إحترف كتابة المقال Turgut Alp

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‫جمل افتتاحيت تصلح لموضوعاث نافعت‬

: ‫ملحوظة‬
‫ل‬ ‫ل‬
: ‫نضع في الظشاغ اّىدىر في نزٔ اٌتعجيشات كلّٕ او عجاسٔ تّجً اّىضىغ‬
1) We all agree that …….... is one of the most important things in

our life and has it is vital role nowadays .

.‫ واحد من أهم األشياء في حياتنا وله دورا حيويا هذه االيام‬............... ‫نتفق جميعا أن‬
2) We all admit the importance and necessity of ………… in our life.
‫ في حياتنا‬.......................... ‫كلنا نقر باهمية وضرورة‬
3) No wonder if we say that ……has (have) its good and positive

effects on us.
.‫ له أثار طيبة وايجابية علينا جميعا‬............... ‫ال عجب إذا قلنا أن‬
4) We all agree that …. is very necessary and plays an important

part in our life.

. ‫ ضروري جدا ويلعب دورا هاما في حياتنا‬............... ‫كلنا نتفق أن‬
5) We should put into consideration that ……………… has (have)

become one of the most important things in everyone's life.

.‫ قد أصبح واحدا من أهم االشياء في حياة كل شخص‬............... ‫يجب أن نضع في االعتبار ان‬
6) In my opinion, ………………. is really important and necessary

nowadays. It may have good and positive effects on all of us. I think

so because ……… may bring all the good to our society.

‫ هو حقا مهم وضروري هذه االيام وقد يكون له االثر الطيب وااليجابي‬................. ‫في رأيي‬
.‫ قد يعود بالنفع علي مجتمعنا‬......................... ‫علينا جميعا وانني اعتقد ذلك الن‬
‫جمل وتعبيراث تصلح مقدماث لموضوعاث ضارة أو مشاكل‬
‫‪1) I see that ............ stands for an obstacle in the way‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪of our progress so our state spares no effort to put an end to it.‬‬
‫إنني أري أن‪ ......‬يمثل عقبة في طريق تقدمنا ومن ثم فدولتنا ال تدخر جهدا لكي تضع حدا له‪.‬‬
‫‪2) In my point of view, ……………..... is really serious and‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪harmful nowadays. It may have bad and negative effects on all of us.‬‬
‫‪I think so because ............ may bring all the evil to our society.‬‬
‫من وجهة نظري ‪ ...‬هو فعال خطير وضار هذه االيام وقد يكون له اثار سيئة وسلبية علينا جميعا ‪.‬‬
‫وانني اعتقد ذلك الن‪ ......‬قد يجلب الشرور إلي مجتمعنا‪.‬‬
‫‪3) There is no doubt that ………….... is one of the most dangerous‬‬ ‫‪o‬‬
‫‪phenomena in our life and has its bad and negative effects nowadays.‬‬
‫مما الشك فيه أن‪ .....‬هي واحدة من أخطر الظواهر في حياتنا وكذلك له اثاره السيئة والسلبية في‬
‫وقتنا هذا‪.‬‬
‫‪4) Frankly Speaking, …... is one of the worst things in‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪our life. Thus, our state spares no effort to fight it.‬‬
‫بصراحة القول ‪ .............‬واحدا من أسوأ األشياء في حياتنا ‪ .‬وعلي هذا فان دولتنا ال تدخر‬
‫جهدا لكي تكافح وتقاوم هذا الشئ‪.‬‬
‫كيف اربط بين أفكار وجمل الموضوع ؟‬
‫خامسا ‪ :‬هْبك بؼض اىشوابط واىنيَبث واىَصطيحبث اىخي حنخب ٍغ بذايت مو فنشة خذيذة وحسخخذً ىشبط اىَىضىع ٍثو ‪-:‬‬

‫‪On one hand‬‬ ‫‪ّ ٍِ One the other hand‬بحيت‬ ‫ٍِ ّبحيت أخشي‬
‫‪In addition to that‬‬ ‫‪ Moreover = further more‬باإلضافة إلي ذلك‬ ‫ػالوة ػيي رىل‬
‫‪Above all‬‬ ‫‪ Thus‬وفوق كل ذلك‬ ‫وبْبء ػيي رىل‬
‫‪Hence‬‬ ‫‪ At the same time‬ومن ثم‬ ‫في ّفس اىىقج‬
‫‪And as a result‬‬ ‫‪ More than that‬ونتيجة لذلك‬ ‫امثش ٍِ رىل‬
‫‪Over and above‬‬ ‫‪ٍ Consequently‬ضبفب إىي رىل‬ ‫ّخيدت ىزىل‬
: ‫ ثم ننهي الموضوع باحدي هذه العبارات‬: ‫سادسا‬

 Finally , it is quite clear that …….)‫… (اىَىضىع‬.. Is really……)‫(صفت‬..

 In brief, I think that ……….… is really ………………
 To sum up , one can say that ……… is really ……………
‫الموضوع االيجابي‬

I don't know where to begin because this matter occupied my attention but can we imagine life
in the absence of......‫اىَىضىع‬.........? In my opinion , Id like to say that ………‫…اىَىضىع‬.....is really
necessary nowadays and may have good and positive effects on all of us . I think so because
…‫……اىَىضىع‬.may bring all the good to our society . To begin with , I'd like to say that , we Egyptians
always react well to what is good and react badly to what is bad . Thus we all agree to and
In fact , it's impossible to lead a happy life without……‫………اىَىضىع‬..as it is one of our chief
sources of wealth . with the help of …‫……اىَىضىع‬we can realize progress and development .The
government must exploit all our natural resources and does its best to encourage… ‫…اىَىضىع‬. to raise
the standard living of citizens. We should put into consideration that ………‫……اىَىضىع‬.. has ( have )
become one of the most desirable topics in our society. No wonder if we say that ……‫……اىَىضىع‬. has its
good and positive effects on us . …………‫…اىَىضىع‬.. is considered an important step to improve and
develop one society .We all agree that ………‫……اىَىضىع‬is one of the most important things in our life
and has its vital role nowadays .

‫الموضوع السلبي‬
I don't know where to begin because this matter occupied my attention as it is one of the most
serious problems which threatens our life at present .It's out of discussion that the problem of
…… ‫…اىَىضىع‬.. .doesn't bring happiness and development to our society
We must exploit all our natural resources and do our best to find suitable answers to … ‫…اىَىضىع‬.In my
opinion this problem hinder progress and development.
At my point of view , I believe that……‫…اىَىضىع‬.. is really serious and harmful and may have bad
and negative effects on all of us . I see that ……‫………اىَىضىع‬.stands for an obstacle in the way of our
progress , hence our state spares no effort to put an end to it . On one hand I think that one should unite ,
co-operate and stand , shoulder to shoulder against ……… ‫……اىَىضىع‬.. . On the other hand the
government must try to overcame this serious problem by finding the best solutions .one of the most
important solution to this problem is that all members of the society must participate in putting an end to
this serious problem.
)‫عبارات تصلح لموضوعات التعبيز (تحفظ‬
 Businessmen must participate in setting up projects.
.‫ػيي سخو االػَبه اىَسبهَت في اّشبء اىَششوػبث‬ 
 Production goes side by side with consumption.
.‫يسيش االّخبج خْبب إىي خْب ٍغ االسخهالك‬ 
 Smoking is a bad habit and we must give it up.
‫اىخذخيِ ػبدة سيئت ويدب االقالع ػْهب‬ 
 One of the greatest civilization in the history of the world.
ٌ‫احذي أػظٌ اىحضبساث في اىؼبى‬ 
 It's out of discussion that … doesn't always bring …..
‫ ال حديب دائَب‬...... ُ‫بال سيب أ‬ 
 We should do our best to find suitable answers to ……..
‫يدب أُ ّبزه قصبسي خهذّب اليدبد حيىه ىـــ‬ 
 In fact. It's impossible to lead a happy life without…….
........ ُ‫في اىىاقغ أّه ٍِ اىَسخحيو ػيش حيبة هْيت بذو‬ 
 The press plays an important role in forming public awareness.
‫حيؼب اىصحبفت دوسا هبٍب في حنىيِ اىىػي اىقىٍي‬ 
 We seek peace for the welfare and happiness of man
ُ‫ّحِ ّبحث ػِ اىسالً ٍِ أخو سفبهيت وسؼبدة االّسب‬ 
 We must exploit all our natural resource.
.‫يدب اُ ّسخغو مو ٍىاسدّب اىطبيؼيت‬ 
 Illiteracy and unemployment result in the spread of crime.
.‫يْخح ػِ االٍيت واىبطبىت اّخشبس اىدشيَت‬ 
‫عبارات أخزى‬
 To strengthen out ties with other countries. .‫ٌخشي‬ ‫ٌقطاس ا ا‬ ‫يكىي ع ا‬
‫ٍقاتجا مع ا ا‬
 We look forward to the time when peace prevails. .َ‫تتطلع الي اٌىقت الزي ذً قجٕ اٌ سٍا‬
 Can you imagine life in the absence of…..? ‫؟‬........ ‫ًٖ ٌه اْ ذجً ا لذجأ في عجات‬
 ….Is one of our chief sources of wealth. .ٔ‫ٌساسجٕ ٌٍيشو‬ ‫ هً احزي المصارس ا ا‬.....
 Great progress will be made in the field of ……… ........ ‫ستحزت يقزَ ٖاتً في مذاي‬
 It teaches us discipline and co-operation … ….ًِ‫تعلّجا اٌتطاَ واٌتعا‬
 A revolution of information resources ٕ‫ثىسٔ في مصارس المطشق‬
 We are indebted to him for his discoveries ٕ‫مزتجىْ ٌٕ ٌاوت ساقاث‬
‫ت‬ ٌ
 To improve our standard of living )ٓ‫لشفع ِ سجىي معت سججا ( ذ سي‬
 To stand against war and terrorism ‫يقف ضز ا حشت واٌاسٖات‬
 I'm determined to make my way ‫عقزت الطشَ علً اْ اسم طشيقً الي اٌتذاح‬
 You have to face both alternatives ٓ‫عٍجه تّىاجهٕ كٍا اٌادتّاٌي‬
 I don't known where to begin ‫ٌ اعشف ِٓ اتٓ ابزا‬ ‫ا‬
 Cleanliness is next to godliness ْ‫ٌتّا‬‫اٌتطاقٕ ِٓ ا ا‬
 This matter occupied my attention ٌٕ‫لقز عٍجنً نزٔ الّ سا‬
 To enrich their knowledge ُ‫ٌثشاء مطشقته‬ ‫ا‬
 For the sake of our country ‫لصا لخ ت ا‬
 Upgrading education ُ‫اٌتهىض تا ت‬
 To take into account ‫تاحز في اٌاعججاس‬
‫ل‬ ‫ل‬
 To create good citizens ٓ‫ذٍم ِىاطجيٓ ضا ذي‬
 Good work tells in the end ٕ‫ا عًّ الطجت نظهش اثش في اٌتهاث‬
 I think better of it ‫ساعيز اٌتضش في رٌه‬
 Right habits and moralities ٕ‫العارات واٌادٍال ا ذتذ‬
 Help me understand ُ‫ث ساعزني علً الفه‬
 There is a radical change in ‫ثىحز تعيش حزسي في‬
 Achieving safety for citizens ٓ‫ٌِٓ ٌلّىاطجي‬‫حكجم ا ا‬
 Social and political rights ‫ا لحكىل ا ا‬
ٕ‫ٌدتّاعجٕ واٌ سجاسج‬
ٍ‫ٌتع‬ ‫ج‬
 To reform all of education ُ‫اضٍاح ّتع مشادً ا ت‬
 Up-to-date equipment ٕ‫معزات حزتج‬
 To achieve self-sufficiency ‫حكجم اٌاوتكاء الزاني‬
 Construction flyovers and tunnels ‫ٌيكال‬‫ث سيز اٌىجاسي وا ا‬
 Establishing child libraries ‫ٌطكاي‬‫اث ساء ِىججات ا ا‬
 Everywhere all over the country ‫في كً ِكاْ في ايذاء القضش‬
 In the course of the last years ٔ‫ٌعىاَ اٌاديش‬ ‫في غصىْ ا ا‬
 Practical steps have been taken ‫خطىات عٍّجٕ قز ايحز لت‬
 For the good of the society ‫ِٓ ادً ِتفعٕ ا تمع‬
 Thanks to science and technology. ‫يقصً العلُ واٌجىجىٌىدجا‬
 Every branch of knowledge ٕ‫كً فشوغ المطشق‬
 General knowledge ِٕ‫المطشقٕ العا‬
 Sense of belonging. ‫اٌ شعىس تاٌاتتّاء‬
 Sense of responsibility ٕ‫اٌ شعىس تاّ سجىٌج‬
 Sense of loyalty ‫اٌ شعىس تاٌى ا‬
 International relations ٕ‫عٍاقات روٌج‬
 In practical fields ٕ‫في ا مذاٌات العلّج‬
 A good social position ٕ‫ِكاثٕ ادتّاعجٕ مشِىق‬
 Great achievements ّٕ‫ايذاسات غطت‬
 To double production ‫نصاعف اٌاتجاح‬
 To achieve prosperity and welfare ٕ‫حكجم الشداء والشقاٖج‬
 To develop the individual awareness ‫ٌجتّجٕ اٌىعً الظشري‬
 To work for peace ‫تعًّ ِٓ ادً اٌ س ا‬
 To devote (himself)to ‫تعشص دجاثٕ ٌـ‬
 To spare no effort ‫ٌ بزخش وشعا‬ ‫ا‬
 To increase our exports ‫ثشبز ضارساتجا‬
 The problem of over – crowdedness َ‫ٌسردا‬‫ِ سكٍٕ شزٔ ا ا‬
 We have to stand firmly against ‫عٍججا اْ يقف حشَ ضز‬
 Thanks to your efforts ُ‫يقصً جهىرك‬
 For the bigger purpose ُ‫ِٓ ادً عشض اه‬
 Make the most of your time ‫استعً معظُ وقجه‬
 Habit ever remains ٕ‫ِٓ ست علً شً سات عٍج‬
 There is room for improvement ٓ‫ٖجان مذاي ذ سي‬
 An important earner ً‫مصزس ٖاَ ٌلزد‬
 In an attempt to ‫في مذاوٌٕ ٌـ‬
 Follow my example ‫يحزو حزو‬
 A solution to the problem ٍٕ‫دً ٌلّ سك‬
 At an incredible rate ‫ٌ نصزل‬ ‫تمعزي ا‬
 To live and learn ‫كلّا عاص كلّا تعلُ اِيش‬
 To turn over a new leaf ً‫تيزا في اٌتصشف نضشيكٕ اقص‬
 Sphere of influence ‫ِتطكٕ يكىر‬
 Back on track ٕ‫اتجكاس‬
 Escalation of violence ‫نضعيز العتف‬
 No fly zone ‫ِتطكٕ خضش دىي‬
 Condemned religious extremism ً‫اٌتضشف الزتن‬
 One of the issues that had been settled ‫احزي الظشاسات اٌنً ايحزت‬
 Solid national unity ٕ‫وحزٔ وطججٕ ِتّاسى‬
 Outstanding opportunity ٕ‫فشضٕ ساتع‬
 Stage of privatization ٕ‫مشدٍٕ ا لخصخص‬
 Supply and demand ‫الطشض والطٍت‬
 Plunge the Middle East into turmoil ‫بزفع تّتطكٕ اٌ ششل اٌاوسط الي رواِات العتف‬
 Restoring process to the right track ‫اعارٔ عٍّجٕ اٌ سٍاَ الي ِ ساسٖا ا تخ‬
 Top the agenda of talks ‫علً ساص قاتّٕ الّجادجات‬

The effective means ٌٕ‫اٌىسجٍٕ الفعا‬ The needs of people ‫احتياجات الشعب‬
Arab solidarity ‫اٌتصآِ الطشني‬ The corner stone ‫حجر الزاوية‬
Expert great efforts ّٕ‫تيزي جهىر غطت‬ To close the ranks ‫لجمع الشمل‬
Step by step ٔ‫خطىٔ يخطى‬ Strong ties ‫روابط قوية‬
Cultural event ‫حزت يكافي‬ She is good humoured ‫انها هادئة الطبع‬
A peace loving ٍَ‫مذجٕ ٌٍ س ا‬ Opposite direction ‫االتجاه المضاد‬
With all means ً‫تكً اٌ سج‬ In co-operation with ‫بالتعاون مع‬
The privatization ٕ‫ثشتامخ ا لخصخص‬ Monopoly of arms ‫احتكار السالح‬
The Palestine ٕ‫القصجٕ الكٍ سطجج‬ I'm not in a hurry ‫لست متعجال‬
Maximum income ً‫اعلً رد‬ Take into consideration ‫ياخذ فى االعتبار‬
Day of rage ٕ‫ اثٕ ِىضىغ اٌ ساع‬It is to your interest ‫انه من مصلحتك‬
Day of rage ‫ ثىَ العصت‬I can't help it ‫ماباليد حيلة‬
Thanks to ً‫ يقص‬Don't imagine ‫التكن خياليا‬
In enriching ‫ في اثشاء‬In this age ‫فى هذا العصر‬
The only way ‫ اٌ سججً اٌىديز‬To cope with ‫نساير‬
With the aim of ‫ بهزف‬Sever short age ‫نقص حاد‬
Mixed ‫ي‬
ٕ‫ تجا خ ِتصاسث‬The right to vote ‫حق االنتخاب‬
Initiative ٔ‫ ِجارس‬Sanctions ‫العقوبات‬
Mother tongue ٌَ‫ اٌلعٕ ا ا‬Communicate with ‫يتصل ب‬
Make contributions ‫ يقزَ اسهاِات‬Human rights ‫حقوق االنسان‬
In favour of ‫ لصا خ\ِىبز‬Hold demonstration ‫يقوم بمظاهرة‬
Catch up with ‫ثىاوت‬- ‫ ث ساثش‬Pay attention to ‫ينتبة الى‬
At an alarming rate ‫تمعزي مشعخ‬ Side by side ‫جنبا الى جنب‬
Great novelist ُ‫سواني غ ت‬ Aware of ‫مطلع على‬-‫واع ل‬
Artificial lake ٕ‫ذيشٔ اصطجاعج‬ The importance ‫اهمية‬
Hard work ‫عًّ سال‬ Beauty lovers ‫عشاق الجمال‬
Primary education ‫تُ اتيزاني‬ responsible for ‫مسئول عن‬
General education َ‫تُ عا‬ University graduates ‫خريجي الجامعات‬
Free education ‫تُ مذاني‬ Secondary education ‫تعليم ثانوى‬
Natural disasters ٕ‫وىاست طجتعج‬ Open education ‫تعليم مفتوح‬
Masters of art ٓ‫ اسابزٔ الك‬Spiritual values ‫القيم الروحية‬
Economic program ‫ ثشتامخ اقتصاري‬Cast his vote ‫يدلي بصوته‬
Land reclamation ً‫ٌساض‬‫ استصٍاح ا ا‬Self-confidence ‫الثقة بالنفس‬
Land for peace ‫ٌسض مكاتً اٌ س ا‬
ٍَ ‫ ا ا‬global economy ‫االقتصاد العالمي‬
‫ ث ش‬Self-sufficiency
Encourage youth ‫ذتع اٌ سجات‬ ‫االكتفاءالذاتي‬
National project ٕ‫ الّ ششوعات الكىِج‬Conquering desert ‫غزو الصحراء‬
Deviation ‫ اي‬The increase of production
‫ٌ حشاف‬ ‫ا‬ ‫زيادة االنتاج‬
Peace process ‫ عٍّجٕ اٌ س ا‬Free trade area
ٍَ ‫منطقة تجارية حرة‬
Make great efforts ّٕ‫ تيزي جهىر غطت‬Recreation ‫ترويج‬
Morals=ethics ‫ ادٍال‬Settle disputes ‫تسوية الخالفات‬
Evidence = proof ْ‫ ثشٖا‬- ً‫ رٌج‬Political attitude ‫الموقف السياسى‬
Knowledge is power ٔ‫ المطشقٕ قى‬Religious programmes ‫البرامج الدينية‬
Local articles ٕ‫ اٌ سلع ا مذٍج‬The future generations ‫اجيال المستقبل‬
Any time you wish ‫ في اي وقت ث ساء‬She did her best ‫لقد بذلت قصارى جهدها‬
Commit oneself ٌٍٕ‫ يكىض امشٔ الي ا‬A long the lines of ‫هذا يفى بالغرض‬
Ask for an explanation ٓ‫ ث سجىضخ ع‬Following the example of ‫اسوة بـ‬
With the exception ‫تاسجتجاء‬ A mean to an end ‫وسيلة الى غاية‬
Good manners ‫اٌ سٍىن ا لخصاسي‬ Listen secretly ‫استمع خلسة الى‬
Arab league ٕ‫دامعٕ الزوي الطشتج‬ Call for help ‫استغاث‬
Resulting from ِٓ ٕ‫تايذ‬ Seize power ‫يستولى على السلطة‬
Resulting in ‫ثىري الي‬ Reading for all ‫القراءة للجميع‬
Education aids ٕ‫اٌىساتً اٌتعٍتّج‬ Present policy ‫السياسة الحالية‬
Land reclamation ً‫ٌساض‬ ‫استصٍاح ا ا‬ Less productive ‫اقل انتاج‬
Two-edge weapon ٓ‫سٍاح رو حزت‬ Private firms ‫المؤسسات الخاصة‬
Trade liberation ٔ‫يحشثش اٌتذاس‬ Industrial projects ‫مشروعات صناعية‬
Lick his wounds ٕ‫نضمز خشاد‬ Noble winner ‫فائز بجائزة نوبل‬
Opinion polls ‫ٍغ الشاي‬‫ استط ا‬Common property ‫ملكية مشتركة‬
Fruitful efforts ٔ‫ جهىر ِتمش‬Scholarship ‫منحة دراسية‬
International waters ٕ‫ ِجأ روٌج‬Search and rescue ‫بحث وانقاذ‬
On board ٔ‫الطاثش‬/ٕ‫ علً ِيٓ اٌ سكجج‬To bring ‫يسترجع‬
Will do more ‫ يكيز ث سكً اويش‬Running for president ‫مرشح لمنصب الرئيس‬
Thanks to ً‫ يقص‬Everlasting peace ‫سالم دائم‬
Anti-Islamic ‫ٌس ا‬
ٍَ ‫ تتعاسض مع ا ا‬Social services ‫خدمات اجتماعية‬
Living conditions ٕ‫ ادىاي المعت س‬Egyptian make ‫صناعة مصرية‬
Pioneering role ‫ روس سابز‬Sooner or later ‫اجال ام عاجال‬
Drug addiction ‫ ارِاْ ا محزسات‬The value of time ‫قيمة الوقت‬
Make good ‫ ذ سٓ استع ا‬National duty
‫ٍي‬ ‫واجب وطنى‬
Double our efforts ‫ نصاعف ِٓ جهزتا‬Hardships ‫ الشدائد‬-‫الصعاب‬
Ways of development ٕ‫ سجً اٌتطىسواٌجتّج‬Different fields ‫مجاالت شتى‬
Work together ‫ عًّ جّتعا‬Open door policy ‫سياسة االنفتاح‬
Population explosion ‫ٌيفذاس اٌسكاني‬
‫اا‬ Skilled labour ‫االيدى الماهرة‬
Source of energy ٕ‫ مصارس الطاق‬Common market ‫سوق مشتركة‬
Peace treaty ٍَ ‫ معانزٔ اٌ س ا‬Population growth ‫النموا لسكانى‬
Human civilization ٕ‫ا لخصاسٔ اٌت ششث‬ Self sufficiency ‫اكتفاء ذاتى‬
Peaceful co-existence ً‫التعايش اٌ سلم‬ A runway victory ‫نصر حاسم‬
Peace efforts ‫ جهىر اٌ س ا‬Coming generations
ٍَ ‫االجيال القادمة‬
Prosperous society ‫ تمع الشداء‬Imported products ‫المنتجات المستوردة‬
Developed countries ِٕ‫ٍر ِتقز‬‫ ت ا‬Labour force ‫القوى العاملة‬
Food security ‫ٌِٓ العزاني‬
‫ ا ا‬Developing countries ‫بالد نامية‬
Air pollution ‫ تٍىت الهىاء‬Advanced countries ‫بالد متحضرة‬

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