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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

The stove is not only benefits the users but also various stakeholders, who are active

in the value chain smokeless stoves. According to World Health Organization (2015), a

technical assessment of the stove has been conducted in laboratory to define its eco-

efficiency and low emission. Use of different, non-standard cooking vessels and various

logistic constraints, results world death from indoor air pollution due to burning solid fuels

are estimated at 1,917,000 each year. This imply that a traditional stove, in an open fire

contributes a lot of risks and damages not only on the environment but on our health as well.

Smokeless stove is innovative and different from the traditional stove because it is

easy to construct. This stove pull out the smokes produced while cooking. It saves people

who have to suffer from diseases caused by smoke. Less disease is less expenses in health.

Smokeless stove consume 50% less firewood. It saves firewood means it saves forest. Not

only this, but also saves time of collecting firewood of the people.

According to Clemens (2019), the smokeless wood stove works by creating a

controlled space for wood to be burned so that it heats the area surrounding it. There are no

moving parts or electrical components in a wood stove. It is mainly powered by manual

input from the user.

Smokeless stove is easy to build using local materials. It requires a one-time

assembling. Maintenance is also easy because of using local materials. It saves time, health,

money of people. They can use their surplus time to other income generation activities. This

makes them to earn extra income. Therefore, smokeless stove contributes indirectly for

whole community development.

Moreover, the wood stove devised by the researchers can achieve an average

efficiency of around 70 to 80% due to the lower temperature of an open fire and combustion

is less complete. In addition, this technology consume less than 50% of fuel wood compared

to the traditional working stove and can be one of the contributing factors to halt


The identified cooking wood stove has limitations, such as that it can only use wood

as its fuel (Sy, 2016), can only cook on what is the size of the cooktop of the stove and the

stainless steel rectangular tray, and is intended only for two cooking operations, which is an

inconvenience in terms of time. On the other hand, this machine is cost-efficient because it

only uses standard materials to assemble and is eco-friendly because it uses wood as its

main fuel, which means it does not produce more carbon dioxide than is already present in

the carbon cycle. All technologies reviewed are manually operated, so using them would be

time-consuming and require effort and skills to assemble. In view of the limitations of the

preceding machine, the study was conceived.

The Objective of the Study

Generally, this study aimed to design and fabricate the adjustable box wrench

Specifically, this study aimed to:

1. Design and fabricate a smokeless wood stove; and

2. Evaluate the operating performance of the machine as to cost-effectiveness

and efficiency of the stove.

Conceptual Framework of the Study

This study followed the input-throughput-output approach as shown in Figure 1.

The paradigm shows the three processes used in the study


 Evaluation
 Supplies/Materials  Actual
 Tool/Equipment Testing Smokeless
 Wood Stove
 Concept/Ideas Technical
 Design


Figure 1. The Conceptual Model of the Study showing the System Approach.

The framework shown in Figure 1 clearly depicts the variables involved in

developing the smokeless wood stove. The input of the study consists of the concepts,

ideas, theories and related literature and prior from the latest trend on the development of

the machine. Readings from the books, internet and other references provided clearer views

on the necessity to conduct this study. After this, planning and designing were considered

to see the real picture of the machine considering the materials, tools, and equipment needed

to supply the development of the said machine. From time to time revisions according to

the development of the machine were determine. The throughput of the study was the

fabrication, pilot testing, technical evaluation of the experts, and final evaluation of the
machine by a group of experts based on the actual performance of the machine. After

which, the machine was subjected to evaluation in terms of cooking and boiling time in

actual testing.

Moreover, the machine was subjected to a series of evaluations, the technical

evaluation and the final evaluation. The technical evaluation was applied to determine the

energy efficiency, emission control, and safe use in terms of cooking and boiling time.

Scriven (1991) states that, evaluation is the process of delineating, obtaining, and providing

useful information for judging decision alternatives.

The output of the project was the smokeless wood stove. The arrows show the

interaction between the various components of the conceptual model. The direction and flow

of the arrows indicate a guide for reflection for each area of conceptual model.

Definition of Terms

For clarity and precision, specific terms used in this study were given conceptual and


Cooking Time. The time that something needs to cook. (Collins Dictionary, 2022)

In this study, cooking time is the time taken to cook the sample items used for

evaluating the machine.

Design. A plan for arranging elements in such a way as best to accomplish a

particular purpose. (Eames, 2020)

In this study, design was the planning of the machine starting from ideas, theories,

and sketches of preliminary drawings, materials, tools, equipment, assembly and methods of
constructing the smokeless wood stove. Moreover, design also include the testing and

revisions of the machine.

Evaluate. The process of delineating, obtaining, and providing useful information for

judging decision alternatives. (Scriven, 1991)

In this study, evaluate was an act of determining the effectiveness and efficiency of

the machine using technical evaluation by the panel of experts and from the industry.

Furthermore, evaluate was done through actual test using the established parameters.

Fabrication. The manipulation of raw materials (such as steel) to make machines

and structures. The services of fabrication are needed to build the parts of a working system

and then throughout the process. (OptiProERP, 2022)

In this study, fabricate was the process of making a new machine out from the prior

arts by determining their disadvantages and problems and improving them through this new


Fuel. Any material that produces heat or power, usually when it is burnt. (Oxford

Dictionary, 2021)

In this study, fuel is a source of energy for cooking the sample items. Examples of

this is wood, which is the primary materials used in testing the machine and is used to

produce heat or power by burning.

Process. A series of steps or actions that are taken in order to achieve a particular

result or goal. (ProcessModel, 2020)

In this study, process is the series of actions or steps needed to complete the activity

of using the smokeless wood stove. This process involved assembling, evaluating, and

testing the stove through the cooking process.

Smoke. It occurs when there is incomplete combustion (not enough oxygen to burn

the fuel completely). In complete combustion, everything is burned, producing just water

and carbon dioxide. When incomplete combustion occurs, not everything is burned. Smoke

is a collection of these tiny unburned particles. (Science Learn, 2021)

In this study, smoke is the result of burning materials such as charcoal and wood that

are used to test the machine.

Smokeless Stove. These specially designed stove has been created to reduce indoor

smoke and protect the environment as they saves on wood consumption. (Habitat for

Humanity, 2022)

In this study, a smokeless stove is the machine fabricated by the researchers. It was

assembled using standard materials, and this machine can produce less smoke compared to a

traditional stove.

Stove. A portable or fixed apparatus that burns furl or uses electricity to provide heat

as for cooking or heating). It is also a machine that generates heat for special purposes (as

for heating tools or heating air for a hot blast). (Merriam Webster, 2023)

In this study, the stove is where the researchers based their machine. By modifying

it, they want to improve the machines efficiency, save money, and make it more eco-


Significance of the Study

The smokeless wood stove is a machine that produces less harmful substance than a

traditional wood stove and can be an alternative cooking machine since it is cost-efficient

and utilizes only standard materials. The developed smokeless wood stove addresses the

limitations of the state-of-the-art, such as that it can only cook on what is the size of the

cooktop of the stove and the improvised steel rectangular tray used for steaming, it takes a

lot of time to cook the food compare to the traditional cooking stove, and it cannot cater to a

multiple cooking process.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study aimed to design, fabricate, and evaluate the smokeless wood stove based

on its operating performance as to cooking time to determine its efficiency and to test if the

prototype stove fabricated by the researchers is possible to be an alternative cooking stove.

This study was limited to the smokeless wood stove with a height of 55 inches, a

width of 25 inches, and a length of 58.5 inches. The researchers used two (2) pieces of tin

cans as a firebox and oven. For the pipe, the researchers used steel pipe with a height of 16

inches and a diameter of 4 inches. For the base of the stove, the researchers used 1 AB '18x1

angle bar. For the stovetop, the researchers uses 1 set of 9mm S.B.R. And for the stainless

steel rectangular tray for steaming, the researchers uses a bread loaf pan #1/267. The

machine uses wood as its primary fuel. The machine was fabricated at Mandurriao, Iloilo, in

June 2023. The testing of the machine was based on the cooking process of sample items.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Prior Art

This chapter represents the concepts, ideas, beliefs design, and methodology an

existing study it serves as a foundation and concrete evidence that reveals the probability of

creating this machine.


Stove can be defined as the structure, in which different types of fuels are burned to

get heat energy for cooking and for other heating purposes. Stoves provides constrained area

to burn fuels. It has a closed typed construction focuses the generated heat direct to the

utensil or cooking pot and can also have heat insulation on inner surface to reduce the heat

losses. Stoves are used for cooking food and heating water. A stove is heated by burning

wood, charcoal, animal dung or agriculture waste. Nowadays, the use of stove is reducing

day by day due to availability of petroleum fuels like kerosene, CNG, LPG, petrol, diesel,


Several sources indicate that wood is the most widely used domestic fuel. Hall et al.

(1982) reported that about half of the world’s population cooks with biomass fuel for all or

some of their meals. The wood stove is circular in section and generally consists of a

combustion chamber, a top section and a base. The hearth of the combustion chamber is

made of clay, the outside of which is lined with fiberglass and encased in a mild steel

casing. The grate or fuel bed is at the base of the combustion chamber, and it has a four

openings which serve as combustion air. A drawer is incorporated at the base to facilitate

the removal of ash which would have collected at the tray. The top of the stove consists of

the pot seat, three refractory rings of different diameters to accommodate different sizes of

pot, and a chimney. The pot seat is designed such that the pot sinks to a depth below the top-

most level of the stove. the refractory ring to be selected for use is such that has the internal

diameter equal to or closest to the external diameter of the cooking pot, thus ensuring that

there is little or no clearance between the pot and the ring. The chimney is made of mild

steel and incorporated at the periphery of the top of the stove to convey smoke and other by-

products of combustion out of the kitchen. The diameter of the combustion chamber is

smaller than the pot seat or the external diameter of the smallest pot that can be utilized on

the stove. This is to ensure that the maximum amount of heat is transferred to the base of the

pot before it proceeds to be ejected out through the chimney. The distance between the furl

bed and the pot seat is also selected to allow for enough time for the complete combustion

of the burning fuel particles before it strikes the base of the pot mounted on the pot seat.

Figure 2. The wood burning stove

The development of wood burning stove is not a recent development. Several

improvement works have been done on the stove design. Apart from the economic and

environmental considerations, the other main issue which motivates the various

developmental efforts of the wood stove is the health factor (Joseph et al., 1990). The

Kilakala stove, a mud stove built using locally available materials and developed at the

Sokoine University, Tanzania, has a fuel saving capacity of 30% (Crewe et al., 1990). One

of the major disadvantages of the stove was that, it did not provide sufficient illumination

(Otiti, 1991). The Kenya Ceramic Jiko (KCJ), one of the most successful urban stove

projects in the Eastern Africa region, which is disseminated throughout Kenya (Kammen &

Fayemi, 1992) is reported to have a useful heat of about 25-40% of the heat generated,

which represents a significant increase from an open fire that directs only about 5-10% of

the heat generated from the fire to the cooking pot. The Improved Vented Mud (IVM) stove,

a two-pot stove with chimney, also called the Nada Chula, developed in India has the

average thermal efficiency values across fuels that varies from 10 to 23.5% which is

comparable with the range of 10 to 19.6% reported by Pal and Joshi (1989). The version of

IVM, made of ceramic lining with mud coating is called Improved Vented Ceramic (IVC),

has higher efficiencies for all fuels except crop residues. George (1997) found that the

thermal efficiency of the Traditional Mud (TM) stove, which is a simple U-shaped heavy

stove for a single pot made with locally available clay and coated with cow dung clay

mixture, to average 17.9%. The Angethi stove used for charcoal and char briquettes and

fabricated with galvanized iron bucket, mud or concrete, and grate, has a thermal efficiency

of 17.5%, which is comparable with that (15.3%) quoted by Wazir (1981). However, in

these various development efforts, the level of achievement of some of the objectives still

leaves a lot of room for improvement.

The present work, thus, seeks improvement on the existing designs by making the

following design considerations: enhancing the combustion process by providing for means

of introducing sufficient air for combustion, further reducing the amount of heat loss from

the combustion chamber by insulating with fiber glass, reducing the amount of heat loss by

radiation by a careful design of the pot seat, and reducing the level of pollution of the

kitchen environment with smoke emissions by the design of the pot seat and by

incorporating a chimney.

Classification of Stove

Primitive humans started cooking with fire nearly 2 million years ago (Wrangham,

2009). The first method of cooking has probably roasting of a fish or a bird by holding it

over an open fire. The different stages of evolution in cooking process as reported in

literature are: pre-historic cooking, ancient cooking, medieval cooking, renaissance cooking,

modern cooking and twentieth century cooking. Since pre-historic era till present days,
human beings have continued using open fires for cooking purpose. In present days,

commonly used domestic cook stoves in different parts of the world can be broadly

classified into two groups which are the combustion cook stoves and non-combustion cook

stoves. The cook stoves in which direct combustion of solid, liquid or gaseous fuels occur

and chemical energy of fuels is converted into thermal energy, are known as combustion

cook stoves. The examples of combustion cook stoves are biomass cook stoves, gas cook

stoves, kerosene cook stoves, charcoal cook stoves and their variants. In non-combustion

cook stoves, no combustion of fuels occur but solar or electric energy is converted into

thermal energy. The examples of these cook stoves are solar cooker, electric cook stoves,

induction cook-top and their variants. With reference to the developments occurred in

biomass cook stoves over last few decades, they are mainly classified into three categories

which are the traditional cook stoves, improved cook stoves and advanced cook stoves.

Biomass cook stoves are also classified as stationary (non-metal cook stoves) and portable

(metal cook stoves), natural draft (buoyancy induced) and forced draft (fan or blower

driven). The advanced biomass cook stoves are of two types which are combustion cook

stove and a gasifier cook stove. The gasifier cook stoves are further available in four types

which are updraft, downdraft, cross draft and top lit updraft (TLUD).

Figure 3. Classification of stove in different types

Combustion Theory

When wood burns, it undergoes a series of stages. During combustion, at

temperatures of 250℃ or above, 80% of the mass of the wood evaporates as a mixture of

flammable gasses. These elements are referred to as the volatiles, and are liberated in a
process called pyrolysis. The remaining residue consists of carbon and some minerals.

When the carbon and volatiles are sufficiently hot and well mixed with oxygen they burn

fully, leaving only water and carbon dioxide (CO2) as by-products. The minerals remain as

ash. However, in reality there is insufficient air and heat so combustion is not complete. As

a result, by-products include carbon monoxide (CO), carbon (soot) and unburned volatiles

(Khan, 1999). Carbon monoxide, coined ‘the silent killer’, is a highly toxic gas which

claims the lives of many in the developing world, and many of the unburned volatiles in

smoke are poisonous or carcinogenic, irritate lungs and eyes and have been shown that

cause serious health problems (Smith, 1998). Wood burns in much the same way as most

biomass such as dung, grass, peat and rice husk. Charcoal is a cleaner-burning fuel as the

volatiles have already been removed in the manufacturing process which involves pyrolysis,

without the final oxidization of the remaining carbon.

The Firebox

The firebox is part of a stove in which fuel is placed in order to burn. Many findings

suggest that it is beneficial to have a small firebox for two reasons. Firstly, smaller volumes

of fuel burn more efficiently than large volumes. Secondly, in many circumstances, it has

been found that stove users will always fully charge the firebox before lighting (RWEDP,

1993). It is always more efficient and cleaner to have a small hot fire than a large, cooler

fire. Air can more easily reach all parts of a smaller volume of fuel to facilitate full

combustion, whereas in larger volumes there are likely to be areas which air cannot reach. It

has also been shown after extensive testing that smaller re-charges of fuel during the

cooking process lead to more efficient operation than large re-charges (RWEDP, 1993). If

the firebox is small, only smaller re-charges are possible (Ballard-Tremeer, 1998).

Figure 4.

Diagram of an improved Stove

A fire emits heat in all directions through radiation, as well as through the

convection in rising, hot gasses. An open fire or stove with no insulation around the firebox

emits much of its heat outwards. The table below shows the heat loss characteristics for

three stove types: the three-stone fire, a metal stove, and a ceramic Jiko as used extensively

in Kenya.

Stove type % of heat:

radiated to lost with flue utilised by pot
environment gasses (PHU value)
Ceramic Jiko 35% 25% 40%
(with insulation)
Metal stove 55% 25% 20%
(no insulation)
Three stone fire 65% 25% 10%

Table 1. Heat loss and firebox insulation

The traditional three-stone fire losses around 65% of the total heat produced by the

fire to the surrounding environment, and around 25% is lost with the flue gasses. Only 10%

is harnessed carefully. The metal stove is an example of an improved stove with a grate and

enclosed firebox. It is made entirely of metal, and is used extensively in Kenya. By

enclosing the fire, the PHU value has doubled as 10% less heat was lost to the environment.

This stone is cited here to show the contrast between it and a similar stove – the Ceramic

Jiko – which is similar in size and characteristics, but which has an insulated firebox. By

insulating the firebox, the PHU value doubles again (now four times better than the three-

stone fire) to 40%, and the heat radiated to the environment drops to 35%. This clearly

demonstrates the effectiveness of thermal insulation for redirecting heat to where it can be

utilized. This results in quicker cooking times, which means less wood need to be used for

given tasks. In addition to improving the PHU value of the stove, thermal insulation can

improve the efficiency of the combustion process. An insulated firebox helps the fire retain

heat, helping to prevent the fuel and volatiles from cooling. Complete combustion requires

high temperatures which insulation helps achieve, and complete combustion results in lower

toxic emissions.

Thermal insulation can consist of a ceramic liner, or a cavity between two metal

sheets filled with vermiculite or just mud. It must not be too thick or it will absorb and retain

too much heat (Kammen, 1999). In addition to issues relating to fuel efficiency, an insulated

firebox is cooler to the touch on the exterior and is thus safer in the kitchen environment,

both for users and for children.

Part of the marked increase in PHU for the ceramic Jiko describe in Table 1 is also

likely to be due to the conical shape of the firebox. Making the sides of the firebox sloping

has been found to significantly improve efficiency as heat is reflected onto the pot-bottom.

Figure 5 demonstrates this effect. The three-stone fire does nothing to direct heat to the

bottom of the pot, and the upright metal sides of the traditional metal stove do equally little.

Figure 5.

Stove with insulated conical firebox

Nearest prior art

In development, researchers of the most effective way of developing or innovating a

new technology, specifically a tool or a machine, look for the nearest prior art. The prior art

serves as a blueprint to justify and differentiate the new one from the existing one.
Based on the investigation’s claims and background, guides the researcher to

identify the strength and weakness of the existing one. In legal aspects, the prior arts will

guide the researcher to avoid copying the design of the existing one.

Figure 6. Perspective view

of a preferred embodiment of the applicant’s wood stove

In the study of Daniel S. Henry (1988) entitled “Wood Stove with a Patent No.

4766876” in U.S. patent applications, a wood stove is described having a firebox with a

baffle mounted therein that extends forward from a rear wall terminating in a forward edge

spaced from a front wall. The wood stove gas a front opening with a door thereon that

includes a window enabling visual observation of the fire in the fuel combustion chamber.

Figure 7. Perspective of a stove constructed according to the invention

In the study of James D. Jackson (1923) entitled “Cooking Stove with a Patent No.

1455292” in U.S. patent applications, this invention has reference to gas fired domestic

cooking stoves provided with a non-contact oven or ovens with or without a utensil heating

top and maintain a comparatively high heat efficiency with a small consumption of gas

whilst ensuring a good circulation of heated air in the oven.

Figure 8. Side view of two joints of pipe

In the study of Charles A. Smith (1887) entitled “Stove Pipe with a Patent No.

369211” in U.S. patent applications, the object of this invention is to devise a construction

of joint which will be simple and economical in cost, readily packed into a small compass

for storing or shipment, easily put together without beating or riveting the seams, as the end

of one joint forming a band encompasses the end of the adjacent joint and prevents its

spreading, while the seam is so formed that the joint will not give inward.


Based on the literature on the tool wrench. The following was observed:

According to Hall et al. (1982), about half of the world’s population cooks with

biomass fuels for all or some of their meals.

According to Joseph et al. (1990), apart from the economic and environmental

considerations, the other main issue which motivates the various developmental efforts of

the wood stove is the health factor.

According to Otiti (1991), one of the major disadvantages of the stove was that it did

not provide sufficient illumination.

According to George (1997), the thermal efficiency of the traditional mud (TM)

stove, which is a simple U-shaped heavy stove for a single pot made with locally available

clay and coated with cow-dung clay mixture, to average 17.9%.

According to Wazir (1981), the Angethi stove used for charcoal and char briquettes

and fabricated with galvanized iron bucket, mud or concrete, and grate has a thermal

efficiency of 17.5%, which is comparable with that 15.3%.

According to Khan (1999), there is insufficient air and heat so combustion is not

complete. As a result, by-products include carbon monoxide (CO), carbon (soot) and

unburned volatiles.

According to Smith (1998), carbon monoxide, coined ‘the silent killer’, is a highly

toxic gas which claims the lives of many in the developing world, and many of the unburned

volatiles in smoke are poisonous or carcinogenic, irritate the lungs and eyes and have been

shown to cause serious health problems.

Chapter 3


This chapter describes the design criteria, the design and preparation, the testing and

revision, fabrication procedures, technical evaluation, instrumentation, data gathering

procedure, parameters to be analyzed, evaluation of the smokeless wood stove, data

processing technique, construction time frame, supplies, and materials, tools, and


Design Criteria
The following were the design specifications based on the standards of the industry:

A. Smokeless Stove

The smokeless stove was made mainly of steel and cement. Unlike the traditional

stove, this stove was devised to be user-friendly and eco-friendly. Most of the parts of the

stove were recyclable and cost-efficient, which means the materials needed to build it can be

found in our homes or in the local market. It has a height of 55 inches, width of 25 inches,

and a length of 58.5 inches.

According to Pope et al., (2013), the design of smokeless stove involves keeping the

fire in the middle of a conical structure where it is fed through a covered opening in the

front section. The front opening should be approximately 3.5 inches high and also 6 inches

across. Furthermore, the pan or pot is then placed on the top section of the opening which

measures 6.43 inches in diameter. In addition, the top parts of the conical structure piece of

material, as well as the bottom parts, are held apart using four or five rectangular slabs

around 1 inch thick. These slabs are also spaced equally around the same diameter. They

should also have removable pieces which measures 3.5 inches x 9 inches. This piece should

be designed in a way that it will be open in front.

B. Pipe

The exit of smoke up several feet out of the house is done through the pipe which is

4 inches in diameter. Steel material is used to make the 4 inches pipe. The hot air and smoke

which leads to conventional currents as well as the small gradient of pressure which is

created by transmitting wind currents at the top of 4 inches pipe helps in putting away the

steady wind by using the gap placed at the bottom and also out the top of the 4 inches pipe.

Given the requirements, the researchers designed the present study in 4 inches in diameter

also, but in 16 inches long to prevent combustion gases from accumulating inside.

C. Base

Any component representing a source of ignition such as a blower or the bottom of

the firebox is at least 450 mm (18 inches) above floor level. To be sure, the height of the

appliance’s pedestal or legs was being factored in as part of the appliance. This resulted in

platforms that were taller than they needed to be to satisfy the intent. Even with the revision,

installers will still need to check with their local authority having jurisdiction as to what

they want to see to satisfy the requirement for protection against physical damages.

Design Plan and Preparation

The smokeless wood stove was constructed in Mandurriao, Iloilo City. The design

was an innovation based on the study of Jackson (1923). The nearest prior art presented was

realized to have some disadvantages, which was the basis for the researchers conducting a

further study specifically on the cooking time, smoke emitted, and efficiency of the stove.

The machine was made using recyclable and locally made materials available in the

vicinity of the researchers. In designing the smokeless wood stove, the researchers selected

materials that could withstand the heat and were cost-effective. The main activities involved

in assembling the machine were cementing, cutting, and welding, after which the machine

was tested in terms of its cooking time to determine the efficiency of the stove. In

determining the cooking time of the sample items, the researchers used a temperature gauge

to know how long it takes to cook food on the prototype stove. When welding the parts of

the stove, enough space was provided by having a 180-degree angle for freedom of

movement for the workers and the welding apparatus.

Figures 9, 10, and 11 show the proposed design of a smokeless wood stove in its

three-view drawing and its pictorial drawing with labeled parts, while Figure 12 shows its

Isometric view.

Figure 9. Top View of the Smokeless Wood Stove

Figure 10. Front View of the Smokeless Wood Stove

Figure 11. Back View of the Smokeless Wood Stove





Figure 12. The proposed design of a Smokeless Wood Stove in Isometric View

Pilot Testing Revision

The machine was constructed based on the blueprints designed by the researchers.

The working drawings were all hand-drawn. From the top view, front view, back view, and

isometric view. A mock-up was made to clearly see the whole picture and the components

of the machine. The mock-up was used as a reference in the fabrication of the prototype

smokeless wood stove.

Fabrication Procedure

The fabrication of the machine was based on the drawing approved by the

researchers. The procedures in the construction of the machine are enumerated according to

the specifications required in the fabrication of the Smokeless Wood Stove machine:

1. Selecting the materials. In this process, the researchers carefully planned and

selected the materials to be used in the machine. The materials used were AB '18x1

angle bar for the base, a tin can for the firebox and the oven, a steel pipe with a

diameter of 4 inches and a length of 16 inches, and a 9mm steel bar for the stovetop.

2. Purchasing the materials. The materials were purchased in the locality of the

researchers. They were inspected for defects and irregularities because they were the

main materials to be used for the device.

3. Cutting, shaping, and finishing the materials. In this process, the working drawings

were the basis for cutting, shaping, and finishing the parts of the device. With the aid

of a mock-up fabrication of the smokeless wood stove, it is not difficult for the

researchers to construct the device. Durable shaping tools and necessary equipment

were also prepared to cut and shape the objects to ensure quality in terms of the

cutting and shaping of the parts.

4. Assembling the parts and other components. When all the parts were cut, shaped,

and finished, they were ready to be assembled. The assembly started with using the

bolt to place together the two tin cans for the firebox and the oven, followed by

welding the steel bar for the stovetop, then cementing. Then, welding the angle bar

for the base and placing the pipe at the back of the stove.

5. Testing the device. In this process, the device was tested according to the cooking

time to determine the efficiency of the stove.

6. Evaluation. In this process, the device was ready for evaluation.

Technical Evaluation

After the initial testing of the machine, the machine was presented to the panels of

experts for technical evaluation, suggestions, and recommendations. In mechanical

technology, the department college of industrial technology (MT-CIT) invited experts from

the field to evaluate the machine. The evaluations were based on the cooking time and
efficiency of the machine. A ready-made evaluation paper prepared by the dean's office was

used to record the evaluation. An actual observation, testing, and consideration on how to

improve the machine. The process involved testing different sample items as to their

cooking time.


To gather the data needed for the study, the researchers asks for a technical

evaluation form from the Department of Technology Research Center to determine the

efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the stove in terms of its operating performance, safety,

and design.

The final draft of the instrument is given in Appendix B.

The device was prepared, set, and tested according to the cooking times of the

sample items. During the testing, the researchers were utilized to perform the process. The

process involved different types of cooking processes, such as boiling, steaming, and frying,

for the sample items.

The device's efficiency was determined by testing each sample item in different

cooking processes. First, boil water; second, steam the fish; and third, fry the meat. In terms

of determining its cost-effectiveness, the device was evaluated in terms of its design and

materials used in fabricating it.

During the actual test, the researchers followed industry and technical guidelines to

assess the machine. Evaluators then record their observations on the technical evaluation

form in order for the researchers to analyze the results of the evaluation.

Date Gathering Procedure

In terms of efficiency of the machine, the researchers gathered the data: (1) from the

technical evaluators wherein comments, suggestions, and recommendations were applied in

the revisions of the machine for further improvement, and (2) from the final evaluation

instrument designed by the researchers.

Parameters to be analyzed

The parameters to be analyzed were the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the


Efficiency. The efficiency of the stove was determined by the different cooking

processes of the sample items, including boiling, steaming, and frying. Also, the combustion

of the fuel in the prototype stove fabricated by the researchers produces fewer harmful

substances than the traditional cooking stove.

Cost-effectiveness. The cost-effectiveness of the stove was determined by assessing

the design and materials needed to fabricate the device. If the device uses only locally

standardized and recyclable materials.

Evaluation of the Smokeless Wood Stove

The machine was evaluated by a panel of experts from Iloilo Science and

Technology University's - Main Campus. They were purposely selected to evaluate the

machine based on their expertise in mechanical technology and the fabrication of machine

Construction Time Frame

Table 2 shows the activity that was undertaken during the construction of the

Smokeless Wood Stove.

Construction Procedure No. of Weeks

1 2 3 4 5 6
Brain storming with the group of experts
Listing and estimating of materials and
Fabricating the parts of the smokeless wood stove
Assembling the parts of the machine
Polishing the connection and parts of the machine
Initial testing: boiling, steaming and frying
Evaluating (Technical)
Table 2. Gannt Chart in the construction of the machine

As shown in Table 2 shows the Gannt chart of activities showing the conduct of the

research study. This guided the research to achieve certain tasks as scheduled in a certain

period of time.

Supplies and Materials

Table 3 presents the supplies and materials used in the study.

Table 3. List of Supplies and Materials for Construction

Quantity Units Items Description Specifications
2 Pieces Shafting Rebisco SPL. ASSTD.
1 Set Shafting Carbon Steel Bar 9mm
1 Piece Shafting Steel Pipe
1 set Shafting Angle Bar AB ‘18x1
As shown in Table 3 is the list of supplies and materials used in fabricating the

prototype smokeless wood stove.

Tools and Equipment

Table 4 presents the list and equipment used in the study.

Table 4. List of Tools and Equipment

Quantity Units Description Functions and Uses
1 Unit Grinder To achieve fine finishes or light cuts
on metals and other materials
1 Unit Welding Goggles Provide protection for certain types of
gas welding or oxygen cutting
1 Unit Welding machine Produce heat in order to melt down the
1 Unit Drill bit Make holes in a variety of different
common materials
1 Unit Metal Hand Saw Cutting solid materials to prescribed
lengths or shapes
2 Pieces Cutting Disc Cutting through various types of metal
3 Pieces Sand Paper To achieve a nice smooth finish

As shown in Table 4 is the list of tools and equipment used in the study. Each tool

and equipment played a significant role in the construction of the machine.

Cost Analysis

Table 5 presents the cost analysis during the conduct of the research study

Table 5. Cost Analysis

Qty. Unit Description Unit Price Cost
3 Pieces 1/2x2x4 Styrofoam sheet 45.00 135.00
1 Piece SY91012 RTEC Liquid Glue 16.00 16.00
2 Pieces Rebisco SPL. ASSTD. 404.00
200.00 604.00
2 Sacks APO Cement 240.00 480.00
2 sacks Sand 60.00 120.00
1 Set 9mm Steel Bar 115.00 115.00
1 Piece Steel Pipe 200.00 200.00
2 Set AB ‘18x1 Angle Bar 295.00 295.00
1 Piece Door Handle 20.00 20.00
1 Piece Door Hinge 35.00 35.00
1 Piece #1/267 Bread Loaf Pan 153.00 153.00
1 Piece HW Basin (Black) 56.00 56.00
1 Piece Cooking rock grill 155.00 155.00
2 Pieces Cutting Disc 40.00 80.00
1 Can Epoxy 120.00 120.00
1 Set Barrel Bolt 15.00 15.00
1 Can Spray Paint (Black) 150.00 150.00
3 Pieces Sand Paper 33.33 100.00
1 Set Wood 100.00 100.00
Other Materials 200.00 200.00
Fare 200.00 200.00
Labor 200.00 200.00
Total 3,549.00

Table 5 shows the list of materials used in the construction of the prototype of the

machine. These were the actual materials in the development of the machine, starting from

the initial stage design until the final stage of construction. The total amount spent in the

construction of the machine was ₱3,549.00


Presentations, Interpretation and Analysis of Data

This chapter presents the results and findings of the investigation of the present


The Technology

This machine is related to a range stove, which consists of both an oven and a

stovetop that can be used to cook food both inside the oven cavity and on the stovetop.

The principle of operation of the said machine is to provide an alternative cooking

stove that is both cost-effective and efficient. Moreover, it wants to provide a user-friendly

and eco-friendly experience for the end-users.

The characteristic of this machine is to cook food, which relies on the application of

direct heat for the cooking process. This machine can also cater to any cooking type, which

are sear, sauté, boil, bake, broil, and roast.

The design of the smokeless wood stove was done in consideration of the technical

and industry standards, which are the recommendations for the design procedure and

detailed requirements for safety devices.

Another embodiment found in the present study is the efficiency and cost-

effectiveness of the machine when it comes to cooking operations and design. The new

technology mentioned has surpassed the invention of James D. Jackson (1923) with Patent

No. 1455292.

Brief Description of the Drawing

Mentioned below were the objects of the present technology which may be clearly

seen in the drawing illustrated:

Figure 13. Actual picture of the Smokeless Wood Stove

Figure 14. Isometric View of the Smokeless Wood Stove

Figure 15. Top View of the Smokeless Wood Stove

Figure 16. Front View of the Smokeless Wood Stove

Figure 17. Back View of the Smokeless Wood Stove

Figure 18. Left View of the Smokeless Wood Stove

Figure 19. Right View of the Smokeless Wood Stove


Figure 13. Actual picture of the Smokeless Wood Stove

1 2


Figure 14. Isometric View of the Smokeless Wood Stove

Figure 15. Top View of the Smokeless Wood Stove

Figure 16. Front View of the Smokeless Wood Stove

Figure 17. Back View of the Smokeless Wood Stove

Figure 18. Left View of the Smokeless Wood Stove

Figure 19. Right View of the Smokeless Wood Stove

Detailed Description of the Technology

Referring now to the drawing of the technology as disclosed in Figure 13-19,

illustrated the innovative parts of the Smokeless Wood Stove.

As shown in Figure 14, the various parts of the present technology are the stovetop

(1) , which is the top part or surface of a stove on which pans or pots can be heated; pipe (2),

which is used for venting wood-burning stoves and takes care of the evacuation of smoke

and gas to the outside; firebox (3), which is the area behind the fireplace opening where the

fire is built and maintained and inside of it has an ash bin where it allow you to clean the

excess ash from the stove; oven (4), which is a chamber used to cater different cooking

types such as steaming, heating and baking; and the base (5), which is the platform of the

stove and where you can store the woods which is the primary fuel in using this machine.

The operation of the prototype machine devised by the researchers is simple. The

initial step is to place wood inside the firebox and then light a fire. Placed a pot or pan on

the stovetop. At the same time, you can cook in the oven, but you must control the heat

using the temperature gauge to avoid the food getting burned. The smoke will escape

through the pipe. If the food gets cooked, let the stove cool down, then clean the ash from

the combustion. Then you can keep the machine in a safe place for safekeeping.

Interpretation of Data

The technical evaluation was done at Iloilo Science and Technology University –

Main Campus on July 10, 2023, together with a panel of experts from the academe

composed of instructors and professors in the College of Industrial Technology Department.

The machine was tested based on its operating performance, safety, and design.

During the actual testing, each of the sample items was cooked in different cooking types,

which are boiling, steaming, and frying. The researchers then used a temperature gauge,

which is the basis for controlling the heat, in order to avoid the sample items getting burned.

The evaluators then recorded their observations in the technical evaluation form.

After gathering the data, the researchers then analyzed and interpreted it by conceptualizing

the data, segmenting the data, analyzing the segments, and writing the results. The result of

the evaluation instrument is attached in Appendix C.

Operating Performance
Evaluator 1
Poor Fair Satisfactory Very Excellen
Satisfactory t
1. The machine operates
according to its function.
2. The machine is not harmful
to the environment.
3. The machine operates based
on the established parameters.
Table 6. Rating made by Evaluator 1 in assessing the machine's operating performance

As shown in Table 6, Evaluator 1 assessed the machine based on its operating

performance. Using the Likert Scale, the evaluator gives a Very Satisfactory rating if the

machine operates according to its function, is not harmful to the environment, and operates

based on the established parameters.

Evaluator 2
Poor Fair Satisfactory Very Excellen
Satisfactory t
1. The machine operates
according to its function.
2. The machine is not harmful
to the environment.

3. The machine operates based
on the established parameters.
Table 7. Rating made by Evaluator 2 in assessing the machine's operating performance

As shown in Table 7, Evaluator 2 assessed the machine based on its operating

performance. Using the Likert Scale, the evaluator gives a Very Satisfactory rating if the

machine operates according to its function, is not harmful to the environment, and operates

based on the established parameters.

Evaluator 3
Poor Fair Satisfactory Very Excellen
Satisfactory t
1. The machine operates
according to its function.
2. The machine is not harmful
to the environment.
3. The machine operates based
on the established parameters.
Table 8. Rating made by Evaluator 3 in assessing the machine's operating performance

As shown in Table 8, Evaluator 3 assessed the machine based on its operating

performance. Using the Likert Scale, the evaluator gives an Excellent rating if the machine

operates according to its function, a Satisfactory rating if the machine is not harmful to the

environment, and a Very Satisfactory rating if the machine operates based on the established


Evaluator 1
Poor Fair Satisfactory Very Excellen
Satisfactory t
1. Safety is observed.
2. The machine conforms to the
industry standards.
3. Proper components/materials
are used.
4. Correct labels are visible.
Table 9. Rating made by Evaluator 1 in assessing the machine's safety

As shown in Table 9, Evaluator 1 assessed the machine based on its safety. Using

the Likert Scale, the evaluator gives a Very Satisfactory rating if safety is observed, a

Satisfactory rating if the machine conforms to industry standards, if the proper components

or materials are used, and if the correct labels are visible.

Evaluator 2
Poor Fair Satisfactory Very Excellen
Satisfactory t
1. Safety is observed.
2. The machine conforms to the
industry standards.
3. Proper components/materials
are used.
4. Correct labels are visible.
Table 10. Rating made by Evaluator 2 in assessing the machine's safety

As shown in Table 10, Evaluator 2 assessed the machine based on its safety. Using

the Likert Scale, the evaluator gives a Very Satisfactory rating if safety is observed, a

Satisfactory rating if the machine conforms to industry standards, if the proper components

or materials are used, and if the correct labels are visible.

Evaluator 3
Poor Fair Satisfactory Very Excellen
Satisfactory t
1. Safety is observed.
2. The machine conforms to the
industry standards.
3. Proper components/materials
are used.
4. Correct labels are visible.
Table 11. Rating made by Evaluator 3 in assessing the machine's safety

As shown in Table 11, Evaluator 3 assessed the machine based on its safety. Using

the Likert Scale, the evaluator gives a Very Satisfactory rating if safety is observed, if the

machine conforms to industry standards, if the proper components or materials are used, and

a Satisfactory rating if the correct labels are visible.

Evaluator 1
Poor Fair Satisfactory Very Excellen
Satisfactory t
1. The machine is aesthetically
2. The machine is user friendly.
3. The machine is well-
Table 12. Rating made by Evaluator 1 in assessing the machine's design

As shown in Table 12, Evaluator 1 assessed the machine based on its design. Using

the Likert Scale, the evaluator gives a Satisfactory rating if the machine is aesthetically

designed and well packaged, and a Very Satisfactory rating if the machine is user-friendly.

Evaluator 2
Poor Fair Satisfactory Very Excellen
Satisfactory t
1. The machine is aesthetically
2. The machine is user friendly.
3. The machine is well
Table 13. Rating made by Evaluator 2 in assessing the machine's design

As shown in Table 13, Evaluator 2 assessed the machine based on its design. Using

the Likert Scale, the evaluator gives a Very Satisfactory rating if the machine is aesthetically

designed, if it is user-friendly, and if it is well packaged.

Evaluator 3
Poor Fair Satisfactory Very Excellen
Satisfactory t
1. The machine is aesthetically
2. The machine is user friendly.
3. The machine is well-
Table 14. Rating made by Evaluator 3 in assessing the machine's design

As shown in Table 14, Evaluator 3 assessed the machine based on its design. Using

the Likert Scale, the evaluator gives a Very Satisfactory rating if the machine is aesthetically

designed, if it is user-friendly, and if it is well packaged.

Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary, conclusions, and recommendations of the study.


This study aimed to design, fabricate, and evaluate the new features of the

Smokeless Wood stove, which is intended to be eco-friendly and user-friendly. Specifically,

this study wants to determine the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the stove, which can

be factors if the prototype stove devised by the researchers is applicable as an alternative

cook stove in most households.

Furthermore, this study aimed to innovate a machine that can be useful in many

ways, such as being convenient and providing us with a safer and hazard-free environment.

Moreover, the data recorded from the evaluation in terms of its operating performance,

safety, and design was then analyzed and interpreted by the researchers.

The smokeless wood stove was subjected to pilot testing to determine its

functionality before the technical evaluation. Then, a technical evaluation was conducted by

a group of professors who evaluated the machine to determine its efficiency and cost-

effectiveness in terms of operating performance, safety, and design using the technical
evaluation form from the Department of Technology Research Center. There were no

recommendations or revisions made in the technical evaluation; therefore, the machine does

not undergo the final evaluation.

During the technical evaluation, the researchers then test their machine by cooking

the sample items in three different cooking types: boiling the water, steaming the fish, and

frying the meat, using a temperature gauge to control the heat. The evaluators then observed

the cooking process, which takes 45 minutes, and then recorded their rating using a Likert

Scale in the evaluation form. The result was then collected, and it was then analyzed and

interpreted by the researchers.

The prior testing of the machine was conducted on June 23, 2023, at Mandurriao,

Iloilo, and the technical evaluation was conducted on July 10, 2023, at the Mechanical

Technology Department Laboratory inside the campus.

The findings of the study were as follows:

1. The machine devised by the researchers consumes less than 50% of the fuel wood

compared to the traditional cooking stove and can be one of the contributing factors

to halting deforestation.

2. The machine devised by the researchers can cater to different cooking types such as

boiling, steaming, frying, baking, grilling, etc., but it cannot cater to multiple

cooking processes at the same time due to its size.

3. The machine devised by the researchers uses wood as a primary fuel, which can have

less harmful effects on our environment than the use of natural gas.

4. Based on the ratings of the evaluators during the technical evaluations on the

operating performance of the machine, the results show that the machine devised by

the researchers has satisfactorily passed the criteria, such as that it must operate

according to its function, is not harmful to the environment, and operates based on

the established parameters.

5. Based on the ratings of the evaluators during the technical evaluations on the safety

of the machine, the results show that the machine devised by the researchers has

satisfactorily passed the criteria, such as that safety is observed, it conforms to

industry standards, the components or materials are properly used, and correct labels

are visible.

6. Based on the ratings of the evaluators during the technical evaluations on the design

of the machine, the results show that the machine devised by the researchers has

satisfactorily passed the criteria, such as that it is aesthetically designed, user-

friendly, and well packaged.


Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The machine devised by the researchers can achieve an average efficiency of around

70 to 80% due to the lower temperature of an open fire, where combustion is less


2. The machine devised by the researchers is cost-effective because it uses only locally

standard materials, which are available within the vicinity of the researchers, and

eco-friendly because it uses recyclable materials.

3. The machine devised by the researchers can be an alternative cook stove in most

households because it is convenient and can provide a safer and hazard-free



On the basis of the findings of this study, the following recommendations are


1. For the stove machine industry, it is recommended that the smokeless wood

stove be considered a new invention of modern technology because it is able to

provide convenience and a safe and hazard-free environment to the end-users.

2. For every household that uses a cook stove, it is recommended that the

smokeless wood stove be considered as an alternative stove because it can cater

to different cooking types and was designed to be user-friendly and eco-friendly.

3. For educators, it is recommended that this machine be used in the laboratory as

an instructional machine for students who are taking mechanical technology


4. For mechanical technology students, it is recommended that they use this

machine in the actual cooking process and fabrication of the projects in the

mechanical shop to find further improvements in order to keep abreast of the

latest trends in the stove machine industry.

5. Further study is recommended for other researchers to replicate on a larger scale

using different methods in terms of operating performance, safety, and design.


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Scriven, C., (1991). What is evaluation?.

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Letter for Evaluation


Warm greetings!

The undersigned is currently conducting a research study entitled

“SMOKELESS WOOD STOVE” as a partial requirement for graduation towards the

degree in Bachelor of Industrial Technology Major in Mechanical Technology (BIT
In this connection, we would like to ask your expertise to evaluate our device
to gather data on whether it is actually smokeless by identifying its cooking time and
to evaluate the efficiency of our device in terms of its fuel and smoke emitted.
You may give your comments/suggestions and recommendation in the
progress of the said device. Rest assured that your evaluation will be treated with
utmost confidentiality.

Very truly yours,




Research Technical Evaluation Form

Date: July 10, 2023



The function of this device is to lessen the amount of carbon emitted by a

traditional cooking stove. This device consumes less fuel, which can play a role in

conserving our environment, and it is cost-effective because it uses only standard
materials to construct.

Instructions: Kindly check the column that corresponds to your level of satisfaction
on the technical evaluation of the device. Please also give your comments/suggestions

Technical Evaluation Poor Fair Satisfactor Very Excellen

Criteria y Satisfactor t
Operating Performance
1. The device operates
according to its function.
2. The device is not
harmful to the
3. The device operates
based on the established
1. Safety is observed.
2. The device conforms to
the industry standards.
3. Proper components/
materials are used.
4. Correct labels are
1. The device is
aesthetically designed.
2. The device is user
3. The device is well-


Pass Needs Revision Fail

Signature over Printed Name of Evaluator

Signature over Printed Name of Adviser

Results of Research Technical Evaluation

Date: July 10, 2023



The function of this device is to lessen the amount of carbon emitted by a

traditional cooking stove. This device consumes less fuel, which can play a role in

conserving our environment, and it is cost-effective because it uses only standard
materials to construct.

Instructions: Kindly check the column that corresponds to your level of satisfaction
on the technical evaluation of the device. Please also give your comments/suggestions

Technical Evaluation Poor Fair Satisfactor Very Excellen

Criteria y Satisfactor t
Operating Performance
1. The device operates
according to its function.
2. The device is not
harmful to the
3. The device operates
based on the established
1. Safety is observed.
2. The device conforms to
the industry standards.
3. Proper components/
materials are used.
4. Correct labels are
1. The device is
aesthetically designed.
2. The device is user
3. The device is well-


Pass Needs Revision Fail

Signature over Printed Name of Evaluator

Signature over Printed Name of Adviser

Results of Research Technical Evaluation

Date: July 10, 2023



The function of this device is to lessen the amount of carbon emitted by a

traditional cooking stove. This device consumes less fuel, which can play a role in
conserving our environment, and it is cost-effective because it uses only standard
materials to construct.

Instructions: Kindly check the column that corresponds to your level of satisfaction
on the technical evaluation of the device. Please also give your comments/suggestions

Technical Evaluation Poor Fair Satisfactor Very Excellen

Criteria y Satisfactor t
Operating Performance
1. The device operates
according to its function.
2. The device is not
harmful to the
3. The device operates
based on the established
1. Safety is observed.
2. The device conforms to
the industry standards.
3. Proper components/
materials are used.
4. Correct labels are
1. The device is
aesthetically designed.
2. The device is user
3. The device is well-


Pass Needs Revision Fail

Signature over Printed Name of Evaluator

Signature over Printed Name of Adviser

Results of Research Technical Evaluation

Date: July 10, 2023



The function of this device is to lessen the amount of carbon emitted by a

traditional cooking stove. This device consumes less fuel, which can play a role in
conserving our environment, and it is cost-effective because it uses only standard
materials to construct.

Instructions: Kindly check the column that corresponds to your level of satisfaction
on the technical evaluation of the device. Please also give your comments/suggestions

Technical Evaluation Poor Fair Satisfactor Very Excellen

Criteria y Satisfactor t
Operating Performance
1. The device operates
according to its function.
2. The device is not
harmful to the
3. The device operates
based on the established
1. Safety is observed.
2. The device conforms to
the industry standards.
3. Proper components/
materials are used.
4. Correct labels are
1. The device is
aesthetically designed.
2. The device is user
3. The device is well-


Pass Needs Revision Fail


Signature over Printed Name of Evaluator

Signature over Printed Name of Adviser


Curriculum Vitae

Name: Richtine Hisugan

Age: 22
Address: Barangay Manaolan, Badiangan, Iloilo
Date of Birth: September 4, 2000
Place of Birth: Paco, Manila
Civil Status: Single

Father’s Name: Riche Hisugan
Mother’s Name: Mary Christine Hisugan

Educational Attainment:
Tertiary: Iloilo Science and Technology University – Main Campus
Lapaz, Burgos St., Iloilo City
Secondary: Janiuay National Comprehensive High School
Barangay Damo-ong, Janiuay, Iloilo
Elementary: Manaolan Elementary School
Barangay Manaolan, Badiangan, Iloilo

Work Experiences/Trainings:

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Jan Paul Alibio

Age: 22
Address: Barangay Aglosong, Concepcion, Iloilo
Date of Birth: December 16, 2000
Place of Birth: Barangay Aglosong, Concepcion, Iloilo
Civil Status: Single
Father’s Name: Wilfredo Alibio
Mother’s Name: Emilia Alibio

Educational Attainment:
Tertiary: Iloilo Science and Technology University – Main Campus
Lapaz, Burgos St., Iloilo City
Secondary: Nicomedes R. Tubar Sr. National High School
Barangay Pase, San Dionisio, Iloilo
Elementary: Aglosong Elementary School
Barangay Aglosong, Concepcion, Iloilo

Work Experiences/Trainings:

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Jorge Raymond Estil

Age: 22
Address: Barangay Kinagdan, Igbaras, Iloilo
Date of Birth: January 13, 2001
Place of Birth: Tondo, Manila
Civil Status: Single
Father’s Name: Ireneo Estil
Mother’s Name: Porferia Estil

Educational Attainment:

Tertiary: Iloilo Science and Technology University – Main Campus
Lapaz, Burgos St., Iloilo City
Secondary: Igbaras National High School
Igbaras, Iloilo
Elementary: Mulangan Elementary School
Igbaras, Iloilo

Work Experiences/Trainings:

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Armand Paul Jore

Age: 22
Address: Barangay Barasan, Igbaras, Iloilo
Date of Birth: May 20, 1999
Place of Birth: Pasig City
Civil Status: Single
Father’s Name: Paul Jore
Mother’s Name: Armeda Jore

Educational Attainment:

Tertiary: Iloilo Science and Technology University – Main Campus
Lapaz, Burgos St., Iloilo City
Secondary: Igbaras National High School
Igbaras, Iloilo
Elementary: Igbaras Central Elementary School
Igbaras, Iloilo

Work Experiences/Trainings:



Fabrication of the Machine

Testing of the Machine

Parts of the Smokeless Wood Stove

Inside of the

Inside of the Firebox




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