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Child and Youth Care Program

For Student & Faculty Use

Student Name: Date:

FP Supervisor: FP Site/ Program:

Faculty Name:

Select Course Level Required to Pass (Rubric) Select Purpose: Feedback or Evaluation

Note: Rubric outlines the skill level demonstrated for each of the elements of performance
listed under the 5 key domains. The skills are interconnected and meant to be used together.

1. Must demonstrate all three, Being, Knowing, Doing starting at Standard Beginning level to
accumulate the grade up to course required level to pass. See assignment description.

2. Higher levels are not expected and not graded above max. Ex: CAYW1026 max. is 6pts.

3. Review the FP Guide for expectations for feedback and final evaluation meetings.
Learning Outcome For Domain #1 – Relationship & Communication
Develop therapeutic and inter-professional relationships by applying the principles of relational practice to support clients
achieve growth by (attempting to use/ 2nd yr. fall) (modeling and adjusting/ 2nd yr. winter) (using and explaining / 3rd yr.
fall) (using and analyzing / 3rd yr. winter) a variety of communication and interpersonal skills and methods, including oral,
non-verbal, written, and technology, to create opportunities for genuine connections that are collaborative, purposeful, and
goal-directed while following policies and professional standards for quality Child and Youth Care.
In order to demonstrate this learning outcome, the student will:

1. Interpersonal Communication with clients: Final Evaluation Grade:

Show interest with body language, positive regard, and empathy
Initiate conversations with all by using effective verbal and non-verbal communications listening skills

Speak clearly to express ideas while using a supportive words, tone, pace, volume to promote connection and trust

Modify communication when needed to clarify any misunderstandings

Demonstrate flexibility by being open to change by embracing new ideas
Use a calm voice and relaxed body posture to manage conflict while using problem solving skills
2. Relationship Development with clients: Final Evaluation Grade:
Demonstrate a commitment to relationship development by being present and available
Model pro-social behaviours during activities and situations
Employ appropriate displays of affection and physical contact that reflects setting practices
Explain appropriate boundaries using clear and respectful communication
Apply procedures for confidentiality, consent for release of information, and record keeping in a caring and
respectful manner that is clearly understood by the client
3. Teamwork and Professional Communication Skills: Final Evaluation Grade:
Interact in ways that are positive, show motivation, commitment, and flexibility of a team player
Describe role and responsibilities of self, and other staff
Take increased responsibility by volunteering for tasks
Acknowledge the strengths and style of other disciplines
Choose appropriate format, material, language, timing and style suitable to the audience
Keep staff regularly updated on experiences and presents solutions using professional language
Write reports, notes or electronic correspondence that are detailed, accurate, timely, using objective, culturally
sensitive language
Confidently express ideas in front of others informally or formally
Assertively consult, then lead projects appropriate for the student role
Regularly seek out feedback
Respond positively to feedback and suggestions in order to promptly create change
Seek out opportunities to network with outside agencies and resources
Comments: observations, and/ or suggestions: Course Level Expectation

Your Grade (Final Eval.)

Out of 25%
Learning Outcome For Domain #2 – Professionalism
Implement strategies to consistently demonstrate professionalism to meet performance standards and ethical practice as
determined by OACYC code of ethics, setting policies, and current legislation in the field of Child and Youth Care while
being able to (identify and attempt/ 2nd yr fall) (explain and include / 2nd yr winter) (evaluate and modify / 3rd yr fall)
(discuss and prioritize/ 3rd yr winter) reflective skills and self-care/ wellness practices to enhance personal and
professional development.
In order to demonstrate this learning outcome, the student will:

1. Performance Standards: Final Evaluation Grade:

Follow expectations for attendance, punctuality, and absences
Keep honest, accurate, and detailed timesheets
Implement the routines, organizational policies and procedures with integrity
Respond to emails, phone calls, messages in a timely manner
Assess own learning needs to create three SMART goals to discuss with supervisor
Manage time effectively, set priorities and follow through with agreed upon plan
Select clothing and professional grooming practices that follow setting dress code

2. Self-Care and Reflective Practice: Demonstrate Emotional Intelligence

through self-awareness, managing emotions, motivating oneself, showing
empathy and effective social skills for the purpose of practicing ethically and Final Evaluation Grade:
being a role model for clients by being able to:

State a philosophy of practice that provides guiding principles for design and delivery of services

Show through conduct that wellness practices are regularly incorporated into own lifestyle
Label warning signs and recognize when condition of mental health might adversely impact the quality-of-service
delivery in order to take proactive action
Separate personal from professional issues by not over sharing and respecting role boundaries
Identify occupational stressors and use coping tools to regulate emotions to effectively manage behavioural stress

3. Ethical Practice: Final Evaluation Grade:

Know and support the mission, vision, values, and relevant policies and procedures of the FP setting

Follow the OACYC code of ethics, SLC Student code of ethics, and current legislation (i.e., confidentiality, duty to
report, etc.)

Take responsibility by acknowledging when you have made an error or when it has come to your attention

Describe how to protect confidentiality of clients, staff or information of the FP setting

Identify limitations of current training and abilities, and seek support to ensure practicing within level of

Comments: observations, and/ or suggestions: Course Level Expectation

Your Grade (Final Eval.)

Out of 15%
Learning Outcome For Domain #3 – Cultural and Human Diversity
Adjust verbal and non-verbal communication that promotes equity, inclusion, and respect for cultural and human diversity
based on increased self-awareness to (suggest / 2nd yr fall) (explain/ 2nd yr winter) (plan and promote / 3rd yr fall)
(teach / 3rd yr winter) ways to advocate for cultural humility and create anti-oppressive experiences that respond to
inequities experienced by children, youth, and families as required by performance standards.
In order to demonstrate the cultural and human diversity awareness and Inquiry
learning outcome, the student will:

Cultural and Human Diversity Final Evaluation Grade:

Show acceptance of cultural and human differences by creating experiences to celebrate differences, and use
language that demonstrate increased self-awareness from cultural humility to respond to inequities.

Recognize and prevent stereotyping in a manner that is sensitive to cultural and human diversity

Create opportunities for others to develop cultural humility and appreciation of human diversity

Comments: observations, and/ or suggestions: Course Level Expectation

Your Grade (Final Eval.)

Out of 10%

Learning Outcome For Domain #4 – Applied Human Development

(Identify / 2nd yr fall) (Discuss / 2nd yr winter) (Assess / 3rd yr fall) (Explain / 3rd yr winter) how a client's physical and
social environments impact their socio-emotional development, including thinking, behaviour, and emotions while using
an ecological perspective to identify their developmental needs and strengths, and implement holistic interventions that
integrate current knowledge of human development that are personalized to the client's needs.
In order to demonstrate this learning outcome, the student will:

Applied Human Development Final Evaluation Grade:

Determine if ACE's influence the socio-emotional development from an ecological perspectives

Discuss the protective and risk factors to suggest intervention approaches

Identify the stages of change that integrates knowledge of human development

Describe the role of attachment to identify developmental needs

Comments: observations, and/ or suggestions: Course Level Expectation

Your Grade (Final Eval.)

Out of 10%
Learning Outcome For Domain #5 Developmental Practice Methods
(Participate in / 2nd yr fall) (Gradually implement / 2nd yr winter) (Collaborate and promptly initiate / 3rd yr fall) (Plan,
implement, adapt, and model / 3rd yr winter) developmental practice methods to create experiences for others to reach
their potential using daily life events to facilitate change from a strength-based, trauma informed, and relational approach
as required from Child and Youth Care Practitioners according to professional standards.
In order to demonstrate this learning outcome, the student will:

1. Health and safety Final Evaluation Grade:

Participate effectively in emergency procedures and carry them out in a developmentally appropriate manner

Locate the health and safety regulations of the setting

Use current health, hygiene, and nutrition practices to support healthy development and prevent illness

Discuss health-related information with clients as appropriate to the specific practice setting

Describe the rules and procedures for storage, administration of medication, and participate as appropriate

2. Environmental design and maintenance

(Creates a welcoming & inclusive space) Final Evaluation Grade:

Arrange equipment and activities to promote participation and prosocial behaviour ex: plans for enough chairs,
craft items, clear exits, coat rack, etc.

Involve clients when appropriate in activity layout Ex: reading circle, door design, youth group

Maintain inviting, hygienic, and well-maintained physical environments and equipment

3. Program Planning and Life Space Activities Final Evaluation Grade:

Identify teachable moments/ meaning making in a timely and purposeful manner to build on the client’s goals:
a) Create a teachable moment of a skill through a leisure activity (ex: playing cards to teach social skill of waiting
and taking turns)
b) Assist clients to identify and develop their strengths through activities and experiences
c) Support clients attempts, mistakes, as learning and reinforces appropriate risk- taking
d) Contribute ideas to individual plan that reflect the culture/human diversity, background, temperament,
personality, and rate of development

Encourage the development of life skills by teaching clients to:

a) Select appropriate age, cultural, and human diversity clothing for occasion and climate
b) Practice regular personal hygiene and grooming skills
c) Practice safe food handling, prep, serve meals, and cleanup
d) Choose socially appropriate behaviours such as respecting other’ privacy

Select and facilitate activities that are intentionally designed (supported by evidence):
a) Consider age, developmental, preventative, and/or interventive requirements that are sensitive to culture and
b) Obtain resources necessary to conduct a particular activity that follows setting practices
c) Demonstrate creativity in decision making and problem solving when facilitating
d) Recognize when an activity is inappropriate for an age group and make changes as needed
4. Behaviour Guidance: a strength-based and trauma-informed intervention
used to assist the client to create meaning and gain personal control Final Evaluation Grade:

Remain calm to assess client’s behaviour, consider asking wondering questions about the chosen actions, listen
with empathy for the need and meaning of behaviour being expressed

Employ at least one conflict resolution method. Generate solutions that are realistic and mutually satisfactory

Respectfully redirect and/ or cue non-verbally using eye contact, proximity, touch, and then verbally using
prompts or describe desired behaviour with optimistic tone. State what to do vs. “don’t do that”. Give choices.

Focus on a strength-based perspective by describing skills, qualities, and observations to highlight areas of
resiliency & capabilities to meet expectations

Evaluate and disengage from power struggles by giving clear, logical, trauma-informed, consistent expectations
that are developmentally sensitive. Keep expectation short and clear without using fear or intimidation. State
outcome of their choices as facts in a calm empathetic tone

Provide developmentally sensitive processing time and physical space as needed to allow client to make a decision

Employ planned activities to promote positive behaviour

Record behaviour patterns using a tracking form following setting practices or mock template
Select and describe behaviour guidance methods that are evidence based & follow best practices

5. Group Process (Assessed winter 2nd yr) Final Evaluation Grade:

Facilitate a group session around specific topic/ issue related to the needs of children/ youth

Mediate in group processing issues

6. Crisis De-escalation techniques: (Assessed winter 2nd yr) Final Evaluation Grade:

Scan for triggers, be preventative when possible. Respond proactively

Remain calm, use body language to avoid threat or quick movement to avoid unnecessary risks and confrontations

Provide safe space and minimize audience

Monitor personal level of stress response, identify reaction, and get support as needed

Disengage from a power struggle that protects dignity and integrity while applying interventions that are trauma
informed by:
a) Validate feelings, listen and paraphrase to promote options for healthy expression of needs and feelings
b) Narrate what is happening, offer reassurance by telling them why you are there and what you are doing
c) Give clear, simple directions using a calm tone by stating what is expected, rather than what is not permitted
d) Avoid threatening punishment in the moment but rather provide grounding tools and choices

Conduct life space counselling in recovery phase, label the chain the events, identify triggers, explore strategies for
closure that respects the relationship and development needs
Employ selected physical restraints methods, where deemed appropriate based on setting practices as appropriate
for a student role
7.Life-Space Intervention/ Counselling Skills (Assessed winter 2nd yr) Final Evaluation Grade:

Describe relationship development elements as a foundation for counselling

Apply self-awareness/ reflective questioning to assess the relationship level, the situation, and the intent in order
to select the approach and content
Respond to clients seeking support by assessing available time, time of day
Assess location of appropriateness of discussion and client privacy
Apply setting policies and practices

Use attending behaviours, open questions, reflection and validation of feelings, paraphrasing, summarization

Employ effective problem-solving and conflict resolution skills

Determine priorities for the client’s needs to support identified goals
Inform appropriate staff within the setting in a timely manner
8. Community engagement (Assessed winter 2nd yr) Final Evaluation Grade:
Locate and identify up-to-date information about service systems and resources
Consider and consult with supervisor about community resources for client or family as needed
9. Advocacy (Assessed in 3rd yr, except for first point) Final Evaluation Grade:
Self-advocate for learning needs and the role of a CYC in setting, if needed (2nd & 3rd yr)
Advocate for protection of children from mistreatment and exploitation
Teach clients skills and promotes self-advocacy when needed

Inform and advocate for needs and rights according to the UNCRC Children Rights and Human Rights

Consult, design, prepare, and implement an advocacy project that is setting specific if applicable Ex: Human
trafficking awareness campaign, Pink Shirt Day, Literacy program, Youth Advisory Group, etc.

10. Case Management (Assessed 3rd yr): Prepare and share with the
supervisor a Plan of Care for a specific client for the purpose of training by Final Evaluation Grade:
being able to:

Select and apply an appropriate planning model according to setting practices or mock template

Assess strengths and needs of the child, youth, family in the setting that is providing service
Plan SMART goals, indicators and activities that take into account setting mission, objectives, individual
histories and interests
Include a theoretical rationale for the intervention goals or approaches

Considers who is best to implement, assess and monitor progress to revise the plan as needed

Comments: observations, and/ or suggestions: Course Level Expectation

Your Grade (Final Eval.)

Out of 40%
Overall, student's strengths:

Areas for further improvement:

Accurate and detailed tracking Comments:

sheet submitted and verified by
FP Supervisor

Total number of missed shifts: Plan for required make up shifts:

Completion of Shift

Student on Learning Contract Date Issued:


Child and Youth Care Practice Domains

Relationships & Cultural and Applied Human Developmental

Communication Human Diversity Development Practice Methods

Your Grade Your Grade Your Grade Your Grade Your Grade Final %

0 0 0 0 0 0

If shifts are not complete,

Out of 25% Out of 15% Out of 10% Out of 10% Out of 40%
overall grade is zero.

If grade less than 50% in a domain, that grade is zero.

Developing (max.6pts)
Proficient (max.15pts) 1pt each plus pts Standard Beginning
3pts each plus from Standard 1pt each (Being,
Advanced Beginning Below Standard
pts from Developing Knowing, Doing) (max.3pts)
Special Recognition 3rd yr - Fall term 0pts
ONLY for 3rd 2nd
yr - Winter term 2nd yr - yr - Fall term
Winter term
Being: Shows up in ways for Being: Shows up in ways for Being: Shows up in ways for Being: Shows up in ways to Being: Does not carry out identified
others by demonstrating all 25 others by demonstrating most others by demonstrating some promote genuine connections and student responsibilities. Needs constant
CYC Characteristics as they 18/25 of the CYC Characteristics 12/25 of the CYC Characteristics creates experiences for others to direction. Opportunity to demonstrate
relate to the setting. as they relate to the setting. as they relate to the setting. feel valued. the competency is present, yet student
5pts 2pts 1pt is not taking the initiative. 0pts

Knowing: Accurately describes Knowing: Accurately describes Knowing: Accurately describes Knowing: Accurately describes CYC Knowing: Unable to describe or give
CYC concepts, competencies, CYC concepts, competencies, and CYC concepts, competencies, and concepts, competencies, and examples of CYC competencies or
theories in a way that links to theories using CYC language that theories while using CYC language theories while using CYC language characteristics as they apply to the
direct experience and intent of reflect the intent of CYC practice to reflect the intent outlined to reflect the intent outlined within setting. Does not use resources
the CYC practice with or without by independently using within the resources with resources with a lot of guidance. identified. 0pts
the need of the resources. resources. minimal guidance. 2pts 1pt

Doing: Consistently applies CYC Doing: Consistently applies the Doing: Consistently applies the Doing: Attempts to model the CYC Doing: No to minimal attempt to model
skills to practice and produces CYC skills and produces quality CYC skills with some guidance skills with regular guidance/ the CYC skills. Materials produced are
quality materials that exceed materials after one revision that and produces quality materials redirection and produces quality below standards. Responds to feedback
professional standards. incorporates feedback that meet with less than two revisions that materials with a few (less than 3) negatively, and shows no to little
professional standards. are approaching professional revisions that incorporates learning attempt to consider areas of required
standards. from courses to support growth.
professional development.

Seeks out feedback from Seeks out feedback and engage Seeks out feedback and attempts Seeks feedback with prompting, Required FP shifts are not completed.
multiple sources to expresses in reflective practice to increase to incorporates recommended and responds appropriately by
awareness of limits and growth self-awareness and adjust strategies that shows describing how improvements will
from reflective practice in practice. improvements. be incorporated for the purpose of
developing own style as a CYCP. 5pts 2pts identifying awareness of gaps and Deemed to have failed/ terminated
limits. 1pt Field Placement and Seminar as
outlined in the FP Guide.

NOTE: Below Standard in any of the

✓ Confidence (I am capable to learning outcomes may result in a
✓ Attitude (I believe in the ✓ Knowledge (I accurately Learning Contract/ Failure, and/or
CYC Characteristics to be describe the CYC concepts and ✓ Skill (I can demonstrate CYC step

outside my comfort zone)
Commitment (I have review of a student’s potential for
worthwhile) competencies) competencies) developed my philosophy of completion of the field placement.
No opportunity to observe the skill yet,
or no opportunity available at the site.
Explore creative options with faculty to
meet by the final evaluation.
Characteristics of Relational CYC Being, Knowing, Doing Constructive Developmental Lens

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