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72 5. 4. 3. 2.

SECTION Series-1
") e) a) (b)
B=(xEN:xis Let (c) Rand0<x<1}
(a)Write {x:xe
(d) (c) (b) Which(a) D=E C=
(c) (a) D=Which A number If
(a) 8 question
= A SectonSectionSectonSectionSection Questons.
A{o}, {o}, Set Set Set (x:xEN, A
{x:xEN, =
MATHEMATICS =xeN: all = Oestion
of of of of C=D of {x:x= of - E D C B A
o,subsets A has has has has has
{1}, all all all the carries
the subsets (MULTIPLE
fo. linespoints
following following
x (b)15 3 4 6 5 18 paper Chapterwise
is source Long Short VeryMCO's
a x {o, 1}persons
of 4n
TODAY is 1} in odd, of 1 Answer Short contains and
a set in A mark.
+ based/case Answer and
multiple a Answer reduced
A on plane a is x<5}; B= sets is 1,
MAY23 of (d) (b) = the plane a (d) (b) (1, (c) 4 -5CHOICE (LA)-type
(SA)-type 02 five -
6}, (0 , finite < practice
Both (VSA)-type
based/passage Assertion-Reason sections
then ofNone (0. 1}. earth A E2}; are
= =equal? n syllabus
3} (0}}, s questions
Aand of
set? (b) B={2, C
E1}; {3, (d)16 questions A, questions
- these (1}, and F={1, B,
Bis 1}; ne of of based C, by
(0, (c) Z}, based/integrated 5 D Sets
equal marks marks 3 and CBSE
warm-Up! each. each.
2 Each
E. for
for CBSE
10. 9 8 7. 6. units each. ofsection the
(a) B IfA (cA' (c) (b) (a)ns4, IfA= (c) (equal
a) toC= IfA (c) (a) mark 1 academicExams
(AnB)U ) Nullset(a) IfAEmptyset(c)Notaset(a) B=Let of is
and and {2, {2, = {6, assessment compulsory.
each. However,
{(x, = A {3, {9, {3, (x:x=n {4, (3,9, as
27, 81, 9, EN, 3, 3, 5,(2, 12,
B B y)
are :y= 243} 729} 27, 4, 4, 6, 3, 15, 18, session per
(A- are
(b) A y) 10, 5, 4, 21, (4 the
non-empty two 81, then 3", 10, 12, 8, ... marks
B) exrER}, :y 243, ns6, 12}
sets, = 12} 14}, 10}, .... 2023-24.latest
is e AnB B each) there
equal then 729, then
VxeR} n =
(cA' (d) (sbe)t
(d)B'(bse)t Singleton (d) eN} (d ) (b2 ), (3, (d) (b) with are pattern
) sets,Universal 6561} is Allowe:3
to (A 4, sub nterna Maximun
None {3, and None 5,None {3,
then then and
27, 3, B) U10, 6, parts.
of B of 4, 9, ch0
A 243, =
these 5, ^12} theseof12, Marks
(d) B' these x:x=9", Ces
8, (Aand ...
B 6561} 10,12} n
is UC) some :
is is
ti l6. 15. 4. I3. 2.
compute (l7a}) D=
(3, IfU= (c) (a)Which (d) (c) (b) (a)
B={1,4, The (d) (c) (b) (aWhich
) (d) (c) (b) (a) openWhich (d) (c) (b) Which
(a) (c) (a)
(x:= (x:| None B=(x:x=AB={x:x=
, An', A set All Set Set Set A=(-15, Aand The
The Natural Set nunber
corrects.the are ,
7,9, 5, (2, =x:x= =x:x= =(x:x= builder
of (x:x= of R =(-1,2)
A=(-3, A = one B
the of 9,.., these
Nof of of
the ,
(2.closed set set otthe ot 4.
3. < these a l natural 10/
({8)b) 4.1,xel}
1, natural realpoints
of A number
= oftollowng
Then, und15,
following n', 3n, 100} form and -2] 5]and 3] the integers C
and11} 5. xe 3n, 3n, numbers andintervals? (:x=2 BU 20} 8,
6. and tollowing
B numbers 12,
7, neNand1sns4}
neN neN neN neN neN is of numbers in B= B= = between subsets
given B=
{x:xeR, between is 20},
(9c}) C=
(7, 8. (d) (b) is and and
xy-plane (x:xER, is (x:xE (d) (b)
9, andisns4
a andi[ns5),
and a
(x:xER, VxER) not< V
10, singleton set universal have None
[x:+x+l (x: 1< Sn 1 Sn 1 3 | an Venn the isB= ol
8,9, 11}, n A R,2sx -2and empty universal
x = - -3 same diagam set (3,
A = < S s (3,6,9, and
12} 1Sx -15 and 4 of
(d(6)} 1},10, set
5, ? 10} 10} 10} set? <x<5) these 6,
= s3) sense -3 set? of 9,
(2, =0,xe x¬I| <x<-2)
2) is all 12, set
then 4, w.r.l, whoie
7): R] 15\. U.
24. 23. 22. questions
21. This 20. 19. (d) (c) (a)
(b) choices. (R). in
Assertion Th.
(ii) (Given
i) If then some IfA Z). ea'+ Let B'B= ALet 2Nn7N.thset Ifa section ReasonAssertion
C=(3, 6)).
Reason (A)explanation
Both (A).ofBoth Choose I
A and = N Assertion (A) correct following
the the andB find and 3b Z (x:xe (x:xE e is is A
that elements Then denote hence be (VSA) (A) (A) and
B N (R): 4, false true
explanation (A)
subset subset = the suchcomprises (R): the
N are 6}, (A) 6n, (A): but but and and is Bbc
xA are find 28, the show Nandx universal
Nand of2 (AU then AB correct
=two B tw o that SECTION-B (R)
MATHEMATICS of of and of the be a,set
marks If: ne If (R) (R) (R) any
N A sets aN (A A N). are
sets, OR Bx number
that is x
OR of BY A is is
Z}ofdivisible is Also,set.let = = =|b:ne = then-r.A true.false. ofare true answer wo
all (A)'
whose whose N. ,3,thenm even}
A.are and an each. very B)C=
A'nB. 1, A. by 19
100}. integers 2, AcB true {d) (b) B seis
TODAY that of B = : and aand
elements AcBiffBCA. (-1, ne short 3. 4n, statement
out None theu
elementsThen, elements = A. by 4, but
2), n(A ((a, 2 N} and N (R) of 20,
MAY and and (3, 5},
(24.48, - n¬ (R ) AABT
(2, x b) then answer 4. B l= N] the
is statement a ol
23 are write : A 3}. 6). = the these
are 3), B) in a> = L.C.M. and is following of
perlect = Find describe (2 , 72, not correct Reason
(4, 6 nA b,(a, type 4.
even and 96...
3), B. a,bb): A, 6). of the of 9
33. 32. (LA) This 31. 30. 29. 28. 27.
number Let (iii) Findnumbers all 26. (SA) This 25.
multiples Set section
of sets.
Show AU(BrLet Using An B=
Using associative property If of Verifv Let (ii) (i) Find
and complementation.
A 5 UC=/!Iand IfUsection of lollowmg. )(B
(H) (iprove
Athc For
U Athethree U= (BUC) (2, = A 3
diagram. comprises marks that Venn A B= A = the 1sq - Z, marks = AUB- any
the =
Venn (x:xS< = C.- Venn3,5,7}, |1, = (x:xE
- comprises
A'rB. 10}, number digit that ofcomprises (AJB) {1,
2, associative
fa, {x:xis(x:x a, union
l[p4| sets
are 5, each.
2, C)
3, b, e, each. -C)
B numbers se t SECTION,D
diagram, diagram,= then 3,
= c, i, 4}, (A A,
TODAY multiples 4, (A (A 4,22, d}, Z,
Also, =10, of B all = 5, 5, a is o, of
au), then - -
{3x:xE elements x of find B=natural 2%xs B)(AB)O(B of (A and B
comprises three
long A'rB 6, B)U(AnC) U OR 6, s OR
natural B cach
represent EN}, 8), B)^verify verify(AB),intersection 7,sets.of 2 law verify and short - C,
that {c, = B)using
23 A 8, then of d,number (a, of B=
of6 digit answer and ={2, (A 9}, 10}, answer U
N, = inare and union e, number c, the
De-Morgan' s (x:x (AnC)
x< (i) numbers
all thatare d} the
(AUB)' (x:x three-digit
(AnB)' 3, UC) (A A verify
= following A
4}. multiples A set type 4}, ^(2, 53 of
and f and = properlies
- B) sets. C= and x:x=2p+ =3q type
Verify is comprises B C questions B and 4, the 5<x<10} A)-
(i) = = 6, {e, <x[5} 1 questions
with prime a A'u (3, (A8} pairs laws +
B of 4, f,
g, I, of
the that -C even B.5}. Aand qe sets
4. B). h}. of for 1,
37. question
36. two This
(ii)questions 35. 34.
(iii) (ii) questions.
following(i) Based on
English follows:
French17, = be
studying subject.
In one Find following Based and
4passed Out AnFor
(iii) (ii) questions. (i) in
ofcase section prove For = DIfThen Let Let
marks (AnC) =
one Find and Find and Find group
a Mathematics and
only. Find Find Find Mathematics, English (B- two any
the Mathematics of has study of (3, =Afind B A
of ==9, Mathematics on in that
Sanskrit Sanskritthe the 5, the 4 non-empty C) sets 5, (2, {2k:ke =(ne =
the the French, ofnumber the the Mathematics, 100 two 1,comprises
questions (A x 6} 3, the
number number number English, English=
the English
50 number number the and
students; = (BnD).
A, t
three number
sub-parts 1,2marks
SECTION-E (An - hen 4), sumN:H.C.E.
but but above students, and above
Science; respectively. B)nA B
English, of 7 each of and B |1,
languages. not students OR in B) sets OR
verify = of 2,
ofnot of of French and 13, Science ofbut of have 3 ( 3 , all
students students
studentsFrench. studentsstudents 15
Mathematics case-study/lpassage-based of with - A - C ..., (n, OR
English. information Sanskrit of notinformation 4 in 8 (An C)
using that the
Sanskrit Sanskrit the
in passed marks
2 three and 4, 100}|. 45)
and in The = (Aelements
5) ,
all Science, sub-parts. C). B A
who who number passed students but Science.
sub-parts properJes - x C =
who Sanskrit = = notpassed passed the third show (BC 1|
in each. B)r =2, and
4,15, were in in answer three and English, 6 o
study study study answer FrenchFrench and of more passed in study that
= found
students English. in in case The (Cx 4,AoR
atleast French English 3. English Science,English
passed. (i), of
than first sets
the and the (iü), ana
to in 12
twoO cre conditions. From CnA=(5,and AnB=(2,4, I1. 10.
=(4nB) (b) 8.B=(9,9, - 1.
Now,optionBetween BnC=(3,6, =AnU=A
9.ANB={9, 729}81, =12,3,4, 6. . t Al 4. (b)2 o.
r Option Option
is d): the A (b):=An(BU B)(b):(A (a): (b):A= (b):(A A-B-(c):A= subsets HEZ}=(21,
number Number (d):
=2xeR (c)
no There BoC= n We (c):A= quest AA)A (2,3B=
folFilnodwiio)nns.g Based 4-{1,2, , lA
vetnhe. three Find
natural (a) given 10, Consider 9', 8, of the
integers, is (b) 9, 6,can (AnB) n ^ (3,3-,3, 10} 3,9 , A of l7, Given on
an is is is 15, 12, 8, 9*} UB)n(AC) 9,
3, are (0, subsets of the atnd 4) andsets A
empty an an nooptions B)U O 1) elements ns-2,
13, that, 36.9,
set 121 the B=A andB numbr
studente s of
number 20} 15) 12, say
(A = {4, 15, 0, 9)
empty emptynatural n20} that (A-B) {9, 5, SOLUTIONS X.above -the
{2,4,6, o3,6,9, = U 3,3'81,
, 3°} 21, 12, l0}, = A B
X=set. only {5, (B BY 12} ..]. s..,
B= 21in
(x:x=4|n| = equations A OR
=tv2 between
set. 10, 729, = {1}, (d) 3. = A
option = - n =AU(BC) {2, l6 is information
(iü) 3,
8,15, (An A)^ (A'u 6561} (0, 4,
there , 12, 20} 12, (: = 3, (6., 1). 4.
(By (A (A (3,9, 4, Find 5, who
3 less (b) 20}={15} 15} B) 5, 12,18, 6,7 }
exist = =distributivelaw) - U - BY
BUB'=(::U) B) 27, 8,
+ the AX study
4 than satisfies (20} (6, (AnB)B) 1.
no (AnB)] = = 243,729)81, 10, 24,.. 5s1 set answer none
I 12} 12!
all of
the the the
Also, - and Now, {6, =Clearly, and Note Now, and explanation 21. (A).ofBoth AuB= .. 20. .. =-{1 : B=19. I8. BUC=
. 17. (d) and
x:xE (ln:neN, nd
(A)) B 12, B 7N= 2N (AU (b): (A) AnB=x(x:x= (d):(An)nBUC) (a):Here i B Itsnot
= A' = aNnN= : 2N We (A) 12,2 (c):AnAUB)y' A=-V2.
= x:xE A = (1, is A {3, rtr|- n(, Br R!
N,x Set |1, 18, = n7N={14, (71:ne
(2n:ne have, and B)Given, false
= of .... (2, 2,3 , x 6n, = 5,7 , i0) 4,9, ven, emptysctan
(2,4, numbersis 4, aN (R) ^ but
I=12, {12,{x:x=4n,
not Nand 6, C= 4, A L.C.M. 8,9, A A V21.
6. dN, N} {an
= are 5, = (R)
324, nE
x N 00;
MATHEMATICS divisible 8, 8,... N {1, {1,2, U- 0,
x where 28, = =:n¬ true 2, 6) is
12, 36, = 10, xE whch
.... which is (7 . (2 , 3,4, of (6, ne = (7} = = (2,
divisible OR42,...
14, 4, but
3,true. (4, 4x. ) 12, An(Ao |2,4,7) 11).
4, 12,..) N 4,7}: Ri
= =set d 6) 1 contan
A.byare is 21, 6, N} (R) 5, 5}. = 18, =(4,
TODAY 6) the = 8, 6}^
not of by {14n:ne 28, . 10, B 12) 24, n3,5.7, n',ne
odd LCM is (3, = 8, B) two
MAY divisible 6) 12, not (2,4, 30, 12, =
numbers 4, ...) (AnA)B
16, N
23 of 14, the 6) 6} cleitnenl
aN}= l
.6 ., = 20, 8,9,
by and correct (3, 24,
6. 4,
b.14N 6} .. 11|)
76From Also, .:. Here, A(b) From (a) A26.
and Also, Here, =(An)U(BOA) = An(BnC=
=(ii) UC)=Y={1,4,9,
=25. square (ii)numbers, X= then (i) 24.Hence, Conversely,
AFor Hence,BCA' For Let and .. So, n(AnB) 23. =6
’ So, (5, (a, 22.
(An An(B'UB)U(BoA)
={-1, (AUB) =
(AnB)u(AnC) A
B'(AUB' (A
Clearly, Let {2, Let al all cA BxA=AxB= A It n(A)
n can
b) A
(ii) A' (A A'nB= (i) Consider (i) We xEA = is
UB Consider numbers, x B, {-1,2,4} given
4, Y EB=
B be(1,3), {(a, =
OB={1, 7}B)' and {-1,0, = A' UB= AB)' U
1, nU= Y have cB. we = =
and BY={-2, {-2, be 6, be let {(2, {(a, 12, -1),
=(ii), 3, U 16, the 100}
. , theTherefore, shall {(-1, that b)
(iv),={-2, =A'nB. = 5,
= R.H.S., 25,
given ’x¢A B° -1), n(B)
b) :

A'B we{0, 2, 0, {0, {-2, xB (4 ,
2, 3, 2, 7,9} (-AUB L.H.S., 36, thensubset subset CA, prove 2) , and n(A :
a+ = 2) +
we - - - (AUB)nAUA) 2, = N={1,2, (3, (-1,
co 3b'
TODAY get 6, 5, 4, 2, 1,
8} 6, 6, =AU(BOA)
and - = = (A (A- 49, ’xA’ -1), x (-4,
get 1,1,0, of
B B) 3b- (1, =
0, (A 6, 8, 8} 1,
8, 1,0 , L.H.S. - A 64,
of ACB ’x¢ we that OR 3),
{2,3}. =
(An 2, 2, U 10} 3, B= B)U(AnC) - N N shall (2 , =6=3x = 2), -3), 28,
MAY (B 81, whose B' 2), (2, 28 (4, a,
3, 3, B) 9} 4, {-2, 1, B)U(ANB)(B-
5, 2,
whose 3,4, if B’
prove 2) ,
'23 B) 4, 4, - CA. (3, and -2), (-1, be
= 7,9, 3, C)100}elements ., B'
= 6, 5, 5, A'nB. 1, 4, = elements 100} CA. xEB that xEA 2), (2, 2 a (-4, -3), Z
A'UB. 8, 6, 10} 4,7 , 5, A- 3), = >b,
8,9, 6,7, = ( 2,
9, (: 4) , (4, n(A) a, -2) (5,
10} 10} 10} RH.S. (BnC) are A 2), 1),
8,9, are cB (3, x be
A) perfect ACB) ( 4, (-5,
even 4)} n(B) Z)
...iv)...(iü1) ...i) ...i) 10}, 3)} 1),

30. AUB=(2,
and Now,
AnB=(2, A29. Hence, is From and 28. From - and Clearly,
AnAU(BU = Here, = 1<x<5} ’ and (iü) ’ 27.
=verified. {a, la, Au(BU (2, Now,
The AAB B {2,Given (An (BoC) Here, (AUB)UC= b,AuB= b,AU we 3,4, B={6, B=Given, AUB- (i)
- A (i) (i) c, c, A
shaded A= - 4, the and and need 5, {x:xis Given,
= B= (BUC)
d, B C) B=
(A(2, 4, 4, 8}6,setsassociative
we C) e,f.d, e,f. C=tc, 6,7, 7,
(i) A {2, 6, (ii), (2, 8,9, A Afa,
- 3, 6, and (An need(AuB) =(ii), g, {a,b, g. (AU = to
a = c, A
area B) 5, 4, 8} 8} are weh} c, h} = verify 8, 3,
{x: d, =
U7}- 6, ^ U={1,2,
w{2,3,5, B we 10}
9, 4,natural
B B) to get (a, d, (a, d, B) e,{a,
represents (B 8}- {2, = get e.fg, 10} 5} 3,4,
{2, property verify UC
b, e, b, x i, e,
- (2, {2,3, 3, A C c, fi c, UC OR 6,U number 5} is o, i,
A) 4, 5,7} 7} 3, d, d hi u a,
= 6, 5, = 5, 3, (BnC) the e,f 7, a uj,
the {3, 8} 7} {2,3,4,
= 7} 4, of following ic, 8,9, naturai B=ka,
BUC(ii) 5,
intersection u and
given 4,(3, = =(2} 6,7, =(An te, d, 10
5, (4, 5, fg. e,
fz 5
6, 5, 6, 6, 8,9},
7, 7} 7, d
B 8) 8} 8} B)^C h h
of ..(ü)
sets ...) a3
AnB=l Nw, ATon I-3,4,5 Given .
A 10B= AU(BnC) trom The Erom
AnB={1,5,6, (i) lA UB (AnB)UAoO
shaded 4n(BUC) =
=and 2,3, (ii) (üi)
A'B 4} (2, and U(BnC)(m) A
(i), U={1,2,3,4, AUC (v) area and AnC (v) AnBUC)(ii)
,4}n{3,4,{2, =(1, - 3,
=4}U{3, (1)A
{1, (AUB) =
(vi), (vi),
3,5} we 2,(2,3,4, represents
get 5, it it
6, 6, 4, is B is
8}n{1,2, 8} 8} 5}' 5} 5, clear clear
= =6,(AUC). OR
(2,3,4, 8), that (vi) the
{1, that
A= (A given
6, 6,
8} (AB)J4 (viC1
(3,4} = 8} B) (iv) (ii)Bo
C (IV)An
= ^ A
{1, (A U
6, UC) B
..(ü) ..i)
both Y={10, Let X=Let B=B=We =A'
Also, AUB=(2,
nB From AnB'=A'=B'(2,3,
= (AUB)' () n(BC) n(C) = C=|100,
999I00to B=l02 to
J00999Tauitiples 32 AE=i
A33. (ii) (ii) n(AnC)
= n(A (A^B=12,3.6 From b
3the the {6, the (2, (2K: have, {2, nA)=
{3,6, We n(A n(B nA nB)=
andsubset 20, subset 12,subset 4, (i) ={1, 3, 996 Clearly tu
6,Ke A and have, -C)- - =
5. 30,.. 18, 8, =
{1, 9}'= 5,{2, = 5,
3, 7}, C) B) = Set -24=225 995 104. 108, of afd(v).
diagram (i), 4, 4, 7}'
Set Set 5
of of . ., of 10, {1, (nE 3, 5, = = = -- trom
5 A 3.
8, 6,{1,
= n(B)- n(A) of of of 108,....996 i14..... 6.8
B, 198} B,12, 2, we10} 8,9, 2,{1, = 5, 6, B= {1, 19 =
elements elements
200} elements . , N: multiples multiples mulples =
MATHEMATICS ’ 14, 100}}H.C.F of get 10}^{1, 4, 2, 7,9}'
4, 4, {3, 2, - 180. _i26.8=256. l00 :00, we
’ (AB) (AUBY 5, 6, 6,9} 6, 3, n(An n{Bn n{An get
l6, OR 7, 8,
n() n(X)= ..(i1) .. n
96) to105.
(n, 8, 9,{1, = = 9)
C) C) of of of B) = =
of whichareof which of 18,. .
=A'nB 10} 10} 4. (2. 10}, B)20= 12 30 = Set 5et
TODAY whicih 20. = 33 45) = = = 996 l0. 1
200 3.5.
8, 225 180 = = 6 of of
= 5.10}7,8, 10} 150 20 980 996 30 990
are 1} 6.7.9} - -l6=150. muiuples multples
MAY divisiblearebv - - --4=45 -8
75= -3= 30
5. is 45 73 30 993
23 as ==75 =
follows: 180 150 ot ot = 5
bv irom 4 troni b Set
3. of
’ ’ ’ Then, ’(AnC)
(AnB) Now,
- ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ Let A Hence,
Then, From A ’ ’ ’ Now, ’ Hence, (A ’ ’ 35. Hence, .:nC=
Also, A.:. =(Cx Now, and 34. XOY=(30,
(AyEye(yE ye - - (A {(2, {(2, = Required=
let An xE xE (xE x x (BUC) (BUC) yeA yEA - D
G y be (iii) (yeA yeA B)o(A let xEA xEA (rA xE(A Let (A (AnC) = x 3), D) 3). (A Here,
AA (AnB) (AnB) x from from from =
¬ y(AnB)
be (B A A Eany yeA xE(A x {(2, B)nCx x {3, -
B) and and A An(B-C)’xE -and and B) 3), (2. (2, = (2, B) (3366 sum
- any - and andarbitrary =and (BUC) - 5,
c(iv) - -and and
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(AC)CAN y¬ (y y C)C xE (xE (xe x - (Cx and BoD=
(Bx {2,and4} (2, 5} (2, (2, 2, =60,
and +
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B)nA 5), D) SB- ..
B- E B)
Band (AnB)(AnC) B) B B)n(A we (BUC)’yeA BandxeC)
(ii), B) D) (ii), (4, D) 6), {3, x 5), 3, 4},3,2100 I80},
(v) - B) and x
¬ =
and y xand andx element get (A n C) and - = we3), = {(2, (4, 5. (3, 4} x B= [EX+ -
C (Anc) OR (BUC) (A-C)
3), 6} 3). (3, 630)
’y¬ y(yE -C) - -(ye (xeA -C) (AnC)x have (4, (2, n(.\
element - (A(x¬
n) C) C) 5)} 4} 3), (4,
'23 (B- C) (AnC) C) A ’xeA x (2,
(3, 4, {3,4, £Y-=n)=6
A A and of A andxeC) (3,5} {3,5}5), 5), 4). 5} 5}, 5264
An(B-C) C) andye of and A
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(B (4, (3, C= (XA)
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-C) D) (5, (t,
C) C) C)
BandyeC) (4, 4,
C) 5)} 3), 3), 5}
...(ü) ..(vi)(ii) ..(v) ...(ii) ...(i) (65)}, (5, (5)4}, (4,
...) ..iv) ...(iü) ..i) . (i) 5), 4),
’ (ii) -(A
=Now, Consequently, But n(FoEoS)=
’Now, 38. (ii) n(FoEoS) (i) n(FoE) students the 37. =6+7 number
=3Given, =The ofn(MoEos)
= = =(ii) andMathematics
(ii) = (i) andMathematics (tHere, students,AN(B- 36. From
{1,5, n(Ma 12
n(M) n(EnMAS)
(AAB) (AA-(A- A (i) n(FoSOE)=
= n(EnsnF)=
set Let - The Science The n(EnMa) The Let ()
Y=(AAB)A - X= A 17 n(En n(U) of + 6-7+4= M)n(U)
6,7}. AB= B=AA AX= We who F 4- -
number number and
nAB= =(2, + =9, students be E) n(MoE) number =6, =number of U,
B) |1, know 13 = the + but but
n E, (),
(A A S) n(ES) 50, study 2(4) n(M 100, and (4n
Thus, (A ( A A
U(A-B) X= 3, 5, - - + students
passed in not n(.Mn
- 15 - = - n(F) = l6- n(MoS) of=n(EnM)- not Science, M we
B)(B-Y (A- A A A A4}, B’AA(A 6, B) that n(U)-n(EnSoF)=4-3=| -9 n(F) Sanskrit. who set 17 of ot = n(E) and
A(A7}, n(En n(Fos) = of nS) students
- in in 4 B)get
(A = B) - A n<(En)oF] = = study students - n(MoS) 13 students students
English S)
A B (A - A A - + Science =
(AAB) 4-5+
OR n(E) 4,17, n(SnE)-=9
8 + OR = =l5,students
respectively (4nC)S -
A B)Y) - - B) - n(FUEVS) S) n(FoS)=5 n(E) 3 passed - 7,
B)A) =(A A)B)A)=AA(A -A(A- - - English n(MSOE) n(Eo n(M)
A (A = n(FnSa)=5-3=* who nEnMo-4: passed passed
AB) A =) B) 3= n(F n($) t
= moren(MoEns) + total
nber the
(A = A-(A-
{1,5,6, = in
B) B 30 13, and study s)12, =passed
- A = S) - Mathennatics
B)= A Y= n(FnE) + and
2n(MEas) than in in =nN
(A B)- 50 n(F S 4
7}00 A n(S) French.
be Matheimatics Fnglsh
- - one
- -B
F) 8) 0= the Inglish.
34R Eas = set subject
0 15 E onh and
of b

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