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MARCH, 2024

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I don't believe eyewitness testimony should always be trusted in criminal situations. It

isn't always accurate and can be altered by a variety of factors. As a result, it is best to

proceed with caution and consider other evidence. Allowing eyewitnesses to testify

about their observations can have a substantial influence on the result of a case. Their

testimony can alter the jurors' perceptions and overall comprehension of the events.

However, it is vital to realize that memory may be readily altered and changed by a

variety of elements such as stress, worry, the people they are close to, and their

perspective of events. Their statements have the potential to significantly alter

everyone's understanding of what happened. Additionally, our memory may

occasionally play tricks on us. It's similar like telling a tale; each time you tell it, it alters

somewhat. That's because our recollections may be influenced by a variety of factors,

such as fear or proximity to the person involved. Consider if someone saw an

automobile accident. In the midst of the pandemonium, they may struggle to recall

exactly what occurred. Furthermore, the manner in which the police ask inquiries might

influence how the witness remembers events. And if the witness already has

preconceived notions about the individuals in question, this might exacerbate the

situation. So, while eyewitnesses can help us comprehend what happened, we must be

cautious since their memories may not be entirely correct.

In my opinion, one tip to improve memory is to actively engage with the material or

experience you want to remember. By paying close attention, using mnemonic devices,

and practicing recall, one can strengthen their memory and reduce the risk of

inaccuracies. In addition to that, based on what I've learned from the Mayo Clinic article,

one tip I would recommend to improve memory is to prioritize getting enough sleep. The

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article suggests that not getting adequate sleep has been linked to memory loss, and

making sleep a priority can help combat this. In my opinion, ensuring a good night's

sleep is essential for maintaining optimal brain function and memory retention (Mayo



Mayo Clinic. (n.d.). Memory loss: 7 tips to improve your memory. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved



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