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Good night, everyone! This is The Almadrava Show, today we will

be talking about an infamous character of the russian folklore
Grigori Rasputin. For this episode we have a special guest who
is an expert of the matter, Alexander.

(clapping from the audience)


Hi, hello everyone.


Ok, so Alexander is going to tell us a little bit from the early

life and adulthood of Rasputin and I’ll talk about his death and
his legacy, so please Alexander start.


Alright so, Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin was born on January 22,

1869, in Siberia. He was a peasant who received little formal
education and remained illiterate for much of his early life.
Rasputin's early years were marked by a reputation for
possessing supernatural powers and extreme cruelty. Despite an
attempt to become a monk at the Verkhoture Monastery, he left to
marry Proskovya Fyodorovna at the age of 19. The couple had four
children, but Rasputin's restlessness led him to wander to
Greece and Jerusalem, gaining a reputation as a starets or holy

In 1903, Rasputin arrived in St. Petersburg with a mystic and

faith healer reputation. He gained prominence in Russian society
and eventually met Czar Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra
Feodorovna in 1905. Rasputin's alleged ability to ease the
suffering of the hemophiliac heir to the throne, Alexei,
solidified his position as a trusted advisor to the royal
family. Despite being divisive at court due to accusations of
licentious behavior, Rasputin's influence extended primarily to
the health of Alexei.


Wow that was a lot of yapping man, but I appreciate the

contribution, I’ll try to keep mine shorter. Rasputin's life
ended on December 30, 1916, when he was assassinated by a group
of conservative Russian noblemen. His murder was part of a
conspiracy involving poisoning and multiple gunshots before his
body was thrown into the Neva River. The scandal surrounding
Rasputin contributed to discrediting the Tsarist government and
is often cited as a factor leading to the fall of the Romanov
dynasty in 1917.

Well damn it was shorter, To end the episode of today I will be

reading some fun facts about him

Ok so rasputin had a huge cock, that is still to this day kept

in a jar in a russian museum which is something kinda funny. he
is also well known in the western world because of the Boney M
song “Rasputin” which is a song that basically tells his story.
Oh! that was it? Well those were some pretty disappointing fun
facts. But hey it is what it is right? Now that this has ended
Alexander could you please say goodbye to all the viewers.


Of course, it was a pleasure to be here even though i couldn't

be there physically. I hope all of you have and excellent night,


Thank you for watching and we’ll see you next time on The
Almadrava Show!

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