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📖 AVTC1_Unit 1_Paragraph Structure

Task 8: Checklist for self/ peer-editing.
When writing an outline for a paragraph, you can use the question list below to check and edit your
work or your classmates’.

Outline Y/N Comments/ Suggestions

Does your outline have a topic sentence?
Does the topic sentence introduce what the
paragraph will be about?
Are there supporting sentences?

Are all the supporting sentences related to the topic?

Does your outline have a concluding sentence?

Does the concluding sentence rephrase (repeat in
different words) the topic sentence or summarize
the main points?

Task 9: Read the paragraph carefully. Underline the topic sentence. In each
paragraph, one supporting sentence is not related to the topic. Cross out the
unrelated sentence.

Paragraph 1
My favorite animal
Of all the animals, I love rabbits the most. Rabbits are often found in different colors such as white,
black, and brown. They are small animals with long ears and soft bodies. Rabbits have four short but
powerful legs, so they can run very fast and jump very high. Moreover, their eyes can move 360
degrees and help them notice dangerous animals in a second. Tigers are dangerous animals in the
wild. Rabbits chew on everything. Their favorite food is grass, vegetables, and fruits. In general,
rabbits are friendly and playful animals, so we can keep them in our homes.

Paragraph 2
Making Chili
Chili is an easy dish to prepare. Fried chicken is also easy to prepare. To make chili, you need to cut
up one large onion. Then, you fry it in a little vegetable oil. You can add fresh garlic and some diced
chili peppers. When the onions are soft, you add one pound of ground beef. Next, you stir the onions


📖 AVTC1_Unit 1_Paragraph Structure

and beef until they are fully cooked. After that, you add four cups of diced tomatoes, one cup of water
and one can of red beans. Finally, you add salt and pepper. If you follow this simple recipe, you will
have a delicious meal!

Paragraph 3
Taipei 101
Taipei 101 is one of the tallest buildings in the world. This building is in Taipei’s business district.
Taipei 101 opened to the public in 2004. It is made of steel and glass panels, so it has a beautiful
silver color. It has 101 floors. There are even five more floors below the building. There are also tall
buildings in Taipei. Many international businesses have offices in Taipei 101. There are also great
places to shop in the building. Taipei 101 attracts many tourists every year.

Task 10: Organize your ideas and write outlines for the topics in Task 4.
Topic 1: A family member
Topic sentence:
My mom is a person I love the most in my family
Supporting sentences: My mom always takes care of me and all other members. She works really hard to earn
money to pay for food and my school fee. Sometimes, she is a bit tired of working too much all day, so I try to
help her with the housework. My mom knows I love her, so she always wants the best for me. She makes very
good meal for me every day and she always give me good advice on what I will learn or what I will do.

Concluding sentence: No one in the world can be better than my mom. If you meet my mom, you will love
her too.

Topic 2: Your hometown

Topic sentence:

I was born and raised in Hochiminh city, so it is my hometown.

Supporting sentences:

There are a lot of tourist attractions in my hometown. Every year, many people from all over the world come to
visit them. One of the most amazing things about my hometown is the food. There is a variety of food across the
country and from all parts of the world. Moreover, people in my hometown are very friendly. They always help
you if you first come here.

Concluding sentence:

Hochiminh city is always famous for its diversity and people.


📖 AVTC1_Unit 1_Paragraph Structure

Topic 3: Your favorite pet

Topic sentence:

My mom gave me a puppy on my last birthday, so I love it very much.

Supporting sentences:
My pet is very cute. he always wakes me up in the morning when he comes into my room and touches my toes.
After that, he runs around my house to play with a ball while I make some breakfast for him. He likes meat and
cheese most. Sometimes, he likes to eat fish.

Concluding sentence:

My pet is the loveliest pet in my opinion because he is so playful.


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