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SRM Institute of Science and Technology

Department of Mathematics
21MAB204T-Probability and Queueing Theory
Unit – II
Tutorial Sheet - 6

S.No. Questions
(Marks allotted for diagrams)

1 The mean weight of 500 students is 151 lb. Assuming that the weights are normally
distributed, find how many students weigh between 120 and 155 lb.

2 The life of a component is normally distributed with a mean value of 250 hours and a
variance of 𝜎 2 hours. Find the maximum value of 𝜎, so that the probability of the
component having a life between 200 and 300 hours is 0.7

3 In a class of 50, the average mark of students in a subject is 48, and the standard deviation
is 24. Find the number of students who got (a) above 50 and (b) between 35 and 50.
(Assume the normal distribution of marks).

4 If 𝑋 is normally distributed with a mean of 12 and a standard deviation of 4, find the

probability of the following (a) 𝑋 ≥ 20 (b) 0 ≤ 𝑋 ≤ 12 Find 𝑥 when 𝑃(𝑋 > 𝑥) = 0.24.

5 The time required for a professor to evaluate 10 answer scripts follows a normal
distribution with an average time of 60 min. and a standard deviation of 5 min.
a) What is the probability that he will take less than 45 minutes?
b) What is the probability that he will take more than 65 minutes?

6 In a normal distribution exactly normal, 7% of the items are under 35, and 89% are under
63. What are the mean and standard deviation of the distribution?

7 In a normal distribution, 31% of the items are under 45, and 8% are over 64. Find the mean
and variance of the distribution.

8 In a class of students, the height of the students is normally distributed. 6 percent have a
height below 60 inches and 39 percent are between 60 and 70 inches. Find the mean and
standard deviation of height.

Part C (15 marks)

9 In an engineering examination, a student is considered to have failed, secured second class,

first class, and distinction, according as he scores less than 45%, between 45% and 60%,
between 60% and 75%, and above 75% respectively. In a particular year, 10% of the
students failed in the examination and 55% of the students got distinction. Find the
percentages of students who have got first class and second class. (Assume normal
distribution of marks).

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