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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from
the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Câu 1. A. leather B. weather C. strengthen D. gather
Câu 2. A. break B. beat C. weak D. seat
Mark the letter A, B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Câu 3. Look, I wish I could use my influence with other people to get you a job here, but it's more than my
job's worth.
A. it's no use giving you a job B. giving you a job is rewarding
C. not worth doing D. worth risking my job for
Câu 4. He will be remembered for his contributions and for his open, amiable and sociable manner.
A. well-behaved B. unfriendly C. warm D. nice
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
In the transitional phase between adolescence and adulthood, teenagers encounter numerous challenges that
shape their future. One crucial aspect often overlooked is the development of life skills. These skills, ranging
from effective communication to problem-solving, play a pivotal role in preparing teenagers for the
complexities of adult life.
One vital life skill is communication. As teenagers navigate relationships with peers, family, and teachers, the
ability to express thoughts and feelings becomes paramount. Effective communication not only fosters healthy
relationships but also builds confidence and self-esteem. Another essential life skill is time management. With
academic responsibilities, extracurricular activities, and social commitments, teenagers often find themselves
juggling multiple tasks. Learning to prioritize and allocate time efficiently equips them to handle the demands
of adulthood successfully. Problem-solving is yet another critical skill. Life is full of challenges, and teenagers
benefit greatly from developing the ability to analyze situations and find solutions. This skill not only aids in
academic pursuits but also prepares them to tackle real-world challenges independently. Financial literacy is
increasingly important in today's complex world. Teaching teenagers about budgeting, saving, and making
informed financial decisions empowers them to navigate the financial challenges that await them in adulthood.
In conclusion, fostering life skills in teenagers is essential for their overall development. These skills not only
contribute to academic success but also lay the foundation for a successful and fulfilling adult life. Parents,
educators, and society as a whole play a crucial role in imparting and reinforcing these invaluable life skills to
the younger generation.
Câu 5. What would be the most suitable title for the passage?
A. "Effective Communication in the Digital Age" B. "The Key Role of Life Skills for Teens"
C. "Teenagers and their Social Lives" D. "Balancing Academics and Extracurriculars"
Câu 6. Which phrase is closest in meaning to "Financial literacy" as used in the passage?
A. Money wisdom B. Budget intelligence C. Economic complexity D. Financial illiteracy
Câu 7. Which of the following is NOT MENTIONED as a life skill in the passage?
A. time management B. effective communication C. decision-making D. problem-solving
Câu 8. In the passage, what does "them" refer to?
A. teenagers B. challenges C. multiple tasks D. extracurricular activities
Câu 9. Based on the passage, what can be inferred about the role of parents, educators, and society?
A. Their impact on teenagers' development is significant.
B. Their involvement is unnecessary in the development of life skills.
C. They hinder teenagers' progress in acquiring life skills.
D. They are really needy in supporting and guiding teenagers.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Câu 10. A. exhaust B. spacious C. struggle D. portrait
Câu 11. A. deforest B. permission C. concentrate D. recycle
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu 12. There are a lot of delicious fast foods in our school canteen,________?
A. aren't there B. don't they C. aren't they D. doesn't it
Câu 13. The student was extremely happy because the teacher________ him a compliment in front of the class
this morning.
A. did B. paid C. brought D. made
Câu 14. The program successfully taught many street children to integrate_______ the local community.
A. at B. for C. of D. into
Câu 15. The survey indicates that two-thirds of married women earn________ than their husbands.
A. fewer B. as much C. a little D. less
Câu 16. Most produce people buy in supermarkets________ by farmers in developing countries.
A. has grown B. grows C. is grown D. will be growing
Câu 17. There's no doubt that a good teacher is always________ to her students' needs.
A. respectful B. exploitable C. supportive D. attentive
Câu 18. If you are a young and inexperienced driver, it is advisable that you have_______ insurance.
A. comprehension B. comprehensively C. comprehensive D. comprehend
Câu 19. While the woman_______ alone by the fire, waiting for her daughter to arrive, she heard a loud noise
A. had sat B. is sitting C. sat D. was sitting
Câu 20. The man will wait_______ before taking a sip.
A. when his tea had cooled down B. until his tea has cooled down
C. by the time his tea cooled down D. while his tea was cooling down
Câu 21. There has been a(n)________ increase in sales since the new advertising campaign began.
A. relevant B. exponential C. dispersing D. energetic
Câu 22. Famine, diseases and homelessness are current issues very close to her_______.
A. stomach B. eye C. heart D. brain
Câu 23. Illegal hunting________ in many parts of the world has helped to save a large number of endangered
A. to prohibit B. prohibited C. which prohibits D. prohibiting
Câu 24. On the way home, I_______ a drugstore to buy some herbal medicine for my sick grandmother.
A. put through B. went over C. popped into D. got off
Câu 25. We encouraged the victims_______ freely about their experiences after the earthquake.
A. talked B. to talk C. talk D. talking
Câu 26. I suppose the children are always hungry when they get_______ home from school.
A. the B. an C. a D. X (no article)
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions.
Câu 27. He had suffered from cholera. He isolated himself to protect other people in his community.
A. Had he suffered from cholera, he'd have isolated himself to protect other people in his community.
B. Not until he had suffered from cholera he did isolate himself to protect other people in his community.
C. No sooner had he suffered from cholera than he isolated himself to protect other people in his community.
D. Only when he isolated himself to protect other people in his community, he suffered from cholera.
Câu 28. Local communities can't conserve the environment because tourists do not stop littering.
A. If only local communities conserved the environment, tourists would not stop littering.
B. If tourists stopped littering, local communities could conserve the environment.
C. Provided tourists continue littering, local communities can conserve the environment.
D. If tourists had stopped littering, local communities could have conserved the environment.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
Câu 29. The city environment improved a lot since people reduced energy consumption.
A. a lot B. improved C. reduced D. The
Câu 30. Not all children comply when new bicycle helmet laws are introduced in his community, despite the
need of doing so for their personal safety.
A. his B. are introduced C. doing D. all children
Câu 31. Unlike some other books about diversity, it is unlikely that this book will become a key text for those
at the forefront of conservative action.
A. forefront B. unlikely C. diversity D. conservative
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each
of the following questions.
Câu 32. "What do you think about social media?", they asked the boy.
A. They asked the boy what he thought about social media.
B. They asked what he had thought about social media.
C. They asked the boy what you thought about social media.
D. They asked the boy what did he think about social media.
Câu 33. This is the first time I've used video chat apps to communicate with my friends online.
A. I often use video chat apps to communicate with my friends online.
B. I have never used video chat apps to communicate with my friends online before.
C. I last used video chat apps to communicate with my friends online many years ago.
D. It's years since I last used video chat apps to communicate with my friends online.
Câu 34. It is impossible for you to travel around the world with little money.
A. You will travel around the world with little money. B. You can't travel around the world with little money.
C. You must travel around the world with little money.D. You should travel around the world with little money.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following
Câu 35. Nam and Mai are discussing their plan after leaving school.
- Nam: "Will you continue your further education after leaving school?" - Mai: "___________”
A. Are you interested in my academic results at school? B. I haven't decided yet.
C. Leaving school is an important milestone. D. Further education is not for everyone.
Câu 36. Two friends Teddy and Amy are talking about Amy's new skirt.
- Teddy: "What a fashionable skirt you are wearing!" - Amy: "________”
A. Thank you. That's a nice compliment. B. There is no doubt about that.
C. I don't like your saying. D. Thank you very much. I don't know that.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the
following questions
Câu 37. It took the firefighters roughly five hours to put out the flames in the nearby factory.
A. extinguish B. change C. eliminate D. destroy
Câu 38. It is essential that we recognise lifelong learning is also concerned with social justice.
A. continuing B. temporary C. short-lived D. inconstant
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
How much screen time do you allow your children? This has become one of the most challenging issues of
modern parenting. (39)______ experts are in agreement that screen time should be limited and warn against
allowing children to spend too long in front of a screen. However, it's not always so easy to (40)_______ their
advice. Clearly, children can't see the potential harm that an excessive amount of time spent in front of a screen
might do. (41)_______, peer pressure means that they feel unfairly disadvantaged when their parents say they
must switch their electronic devices off, (42)_________ in turn often leads to stressful family situations. It's
easy to see why so many parents give in and let their children look at screens for far too long. Unfortunately,
this quick and simple solution creates greater problems in the long term, such as the negative effects on
attention span, fitness levels and mood, as children become more and more irritable after being exposed to so
much screen time. Of course, this is a situation that has been with US since the (43) ________ of TV in the
1960s; it's just with the predominance of screen in modern life, it's become a lot more serious.
Câu 39. A. Most B. Almost C. Mostly D. Most of
Câu 40. A. get B. make C. have D. follow
Câu 41. A. Although B. However C. Therefore D. Furthermore
Câu 42. A. who B. what C. which D. that

Câu 43. A. popular B. popularize C. popularization D. popularity
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
In certain parts of the world, particularly India and China, air pollution is an ever-growing public health
concern. This may be especially true for India, which reportedly surpassed China earlier this year in the overall
amount of fine particulate matter pollution its citizens are exposed to. A new paper has added to the growing
body of research indicating that India's air pollution has become a matter of life and death. The increase in
people dying in India from air pollution will outpace the rate of such deaths in China, as India drags its heels
over environmental rules while opening more coal mines, the head of a U.S. research group said on Thursday.
"India's situation is getting worse at a much faster speed than China," Dan Greenbaum, president of Boston-
based Health Effects Institute (HEI), told Reuters in Beijing. "It is definitely the case because India has not
taken as much action on air pollution."
HEI and a group of Chinese and Indian universities recently said that over half of world's air pollution- related
deaths were in China and India. In China, coal-fired plants have been the worst source of pollution. But India
has lagged behind in implementing stringent environment policies for coal emission.
From now until 2020, China aims to cut coal output by 500 million tons, or about 19 percent of its current
annual output, and reduce emission of major pollutants in the power sector by 60 percent. By contrast, India has
just only launched an emission standard for coal-fired power plants this year.
India is also ramping up coal production as Prime Minister Narendra Modi races to meet election promises to
provide electricity to a population of 1.3 billion. "Chinese actions to control emissions from coal power plants
and from industries are considerably stronger than the ones in India," Greenbaum said.
Indian Coal Secretary Anil Swarup did not immediately respond to a request for comment. He has previously
said India is setting a higher target for renewable energy and growing more trees than are being uprooted by
coal mining. He has also said coal can't be wished away because it is the cheapest form of energy in a country
where millions of people still go without electricity.
Câu 44. What does the word "its" in paragraph 1 refer to?
A. Air pollution B. India C. U.S D. China
Câu 45. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about air pollution, according to the article?
A. It is stated in the research that air pollution has been an extremely serious problem in India.
B. More than 50% of death cases relating to air pollution were in China and India.
C. Air pollution in India is getting worse much more rapidly than that in China.
D. Air pollution is an ever- growing public health concern of all countries in the world.
Câu 46. Which has been considered the most serious source of pollution in China?
A. mines B. emission C. coal-fired plants D. environmental policies
Câu 47. Which of the following words does the word "stringent" have closest meaning to?
A. impulsive B. timely C. rigorous D. effective
Câu 48. What is the Greenbaum's attitude towards actions to control emission from coal power plants and
A. He doesn't believe that China has more effective actions than India.
B. He is disappointed about these actions.
C. He believes that China has stronger actions than India.
D. He thinks that China will be more successful in doing these things.
Câu 49. What is the writer's purpose?
A. To support developing coal mines. B. To prevent coal emission in China and India.
C. To compare the actions towards coal emission of China and India.
D. To warn people against coal emission.
Câu 50. What does Anil Swarup imply about coal?
A. It is a kind of renewable energy. B. It is very expensive at present.
C. It is an extremely essential kind of energy in India at present.
D. It is very harmful to people.

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