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In orders of magnitude, it doesn’t get much bigger than the South China Sea.

If you were to ask a

panel of 10 of the most up-to-date geopolitical experts alive where WW3 could originate from, the vast
majority of them, if not all, would point to the South China Sea on the global map.

There are many reasons for that, one of which being China’s hunger to regain full control of Taiwan, which
became independent from Mainland China some decades ago, the chip manufacturing capabilities that Taiwan
holds and the various maritime countries that are all U.S. allies, all connected to this region, but none of these
are as important as what I’m about to share with you.

There are seven countries, which have shore lines in the South China sea: China, Vietnam, Taiwan,
Philippines, Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia.

They all make claims, as to their maritime governance over the waters of this sea and these claims OVERLAP, a

China is, obviously, the most aggressive, claiming much of it to itself, creating new islands that it is
arming with the latest military equipment and it also sends fighter jets, on the regular, into the air space
of Taiwan, just to show them who’s boss.

But, with that said, China’s entire prominence over this region relies on a stretch of sea, not longer than 1.5
miles that is OUTSIDE of their jurisdiction and serves as a natural bottleneck that could be the equivalent of
the Suez Canal for Chinese trade.

This little unknown body of water is the shortest path for trade route for containers and cargo vessels
and some $3.5tn worth of goods travel in and out of it, in a given calendar year!

I’m referring to the Strait of Malacca, where 67% of China’s trade volume passes through and where a FULL
THIRD of global goods pass through, along with 80% of all China’s imported oil!

China produces a lot of oil, the 6th largest in the world, but it’s not enough to feed the beast.

It imports oil and liquified natural gas to the tune of millions of barrels a day and it cannot afford to see
American influence over the Strait of Malacca, which is the reason they’ve termed this issue “The Malacca
Dilemma” and have been thinking about alternatives for it since 2003, without much success.

WW3 could start with an American blockade of the Strait of Malacca, one of the most under-the-radar
political areas on Planet Earth.

Keep in mind that these types of conflicts that build up over the decades are the main reasons we are bullish
on commodities… in the end, there is a constant struggle for resources, chiefly energy and precious metals.

For most people, who go about living their lives glued to silly TikTok videos, the topic of Taiwan doesn’t
even register. They don’t know or care to know about the power struggles and the full weight of what’s
at stake between Washington and Beijing.

For you and me, though, we cherish these intellectual puzzles and nourish our minds by examining these
complex problems.

Blissful ignorance is not an option for us… we care about the world around us and would rather collect
the data and think for ourselves about the risks and ramifications than assume anyone in Washington
D.C. or Beijing can do our thinking for us.

It doesn’t get any bigger or more intricate and delicate than the web of interconnected relationships of
benefits and disadvantages of Taiwan’s crucial importance.

Taiwan’s location, right at the heart of the marine barriers – which prevent China’s naval empire from
venturing out to the greater Pacific Ocean – is a monumental piece of the geopolitical power projection the
U.S. currently holds over the PRC’s head.

Taiwan is a de-facto U.S. outpost in the ocean and controlling it helps America maintain that perimeter
around China’s extensive shores.

But all that is just the tip of the iceberg, because while warships and nuclear submarines sound threatening and
menacing, today’s wars are less about conquering territories and more about cyber security and intelligence.

Countries fight over preeminence in technological advancements, and it doesn’t get any bigger than
Taiwan when it comes to that.

Taiwan’s population is less than half that of Ukraine, but it punches well above its weight. The GDP of this
country is $780bn, compared with Ukraine’s $155bn, and while Europe complains that Ukraine’s fertilizer is
missing from the global supply chains, we’d probably all be wearing CCP symbols and speaking Mandarin, if
Taiwan ever became part of China again.

The reason is that while fertilizer is an important asset to export, Taiwan’s major export is the lifeblood of
the 21st century. American semiconductors and chip manufacturers have ridden the wave of outsourcing for
the past 30 years, and while they continued to spend billions on research, development and design of chips,
they allowed a little-known company called TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) to build
a handful of “fabs.” These are fabrication plants, the factories that create the 10 nanometer-sized advanced
chips, which go into all advanced technological products for the civilian and military end-users.

TSMC has virtually a monopoly on those with a 92% market share, and whoever controls Taiwan controls
those 10 fabrication plants and thus has a chokehold over A.I. and all the world’s most important

Somehow, the greedy Deep State operatives of the Military Industrial Complex failed to see how they could
allow chip companies like Intel and NVidia to forfeit the process of strategically manufacturing the chips
on their own home turf, and instead outsource it to an island located right next door to America’s greatest
geopolitical opponent of the 21st century.

Taiwan and the U.S. would rather self-destruct the fabrication plants than allow the Chinese to ever
control them fully, and that’s why Ukraine doesn’t get American military support, but Taiwan certainly

So, with that in mind, don’t lose sight of the topic of Taiwan, because it is the hub for the one thing everyone
must get access to in the 21st century… ADVANCED CHIPS.



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