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Article 134 (Rebellion or Insurrection): This involves a rising or uprising

against the government, with the intent to overthrow or modify
government authority.

Article 134-A (Coup d'Etat): Similar to rebellion, but involves a swift and
sudden attack against the government, often by military or police forces.


- There is an armed uprising against the government of the Philippines.

- The purpose of the uprising is to remove or change the government by force or violence.

Article 135 (Treason): This involves acts of betrayal against the

government, usually by aiding enemies during wartime or giving them aid
and comfort.


-Anyone proven guilty of rebellion, insurrection, or coup d'etat shall be punished, depending on the
court's decision, from life imprisonment to death.
Article 136 (Conspiracy and Proposal to Commit Coup d'Etat, Rebellion, or
Insurrection): This pertains to planning or proposing acts of coup d'etat,
rebellion, or insurrection.


- There is a conspiracy or proposal to commit coup d'etat, rebellion, or insurrection.

- The aim of the conspiracy is to carry out an armed attack against the government.

Article 137 (Disloyalty of Public Officers or Employees): This involves public

officers or employees failing to resist a rebellion or insurrection, or failing
to give information thereof.?


- A government official exhibits disloyalty to the government by refusing to serve properly or by aiding
enemies of the state.

Article 138 (Inciting to Rebellion or Insurrection): Inciting others to

commit rebellion or insurrection is covered under this offense.


- Inciting or encouraging others to rebel or engage in insurrection against the government.

Article 139 (Sedition): Sedition involves acts aimed at disturbing the
peace, such as inciting others to commit violence against the
government or spreading false rumors.


- There is an attempt to incite rebellion or insurrection against the government.

- These actions cause turmoil or endanger public peace or the security of the state.

Article 140 (Persons Liable for Sedition): This article details who can be
held accountable for acts of sedition.


- Anyone found guilty of sedition shall be punished according to their involvement and other factors,
ranging from imprisonment to death.

Article 141 (Conspiracy to Commit Sedition): Similar to conspiracy in coup

d'etat, this involves planning or proposing acts of sedition.


- Engaging in conspiracy or offering to engage in actions aimed at causing sedition against the

Article 142 (Inciting to Sedition): Similar to inciting to rebellion or

insurrection, this involves inciting others to commit sedition.


- Inciting or encouraging others to rebel or engage in sedition against the government.

Article 143 (Acts Tending to Prevent the Meetings of Congress and Similar
Bodies): Preventing the meetings of Congress or similar bodies by force
or fraud falls under this offense.


- - Performing acts with the intent to prevent the Congress or any similar body from convening or

Article 144 (Disturbance of Proceedings): This includes disrupting the

proceedings of Congress or similar bodies through violent means or


- Engaging in actions that cause disturbance or alarm to the public.

Article 145 (Violation of Parliamentary Immunity): This involves arresting

or searching members of Congress during session hours, except in cases
of flagrant offense.


- Violating the immunity granted to members of Congress or other legislative bodies during sessions
or while in transit to and from sessions.
Article 146 (Illegal Assemblies): This pertains to gatherings that disturb
public peace, especially if armed.


-typically addresses the prohibition of illegal assemblies, particularly those that disrupt public peace,
especially if they involve weapons or arms.

Article 147 (Quasi-Offense): This covers individuals who, by their

negligence, tolerance, or acquiescence, fail to prevent illegal assemblies.


- Anyone found guilty of alarm and scandal shall be punished with arresto menor or a fine not
exceeding 200 pesos.

Article 148 (Direct Assault) - Direct assault refers to the act of making an
attack, employing force, or seriously intimidating a person in authority or
any of his agents. This assault occurs while the person in authority or his
agent is engaged in the performance of official duties or on the occasion
thereof. The offender must also know that the victim is a person in
authority or his agent in the exercise of his duties.


- Making an attack, employing force, or seriously intimidating a person in authority or any of his

- The assault occurs while the person in authority or his agent is engaged in the performance of
official duties or on the occasion thereof.

- The offender knows that the victim is a person in authority or his agent in the exercise of his
Article 149 (Indirect Assault) - Indirect assault refers to the act of making
an attack upon the person or dignity of a person in authority or his
agent. Unlike direct assault, this assault is not done directly but is
committed after laying in wait or by sudden assault.


- Making an attack upon the person or dignity of a person in authority or his agent.

- The assault is not direct but is committed after laying in wait or by sudden assault.

Article 150 (Disobedience to Summons Issued by the National Assembly,

Its Committees or Subcommittees, the Constitutional Commissions, Its
Committees, Subcommittees or Divisions):

- Disobedience to summons refers to the act of failing to obey

summons issued by the National Assembly, its committees or
subcommittees, or the Constitutional Commissions, its committees,
subcommittees, or divisions.


- Failing to obey summons issued by the National Assembly, its committees or subcommittees, or
the Constitutional Commissions, its committees, subcommittees, or divisions.
Article 151 (Resistance and Disobedience to a Person in Authority):

- Resistance and disobedience refer to the act of using force or

intimidation to prevent a person in authority or their agent from
performing their legal duty. This resistance or disobedience occurs while
the person in authority or their agent is performing official duties or on
occasion thereof.


- Using force or intimidation to prevent a person in authority or their agent from performing their
legal duty.

- This resistance or disobedience occurs while the person in authority or their agent is performing
official duties or on occasion thereof.

Article 152 (Persons in Authority and Agents of Persons in Authority):

- Persons in authority and agents of persons in authority are defined as

individuals tasked with the maintenance of public order or the
enforcement of the law. This includes members of the military and police
force, as well as barangay officials.


- Defining who are considered as persons in authority and agents of persons in authority under the
Article 153 (Tumults and Other Disturbances of Public Orders):

- Tumults and other disturbances of public order refer to the act of

causing disturbance to public peace in public places or during
tumultuous events. This disturbance seriously disrupts public peace or
causes damage to property.


- Causing disturbance to public peace in public places or during tumultuous events.

- The disturbance seriously disrupts public peace or causes damage to property.

Article 154 (Unlawful Use of Means of Publication and Unlawful


- Unlawful use of means of publication and unlawful utterances refer to

the act of using means of public publication or making utterances with
the intention of causing confusion or anger against the government.


- Using means of public publication or making utterances with the intention of causing confusion or
anger against the government.

Article 155 (Alarm and Scandal):

- Alarm and scandal refer to the act of engaging in any disorderly

conduct such as shouting or making noise in public places with the
intent of causing public disturbance.


- Engaging in any disorderly conduct such as shouting or making noise in public places.

- This conduct is done with the intent of causing public disturbance.

Article 156 (Delivery of Prisoners from Jail):

- Delivery of prisoners from jail refers to the act of rescuing or assisting

in the escape of a prisoner from a jail or penal establishment.


- Rescuing or assisting in the escape of a prisoner from a jail or penal establishment.

Article 157 (Evasion of Service of Sentence):

- Evasion of service of sentence refers to the act of failing to serve the

sentence imposed by final judgment, despite being able to do so.


- Failing to serve the sentence imposed by final judgment, despite being able to do so.

Article 158 (Evading the Service of Sentence by Inducing a Woman to


- Evading the service of sentence by inducing a woman to unchastity

refers to the act of inducing a woman to engage in unchaste acts to
evade serving a sentence.


- Inducing a woman to engage in unchaste acts to evade serving a sentence.

Article 159 (Harboring and Concealing Evildoers):

- Harboring and concealing evildoers refer to the act of knowing that a

crime has been committed, and yet harboring, concealing, or assisting
the escape of the principal or accomplice of the crime.


-Knowing that a crime has been committed, harboring, concealing, or assisting the escape of the
principal or accomplice of the crime.

Article 160 (Quasi-Offenses):

- Quasi-offenses refer to acts that are not directly criminal but may
result in harm or injury to others. These acts include negligence, which
leads to accidents or injuries to individuals or property, even though
there was no intention to cause harm.


- Engaging in actions that are not directly criminal but may result in harm or injury to others.

- Examples include acts of negligence like causing an accident while driving recklessly.

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