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Hey there! Samah here !

I am so excited you’re here and that I get to

just be laying it all on the table for you!

This is a massive step-by-step guide to calm your anxiety that I
could have very easily charged for but I just...didn’t want to.
So, you're looking to feel less anxious? You’re in the right place!! 🎉
When I was struggling with crippling anxiety, nothing I read online ever

Everything I read online about how to regulate my nervous system

was a lot of gatekeeping and just generally impractical and useless.

So I created the guide I wish I had back when I was struggling last

And it only took me a few months to calm my anxiety and regulate my

nervous system after YEARS of struggling! (YES ONLY a few months!
Because what I did WORKED and so I know it will work for you too
and so much quicker because I’m just laying it out on the table for you

If you're dealing with stress, anxiety, long term emotional

dysregulation and you want to learn how to finally deal with all your
symptoms, this Ultimate Calm Your Anxiety Guide has got your back!!

We'll do a step-by-step deep dive into my TOP 5 powerful

practices to help you reset, recharge, and feel LESS ANXIOUS. (p.s
the last one is my all-time fave and proven technique!)

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
So grab a comfy seat, and let's get started on this journey to a
happier, healthier you!

BUT first, let’s start with the basics.

Your anxiety is stemming from a dysregulated nervous system.

So let’s get down to the basics of your nervous system in a nutshell!

So, we've got two main players in the NS game: the sympathetic and
parasympathetic nervous systems.

Think of them as the yin and yang of your body's responses to the
world around you.

Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS): This is your "fight or flight"

system. It kicks into gear when you're facing a threat or stressor. Heart
rate goes up, adrenaline starts pumping, and you're ready to either
face that challenge head-on or make a quick getaway. It's all about
survival mode!

Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS): On the flip side, we've got

the "rest and digest" system. This one helps you chill out and relax
after the adrenaline rush from the SNS.

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
It slows down your heart rate, 🩷
promotes digestion, and helps your
body recover and rejuvenate. Basically, it's your body's way of saying,
"Hey, everything's cool. Time to unwind."

So, these two systems work hand in hand to keep you balanced and
adapt to whatever life throws your way.

Pretty cool, right?

Now, let's dive deeper into how we can give these systems the love
and care they deserve!

I’m gonna share 5 POWERFUL tools to help you calm your anxiety
by regulating your nervous system!

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
Alright without further ado… let’s start with #1: MINDFUL

And no, this isn’t just about taking deep breaths. It’s a specific
breathing technique called the 5-5-7 breath and I’m going to give you
a step-by-step guide so you can do this over and over again on your
Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
BUT FIRST, let’s talk a little
about why breathwork is so
effective in healing and
regulating the nervous system:

1. Activates the
Parasympathetic Nervous
System (PNS):
● Breathwork
techniques like deep
diaphragmatic breathing, as
well as the 5-5-7 breath
exercise stimulate the PNS.

● The PNS is often referred to as the "rest and digest"

system. When activated, it promotes relaxation, reduces
stress hormones like cortisol, lowers heart rate and blood
pressure, and enhances digestion and immune function.

2. Reduces Stress and Anxiety:

● Slow, deep breathing calms the mind and body, reducing
the production of stress hormones and activating relaxation

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
● Regular practice of breathwork can help reduce symptoms
of anxiety, panic attacks, and chronic stress by improving
emotional regulation and resilience.

3. Improves Oxygenation:
● Deep breathing increases oxygen supply to the cells and
tissues, improving cellular function and overall health.

● Proper oxygenation supports the body's natural healing

processes and boosts energy levels.

4. Enhances Mindfulness and Presence:

● Breath-focused practices cultivate mindfulness and
present-moment awareness.

● By focusing on the breath, you can train your mind to stay

grounded and centered, reducing rumination and promoting
mental clarity.

5. Balances the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Systems:

● Breathwork helps to balance the activity of the sympathetic
(fight or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest)
branches of the ANS.

● Chronic stress and trauma often lead to an overactive

sympathetic response and an underactive parasympathetic
response. Breathwork helps restore balance between these
systems, promoting overall nervous system health.
Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
6. Facilitates Emotional Release:

● Breathwork can serve as a tool for processing and

releasing suppressed emotions and trauma stored in the
● By creating a safe space and using the breath to access
deeper layers of consciousness, breathwork can help
individuals release emotional blockages and promote
emotional well-being.

7. Promotes Neuroplasticity:
● Regular breathwork practices can stimulate neuroplasticity,
the brain's ability to form new neural connections and
reorganize itself.

● This can support cognitive function, memory, learning, and

emotional regulation, contributing to overall nervous system

So basically, as you can see, breathwork is a super powerful tool for

healing and regulating the nervous system because it engages with
the body's innate ability to self-regulate, reduce stress, enhance
oxygenation, and promote emotional well-being.

Incorporating breathwork into my own daily routine has been an

incredibly transformative practice for improving my overall wellbeing
and resilience and I’m sure it will be for you too!
Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
So let’s get started!

Here's how to do it:

1. Find a Comfortable Position: Sit or lie down in a comfortable

position where you can relax and focus on your breath.

2. Begin by Inhaling (5 seconds): Take a deep breath in through

your nose for a count of 5 seconds. Try to fill your lungs
completely and expand your diaphragm.

3. Hold the Breath (5 seconds): After inhaling, hold your breath for
a count of 5 seconds. Keep your lungs filled with air during this

4. Exhale (7 seconds): Slowly exhale through your mouth for a

count of 7 seconds. Try to release all the air from your lungs and
feel your body relaxing.

5. Repeat: Continue this 5-5-7 breathing pattern for several cycles.

You can start with 3-5 rounds and gradually increase as you
become more comfortable with the exercise.

Pro Tips:

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
● Focus on the Breath: Pay close attention to the sensation of the
air entering and leaving your nostrils or mouth. This can help
anchor your mind and reduce distractions!

● Use a Timer: If you find it challenging to keep track of the

seconds, you can use a timer or a stopwatch to help you
maintain the correct timing for each phase of the breath.

● Relax Your Body: As you practice the 5-5-7 breath exercise, try
to relax your body and release any tension in your muscles. You
can start from your toes and work your way up to your head,
consciously relaxing each part of your body.

● Practice Regularly: Like any other skill, the more you practice the
5-5-7 breath exercise, the better you will become at it. Aim to
practice daily or whenever you feel stressed or anxious.

Remember: This breathing exercise can be a valuable tool in your

self-care routine, helping you to manage stress, improve focus, and

enhance your overall well-being. But I want you to listen to your body

and adjust the technique as needed to suit your comfort and pace!

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
Okay up next! Gratitude Practice:

An attitude of gratitude can

have a HUGELY deep impact

on your feelings of anxiety,

regulating your nervous

system and your overall

well-being. Here's how

gratitude practices influence

the nervous system:

1. Activates the Parasympathetic Nervous System (Yep, here it is


● Expressing gratitude and focusing on positive emotions can

stimulate the PNS, which helps calm the body, reduce

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
stress levels, making you feel more relaxed and thus

promoting healing.

2. Reduces Stress and Anxiety:

● Gratitude practices shift your focus from negative thoughts

and worries to positive aspects of life, which can reduce

stress and anxiety levels.

● Regularly acknowledging and appreciating the good things

in your life can help you develop a more optimistic outlook

and improve emotional resilience.

3. Enhances Emotional Regulation:

● Cultivating gratitude can improve emotional regulation by

helping you to recognize and appreciate your emotions

without becoming overwhelmed by them.

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
● Gratitude practices can also help you to reframe negative

experiences and find meaning or lessons in challenging

situations, which can promote emotional growth and


4. Promotes Mindfulness and Presence:

● Gratitude practices often involve being present and mindful

of the current moment, which can help you to stay

grounded and centered.

● By focusing on the present and appreciating the small

moments of joy and beauty in life, you can reduce

rumination, enhance self-awareness, and improve overall

mental clarity.

5. Boosts Positive Neurochemicals (yes please!!):

● Expressing gratitude and experiencing positive emotions

can lead to the release of dopamine and serotonin,

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
neurotransmitters associated with happiness, pleasure, and


● These "feel-good" chemicals can help to counteract the

effects of stress hormones like cortisol and promote a

balanced and healthy nervous system.

6. Improves Sleep Quality: (no more insomnia, yay!)

● Gratitude practices before bedtime can help to calm the

mind, reduce bedtime anxiety, and improve sleep quality.

● A good night's sleep as you know is crucial for nervous

system health, as it allows the body to rest, repair, and


7. Strengthens Social Connections: (Which BTW is a basic human


Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
● Gratitude practices often involve expressing appreciation

and thankfulness to others, which can strengthen social

connections and foster positive relationships.

● Social support and connection are important factors in

regulating the nervous system, reducing stress, and

promoting overall health and well-being.

So making sure you incorporate gratitude practices into your daily

routine, such as keeping a gratitude journal, practicing mindfulness

meditation with a focus on gratitude, or expressing appreciation to

others, can be a powerful way to calm anxiety and regulate your

nervous system.

So let’s get to it! Here’s your DONE-FOR-YOU Gratitude Journal to

get started today! 🎉



Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
Something I did well today (no matter how small!):

Today I had fun when:


I felt proud of myself when:


Today I am grateful for:



Today I accomplished: _______________________________________

I had a positive experience with:


Something I did for someone:


Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
Something someone did for me that I was grateful for:


I felt good about myself when:


Today was interesting because:


Today I am grateful for:



Today I felt proud when:


A positive thing I witnessed:


Today I accomplished:
Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.

Something someone did for me that I was grateful for:



Today I had a positive experience with:


Something I did well today:


I was proud of someone else when


Today I am grateful for:


Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.

Today I had fun when:


Something I did for someone:


I felt good about myself when:


Today I am grateful for:



A positive thing I witnessed:


Today was fun because:


Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
I felt proud when:

Today I am grateful for:


That’s it! You did it!

An attitude of gratitude can be so life changing if you allow it. It helps me

really calm down and be in the present moment which is so regulating and
healing. Curious to know how this feels for
you? Journal on that! :)

Alright up next… TAPPING! (No, not tap

dancing, duh!)

Okay. I am about to share with you one

of my absolute FAVORITE techniques
for dealing with emotional distress and
calming anxiety.

It’s called Emotional Freedom technique Tapping or EFT Tapping

for short!
Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
Some of you may have heard of tapping before but for those of you
who don’t know what it is, I’ll go ahead and explain it.

Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is an alternative treatment for

physical pain and emotional distress. It’s also referred to as tapping
or psychological acupressure.

What tapping does is it can create a balance in your energy system

and it can even treat pain. According to the person who developed
this technique, Gary Craig, a disruption in energy is the cause of all
negative emotions and pain.

EFT tapping is a great technique that is used to treat people with

anxiety, emotional distress, and people with post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) as well.

EFT is going to help you balance your energy system and calm your
central nervous system

So I know you’re going: how does EFT tapping work?!

Well it’s actually a similar concept to acupuncture in that EFT focuses

on the “meridian points”, or energy hot spots.

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
And while acupuncture uses needles to apply pressure to these
energy hot spots, EFT uses fingertip tapping to apply pressure.

Based on Chinese medicine, meridian points are thought of as areas

of the body energy flows through.

These pathways help balance energy flow to maintain your health.

So EFT is used to restore balance to your body’s energy which then
relieves the symptoms that a negative experience or emotion may
have caused.

So basically, it is believed that tapping helps you access your body’s

energy and send signals to the part of the brain that controls stress,
and that stimulating the meridian points through EFT tapping can
reduce the stress or negative emotion you feel from the experience or
issue, ultimately restoring balance to your disrupted energy.

EFT tapping in 5 steps

So now that you know the origins of tapping I'm going to be outlining
the 5 steps and then we’ll try it together!

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
So we’re going to be dividing EFT tapping in 5 steps. If you have more
than one issue or fear, you can repeat the steps to further reduce or
eliminate the intensity of your negative feeling.

So Step 1 is: Identify the issue or fear

We need to identify a clear issue or fear you have so we can work with
it. This will be your focal point while you’re tapping. Focusing on only
one problem at a time is ideal for this to work.

So think about this for a moment. Maybe you had an emotional issue
recently and you’re feeling particularly anxious and dysregulated.

Maybe you have trouble concentrating, or you aren’t getting quality

sleep. Notice in your journaling if any issue is standing out that you
can focus on today.

Step 2 is Rate the intensity level of the issue.

Now that we’ve identified the issue, we need to evaluate the level of
intensity. You can evaluate the intensity level on a scale from 0 to 10,

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
with 10 being the worst or most difficult emotional or physical pain
from the issue at hand. This way, towards the end of the 5 steps we
can assess how far we have come on this scale and any improvement
we notice.

Great. Next step!

Step 3 is Establishing an affirmation.

Ok so before we start tapping, we need to establish an affirmation that

explains what you’re trying to address. Ideally, it should focus on two
main goals: 1) acknowledging the issue, and 2) accepting yourself
despite the problem

Here is a formula you can use to set up this affirmation or

phrase: “Even though I am/feel ____(emotion) about ____ (fear
or problem), I deeply and completely accept myself.”

So you would change this phrase so that it fits your problem, and it
needs to focus on your emotions of the issue. Here is an example:
“Even though I feel anxious, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
Alright now we’re ready to start tapping!!

Here is the EFT tapping sequence:

So the EFT tapping sequence is the methodic tapping on the ends of

nine meridian points.

There are 12 major meridians that mirror each side of the body and
correspond to an internal organ. However, EFT mainly focuses on
these nine:

● karate chop (KC): small intestine meridian

● top of head (TH): governing vessel
● eyebrow (EB): bladder meridian
● side of the eye (SE): gallbladder meridian
● under the eye (UE): stomach meridian
● under the nose (UN): governing vessel
● chin (Ch): central vessel
● beginning of the collarbone (CB): kidney meridian
● under the arm (UA): spleen meridian

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
So we begin by tapping the karate chop point while simultaneously
reciting your affirmation phrase three times. Then, tap each following
point seven times, moving down the body in this order:

● eyebrow
● side of the eye
● under the eye
● under the nose
● chin
● beginning of the collarbone
● under the arm

After tapping the underarm point, finish the sequence at the top of the
head point.

Step 4 is doing the actual tapping which we will do next!!

And that brings us to the last step which is

Step 5: Rate the final intensity

At the end of your sequence, rate your intensity level on a scale from
0 to 10 in order to see the difference between now and the beginning
of the tapping!

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
EFT Tapping example

Time to try it out !!!! Ready? Let's do it together!

Let’s go through the steps

So I’ll ask you the questions and guide you and if there is anything to
write down you go ahead and write it in your journal:

So 1st step, let’s identify the issue. What is a fear or issue you are
having right now? Go ahead and write that down. It can be about

So my affirmation is going to be: “Even though I feel anxious, I

deeply and completely accept myself.”

So we start by tapping the karate chop… and saying the phrase three
times. “Even though I feel sad, I deeply and completely accept

(Repeat 3x)

You can close your eyes if it feels best and helps you focus.

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
Then we do the eyebrow… tap tap tap .. “Even though I feel anxious,
I deeply and completely accept myself.”(Repeat 3x)

Great, now side of the eye… tap tap tap .. “Even though I feel
anxious, I deeply and completely accept myself.” (Repeat 3x)

Ok, now just under the eye.. tap tap tap .. “Even though I feel
anxious, I deeply and completely accept myself.”(Repeat 3x)

Great, now under the nose.. Right above the upper lip.. tap tap tap ..
“Even though I feel anxious, I deeply and completely accept myself.”
(Repeat 3x)

The chin now .. tap tap tap .. “Even though I feel anxious, I deeply
and completely accept myself.”

The collarbone.. tap tap tap .. “Even though I feel anxious, I deeply
and completely accept myself.”

(Repeat 3x)

And.. under the arm… tap tap tap .. “Even though I feel anxious, I
deeply and completely accept myself.”

(Repeat 3x)

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
And lastly, the top of your head..tap tap tap .. “Even though I feel
anxious, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

(Repeat 3x)

Ok shake it off! Amazing job!

How did that feel?

I love tapping so much it really helps me regulate my emotions and

you know, this is such an amazing tool to help rewire your brain and
really get me feeling more positive. It reduces anxiety and that
negative intensity so easily!

Let’s rate your final intensity now!

On a scale of 0 to 10. How anxious do you feel now? You can go

ahead and compare your results with your initial intensity level. If you
haven’t reached 0, you can repeat this process until you do or until
you feel a very low intensity level!

And there you have it! You just completed your first EFT tapping

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
Fantastic job! I am super proud of you. You just completed EFT

Next up…humming!!!

And I know what you’re

thinking. Humming, like really
Samah? Yes really!!

Humming can have a positive

impact on the nervous system
by promoting a calming effect.
When you hum, you engage
the vagus nerve, which is a
key component of the
parasympathetic nervous

The parasympathetic nervous

system is responsible for the "rest and digest" response, promoting
relaxation and reducing stress.

Here's a simple humming exercise that you can try today and keep
doing it daily to help calm your anxiety! Let’s try it!
Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
Humming Exercise:

Find a Quiet Space:

​ Choose a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or

stand without distractions.

Sit or Stand Comfortably:

​ Sit or stand with a relaxed posture. Make sure your shoulders are
relaxed, and your spine is straight.

Take a Deep Breath:

​ Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your lungs to fill with
air. Feel your chest and abdomen expanding as you breathe in.

Begin to Hum:

​ As you exhale, start to hum. The sound can be soft or loud,

depending on your comfort level. Focus on the vibration of the
sound in your chest and throat.

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
Maintain a Steady Hum:

​ Continue humming for the entire duration of your exhale. The

goal is to create a steady, continuous hum.

Feel the Vibration:

​ Pay attention to the vibration in your chest and throat. The act of
humming stimulates the vagus nerve, promoting a sense of
calmness and relaxation.

Repeat the Process:

​ Repeat this process for several minutes, taking deep breaths,

and humming during the exhale. You can close your eyes to
enhance the inward focus.

Observe the Calming Effect:

​ Notice how you feel after practicing the humming exercise. You
may experience a sense of calmness and relaxation as your
nervous system responds to the gentle stimulation of the vagus

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
This humming exercise is a simple yet effective way to activate the

parasympathetic nervous system and reduce stress. I do this to help

me sleep sometimes if I'm having trouble falling asleep! By the way

you’re absolutely free to adjust the length of time you hum for or even

the intensity of the humming as you see fit. I want you to feel

comfortable doing it.

So this was simple right! I know! So simple and easy yet really

powerful for calming anxiety!

Next up is Havening!

Havening is one of my ALL-TIME

favorite nervous system

regulation techniques for calming

anxiety. It’s basically a

psychosensory therapy that uses

touch as a therapeutic tool. It is

designed to help you cope with

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
stress, trauma, and negative emotions. A super easy calming tool!

So we’re going to go through a simple example of a Havening exercise

that you can try. This is really just a general example, and it's

important to tailor the exercise to your comfort level and go at your

own pace!

Exercise: Basic Havening Touch

Goal: To promote a sense of calm and relaxation.

​ Find a Comfortable Space:

● Sit or stand in a comfortable position in a quiet and safe


​ Focus on a Stressful Thought or Feeling:

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
● Identify a thought or feeling that causes you stress or

discomfort. It could be a specific memory, situation, or


● Rate the intensity level of the issue. Now that we’ve

identified the issue, we need to evaluate the level of
intensity. You can evaluate the intensity level on a scale
from 0 to 10, with 10 being the worst or most difficult
emotional or physical pain from the issue at hand. This
way, towards the end we can assess how far we have
come on this scale and any improvement we notice.

​ Begin Havening Touch:

● Gently and rhythmically stroke your upper arms with your

hands. Use both hands simultaneously, moving from the

shoulders to the elbows and back up.

​ Incorporate Eye Movements:

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
● While continuing the Havening touch, gently move your

eyes from side to side, as if you were watching the

pendulum of a clock. This can be slow and soothing.

​ Incorporate Affirmations:

● As you continue the Havening touch and eye movements,

repeat positive affirmations or calming statements to

yourself. For example:

● "I am safe and secure."

● "I release this stress from my body."

● "I choose peace and calm."

Take Deep Breaths:

● Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your abdomen to

expand. Exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing

tension with each breath.

​ Repeat as Needed:

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
● Continue the Havening touch, eye movements, and

affirmations for a few minutes or until you feel a noticeable

sense of calm and relaxation

Let’s rate your final intensity now!

​ On a scale of 0 to 10. How do you feel now? You can go ahead

and compare your results with your initial intensity level. If you
haven’t reached 0, you can repeat this process until you do or
until you feel a very low intensity level!

Alright so there you have it! My top 5 powerful nervous system

regulation tools!

Next Steps:

I cannot believe you’ve made it all the way to the end, truly incredible!

Calming your anxiety is a good first step. But your next (& MORE

IMPORTANT) step is to actually find an HEAL the ROOT CAUSE of

your anxiety which is an UNHEALED and dysregulated nervous

system. And the truth is, it all stems from childhood. You have so

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
much trauma that is the REAL REASON why you feel anxious and

dysregulated in the first place! So getting LASTING results means

HEALING that trauma which is at the ROOT of your anxiety and

dysregulated nervous system.

My popular HEAL YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM IN 33 DAYS course helps

you do exactly that!

This course has gone viral several times because it actually gets

people really good results, (which is sadly rare for online courses).

Here’s everything you get in the course:

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
● Instant STRESS RELIEF with my best guided meditation (in
less than 10 minutes)

● Identify your biggest stressors and triggers in your everyday life,

and learn how to handle them with ease. (so you can feel calm
in situations that previously destabilized you)

● Heal the REAL reason behind your overactive nervous system

(Hint: Yes, it started in your childhood!)

● Create & live a new and empowering story of your life

● Regulate your nervous system with my ground-breaking top 7

tools designed to lead you to a happy and centered life

● Finally, attain lasting relief to your long term trauma

● No people pleasing that often leads to exhaustion and burnout

● Heal grief and heartbreaks of your past

Click here to learn more about my course!

And the reviews are truly mind-blowing, we have SO many success

stories from this course!

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
Click here to come join us!

Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.
Footer note: Although the tools I share here are fantastic and so powerful to calm your anxiety,
you need to HEAL THE ROOT CAUSE of your anxiety which is a dysregulated nervous system
in order to see lasting results. Clicking this link is your next step.

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