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Late Khatija College Of

Education, Wada
(B. Ed.) 2022-2023

An Action Research Project on

“Problems faced by 7th Std. Students
While learning Mathematical Formulas and

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the B.Ed. Course 2022-2023

Under the Guidance of:

Prof. Sayyed Shaheen.
Malik Amina Imran
Roll NO. :58{W}
This to certify that Ms. Amina Imran Malik
Roll no. 58 (wada) of Late Khatija College of
Education has completed her Action Research
Project on, “Problems faced by 7th Std. Students
While learning Mathematical Formulas and Laws”
during year 2022-2023 under my supervision.
I further certify that the entire work has been done
by the learner under my guidance and that no part
of it has been submitted previously for any degree
or diploma of any University.
It is her own work and facts reported by her
personal finding and investigation.

Name and Signature of Guidance Professor

Prof. Sayyed Shaheen
Date Of Submission:
A project is outcome of collective Inspiration. Most of
those who have helped me must remain nameless but
special thanks to Shaheen Miss who keenly guided me at
every stage and has given valuable suggestions and
encouragement. It was her constant interest that helped
me to complete my project. My sincere thanks to
Principal of our college Mrs. Nilima Madam. I thank her
for the effort and valuable advice in research.
I would like to thank the Principal of The President High
School and Jr. College and the Class Teacher of Std. 7th
whom I approached for help in the course of my work.

Malik Amina Imran.
Sr. Title Page
No. No.
1. Titles 01
2. Certificate 02
3. Acknowledgement 03
Chapter 1:Introduction
4. Introduction of problem
5. Statement of problem
6. Objective of problem
Chapter 2: Literature Review
7. Operational Definition of the term
8. Listing the Causes
9. Hypothesis
Chapter 3: Implementation & Analysis
10. Developing Action Research Plan.
11. Data Analysis
12. Chapter wise data Analysis.
Chapter 4: Conclusion
13. Conclusion
14. Suggestions
15. Bibliography
Chapter 1
Mathematics has always been given special
attention in school as the nature of the subject
is related to many other fields and disciplines.
Moreover, students mathematics achievement
has often been the focus and is seen as the
critical global issue in many countries.
Besides being perceived as a tough subject,
problems in mathematics formulas and laws
learning has also been related to the lack of
regulation skills among students in learning
The rapid changes of the education system and
delivery method give a huge impact to
students. This situation requires students to
learn effectively and in a more self-directed
Mathematics is a unique subject and it is a
fundamental part of school curriculum.
It is an instrument for the development of all
other sciences. Knowingly and unknowingly, we
are using mathematics in every facets of life
however, majority of students across the world
dislike mathematics. Learnings influenced by
many factors, which can be cognitive or
affective. Here, we are concentrating on
cognitive side i.e. memorizing formula.
Formula- a rule or fact return with
mathematical symbols.
It usually has:
1.An equal sign (=)
2. Two or more variables (x, y, etc)
Statement Of Problem

“A study of problem faced by 7th Std. Students while

learning mathematical formulas and laws”
Number of times when I interact with students I
saw students are facing problems in learning laws
and formula of mathematics.
So, I decided to find out the reason of this problem
and selected as a topic of my Action Research.
1. To study the problems faced by 7th Std. students
while learning mathematical formulas and laws.

2. To find out the causes of problems faced by 7th

Std. Students while solving mathematical
problem using formulas and laws.

3. To suggests remedies to overcome the

problems faced by 7th Std. students while
learning and solving mathematical formulas and
Chapter 2
Operational Definition Of
The Term

1.Students: Students of 7th Std. of The President

English High School and Jr. College.
2. Learning: Learning of various formulas of
mathematics subject by students.
3.Mathematics: Mathematics formulas published
by Maharashtra State Board of secondary and Higher
secondary Education.
4. Formula: Formulas of chapter Area and
Perimeter, Simple interest and Algebraic formula
because most of the formulas in 7th Std. are from
these chapters.
5. Laws: There are different laws to perform same
arithmetic operations. The rules and laws are
created in a way that does not affect the outcome of
the problem. The existence of the law is to make the
calculations simpler. In 7th Std. there are various law
of indices which makes the problem in learning these
Students have difficulty to understand mathematical
terms, do not understand the language of
Listing the Causes
1. Math Anxiety:
Mathematics anxiety is a one of the important
aspect of student’s related factors in learning
mathematics. Mathematics anxiety is a negative
feeling to mathematics anxiety as a feeling of

2.Poor Foundation:
Math challenges aren’t always a result of a learning
difficulty. For many students who struggle with
math, its simply because they don’t have the proper
foundation needed for success.

3.Symbols not Known:

Mathematical symbols can be confusing and can act
as a real barrier to learning and understanding basic
4.Similar formula which creates confusion:
Similar formula which creates confusion.
Mathematical similar formulas create confusion, it
can be confusing and can be act as real barrier to
learning and understanding basic.

1. Pupil knows about formula and will apply to

find the answers.
2. Pupils knows about Laws of Indices and will
apply to find the answers.
3. Pupil will do mistakes in operation (_, +, =,
multiply, divide).
4. Pupil will face difficulty in understanding the
Chapter 3
Developing Action Research
School: The President English High
School & Jr. College.
1. Participants: Participants were 25 7th Std.
2. Instrument: Difficulties in learning mathematics
formula based on 4 different topics Questionaries
of 18 questions is administrated to obtain data on

3. Procedure: After giving instruction to the

students, approximately 30 minutes were allowed
for completing wherever required.
4.Data Analysis: 1st analysis percentage analysis of
each questions and 2nd analysis is on mean analysis
of group of questions of each topic.
Data Analysis
Q.No.1. Find the value of 5⁰×1⁵×6ⁱ.
a) 0
b) 6
c) 156
d) 30
Ans: The correct option is b).

Q.No.2. If the interest on 3000rs in 600rs at a

certain rate for a certain no. of years, what would
the interest be on 1500rs under the same
a) 300rs
Ans: The correct option is a)
Q.No.3. The difference of squares (61²-51²) is equal
Ans: The correct option is a) Choose the correct one for a¯ᵐ=?
a) a¯ⁱ
b) a
c) a¯ᵐ
d) ⅟aᵐ
Ans: The correct option is a)
Chapter wise Data Analysis
Sr. Topic Question Correct Wrong
No. Number Answers Answers

1. Indices 1,10,12,13 8.4 17.6

2. Simple 2,3,5,17,18 9.8 15.2
3. Area and 4,9 5.5 19.5

4. Algebraic 6,7,8,11 10.75 14.25

Chapter 4
After doing this research I concluded many of the
problems among the students.
1.Students don’t learn formulas because they get
confused in similar formulas.
2. Students do difference work with formula which
means they read once or twice the formula and
think they have memorized it but in reality, they
have not.
3.Student don’t concentrate while learning
4. Students don’t practice different examples based
on that formulae, from which they don’t know how
to apply the formulae.
Sharing of The Findings\
1. Start with easier problems: If a student are
having trouble understanding basic concepts or
applying them in practicing math.

2. Putting understanding ahead of Memorization:

For many student math is a subject where they
simply memorize concepts and formulas without
really understanding them.

3. Try different Approaches: As mentioned before

not every student can cope with a particular
method of teaching.

4. Understand the Origin of a formulae: Of course,

there is an just one formula that you have to
remember, there are plenty. And chances are
high that you will mix up multiple formulae and
their derivation.

5. Suggestions for parents: Parents must motivate

their words to use mathematics in their daily life-
parents should encourage child in participation of
math competition.
Parents should checkout their daily works and
their homework.



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