DC Power: Supply

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13a1aa11 l't'ninsula Stalt' L'niYcrsity

·(<>lkgc nf l'nginccring and Archi1ccturc

DC Power Supply

Bachclor of Science in Electronics Engineering

Bcllcza. Shane !\bric B.

Cle111cn1e. A Ilysa Ja , 13.
Dela Cruz. Ron Jeanillc 13.
Palad. Yunalest:a 13.
Samos. Jesse Lyn L.

Engr. ;\ngcl0 N. Rodriguez

J;1111111ry I l->. 2024



To dev Jop competftlvo graduates and empowered commumty

A leading an,verslry in 1/Je P/111/ppmes recognized for lls
members by p,ovidmg relevant. innowuivf! and translormafi..,·e
proactive co1111//Jt11/on ro Sustainable Developmem >..now/edge. , s Drch. exten51on and producuon program and
through equitable and inclusive programs and se,vices ser,dce-s through p1og1l!ssive e-nhancem nr of it:s humon
fJV 2030 re,ourcc capoblfwos and mstrucr1cna1 mc-chamsms

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