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Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2009; 23: 899–906

Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/rcm.3935

Separation and characterization of clindamycin

phosphate and related impurities in injection by liquid
chromatography/electrospray ionization mass
Shao-Min Wang1, Shan-Shan Bu1, Hong-Min Liu2*, Hua-Yu Li1, Wei Liu2
and Yu-Dong Wang1
Department of Chemistry, Zhengzhou University, 100 Science Road, 450001 Zhengzhou, China
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhengzhou University, 100 Science Road, 450001 Zhengzhou, China
Received 17 November 2008; Revised 26 December 2008; Accepted 27 December 2008

A simple high-performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization tandem mass spectro-

metric (HPLC/ESI-MS/MS) method has been developed for the rapid identification of clindamycin
phosphate and its degradation products or related impurities in clindamycin phosphate injection.
Detection was performed by quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (Q-TOFMS) via an ESI
source in positive mode. Clindamycin phosphate and its related substances lincomycin, 7-epilinco-
mycin-2-phosphate, lincomycin-2-phosphate, clindamycin B, clindamycin B-2-phosphate, and clin-
damycin were identified simultaneously by HPLC/ESI-MS/MS results. Based on the MS/MS spectra
of their quasi-molecular ions, the fragmentation pathways of clindamycin phosphate and its related
substances were compared and proposed, which are specific and useful for the identification of the
lincosamide antibiotics and related impurities. The method was rapid, sensitive and specific and can
be used to identify clindamycin phosphate and its related impurities in clindamycin phosphate
injection without control compounds. Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Clindamycin, a semi-synthetic derivative of lincomycin, is an procedures have been developed for the determination and
antibiotic that is highly effective against Gram-positive and analysis of clindamycin phosphate and its degradation
Gram-negative anaerobic pathogens, as well as Gram- products or related impurities in bulk drug and formu-
positive aerobes. Its phosphate ester, clindamycin-2-phos- lations.3,7–13 However, these methods are either time-
phate (Fig. 1), is produced by chemical modification of consuming or not very sensitive. To our knowledge, HPLC
clindamycin. Although the ester is not biologically active, it is coupled with MS detection for the purpose has not been
rapidly hydrolyzed to the active clindamycin in vivo. described. Quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (Q-
Clindamycin phosphate injection, USP, is a sterile solution TOFMS) is superior in terms of scan speed and ease of
for intramuscular or intravenous use, and is effective in the operation, enabling fast LC/MS analysis of complex
treatment of serious infections caused by susceptible samples. This TOF technology not only allows for accurate
anaerobic bacteria and by susceptible strains of streptococci, mass measurement, but also provides a tool for elemental
pneumococci and staphylococci.1–3 composition suggestions of a compound of interest. Besides,
Clindamycin phosphate injection is a heat-labile product results from collision-induced dissociation (CID) give further
and unstable during a conventional high-temperature information about the compounds, which is valuable for
sterilization.4–6 Common degradation products or related identifying minor impurities in clindamycin phosphate
impurities of clindamycin phosphate injection are free injection by their fragmentation patterns.14,15
clindamycin, lincomycin-2-phosphate, and a small amount The aim of this study was to develop an analytical method
of clindamycin B-2-phosphate.3,7–10 The rapid identification suitable for the determination of clindamycin phosphate and
and characterization of minor degradation products and its degradation products or related impurities in clindamycin
related impurities is an important task. phosphate injection. In this paper, we describe an HPLC/
Several gas chromatography (GC), GC/mass spectrometry ESI-MS/MS method which is the first simultaneous deter-
(MS), or high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) mination of clindamycin-2-phosphate together with linco-
mycin, lincomycin-2-phosphate, 7-epilincomycin-2-phos-
*Correspondence to: H.-M. Liu, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, phate, clindamycin B, clindamycin B-2-phosphate, and
Zhengzhou University, 100 Science Road, 450001 Zhengzhou, clindamycin in clindamycin phosphate injection (Fig. 1).
China. Compared with previous methods, it has three principal
Contract/grant sponsor: National Natural Science Foundation; advantages. (1) The MS detection used allows for the
contract/grant number: 2027205. identification and characterization of minor impurities. Most

Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

900 S.-M. Wang et al.

Figure 1. Structures of clindamycin phosphate and its related impurities.

of the previously reported methods are not suitable for this 100  2.1 mm i.d.). The mobile phase comprised solvent A
purpose. (2) The use of an MS-compatible mobile phase (0.1% (0.1% formic acid in water) and solvent B (methanol), at a
formic acid in water) avoids the use of an ion-pairing reagent flow rate of 0.17 mL/min, under a gradient elution
in the mobile phase to effect the separation such as sodium programmer from 60% solvent A, 40% solvent B linearly
pentane sulfonate, dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate, as such diluted to 46% solvent A, 54% solvent B by 9 min, and then
methods are often associated with inherent instability and the column was re-equilibrated in 60% solvent A, 40%
long equilibration times. (3) This method is rapid, sensitive solvent B for 6 min. Column temperature was 408C and the
and specific and can be used to identify clindamycin injection volume was 20 mL. The eluent was detected by a
phosphate and its related substances without control Micromass Q-TOF MicroTM mass spectrometer with an ESI
compounds. source (Waters, Manchester, UK). Nitrogen was used as the
nebulizer and dissolvation gas. Argon was used as the
collision gas. The ESI source was operated in positive ion
mode with optimized conditions. The mass spectrometer
Chemicals and materials recorded full-scan mass spectra over the mass range 200–
The clindamycin phosphate injection was obtained from 1000 with a capillary voltage of 3.5 kV, a cone voltage of 35 V,
North China Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Shijiazhuang, China). a source temperature of 808C, a dissolvation temperature of
Standards of clindamycin hydrochloride, clindamycin phos- 1808C, a collision voltage of 7 V, a cone gas flow of 50 L/h and
phate and lincomycin hydrochloride were kindly provided a dissolvation gas flow of 380 L/h. Clindamycin phosphate
by Henan Topfund Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Zhumadian, and its related substances were identified based on the
China). Formic acid was from Sigma-Aldrich Co. Ltd. (Poole, presence of their protonated molecule.
UK). Methanol (HPLC-grade) was purchased from J.T.
Baker, USA. All of the aqueous solutions were prepared HPLC/ESI-MS/MS
with water purified using a Milli-Q water-purification The HPLC and ESI conditions were as described above.
system (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA). During MS/MS experiments, the protonated molecule was
chosen as precursor ion and isolated in the quadruple. Next,
Injection sample a collision voltage of 19 V was used to fragment the precursor
A heat-stressed clindamycin phosphate solution was pre- ions to produce product ion spectra.
pared by heating the clindamycin phosphate injection
(150 mg/mL) at 1008C for 30 min. Then, the prepared heat-
stressed injection was diluted in water to give a concentration
of 6.25 mg/mL for the working solution. ESI-MS/MS analyses of the reference
HPLC/ESI-MS analysis Standards of lincomycin hydrochloride (1), clindamycin
The separation of the clindamycin phosphate and its related hydrochloride (6) and clindamycin phosphate (7) (Fig. 1)
impurities by reversed-phase (RP)-HPLC and the ionization were first studied. Some characteristic fragment ions, such as
of these compounds were optimized. A Waters HPLC system the losses of neutral molecules H2O, HPO3, HCl, metha-
(Milford, MA, USA), consisting of a 2695 separation module nethiol, 2-methylthioethenol, and the residue of 3-propyl-N-
and a 2996 photodiode array (PDA) detector, was controlled methylpyrrolidine (Aþ), are summarized in Table 1 and
by Micromass MassLynx V4.0 SP4 software. The HPLC Fig. 2(c), which are specific and useful for the identification of
column was a Waters XTerra1 MS C18 RP column (3.5 mm, clindamycin phosphate and its related compounds.
Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2009; 23: 899–906
DOI: 10.1002/rcm
Analysis of clindamycin phosphate injection by LC/MS 901

Table 1. ESI-MS/MS product ions obtained from the [MHþ] an unknown origin, an ion at m/z 335.2 corresponding to the
ions of standards 1, 6, 7 (m/z with relative abundance (%) in loss of HPO3 and CHOHCHSCH3, and an ion at m/z 126.1
parentheses) with relative abundance of 100% corresponding to the
Product ion 1 6 7
3-propyl-N-methylpyrrolidine ion after loss of the rest of the
molecule. The elemental compositions of fragment ions at
[MHþ] 407.2 (19%) 425.2 (37%) 505.2 (54%) high resolution are shown in Table 2, which closely
[MHþ–H2O] 389.2 (3%) 407.2 (1%) 487.1 (8%) corresponded to the above elucidation. The accurate mass
[MHþ–HCl] — 389.2 (1%) 469.2 (1%)
[MHþ–HSCH3] 359.2 (9%) 377.2 (9%) 457.2 (9%)
data for some of the product ions was markedly less accurate
[MHþ–CHOHCHSCH3] 317.2 (1%) 335.2 (2%) — than the precursor ion, most probably due to the low levels of
[MHþ–HPO3] — — 425.2 (2%) the product ions. Despite this, the listed calculated elemental
[MHþ–HPO3–H2O] — — 407.2 (2%) compositions were very sensible, indicating the limitations of
[MHþ–HPO3–H2O–HSCH3] — — 359.2 (1%) expressing mass accuracy in parts-per-million (ppm) at low
[MHþ–HPO3–CHOHCHSCH3] — — 335.2 (2%)
[Aþ] 126.1 (100%)126.1 (100%)126.1 (100%)
m/z ratios.
Because the fragment at m/z 487.1 corresponding to the loss
of one H2O from clindamycin phosphate can be considered
to be eliminated either from the sugar moiety or from the
phosphate group, it is necessary to establish which one is
ESI-MS of clindamycin phosphate (7) (Fig. 2(a)) showed a favored. Therefore, a control experiment using the CID
characteristic protonated isotope pattern at m/z 505.1538 and method was performed. Under the same MS/MS conditions,
507.1611 with about 3:1 ratio of relative abundance the fragmentation spectrum of the ion at m/z 99, the
corresponding to the presence of one chlorine atom in the protonated phosphoric acid, clearly indicated the presence
molecule. After scanning the fragment at m/z 505 with CID, of a prominent fragment ion at m/z 81 (corresponding to the
the product ion spectrum (Fig. 2(b)) showed an ion at loss of water) with relative abundance of 64%. However,
m/z 487.1 corresponding to the loss of H2O from an unknown compared with the MS/MS spectrum from the ion at m/z 99,
elimination location, an ion at m/z 469.2 corresponding to the MS/MS of the ion at m/z 425, clindamycin hydrochloride (6),
loss of HCl, an ion at m/z 457.2 corresponding to the loss of resulted in the dehydrated ion at m/z 407 with only 1.4%
HSCH3, an ion at m/z 425.2 corresponding to the loss of relative abundance. Thus, elimination of H2O from the
HPO3, an ion at m/z 407.2 corresponding to the loss of HPO3, phosphate group is favored over elimination from the sugar
and one H2O from an unknown origin, an ion at m/z 359.2 moiety. Therefore, the plausible fragmentation pathway of
corresponding to the loss of HPO3, HSCH3 and one H2O from clindamycin phosphate may be proposed as in Fig. 3.

Figure 2. ESI-MS/MS of clindamycin phosphate (7). (a) HRMS; (b) MS/MS of the ion at m/z 505; and
(c) observed major fragmentation of clindamycin phosphate and its related impurities.

Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2009; 23: 899–906
DOI: 10.1002/rcm
902 S.-M. Wang et al.

Table 2. Observed and calculated masses of proposed neutral loss of the ion at m/z 505.1540 of clindamycin phosphate in ESI-Q-
Product ion m/z Proposed formula Proposed neutral loss Theoretical m/z Error (ppm)

505.1540 C18H35N2O8PSCl — 505.1540 0

487.1427 C18H33N2O7PSCl H2O 487.1435 1.6
469.1721 C18H34N2O8PS HCl 469.1774 11.3
457.1493 C17H31N2O8PCl HSCH3 457.1507 3.1
425.1869 C18H34N2O5SCl HPO3 425.1877 1.9
407.1769 C18H32N2O4SCl HPO3þH2O 407.1771 0.6
359.1701 C17H28N2O4Cl HPO3þH2OþHSCH3 359.1738 10.3
335.1774 C15H28N2O4Cl CHOHCHSCH3þHPO3 335.1738 10.7
126.1278 C8H16N — 126.1283 3.9

Moreover, compared with the precursor ion at m/z 407 of bered represent those that were suspected of arising from
lincomycin hydrochloride (1), the relative abundance of the clindamycin phosphate and its related substances on the
dehydrated ion at m/z 389.2 was 3%, which was higher than basis of retention times, accurate mass data and the
that of the dehydrated ion of clindamycin hydrochloride (6) fragmentation patterns arising from their MS/MS compared
(1%). It is implied that the ion at m/z 389.2 was formed mostly with the response of authentic standards to these exper-
from the elimination of H2O at position 7, not at the sugar iments. For some of the degradation products no commercial
moiety of lincomycin hydrochloride. standards were available, so only the MS analysis could be
used to determine the identification of these substances.
Analyses of clindamycin phosphate injection Additionally, positive ion mode extracted ion current (EIC)
by HPLC/ESI-MS/MS analyses were performed in order to confirm these assign-
Figure 4(a) showed the HPLC/ESI-MS scan of the heat- ments. The substances for which commercial standards were
stressed clindamycin phosphate injection. The peaks num- available for comparison will be discussed first.

Figure 3. Proposed fragmentation pathway of clindamycin phosphate.

Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2009; 23: 899–906
DOI: 10.1002/rcm
Analysis of clindamycin phosphate injection by LC/MS 903

Figure 4. HPLC/MS analysis of heat-stressed clindamycin phosphate injection:

(a) positive ion mode ESI-MS TIC monitoring and (b) the corresponding EIC chro-
matograms with SIM at m/z 407, 487, 411, 491, 425 and 505. Peak identification: 1.
lincomycin, 2. 7-epilincomycin-2-phosphate, 3. lincomycin-2-phosphate, 4. clindamy-
cin B, 5. clindamycin B-2-phosphate, 6. clindamycin, 7. clindamycin-2-phosphate.

As shown in Fig. 4(b), the EIC chromatogram at m/z 407, and 7 are identified as lincomycin, clindamycin, and
425, and 505 shows peak 1 at 2.28 min, peak 6 at 4.82 min, and clindamycin phosphate, respectively.
peak 7 at 7.41 min, which were matched with the retention The identification of the substances for which no
time (tR) of standard lincomycin, clindamycin, and clinda- comparable standards were available relied on the MS data
mycin phosphate, respectively. Accurate mass analyses of alone to elucidate the suspected structures of the peaks
m/z 407, 425, and 505 gave empirical formulae obtained from the total ion current (TIC) and EIC
of C18H35N2O6S, C18H34N2O5SCl, and C18H35N2O8PSCl, chromatograms (Fig. 4). Table 3 shows all accurate masses
which are identical to those obtained from the protonated of protonated molecules were within 5 ppm. Product ions
molecules of lincomycin, clindamycin, and clindamycin measured are shown in Table 4 and compared with the data
phosphate, respectively (Table 3). Furthermore, MS/MS found in previous studies. The available accurate mass data
spectra of these peaks (Table 4) are in close agreement with for these substances and its product ions confirmed our
the characteristic fragments of standards. Thus, peaks 1, 6, structures.
Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2009; 23: 899–906
DOI: 10.1002/rcm
904 S.-M. Wang et al.

Table 3. Q-TOF accurate mass analysis data of identification of clindamycin phosphate and its related impurities
Peak Identification Empirical formula of ion seen [identity] Theoretical m/z Experimental m/z Error (ppm)

1 lincomycin C18H35N2O6S 407.2216 407.2234 4.5

2 7-epilincomycin-2-phosphate C18H36N2O9PS 487.1879 487.1901 4.5
3 lincomycin-2-phosphate C18H36N2O9PS 487.1879 487.1864 3.1
4 clindamycin B C17H32N2O5SCl 411.1720 411.1732 2.8
5 clindamycin B-2-phosphate C17H33N2O8PSCl 491.1384 491.1369 3.0
6 clindamycin C18H34N2O5SCl 425.1877 425.1893 3.8
7 clindamycin-2-phosphate C18H35N2O8PSCl 505.1540 505.1535 1.0

Table 4. Fragmentation pathways of identification of clindamycin phosphate and its related impurities (m/z with relative
abundance (%) in parentheses) (tR: retention time)
Peak tR (min) Identification MS [identity] m/z MS/MS [identity] m/z

1 2.28 lincomycin 407 [MHþ] 389 [MHþ-H2O] (3%), 359 [MHþ-HSCH3] (7%), 126 [Aþ] (100%).
2 2.33 7-epilincomycin -2-phosphate 487 [MHþ] 469 [MHþ-H2O] (9%), 439 [MHþ -HSCH3] (9%), 389 [MHþ-HPO3-H2O]
(7%), 126 [Aþ] (100%).
3 2.71 lincomycin -2-phosphate 487 [MHþ] 469 [MHþ-H2O] (8%), 439 [MHþ-HSCH3] (6%), 407 [MHþ-HPO3] (4%),
389 [MHþ-HPO3-H2O] (2%), 126 [Aþ] (100%).
4 3.23 clindamycin B 411 [MHþ] 393 [MHþ-H2O] (11%), 363 [MHþ-HSCH3] (21%), 112 [Bþ] (100%).
5 4.32 clindamycin B-2-phosphate 491 [MHþ] 473 [MHþ-H2O] (11%), 443 [MHþ-HSCH3] (25%), 411 [MHþ-HPO3] (7%),
393 [MHþ -HPO3-H2O] (7%), 321 [MHþ-HPO3-CHOHCHSCH3] (7%), 112
[Bþ] (100%).
6 4.82 clindamycin 425 [MHþ] 407 [MHþ-H2O] (1%), 389 [MHþ-HCl] (2%), 377 [MHþ-HSCH3] (11%),
341 [MHþ-HCl-HSCH3] (3%), 126 [Aþ] (100%).
7 7.41 clindamycin -2-phosphate 505 [MHþ] 487 [MHþ-H2O] (8%), 457 [MHþ-HSCH3] (9%), 425 [MHþ-HPO3] (3%),
407 [MHþ-HPO3-H2O] (3%), 359 [MHþ-HPO3-H2O-HSCH3] (2%), 335
[MHþ-HPO3-CHOHCHSCH3] (2%), 126 [Aþ] (100%).

The EIC chromatogram at m/z 487 (Fig. 4(b)) showed two 2-phosphate. The ratio of the amount of 7-epilincomycin-2-
peaks: peak 2 at 2.33 min and peak 3 at 2.71 min. The full-scan phosphate to lincomycin-2-phosphate was 3:83, calculated
mass spectrum of the two peaks both showed the ion at m/z by measuring the peak areas for each obtained from the EIC
487 (Figs. 5(a) and 5(b)). The two ions at m/z 487 had accurate chromatogram.
masses of 487.1901 and 487.1864, and an empirical formula Clindamycin B-2-phosphate was the other one related
of C18H36N2O9SP (calculated mass 487.1879). MS/MS of the impurity in clindamycin-2-phosphate bulk drug or formu-
two ions at m/z 487 both produced the diagnostic fragments lations.3,9 The EIC chromatogram at m/z 491, protonated
corresponding to the neutral losses of H2O, HSCH3, clindamycin B phosphate, showed the single peak 5 at
[HPO3þH2O], and the residue of 3-propyl-N-methylpyrro- 4.32 min. High-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) of the
lidine, which are in close agreement with the fragmentation peak exhibited the characteristic protonated isotope pattern
pathway of clindamycin phosphate shown in Fig. 3. There- at m/z 491.1369 and 493.1286 with about 3:1 ratio of relative
fore, the ions at m/z 487 were deduced as degradation abundance, indicating the presence of a chlorine atom in the
products of clindamycin phosphate. Oesterling and Rowe molecule. The ion at m/z 491 had an empirical formula
studied the hydrolysis of clindamycin-2-phosphate and of C17H33N2O8PSCl, suggesting this substance might be
suggested scission of 7(S)–Cl to form the 7(R)-OH analog clindamycin B phosphate. The fragmentation spectrum
predominating at pH greater than 6 at 90.48C.7 Munson and could be interpreted by comparison with the fragmentation
Kubiak also described lincomycin-2-phosphate as one of the spectra of clindamycin-2-phosphate and its related sub-
principal degradation products in clindamycin-2-phosphate stances, as studied previously. MS/MS of the ion at m/z 491
bulk drug and formulations.3 It has been reported that yielded ions at m/z 473, 443, 411, 393, 321, and 112, with
lincomycin is the major degradation product of clindamycin relative abundances of 11, 25, 7, 7, 7, and 100%, representing
at pH greater than 5, and the formation of a trace of 7- the losses of H2O, HSCH3, HPO3, [HPO3þH2O], [HPO3þ
epilincomycin after refluxing an aqueous solution of CHOHCHSCH3], and the residue of 3-ethyl-N-methylpyr-
clindamycin at pH 7.8.16 It was therefore deduced that the rolidine, respectively.
substances which matched the m/z 487 ion were protonated Since clindamycin was one major hydrolysis product after
lincomycin-2-phosphate and its isomer 7-epilincomycin-2- heating clindamycin phosphate injection at 1008C for 30 min,
phosphate. Comparing the peak areas of peaks 2 and 3 in treating clindamycin B-2-phosphate under the same operat-
Fig. 4(b), it is obvious peak 2 represents the minor ing conditions may give the hydrolysis product clindamycin
degradation product, 7-epilincomycin-2-phosphate, and peak B. It was found that the EIC chromatogram at m/z 411,
3 represents the major degradation product, lincomycin- protonated clindamycin B, showed a single peak 4 at
Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2009; 23: 899–906
DOI: 10.1002/rcm
Analysis of clindamycin phosphate injection by LC/MS 905

Figure 5. ESI-HRMS and ESI-MS/MS of peaks 2, 3, 4, and 5 in positive mode: (a–d) HRMS of peak
2, 3, 4; and 5, respectively and (e–h) MS/MS fragmentation spectra of [MHþ] ion of peaks 2, 3, 4, and
5, respectively.

3.23 min. The ion at m/z 411 had accurate mass of 411.1732 The positive ESI-MS/MS of clindamycin phosphate and its
and an empirical formula of C17H32N2O5SCl. MS/MS of the derivative compounds showed some diagnostic fragments,
ion at m/z 411 yielded diagnostic ions at m/z 393, 363, and 112, such as the neutral losses of H2O, HCl, methanethiol,
which are in close agreement with the characteristic 2-methylthioethenol, HPO3, [HPO3þH2O], and the residues
fragments of clindamycin B found in clindamycin bulk drug of 3-propyl-N-methylpyrrolidine and 3-ethyl-N-methylpyr-
interpreted by Zhou et al.17 Therefore, the substance was rolidine, which are specific and useful for the identification of
confirmed as clincomycin B, which has never been reported the lincosamide antibiotics and related impurities.
previously in the analysis of clindamycin phosphate bulk
drug or formulations.
This research was supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation (No. 2027205).
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Copyright # 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2009; 23: 899–906
DOI: 10.1002/rcm

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