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ORAL- Anatomy-POST TEST with Answer KEYS

Dentistry (National University (Philippines))

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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only the
one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on
the answer sheet provided. Use No.2 pencil only. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.

1. Which ridge is found only on maxillary molars?

A. triangular ridge
B. marginal ridge
C. oblique ridge
D. transverse ridge

2. Which surfaces have a trapezoidal outline?

A. lingual and labial of posterior teeth
B. lingual and facial of all teeth
C. lingual and labial of anterior teeth
D. proximal surfaces of anterior teeth
E. proximal surfaces of all posterior teeth

3. The largest permanent in the mandibular arch is the:

A. first molar
B. second molar
C. central incisors
D. third molar

4. A mesiolingual developmental groove is a positive ID for the:

A. maxillary first premolar

B. mandibular first premolar
C. maxillary second premolar
D. mandibular second premolar

5. The most distinguishable difference between the maxillary first and second permanent
premolars is:
A. the size of the crown
B. the number of roots
C. the curvature of the facial surface
D. the length of the lingual cusp

6. Which tooth frequently exhibits a fifth cusp attached to the lingual surface of the
mesiolingual cusp?

A. maxillary second molar C. mandibular first molar

B. maxillary first molar D. mandibular second molar

7. Which tooth is most likely to have a pronounced concavity on its mesial surface?

A. mandibular first premolar C. maxillary first premolar

B. maxillary second premolar D. mandibular second premolar

8. Which tooth may show 3 types of occlusal surface?

A. maxillary first premolar C. mandibular first premolar

B. maxillary second premolar D. mandibular second premolar

9. How does the distoincisal angle of most anterior teeth compare to the mesioincisal

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A. it is straighter
B. it is more rounded
C. there is no difference

10. The permanent maxillary canine is most likely to occlude with the:
A. mandibular lateral incisor and canine
B. mandibular canine only
C. mandibular canine and first premolar
D. mandibular first premolar only

11. A small elevation of enamel found on the crown portion of a tooth would be classified
as a:

A. tubercle C. ridge
B. mamelon D. lobe

12. A linear elevation on the surface of a tooth is called:

A. incline C. ridge
B. prominence D. tuberosity

13. The human dentition is composed of several kinds of teeth, serving a variety of
functions. The term to denote this is:

A. polyphyodont dentition C. heterodont dentition

B. homodont dentition D. monophyodont dentition

14. Which tooth occasionally exhibits a lingual groove that extends from the enamel onto
the cemental area of the root?

A. maxillary centrals C. maxillary laterals

B. mandibular centrals D. mandibular laterals

15. The mesial and distal aspect or surfaces of all anterior teeth have a:

A. trapezoidal outline C. rhomboidal outline

B. triangular outline D. square outline

16. A maxillary right canine may be distinguished from a maxillary left canine because:
A. the root always curves distal in the apical one- third
B. the distal surface is fuller and more convex than the mesial surface
C. labially, the cusp tip is placed distal to a line which bisects the crown and
D. lingually, the cervical line slopes mesially

17. Which teeth are succedaneous teeth?

A. permanent maxillary and mandibular premolars
B. permanent maxillary and mandibular first molars
C. permanent maxillary and mandibular second molars
D. permanent maxillary and mandibular third molars

18. The primary maxillary lateral incisor typically erupts when a child is about:

A. 8 months old C. 13-19 months old

B. 16-22 months old D. 25-33 months old

19. A 15-month-old child would normally have all of the following teeth erupted except
A. primary lateral incisors and canines
B. primary canines and first molars
C. primary canines and second molars
D. primary central and lateral incisors

20. For every contact area there is/are ____ embrasure

A. 1 C. 3
B. 2 D. 4

21. The interdental space is the/that:

A. occlusal/incisal border at which the gingiva meets the tooth
B. portion of the gingiva that fills the interproximal space
C. collar of tissue that is not attached to the tooth or alveolar bone
D. band or zone of gray to light coral pink keratinized mucosa that is bound to the

22. Any union of two triangular ridges produces a single ridge which is called:

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A. cusp ridge C. transverse ridge

B. marginal ridge D. proximal ridge

23. A v-shaped area located between the contact point of two teeth and the gingival crest
is called:

A. contact area C. gingival space

B. occlusal curvature D. embrasure

24. The portion of gingiva that extends from the gingival crest tothe crest of the bone is

A. attached gingiva C. mucogingival junction

B. free gingiva D. free gingival groove

25. Which tooth has the longest crown length?

A. maxillary canine C. maxillary central incisor

B. maxillary lateral incisor D. mandibular canine



27. The eruption of which teeth starts the mixed dentition period?

A. permanent canines C. permanent first premolars

B. permanent first molars D. permanent second premolars

28. A long depression or a V-shaped valley on the occlusal surface of a posterior tooth
between ridges and cusps is referred to as:

A. fossa C. pit
B. fissure D. sulcus

29. On a maxillary molar, the largest, strongest, and longest of the three roots is the:

A. mesiobuccal C. palatal
B. distobuccal D. all of the above

30. A cingulum is normally located:

A. at the cervical third of the lingual surface of anterior teeth
B. at the incisal third of the lingual surface of anterior teeth
C. at the middle third of the lingual surface of anterior teeth
D. at the cervical third of the lingual surface of posterior teeth

31. Which of the following is correct?

A. tooth #22 is the permanent maxillary right lateral incisor
B. tooth # 53 is the permanent maxillary right canine
C. tooth # 65 primary maxillary left second molar
D. tooth # 11 is the primary maxillary right central incisor

32. Which of the following is correct?

A. (Universal) tooth number 10 is the permanent maxillary right lateral incisor
B. tooth letter d in palmer notation is the primary first molar
C. 8 in fdi is the lower left quadrant in primary dentition
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

33. Which teeth typically has trifurcations?

A. mandibular molars C. maxillary premolars

B. maxillary molars D. mandibular premolars

34. Which cusp on permanent molars generally is the one that gets progressively smaller as
you go posteriorly in the arch?

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A. mesiobuccal C. mesiolingual
B. distobuccal D. distolingual

35. Mandibular molars have a decided:

A. facial inclination C. mesial inclination

B. lingual inclination D. distal inclination

36. In an ideal intercuspation, the mesiobuccal cusp of the permanent maxillary first
molar opposes the:
A. distobuccal groove of the mandibular first molar
B. mesiobuccal groove of the mandibular first molar
C. mesiobuccal groove of the mandibular second molar
D. developmental groove between the distobuccal and distal cusps of the mandibular
first molar

37. Which of the following is correct?

A. In tooth # 53, the 5 represents the first quadrant of the permanent dentition
B. In tooth # 53, the 3 represents the permanent maxillary canine
C. In tooth # 53, the 5 represents the first quadrant in primary dentition
D. In tooth # 53, the 3 represents the primary maxillary canine

38. The lingual cusps of the maxillary posterior teeth are:

A. non-supporting and working
B. supporting and working
C. supporting and balancing
D. non-supporting and balancing

39. Which permanent teeth occlude with only one tooth in the opposite jaw, assuming ideal
relations exist?

A. maxillary canines C. mandibular central incisors

B. maxillary central incisors D. mandibular third molars

40. The buccal and lingual are almost equal in height on the:

A. maxillary first premolar C. all of the above

B. maxillary second premolar D. none of the above

41. Ordinarily, a six-year-old child would have what teeth clinically visible in the
A. all 20 primary teeth and 4 permanent molars
B. 18 primary teeth and 2 mandibular permanent incisors
C. 18 primary teeth, 2 permanent mandibular incisors, 4 permanent mandibular molars
D. none of the above

42. The permanent mandibular lateral incisor typically erupts around what age?

A. 5 years of age C. 10 years of age

B. 7 years of age D. 12 years of age



44. All of the following teeth are succedaneous, except:

A. permanent maxillary premolars
B. permanent maxillary and mandibular canine
C. permanent mandibular premolars
D. permanent maxillary and mandibular third molars

45. The periodontium involves:

A. cementum D. all of the above

B. periodontal membrane E. none of the above
C. alveolar bone

46. Which of the following is the hardest substance in the body?

A. bone B. enamel

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C. dentin D. cementum

47. A sharply defined; shallow linear depression formed during tooth development which
usually separates the primary parts of the crown is called a:

A. fossa C. transverse ridge

B. developmental groove D. pit

48. Mamelons are found on newly erupting:

A. premolars C. canines
B. molars D. none of the above

49. Mandibular lateral incisor smallest tooth in the oral cavity


50. Palmer notation is previously called as:

A. Zsigmondy system
B. Universal notation
C. Army notation
D. None of the above

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