling, and evaluating information
from various existing library or literature sources. The main purpose of this method is to
present a comprehensive picture of the current knowledge about Body Language and Public
Speaking, understand existing conceptual frameworks, and identify trends or patterns that
can form the basis for further research.


The Role of Facial Expressions in Public Speaking
Facial expressions are a form of non-verbal communication that has a significant
role in public speaking. The emotional background conveyed through facial expressions
not only provides an additional dimension to the verbal message, but can also influence the
listener's perception and response.6 In this context, communication theory becomes an
important basis for understanding how facial expressions can enrich and clarify the
message conveyed. A review of the literature on the psychology of facial expressions helps
detail the psychological aspects involved, highlighting the link between facial expressions
and an individual's emotional experience.
Facial expressions play a very important role in public speaking because they have
profound benefits in increasing communication effectiveness. First of all, facial
expressions contribute to emphasizing and strengthening the verbal message conveyed by
the speaker. Through appropriate facial expressions, speakers can amplify the emotions
they want to convey, give additional dimensions to their words, and create an emotional
bond with the audience.7
In addition, facial expressions that are congruent with the content of the speech can
increase the authenticity of the communication, giving the impression that the speaker is
sincere and convincing. Another benefit is the ability of facial expressions to adapt to the
mood and tone of the conversation. By responding appropriately to an audience's mood or
a particular situation, facial expressions help create deeper connections and ensure that
messages are delivered with appropriate sensitivity.8

Geofakta Razali et al., “Pelatihan Public Speaking Dalam Meningkatkan Komunikasi Sosial,”
Community Development Journal: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 4, no. 2 (2023): 4759–67,
Roswita Oktavianti and Farid Rusdi, “Belajar Public Speaking Sebagai Komunikasi Yang Efektif,”
Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia 2, no. 1 (2019).
I Made Suta Paramarta and Putu Ayu Prabawati Sudana, “Perbandingan Komunikasi Nonverbal
Penutur Asli Dan Penutur Asing Bahasa Inggris Dalam Public Speaking,” Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Dan
Humaniora 5, no. 1 (2016),

Positive and open facial expressions can create a friendlier and more supportive
environment, increasing the audience's appeal and absorption of the presentation. Thus, the
benefits of facial expressions in public speaking lie not only in increasing verbal
expressiveness, but also in their ability to build emotional connections, increase trust, and
make communication more persuasive and impressive.

Facial Expressions in Strengthening or Weakening Verbal Messages

Facial expressions also act as non-verbal markers that help the speaker understand
the audience's response. Sensitive facial expressions can be a valuable indicator for
assessing the extent to which a message has been received, understood, or even requires
further explanation. A speaker's ability to read an audience's facial expressions allows for
rapid adaptation to changes in their mood or level of interest.9
Vital role in creating a strong and convincing self-image. A speaker who is able to
control his facial expressions wisely can exude confidence, courage, and openness.
Appropriate facial expressions can also reinforce messages of leadership and authority,
build a sense of trust, and enhance the speaker's personality appeal.
The importance of facial expressions in public speaking is also reflected in its ability
to build interpersonal connectedness. Eye contact accompanied by a smile or friendly facial
expression can create an emotional bond with the audience, increase their sense of
involvement, and create a friendly atmosphere. In this way, facial expressions function as
a bridge between the speaker and the audience, facilitating effective communication.10
Overall, the benefits of facial expressions in public speaking include enhancing
verbal expressiveness, reading audience responses, forming a strong self-image, and
creating interpersonal connectedness. By understanding and optimizing the role of facial
expressions, a speaker can increase the appeal of his or her communication, build a deeper
connection with the audience, and make a memorable impression in public speaking
Facial expressions are a non-verbal communication element that can significantly
influence the effectiveness of the verbal message conveyed. Facial expressions are not just
a complement, but are the key to adding an emotional dimension to communication. With
appropriate facial expressions, a speaker can strengthen the meaning and intensity of his
verbal message. A smile, for example, can give the impression of warmth when conveying

Arida Susyetina, Eunike Putri Chriswiyati, and Suprianus Lase, “Pelatihan Public Speaking Untuk
Siswa SMA Budi Utama,” Patria: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 4, no. 2 (2022): 117–26.
Winny Gunarti WW, Yasraf Amir Piliang, and Achmad Syarief, “Wacana Visual Talk Show €˜
Mata Najwaâ€TM: Melihat Bahasa Tubuh Partisipan Sebagai Kekuatan Visual,” Panggung 23, no. 4
Meylina Meylina, “Pelatihan Public Speaking Berbahasa Inggris Bagi Kaum Milenial Di Kota
Padang,” Jurnal Pustaka Mitra (Pusat Akses Kajian Mengabdi Terhadap Masyarakat) 2, no. 2
(2022): 139–45,

a positive message, while a serious expression can emphasize the seriousness or urgency
of the message.12
Conversely, facial expressions that are incongruent or inappropriate to the context
can weaken the verbal message, creating a mismatch between the words spoken and body
language. By understanding the dynamics between facial expressions and verbal messages,
a speaker can strategically use facial expressions to increase the expressiveness and
persuasiveness of his communication or avoid potential contradictions that could weaken
the impression of the verbal message. In this context, facial expressions serve as a critical
element in conveying messages that are not only verbally accurate, but also received with
empathy and understanding through the strong non-verbal dimension of expression.13
Facial expressions as reinforcers or weakeners of verbal messages illustrate the
complexity of human communication which involves interactions between verbal and non-
verbal language. When facial expressions align with the message being spoken, the effect
can be very positive. For example, when someone delivers good news with a sincere smile,
this facial expression not only reinforces a positive impression, but can also create an
emotional bond with the listener.
Conversely, a mismatch between facial expressions and verbal messages can weaken
communication. For example, if someone talks about a topic that is supposed to be fun
while maintaining a serious or tense face, the message may not be well received by the
audience. Inappropriate facial expressions can create distrust or confusion in the listener,
reducing the overall impact of the communication.
Furthermore, facial expressions can also function as an indicator of the speaker's
honesty or sincerity. When facial expressions align with true feelings, verbal messages feel
more authentic. Conversely, when facial expressions create the impression of dishonesty
or distrust, the verbal message can be called into question. The importance of this theme
also lies in the cultural and situational context. Some facial expressions can be interpreted
differently depending on cultural background and context. Therefore, a speaker needs to
consider his or her audience and understand how culture and situation can influence the
interpretation of facial expressions.14
In a deeper exploration of this theme, one can notice that facial expressions are not
only a complement to verbal messages, but are also a major player in shaping the audience's
understanding and response to the message conveyed. By realizing the power of facial
expressions, a speaker can design his communication to be more persuasive, ensuring that
his verbal message is received with maximum effect by the listener.

Rasta Kurniawati Br Pinem, Mavianti Mavianti, and Rizka Harfiani, “Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas
Mubalighat Melalui Pelatihan Public Speaking & Styles Dakwah Pada Pimpinan Wilayah ‘Aisyiyah
Sumatera Utara,” in Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kewirausahaan, vol. 1, 2019, 187–93.
Akrab Juara: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial 8, no. 3 (2023): 164–77,
Usman Usman, “Pemenang Di Atas Panggung Melalui Mahir Public Speaking,” Komunikasiana:
Journal of Communication Studies 1, no. 1 (n.d.), https://ejournal.uin-

Facial expressions are also able to detail the complexity of emotions and nuances
that are not always contained in verbal language. When someone talks about a sad personal
experience, a somber or empathetic facial expression can add depth to the story, capturing
the emotional essence beyond the limits of words. Therefore, facial expressions are not just
a complement, but a fundamental element in conveying emotional truth and tailoring verbal
messages to reflect true nuances. By understanding the power of facial expressions, a
speaker can create richer, deeper and more impressive communications.
Facial expressions play a central role in strengthening verbal messages by adding a
deep emotional dimension. When a speaker is able to synchronize his facial expressions
with the message being conveyed, the result is an unbeatable increase in expressiveness.
Facial expressions that match the verbal content also reinforce the impression of
seriousness or urgency.
A serious or tense facial appearance can highlight the importance or seriousness of
an issue being conveyed, giving it greater weight and impact on the audience. Additionally,
facial expressions that support verbal messages lend authenticity to communication. A
speaker who is able to reflect appropriate emotions through his facial expressions creates a
strong emotional connection with his audience, making his message more relatable and
memorable. Thus, facial expressions function as a powerful addition to the expressiveness,
nurturing the verbal message and providing an emotional dimension that significantly
enhances its impact.15
Further exploration of the way facial expressions can enhance verbal messages
reveals complexities in the dynamics of human communication. Facial expressions not only
accompany words, but also act as emotional amplifiers that deepen and bring clarity to the
nuances of verbal messages. For example, in the context of an inspirational speech, facial
expressions that reflect the speaker's enthusiasm and conviction can create an emotional
climate that motivates and moves the audience to action.
The importance of facial expressions in strengthening verbal messages is also
reflected in their ability to convey emotional complexity that may be difficult to interpret
through words alone. For example, facial expressions that reflect a mixture of happiness
and compassion can add a deeper emotional dimension to stories of success or personal
experiences. In other words, facial expressions add color to the narrative and increase the
listener's absorption of the shared experience.
In addition, facial expressions allow the speaker to form a mood that suits the
message he wants to convey. A speaker who is able to control his facial expressions can
adjust his mood and emotional tone, creating the right balance between seriousness and
lightness, or between reflection and enthusiasm, according to the context of the
communication. Thus, facial expressions not only convey emotions authentically, but also
become a dynamic adaptation tool to strengthen verbal messages in various situations.16

Siti Aisyah, “Public Speaking Dan Konstribusinya Terhadap Kompetensi Dai,” Jurnal Ilmu
Dakwah 37, no. 2 (2018): 198–214,
Nuri Herachwati, Santi Isnaini, and Tri Siwi Agustina, “Enhancing Communication Skills for
Studentpreneurs: A Training Program on Public Speaking,” Indonesian Journal of Law and
Economics Review 18, no. 3 (2023),

Overall, further exploration of the role of facial expressions in reinforcing verbal
messages opens up insight into the human ability to communicate holistically, combining
verbal and non-verbal language to create rich and immersive communicative experiences.
Thus, the theme of facial expressions in strengthening verbal messages highlights the
essence of the richness of human communication, where facial expressions are not just a
complement, but rather the foundation that gives an emotional dimension to every word
spoken. The uniqueness and complexity of facial expressions transform verbal messages
into deeper and more immersive communicative experiences.17
In our efforts to communicate effectively, recognition of the power of facial
expressions enriches and expands our capacity to better convey meaning, creating a
connection that is not only heard, but felt by the audience. Therefore, through the
combination of facial expressions and words, we break the boundaries of communication,
create vivid narratives, and carve unforgettable imprints in human interactions.

Application of Psychological Concepts in Body Language

The psychological concept of body language covers various aspects, including facial
expressions, body movements, and overall body language. Facial expressions, for example,
can convey feelings such as happiness, disappointment, or emotional tension. Body
movements, postures, and gestures can also provide clues about comfort levels, confidence,
or even fear.18
Research in this area not only supports the analysis of individual behavior, but can
also be applied in a variety of contexts, including psychotherapy, business communication,
and even learning. For example, appropriate use of body language can improve
interpersonal skills, strengthen interpersonal relationships, and facilitate more effective
By understanding and applying psychological concepts to body language, it can open
the door to better understand the complexities of social interactions and provide a strong
foundation for improving interpersonal communication skills. Thus, the application of this
concept is not only relevant in an academic context, but also has a significant practical
impact in everyday life.
Through the application of psychological concepts to body language, we can deepen
our insight into interpersonal communication, especially in terms of accuracy of
interpretation and response to nonverbal expressions. For example, a further understanding
of body language can play a key role in helping individuals resolve conflict or build better
relationships. In the context of psychotherapy, skilled therapists can use their understanding
of a client's body language to help uncover underlying emotions, even when the client has
difficulty expressing them verbally.19

Arif Khoiruddin, “Peran Komunikasi Dalam Pendidikan,” Tribakti: Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman
23, no. 1 (2012),
Winda Kustiawan et al., “Komunikasi Asertif Dan Empatik Dalam Psikologi Komunikasi,” JIKEM:
Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi Dan Manajemen 2, no. 2 (2022): 2483–96.
Mohammad Zaini, “Pendidikan Remaja Dalam Perspektif Psikologi Pendidikan,” EL-BANAT:
Jurnal Pemikiran Dan Pendidikan Islam 8, no. 1 (2018): 99–117,

It is also important to note that the application of this concept is not just limited to
interpersonal communication. In business and professional contexts, awareness of body
language can improve negotiation, leadership and presentation skills. A leader who can
accurately read his team's body language may be able to identify discomfort or tension,
thereby taking appropriate steps to improve the team's well-being and performance.
Apart from that, the world of education can also benefit from the application of
psychological concepts in body language. Teachers who are sensitive to students' bodily
expressions can respond better to their emotional and learning needs. In this way, teaching
can be adjusted to create a more positive and supportive learning environment.
Overall, the application of psychological concepts to body language opens up
opportunities to improve human understanding and interaction in various areas of life. By
focusing on these nonverbal aspects, we can achieve significant benefits in enriching
communication, building stronger relationships, and creating an environment that supports
individual growth and development.20
Empathy, confidence, and persuasion are psychological concepts that are deeply
related to body language. In the context of body language, expressions of empathy can be
seen in gestures, facial expressions and body postures which reflect a person's ability to
understand and absorb other people's feelings. Empathic body language creates an
emotional bond, allowing people to feel heard and understood.
Empathy, for example, arises through responsive body language, such as responding
to someone's facial expressions or body movements in a supportive manner. Psychological
research shows that empathy shown through body language can create a stronger sense of
connection between individuals, both in personal and professional relationships. The use
of body movements that indicate understanding and concern for other people's feelings can
strengthen social bonds.21
Self-confidence, on the other hand, is reflected in body posture, strong eye contact,
and open movements. A confident person will display an upright posture and steady
gestures, creating the impression that they are confident in themselves and what they are
communicating. Body language that expresses self-confidence can also influence others'
perceptions of the individual, building the foundation for stronger relationships.22
Confidence, on the other hand, is seen in various elements of body language, such
as a steady body posture, measured hand gestures, and consistent eye contact. The
psychology of self-confidence suggests that body language that exudes confidence can
influence others' perceptions of a person's abilities and competence. In a professional

Deddy Desmal, “Surau Melalui Bahasa Tubuh Dalam Film Eksperimental,” Jurnal Fuaduna:
Jurnal Kajian Keagamaan Dan Kemasyarakatan 2, no. 1 (2019): 16–22,
Ferry Fauzi Hermawan, Dana Waskita, and Tri Sulistyaningtyas, “Bahasa, Tubuh, Dan Paradigma
Patriarki Dalam Humor Kontemporer Indonesia,” Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Sastra UPI 17,
no. 1 (2017): 30–41,
Ani Fakhiroh and Syarif Hidayatullah, “Pengaruh Percaya Diri Terhadap Ketrampilan Berbicara,”
EL-IBTIKAR: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab 7, no. 1 (2018): 34–46,

context, appearing confident can be the key to success in presentations, negotiations, and
Meanwhile, in the context of persuasion, body language has a crucial role. Firm hand
gestures, maintained eye contact, and open body posture can be used to increase the
effectiveness of persuasive messages. Following the principles of the psychology of
persuasion, as explained by Robert Cialdini, convincing body language can help create
credibility and make a message more compelling. For example, a genuine smile or an
approving head gesture can increase attraction and convince the other person to accept an
idea or offer.
At the level of persuasion, body language can be considered an art that involves a
combination of gestures, facial expressions, and body posture. Persuasion psychology
research shows that using body language that is consistent with the message conveyed can
strengthen the persuasive impact. For example, aligning hand movements with words or
adjusting body posture for persuasive purposes can create continuity and convince the
Overall, understanding and applying psychological concepts such as empathy,
confidence, and persuasion to body language provides deep insight into the dynamics of
human communication. The ability to read and use body language wisely not only
strengthens social interactions, but can also be a powerful tool in building healthy
relationships, reassuring others, and increasing the overall effectiveness of communication.
With further exploration of the application of body language in psychology, we can
enrich our understanding of how these elements are interconnected and can be integrated
in various contexts. Understanding the nuances of body language can not only improve
communication, but also provide valuable insight into social and interpersonal dynamics.
The influence of empathy, confidence, and persuasion in body language has a
significant impact on various aspects of human interaction. Empathy, reflected in
responsive body movements and understanding facial expressions, creates emotional bonds
and deepens connections between individuals. Body language that communicates empathy
not only increases understanding of other people's feelings but also helps create a
supportive social environment.
Self-confidence, which is reflected in a steady body posture, firm hand gestures, and
confident eye contact, has a positive impact on the perception of self and others. Body
language that conveys self-confidence not only increases an individual's credibility but also
inspires trust in those around him. In a professional context, confidence in body language
can be the key to success in situations such as presentations, interviews, and negotiations.23
Persuasion through body language involves the use of gestures, facial expressions,
and body postures that support the message conveyed. Convincing body language can
strengthen the appeal of a message, make it more acceptable, and increase the likelihood
of a desired opinion or action being formed. Harmony between words and body expressions

Aisyiah Girindra, Hally Weliangan, and Yudit Oktaria K Pardede, “Citra Tubuh Dan Kepercayaan
Diri Pada Mahasiswa Pengguna Kosmetik Wardah,” Jurnal Psikologi 11, no. 2 (2019): 143–52,

in the context of persuasion can increase the effectiveness of communication and build
strong relationships.

Thus, the influence of empathy, confidence, and persuasion in body language not
only creates the foundation for more meaningful communication but also has positive
consequences in shaping interpersonal relationships, achieving goals, and influencing
change. Applying this understanding in various contexts can increase an individual's ability
to interact effectively and strengthen psychological aspects of social dynamics.

In improving public speaking skills, the role of empathy, self-confidence and

persuasion in body language is crucial. The presence of empathy in body language allows
the speaker to connect more deeply with the audience. Friendly hand gestures, warm eye
contact, and responsive facial expressions create an inclusive atmosphere, making the
audience feel valued and cared for. This opens the door to building an emotional connection
with the listener, which is essential in creating resonance and interest during the speech.

Confidence reflected in body language strengthens a positive impression of the

speaker. An upright posture, firm hand gestures, and steady eye contact convey the
impression of confidence and competence. Confidence in body language not only builds
trust from the audience but also helps the speaker overcome stage tension and deliver the
message with authority.

In addition, the persuasive aspect of body language plays an important role in

influencing the audience's views and attitudes. Selection of supportive gestures, convincing
facial expressions, and body postures that help demonstrate confidence in the message
being conveyed. By adapting body language to a persuasive goal, a speaker can increase
the persuasiveness of his presentation, make the message more interesting, and motivate
the audience to act in accordance with the desired goal.

Overall, the role of empathy, confidence, and persuasion in body language not only
provides a strong foundation for effective public speaking skills but also creates a more
engaging and relevant speaking experience. Application of these elements helps speakers
form positive relationships with audiences, overcome stage tension, and increase the ability
to influence, thereby stimulating growth in public speaking abilities.

Speaking skills in public spaces, body language plays an important role as a support
for effective communication. First of all, facial expressions are a key element that enriches
the message conveyed. When someone speaks in public, facial expressions can provide a
deep emotional dimension, helping the audience to understand the nuance and intensity of
the words spoken. In line with that, this sub-discussion highlights how important it is to
manage and optimize facial expressions in order to create a strong emotional connection
with listeners. On the other hand, the application of psychological concepts in body
language is also an aspect that cannot be ignored. Body movements and posture can provide
insight into a person's confidence, anxiety, or uncertainty. In this context, understanding
psychology can help someone arrange body movements that support the message they want
to convey. Using appropriate body language can also increase the speaker's attractiveness

and persuasiveness in the eyes of the audience. Therefore, this overall theme illustrates how
important harmony is between body language and spoken words in public speaking, as well
as the need to be aware of the psychological implications of every movement made.
Aisyah, Siti. “Public Speaking Dan Konstribusinya Terhadap Kompetensi Dai.” Jurnal
Ilmu Dakwah 37, no. 2 (2018): 198–214.
Ayu, Putu Eka Sastrika. “Pentingnya Pemahaman Bahasa Tubuh Bagi Para Guru
Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini.” Purwadita: Jurnal Agama Dan Budaya 3, no. 2 (2020):
Darmawansah, Andika, and Raden Hartopo Eko Putro. “Penggunaan Komunikasi Non-
Verbal Bahasa Tubuh Dalam Desain Instruksional Pelatih Dan Atlet Kategori
Tanding Pencak Silat.” Jurnal Komunikasi Profesional 3, no. 2 (2019).
Desmal, Deddy. “Surau Melalui Bahasa Tubuh Dalam Film Eksperimental.” Jurnal
Fuaduna: Jurnal Kajian Keagamaan Dan Kemasyarakatan 2, no. 1 (2019): 16–22.
Fakhiroh, Ani, and Syarif Hidayatullah. “Pengaruh Percaya Diri Terhadap Ketrampilan
Berbicara.” EL-IBTIKAR: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab 7, no. 1 (2018): 34–46.
Girindra, Aisyiah, Hally Weliangan, and Yudit Oktaria K Pardede. “Citra Tubuh Dan
Kepercayaan Diri Pada Mahasiswa Pengguna Kosmetik Wardah.” Jurnal Psikologi
11, no. 2 (2019): 143–52.
Herachwati, Nuri, Santi Isnaini, and Tri Siwi Agustina. “Enhancing Communication Skills
for Studentpreneurs: A Training Program on Public Speaking.” Indonesian Journal
of Law and Economics Review 18, no. 3 (2023).
Hermawan, Ferry Fauzi, Dana Waskita, and Tri Sulistyaningtyas. “Bahasa, Tubuh, Dan
Paradigma Patriarki Dalam Humor Kontemporer Indonesia.” Jurnal Pendidikan
Bahasa Dan Sastra UPI 17, no. 1 (2017): 30–41.
Hidayat, Arif. “Bahasa Tubuh: Tanda Dalam Sistem Komunikasi.” Komunika: Jurnal
Dakwah Dan Komunikasi 4, no. 2 (2010): 224–34.
Khoiruddin, Arif. “Peran Komunikasi Dalam Pendidikan.” Tribakti: Jurnal Pemikiran
Keislaman 23, no. 1 (2012). https://ejournal.uit-
Kustiawan, Winda, Alvi Khaira, Aminatun Nisa, Maisya Nurhalija, and Rizky Ramadhan.
“Komunikasi Asertif Dan Empatik Dalam Psikologi Komunikasi.” JIKEM: Jurnal
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