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Received: 31 May 2021 Revised: 17 August 2021 Accepted: 27 August 2021

DOI: 10.1111/ppl.13545

MINIREVIEW Physiologia Plantarum

The ACC deaminase-producing plant growth-promoting

bacteria: Influences of bacterial strains and ACC deaminase
activities in plant tolerance to abiotic stress

Aung Htay Naing1 | The-Thiri Maung2 | Chang Kil Kim1

Department of Horticulture, Kyungpook
National University, Daegu, Korea Abstract
Department of Food Science and Technology, Global climate change results in frequent occurrences and/or long durations of abi-
Kongju National University, Yesan, Korea
otic stress. Field grown plants are affected by abiotic stress, and they modulate ethyl-
Correspondence ene in response to abiotic stress exposure and use it as a signaling molecule in stress
Chang Kil Kim, Department of Horticulture,
tolerance mechanisms. However, frequent occurrences and/or long durations of
Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566,
Korea. stress conditions can cause plants to induce ethylene levels higher than their thresh-
olds, resulting in a reduction of plant growth and crop productivity. The use of plant
Funding information growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) that produce 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate
The National Research Foundation of Korea
(ACC) deaminase has increased in various plant species to ameliorate the deleterious
(NRF) grant (MSIT), Grant/Award Number:
2021R1A2C2008951 effects of stress-induced ethylene and promote plant growth despite abiotic stress
conditions. Unfortunately, there are restrictions that limit the use of ACC deaminase-
Edited by B. Huang
producing PGPB to protect plants from abiotic stresses. This review describes how
abiotic stress induces ethylene and how stress-induced ethylene adversely affects
plant growth. In addition, this review emphasizes the importance of the compatibility
of PGPB strains and specific host plants and ACC deaminase activities in the reduc-
tion of stress ethylene and the promotion of plant growth, based on the research
published in the last 10 years. Moreover, due to the restrictions in PGPB use, this
review highlights the potential generation of transgenic plants expressing the AcdS
gene that encodes the ACC deaminase enzyme as a substitute for PGPB in the future
to support and uplift agricultural sustainability and food security globally.

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N Ethylene is derived from methionine, which is converted into

S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) by the SAM synthetase, and SAM is
Abiotic stresses, such as drought, salinity, flooding, heat, and heavy then converted to 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) by
metals, have become more severe and adversely affect plant growth the ACC synthetase, and ACC is finally converted to ethylene by the
and crop productivity worldwide, approximately 70% yield losses in ACC oxidase (Yang and Hoffman, 1984). It is regarded as an important
major food crops (Mantri et al., 2012). Global climate change directly regulator of many plant developmental and physiological processes,
or indirectly affects the severity of abiotic stresses and results in an such as seed germination, senescence, stress signaling, and root elon-
increase of uncultivable land area (i.e., salinity soil and heavy metal- gation (Masood et al., 2012; Nazar et al., 2014; Pierik et al., 2006). In
contaminated soil), and this may cause a steady decline in available abiotic stress conditions, plants modulate ethylene to activate signal-
cultivable land area in the future. Furthermore, the world's population ing pathways and protect them from the deleterious effects of
is expected to reach 10 billion by 2070 (Goswami et al., 2016; stressors. However, when abiotic stress is more severe, ethylene is
Shahbaz & Ashraf, 2013), creating a threat to global food security and produced in plant tissues and the levels could be greater than the
making it necessary to facilitate improved crop production to cope. acceptable threshold limits. This can cause inhibition of root and shoot

Physiologia Plantarum. 2021;1–21. © 2021 Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society. 1

Physiologia Plantarum

proliferation and enhancement of leaf senescence, thereby hindering

C2 H4
plant growth and development (Singh et al., 2015). Therefore, stress-
induced ethylene (ethylene stress) needs to be reduced to sustain
C 2H 4
crop productivity against stress. Of several strategies attempted for C2H4
this purpose, the use of plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) with
ACC deaminase (ACCD) activity to reduce stress-induced ethylene
has recently been improved. As ACCD is contained in the PGPB, it
breaks down the immediate precursor of ethylene ACC to
C2H4 C2H4
α-ketobutyrate and ammonia, resulting in a decrease in ethylene levels
in plants and ameliorating the adverse effects of ethylene on plant
growth (Glick, 2014; Glick et al., 2007; Honma & Shimomura, 1978;
Singh et al., 2015). In addition, PGPB can improve plant growth and
development during stress through rhizospheric, endophytic, and sym-
biotic interactions with plants (Glick, 2014; Khalid et al., 2004;
Martinez-Viveros et al., 2010; Zahir et al., 2004). Recently, many
researchers have isolated several ACCD-producing bacterial strains
from different rhizosphere zones and plant species for the inoculation
of agricultural crops, and they found a wide distribution of bacterial SAM synthase

strains and a variation of ACCD activities in the bacteria. When using

the bacteria as an inoculum, their growth-promoting effects are
dependent on their survival in the soil, compatibility with the crop on
which they are inoculated, interactions with the indigenous microflora ACC
in the soil, and the stability of ACCD activities under abiotic stress. In
response to these restrictions, plant biologists have cloned AcdS
encoding the ACCD enzyme from PGPBs and genetically engineered F I G U R E 1 Ethylene production in plants under flooding
conditions. ACC is accumulated in the roots and is transported
AcdS-containing transgenic plants as an alternative approach. This has
through the xylem to the leaves. It is then oxidized and high levels of
also proven that transgenic plants expressing AcdS reduce ethylene
ethylene are produced in the leaves, which causes leaf epinasty and
levels and can tolerate various abiotic stresses (Grichko & abscission. ACC, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid; ACS, ACC
Glick, 2001a, 2001b; Robison et al., 2001; Sergeeva et al., 2006; synthetase; C2H4, ethylene; SAM, S-adenosyl-L-methionine
Farwell et al., 2007; Zhang et al., 2008). This review describes how
abiotic stresses induce ethylene and how this adversely affects plant
growth, and the importance of the compatibility of PGPB strains and peak and a large amount in the second peak (Glick et al., 2007).
host plants as well as ACCD activities in ethylene reduction and plant Although stress-induced ethylene synthesis usually starts within 10–
growth promotion in abiotic stress conditions were discussed. In addi- 30 min, its decline starts several hours after reaching its peak point
tion, current progress for the use of the AcdS gene in plant biotech- (Yang and Hoffman, 1984). Plants utilize the ethylene induced in the
nology has also been highlighted. first peak to transcriptionally regulate the genes that encode the plant
defensive and protective proteins, leading to sustained growth against
abiotic stresses (Desbrosses et al., 2009; Robison, Griffith,
2 | A B I O T I C ST R E S S E S —I N D U C E D et al., 2001; VanLoon et al., 2006). However, the ethylene induced in
ETHYLENE PRODUCTION AND ITS ADVERSE the second peak can exceed the threshold level considered optimal
E F F E C T S ON P L A N T G R O W T H for plant tissue growth and development (Glick, 2014; Singh
et al., 2015). It can instead have detrimental effects on plant growth
The ethylene biosynthesis pathway and its involvement in plant devel- and development, such as the inhibition of root elongation, chloro-
opment and physiological processes has been described in the Intro- phyll destruction, and leaf senescence and defoliation (Glick
duction section (Figures 1 and 2). Generally, ethylene is synthesized et al., 2007; Singh et al., 2015).
during fruit ripening, flower opening, and leaf senescence. However, In waterlogged or flooding conditions, as plant roots suffer from
abiotic stress-induced ethylene production in plants has also been hypoxia, the regulation of ACC synthesis genes (ACS) in the roots
documented (Dubois et al., 2017; Savada et al., 2017; Skirycz starts 3–12 h after the initiation of waterlogging (Grichko &
et al., 2011; Thao et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2016). Plants are sessile, Glick, 2001a, 2001b; Shiono et al., 2008; Vanderstraeten & Van Der
and this means that their survival can be threatened by abiotic stress. Straeten, 2017). However, ACC cannot be converted into ethylene
In response to abiotic stresses, plants induce so-called stress ethylene, because of an inadequate supply of molecular oxygen, which is
via, complex molecular response mechanisms. In this case, two ethyl- required for the oxidation and conversion of ACC to ethylene. As
ene synthesis peaks were observed, with a small amount in the first ACC is transported through the xylem to the shoots, the expression
Physiologia Plantarum

F I G U R E 2 Mode of ACCD-
producing PGPB in amelioration of
the deleterious effect of stress
ethylene under abiotic stress.
Under abiotic stress, when plants
are inoculated with ACCD-
producing PGPB, the bacteria
received stress-induced ACC from
the plants and induced ACC
deaminase enzymes, which in turn
hydrolyze excess ACC in plant
tissues to ammonia and
α-ketobutyrate and ameliorate
deleterious effects of stress
ethylene. ACC,
acid; IAA, indole-3-acetic acid;
SAM, S-adenosyl-L-methionine.
This image is modified from the
original image of Glick (2014)

of the ACO genes is promoted, and high levels of ethylene are pro- ethylene biosynthesis gene was knocked out in maize, drought stress-
duced, which causes leaf epinasty and abscission (Figure 1; induced ethylene production was found to be lower in the mutant
Bradford & Yang, 1980; Grichko & Glick, 2001a, 2001b; Glick, 2014; than in the wild type, and drought-induced senescence in the older
Vanderstraeten & Van Der Straeten, 2017). The association between leaves of the mutant was also inhibited (Young et al., 2004). A similar
flooding or waterlogging and faster rates of ethylene production has finding was further confirmed by Habben et al. (2014), who found that
previously been observed in various plant species (Beltrano downregulating the ethylene biosynthetic pathway improved the grain
et al., 1999; Chen et al., 2002; English et al., 1995; Morgan yield of maize under drought stress conditions. Shi et al. (2015) also
et al., 1990; Sharp, 2002), and the enhanced ethylene concentration confirmed the adverse effects of ethylene on maize in drought stress
caused alterations of the plasma membrane integrity, accumulation of using the overexpression of the ethylene inhibitory gene ARGOS, and
ABA, and a breakdown of cytokinins, which negatively affects plant they reported that the transgenic plants had a greater grain yield than
growth and development. Similarly, the enhancement of ethylene pro- the nontransgenic plants in both the drought stress and well-watered
duction in plants subjected to heat stress has also been observed conditions (Shi et al., 2015). In addition, the application of ethylene inhib-
(Mitcham & McDonald, 1993). The results were in agreement with itors also supports the negative effect of stress-induced ethylene on
Antunes and Sfakiotakis (2000), who speculated that heat stress had a plant growth because they reduced yield loss by reducing ethylene pro-
prominent effect on ethylene biosynthesis in kiwi fruits. Heat stress- duction and improved tolerance to stress conditions, such as drought,
enhanced ethylene production and its subsequent negative effects on heat, and a combination of both (Hays et al., 2007; Huberman
leaf senescence, seed set, seed size, and crop yield have also been et al., 2014; Kawakami et al., 2010, 2013).
reported in wheat, soybean, and sunflower (De la Haba et al., 2014; Similarly, metal-induced ethylene synthesis has been documented
Djanaguiraman & Prasad, 2010; Hays et al., 2007), whereas applica- in various tissues of several plant species, whereas ethylene synthesis
tion of the ethylene inhibitor 1-MCP reduced or postponed leaf is associated with the transcriptional regulation of ethylene-related
senescence in heat stress conditions (Djanaguiraman & Prasad, 2010). genes (reviewed in Keunen et al., 2016). The synthesis of ethylene
This demonstrates how heat stress-induced ethylene adversely affects under metal stress has two main causes: (1) metal toxicity often leads
crop physiology and yield. to nutrient deficiency (Cuypers et al., 2009; Lynch & Brown, 1997),
Drought stress has also been associated with enhanced levels of which in turn is related to alterations in ethylene biosynthesis and sig-
ethylene in several plant species (Balota et al., 2004; Graves & naling (Iqbal et al., 2013); and (2) metal stress generates reactive oxy-
Gladon, 1985; Mayak et al., 2004a; Sharp, 2002). However, when the gen species (ROS) and induces an oxidative challenge in plants, which
Physiologia Plantarum

might trigger ethylene for ROS signaling (Mersmann et al., 2010; a complex and slow process, and its enzyme activity in many bacterial
Montero-Palmero et al., 2014). The induced ethylene at higher levels species varies depending on pH and temperature, and the highest
negatively affects root and leaf development (Arteca & Arteca, 2007; activity levels are found with a pH of 8.0–8.5 and temperatures of
Schellingen et al., 2015). Conversely, Ciardi et al. (1997) and Zhang 30 C (Glick et al., 1998; Zhao et al., 2003). In addition, as ACCD is a
and Huang (2010) claimed that low temperature-induced ethylene type of inducible enzyme, its substrate ACC, with a minimum level of
regulates freezing tolerance in tomato and tobacco, but Shi 100 nM (in Pseudomonas sp. strain ACP and Pseudomonas putida
et al. (2012) opposed this statement because low temperature- GR12-2) is required for the induction of ACCD (Jacobson et al., 1994;
enhanced ethylene production suppresses the expression of cold- Walsh et al., 1981). Under abiotic stress conditions, ACC is induced
regulated genes and does not regulate freezing tolerance. This was and is converted to ethylene, and stress-induced ethylene inhibits
proven by Zhao et al. (2014) using ethylene inhibitors and enhancers, auxin response factors. When the plants were inoculated with ACCD-
whereas the inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis by ethylene inhibitors producing bacteria, the bacteria synthesized indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)
enhanced freezing tolerance, and exogenous applications of ethylene due to the presence of tryptophan and other small molecules in the
reduced cold acclimation-induced freezing tolerance. This suggests plant root exudates. The IAA synthesized in the bacteria, together
that the adverse or beneficial effects of low temperature-induced eth- with endogenous plant IAA, can regulate several phases of plant
ylene on plant growth vary depending on plant species (i.e., cold- growth and development and can also induce the transcription of the
sensitive or cold-insensitive) and the amount of ethylene induced by plant enzyme ACC synthase (ACS), which catalyzes the formation of
the stress. Variation in the salinity-induced ethylene production rates ACC (Tsakelova et al., 2006). In this case, the bacteria use the ACC
has been found to depend on the growth stages of the plants and synthesized in plant tissues to induce the ACCD enzyme, and the
plant species (Arbona et al., 2005; Bar et al., 1998; Botella ACCD enzyme finally hydrolyzes excess ACC to ammonia and
et al., 2000). Nadeem et al. (2010) summarized the results of previous α-ketobutyrate (Figure 2). The hydrolysis of ACC modulated the
studies that reported ethylene production at different developmental stress-induced ACC levels inside the plants and reduced the amount
stages under salinity stress. Ethylene production was positively associ- of ACC outside the roots (rhizosphere environment) under abiotic
ated with salt concentrations, and salt-induced ethylene production neg- stress conditions, through the exudation of more ACC into the rhizo-
atively affected seed germination and growth in lettuce cultivars sphere. This led to a reduction in ethylene production and promoted
(Lactuca sativa L.; Alvarez et al., 2003). In addition, salt stress-induced water and nutrient uptake and plant growth by modification of the
ethylene significantly shortened the shelf life of tomato (Mizrahi, 1982) root architecture and the root uptake system (Glick, 2014; Glick
and inhibited the seedling growth of alfalfa (Li et al., 1995). Overall, this et al., 1998, 2007; Timmusk et al., 2011).
section has identified that stress ethylene production is induced in Although ACCD can hydrolyze ACC, its hydrolyzing power is
various plants in response to various abiotic stresses, and the stress dependent on its activities. For example, high ACCD activity is effec-
ethylene adversely affects plant growth and development. Despite tive in modulating stress-induced ethylene for a wide range of plant
several approaches that can ameliorate the adverse effects of ethyl- species, while low activity is effective for some specific plant species,
ene stress on plant growth, ACCD-producing PGPBs have been or they are not able to sufficiently lower the overproduction of ethyl-
widely utilized as more environmentally friendly and economically ene levels in plants (Glick, 2005). By measuring the concentrations of
cost-effective approaches. α-ketobutyrate, ACCD activities in different bacterial strains are
largely different (Glick, 2005). In addition, the compatibility of bacte-
rial strains and host plants also influences plant growth. Therefore, an
3 | MODE OF ACCD-PRODUCING PGPB IN appropriate choice of bacterial strains with high ACCD activity is nec-
ETHYLENE AMELIORATION AND PLANT essary for the targeted plant species. In the following section, we dis-
G RO WTH P R OM O TI ON cuss the interactions of ACCD-producing bacteria and host plants
that have been encountered in previous studies and the influence of
The bacterial enzyme ACCD is a type of pyridoxal 5-phosphate (PLP)- the ACCD present in the bacteria for the modulation of stress ethyl-
dependent polymeric enzyme belonging to the tryptophan synthase ene levels in different abiotic stress conditions.
family, with a subunit molecular mass of approximately 35–42 kDa
(Ali & Glick, 2021; Honma & Shimomura, 1978). It was first discovered
in the Pseudomonas sp. strain ACP and its modulatory effects on the 4 | DI STRIBUTI ON OF THE A C D S G E N E I N
ethylene levels in plants via, the breakdown of ACC into ammonia and B A C TE R I A A N D P L A N T S
α-ketobutyrate have been documented (Honma & Shimomura, 1978).
The presence of ACCD in all three domains of life, eukarya, bacteria, AcdS, which encodes ACCD activity, has been observed in a wide
and archaea, has been reported, despite being majorly present in dif- range of bacterial strains (Belimov et al., 2001; Hontzeas et al., 2004;
ferent species of bacteria and in some fungi (Nascimento et al., 2014; Timmusk et al., 2011; Tak et al., 2013) and in a few plant species such
Singh, Shelke, et al., 2015). Its presence in some plant species such as as Arabidopsis, poplar, and tomato (McDonnell et al., 2009; Plett
Arabidopsis, poplar, and tomato plants has also been documented et al., 2009). The expression levels of the AcdS gene in bacteria were
(McDonnell et al., 2009; Plett et al., 2009). The induction of ACCD is found to be controlled by the presence or absence of oxygen, the
TABLE 1 Abiotic stress tolerance and growth responses of host plants after inoculation with ACC deaminase producing PGPB strains

Host plant ACCD producing PGPB strains Growth response against abiotic stress Stress tolerance References

Alfafa Bacillus megaterium NMp082 Increased nodulation, shoot, and primary root growth Salt stress Chinnaswamy
et al. (2018)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (LJL-5) Enhanced plant biomass, SPAD, and P contents Saline-Alkali stress Liu et al. (2019)
Enterobacter aerogenes (LJL-13) Induced activity of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, POD, and CAT) and
accumulation of antioxidants
Removed harmful substances
Increase in crude protein but decrease in fiber content
Argentine screwbean Lysinibacillus fusiformis Promoted germination and early growth Salt stress Sgroy et al. (2009)
Bacillus subtilis
Brevibacterium halotolerans
Bacillus licheniformis
Bacillus pumilus
Achromobacter xylosoxidans
Pseudomonas putida
Black gram and Pea Ochrobactrum pseudogrignonense RJ12 Increased seed germination percentage, root and shoot length, and dry Drought stress Saikia et al. (2018)
Pseudomonas sp. RJ15 weight
B. subtilis RJ46 Elevated ROS scavenging enzymes and cellular osmolytes
Higher chlorophyll content, relative water content, and root recovery
Camelina P. putida UW4 Less decline in root length and weight Salt stress Heydarian
Pseudomonas migulae 8R6 Enhanced root system development et al. (2016)
Pseudomonas fluoresces YsS6 Increased shoot length
P. migulae 8R6M (mutant) Better seed production and seed quality
Pseudomonas fluorescens YsS6 (mutant) Higher levels of seed oil production
Chickpea P. putida MTCC5279 (RA) Modulated membrane integrity, osmolyte accumulation (proline, glycine Drought stress Tiwari et al. (2016)
betaine), reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging ability, and stress-
responsive gene expressions
B. subtilis BERA 71 Enhanced synthesis of photosynthetic pigments Salt stress Abd_Allah
Reduced ROS level and lipid peroxidation et al. (2018)
Increased activities of ROS scavenging antioxidants (superoxide dismutase,
peroxidase, catalase, and glutathione reductase)
Increased levels of nonenzymatic antioxidants (ascorbic acid and glutathione)
and phenol contents
Decreased sodium accumulation
Enhanced nitrogen, potassium, calcium, and magnesium content
Improved membrane stability
Common bean Aneurinibacillus aneurinilyticus strain AIOA1 Enhanced seed germination, root and shoot length, fresh and dry weight of Salt stress Gupta and
Paenibacillus sp. SG_AIOA2 root and shoot, relative water content, chlorophyll, and carotenoid Pandey (2020)
Physiologia Plantarum

Increase in osmoprotectants (proline and total sugars)

Increased activities of antioxidative defensive enzymes (POD, SOD, and
CAT) and phenolics content for scavenging salt-induced ROS


TABLE 1 (Continued)

Host plant ACCD producing PGPB strains Growth response against abiotic stress Stress tolerance References
Edible birdsfoot Variovorax paradoxus 5C-2 Improved nodulation, root growth, and uptake of nutrients (N, P, Ca, Mg, Na, Heavy metal stress Safronova
trefoil Mn, Zn, and Pb) et al. (2012)
Clustered birdsfoot
Ciliate medick
Physiologia Plantarum

French bean A. aneurinilyticus ACC02 Increased plant growth in terms of length, fresh and dry weight of root/ Salt and drought stress Gupta and
Paenibacillus sp. ACC06 shoot biomass Pandey (2019)
Guinea grass B. licheniformis Higher shoot and root length, leaf area, and dry matter Salt and drought stress Tiwari et al. (2018)
B. subtilis Conservation of plant water content
Decrease in electrolyte leakage
Maintaining chlorophyll content under drought stress
Enhanced proline, total soluble sugar, total soluble protein content, and total
Increase in cellulose, hemicellulose, and decrease in lignin contents of cell
Improvement of total reducing sugar and ethanol yield
Holy basil A. xylosoxidans Fd2 Reduced ethylene production Waterlogging stress Barnawal et al. (2012)
Serratia ureilytica Bac5 Higher chlorophyll concentration
Herbaspirillum seropedicae Oci9 Lower lipid peroxidation (MDA concentration)
Ochrobactrum rhizosphaerae Oci13 Lower proline concentration
Increased foliar nutrient uptake (N, P, and K+)
Maximum waterlogging tolerant, growth, and herb yield induced by A.
Jujube Pseudomonas lini Increased plant height, shoot and root dry matter, and relative water content Drought stress Zhang et al. (2020)
Serratia plymuthica Decreased malondialdehyde and abscisic acid (ABA) levels
Enhanced antioxidant enzyme activities
Madagasar periwinkle A. xylosoxidans AMU54 Maximum germination percentage, vigor index, plant height, root dry weight, Salt stress Karthikeyan
and anmalicine content et al. (2012)
Increase in antioxidative enzyme (SOD and CAT)
Maize Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9 Enhanced chlorophyll content, total soluble sugar content, decreased cell Salt stress Chen et al. (2016)
destruction, improved peroxidase/catalase activity and glutathione
content for scavenging ROS, reduced Na+ level, and decreased Na+
Bacillus aryabhattai NBRI YN4.4 (MTCC Increased photosynthetic pigments and soluble sugar Alkalinity stress Dixit et al. (2020)
7755T) Decreased proline level
Marsh dock P. putida WT Reduced flood responses such as an increased leaf elongation and shoot Water logging stress Ravanbakhsh
fresh weight et al. (2017)
Mini carnation cut P. fluorescens YsS6 (wild type) Delay in flower senescence Salt stress Ali et al. (2012)
flowers P. migulae 8R6 (wild type)
Mung bean B. subtilis Enhanced germination, root and shoot length Salt stress Patel et al. (2015)
B. megaterium
TABLE 1 (Continued)

Host plant ACCD producing PGPB strains Growth response against abiotic stress Stress tolerance References

Pea Arthrobacter protophormiae (SA3) Increase in fresh weight Salt stress Barnawal et al. (2014)
(Synergistic effect with Rhizobium Significant improvement in nodulation
leguminosarum (R) and Glomus mosseae (G)) Higher chlorophyll level in combination with R and G
Lower oxidative damage to lipids
Increase in proline concentration
Minimum Na+ content along with G
Improved P and K+
V. paradoxus 5C-2 Increased K uptake and K flow from root to shoot Salt stress Wang et al. (2016)
Decreased Na flow and increased Na deposition in root zone
Increased shoot K+/Na+ ratio
Decreased stomatal resistance and xylem balancing pressure
Improved photosynthetic efficiency and maximal electron transport rate
Pepper Bulkhorderia cepacia Proliferation of root system Drought and salt stress Maxton et al. (2018)
Citrobacter feurendii Increase in plant biomass
Serratia marcescens Sustained high chlorophyll “a” concentration
Decreased proline concentration
Potato Bacillus sp. (SR-2-1/1) Increase in relative leaf water content Salt stress Tahir et al. (2019)
Bacillus sp. (SR-2-1) Decrease in electrolyte leakage and antioxidant enzyme activity
Decrease in Na+ whereas increase in K+, Ca+2, K+/Na+, and Ca+2/Na+ in
Enhanced auxin production in roots
Increased plant biomass, number of tubers per plant, and tuber weight
Rapeseed Sinorhizobium mellilote Increase in shoot and root elongation, dry weight, stem diameter, leaf Salt stress Saghafi et al. (2019)
Sinorhizobium mellilote numbers, and relative water content
Rhizobium legominozaroum bv. phaseoli Improved nutrient uptakes (N, P, and K) and chlorophyll (SPAD value)
Rhizobium legominozaroum bv. phaseoli
Red pepper Pseudomonas frederiksbergensis OB139 Significantly increased plant growth Salt stress Samaddar et al. (2019)
Pseudomonas vancouverensis OB155 Enhanced catalase activity leading to neutralization of hydrogen peroxide
Lower malondialdehyde (MDA) content
Increased photosynthetic pigment contents
Red Thorn B. subtilis BERA 71 Enhanced osmoprotectants production Salt stress Hashem et al. (2016)
Reduced lipid peroxidation
Modulated osmoregulatory system (glycine betaine, proline, and phenols)
and antioxidant enzyme system
Rice Alcaligenes sp. SB1.ACC2 Higher plant growth parameters Salt stress Bal et al. (2013)
Bacillus sp. SB1.ACC3 Longest roots and shoots; highest root fresh weight, and dry weight by
Ochrobactrum sp. SB2.ACC2 Alcaligenes sp.
P. fluorescens REN1 Increased root elongation Flooding stress Etesami et al. (2014)
Physiologia Plantarum

Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501 Promoted plant height, root length, root fresh weight, and dry weight Salt and heavy metal Han et al. (2015)


TABLE 1 (Continued)

Host plant ACCD producing PGPB strains Growth response against abiotic stress Stress tolerance References
Streptomyces sp. GMKU 336 Increased plant growth, chlorophyll, proline, K+, Ca+, and water contents Salt stress Jaemsaeng
Decreased ethylene, reactive oxygen species (ROS), Na+, and Na+/K+ ratio et al. (2018)
Down-regulation of genes in ethylene pathway, ACO1 and EREBP1
Up-regulation of acdS encoding ACCD in-vivo, osmotic balance (BADH1),
Na + tansporters (NHX1 and SOS1), calmodulin (Cam1-1), and antioxidant
Physiologia Plantarum

enzymes (CuZn-OD1 and CATb)

Down-regulation of gene in a signaling cascade, MAPK5
Enterobacter sp. S2 Enhanced amylase, protease, total sugar content, and total protein content Cadmium (Cd) stress Mitra et al. (2018)
Decreased protease activity
Stimulation of antioxidant proteins
Increase in chlorophyll a, b, and total chlorophyll content
Enhanced SOD, catalase activity, and proline content
Reduced MDA content
Decreased Cd uptake
E. aerogenes K6 Increased α-amylase activity Cadmium (Cd) stress Pramanik, Mitra,
Reduced degradation of proteins and maintained protein homeostasis via, et al. (2018)
active proteases
Increased chlorophyll content
Enhanced active antioxidant enzymes
Reduced ethylene content and Cd uptake
Enterobacter sp. K2 Enhanced growth characters including seed germination, root and shoot Cadmium (Cd) stress Pramanik, Soumik,
length, root and shoot biomass, seedling vigor index, and chlorophyll et al. (2018)
Enterobacter sp. P23 Increased germination, seedling vigor index (SVI), root length, root fresh Salt stress Sarkar, Ghosh,
(99.38% similar to weight, root dry weight, lateral branching of the roots, and chlorophyll et al. (2018)
Enterobacter ludwigii strain EN119) contents
Increased antioxidant enzymes, MDA, proline, total protein, IAA, and total
Burkholderia sp. P50 Increased germination, root and shoot length, root and shoot weight, and Salt stress Sarkar, Pramanik,
SVI et al. (2018)
Enhanced IAA, amylase, protease, total auxin, and chlorophyll
Decrease in ROS scavenging antioxidant enzymes (SOD and CAT) and lipid
Safflower Bacillus cereus Increased plant growth Salt stress Hemida and
B. aerius Enhanced ascorbate-glutathione redox cycle Reyad (2018)
Slender glasswort Bacillus sp. Improved seed germination and seedling biomass CO2, temperature, and Mesa-Marín
Enhanced seed nitrogen content and consequent increase in seedling vigor salt stress et al. (2019)
Soybean B. cereus SA1 Improved plant biomass, chlorophyll content and fluorescence Heat stress Khan et al. (2020b)
Reduced abscisic acid and increased salicylic acid
Higher levels of ascorbic acid peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and
Increased amino acid contents
TABLE 1 (Continued)

Host plant ACCD producing PGPB strains Growth response against abiotic stress Stress tolerance References

Increased heat shock protein (HSP) expression

Overexpression of stress-responsive GMLAX3 and GmAKT2
Decrease in ROS
Alteration of auxin and abscisic acid stimuli
Enhancement of potassium gradients
Switchgrass Pseudomonas grimontii Bc09 High expression of HSP70 and HMA2 genes Cadmium (Cd) stress Begum et al. (2019)
Pantoea vagans So23 Reduced Cd accumulation
Pseudomonas veronii E02 Increased IAA production and biomass
P. fluorescens Oj24
Tomato P. fluorescens YsS6 Higher chlorophyll contents, fresh and dry biomass, greater number of Salt stress Ali et al. (2014)
P. migulae 8R6 flowers and buds
Pseudomonas spp. OFT2 and OFT 5 Promotion of plant growth, leaf water contents, photosynthetic Salt stress Win et al. (2018)
performance, and ionic balance
No reduction in shoot uptake of Na
Improvement in shoot uptake of macronutrients (P, K, and Mg) and
micronutrients (Mn, Fe, Cu, and Zn)
Leclercia adecarboxylata MO1 Increased growth attributes Salt stress Kang et al. (2019)
Improvement of glucose, fructose, citric acid, malic acid, serine, glycine,
methionine, threonine, and proline
Noticeably lower level of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) level
Pseudomonas sp. UW4 (wild type) UW4 strain Salt stress Orozco-Mosqueda
Pseudomonas sp. (OxtreS, trehalose over- Increased plant root, shoot length, total dry weight, and chlorophyll content et al. (2019)
expressing strain) OxtreS strain
Greater improvement in root length than UW4 strain
Similar beneficial effect on shoot length, total dry weight, and chlorophyll
content as wild type
B. cereus SA1 (in co-application Improved biomass and chlorophyll fluorescence Heat stress Khan et al. (2020a)
with humic acid [HA]) Reduced abscisic acid and improved salicylic acid
Increased ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and SOD
Decreased glutathione (GSH)
Higher iron, phosphorus, and potassium uptake
Increased relative expression of SIWRKY33b and autophagy related (SIATG5)
Reduced SIWRKY33b and SIATG5 expression
Upregulated heat stress-responsive transcription factor (SIHsfA1a) and high-
affinity potassium transporter (SIHKT1)
B. cereus Promoted growth of shoot, root length, leaf surface area, fresh and dry Heat stress Mukhtar et al. (2020)
Reduced extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) production
Physiologia Plantarum

Wheat P. putida (W2) Enhanced germination percentage, rate, and index Salt stress Nadeem et al. (2013)
Enterobacter cloacae (W6) Increased growth and yield parameters
Serratia ficaria (W10)



Host plant ACCD producing PGPB strains Growth response against abiotic stress Stress tolerance References
P. fluorescens (W17) Improved nutrient balance (low sodium and high nitrogen, phosphorus, and
potassium contents)
B. cereus strain Y5 Improved growth Salt stress Khan et al. (2017)
Bacillus sp. Y14
B. subtilis strain Y16
Physiologia Plantarum

Halophilic strains Increased yield Alkalinity stress Torbaghan

Virgibacillus sp. (H1) et al. (2017)
Virgibacillus pantothenticus (H7)
Alkaliphilic strains
Bacillus clausii (A1 and A7)
Haloalkaliphilic strains
Virgibacillus marismortui (HA1)
Alkalibacillus haloalkaliphilus (HA6)
Klebsiella isolates (8LJA and 27IJA) Significant increase in plant biomass content and root SOD activity Salt stress Acuña et al. (2019)
Kocuria rhizophila (14ASP) Higher fresh and dry root masses, shoot length, number of leaves, relative Salt stress Afridi et al. (2019)
Cronobacter sakazakii (OF115) water contents, K+/Na+ ratios, chlorophyll contents, and antioxidant
V. paradoxus RAA3 Improved plant growth, foliar nutrient concentrations, and antioxidant Water stress Chandra et al. (2019)
Pseudomonas spp. DPC12, DPB13, DPB15, properties
Achromobacter spp. PSA7, PSB8
Ochrobactrum anthropic DPC9
Pseudomonas sp. Enhanced seed germination percent, shoot length, fresh and dry weigh, Salt stress Damodaran
Agromyces tropicus seedling vigor I and II (Lysinibacillus sp. being the most effective isolate) et al. (2019)
L. fusiformis Higher root length, fresh and dry weight (L. fusiformis)
Bacillus flexus
Lysinibacillus sp.
Bacillus tequilensis
B. licheniformis
Pseudomonas mendocina
B. licheniformis
Velvet bean Bacillus sp. Improved plant growth Drought stress Saleem et al. (2018)
Enterobacter sp. Higher isoprene emission
Physiologia Plantarum

presence of its substrate ACC, leucine responsive regulatory protein conditions. Whereas, OF115 with high ACCD activity levels resulted
(LRP; Li & Glick, 2001; Cheng et al., 2008), nitrogen-fixing regulator in higher salt tolerance for wheat plants. The two strains used in the
(nifA; Nukui et al., 2006), and ACCD regulatory genes (acdR; Cheng study by Afridi et al. (2019) were halotolerant (salt tolerant). However,
et al., 2008; Duan et al., 2009; Li & Glick, 2001), depending on the the mechanisms for the reduction or elevation of the ACCD activity in
bacterial strain. Isolation of AcdS genes from different bacterial strains the strains with the same salt stress is still unknown. The authors did
and plant species was performed, and their introduction to commer- not discuss possible reasons for this. This could be due to changes in
cially important plants via, metabolic genetic engineering provides the environment because expression of the AcdS gene that induces
benefits for the reduction of stress-induced ethylene. This alterna- ACCD activity in bacteria can be controlled by variable environments
tively helps crops that are not compatible with direct inoculations of (Li & Glick, 2001; Singh, Jha, & Jha, 2015). This could also be due to
ACCD-producing bacteria to reduce ethylene. Consequently, the cur- changes in the pH and temperature, because the highest activity
rent progress in the use of the AcdS gene in plant biotechnology for levels were seen with a pH 8.0–8.5 and temperature of 30 C (Glick
the amelioration of stress ethylene in plants is highlighted. et al., 1998; Zhao et al., 2003). Another possible reason is that the
degree of stress tolerance for strains like 14ASP and OF115 might be
different, in which 14ASP itself might be less tolerant to high salt
5 | I M P O R TA N CE O F T HE C O M P A T I BI L I T Y stress (15% NaCl) when compared to OF115. Thus, they might be
O F B A C T E R I A L ST R A I N S A N D H O S T P L A N T S , inactive to produce ACCD activity, which resulted in the production
AS WELL AS ACCD ACTIVITIES IN THE of lower ACCD activity for stress tolerance. Previous studies have
P R O M O TI O N OF P L A N T G R O W T H U ND E R reported that the ACCD-producing halotolerant bacteria (Bacillus, Azo-
A B I O T I C ST R E S S tobacter, Microbacterium, Pseudomonas, and Serratia) survived in salt
stress conditions ranging from 2 to 11% NaCl (Barra et al., 2016;
As described above, ACCD can ameliorate the deleterious effects of Singh & Jha, 2016), but their tolerances to high salt concentrations of
stress-induced ethylene and promote plant growth under abiotic 15% were not investigated. Depending on the salt level and the type
stress via, the breakdown of the ethylene precursor ACC into ammo- of bacterial strain, variation in the bacterial survival rate has been
nia and α-ketobutyrate. Consequently, inoculating plants with ACCD- observed (Naz et al., 2009; Sgroy et al., 2009; Trabelsi et al., 2009).
producing bacteria in different abiotic stress conditions has received Unfortunately, those authors did not investigate the variations in
more attention and has shown noticeable results. Previous review ACCD activity in bacteria (Bacillus, Azotobacter, Microbacterium, Pseu-
articles described the roles of the ACCD-producing PGPBs in plant domonas, and Serratia) under salt stress (Table 2).
growth promotion in normal or stress conditions. However, most of Khan et al. (2017) also observed a wide variation in ACCD activity
the previous reviews did not discuss how the PGPB strains and their (85–399 nmol α-ketobutyrate mg1 h1) in halotolerant Bacilius spp.
ACCD activities influenced the promotion of the host plant growth isolated from wheat plant rhizospheres. Interestingly, despite the
and how the PGPBs' functions were changed under abiotic stress. In presence of ACCD activity, some bacteria did not improve plant
this section, we focus on the issues that have been lacking in most growth in normal or salt stress conditions, and more interestingly,
previous reviews using the facts described in the research reports some bacteria negatively affected plant growth, compared to the non-
published during the past 10 years. inoculated plants. In addition, the promotion of plant growth by the
During the past 10 years, several PGPB strains with different bacteria in stress conditions was not linked to the presence of higher
ACCD activities have been inoculated into various plants to promote or lower ACCD activity levels. For example, the isolate Y22, induced
plant growth and crop yields under various abiotic stress conditions the highest ACCD activity level (399.33 nmol α-ketobutyrate
(such as flooding, drought, heavy metals, salinity, heat, and alkalinity). mg1 h1) and the IAA concentration negatively affected plant growth
Table 1 summarizes the positive roles of PGPBs in plant growth pro- in stress conditions. In a study by Penrose and Glick (2003), bacteria
motion during abiotic stresses via, the amelioration of the deleterious with ACCD activity levels of higher than 300–400 nmol
effects of stress-induced ethylene, elevation of antioxidant activities, α-ketobutyrate mg1 h1 did not improve or inhibit plant growth,
and transcriptional activation of the stress-responsive genes. Begum whereas ACCD (20 nmol α-ketobutyrate mg1 h1) was found to be
et al. (2019) observed that two bacterial strains (Pseudomonas veronii sufficient for the amelioration of stress-induced ethylene. The nega-
and Pseudomonas grimontii) affected the growth of switchgrass differ- tive effects of high ACCD levels on plant growth could be that it will
ently in normal and cadmium (Cd) stress conditions, with better plant break down most of the ACC induced in the plant tissues and produce
growth in the Cd stress conditions with the P. grimontii and in normal ammonia levels higher than 0.1 mM, which lowers root/shoot ratios
conditions with the P. veronii. This was linked to the higher production and causes leaf chlorosis (Britto & Kronzucker, 2002). It has been
of IAA in these strains. The amount of IAA produced in the P. grimontii suggested that high ACCD activity levels are not always important for
was higher than that in the P. veronii in Cd stress conditions, which the promotion of plant growth, irrespective of whether there are nor-
were opposite to those observed under normal conditions. In a study mal or stress conditions. Another explanation for the negative effects
by Afridi et al. (2019), ACCD activity was found to be elevated in on wheat growth by Y22 could be the overproduction of auxins (IAA)
Cronobacter sakazakii (OF115) and reduced in Kocuria rhizophila (Spaepen et al., 2007). Alternatively, isolate Y22 itself is likely harmful
(14ASP) in salt stress conditions, when compared to normal growth to wheat plant growth. The authors also claimed that 28% of the
Physiologia Plantarum

TABLE 2 AcdS-overexpressing plants that reduced ethylene production and improved plant growth against abiotic stress

AcdS expressing
Source of AcdS gene transgenic plants Growth responses References
Pseudomonas sp. 6G5 Tomato Reduced ethylene production and promoted shelf- Klee et al. (1991)
life of tomato fruits
Pseudomonas sp. 6G5 Tomato, tobacco, and Reduced ethylene production and delayed Klee and Kishore (1992)
petunia senescence in plant tissues
Pseudomonas Tomato Reduced ethylene production and delayed fruit Reed et al. (1995)
chlororaphis ripening
Enterobacter cloacae Tomato Higher uptake of metal and less deleterious effect of Grichko et al. (2000)
UW4 metals-induced ethylene
E. cloacae UW4 Tomato Reduced the deleterious effects of root hypoxia and Grichko and Glick (2001a,
maintained plant growth against flooding stress. 2001b)
E. cloacae CAL2 Canola Higher uptake of arsenic content and reduced Nie et al. (2002)
deleterious effect of the stress-induced ethylene
and sustained plant growth against arsenic stress
(35 s only)
Pseudomonas putida Canola Higher uptake of Nickle content and reduced Stearns et al. (2005)
UW4 deleterious effect of the stress-induced ethylene
and sustained plant growth against Nickle stress
P. putida UW4 Canola Reduced deleterious effect of salt-induced ethylene Sergeeva et al. (2006)
and promoted plant growth against salt stress
P. putida UW4 Canola Promoted plant growth against flooding Farwell et al. (2007)
Pseudomonas veronii-KJ Arabidopsis Increased tolerance to waterlogging and salt stress Jung et al. (2018)
Trichoderma asperellum Arabidopsis Improved plant growth against salt stress Zhang et al. (2015)
P. putida Garden petunia Improved plant growth against heavy metal stress Zhang et al. (2008)
P. putida UW4 Gold-of-pleasure Increased seed production, better seed quality, and Heydarian et al. (2016)
higher levels of seed oil production under salt

bacteria isolated from the wheat rhizosphere were harmful to wheat quadrangularis contained a wide range of ACCD activities
plant growth. On the other hand, the negative effects observed in the (830–3320 nmol α-ketobutyrate mg1 h1). In contrast to a study by
plants inoculated with the isolate (Y22) might be due to the incompat- Khan et al. (2017), the inoculation of the wheat seedlings with Klebsi-
ibility of the isolate and host plants but were not due to higher ACCD ella isolates (8LJA and 27IJA) showed salt tolerance (from 2.5 to 7.5%
levels. This was proven with two isolates (i.e., Y3 and Y14) that have NaCl), although the activities contained in the isolates were higher
similar ACCD activities (339.0 and 338.3 nmol α-ketobutyrate than those observed in the bacteria of Khan et al. (2017). Therefore, it
mg1 h1,), but the Y3 inhibited and the Y14 improved plant growth. was again supposed that the negative effects were not likely to be
Consideration of the appropriate choice of Bacilius strains for the mainly associated with the ACCD activity levels, but could probably
selected host plants is likely to be more important. In fact, several be due to incompatibility of the bacterial strain and the wheat host
Bacilius spp. such as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Bacillus megaterium used. Occurrence of the incompatibility between the bacterial strains
NMp082, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus aerius, and Bacillus subtilis BERA and the host plants relies on a set of adaptation mechanisms by both
71, had promoted growth of various plant species, such as alfalfa, the bacterial strains (metabolic abilities, root colonization capacity,
potato, maize, chickpea, soybean, safflower, tomato, and red thorn, regulation of genetic determinants involved in plant-growth-
under salt and heat stress conditions (Abd_Allah et al., 2018; Chen promoting properties) and the host plants (pattern of exuded com-
et al., 2016; Chinnaswamy et al., 2018; Hashem et al., 2016; pounds, properties of root surface, sensitivity to bacterial phytohor-
Hemida & Reyad, 2018; Khan et al., 2020a, 2020b; Mukhtar mones; Drogue et al., 2012).The importance of the compatibility
et al., 2020; Tahir et al., 2019). Nevertheless, according to the findings between the bacterial strains and the wheat host plants has been
observed in the study by Khan et al. (2017), ACCD-producing Bacillus reported using the different bacterial strains P. putida, Enterobacter
species that are compatible with host plants should be screened for cloacae, Serratia ficaria, and Pseudomonas fluorescens (Nadeem
wheat plant growth promotion in normal or stress conditions. et al., 2013), whereas Pseudomonas spp. showed an improved perfor-
Acuña et al. (2019) claimed that some of the ACCD-producing mance, regardless of the ACCD activity levels. In addition to the
rhizobacteria that were isolated from the plant Parastrephia importance of the bacterial strains, Acuña et al. (2019) also proved the
Physiologia Plantarum

requirement for higher ACCD activity levels to tolerate salt stress in the isolate REN1 (P. fluorescens) that produced IAA (<15 μg ml1) and
wheat seedlings when using two Klebsiella isolates (27IJA and 8LJA) the highest ACCD activity levels (0.73 μmol of α-ketobutyrate
as the inoculum, which have the lowest and highest activity levels, mg1 h1), exhibited the best results for root elongation in flooding
respectively. It is likely that if the compatibility of the bacterial stains conditions. A similar finding was also reported by Misra et al. (2017),
and host plants worked appropriately, the strain with the highest as about half of the isolated strains showed ACCD activity. Of these,
activity level would make the plants more tolerant to stress than the only some strains resulted in the seed germination of a salt-sensitive
strain with the lowest level. rice variety in saline conditions. Interestingly, although the bacteria
Barnawal et al. (2012) also observed the distribution of various were salt-tolerant types and produced ACCD, none of the isolates
bacterial strains with varying ACCD activities (Fd2 [Achromobacter corresponded equally in mitigating salinity stress. Therefore, the inter-
xylosoxidans with 525.53 nmol mg1 protein h1], Bac5 [Serratia actions between the bacteria and host plants should be investigated
1 1
ureilytica with 193.72 nmol mg protein h ], Oci9 [Herbaspirillum to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms. In addition,
seropedicae with 868.96 nmol mg1 protein h1], and Oci13 unequal mitigation of the stress by the bacteria could be due to the
[Ochrobactrum rhizosphaerae with 403.27 nmol mg1 protein h1]) in differences in salinity tolerance of the bacterial strains or the varia-
the rhizosphere of the waterlogged Ocimum plants. Despite the better tions of the original ACCD activity present in the bacteria.
growth of plants inoculated with the bacterial strains, the strain Fd2 Previous studies reported that although heavy metal-tolerant bac-
(A. xylosoxidans) with moderate levels of ACCD activity resulted in terial strains survive in metal-contaminated rice rhizosphere zones,
maximum waterlogging tolerance of Ocimum sanctum, indicating again the presence of ACCD activity in the bacteria and their effects on the
the importance of the interactions between the bacterial strains and growth of rice seedlings in heavy metal stress conditions varied (Mitra
the host plant. et al., 2018; Pramanik, Mitra, et al., 2018; Pramanik, Soumik,
In a study by Torbaghan et al. (2017), different groups of bacterial et al., 2018). Whereas, the isolates (S2, K6, and K2) with the highest
strains (halophilic, alkaliphilic, and haloalkaliphilic strains) were found ACCD activity and IAA levels exhibited cadmium tolerance to rice in
to improve the growth of the wheat plants under salinity and alkalinity their respective studies (Mitra et al., 2018; Pramanik, Mitra,
stresses, when compared to noninoculated plants. However, the et al., 2018; Pramanik, Soumik, et al., 2018). The importance of ACCD
plants inoculated with haloalkaliphilic strains had higher yields when activity for rice plant growth in salt and heavy metal stress conditions
compared to the other strains due to better root growth systems, was previously confirmed by Han et al. (2015) using Pseudomonas
which alleviates the detrimental effects of the stress. This is not sur- stutzeri A1501 (wild type) and A1815 (negative for ACCD activity).
prising as haloalkaliphilic strains have the ability to tolerate both salin- While the A1501 strain significantly improved plant growth, signifi-
ity and alkalinity stress. The bacterial strain Lysinibacillus sp. may also cant differences were not observed between mutant A1815 treated
be a member of the haloalkaliphilic group, as among several bacterial plants and the controls. Similarly, Jaemsaeng et al. (2018) and Sarkar,
strains isolated, it was observed to provide the best growth perfor- Ghosh, et al. (2018) and Sarkar, Pramanik, et al. (2018) also proved the
mance under saline or saline-alkali stress conditions (Damodaran importance of ACCD activity for rice plant growth promotion in salt
et al., 2019). However, the authors did not reveal the reason why the stress conditions using an acds gene mutant strain and a high ACCD-
strain performed better than the other strains in stress conditions. producing strain. Moreover, among the many bacterial strains tested,
Such tolerance has also been observed in alfalfa and maize (Dixit the strains Streptomyces sp. GMKU 336, Enterobacter sp., and Bur-
et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2019). Dixit et al. (2020) claimed that there was kholderia sp. were shown to have a greater promoting effect on rice
more improvement of the alkali tolerance in maize plants by Bacillus seedling growth in salt stress conditions in their respective studies
sp. NBRI YN4.4 than by other strains (Alcaligenes sp. NBRI NB2.5 and (Jaemsaeng et al., 2018; Sarkar, Ghosh, et al., 2018; Sarkar, Pramanik,
Bacillus sp. NBRI YE1.3) and this was due to its maximum survivability et al. (2018)), supporting the importance of bacterial strains as well in
at pH 11. In fact, most PGPB did not effectively induce ACCD at pH this regard. Overall, the improvement of plant growth by the ACCD-
levels higher than 8.0–8.5, but Bacillus sp. NBRI YN4.4 survived well producing bacteria in abiotic stress conditions was due to the amelio-
at pH 11 compared to the other strains (Alcaligenes sp. NBRI NB2.5 ration of the deleterious effects of the stress ethylene by ACCD via,
and Bacillus sp. NBRI YE1.3). It seemed that the former strain is more the downregulation of ethylene-related genes and the upregulation of
tolerant to high alkalinity than the latter strains, which will result in a antioxidant related genes, as well as the interactions of the bacterial
tolerance of the plants to alkaline conditions. It was suggested that strains and host plants.
hyper-tolerant strains could be screened to help plants tolerate As observed for the above crops, a significant influence of the
extreme environments. ACCD and bacterial strain on tomato host plant growth has also been
Similarly to wheat, the screening and characterization of bacterial reported (Ali et al., 2014; Kang et al., 2019; Mayak et al., 2004b;
strains is a prerequisite for plant growth promotion in rice. In a study Orozco-Mosqueda et al., 2019; Win et al., 2018). Mayak et al. (2004b)
by Etesami et al. (2014), not all isolates that survived inside the roots observed that the PGPB (Achromobacter piechaudii) with ACCD activ-
of rice plants produced both IAA and ACCD activity. Generally, such ity significantly increased the fresh and dry weights of tomato seed-
bacterial strains were not highly effective at promoting plant growth lings grown under the salt stress conditions. Ali et al. (2014) proved
under stress conditions, when compared to the strains that did pro- that ACCD activity had a positive role in plant growth in salt stress
duce both IAA and ACCD activity. Furthermore, they also found that conditions using the bacterial stains P. fluorescens YsS6 (ACCD;
Physiologia Plantarum

12.5 mmol of α-ketobutyrate mg1 h1), Pseudomonas migulae 8R6 Zhang et al. (2020) reported the dominant distribution of Pseudo-
(ACCD; 10.9 mmol of α-ketobutyrate mg1 h1), and their ACCD defi- monas spp. (six out of eight isolates) in the rhizosphere zone of jujube
cient mutants (ACCD; 0.11 mmol of α-ketobutyrate mg1 h1 and seedlings, whereas even in the same genus, the presence of the ACCD
0.03 mmol of α-ketobutyrate mg1 h1), respectively. However, they activity varied depending on the species. For example, the ACCD
did not compare the differential roles of the bacterial strains activity in the strain P. lini was higher than that of the other five Pseu-
(P. fluorescens and P. migulae) in plant growth, while a significant influ- domonas spp. and its inoculation to the jujube seedlings effectively
ence of Pseudomonas spp. strains (OFT2 and OFT5) on tomato plant improved drought stress tolerance. The group of pulse crops such as
growth under salt stress was reported by Win et al. (2018). A knock- velvet bean or chickpea inoculated with the bacterial strains
out of the AcdS gene in the bacterial strains indicated that ACCD was (Enterobacter spp. (HS9), and Bacillus spp. (G9)) or P. putida improved
directly responsible for plant growth under stress conditions. This was drought stress (Saleem et al., 2018; Tiwari et al., 2016). Similarly, peas
further confirmed by Orozco-Mosqueda et al. (2019), whereas knock- inoculated with Variovorax paradoxus 5C-2 also improved salt stress
outs of the AcdS gene in Pseudomonas sp. UW4 reduced the tolerance tolerance (Wang et al., 2016). However, most of these studies did not
of tomato plants to salt stress when compared to the wild type, which investigate the compatibility of bacterial strains and host plants.
was consistent with the results observed in the study by Ali
et al. (2014). The knockout of the AcdS gene in P. putida UW4, Pseu-
domonas lini, and Serratia plymuthica was also performed by 5.1 | Consortium effect of bacterial strains on
Ravanbakhsh et al. (2017) and Zhang et al. (2020), and observed no plant growth
reduction in the amount of stress-induced ethylene released in Rumex
palustris and jujube seedlings in flooding and drought stress. Similarly, As described above, there have been several reports describing the
carnation cut flowers and Camelina sativa plants inoculated with the positive roles of ACCD-producing bacteria in plant tolerance to vari-
acds-deficient bacteria P. migulae 8R6 and Pseudomonas fluoresces ous abiotic stresses, regardless of the incompatibility of the bacterial
YsS6 did not promote flower longevity and plant growth in salt stress strains and host plants and the influence of the ACCD activity present
conditions, whereas wild-type strain inoculations did promote flower in the bacteria. However, in most reports comparing the effects of the
longevity and plant growth (Ali et al., 2012; Heydarian et al., 2016). single inoculation and mixed inoculation of the bacterial strains on
This demonstrated that the amount of ethylene released in the plants plant growth against abiotic stress, a mixed inoculation strategy was
could be related to the ACCD produced by the wild strains in stress found to be better for plant growth than a single inoculation strategy.
conditions. For example, in the studies of Gupta and Pandey (2019, 2020), mixed
Maxton et al. (2018) reported that some bacteria such as Serratia inoculations of Aneurinibacillus aneurinilyticus and Paenibacillus
marcescens, Citrobacter feurendii, and Bulkhorderia cepacia, could pro- sp. were better for the growth of French bean and common bean
tect pepper plants from both salt and drought stress, despite the max- plants in normal or stress conditions than a single inoculation. Such
imal efficacy of Burkholderia cepacia with high ACCD activity on stress consortium effects on drought stress tolerance were also observed in
tolerance. Such bacterial strains were also observed in the rhizosphere other pulse crops such as black gram and pea, which were inoculated
zone of Panicum maximum by Tiwari et al. (2018) and in garlic by with a combination of Ochrobactrum pseudogrignonense
Gupta and Pandey (2019). However, the distribution of ACCD- RJ12 + Pseudomonas sp. RJ15 + B. subtilis RJ46 (Saikia et al., 2018).
producing bacteria is different in the rhizosphere, and mainly depends Similarly, mung beans inoculated with B. subtilis + B. megaterium
on the plant species present. When P. maximum and French bean (Patel et al., 2015) and red pepper inoculated with Pseudomonas
were inoculated with the ACCD-producing bacterial strains, plant frederiksbergensis OB139 + Pseudomonas vancouverensis OB155
growth was promoted under salt and drought stress conditions. How- (Samaddar et al., 2019) also exhibited more tolerance to salt stress
ever, depending on the presence of ACCD activity in the strains and than a single inoculation. Similarly, mixed inoculations of such bacteria
compatibility of the bacterial strain and host plants, plant growth pro- like Arthrobacter protophormiae with other beneficial microbes such as
motion against stress also varied. Typically, the strain ACC06 Rhizobium leguminosarum have synergistic effects on pea plant growth
(Paenibacillus sp.) has high ACCD activity levels, and when inoculated (Barnawal et al., 2014). This could also be due to the ability of Rhizo-
with French bean it promoted plant growth under salt and drought bium strains to promote plant growth. Saghafi et al. (2019) demon-
stress conditions (Gupta & Pandey, 2019). It seemed that the pres- strated the plant growth-promoting role of Rhizobium strains such as
ence of high ACCD in the bacteria was able to protect the crops from R29 (Sinorhizobium mellilote), R103 (Sinorhizobium mellilote), R281 (Rhi-
multiple stresses, which might be because high ACCD activity levels zobium legominozaroum bv. phaseoli), and R307 (Rhizobium
hydrolyzed large amounts of ACC that was induced by multiple legominozaroum bv. phaseoli) in canola seedlings under salt stress. It
stresses. Thus, the use of such bacterial strains as inoculums could seemed that the interactions between the strains and the host plants
have more benefits for plant growth than the application of bacteria were compatible, and the constituent strains also worked in a syner-
that can tolerate only a single stress. These findings further supported gistic and coordinated manner for plant growth promotion and stress
the theory that the negative effect of the high ACCD-producing bac- tolerance. Recently, Santoyo et al. (2021) also highlighted benefits of
teria on wheat plant growth in salt stress conditions was due to the using different bacterial consortia on plant growth stimulation. Due to
incompatibility of the bacterial strain and host plant. the consortium effects, a mixed application strategy can be used as an
Physiologia Plantarum

alternative approach to effectively promote plant growth against abi- tissues and exhibited resistance to the phyto-pathogen (Robison,
otic stresses that cannot be achieved with a single inoculation. How- Shah, et al., 2001). Similarly, transgenic canola plants were produced
ever, selecting bacterial strains that interact well with each other as by the overexpression of the AcdS genes (from E. cloacae CAL2) and
well as being compatible with the host plants is necessary. their tolerance to arsenic stress was determined (Nie et al., 2002). In
the arsenic stress conditions, the transgenic canola plants exhibited
higher uptake of arsenic, less deleterious effects of stress-induced
6 | G EN E R A TI O N O F TR A N SGE N I C ethylene, and improved plant growth, when compared with the wild-
P L A N T S O V ER E X P RE S S I N G A C D S G E N E type plants (Nie et al., 2002). As investigated for the transgenic
tomato, Stearns et al. (2005) and Sergeeva et al. (2006) also generated
Despite the sustained growth of plants inoculated with ACCD- transgenic canola expressing the AcdS (from P. putida UW4) by placing
producing bacteria against abiotic stresses via, the amelioration of it under the control of different promoters (35S CAMV, rol-D, and
stress ethylene in plant tissues, there are still some restrictions in the PRB-1b). When the transgenic lines were tested for nickel and salt
appropriate use of the bacteria due to differences in their survival stress tolerance, the transgenic lines with the rol-D promoter showed
rates in the soil, the incompatibility with the crops on which they are higher accumulations of nickel and less deleterious effects of the
inoculated, variation of the ACCD activities under abiotic stress, and metal and salt stress, when compared to the wild-type plants
the ability to interact with indigenous microflora in soil and environ- (Sergeeva et al., 2006; Stearns et al., 2005). The most promising role
mental factors (Martinez-Viveros et al., 2010). In addition, the modes of the rol-D promoter in the expression of the AcdS gene was further
of action of PGPB are diverse and not all bacteria possess the same reported in transgenic camelina by Heydarian et al. (2016), with a
mechanisms. These disadvantages limit the application of the PGPB. decreased decline in root length and weight, increased seed produc-
Consequently, there has been great interest in cloning AcdS genes tion, better seed quality, and higher levels of seed oil production
encoding the ACCD enzyme from bacteria and transferring them to under salt stress, when compared to the transgenic lines with 35S
plants via, metabolic genetic engineering as an alternative approach to CAMV and prb-1b promoters. The prb-1b promoter exhibited lower
ameliorate the deleterious effects of stress ethylene in plants. The ACCD activity in both the transgenic tomato, camelina, and canola
first successful development of an AcdS gene (from Pseudomonas sp. plants than the 35S CaMV and rolD promoters (Grichko et al., 2005;
6G)-expressed in transgenic plants was in tomato by Klee Heydarian et al., 2016; Robison, Shah, et al., 2001; Sergeeva
et al. (1991). The overexpression of the AcdS gene significantly et al., 2006). This trend of lower expression of the AcdS gene with the
reduced ethylene production (up to 90%) and promoted the shelf-life prb-1b promoter, irrespective of the stressed or unstressed condi-
of the transgenic tomato compared to the wild type. In 1992, Klee tions, indicates that the prb-1b promoter is not suitable for the
and Kishore (1992) developed transgenic petunia, tobacco, and expression of the AcdS gene. In addition, the transgenic canola plants
tomato expressing the AcdS gene and investigated the ability of the not only tolerated the flooding stress but also absorbed high levels of
AcdS gene to delay flower longevity and/or the fruit ripening process, nickel from the soil, when compared to the wild type, suggesting that
which is controlled by ethylene synthesis. As expected, they observed they could be used for phytoremediation to reduce metal contamina-
a significant reduction in ethylene production (up to 77%) in all plant tion in the soil (Farwell et al., 2006, 2007). Lei et al. (1996) generated
tissues and delayed flower senescence and/or fruit ripening in the transgenic Petunia hybrida expressing AcdS and reported a significant
transgenic plants. These results were further supported by Reed reduction in the ACC content in pollen. However, they did not test
et al. (1995) using two tomato transgenic lines expressing the AcdS the tolerance of the transgenic lines to abiotic stress. In subsequent
gene (from Pseudomonas chlororaphis), in which the transgenic lines studies, a greater tolerance of the transgenic petunia co-expressing
showed a significant reduction in ethylene production and delayed AcdS and iaaM genes to heavy metal stress was reported by Zhang
fruit ripening compared to the wild type. A few years later, Grichko et al. (2008), and the transgenic plants showed faster growth with
et al. (2000) transferred the AcdS gene (from E. cloacae UW4) to larger biomass and a more extensive root system, and a greater accu-
tomato plants using different promoters, such as the 35S CaMV pro- mulation of the heavy metals than the wild-type plants. Recently, Jung
moter, rol-D promoter, and the PRB-1b promoter, and the transgenic et al. (2018) and Zhang et al. (2015) also observed improved growth
lines exhibited increased tolerance to heavy metal stress compared to and development of transgenic Arabidopsis expressing AcdS (from
the wild type. However, the ability of the transgenic lines to produce P. veronii-KJ and Trichoderma asperellum) in water-logged and salt
ACCD activity and metal uptake differed depending on the promoters stress conditions, compared to the wild type. However, high levels of
used. In addition, when the transgenic tomato lines were subjected to stress tolerance were associated with high expression levels of the
flooding stress, they showed some increased tolerance to flooding AcdS gene in the transgenic lines (Jung et al., 2018).
stress and were less susceptible to the deleterious effects of root hyp- Despite several reports describing the AcdS genes from bacteria
oxia on plant growth, when compared to the wild-type plants. How- that encode their ACCD activity, there have only been a few studies
ever, of these lines, the line with the rol-D promoter showed the that have reported the ACCD activities of AcdS genes from plants
greatest tolerance to stress (Grichko & Glick, 2001a, 2001b). More- such as poplar, tomato, and Arabidopsis (McDonnell et al., 2009; Plett
over, when the transgenic lines with the 35S CaMV promoter were et al., 2009). Downregulation of the endogenous AcdS gene in Ara-
infected with Verticillium, they induced ACCD activity in the leaf bidopsis distinctly decreased ACCD activity (approximately 70%)
Physiologia Plantarum

compared to the wild type, displaying an increased sensitivity to ethyl- ACKNOWLEDG MENT
ene production (McDonnell et al., 2009). However, their significance This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of
in ameliorating the deleterious effects of ethylene stress are not well Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No.
known. Therefore, further research is required to confirm their poten- 2021R1A2C2008951).
tial applications in plant biotechnology to reduce the deleterious
effects of stress ethylene and improve stress tolerance. Taken AUTHOR CONTRIBU TIONS
together, overexpression of the bacterial AcdS in many plant species Aung Htay Naing designed the contents for this review. Aung Htay
has indicated that it results in an enhancement of ACCD activity, Naing and The-Thiri Maung collected the literature. The-Thiri Maung
which reduces the deleterious effects of stress ethylene in stress con- summarized the results and made the tables. Aung Htay Naing wrote
ditions and improves the quality traits of the fresh horticultural crops. the manuscript. Aung Htay Naing and The-Thiri Maung revised the
Thus, transgenic technology will help to reduce the deleterious effects manuscript. Chang Kil Kim supervised the project.
of stress ethylene on plant species that are recalcitrant to do so via,
direct inoculation of ACCD-producing bacteria. DATA AVAILABILITY STAT EMEN T
Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were cre-
ated or analyzed in this study.
Aung Htay Naing
Global climate change is increasing, and its effects continue to impact
the severity of abiotic stress conditions such as flooding, salinity, heat, RE FE RE NCE S
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How to cite this article: Naing, A.H., Maung, T.-T., Kim, C.K.
stress conditions. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 94, 41–47.
Zhang, M., Smith, J.A.C., Harberd, N.P. & Jiang, C. (2016) The regulatory (2021) The ACC deaminase-producing plant
roles of ethylene and reactive oxygen species (ROS) in plant salt stress growth-promoting bacteria: Influences of bacterial strains and
responses. Plant Molecular Biology, 91, 651–659. ACC deaminase activities in plant tolerance to abiotic stress.
Zhang, M., Yang, L., Hao, R., Bai, X., Wang, Y. & Yu, X. (2020) Drought-
Physiologia Plantarum, 1–21. Available from:
tolerant plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria isolated from jujube
(Ziziphus jujuba) and their potential to enhance drought tolerance. Plant 10.1111/ppl.13545
and Soil, 452, 423–440.

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