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During this stage, we work intensively and gradually on the grammatical structure,
advanced in the previous knowledge of grammar, the linguistic system, as well as
the basic structures of the English language, as well as emphasizing the correct
organization and structure of the English language.
It deepens the knowledge and practice of the present perfect continuous, the past
perfect, the intentional future, future perfect, subordinate clauses, grammatical
rules. Practice is intensified in the use of the auxiliaries known in previous courses
and other uses with WILL, WOULD, SHALL, SHOULD, OUGHT, DARE, USED.

1. Develop language skills and abilities
2. Provide the participant with the basic components of grammatical structure
3. Continue advanced in the study of grammatical rules and structures
1. Correctly use different tenses and modes in the construction of texts, making
correct use of grammatical rules and auxiliary verbs.
2. Write texts using grammatical structures and rules correctly.
3. Express verbally and in writing, the correct use of verbal expressions.
1. The Present Perfect Continuous
2. Conditionals
3.Various applications of auxiliaries Will, World, Shall, SHOULD, Ought, Used, WHY,
, ETC.
4. The Participle

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