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Written Assignment Unit 2

x Frequency (f) xf
1 2 2
2 5 10
3 8 24
4 12 48
5 12 60
6 0 0
7 1 7
Total f=40 Total xf=151

Mean=Total xf/Total f

Therefore the mean is 3.775

X f xf X^2 fX^2
1 2 2 1 2
2 5 10 4 20
3 8 24 9 72
4 12 48 16 192
5 12 60 25 300
6 0 0 36 0
7 1 7 49 7
Total Total Total Total
n=40 Xf=151 X^2=140 fX^2
Sample Standard Deviation
s = sqrt(((∑fX^2) –
((∑Xf)^2 / n)) / (n - 1))

Therefore the sample standard deviation = 1.848

x f Relative Cumulative
Frequency Relative
1 2 2/40=0.05 0.05
2 5 5/40=0.125 0.05+0.125=0.175
3 8 8/40=0.2 0.175+0.2=0.375
4 12 12/40=0.3 0.375+0.3=0.675
5 12 12/40=0.3 0.675+0.3=0.975
6 0 0 0.975+0=0.975
7 1 1/40=0.025 0.975+0.025=1

4. First quartile (Q1):

Q1 is the value that separates the lowest 25% of the data from the rest of the data. Using the cumulative
relative frequency column, we can see that the 25th percentile is between the values of 2 and 3. To find
the exact value, l can use the formula:

Q1 = L + ((n/4 - CF) / f) * w


L = the lower class boundary of the interval containing the 25th percentile
n = the total number of data points
CF = the cumulative frequency up to the interval containing the 25th percentile
f = the frequency of the interval containing the 25th percentile
w = the width of the interval containing the 25th percentile
Using the values from the table:

Q1 = 2 + ((40/4 - 0.05) / 5) * 1

Q1 = 2.3

Therefore, the first quartile is 2.3.

5. Median:

The median is the value that separates the lower 50% of the data from the upper 50% of the data. Using
the cumulative relative frequency column, l can see that the 50th percentile is between the values of 4 and
5. To find the exact value, l can use the formula:

Median = L + ((n/2 - CF) / f) * w


L = the lower class boundary of the interval containing the 50th percentile
n = the total number of data points
CF = the cumulative frequency up to the interval containing the 50th percentile
f = the frequency of the interval containing the 50th percentile
w = the width of the interval containing the 50th percentile
Using the values from the table:

Median = 4 + ((40/2 - 0.375) / 12) * 1

Median = 4.5

Therefore, the median is 4.5.

6. Third quartile (Q3):

Q3 is the value that separates the lowest 75% of the data from the rest of the data. Using the cumulative
relative frequency column, l can see that the 75th percentile is between the values of 4 and 5. To find the
exact value, l can use the formula:

Q3 = L + ((3n/4 - CF) / f) * w


L = the lower class boundary of the interval containing the 75th percentile
n = the total number of data points
CF = the cumulative frequency up to the interval containing the 75th percentile
f = the frequency of the interval containing the 75th percentile
w = the width of the interval containing the 75th percentile
Using the values from the table:

Q3 = 4 + ((3*40/4 - 0.675) / 12) * 1

Q3 = 5

Therefore, the third quartile is 5.

7. To find the percentage of students who owned at least five pairs, we need to find the cumulative
relative frequency for the value of 5:

Cumulative Relative Frequency for 5 = 0.975

Therefore, 97.5% of the students owned at least five pairs.

8. 40th percentile:

The 40th percentile is between the values of 2 and 3. To find the exact value, we can use the formula:

40th percentile = L + ((40/100 - CF) / f) * w

Using the values from the table:

40th percentile = 2 + ((40/100 - 0.05) / 5) * 1

40th percentile = 2.2

Therefore, the 40th percentile is 2.2.

9. 90th percentile:
The 90th percentile is between the values of 5 and 7. To find the exact value, we can use the formula:

90th percentile = L + ((90/100 - CF) / f) * w

Using the values from the table:

90th percentile = 5 + ((90/100 - 0.975) / 12) * 1

90th percentile = 5.05

Therefore, the 90th percentile is 5.05.

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