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Responsibilities While Self Administration of Medicines

When Patients are responsible for self-administration of medications, there are

several key responsibilities that they must adhere to ensure the safe and effective
management of their treatment. Below are the essential responsibilities associated
with self-administration of medicines:

Understanding Medication Requirements:

 Patient who self-administer medications must have a comprehensive understanding of
their prescribed medications. This includes knowing the name of the medication, its
purpose, dosage instructions, potential side effects, and any specific administration
guidelines provided by healthcare professionals.

 Patient must check the printed copy of the SAM MAR (medicines administration
record) chart, which lists the medicines that patient agreed to self-administer, for
details of the drug, dose to be taken and how frequently. Check the SAM MAR for
changes before taking each dose of medicine.

Safe Storage and Access:

 Maintaining the safety and integrity of medications is crucial in self-administration.
Patients need to store their medications securely in a designated area that is
inaccessible to others, especially children.

 Additionally, ensuring that medications are stored at the appropriate temperature and
away from direct sunlight.

Monitoring and Observations:

 Those self-administering medications should be vigilant about monitoring their health
status and any potential side effects or adverse reactions related to the medication.

 Regular observations such as blood pressure checks or other relevant parameters may
be necessary depending on the type of medication being administered.

Emergency Preparedness:
 Patients should know how to respond in case of an overdose, severe allergic reaction,
or other medical emergencies linked to their medications.

Communication with Healthcare Providers:

 Patient should report any changes in their health status to their healthcare providers.

 Patient should inform nurse/ doctor/ pharmacist if anything is unclear about

prescribed medicines.
 Patient should inform doctor or pharmacist if need increasing amounts of ‘as
required’ medicines.



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