Further Practice - Week 13 - Key

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Dự tuyển 1, 2016-2017


1.C 25.C 49.A 73.D
2.B 26.D 50.B 74.D
3.B 27.C 51.B 75.C
4.A 28.D 52.A 76.ii
5.C 29.C 53.D 77.x
6.A 30.A 54.B 78.ix
7.B 31.B 55.B 79.vi
8.presentation 32.A 56.their 80.vii
9.mental processes 33.A 57.in 81.v
10.interview 34.A 58.for 82.i
11.offered the position 35.D 59.few 83. devised
12.references 36.psychological 60.their 84.pressurised lifestyles
13.ordinary things 37. personality 61.Soon 85.realistic expectations
14.pottery bowl 38.approachable 62.way 86.(any) unfinished work
15.72 000/seventy-two 39.variety 63.which 87.tell their bosses
16.glass cupboards 40.possibilities 64.make 88.B
17.(information) labels 41.expectations 65.Whatever 89.A
18.(big) (graphic) panels 42.gifted 66.A 90.D
19.useless for display 43. exceptional 67.B 91.YES
20.B 44.encouragement 68.D 92.NOT GIVEN
21.D 45.undeniably 69.B 93.NO
22.B 46.A 70.B 94.YES
23.A 47.C 71.B 95.NO
24.B 48.D 72.D

Writing samples

Scientific experts and diet books are not to blame for dieters’ failure to lose weight, but the way we
think about food is. If we cannot follow a plan every day, our bodies cannot get into a healthy rhythm.
However, the real challenge is the fast-paced and stressful life which ruins many diets with “comfort eating”
and “eating as a reward”. Also, we need to pay attention to the food we eat so that we are not misled by food
labels. Above all, the most important factor in losing weight is our state of mind, so control your mind and
you can control your body!

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