Letter To The Editor

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ACADEMIC YEAR – 2024-2025

Sender’s Address
Date line
Receiver’s Address
Subject Line:
Body of the letter (in 3 paras)
Para- 1 Introduction
Para- 2 Statement of the Problem
Para- 3 Suggestions come Conclusion

Sample Question – 1
Highlight the importance of proper garbage disposal with an aim to create awareness among
the city residents. Write a letter regarding the same to the editor of The Hindustan Times. You
are Rubal of Shakti Nagar, Delhi.

Shakti Nagar

12th June 2023

The Editor
Hindustan Times
Subject: Importance of Proper Garbage Disposal
I am a resident of Shakti Nagar and want to draw your attention towards the problem of
improper garbage disposal in the area.
Our neighbourhood is largely plagued with filthy and messy conditions. The streets are
unswept and the roads are wet. Garbage cans are frequently overloaded, and many people appear
to be lacking in civic awareness. It causes a slew of illnesses. Despite posters and placards
reminding people of their social duties, they continue to pollute the area.
It is our responsibility to address the issue of garbage disposal in a sensible manner.
Because cleanliness is a fundamental requirement, we shall make this appeal to the general
population. Citizens in our community have started a campaign to raise awareness about safe
waste disposal. Everyone is welcome to join in on our effort to make it a tremendous success. I
hope this letter will be an eye-opener for the public and the authorities.
Yours truly
A Resident of Sakthi Nagar

6.6.2024 – HW
1. You are Neena / Navin, a student of Max Public School, Mumbai. You are concerned about
the lack of awareness around animal rights. Write a letter to the editor about the need to raise
awareness about animal rights among the public.
7.6.2024 – HW
2. You are Jasveen / Jasbir, you recently visited a significant historical site. You were astounded
to discover it in such a condition of disrepair. Using the clues from the unit ‘Travel and Tourism,’
as well as your own thoughts, compose a letter to the editor of a major newspaper noting the
terrible condition of significant archaeological and historical sites. Highlight the lack of vital
services, the poor condition of upkeep, and people’s abuse of it. Make suggestions about how
to improve the issue.
8.6.2024 – HW
You are Chahat / Chetan, an IT Professional. You want to raise awareness about the rising
incidences of cyber crimes. Write a letter to the editor of Cyber magazine “Info news”,
highlighting the issue and suggesting measures to prevent such happenings.

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