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Akhilendra Dwivedi

LinkedIN | G-Mail | Portfolio | +91 9569987852


Dr . Ambedkar Institute Of Technology For Handicapped, Kanpur 2020- 2024

● Bachelors (B. Tech) in Information Technology | Avg. SGPA:7.8/10


GemAI -Gemini Clone Link April 2024- May 2024

A sophisticated clone of the Gemini platform, engineered to deliver precise and prompt responses using Gemini API. Our
platform offers an intuitive user experience that mirrors the original Gemini, ensuring familiarity while enhancing functionality.
• Used : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React JS, Gemini API

VDO Link Jan 2024- Jan 2024

VDO is a simple and user-friendly video & audio calling web-application. It connects two browsers and then their users can
do real time communication.
• Used : HTML, CSS, JavaScript+ WebRTC

SMS Spam Detector GitHub Sep 2023- Sep 2023

Developed a robust ML project that identify unsolicited and unwanted messages, leveraging the Navie Baye’s Algorithm.
This project was trained on an extensive dataset, showcasing an exceptional accuracy of 97.5%.
• Used : Streamlit, Sci-kit Learn, Pickle ,Python, NLTK

The News GitHub Jul 2023- Jul 2023

It is a dynamic frontend website that revolutionizies the way users access and consume news. This project seamlessly
integrates with the NEWS API to gather real-time data from various news sources. The website offers users a comprehensive
platform to explore and read news articles on diverse topics.
• Used : HTML, CSS, JavaScript+ NEWS API

Languages and Technologies : C++| Python | Machine Learning | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | ReactJS | Rapid API

Expertise Area : Data Structures and Algorithms | Frontend-Web Dev

Other Links And Information

Address : Kaushambi, Uttar-Pradesh, India Pincode-212207

• GitHub
• Solved 200+ questions on Leetcode Leetcode
• 100+ questions solved on GeeksForGeeks GFG

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