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A Feasibility Study
Presented to the School of Business, Hospitality and Tourism Management
Divine Word College of Calapan, Calapan City

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor’s degree of Business


Baja, Fiona Therese Margarette O.
Chavez, Mayvhell M.
Jusay, Ferlice Angel A.
Rey, Jayzle P

May 2024

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor’s degree in Business
Administration of School of Business, Hospitality, and Tourism Management, Divine
Word College of Calapan, this Feasibility Study on the business “Name of Business”
has been prepared and submitted by “Name of Group Members” who are, hereby,
recommended for an oral examination.


Approved by the committee on oral examination with the grade of ______%.

Member of Panel Member of Panel

Member of Panel

Accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor’s degree in

Business Administration.

Date of oral examination: ___________________


Dean, School of Business, Hospitality, and Tourism Management

● Executive Summary for all the aspects of the Business Feasibility Study.
● Flow of discussion must be as follows: Business Description, Market Feasibility,
Technical Feasibility, Organizational and Managerial Feasibility, Financial Feasibility,
Socio Economic Feasibility






Oriental Mindoro is known as one of the Philippines’ leading banana producers. It

is also renowned for being one of the huge manufacturers of banana chips that was
sold in many cities around the Philippines. One of the major crops in the MIMAROPA
region, particularly in Oriental Mindoro, is the Saba Banana, which constitutes one of
the Philippines’ biggest challenges and is currently facing. As observed by proponents,
communities often face challenges regarding waste management and the improper
disposal of banana peels. Disposing it can add to organic waste in landfills that can
contribute to soil degradation and environmental pollution. It is stated by DOLE
Specialty Ingredients Managing Director, Mr. Wei Tze Ooi, that there were estimated 1
million tons of fruit waste each year which includes the banana peels waste that has
around 50,000 40-foot containers each year and in order to aid the problem of the waste
it must be used for repurposing and upcycling (Revin, 2021).

Since there is a massive amount of banana peels that goes into waste, the
proponents decided to upcycle it by making it as an alternative ingredient in making
vinegar. It has been demonstrated and proven that banana peels may be utilized as a
substitute to create vinegar. With the creation of BanaSour, this will help to achieve the
goal of life on land and responsible consumption and production by reducing food waste
in the environment. This will also contribute to the sustainable use of terrestrial
ecosystems. The proponents have analyzed some potential sources to acquire banana
peels that go to waste in Oriental Mindoro and it was chosen to purchase this waste of
banana peels from the sidewalk vendors who sell banana cues and fried bananas or
from the manufacturer of banana chips. The banana peels that they don’t use for
making their product will now have another purpose and the waste that would otherwise
end up in landfills will now provide them with additional revenue.

The BanaSour aims to produce a natural vinegar that is less expensive than
other vinegar and does not include synthetic chemicals or artificial acetic acid.
BanaSour’s target market consists of enterprises from wholesale and retail sectors,
particularly those operating in the grocery, sari-sari, and supermarket industries.
BanaSour will offer a delivery service system that is exclusive for its customers in order
to distribute the banana peel vinegars to the market. And given that vinegar serves
many different purposes such as flavoring and preserving food, cleaning agent, pest
control, deodorizing, and health benefits that help the people on a daily basis which
constitutes a big demand for it.

Company Logo/TagLine and Its Description

In this envisioned logo, the interplay of colors and imagery creates a striking
representation of a product with a sour banana flavor profile, with the incorporation of
vinegar elements adding depth and character to the visual identity.
The yellow "bana" font immediately draws attention with its vibrant hue, evoking
the sunny disposition and cheerful essence associated with bananas. Its rounded letters
exude a sense of playfulness and approachability, mirroring the fruity and inviting nature
of the product it represents. The smooth curves and gentle slopes of the letters
contribute to a sense of fluidity, suggesting the smooth texture of ripe bananas.
Contrasting against the yellow backdrop, the green "sour" font makes a bold statement,
capturing the tartness and acidity that characterize sour flavors. The sharp edges and
angular strokes of the letters convey a sense of intensity and dynamism, reflecting the
bold flavor profile of the product. The vivid green color symbolizes freshness and vitality,
further enhancing the visual impact of the logo.
Central to the design is the banana picture replacing the "o" in "sour," serving as
a focal point that immediately communicates the essence of the product. Here, the
banana peel is creatively depicted as a vinegar, with its characteristic amber hue and
slightly translucent appearance. The vinegar pouring from the banana peel adds a
whimsical touch, imbuing the logo with a sense of motion and energy. This clever
incorporation of vinegar elements not only reinforces the sour aspect of the flavor but
also adds a layer of intrigue and complexity to the visual narrative. It invites the viewer
to explore further, sparking curiosity about the unique combination of flavors and
ingredients offered by the product.
The tagline "From Peel to Pour: Harnessing Bananas for a Greener Future"
communicates the company's commitment to sustainability and innovation. It highlights
the journey of bananas, from their natural state to being transformed into a unique sour
product, all while promoting environmental consciousness and a greener future.
Overall, this logo design effectively captures the essence of a sour
banana-flavored product, utilizing color, typography, and imagery to create a visual
representation with a compelling tagline to convey the company's identity, values, and
product offerings.

Mission Statement
To utilize banana peels in creating a sour banana-flavored vinegar that reduces waste
and promotes sustainability.

Vision Statement
To become a regional leader in the production of banana peel vinegar, driving positive
change in the agricultural industry by championing sustainability, innovation, and social

BanaSour provides their customers with organic vinegar made out of banana
exocarps. This chapter discusses the details of the product itself, highlighting its
uniqueness among other vinegars and modern production process. Market comparison
and product life cycle will also be tackled in this chapter.

Product and Service Description


BanaSour is a vinegar manufacturing company that is known for its distinct tangy
flavor and versatility in Filipino cuisine. It is made from banana exocarps fermented until
it achieves the desired acidity. Banana exocarp or commonly known as banana peel
can be a substantial source in making vinegar. The vinegar has a sharp taste and a
slightly sweet undertone, making it suitable for various dishes such as adobo, sinigang,
and dipping sauces. The Banasour business is committed to crafting exceptional
vinegar using carefully selected ingredients and modern or innovative production
methods. Sourcing premium banana exocarps for fermentation or employing specific
aging techniques to enhance flavor, the Banasour vinegar business is dedicated to
crafting exceptional vinegar products that delight customers and support sustainability
dedicated to delivering a superior product to its customers. The proponents would
implement stringent quality control measures to ensure the raw materials meet the
required standards for flavor and freshness of the product characterized by its light
brown color.

(*insert Banasour Product)

BanaSour comes in two pouch sizes (100 ml and 200 ml) and three bottle sizes
(350 ml, 500 ml, and 1 L). Pouches will be sold in bulk, with twenty-four (24) pieces per
box and twelve (12) pieces per box for bottles. The proponents observed that these
sizes are the most common sizes available in sari-sari and grocery stores.
BanaSour’s manufacturing process includes the collection and preparation of
banana exocarps, fermentation, time control, conversion to acetic acid, aging,
maturation and packaging (see Figure below). The raw materials will be collected from
those vendors selling banana cues and turon or from Johnette banana chips
manufacturing company to ensure continuous supply for the business operations.
The proponents will be manufacturing 420,000 ml per day and this will be divided
to all sizes for pouches and bottles. For the 100 ml pouch, they will produce 30 boxes
with 24 pieces each box totaling to 720 pieces which is equal to 72,000 ml and for the
200 ml pouch, they will produce 50 boxes with 24 pieces each box totaling to 1,200
pieces which is equal to 240,000 ml. For the 350ml bottle, they will produce 10 boxes
with 12 pieces each box totaling to 120 bottles each box which is equal to 42,000 ml; for
500 ml bottle, they will produce 5 boxes with 12 pieces per box totaling to 60 bottles
which is equal to 30, 000 ml; and for 1 liter bottle, they will produce 3 boxes with 12
pieces each box totaling to 36 bottles which is equal to 36,000 m. The proponents have
estimated that one kilogram of banana exocarps will be needed to produce 1,050 ml of
vinegar. Thus, 400 kilograms of banana exocarps will be needed to produce 420,000 ml
of vinegar a day. With that, 3,200 kilograms of banana exocarps will be needed for the
monthly production of BanaSour’s product.

Production Process

Phase I: Collection of Banana Peels

The primary material (i.e., banana peels) will be gathered from John-nette Banana
Chips manufacturing business which serves as the primary supplier, located at
Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro to ensure continuous supply of banana peels to be used
in the production. The owners will buy a truck and hire a driver and porter to get the
supplies in Pinamalayan and transport them to the facility every Monday.
Phase II: Cutting and Cleaning of Banana Peels
Since, the acquired banana peels from John-nette Banana Chips are unripe, it needs to
be stored for a few days to rot. When it gets completely rotted, the four production
workers will work together to remove the edge part of the banana peels and wash them
using water with a sanitizing solution for 20 minutes. After that, they will use a strainer to
drain off excess water. This manual process will take 2-3 hours to be finished. This
procedure aims to ensure that dirt attached to the banana peels are no longer there.

Phase III: Boiling and Mashing of Banana Peels

Once the process of cutting and cleaning is done, the banana peels will be transferred
to the UHT sterilizer or Ultra High Temperature Instantly Sterilizing will be filled with the
right amount of water. The banana peels will be heated at 130-140 degrees celsius for 5
seconds to reach a commercial sterility level. The sterilization process is completed in
an instant under high temperature, which will completely kill the microorganisms and
spores that can cause the banana peels to spoil and deteriorate. With that, the original
flavor is greatly preserved and extends the shelf life of the vinegar. After boiling, the
solid particles (banana peels) will be strained.

Phase IV: Fermentation

When the liquid cools down, it is now ready to be transferred in the fermentation tank or
acetator through filtering. The temperature will be set at 28 degrees celsius. Right
amount of sugar and yeast will be added to the liquid. Also, distilled white vinegar is
needed to make the color clear. This process will last for a day. Note: Fermentation
tanks are necessary for processing the banana peels into vinegar. These tanks can be
large stainless steel tanks with the capability to adjust temperature and other
fermentation parameters.

Phase V: Filtration and Purification

Once the fermentation process is complete, the fermented liquid will be diluted and
moved in the Storage Tank that has a built-in filtration and fining system to ensure the
quality of the produced vinegar in order to achieve the necessary minimum acidity of
5%. And before transferring it to the packaging machine, the filtered vinegar will stay
inside the Storage Tank for an hour in order to lower down the temperature of the liquid.
Once it is done, the production workers will use stainless steel barrels with wheels to
transfer the vinegar to its respective packaging machine whereas the 77.14% of
420,000 ml or 420 L of vinegar produced will be allocated to the packaging machine for
pouches and 22.86% for the bottles.

Phase VI: Packaging and Storing

The last step of the production process will be the packaging of vinegar produced
whereas the bottles and pouches will be filled up to 90% in order to prevent the spillage
once it is opened by the consumers. Since this process is fully automated by machines,
the packing of supplies is estimated to be finished by 3 to 4 hours. Immediately after the
packing, it will be transported to the storage room for finished products whereas

1. Preparation of Banana Peels

Initially, banana peels are collected from fresh bananas. Using machinery and
manpower for peeling and cutting the peels quickly and effectively.
2. Preparation of Fermentation Tank
Fermentation tanks are necessary for processing the banana peels into vinegar. These
tanks can be large stainless steel tanks with the capability to adjust temperature and
other fermentation parameters.
3. Fermentation
The banana peels are placed in the fermentation tank along with the right amount of
water, sugar, and yeast. Agitator machines or mixers can ensure proper mixing of the
4. Temperature and Fermentation Time Control
During fermentation, maintaining the correct temperature and duration is crucial for an
effective process and temperature control systems will be used to ensure these
5. Conversion to Acetic Acid
After primary fermentation, the banana peels turned alcohol is transferred to other
fermentation tanks containing acetic acid bacteria.
6. Aging and Maturation
Following fermentation and conversion to acetic acid, the vinegar can be transferred to
aging tanks for further maturation and flavor enhancement.
7. Processing and Packaging
Banasour vinegar may undergo filtration steps to remove any solid residues and
separate the clear vinegar from sediments. Subsequently, the vinegar can be bottled in
bottles, jugs, or other packaging materials, which can be done automatically using
bottling machinery. The vinegar is bottled appropriately, labeling each product with
relevant information such as the production date, aging period, and any special
characteristics. Distribute the vinegar to retailers, wholesalers, and potentially directly to
consumers through online or on-site sales channels.
8. Quality Control
Continuous testing and analysis of quality are crucial at each step of the process.
Before the Banasour is introduced to the market, the team is conducting rigorous quality
checks using laboratory equipment throughout the manufacturing process to ensure
consistency and adherence to quality standards. Test the vinegar for acidity, flavor,
aroma, and visual appearance to maintain high product quality.

Market Comparison
With the great number of demand on the vinegar manufacturing industry, the
BanaSour is able to have a projected demand of 1,022,378 for all of its sizes with the
gross market acceptability of 95.30% and it is also included in the table that it will
continuously have an increase each year. However, to remain the natural process of
BanaSour, it will need some time for its fermentation process and with that, its projected
supply differs from each size of the product. In 100 ml, it is estimated to have 161,280
and for its 200 ml will be 69,120. In addition to that, the bottle sizes have different
results whereas the 350ml is expected to be 11,520; in 500ml will be 5,760 and for its 1
liter will have 3,456.

As a result, the market share results will also differ from its sizes. In 2025, for 100
ml, it will be 15.77% and its 200 ml will be 6.76%. As for its bottle sizes, 350ml inclined
to have 1.13%; 500 ml will be 0.56% and its 1 Liter will have 0.34%. The BanaSour’s
intended target market is the retailing and wholesaling industry in Calapan, Oriental
Mindoro in which the proponents have decided to focus specifically in the Grocery
Stores and Sari-Sari Stores since majority of these establishments are the ones who
sell vinegars. In addition to that, the BanaSour pricing strategy will be the cost-based
pricing strategy wherein its basis will be from the direct materials, packaging cost and
overhead cost. Since the sizes are different from one another, its pricing per box will
also be separate. As for the pouch sizes, the 100 ml will be P120 and

Market structures describe how different sectors may be distinguished from one
another by how they offer or compete with their products and services in the market. It
focuses on determining the distinctions between every market. Since currently there is a
big market, it constitutes many types of market structures such as monopolistic
competition, oligopoly, duopoly, monopsony, oligopsony, monopoly, natural monopoly,
and perfect competition. (Eshna, V. 2023) As of now, the vinegar market industry has
many known manufacturers such as the JJ Coconut Vinegar Manufacturing, Bahaghari
Global Food Inc., Nutri-Asia Inc., Del Monte Philippines Inc., Green Gold Gourmet
Foods Inc., and Marca Piñakamasarap Corporation. In the stated market structures, the
vinegar manufacturing industry in the Philippines will fall under the monopolistic
competition whereas there are plenty of manufacturers currently competing, and each of
the manufacturing ensures the product that will be produced must have unique
characteristics in terms of its packaging, branding and pricing strategy.
Stage of Development

BanaSour wants to offer organic vinegar for wholesaling and retailing

businesses, specifically supermarkets, grocery stores and sari-sari stores in Calapan
City. This product is made out of banana peels, particularly “cardaba” which are
mechanically processed to become vinegar. This section presents the four stages of
BanaSour’s life cycle which consist of introduction, growth, maturity and decline.

The start-up stage of BanaSour will focus on developing the product, introducing
it to the market and attracting customers. The business aims to offer vinegar made from
banana peels that can be used as an alternative vinegar. Instead of throwing banana
peels waste, the proponents decided to upcycle them in order to reduce waste. Plastic
bottles have been chosen for vinegar packaging. Most people are familiar with the
existence of banana peel vinegar, however there is no manufacturing company here in
Calapan City for it and there are no wholesaling and retailing businesses that are
offering it in the market. Since BanaSour is a manufacturing company, it needs a
substantial investment for advertising and marketing to make the customers aware of its
product. But due to the extreme competition and fear of customers trying new products,
demand for this product is expected to be slow. The sales and customer engagement
will tend to be low during the early stage.

In this stage, the customers will begin to accept and patronize the product. The
demand for this product will rise as the consumers start to become familiar with this.
However, due to competition from different vinegar brands, BanaSour needs to continue
advertising and marketing its product so that more people will become aware that the
business exists. Not only the product growth should be given attention at this stage but
also the employee growth by having different programs that could enhance their skills
needed for the operation of the business. The product pricing will be monitored for
competition purposes and will be adjusted based on costs of doing business to maintain
its position in the market.

As the BanaSour company enters this stage, they will be facing a more extreme
competition against its rivals. However, this stage is considered the most profitable
stage. The company begins to innovate its product by adding new packaging to retain
their previous customers and attract new customers. The business may ask for
customer feedback to know their opinion about the taste of the banana peel vinegar.
BanaSour may also apply different marketing strategies such as having discounts when
buying in bulk and giving promo for specific purchases. By doing so, the business will
continue thriving in the market keeping a good market share and profit margins.
As the product takes on increased competition within the market, the BanaSour may
lose its market share and begin to decline. Due to market saturation, customers may
choose to avail other brands than ours. With that, BanaSour may opt not to pursue
marketing strategies because customers may have chosen their preferred brand of
vinegar. However, they may innovate or change their product through packaging,
instead of using plastic bottles they may use sachets to decrease cost and selling price.
They may also enhance existing features like providing spiced vinegar and offering
different flavors (e.g., sour, savory and sweet, etc.) to customers. By revamping the
product, the business may capture a larger market presence and extend the product's


Industry Analysis
Industry analysis focuses on assessing an industry’s overall state and future
prospects. It includes analyzing the industry’s features, key factors that contribute to its
success, comprehension of its growth patterns, and its potential profitability in the
market. (Arjun R. 2024) The industry that specializes in developing various sauces,
spices and flavor additives for various types of food is known as the condiment market.
Together with the other condiments, vinegar is also included in this type of market. The
revenue in the condiment industry is projected to have an increase of 7.14% each year
from 2024 to 2028. And in terms of the volume growth, it is anticipated to climb up by
4.3% in 2025. (Statista Market Insights, 2024) Furthermore, as vinegar is one of the
common condiments, its demand in the Philippines has mostly been for its usage in
cooking, wherein it is a popular ingredient for certain recipes or dishes and has potential
health advantages. And during its forecasted period of 2024 to 2030, the Philippines’
Vinegar Market is widely expected to have a CAGR of 7.4%. (6Wresearch, 2024) Since
the main focus of BanaSour production is vinegar, it will fall within the condiments
category and the food processing industry.

Additionally, proponents have observed that the majority of the Filipinos use
vinegar for different purposes in which it constitutes a big demand and nowadays many
consumers are suffering as a result of price increases in several products in the market.
Seeing that there is a big number of manufacturers of vinegar in the market and its
supply depends on the volume of consumer’s demand, the consumers have the
bargaining power in which it is the ability of the buyers to force the manufacturers to
lower the prices. In consideration to the bargaining power of the buyers, upon the entry
of BanaSour in the market, it will be the most affordable vinegar available offered in the
market and there will be no switching costs on the part of the target market of BanaSour
which are the wholesaling and retailing businesses. And in order for the BanaSour to
attain economies of scale wherein it is the reduction of unit costs by doing mass
production, the proponents have decided to associate a big investment of capital. This
way, the BanaSour can attain an advantage despite being a new entrant in this industry
and lessen the threats or risk of entering the market.
During the pre-pandemic, there are many different brands of vinegar that are
reported to be containing fake ingredients in making the vinegar because of using
synthetic acetic acid wherein by using this, it will not undergo a fermentation process.
According to the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (2019), the fake vinegars are not
made from natural resources but rather from a chemical that can possibly cause a
degenerative disease in which this caused many of the manufacturers to immediately
close down. With that, BanaSour will not only aim to lower the price among its
competitors but also ensure that it undergoes a proper production and distribution of
high-quality and safe products that are all natural and free of artificial ingredients.

Marketplace Analysis
The City of Calapan is the provincial capital of Oriental Mindoro. Its household
population in the 2015 Census was 132,864 broken down into 30,734 households or an
average of 4.32 members per household (PhilAtlas). Every household needs to have
vinegar in their home for everyday use in cooking, dipping and even in cleaning. Some
restaurants, food stalls and small eateries also need vinegar in their business
operations. Thus, due to the high number of households and different restaurants in
Calapan City, it presents itself as a promising target market place. However, a pack or
bottle of vinegar could last for a week or month depending on its use, that is why the
proponents decided not to directly sell its product to households and restaurants
because they prefer to buy vinegar at grocery or sari-sari stores on a retail basis..
Instead, the target market of the business, BanaSour, are the wholesalers and retailers,
particularly grocery and sari-sari stores in Calapan City since it is a manufacturing
business.According to the Business Permit and Licensing Office of Calapan City, the
total number of grocery and sari-sari stores is 298. Thus, they are identified as the
primary customers of BanaSour because they considered bulk buying.
At the present time, there are a lot of condiment manufacturing businesses in the
Philippines. This includes JJ Coconut Vinegar Manufacturing, Bahaghari Global Food
Inc., Nutri-Asia Inc., Del Monte Foods, Inc., Green Gold Gourmet Foods, Inc., and
Marca Piña Piñakamasarap Corporation. They are considered as competitors of
BanaSour. Since they are all located in Manila, it is a great opportunity for BanaSour to
be the first vinegar manufacturer in Oriental Mindoro. For its value proposition,
BanaSour will provide its target customers with a less expensive vinegar and produce it
naturally made from banana exocarps without any synthetic chemicals or artificial acetic
BanaSour, a manufacturing business will operate its business in Calapan City
targeting the customers that are in line in wholesaling and retailing, specifically grocery
and sari-sari stores. Calapan City supports a variety of industries, including BanaSour’s
target market, making it an ideal location. Thus introducing them with a natural vinegar
by utilizing banana exocarps.

Market Segmentation
To better understand the target market and sell to them more effectively, market
segmentation can be a way of dividing them into groups or segments based on
psychographic, behavioral, geographic, or demographic factors (Tarver, 2024).
BanaSour’s target market consists of wholesalers and retailers, specifically grocery and
sari-sari stores. They are segmented based on the line of the businesses in Calapan
City that will be interested in purchasing the offered product.
This section allows BanaSour to develop a deeper understanding of customers'
needs, wants, and interests regarding the products that they want to purchase. In order
to determine the initial thoughts of potential customers about the business, the
proponents prepared a survey questionnaire to know some information including the
projected demand for the product and their preferred price range.
Below is the table that represents the total population of the target market. The
following data are provided by the Business Permit and Licensing Office (BPLO) in
Calapan City including the total number of grocery and sari-sari stores as of April 2024.

Table 1. Registered Population of Grocery and Sari-sari Stores in Calapan City as of

April 2024
Line of Business Registered population

Grocery Store 37

Sari-sari Store 261

Total 298

The proponents used Slovin’s formula to calculate the sample size from the given
total population above (see Appendix __).
n= 𝑵
N = Total Population
e = margin of error (5%)


n = 298

n= 298

n= 298

n= 298
n= 171 Respondents

SECTION I. About the Business



SECTION II. Demand for Vinegar



SECTION III. Product Awareness











SECTION V. Mode of Payment


It is an economic concept that relates to a consumer's desire to purchase goods
and services and willingness to pay a specific price for them (Perez, 2024). It is
important to determine the necessity of the target market and profitability of the

Projected Demand Computation

Projected Demand = Market Population x Gross Market Acceptability x Highest
Frequency of Availing BanaSour Products

● Market Population, in the first year (2025), was derived from data given by the
Business Permit and Licensing Office (BPLO) of Calapan City. Since they did not
provide a specific annual growth rate, the proponents have to calculate it using
the total estimated population for four (4) years from 2020 to 2024 which was
given by them as well.

Below is the formula in computing the annual growth rate:

Annual Growth Rate = Current Population – Previous Population x 100
Previous Population
Table 2: Computation of Annual Growth Rate
Year Total Population of Annual Growth Rate
Grocery and Sari-sari

2020 239 –

2021 276 15.48%

2022 300 8.7%

2023 292 -2.67%

2024 298 2.05%

After calculating the annual growth rate for four years, the proponents then
compute the average annual growth rate for 4 years by getting the total growth
rate which yields 23.56% divided by 4 years. Thus, the average annual growth
rate of grocery and sari-sari stores in Calapan City is 5.89%. The market
population for the following years (2026-2029) are then based on it.

● Gross Market Acceptability is computed using the data from the survey
conducted specifically on Section III – C, wherein respondents were asked if they
are willing to buy/sell vinegar made from banana peels. The survey shows 95.3%
demand for BanaSour’s products.

● Frequency of Availing BanaSour Products came from survey results in

Section III – E-I, generally, majority of the respondents answered that they will
purchase less than 100 pieces for all the sizes offered in pouches and bottles,
however it is not certain since it is less than, therefore the proponents assumed
that the average number of purchases is 75, computed as 50 plus 100 divided by
2. Thus, calculated as 75 pieces times 1 or weekly which is based on Section III
– D, wherein respondents are being asked if how often they would get supplies
from BanaSour, multiplied to 4 weeks a month and then multiplied to 12 months a
year which results to 3,600, the frequency needed annually.

Table 3: Projected Demand - BanaSour (100 ml)

2025 298 95.30% 3600 1,022,378
2026 316 95.30% 3600 1,084,133
2027 335 95.30% 3600 1,149,318
2028 355 95.30% 3600 1,217,934
2029 376 95.30% 3600 1,289,981

Table 4: Projected Demand - BanaSour (200 ml)

2025 298 95.30% 3600 1,022,378
2026 316 95.30% 3600 1,084,133
2027 335 95.30% 3600 1,149,318
2028 355 95.30% 3600 1,217,934
2029 376 95.30% 3600 1,289,981

Table 5: Projected Demand - BanaSour (350 ml)

2025 298 95.30% 3600 1,022,378
2026 316 95.30% 3600 1,084,133
2027 335 95.30% 3600 1,149,318
2028 355 95.30% 3600 1,217,934
2029 376 95.30% 3600 1,289,981

Table 6: Projected Demand - BanaSour (500 ml)

2025 298 95.30% 3600 1,022,378
2026 316 95.30% 3600 1,084,133
2027 335 95.30% 3600 1,149,318
2028 355 95.30% 3600 1,217,934
2029 376 95.30% 3600 1,289,981

Table 7: Projected Demand - BanaSour (1 L)

2025 298 95.30% 3600 1,022,378
2026 316 95.30% 3600 1,084,133
2027 335 95.30% 3600 1,149,318
2028 355 95.30% 3600 1,217,934
2029 376 95.30% 3600 1,289,981

It is a fundamental economic concept that describes the total amount of a
specific good provided to the market for consumption (Kenton, 2023). This relates
closely to the demand for a good or service at a specific price. The supply provided by
producers will rise if the price rises. Effective supply is essential to meet consumers’
demand for a specific product.

Projected Supply Computation

Projected Supply = Monthly Projected Supply x Number of Months of Operations
per Year

● Monthly Projected Supply is based on the proponent’s assumption in which
420,000 ml of vinegar can be produced per day x 4 working days = 1,680,000 ml.
The proponents were able to get the projected supply for the next 5 years by
having an annual growth rate of 5.89% to the offered monthly products.

The monthly projected supply of 1,680,000 ml or 1,680 Liters were allocated

based on the survey results: 100 ml is estimated to have supplies of 220 boxes
or 5,280 pouches; 200 ml will be 160 boxes or 3,840 pouches; 350 ml is suppose
to have 40 boxes or 480 bottles; 500 ml is anticipated to be 20 boxes or 240
bottles; and 1 liter will be 8 boxes or 96 bottles.

Number of Months of Operations per Year is obviously equal to twelve (12)


Table 8: Projected Supply - BanaSour (100 ml)

2025 5,280 12 63,360
2026 5,591 12 67,092
2027 5,920 12 71,044
2028 6,269 12 75,228
2029 6,638 12 79,659

Table 9: Projected Supply - BanaSour (200 ml)

2025 3,840 12 46,080
2026 4,066 12 48,794
2027 4,306 12 51,668
2028 4,559 12 54,711
2029 4,828 12 57,934

Table 10: Projected Supply - BanaSour (350 ml)

2025 480 12 5,760
2026 508 12 6,099
2027 538 12 6,459
2028 570 12 6,839
2029 603 12 7,242

Table 11: Projected Supply - BanaSour (500 ml)

2025 240 12 2,880
2026 254 12 3,050
2027 269 12 3,229
2028 285 12 3,419
2029 302 12 3,621
Table 12: Projected Supply - BanaSour (Litro)

2025 96 12 1,152
2026 102 12 1,220
2027 108 12 1,292
2028 114 12 1,368
2029 121 12 1,448

The projected demand and supply of BanaSour considered that if the available
supply satisfies the demand of the market, then the demands remain unfulfilled. There
is a significant amount of demand to be satisfied. As a result, BanaSour has the
potential to be a market player.

Table 13: Demand - Supply Analysis of BanaSour (100 ml)


2025 1,022,378 63,360 959,018
2026 1,084,133 67,092 1,017,041
2027 1,149,318 71,044 1,078,274
2028 1,217,934 75,228 1,142,706
2029 1,289,981 79,659 1,210,322

Table 14: Demand - Supply Analysis of BanaSour (200 ml)


2025 1,022,378 46,080 976,298
2026 1,084,133 48,794 1,035,339
2027 1,149,318 51,668 1,097,650
2028 1,217,934 54,711 1,163,223
2029 1,289,981 57,934 1,232,047

Table 15: Demand - Supply Analysis of BanaSour (350 ml)


2025 1,022,378 5,760 1,016,618
2026 1,084,133 6,099 1,078,034
2027 1,149,318 6,459 1,142,859
2028 1,217,934 6,839 1,211,095
2029 1,289,981 7,242 1,282,739

Table 16: Demand - Supply Analysis of BanaSour (500 ml)


2025 1,022,378 2,880 1,019,498
2026 1,084,133 3,050 1,081,083
2027 1,149,318 3,229 1,146,089
2028 1,217,934 3,419 1,214,515
2029 1,289,981 3,621 1,286,360

Table 15: Demand - Supply Analysis of BanaSour (Litro)


2025 1,022,378 1,152 1,021,226
2026 1,084,133 1,220 1,082,913
2027 1,149,318 1,292 1,148,026
2028 1,217,934 1,368 1,216,566
2029 1,289,981 1,448 1,288,532

It represents the business's percentage of the total sales generated in the market
over a specified period of time wherein it compares to the overall sales of the certain
industry that the business is in. This pertains to the effectiveness of the business and its
possible risk of entry among its competitors. (Jake B. 2024)

Table 16: Market Shares - BanaSour (100 ml)


2025 161,280 1,022,378 15.77%
2026 170,779 1,084,133 15.75%
2027 180,838 1,149,318 15.73%
2028 191,490 1,217,934 15.72%
2029 202,768 1,289,981 15.72%

Table 17: Market Shares - BanaSour (200 ml)


2025 69,120 1,022,378 6.76%
2026 73,188 1,084,133 6.75%
2027 77,496 1,149,318 6.74%
2028 82,056 1,217,934 6.74%
2029 86,892 1,289,981 6.74%

Table 18: Market Shares - BanaSour (350 ml)


2025 11,520 1,022,378 1.13%
2026 14,664 1,084,133 1.35%
2027 14,928 1,149,318 1.30%
2028 15,204 1,217,934 1.25%
2029 15,480 1,289,981 1.20%

Table 19: Market Shares - BanaSour (500 ml)


2025 5,760 1,022,378 0.56%
2026 6,096 1,084,133 0.56%
2027 6,456 1,149,318 0.56%
2028 6,840 1,217,934 0.56%
2029 7,248 1,289,981 0.56%

Table 20: Market Shares - BanaSour (1 Liter)

2025 3,456 1,022,378 0.34%
2026 3,660 1,084,133 0.34%
2027 3,876 1,149,318 0.34%
2028 4,104 1,217,934 0.34%
2029 4,344 1,289,981 0.34%


Table 22: Customer Analysis in Firmographics Category


Industry Wholesale and Retail

Line of Business Supermarkets, Grocery Stores, Sari-sari


BanaSour’s target market includes wholesalers and retailers particularly grocery

stores and sari-sari stores since they prefer bulk-buying.

Table 23: Customer Analysis in Geographics Category


Region Region IV-B (MIMAROPA)

Province Oriental Mindoro

City Calapan City

District 1st District

Type of Community Urban

BanaSour’s production and distribution to target customers will only be limited

within the City of Calapan.

Table 24: Customer Analysis in Psychographics Category


Brand of vinegar they Datu Puti 67.8%

usually purchase
Silver Swan 25.7%

Del Monte 1.8%

Mamasitas 3.5%

Size of vinegar they 100 ml 46.2%

usually purchase
200 ml 45.6%

350 ml 3.5%

500 ml 3.3%

1L 1.2%

Units purchase a month Less than 100 pcs

100-500 pcs

501-1000 pcs

1001-1500 pcs

Source of purchase Physical store or onsite 94.2%

Online 4.7%

For the psychographics data, it focused on the target customers’ preference in

buying vinegar. The proponents have collected target customers’ data including the
most preferred brand of vinegar, size of vinegar they usually purchase, units they
purchase in a month and where they purchase vinegar. The proponents have
determined that the majority of the target customers, amounting to 67.8% buy and sell
Datu Puti brand of vinegar emphasizing that it is BanaSour's top competitor. Also,
46.2% of the respondents answered that 100 ml is the size of vinegar they usually
purchase. Generally, the majority of them buy less than 100 pieces in all sizes of
vinegar. Moreover, the proponents have concluded that 94.2% of the target customers
purchase vinegar in physical stores.

Table 22: Customer Analysis in Used-Based Data


Times of purchase Weekly 58.5%

Monthly 26.9

Quarterly 4.7%


Table 21: Competitor Analysis


Competitor Price Locati Facility Strength Weaknes Strategy

on s

a. JJ P95 for Alegria JJ Coconut Customer Maintaini Offers combo

Coconut 500ml , Vinegar s will be ng low pricing
Vinegar sawn Suriga are located attracted prices
bottle o Del in Algeria, to their may lead
or Norte Surigao affordable to the use
pouch which Del Norte prices. of
pack is lower-qua
(retails known lity
) for its materials,
2 abund impacting
pouch ance product
packs ( in quality
500ml cocon
each) uts.
and 3

b. Bahaghari P90 Pinam Pinamalay Can The Wide

Global Coco alayan an, Gloria engage province distributions
Food Inc. Sap , and with more experienc
vinega Gloria Socorro suppliers es annual
r and province of of raw typhoons
375ml Socorr Oriental materials that
bottle o Mindoro because destroy
P95 provin their plantation
Banan ce of facility is s, leading
a Orient close to to
Vinega al banana occasion
r 375 Mindor and al
ml o coconut shortages
bottle. plantation of their
s. main

c. Nutri-Asia P7 to Bonifa Bulacan, Adapts Unjust Direct - to -

Inc. P120 cio Laguna, and treatment Farmer
depen Global Davao, innovate of
ding City Cebu easily on Workers.
on the the
size. demands

d. Del Monte P50 to Bonifa Bukidnon, Known as Vinegar Increase

Philippine P300 cio Cagayan a products distribution
s, Inc. depen Global De Oro, producer are within and
ding City Laguna of priced a outside the
on the different bit higher Philippines.
size. pineapple than
products. others.

e. Green P55 - Iligan Iligan City They offer Their Offers

Gold P104/p City unique product differently
Gourmet iece kinds of command products other
Foods, vinegar s a higher than vinegar
Inc. price
limiting its
ity to

f. Marca P6- Metro Novaliches Good Brand Offers variety

Piña P135/p Manila , Quezon impressio moderniz of products
Piñakama iece City, Metro ns and ation and
sarap Manila good Limited
Corporatio feedback Raw
n from the Materials

a. JJ Coconut Vinegar
JJ Coconut Vinegar, established in 2015, is based in Alegria, Surigao Del Norte. It is
one of the local producers of vinegars in the country that uses coconut blossom saps
as their main ingredient. JJ Coconut Vinegar uses the traditional process of creating
vinegars using fermentation which enhances the flavors and health benefits extracted
from the coconut blossom sap.

JJ Coconut Vinegar offers different types of pricing which are retails and combos. P95
for 500ml sawn bottle or pouch pack for the retails and for the combos , they offer 2
pouch packs ( 500ml each) for P115 and 3 bottles (250ml each) for P100.

JJ Coconut Vinegar is located in Alegria, Surigao Del Norte which is known for its
abundance in coconuts. The location is an advantage for the business as it is
accessible to coconuts and ensures very low cost of coconuts as they are local sourced.

Facilities of JJ Coconut Vinegar are located in Algeria,Surigao Del Norte for easy
distribution of the products, the place being also the center of the provincial trade and

Strengths and Weaknesses

One effective marketing strategy for them to generate profit is to offer budget-friendly
combo deals that customers can purchase. They can quickly recover the costs of
producing these products because people will be attracted to their affordable prices.
Offering combo products can present several weaknesses for their business. Firstly,
selling combos at a discount can lower profit margins. Additionally, maintaining low
prices may lead to the use of lower-quality materials, impacting product quality unless
they have proper alternatives if natural disasters like typhoon affects their plantations.
Lastly, customers might choose combos as a way to offload less popular or
lower-quality items, which can harm their brand reputation.

One way to keep constant supply is keeping a coconut plantation of its own or offering
coco farmers benefits and loans that will keep them tied up to JJ Coconut vinegar. This
will guarantee that the fruit supply is enough and continuing.

b. Bahaghari Global Food Inc.

Bahaghari Food Inc. operates in the competitive landscape of the food industry,
positioning itself as a significant player within its niche. Specializing in a particular
segment, Bahaghari competes with a diverse range of food manufacturers and brands.
Their market presence is likely characterized by a balance between established players
and emerging competitors vying for consumer attention and market share.

Their pricing for the vinegar products that they offer ranges from P90 to P95 depending
on the type of vinegar. P90 for Coco Sap vinegar and P95 for Banana Vinegar that both
offered in 375 ml bottles. From the sizes stated, it constitutes that they offer only the
bottled ones and does not provide a small size like pouch or sachet type.

The production and wholesale distribution are located in Pinamayalan, Gloria and
Socorro where there are large banana plantations.

Driers are needed in the production as well as machineries for cutting the fruits into
uniform thinness. Works for cooking the dried fruits are also used. The area used is big
with supply of clean water and stocking whatever materials are connected in the

Strengths and Weaknesses

Maintaining the quality of the banana chips result from good production management
and expert workers. Putting a production line where the supply of bananas are keep the
constant supply of fruits. Transportation is never a problem because of better roads built
in the area. The province, however, experiences natural calamities like typhoons yearly,
These destroy plantations so there are times that there is no supply of their main goods.

The company links with other provinces that also produce bananas,like Marinduque and
Romblon. With its wide distribution not only in the local markets but also in various
countries,reaching to even as far but in Visayas and Mindanao ensures the supply of
bananas. They also offer their product in some online shops that their customers can
purchase conveniently through their phones.

c. Nutri-Asia Inc.
Nutri-Asia is well-known as the dominant producer of condiments and sauces
that can be seen in many Filipino households. They are also known for their
procurement procedures and their capability to offer a range of ideas and solutions that
assist in addressing certain issues facing the Philippines. Nutri-Asia is also well-known
for the wide range of condiments it produces and sells in the market, and despite
offering many different products, it is still considered as one of the competitors since
they offer a vinegar in different sizes and flavors.

The price of vinegar that they offer in the market varies according to the sizes of
the product, such as pouches or bottles. Depending on the amount and kind of vinegar,
the price might vary from P7 to P120. Even though they are currently known as one of
the most well-known brands on the market for the lowest price, their costs are still
somewhat greater than BanaSour.

Location and Facility

Nutri-Asia's main headquarters is located in Bonifacio Global City. However, its
plantation and storage facilities are located in different areas such as Bulacan, Laguna,
Davao City and Cebu City.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Some of the biggest advantages of Nutri-Asia Incorporation are the fact that their
sources of all of its raw materials are from the local farmers in the Philippines, even in
Davao area and they have the capability to adapt on the fast-pace changing of
demands in order for them to meet the needs of their consumers. They are known as
the top brand of vinegar that provides an affordable price. However, despite the fact that
they can easily innovate, Nutri-Asia Incorporation weren’t able to treat their workers
because of not being able to pay them properly in which it arose as their weakness.

Although the manufacturing still utilizes their trading system, they have acquired
another way to support the local farmers and implements a new strategy called
“direct-to-farmer”, wherein they added this strategy as a way to support the local
farmers and give opportunities for them in which it focuses on continuously obtaining
their raw materials directly from the farmers.

d. Del Monte Philippines Inc.

Del Monte Philippines Incorporation has been a producer of various condiments
just like the Nutri-Asia Incorporation. It has been operating for more than 90 years and
is a subsidiary of Del Monte Foods Incorporation which is currently located in the United
States. They are also known for being one of the top producers of condiments in the
Philippines although their pricing for their vinegar products are a bit higher than
Nutri-Asia Incorporation. The reason why their prices are a bit higher is because they
equate it to the quality that they can offer in which it became the branding of Del Monte
in the eyes of the Filipino consumers.

Their pricing for the vinegar products that they offer ranges from P50 to P300
depending on the sizes of the bottles which is from 490 ml to 1 Gallon. From the sizes
stated, it constitutes that they offer only the big ones and does not provide a small size
like pouch or sachet type.

Location and Facility

Similar to the headquarters of Nutri-Asia, the Del Monte Philippines’ main office is
currently located at Bonifacio Global City. However, their facilities are situated in
different areas in the Philippines where its pineapple plantation and frozen fruit
processing plantation are currently at Bukidnon, cannery is located in Cagayan De Oro,
and beverage bottling plant is based at Laguna.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Del Monte Philippines Incorporation was recognized for being a producer of
various products of pineapples such as juices, different slices of pineapple chunks, and
snacks wherein because of these products they continuously have substantial growth
which makes them a top manufacturer in the Philippines. However, since they were
known for focusing on producing pineapple products, vinegar products are not their
specialty or top-tier product and are somehow priced higher than the other manufacturer
which makes it considerably a weakness on their part.
Being one of the top manufacturers in the Philippines, they have included in their
strategy to increase distribution within the country or domestic. It is also composed of
making a stronger impact and relationship to the consumers with their marketing
communications. Furthermore, Del Monte Philippines also made sure to stay in top by
escalating the company’s innovation through introducing and enhancing more unique
products so that they can sustain their advantage among the competitors.

e. Green Gold Gourmet Foods, Inc.

Green Gold Gourmet Foods Inc, stands for mother nature producing quality food
of great value. It is a medium-sized company, homegrown and based in Iligan City. This
company is primarily a condiment, food, and beverages manufacturing concern with
investments in real state. They are the makers of several unique food products which
are “Suka Pinakurat”, along with “Waykurat” and Kuratsoy. They are also the proud
owners of Fat Pauly’s Hand crafted Ales and Lagers- the oldest surviving Craft Brewery
in the Philippines, and Delisario Craft Meats and Sausages.

Their pricing for the vinegar products that they offer ranges from P55 to P104
depending on the sizes of the bottles which is from 250ml to 750ml. From the sizes
stated, it constitutes that they offer only the bottled ones and does not provide a small
size like pouch or sachet type.

Facility and Location

Green Gold Gourmet Foods, Inc. is a medium-sized Company, homegrown and
based in Iligan City.

Strengths and Weaknesses

They offer unique kinds of vinegar products which are appealing to consumers
seeking adventurous culinary experiences. Their Sukang Pinakurat has the potential to
carve out a specialized market segment, allowing for targeted marketing efforts. They
also have the opportunity to penetrate international markets, capitalization on the
growing demand for ethnic foods by exporting their product internationally introducing
Filipino products. Due to its niche positioning and specialized production process,
Sukang Pinakurat commands a higher price point, limiting its accessibility to
price-sensitive consumers. Vinegar products typically have a long shelf life, but ensuring
freshness and quality over extended periods may be a concern, especially in export
markets with longer supply chains.
Green Gold Gourmet Foods Inc, develops strategic plans for entering
international markets, leveraging the growing demand for ethnic products like theirs.
They introduce the different products to the market to set apart from other vinegar
products emphasizing the versatility of their vinegar.

f. Marca Piña Piñakamasarap Corporation

From soy sauce to vinegar to oyster sauce, Marca Piña has been a staple in
Filipino homes since the 1940's. It was started by Mr Tian Sy (father of the CEO) and
Me Kiam Tian Sy ( grandfather of the CEO). Today, Marca Piña sells its products to over
40 countries worldwide, exporting 40-foot containers full of proudly Filipino-made
products locally and abroad. Piñakamasarap Corporation is one of the few companies
that produce their own 100% naturally fermented vinegar. The sourness is natural and
does not have that bitter aftertaste that comes from artificial glacial acid.

Their pricing for the vinegar products that they offer ranges from P6 to P135
depending on the sizes of the bottles which is from 100 ml to 3785 ml. From the sizes
stated, it constitutes that they offer their products with pouches or sachet to gallon sizes.

Their manufacturing plant is situated at San Bartolome, Novaliches. Fortunately,
the son of the founder learned of a new, more modern production method that sped up
the breaking down of the soy protein into amino acids. What took a year can now be
reduced to just a few months. The new technology allowed Balanced Food to produce
more of their products from the same equipment and thus production was kept at the
Valenzuela plant for another 10 years.

Strength and Weakness

The biggest strength of Pinakamasarap Corporations is their product itself, their
brand name. First, the quality of the product they produced created good impressions
and gathered good feedback from their customers making them a fast growing company
and market leader. The color, texture and aroma of their product also satisfied their
customers. Second, they also established a good name that gave them the capability to
lock up the supply of raw materials proven in the 1950s and 1960s. Their strong
advertising presence made their commercial a viral hit in 1978 when the precocious
three-year-old was cast to replace the child actor, and a little star was born. During the
take, the young boy was asked to say “Marca Piña, Piñakamasarap.” But even with his
best effort, the words that came out of his young mouth was “Marca Piña, Piñarap!
Despite their strong heritage, Marca Piña Corporation faces several weaknesses
such asbrand modernization and limited raw product materials. As a 70-year-old brand,
Marca Piña struggles with remaining relevant to younger consumers. Their efforts to
modernize through social media and appealing content have had mixed results,
indicating the challenge of bridging generational gaps in brand perception. While they
offer a range of condiments, their product line is relatively narrow compared to global
competitors who provide broader food product categories. This limits their ability to
capture market share in different segments.

Their main strategy is to continually enhance their brand recognition by
showcasing unique and catchy advertising to their target consumers. They also offer a
variety of products, such as soy sauce, which has gained a reputation among many
customers who refer to Marca Piña as "pinakamasarap," meaning the most delicious
and best-tasting soy sauce. By doing this, they know that customers who patronize their
soy sauce will also patronize their vinegar products.


Target Market Strategy
It is important to invest time to know the target market of every business because
it lies in its ability to focus the resources, efforts, and messaging on the specific
audience most likely to be interested in and benefit from the product or service. By
identifying and prioritizing the target market, business owners can allocate the
resources more efficiently, focusing on channels, messages, and initiatives that are
most relevant and impactful for the audience. This helps avoid wasting time and money
on marketing efforts that don't resonate with the ideal customers.
This target market strategy serves as a guiding framework for Banasour
marketing efforts, helping the team connect with the right audience in a meaningful way,
drive business results, and build a strong and sustainable brand over time.

Wholesaler and retailer Industry

Since BanaSour business is a manufacturing type of business creating large
amounts of products, the main target customers of Bansour are the wholesalers and
retailers in the food industry. Banana peel vinegar presents a unique opportunity to offer
a distinctive product that caters to health-conscious consumers, eco-friendly
enthusiasts, and culinary innovators.
Banana peel vinegar provides wholesalers and retailers with a unique product
that stands out in the market. Its distinct flavor profile, health benefits, and eco-friendly
credentials differentiate it from traditional vinegars, offering a competitive advantage in
an increasingly crowded marketplace.
Banana peel vinegar presents wholesalers and retailers with an opportunity to
offer a distinctive and value-added product that meets the evolving needs and
preferences of today's consumers. By embracing the health, sustainability, and culinary
trends driving the food industry, wholesalers and retailers can position banana peel
vinegar as a sought-after ingredient and attract a loyal customer base.


Product and Service Strategy

o Product Attributes
o Branding
o Packaging
o Labeling
o Product Support Services

Product and service strategy refers to the plan and comprehensive approach
that encompasses various elements aimed at creating, positioning, and managing
offerings to meet customer needs, achieve business objectives, and drive competitive
advantage in the market.
By developing comprehensive product and services strategies that address the
key aspects, businesses can create offerings that resonate with customers, differentiate
them from competitors, and drive sustainable growth and success in the market.

a. Differentiation Strategy
The launch of BanaSour is the primary aim of this strategy wherein with its
introduction, the BanaSour will be the first business to put this particular type of
vinegar on the market at a price lower than the other manufacturers. In addition,
the business also includes its strategy to be a manufacturer that listens to its
target customers and is able to be responsive to them.

b. Cost Strategy
In relation to the stated differentiation strategy, the launch of BanaSour, which
offers the best vinegar quality at the lowest price on the market, will be the
primary focal point of this strategy. This strategy will be utilized for implementing
a cost for banana peel vinegar that involves optimizing production and
operational processes to minimize expenses while maintaining product quality.
The costing strategy that the proponents have decided will be mix of cost-plus
pricing and economy pricing, wherein cost-plus pricing will be determined solely
based on by adding the mark-up on the production cost, while in the latter, the
price is determined by how customers would see BanaSour as the lowest
possible price of vinegar in the market.

c. Focus Strategy
BanaSour will adopt a focused marketing strategy, targeting
health-conscious consumers seeking natural, eco-friendly products. Emphasizing
its unique selling proposition (USP) as a banana peel vinegar rich in antioxidants
and gut-friendly properties, BanaSour will position itself as a premium,
health-enhancing alternative to traditional vinegars. Leveraging niche marketing
channels such as health food stores, organic markets, and online platforms
catering to eco-conscious consumers, BanaSour will engage with its target
audience through social media influencers and wellness bloggers to generate
excitement and awareness. (fiona)
This strategy will be utilized to effectively target the desired audience.
Since the target market are the wholesalers and distributors, this strategy will
help the team for more engagement with communities and gather customer
feedback for continuous improvements. (jayzle)

d. Product Development Strategy

Investing in research and development, BanaSour will continually innovate
to enhance product quality, taste, and packaging. Experimentation with flavor
variants and packaging options will cater to diverse consumer preferences,
ensuring widespread appeal. Moreover, BanSour will seek certifications such as
organic, non-GMO, and vegan to underscore its commitment to quality and
health. By aligning with emerging health trends and consumer demands, Bana
Sour will maintain its competitive edge and remain a sought-after choice among
health-conscious consumers.

e. Product Expansion Strategy

As part of its growth strategy, BanaSour will explore opportunities for
product expansion beyond its core banana peel vinegar offering. This may
include diversifying into complementary product lines such as condiments, salad
dressings, or health supplements infused with banana peel vinegar extracts. By
leveraging its brand equity and existing distribution channels, BanaSour can
efficiently introduce new products to market, capturing additional market share
and solidifying its position as a leading player in the health and wellness

Pricing Strategy
BanaSour aims to offer to the market a cost-effective vinegar that is made from
banana peels and its pricing strategy will be the economy pricing strategy, with the
objective of introducing a more affordable vinegar than the other producers in the
market. Given that BanaSour’s target market consists of retailing and wholesaling
businesses, there will be an expected high volume of orders considering that these
businesses prefer to buy in bulk or bundles.

Table 22: Product Pricing for BanaSour 100 ml

Direct Materials Amount Price

Banana Peels (3 pesos per kg) 90 kg ₱270.00

Brown Sugar (64 pesos per kg) 18.85 kg ₱1,206.00

Yeast (52 pesos per 100g) 220g ₱114.4

Distilled White Vinegar (200 pesos per Gallon) 1,885.8 ml ₱99.95

Water (estimated consumption of 92 cubic meter per 0.31 cubic ₱12.4

month and P40 per cubic meter) meter

Total DM ₱1,702.75

Packaging Cost (Sealing Film) Good for ₱841.00

1,320 pcs

Box 8 pesos ₱440.00


Overhead Cost

Rent (5,000 pesos per month) ₱98.22

Electricity ( P13.5523 per kwH) 15.715 kwH ₱212.97

Total Overhead Cost ₱311.19


/1320 = ₱2.50




Table 23: Product Pricing for BanaSour 200 ml

Direct Materials Amount Price


Banana Peels (3 pesos per kg) 131 kg ₱393.00

Brown Sugar (64 pesos per kg) 27.43 kg ₱1,755.52

Yeast (52 pesos per 100g) 320g ₱166.4

Distilled White Vinegar (200 pesos per Gallon or per 2,742.6 ml ₱144.92
3,785 ml)

Water (P40 per cubic meter) 0.286 cubic ₱11.44


Total DM ₱2,471.28

Packaging Cost (Sealing Film) Good for ₱609.00

960 pcs

Box 8 pesos ₱320.00


Overhead Cost

Rent (5,000 pesos per month) ₱142.84

Electricity (P13.5523 per kilowatts) 22.855 kwH ₱309.74

Total Overhead Cost ₱452.58


= ₱4.01




Table 23: Product Pricing for BanaSour 350 ml

Direct Materials Amount Price


Banana Peels (3 pesos per kg) 29 kg ₱87.00

Brown Sugar (64 pesos per kg) 6 kg ₱384.00

Yeast (52 pesos per 100g) 70g ₱36.4

Distilled White Vinegar (200 pesos per Gallon or per 600 ml ₱30.00
3,785 ml)
Water (P40 per cubic meter) 0.063 cubic ₱2.52

Total DM ₱539.92

Packaging Cost Bottles (P2.8 each) Good for ₱336.00

120 pcs

Box 12 pesos ₱120.00


Overhead Cost

Rent (5,000 pesos per month) ₱31.25

Electricity (P13.5523 per kilowatts) 5 kwH ₱67.76

Total Overhead Cost ₱99.01


= ₱9.12




Table 23: Product Pricing for BanaSour 500 ml

Direct Materials Amount Price


Banana Peels (3 pesos per kg) 20 kg ₱60.00

Brown Sugar (64 pesos per kg) 4.29 kg ₱274.56

Yeast (52 pesos per 100g) 50g ₱26

Distilled White Vinegar (200 pesos per Gallon or per 429 ml ₱21.45
3,785 ml)

Water (P40 per cubic meter) 0.045 cubic ₱1.8


Total DM ₱383.81

Packaging Cost Bottles (P2.9 each) Good for 60 ₱174.00


Box 15 pesos ₱75.00


Overhead Cost

Rent (5,000 pesos per month) ₱22.34

Electricity (P13.5523 per kilowatts) 3.575 kwH ₱48.45

Total Overhead Cost ₱70.79






Table 23: Product Pricing for BanaSour 1 Liter

Direct Materials Amount Price


Banana Peels (3 pesos per kg) 16 kg ₱48.00

Brown Sugar (64 pesos per kg) 3.43 kg ₱219.52

Yeast (52 pesos per 100g) 40g ₱20.8

Distilled White Vinegar (200 pesos per Gallon or per 342.6 ml ₱17.13
3,785 ml)

Water (P40 per cubic meter) 0.035 cubic ₱1.4


Total DM ₱306.85

Packaging Cost Bottles (P4.5 each) Good for 24 ₱108.00


Box 18 pesos ₱36.00

Overhead Cost

Rent (5,000 pesos per month) ₱17.84

Electricity (P13.5523 per kilowatts) 2.855 kwH ₱38.69

Total Overhead Cost ₱70.79






Advertising and Promotion Strategy

Advertising is a strategic communication tool that promotes products or services

to target customers, utilizing various mediums such as print, television, and online
platforms (Carpena, 2022). Thus, reaching and influencing them to purchase from a
business. On the other hand, promotion helps businesses to increase brand awareness,
encourage repeat purchases and create brand loyalty that can generate a good profit.

There are lots of advertising and promotional platforms that help businesses
communicates to its potential customers, in this case, BanaSour used the following

a. Online Advertising

Nowadays, social media platforms such as Facebook, Tiktok, Twitter, etc. can be
a way to promote and market products and services. Most people use their idle time
scrolling on different social media apps. With that, BanaSour will be utilizing Facebook
to create, post and share information such as pictures, videos and promos about the
product offered. The proponents will also create a Facebook page for its customers to
become updated to other information and to highlight product sustainability, health
benefits, and versatility in cooking (see Appendix __). Also, the customers can easily
communicate with the owner to ask and respond to inquiries. Hence, BanaSour can
establish its brand and create social media presence.

b. Print Advertising
BanaSour will be handing out flyers to the target and potential customers to
advertise its product and create product awareness (see Appendix __). This will help
the business to send subtle messages to customers. Additionally, the prepared
business cards will be distributed to wholesalers and retailers for easy access to
business and contact information (see Appendix __). Using this strategy, BanaSour will
be able to spend a low amount of money because this strategy is quite inexpensive
compared to other forms of advertising. This will also give a lasting impression to target
customers that the products offered are more sustainable and cheaper than others.

c. Self-promotion

BanaSour will be joining trade shows and food exhibitions to showcase its
all-natural vinegar made from banana peels. They can cook a recipe during the food
exhibition for the customers to try the taste of its vinegar when it is incorporated in a
food. This will help the business to demonstrate its product features and offer it in the
local market. This strategy will be able to attract a wide range of customers and build a
network with other industry members such as distributors and resellers.

d. Publicity

Embark on a multifaceted advertising and promotion campaign for Bana Sour,

leveraging both traditional and digital channels to maximize visibility and engagement.
In print media, feature eye-catching advertisements in health and wellness magazines,
emphasizing Bana Sour's unique selling points, such as its organic production process
and health benefits. Simultaneously, forge partnerships with influential food bloggers
and nutrition experts to amplify brand exposure through sponsored content and recipe
collaborations. Dominate the digital landscape by launching targeted advertising
campaigns on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, tailoring messages
to resonate with health-conscious consumers and fitness enthusiasts. Engage with the
online community through captivating visual content, informative posts, and interactive
promotions, encouraging user-generated content and fostering a sense of community
around the Bana Sour brand. Complement online efforts with strategic placement of
banner ads on health-focused websites and blogs, ensuring a seamless omnichannel
experience for consumers encountering Bana Sour across various touchpoints. Through
this integrated approach, BanaSour will captivate audiences, drive brand awareness,
and establish itself as a trusted leader in the health and wellness market

e. Outdoor Advertising

Banasour will be using outdoor advertising for banana peel vinegar, by

considering catchy slogans like "Turn Trash into Treasure with Banana Peel Vinegar!" or
"Go Green with Banana Peel Vinegar: Nature's Secret Weapon." A large street banner
or billboard featuring a vibrant illustration of bananas and vinegar bottles will be used in
promoting the product. Since tricycle, buses and vans are the main transportation of the
consumers here in Calapan, we’re also considering using a transid ad. It will be placed
at a different stop terminal showing a refreshing glass of banana peel vinegar lemonade
with our business tagline. These kinds of visuals could include vibrant images of
bananas and eco-friendly messages to attract attention and emphasize sustainability.
Additionally, highlighting its benefits, such as being organic and environmentally friendly,
would appeal to health-conscious and environmentally conscious consumers. These
ideas can help the Banasour team grab attention and convey the message of
sustainability and deliciousness associated with banana peel vinegar.

Sales Strategy
A sales strategy is a plan of action designed to find the most effective way to sell
a company's products and services (Mahr, 2023). Thus, effective sales strategy is one
of the keys to achieve sales targets and long-term operations of the business.
Additionally, it must be clear for a business to plan for the future, identify problems and
solutions and make strategic decisions to meet the company’s goal.

As for the BanaSour, the proponents of the study choose the best sales
strategies for the business. These are the following:

a. Product Trial
BanaSour will provide product samples to target customers (i.e.
wholesalers and retailers, specifically supermarket and sari-sari stores) prior to
business operations. Since when the proponents interviewed them, the majority
of them stated that they would prefer to try and taste the product before selling it.
This type of sales strategy allows customers to experience the product and
assess its quality and sourness. As a result, the customer-owner connection and
relationship are strengthened.

b. Volume Discounts
Another sales strategy is by offering lower cost than the usual price to its
target customers when they purchase BanaSour in bulk. This way, BanaSour will
be able to attain a high revenue and increase in each production seeing that this
strategy encourages its target customers to buy more because of providing this
kind of incentive.

MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT (sa appendices kasama)

Designing and Usage of Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)

A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is a written document that explains a
collaborative relationship between two parties who want to collaborate on a project or
achieve a mutually agreed objective. It functions as a legal document and outlines the
specific terms and details of the partnership agreement. A MOA carries a higher level of
formality than a verbal agreement but is less formal than a contract. Organizations can
use a MOA to establish and define collaborative arrangements, including partnerships
for services or agreements related to providing technical assistance and training. A
MOA can be used in situations involving financial transactions as well as those where
no money will be exchanged.

Between BanaSour & John-nette Banana Chips

This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is made and entered into on this day (effective
date) by and between:
BanaSour, a partnership manufacturing business, with an office located at Malamig,
Calapan City; and
Johnette Banana Chips, a banana chips manufacturing business located in
Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro
I. Purpose and Scope
This section provides a comprehensive overview of the reasons and
methods that brought the collaboration between BanaSour and Johnette Banana
Chips. This also includes the brief description of the scope of work and
responsibilities, terms and conditions and financial obligations of each party, if
II. BanaSour’s Responsibilities
This section provides a detailed description of the responsibilities and
obligations of BanaSour in the collaboration.
III. Johnette Banana Chips’ Responsibilities
This section provides a detailed description of the responsibilities and
obligations of Johnette Banana Chips in the collaboration.
IV. Terms and Conditions
This section covers the payment schedule between BanaSour and
Johnette Banana Chips, the duration of the agreement, and the modification of its
termination. The terms and conditions could increase depending on the
agreement of the parties.
V. Effective Date and Signature
This section signifies their acceptance of the terms outlined in the MOA,
designated spaces are provided for the names and signatures of authorized
officials from each party. Additionally, the agreement includes the date of signing
which indicates the beginning of the agreement and its effectivity. It is important
to note that the MOA becomes enforceable only when all parties have signed it.
Each party should receive a signed original copy of the MOA for their records.

● Scope of Operations
● Operation Schedule
o Business Schedule
o Production/Service Schedule
● Facility Layout (with description)
o Floor Plan
o Perspective Plan
o Interior Design
● Ordering and Service System
o Supply Chain Management
● Waste Management Disposal
Waste management disposal refers to the processes involved in managing
Materials and Administrative (Please refer to the example study.)

Raw Materials Supplies

Item Supplier Price per Unit Annual Annual

Consumption Cost

Banana Peels John-nette & P 3 / per kg


Brown Sugar Calapan P 64 / per kg


Yeast Lazada P 52 / per 100g

Distilled White Lazada P 220 / per

Vinegar gallon


Packaging Supplies

Item Supplier Price per Unit Annual Annual

Consumption Cost

Sealing Film CCP


Bottles for 350


Bottles for 500


Bottles for Litro

Boxes for

Boxes for 350


Boxes for 500


Boxes for Litro


Cleaning Supplies

Item Supplier Price per Unit Annual Annual

Consumption Cost
Broom and Calapan Market ₱150.00 1 ₱150.00
Dustpan set
Mop Calapan Market ₱200.00 1 ₱200.00

Garbage Bag Citimart ₱79.00/roll 4 ₱316.00

Trash Bin Calapan Market ₱155.00 2 ₱310.00
Toilet Cleaner Shopee ₱163.00/1000 3 ₱489.00
Toilet Brush Calapan Market ₱55.00 1 ₱55.00
Dishwashing Shopee ₱94.00/gallon 2 ₱188.00
Sponge Citimart ₱8.00/piece 6 48.00
Liquid hand Shopee ₱65.00/500ml 2 ₱130.00
Calapan ₱12.00/piece 12 ₱144.00
Cleaning Towel Market

Total ₱2030.00

Office Supplies

Item Supplier Price per Unit Annual Annual

Consumption Cost
Delivery Receipt Babies ₱11.00/60 20 ₱220.00
Record Book Babies ₱69.00/500 4 ₱276.00
Ballpen Babies ₱49.00/dozen 2 ₱98.00
File Holder Babies ₱110.00 1 ₱110.00
Stapler Babies ₱110.00 1 ₱110.00
Staple (No. Babies ₱58.00/5000 1
35-5M) staples
Calculator Babies ₱165.00 1 ₱165.00
Total ₱1037.00

Production Supplies

Item Supplier Price per Unit Annual Annual

Consumption Cost
Knife Nuciti ₱449.00/set (6 1 ₱449.00

Chopping Nuciti ₱89.00 6 ₱534.00


Plastic Storage Public Market ₱400.00 3 ₱1200.00

Container (160

Total ₱2183.00

Safety Tools

Item Supplier Price per Unit Annual Annual

Consumption Cost

Fire Shopee ₱980.00 1 ₱980.00


Gloves Shopee ₱98.00/100 7 ₱686.00


Face Mask Shopee ₱22.00/50 6 ₱132.00


First Aid Kit Shopee ₱165.00/set 1 ₱165.00


Utilities Expense
Electricity Expense

Items 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Items 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029


Water Expense

Item Supplier Price per Unit Annual Annual Cost



Transportation Expense

Items 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029


Advertising Expense
Items 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Flyers ₱900.00 ₱700.00 ₱700.00 ₱700.00 ₱700.00

Business ₱750.00 ₱550.00 ₱550.00 ₱550.00 ₱550.00


Blessing ₱20000.00

TOTAL ₱21650.00 ₱1250.00 ₱1250.00 ₱1250.00 ₱1250.00

Telecommunication Expense

Item Supplier Price per Unit Annual Annual Cost



Machines and Equipment

Item Supplier Price per Unit Annual Annual Cost


UHT Sterilizer 1

Acetator Tank 1

Storage Tank 1

Machine 1

Machine 2

Furniture and Fixture

Item Supplier Price per Unit Annual Annual Cost



Organization Expense

Items 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029


Lease/Rent Expense

Year 2% increase per year Monthly Rent Yearly Rent

2025 - ₱5000.00 ₱60000.00

2026 ₱100.00 ₱5100.00 ₱61200.00

2027 ₱102.00 ₱5202.00 ₱62424.00

2028 ₱104.04 ₱5306.04 ₱63672.48

2029 ₱106.12 ₱5412.16 ₱64945.92

Item Supplier Price per Unit Annual Annual Cost



Form of Business Ownership
BanaSour will be established with its proprietors binding themselves in the form
of a partnership contract, it is a contract between two or more persons who bind
themselves to contribute money, property, or industry to a common fund, with the
intention of dividing the profits among themselves. The partners will be referred to; with
respect to the object, as universal partnership of all present property, which means that
the property which was given to BanaSour will become a common property of all
partners, as well as the profits which they may acquire, therefore, the property owned
by BanSour cannot be sold or used by a partner without the consent of the others; while
with respect to liability, they will be referred to as general partners, wherein every
partner are liable for liabilities incurred to BanaSour when it becomes insolvent, or the
damages suffered by BanaSour by either amongst the partners, and the profits and
losses shall be allocated pro rata to their respective capital provided to BanaSour. And,
the BanaSour will be managed by one(1) managing partners, wherein that partner may
execute all acts of administration regardless the opposition of other partners, unless the
managing partner acted in bad faith; such power is irrevocable, unless if the vote of the
partner who has the most controlling interest, or the one who had the most capital
invested to BanaSour, shall be necessary for the revocation of such power.(R.A No.
386, Title IX, Partnership).
● Organizational Chart

● Management Team

● Manpower Requirements

Organizational Policies and Procedures

Organization policies and procedures are cornerstones that promote efficiency,
compliance and a positive workplace culture. The organization policies are general
guidelines that those within the organization are required to follow in order to have a
unified set of behavior, actions and considerations for decision-making; these policies
will serve as a framework for consistent and ethical conduct across the organization.
Whereas, organization procedures are the details that will be used to implement the
organization policies by having specific action plans, this provide step-by-step
instructions for handling specific tasks or situations. Having clear policies and
procedures will help foster a positive work environment and protect the organization
from potential issues.

Employment policies
BanaSour shall implement an employer-employee relationship. It is a formula
and contractual bond where an individual provides labor or services to an organization
in exchange for compensation and benefits, this relationship is governed by
employment agreements, which outlines the terms and conditions of employment,
including roles, responsibilities, and remuneration. Thus, the management will have the
following rights and obligations: authority to hire employee, obligation to pay
compensation based on the minimum wage prescribed by the Regional Tripartite
Wages and Productivity Boards, rights to terminate employment with a just reason, and
the right to control the means and methods of the work performed, not just the end
results. This is for fostering a culture of mutual respect, trust, and collaboration, which is
essential for the long-term success and sustainability of the organization.

Employee rights policies

In accordance with the PD. No. 442, also referred to as “Labor code of the
Philippines”, the employees are entitled to receive their basic compensation as per
agreement, wherein they must first render service for 8 hours a day for 5 days week,
they are also entitled to receive overtime premium at a fixed rate whenever they render
service exceeding the hours required for the day. They are also entitled to holiday
premium wherein they receive compensation during ordinary holidays but the amount of
compensation varies depending whether a work is done or not. Also employees who
had rendered service for at least 1 year shall be entitled to receive 5 days of paid leave
that can be convertible to cash. The employees are also entitled to receive 13th month
pay provided that they have been an employee of BanaSour for at least a month. And
lastly, the employer shall not pay the compensation of an employee by means of
promissory notes, vouchers, coupons, tokens, tickets, chits, or any object other than the
legal tender, even when expressly requested by the employee. This policy will ensure a
healthy environment for the employee and provide a just treatment and foster

Health and Safety policies

The proponents shall ensure that there will be a risk management considered for
everyone within the scope of BanaSour. As such, there will be first-aid kits, personal
protective equipment, and a health personnel available whenever a fortuitous event
arises to minimize the possible damages. Also, to ensure a safe environment, it is
necessary that every machine will be maintained and inspected every after working
hours to ensure that the machine will be functional for the next operating day. Also, to
make sure the inventories are not against the health code, there will be a once-a-week
quality control and inspection of the product to make sure there is no diminishing quality
of BanaSour that are sold in the market. And, there is also a strictly no smoking rule to
be implemented wherein employees are not allowed to smoke in the working area, they
are only allowed on smoking areas to be provided during break time only. These are
necessary policies required to be met in order to provide a safe environment and safe
products that are to be sold.

Working hours, work schedule and rest period policies

BanaSour operates from Mondays to Fridays from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, leaving
Saturdays as the quality control and inspection to ensure that the quality of the products
being produced are consistent, and Sundays as rest days. All personnel that are
required to work for the day are expected to be present 30 minutes prior to the
commencement of operations, that is to give time to prepare all the necessary things
needed for the operation. Employees who did not come 30 minutes prior to
commencement of operations shall stay for the daily maintenance and inspection of the
equipment. Break time is given during lunch period for a span of 1 hour and another 10
mins break time they can use whenever they want as long as they notify the supervisor.
Bathroom breaks are accessible at any point in time except they can not exceed 5
bathroom breaks in a span of 1 hour, and each bathroom break should not exceed 5

Ethical policies
Everyone under the organization has an obligation to work together as a team to
achieve the goals, thus everyone’s behavior should greatly impact on the success of
achieving those goals. BanaSour will strictly adhere to the healthy workplace
environment for everyone, thus there will be a set of policies for everyone under the
organization that shall be strictly upheld. First, everyone must respect and treat one
another as professionals, if a problem arises such as misunderstanding, it must be
addressed to the management in order to fix the issue. Everyone must be punctual, if
someone is going to be late or will be absent, they must first notify the management
about the reason. Honesty and integrity is also a must, the organization will not tolerate
actions such as deceit, malicious actions such stealing and insider business, and petty
conduct as they will greatly hinder the organizations. Anyone who was proven to have
acted any misconducts whether expressed or implied by the policy will be faced with
just consequences ranging from a written warning to a legal suit.

Dress code policy

Everyone under the organization is required to wear the proper dress code
provided by the management and the identification card must be worn at all times
during operating hours, The organization shall implement the no proper dress code no
attendance. This is to promote a chain of management and order amongst everyone.

Non-disclosure of intellectual property policy

No employee is permitted to share, use or generate personal profit from any
intellectual property such as patents, marks, and copyrights owned by BanaSour, they
are only authorized to use them if it is in the course of operation and align with their job,
or if it is beneficial to the organization with prior notice or consent to the management.

Anyone who willfully or not, whether the management or employees, who are
guilty of breach from any of the agreements and aforementioned policies will be subject
for payment for damages accordingly, and a heavier sanction shall be imposed such as
termination of contract or a legal suit if necessary depending upon the gravity of the
breach and the judgment of the management. This shall ensure the strict compliance of
the policy.

● Salaries and Wages

Employees Daily Wage Basic Salary Annual Salary



Production Worker 1

Production Worker 2

Production Worker 3

Production Worker 4

● Employer Contribution and Benefits Expense

● Development Timeline


● Statement of Assumption
● Statement of Financial Position
● Income Statement
● Statement of Changes in Partner’s Equity
● Statement of Cash Flow
o Note 1: Cash and Cash Equivalent
o Note 2: Projected Service Income
o Note 3: Projected Cost of Service
o Note 4: Salaries
o Note 5: Employee’s Uniform and ID’s
o Note 6: Supplies - Administrative
o Note 7: Rent
o Note 8: Leasehold Improvement
o Note 9: Utility Expense
o Note 10: Advertising Expense
o Note 11: Miscellaneous Expense
o Note 12: Property, Plant and Equipment
o Note 13: Permits and Licenses
o Note 14: Janitorial and Maintenance Expense
o Note 15: Safety Tools Expense
o Note 16: Benefits
● Financial Ratio
● Capital Requirements
● Financial Risks
● Exit Strategies
● Socio-Economic Aspects
o SWOT Analysis


● Findings
● Recommendation
● Conclusions


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