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Total: ___ / 54

3A UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________

Listening A Secondly, the places where we buy things are also an

indication of whether the products were manufactured
1 03 Listen to the conversation between Angela and responsibly.
Mike and answer the questions.
B On the other hand, the price does not always reflect high
1 What fact about co-ops surprised Angela and Mike?
manufacturing standards. This is why finding out more
_________________________________________________ information about the company’s policy in this respect seems to
2 What is Mike’s opinion about many of the items sold in make sense.
_________________________________________________ C So, our attitude towards purchases is slowly changing: instead
of buying a lot of inexpensive products, we are gradually moving
3 How can co-ops help farmers? towards saving our money in order to buy a single better-quality
_________________________________________________ product later.
4 What did Angela learn about the prices in her local co-op?
_________________________________________________ D Each time we spend money, we influence the lives of
individual workers, the environment and society at large. In the
5 What type of business would Mike consider starting? light of the above, it is important to make informed choices about
_________________________________________________ what we buy and who we buy from.

__ / 5 E ‘Shopping vintage’ can be a fantastic option if you want to

save the environment and … some money at the same time.
Reading __ / 4
2 Read the text. Complete gaps 1–4 with sentences A–E.
There is one extra sentence. Language functions
As consumers, we make innumerable decisions when buying 3 Complete the sentences with the missing words.
something. The most obvious ones are related to the quality, the
size of the product, and the price. However, good shopping 1 ____________ terms of the selection of goods, I prefer
decisions should go further than that. The idea of responsible huge hypermarkets to small corner shops.
shopping has been growing in popularity ever since we became 2 As ____________ my daily shopping, I tend to go to
more aware that every purchase we make has an impact. small local shops.
________________ If you feel you are not an expert on this 3 I’d ____________ visit a few small shops than wait in
issue, read these easy-to-follow guidelines for ethical shopping. a checkout queue at a supermarket.
First and foremost, we should ask ourselves the question: do
4 To my ____________, high quality clothes are good value
I really need it? We have become accustomed to living
for money.
a consumerist lifestyle, which has made us believe that buying
more can make our lives better. Fortunately, we are now slowly 5 I wouldn’t buy such expensive items ____________
beginning to realise how little we actually need. several reasons.
_________________ In the meantime, it’s the ideal moment to __ / 5
think whether or not we could use something we already have in
place of something we thought we needed.
Another piece of advice is to buy locally produced goods. By Vocabulary
doing so, we both help the local community and reduce our
carbon footprint because the products do not have to travel a long 4 Complete the sentences with the missing words.
way. When it comes to food, it also gives us a chance to buy The first letters have been given.
fresher, healthier products. 1 I need to buy some s____________: a pen, a few pencils
There are some guidelines when shopping for clothes, too. First and some printing paper.
of all, responsible shoppers always read the labels that provide
2 I’m going to have some new b____________ put in
information about the materials used and the country of origin.
3 the windows to cut out the sunlight.
__________________ If the shop is selling things at very low
prices, they’re unlikely to have been made with much regard for 3 Don’t throw these papers in the waste bin. You need to
ethical and environmental standards. destroy them, so put them in the s____________.
Finally, an issue that we should consider is giving a second life to 4 This shop has a w____________ selection of household
something old. 4 __________________ Buying second-hand goods.
goods has other benefits as well. At car boot sales and flea
markets, we can often find items that we are unlikely to find __ / 4
anywhere else.
Although many of us still believe that individuals can’t do much
to change the world for the better, it is clear that even small
everyday actions like doing the shopping responsibly can make a
change, and it is time these became our general habits.

Password Reset B2+ Tests © Macmillan Polska 2020 Photocopiable

3A UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________

5 Complete the sentences with appropriate prepositions.

1 Every day, we’re bombarded ____________ 9 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs
advertisements. in brackets. Use future continuous, future perfect or
2 I’ve bought a nice suit at a good price. The shop has marked future perfect continuous.
it ____________, so it was a real bargain. 1 It’s the longest checkout queue I’ve ever been in!
3 It’s customary to try ____________ a car before you decide Actually, in five minutes, we _________________
to buy it. (stand) here for exactly an hour!
__ / 3
2 When you’re ready, come to the car park.
I _________________ (wait) there for you.
6 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences into English.
1 Could you show me how to _______________________ 3 I’m going to buy a motorbike. I hope that by next summer
(złożyć zamówienie) online, please? I _________________ (save) enough to buy one.
2 After you’ve registered on their website, you’ll 4 I’m having my driving lesson between 6 and 8 p.m. today
_______________________ (dostawać powiadomienia so I _________________ (not answer) any calls during
na komórkę) about special offers.
this time.
3 We were lucky to _______________________ (trafić na
kilka świetnych okazji) while shopping last week. 5 By the time the tourist season starts, they
4 Companies are inventing more and more clever ways to _________________ (finish) building the swimming pool
_______________________ (zadowolić klientów). next to the hotel.

__ / 4 __ / 5

7 Complete the sentences with the missing words.

Some letters have been given.
English in use
1 You can have wooden furniture or stairs made or repaired
by a _ _ r _ e _ _ e _. 10 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same
2 You can _ e _ e _ _ the online coupons in our store by as the first using the word given. Do not change the word
keying in the code when you go to the checkout. given.
3 I’m going to hire an i _ _ _ r _ _ r decorator to choose the 1 I’ll be distributing flyers to earn some extra money. OUT
colour of the walls and the furniture style for my new flat. I’ll be __________________ flyers to earn some extra
__ / 3
2 My friend inherited a lot of money after his uncle’s death.
Grammar CAME
My friend __________________ a lot of money after his
8 Complete the dialogue with the correct future form
uncle’s death.
of the verbs in brackets.
A When 1__________________ (you / finish) this? 3 She decided to start her own company last year. UP
She decided to __________________ her own company
B Why?
last year.
A Have you forgotten? We 2__________________ (go) to
4 The shop’s long history started in 1894. BACK
the cinema tonight.
The shop’s long history __________________ to 1894.
B Oh, dear. What time 3__________________ (fim / start)?
5 Could we analyse the sales figures again, please? GO
A At 7.30. Could we __________________ the sales figures again,
B But I really need to finish this or my teacher please?
__________________ (get) mad at me. Liz and __ / 5
I 5__________________ (give) a presentation at our
geography class tomorrow morning. Tell you what, we
__________________ (go) by car so we can leave at
about 7.15, and I will have enough time to finish this.
A OK, great idea!
__ / 6

Password Reset B2+ Tests © Macmillan Polska 2020 Photocopiable

3A UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________

11 Read the instructions and do the writing task.
Niektórzy ludzie uważają, że zakupów odzieży warto
dokonywać tylko podczas wyprzedaży. Napisz rozprawkę
(200–250 słów), w której przedstawisz swoją opinię na ten
temat, uwzględniając zarówno kwestie ekonomiczne, jak
i praktyczne tego typu rozwiązania.

__ / 10

Password Reset B2+ Tests © Macmillan Polska 2020 Photocopiable

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