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Learning Objectives:

Section 2 SO 1 Demonstrate competence in keyboarding techniques

SO 2 Demonstrate correct posture at the computer
SO 3 Demonstrate competence in the use of special keys
SO 4 Use correct spacing after punctuation marks
SO 5 Interpret manuscript signs
SO 6 Use different types of headings
SO 7 Prepare typescript from manuscript or typed notes using accepted rules
SO 8 Apply appropriate language skills to produce a professionally finished
SO 9 Type at a minimum speed of 35 words per minute

Section 3 SO 6 Determine the appropriate software to be used to perform specific tasks

Section 4 SO 1 Apply appropriate formatting features to enhance specific documents

SO 2 Apply editing techniques to prepare document

Section 5 SO 1 Identify sizes and orientation of paper

Section 9 SO 5 List guidelines to avoid plagiarism

SO 7 Demonstrate awareness of desirable habits and work attitudes

Time 35 minutes

Type the document below following all instructions.

(a) Use A4 or letter size paper

(b) Margins ½” or 1.27 cm all around

(c) Use Times New Roman font throughout, font size 14 for headings and 11 for the body.

(d) Format the body to two columns with a line between columns and 1.5 line spacing.

(e) Justify all paragraphs.

(f) Use a dropped capital, dropped to three lines for the first letter of the first paragraph only.

2021 EDPM SBA Production Assignment 1

Ministry of Education, Castries, St. Lucia
Impact of covid-19 on education caps

A possible solution in time of crisis ini caps+ underline

The deadly and infectious disease Coronavirus also known as Covid-19 has
deeply affected the education sector. The pandemic forced many schools and
stet colleges to remain closed for several months. Schools had to discontinue
face-to-face teaching and resort to online learning ( e-learning). As per the
assessment of the researchers, it is uncertain to get back to normal teaching
anytime soon. As social distancing is preeminent at this stage, this wl . hv.
negative effects on learning opportunities. Institutions are struggling Educational
to find options to deal w. this challenging situation. These circumstances
make us realize that scenario planning is an urgent need for academic
institutions ( insert in-text citation for the reference given at the end of the

document ).
Many hv. argued that e-learning is limited to some disciplines, it requires
immense self-discipline, entails more work from students and inhibits social
isolation. However, there are several arguments associated with e-learning.
Accessibility, Affordability, Flexibility Learning, Pedagogy and life-long learning lc
are some of the arguments related to online pedagogy.
Use bullets It is said that online mode of learning is easily acce sible and can even sp

reach to rural and remote areas. Use shoulder heading style +

bold for bullet items
2021 EDPM SBA Production Assignment 1
Ministry of Education, Castries, St. Lucia
Affordability It is considered to be a relatively cheaper mode of education in
terms of the lower cost of transportation, accommodation, and the overall cost
of institution-based learning.
Flexibility 1
Flexibility is another interesting online aspect of learning; a learner can trs
3 2
schedule or plan their time for completion of courses available online.
Use bullets

Learning pedagogy
Combining face-to-face lectures w. technology gives rise to blended
learning and flipped classrooms; this type of learning environment can
increase the learning potential of the students.
Life-long learning
uc students can learn anytime and anywhere, thereby developing new skills in
the process leading to life-long learning.

The success of online learning is heavily reliant on the internet connectivity.

To connect to the internet, a student would need a computer, the service of an
ISP and a modem. insert the name of the
software needed to
access the internet

Author - J. B. Rieley
Title - Corona virus and its impact on higher education
Year of publication – 2020 Publisher - Research Gate
centre reference as a

2021 EDPM SBA Production Assignment 1

footer using APA style
Ministry of Education, Castries, St. Lucia

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