BI Farda Madalia T3 Aksi Nyata

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Nama : Farda Madalia Al Faradis

NIM : 2398015544
Rombel :3
Mata kuliah : Bahasa Inggris
Topik : 3 Aksi Nyata

What did you learn from the topic?

From this topic, I learned how to structure recount texts within the context of
school-related events. I also gained insight into the serious issue of bullying, which is
prevalent not only in schools but also in workplaces. Understanding the dynamics of
bullying and its impact on individuals is crucial for educators to help prevent and
address such behavior effectively.

Do you think you can discuss the topic of school better?

Yes, I believe I can discuss the topic of school better now. With the knowledge
gained, I can articulate the importance of creating a safe and supportive school
environment. I can also explain how recount texts can be used as a tool for students
to express their school experiences and reflect on their personal growth.

Do you still have difficulties in discussing topics about school?

While I feel more confident, I still face some difficulties in addressing sensitive issues
like bullying comprehensively. It requires not only understanding the theory but also
developing practical strategies to foster a positive school culture and handle
incidents effectively.

What will you do to overcome the difficulties?

To overcome these difficulties, I will seek additional resources and training on

anti-bullying strategies and character education. Attending workshops, reading
relevant literature, and collaborating with experienced educators will enhance my
ability to tackle these challenges. Practicing active listening and empathy in my
interactions with students will also be crucial.

What activities do you find most useful in your learning?

The most useful activities in my learning include:

1. Case Studies:Analyzing real-life scenarios related to recount texts and

bullying helps me apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations
2. Discussions: Engaging in discussions with peers and mentors provides
diverse perspectives and deeper understanding of the topics.
3. Reflective Journals: Writing reflective journals on my experiences and
learning process helps me internalize the lessons and track my progress.

By actively engaging in these activities and seeking continuous improvement, I aim

to become a more effective and empathetic educator who can contribute positively to
preventing bullying and fostering a supportive learning environment.

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