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Polytechnic Academy Patna

Open Elective- Industrial Automation (Advance)

1. The serial communication is
a) cheaper communication
b) requires less number of conductors
c) slow process of communication
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: d

2. The serial communication is used for

a) short distance communication
b) long distance communication
c) short and long distance communication
d) communication for a certain range of distance
Answer: b

3. Which of the following can be used for long distance communication?

a) I2C
b) Parallel port
c) SPI
d) RS232
Answer: d

4. Which of the following can provide hardware handshaking?

a) RS232
b) Parallel port
c) Counter
d) Timer

5. Which of the following have an asynchronous data transmission?

a) SPI
b) RS232
c) Parallel port
d) I2C

6. The RS232 is also known as

b) SPI
c) Physical interface
d) Electrical interface

7. In a parallel communication, each bit requires a transmitter and receiver.

a) True
b) False

8. What is the cable that carries the information in parallel transmission called?
a) Parallel line
b) Data bus
c) Data line
d) Data link

9. Which of the following is a false reason for parallel lines not being used for long distances?
a) Cost factor
b) Signal Attenuation
c) Number of transmission channels

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d) Low speed

10. Why higher speed communications in parallel transmission require shorter length?
a) Cost
b) Resistance
c) Inductive and capacitance effects
d) Noise

11. Which bit is transmitted first in a serial communication?

a) Least significant bit
b) Most significant
c) All the bits simultaneously
d) Not in any specific order

12. In serial communication, if the time interval to transmit one bit is 10μs. What is the time to transmit
an 8-bit word?
a) 8μs
b) 80μs
c) 0.8μs
d) 0.008μs

13. In parallel communication, if the time interval to transmit one bit is 10μs. What is the time to transmit
an 8-bit word?
a) 10μs
b) 100μs
c) 0.1μs
d) 0.01μs

14. What is the maximum device handling capacity of serial standard protocol RS485 in terms of drivers
and receivers on a single line?
a. 8
d. 32

15. Ethernet frame consists of ____________

a) MAC address
b) IP address
c) Default mask
d) Network address

16. MAC address is of ___________

a) 24 bits
b) 36 bits
c) 42 bits
d) 48 bits

17. High speed ethernet works on _________

a) coaxial cable
b) twisted pair cable
c) optical fiber
d) unshielded twisted pair cable

18. Modbus communication protocol was developed in_____year.




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19. Modbus is a _______ type of communication protocol.




None of the above

20. Modbus is used along with_______.





21. Modbus provides Client/Server or Master/Slaves communication between______ and ______.

Optical devices, Buses or Wires.

Electronic devices, Networks or Buses.

Magnetic devices, Networks or Buses

Electromagnetic devices, Buses or Wires

22. Modbus protocol works as _________type protocol.




None of the above

23. Modbus protocol contains ____master and _______ slaves.

Multiple, Single

Single, Multiple

Single, single

Multiple, multiple

24. HMI is a________ client.

Human machine Interface

High machine interface

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Human Manufacturing interface

None of the above

25. ____ is assigned while transferring data via to Modbus





26. In Modbus data request model composed of ______blocks.

27. Which of the following are the other kinds of Modbus protocol versions:



Modbus over UDP

All of the above

28. PLCs acts as Modbus ______ .





29. Modbus RTU supports upto ____ devices.




30. What is the purpose of the HART protocol?
A) To transmit digital data over analog communication lines
B) To control analog devices with digital signals
C) To communicate between different HART devices

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D) To transmit audio signals over communication lines
Answer: A

31. What is the maximum length of the HART communication cable?

A) 500 meters
B) 1 kilometer
C) 2 kilometers
D) 5 kilometers
Answer: C

32. Which of the following is a benefit of using the HART protocol?

A) Improved accuracy of measurement
B) Faster communication speed
C) Reduced power consumption
D) Higher data transfer rate
Answer: A

33. What is the maximum number of HART devices that can be connected to a single communication
A) 5
B) 10
C) 15
D) 20
Answer: C

34. What is the function of HART burst mode?

A) To increase the communication speed
B) To provide a secondary communication path
C) To allow for continuous real-time updates
D) To reduce the power consumption of the device
Answer: A
Explanation: HART burst mode is used to increase the communication speed, allowing for faster
transmission of data between HART devices and control systems.

35. Which of the following is a type of device that is commonly used as a HART master?
A) Sensor
B) Controller
C) Actuator
D) Transmitter
Answer: B

Explanation: A controller, such as a programmable logic controller (PLC), is commonly used as a

HART master in industrial control systems.

36. Which of the following is a type of HART command used to write to device memory?
A) Universal
B) Extended
C) Common Practice
D) Specific

Answer: B
Explanation: HART command type Extended is used to write to device memory, allowing for
configuration settings and other parameters to be set remotely.

37. Which of the following is a type of device that is commonly used as a HART slave?
A) Controller
B) Sensor
C) Actuator
D) Transmitter
Answer: D

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Explanation: A transmitter, such as a pressure transmitter, is commonly used as a HART slave in
industrial control systems.

38. Which of the following instrument is not a HART device type?

A) Pressure transmitter
B) Control valve
C) Flow meter
Answer: D

Explanation: HART devices include pressure transmitters, flow meters, level sensors, temperature
sensors, and control valves, among others.

39. Which of the following is a limitation of the HART protocol?

A) Limited data transfer rate
B) Limited number of devices that can be connected
C) Limited distance between devices
D) Limited compatibility with other protocols
Answer: A

40. What is the function of the HART handshake protocol?

A) To establish a connection between HART devices
B) To synchronize data transmission between HART devices
C) To authenticate HART devices before communication
D) To detect errors and retransmit lost data packets
Answer: B

41. Which of the following is an advantage of using the HART protocol over other communication
A) Higher data transfer rate
B) Longer communication distance
C) Better noise immunity
D) Higher power consumption
Answer: C
Explanation: HART protocol has better noise immunity compared to other communication
protocols, which allows for more reliable communication in noisy industrial environments.

42. Which of the following is a limitation of using HART protocol in a control system?
A) Limited number of devices that can be connected
B) Limited distance between devices
C) Limited compatibility with legacy devices
D) Limited support for complex control algorithms
Answer: D
Explanation: HART protocol has limited support for complex control algorithms, which may limit its
use in advanced control systems.

43. Which of the following types of devices can use the HART protocol?
A) Analog devices only
B) Digital devices only
C) Both analog and digital devices
D) Only devices manufactured by specific vendors
Answer: C
Explanation: HART protocol can be used with both analog and digital devices, allowing for a wide
range of industrial applications.

44. Which of the following is a type of HART command used to configure the device?
A) Universal
B) Extended
C) Common Practice
D) Specific

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Answer: C
Explanation: HART command type Common Practice is used for device configuration, allowing for
standard commands to configure most HART devices.

45. Which of the following types of communication is used by the HART protocol?
A) Analog
B) Digital
C) Frequency modulation
D) Amplitude modulation
Answer: B
Explanation: HART protocol uses digital communication, allowing for higher data transfer rates and
better noise immunity compared to analog communication.

46. Which of the following is an advantage of using the HART protocol in a control system?
A) Easy integration with legacy devices
B) High data transfer rate
C) Long communication distance
D) Low power consumption
Answer: A
Explanation: HART protocol has good backward compatibility and can be easily integrated with
legacy devices, which is important in industrial environments with older equipment.

47. Which of the following types of communication is used by the HART protocol for digital data
A) Pulse Width Modulation
B) Frequency Shift Keying
C) Amplitude Shift Keying
D) Phase Shift Keying
Answer: B
Explanation: HART protocol uses Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) for digital data transmission, which
allows for reliable communication in noisy industrial environments.

48. What is the maximum distance between two HART devices in a communication loop?
A) 500 meters
B) 1 kilometer
C) 2 kilometers
D) 5 kilometers
Answer: A
Explanation: The maximum distance between two HART devices in a communication loop is
typically limited to 500 meters, which is determined by the available power and communication

49. Which of the following is a type of HART command used to perform advanced functions?
A) Universal
B) Extended
C) Common Practice
D) Specific
Answer: B
Explanation: HART command type Extended is used to perform advanced functions, allowing for
customized commands to be added for specific device features.

50. Which of the following types of devices is most commonly used with the HART protocol?
A) Sensors
B) Controllers
C) Actuators
D) Transmitters
Answer: D

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Explanation: HART protocol is most commonly used with transmitters, which are used to measure
process variables such as temperature, pressure, and flow rate.

51. Which of the following is a limitation of using HART protocol in a control system?
A) Limited support for advanced device features
B) Limited compatibility with legacy devices
C) Limited communication distance
D) Limited number of devices that can be connected
Answer: D
Explanation: The number of devices that can be connected on a single HART loop is limited to 15,
which may be a limitation in larger industrial applications.

52. Which of the following is a type of device that can be connected to a HART communication loop?
A) Ethernet switch
B) Fiber optic transmitter
C) Pressure sensor
D) Bluetooth receiver
Answer: C

Explanation: Devices such as pressure sensors, flow meters, and temperature sensors can be
connected to a HART communication loop to transmit analog and digital data.

53. Which of the following is a type of HART command used for device-specific functions?
A) Universal
B) Extended
C) Common Practice
D) Specific
Answer: D
Explanation: HART command type Specific is used for device-specific functions, allowing for
customized commands to be added for unique device features.

54. What is the maximum data transfer rate supported by the HART protocol?
A) 1200 bits per second
B) 2400 bits per second
C) 4800 bits per second
D) 9600 bits per second
Answer: D
Explanation: HART protocol supports a maximum data transfer rate of 9600 bits per second, which
is suitable for transmitting both analog and digital data in industrial control systems.

55. Which of the following is a type of HART command used to read device status and diagnostic
A) Universal
B) Extended
C) Common Practice
D) Specific
Answer: A
Explanation: HART command type Universal is used to read device status and diagnostic
information, providing valuable insights into the health of the device and its performance.

56. Which of the following is a limitation of using HART protocol in a control system?
A) Limited support for advanced device features
B) Limited compatibility with legacy devices
C) Limited communication distance
D) Limited data transfer rate
Answer: D
Explanation: HART protocol has a relatively low data transfer rate compared to other
communication protocols, which may limit its suitability for certain applications.

57. Which of the following is a type of device that is commonly used as a HART repeater?

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A) Sensor
B) Controller
C) Actuator
D) Transmitter
Answer: B
Explanation: A controller, such as a gateway or bridge, is commonly used as a HART repeater in
industrial control systems, allowing for HART signals to be transmitted over longer distances.

58. Which of the following is a type of HART command used to read the device measurement values?
A) Universal
B) Extended
C) Common Practice
D) Specific
Answer: A
Explanation: HART command type Universal is used to read the device measurement values,
allowing for retrieval of data such as temperature, pressure, or flow rate.

59. Which HART command is used to read the device status?

Answer: a) READ
Explanation: The READ command is used to read the device status, which includes information such
as device health, operating status, and process variables.

60. Which HART command is used to initiate a device self-test?

Explanation: The DIAGNOSTICS command can also be used to initiate a device self-test, which tests
the device’s internal components and verifies that it is operating correctly.

61. Which HART command is used to retrieve the device’s measurement range?
Answer: a) RANGE
Explanation: The RANGE command is used to retrieve the device’s measurement range, which
specifies the minimum and maximum values that the device can measure accurately.

62. Which HART command is used to initiate a device reset to factory defaults?
Answer: a) RESET
Explanation: The RESET command is used to initiate a device reset to factory defaults, which will
restore the device to its original configuration settings.

63. Which HART command is used to retrieve the device’s process variable?

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Answer: a) PROCESS
Explanation: The PROCESS command is used to retrieve the device’s process variable, which is the
physical quantity being measured by the device (e.g. pressure, temperature, etc.).

64. According to ISA industrial network is a ___ level architecture.

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6

65. What is the full form of OSI?

a) optical service implementation
b) open service Internet
c) open system interconnection
d) operating system interface

66. What is the full form of TCP/IP?

Ans- Transmission control protocol / internet protocol

67. How many layers are there in the ISO OSI reference model?
a) 7
b) 5
c) 4
d) 6

68. TCP/IP model is _____ level architecture.

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6

69. TCP/IP model does not have ______ layer but OSI model has this layer.
a) session layer
b) transport layer
c) application layer
d) network layer
Answer: a

70. What is the full form of SCADA?

a) Supervisory Control and Document Acquisition
b) Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
c) Supervisory Column and Data Assessment
d) Supervisory Column and Data Assessment
Answer: b

71. DCS is a __________________

a) Distributed Control System
b) Data Control System
c) Data Column System
d) Distributed Column System
Answer: a

72. What is SCADA?

a) Software
b) Process

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c) System
d) Hardware
Answer: b

73. The control in SCADA is _____________

a) Online control
b) Direct control
c) Supervisory control
d) Automatic control
Answer: c

74. When did the SCADA start?

a) 1980s
b) 1990s
c) 1970s
d) 1960s
Answer: d

75. When did Windows become the world standard operating system?
a) 1980s
b) 1990s
c) 1970s
d) 1960s
Answer: b
Explanation: During the 1990s, Microsoft Windows became the world standard operating system and
the SCADA suppliers adapted Microsoft Windows in the user interface. The SCADA system became
increasingly moving from large industries to small laboratories or pilot scale companies.

76. Which of the following is an example of the SCADA system?

a) Emerson Delta V
b) Honeywell PlantScape
c) Yokogawa CENTUM
d) PowerStudio Deluxe
Answer: d

77. How many levels are present in a complex SCADA system?

a) 3 – levels
b) 5 – levels
c) 4 – levels
d) 6 – levels
Answer: c

78. Which of the following is not the component of a SCADA system?

a) Database server
b) I/O system
c) PLC controller
d) Sparger controller
Answer: d

79. Which of the following is used for centralized network databases?

a) RAID 2
b) RAID 5
c) RAID 1
d) RAID 2
Answer: b
Explanation: RAID 5 is the best solution for a centralized network database. It is used in error
correction and used to recover the lost data. It is the best solution for network drives. But it is
expensive and slower than RAID 0 and RAID 1.

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80. The minimum number of disks in RAID level 2 is ________
a) 3
b) 4
c) 2
d) 1
Answer: a
Explanation: The minimum number of disks in RAID level 2 is three. It is used in the error correction
for old hard disks without built-in error correction. It has no practical application with modern hard

81. Which of the following is the heart of a SCADA system?

a) PLC
b) HMI
c) Alarm task
d) I/O task
Answer: d
Explanation: The heart of a SCADA system is I/O tasks. The I/O system consists of modules and racks
that are directly connected by multiconductor to the rack that contains the PLC processor.

82. The SCADA systems used to _______



Both a and b

None of the above

83. The standard form of RTU is

Reverse Terminal Unit

Remote Terminal Unit

Reverse Unit

None of the above

84. The standard form of MTU is

Master Terminal Unit

Main Terminal Unit

Main Unit

None of the above

85. The standard form of HMI is

Human Master Interface

Human Machine Interface

Human Main Interface

None of the above

86. What are the types of SCADA systems?

Monolithic, Distributed

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Monolithic, Networked

Monolithic, Distributed, Networked

None of the above

87. The standard form of MMI is

Main Machine Interface

Master Machine Interface

Man Machine Interface

None of the above

88. Where SCADA can be used?


Mass transit

Traffic signals

All of the above

89. How many levels does complex SCADA system have?





90. The SCADA system performs ________

Data presentation

Data acquisition

Networked data communication

All of the above

91. The functions of the SCADA systems performed by using ________

Sensors, communication network

SCADA master units

Remote telemetry units

All of the above

92. __________ is not a component of SCADA system

Sparger controller

Output system

Database server

None of the above

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93. The RAID level 50 is a combination of __________

RAID 1 and RAID 0

RAID 5 and RAID 0

RAID 3 and RAID 0

None of the above

94. What is the standard form of RAID?

Reduced Array of Independent Disks

Reverse Array of Independent Disks

Redundant Array of Independent Disks

Random Array of Independent Disks

95. The Redundant Array of Independent Disk (RAID) is used for _________

Improvement of performance

Improvement of reliability

Both a and b

None of the above

96. The redundancy in the RAID can be achieved by ____________

Mirroring or shadowing

Parity scheme

Both a and b

None of the above

97. The improvement of performance in RAID is achieved by using ________

Mirroring or shadowing

Parity scheme


Both a and b

98. What is the standard form of CRC?

Cyclic Redundancy Check

Code Redundancy Check

Cyclic Redundancy Code

None of the above

99. Who developed DNP3 protocol?

Jonas Wenstrom

William Ritchie

Michael Faraday

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100. Which multiple access suitable for analog radios?

Code Division Multiple Access

Time Division Multiple Access

Frequency Division Multiple Access

None of the above

101. Which multiple access suitable for digital radios?

Code Division Multiple Access

Time Division Multiple Access

Frequency Division Multiple Access

Both a and b

102. What is the standard form of DCS?

Distributed Control System

Digital Control System

Distributed Code System

Distributed Communication System

103. The first generation SCADA systems were developed or designed in _______




None of the above

104. The second generation SCADA systems were developed or designed in _______




None of the above

105.The third generation SCADA systems were developed or designed in _______




None of the above

106. How many type of control systems are there for SCADA systems?


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None of the above

Hint- Centralized & Distributed

107. How many network configurations does SCADA system may use?




None of the above

Hint- Public, Private & Hybrid

108. In how many ways does SCADA system can get access to the cloud?




None of the above

109. What is the type of control in SCADA?

Online control

Digital control

Analog control

Supervisory control
110. The supervisory control and data acquisition system ________

Stores data

Monitors data

Controls data

All of the above

111. What are the components of traditional SCADA system?

Remote Telemetry Unit

Communication system

Central Station

All of the above

112. What are the components of modern SCADA system?

Human Machine Interface

SCADA servers

SCADA clients

All of the above

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113. How many levels does complex SCADA system have?





114. What are the elements of SCADA system?

Graphical displays




115. The heart of the SCADA system is ________




I/O tasks

116. The task of the alarm is __________



Both a and b

None of the above

117. In which mode DNP3 can be use

Polled only

Polled reported by exception

Both a and b

None of the above

DNP3- Distributed Network Protocol 3

118. The distributed control system is ___________

Process oriented

Object oriented

Data acquisition oriented

None of the above

119. The supervisory control and data acquisition system is ____________

Process oriented

Object oriented

Data acquisition oriented

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None of the above

120. What is the programming principle in clear SCADA system?

Process oriented programming

Object oriented programming

Data acquisition oriented programming

Structure oriented programming

121. The parallelism in RAID is achieved mainly by using the ______ method

Mirroring or shadowing

Parity scheme

Data striping


122. The data in the RAID is divided into _______





123. _________ is an example for supervisory control and data acquisition system

Emerson Delta V

Yokogawa Centum

Power Studio Deluxe

Honeywell Plantscape

124. _________ is an example for distributed control system

Emerson Delta V

Yokogawa Centum

Honeywell Plantscape

All of the above

125. Which level of RAID used for centralized network database?




All of the above

126. How many disks does RAID 2 consists of _____


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127. _________ is also known as striping




All of the above

128. The RAID 4 consists of _____________ disks





129. _________ is also known as mirroring




All of the above

130. What are the features of supervisory control and data acquisition system?

Tag/data logging



All of the above

131. _______ is an example for supervisory control and data acquisition system

Electric energy, industrial processes

Oil and gas, nuclear processes, transportation

Water and sewage treatment

All of the above

132. What are the benefits of SCADA system?

Saves money, time, energy

Increases profitability and productivity

Expansion capability, cost effective

All of the above

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133. The master terminal unit in SCADA system can be _______

Web server

Real time decision maker

Analyzes data, data logging

All of the above

134. ________ is one type of human machine interface

Monochrome or coloured

Screens with keypad or touch screens

Both a and b

None of the above

135. The human machine interface gives information like _________

Temperature, pressure

Running time, material counts

The process steps

All of the above

136. The human machine interface can be used to monitor and control various locations such as ________

Engine assembly, vehicle assembly

Machine shops

Paint shops

All of the above

137. What are the communication protocols used for the interfacing between HMI & PLC?

RS232, modbus



All of the above

138. The remote telemetry unit contains _________

Power supply

Solar array, transceivers


All of the above

139. In how many ways does RS485 can we use?

Two ways

Three ways

Four ways

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Five ways
2-wire and 4-wire

140. What is the standard form of PCN?

Process Control Network

Private Control Network

Public Control Network

None of the above

141. The functions of SCADA system categorized into _____




None of the above

142. The supervisory control and data acquisition system performs _______ in substation

Automation system

Bus load balancing

Bus fault protection, bus voltage control

All of the above

143. The end user load control is one of the SCADA function that implements ________ functions

Automatic meter reading

Automatic billing generation

Remote load control

All of the above

144. What is the standard form of SSD?

Solid State Disk

State Solid Disk

Simple Solid State Disk

None of the above

145. The clear SCADA system performs _____

Point historic records

Event journal records

Configuration change and alarm summary records

All of the above

146. The protocols in SCADA system are _________

Modbus RTU, Profibus

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All of the above

147. ___________ is an advantage of DNP3 protocol

Open protocol

Provides long term benefits to users

Both a and b

None of the above

148. The distributed network protocol supports ________ architecture


Two layer EPA architecture

Three layer EPA architecture

None of the above

149. The acronym PLC stands for __________

Pressure load control programmable logic controller

PID loop controller Pneumatic logic controller

150.The programmable logic controllers are used in __________

Manufacturing Both a and b

Automation None of the above

151.What are the components that make the programmable logic controller work?

Input and output module Power supply

CPU All of the above

152.The programmable logic controller is classified into ___________

One Three

Two Four
153.In fixed programmable logic controller _______

Input is fixed Both a and b

Output is fixed None of the above

154.The PLC’s can be programmed in _______

Ladder logic, structured text Sequential function chart

Instruction list, Functional block All of the above


155. In modular programmable logic controller _______

Input is fixed Both a and b

Output is fixed None of the above

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156. In addition to storage instruction PLC controls
a) logical sequence counting c) arithmetic operation
b) counting d) All of the above

157. The components that make PLC works can be divided into ____________ core areas

One Three

Two Four
CPU, Power supply, Rack, input/output

158. How many operation steps does the programmable logic controller have?

One Three

Two Four
Input scan, output scan, program scan

159. Before PLC’s was created many industries used _________

Relays Resistors

Capacitors None of the above

160.Which is the first PLC model?

PLC 084 PLC 086

PLC 085 None of the above

161.The relays consist of __________

Control circuit Both a and b

Load circuit None of the above

162.In modular type PLC, the PLC’s are classified into _______

Relay output PLC Triac output PLC

Transistor output PLC All of the above

163.The advantages of PLC are ______

Easy maintenance Small in size

Reliability is high All of the above

164.The CPU has ______

Memory system Power supply

Processor All of the above

165.The visual programming language also called as _______

Relay logic Controller logic

Ladder logic All of the above

166._________ are the components that are required to change or create a program

PLC, programming device Connector cable

Programming software All of the above

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167.__________ is an example for light automation?

Rocket launching Automated bottle filling stations

Street solar lighting Smoke detectors

168.The PLC internally operates, stores, and calculates the value in _____

Binary format Octal format

Decimal format None of the above

169.In PLC the user can write the programs with the help of ________

Optical isolation Programming devices

Sensing devices None of the above

170.Which one is the PLC programming language?


MMI None of the above

171.Which one is the oldest programming language?

Ladder logic Structured text programming

Function block diagram None of the above

172.What are the elements of ladder logic?

Normally open (contact) Both a and b

Normally Closed (contact) None of the above

173.Which is not a graphical programming language for the programmable logic controller?

Ladder logic Functional block diagram

Structures text Sequential function chart

174.How many input and output pins do a small programmable logic controller have?

10 50

30 128

175._________ is connected to the PLC input

Indicating lamp Both a and b

Field sensors None of the above

176._________ is the device that can’t be connected to the PLC output

Pressure Transmitter Control valve

Motor None of the above

177.The programmable logic controller works on __________

Parallel mechanism Both a and b

Sequential mechanism None of the above

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178.How many input and output pins do a nano programmable logic controller have?

16 50

30 128

179.How many input and output pins do a micro programmable logic controller have?

32 50

30 128

180.Which type of memory is used in PLC?

Random Access Memory Both a and b

Read Only Memory None of the above

181.PLCs are ……….designed for the control of variety of manufacturing machines and systems.
a) special purpose industrial computers c) electro-mechanical systems
b) Personal computers d) All of the above

182.Ladder logic programming in PLC consists of

a) Logic gate symbols with connecting c) Text based code
lines d) Virtual relay contacts and coils
b) Functional blocks with connecting

183.Functional block diagram (FBD) is a type of

a) PLC language c) Block diagram of a PLC model
b) Block diagram of a CPU module d) None of these

184.The each line used in ladder language programming is known as

a) Rung c) Wrong
b) Ring d) None of these

185.Normally closed contact is also known as ……..

a) Examine if open c) Relay coil
b) Examine if closed d) None of these

186.Which type of program is used for function as counters, timers, shift registers and math operations in
a) Ladder logic c) HTML
b) C programming d) Logic function programming

187.What is the primary purpose of a PLC?

a) To control machinery on factory assembly lines
b) To control building management systems
c) To control industrial processes
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above

188.What type of programming language is typically used to program a PLC?

a) C++
b) Java
c) Ladder Logic
d) Python
Answer: c) Ladder Logic
Explanation: Ladder Logic is the most common programming language used to program PLCs. It is a
graphical language that uses symbols and diagrams, rather than text, to represent the logical
relationships between inputs and outputs.

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189.How many maximum input and output points does a high-end PLC have?
a) 8 input, 8 output
b) 16 input, 16 output
c) 32 input, 32 output
e) 64 input, 64 output
Answer: d) 64 input, 64 output
Explanation: A typical PLC has 64 input points and 64 output points. These can be used to connect
sensors, switches, and other input devices to the PLC, as well as output devices.

190.What type of power supply is typically used for a PLC?

a) AC
b) DC
c) Both AC and DC
d) Solar
Answer: c) Both AC and DC
Explanation: PLCs can use either AC or DC power supplies, depending on the application. Some PLCs
have dual voltage inputs and can accept both AC and DC power.

191.What is the main function of the CPU in a PLC?

a) To provide power to the PLC
b) To store the program
c) To execute the program and control the input and output devices
d) To communicate with other PLCs
Answer: c) To execute the program and control the input and output devices
Explanation: The Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a PLC is responsible for executing the program and
controlling the input and output devices. It is the “brain” of the PLC and coordinates all the operations
of the system.

192.How does a PLC differ from a traditional hardwired control system?

a) PLCs use software programming instead of physical wiring.
b) PLCs can only be used in industrial applications.
c) PLCs are more expensive than traditional hardwired control systems.
d) PLCs are less reliable than traditional hardwired control systems.
Answer: a) PLCs use software programming instead of physical wiring.
Explanation: One of the main differences between a PLC and a traditional hardwired control system is
that PLCs use software programming instead of physical wiring to control the system. This allows for
greater flexibility and ease of modification.

193.What is the function of the input/output (I/O) module in a PLC?

a) To provide power to the PLC
b) To store the program
c) To interface with the input and output devices
d) To communicate with other PLCs
Answer: c) To interface with the input and output devices
Explanation: The input/output (I/O) module in a PLC is responsible for interfacing with the input and
output devices, such as sensors and actuators. It receives signals from the input devices and sends
signals to the output devices based on the instructions from the program in the CPU.

194.What is the function of a PLC’s power supply?

a) To provide power to the PLC’s CPU
b) To provide power to the PLC’s input/output modules
c) To provide power to the PLC’s communication interfaces
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: A PLC’s power supply is responsible for providing power to all of the PLC’s components,
including the CPU, input/output modules, and communication interfaces. It converts the input voltage
to the voltage required by the PLC’s components.

195.What is the function of a PLC’s communication interface?

a) To communicate with other PLC

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b) To communicate with an HMI or SCADA system
c) To communicate with other devices or systems
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: A PLC’s communication interface is responsible for allowing the PLC to communicate
with other PLCs, HMIs, SCADA systems, and other devices or systems. It allows for data exchange,
remote control, and monitoring of the PLC.

196.What is a PLC?
a) A type of controller used for industrial automation
b) A type of robot used for industrial automation
c) A type of sensor used for industrial automation
d) A type of software used for industrial automation
Answer: a) A type of controller used for industrial automation
Explanation: PLCs are specialized industrial computers that are designed to control and automate
industrial processes and machinery. They are programmed using a specialized programming language
and can be used to control a wide range of industrial equipment, from conveyor belts to production
lines to entire factories.

197.What are the main components of a PLC system?

a) CPU, memory, and input/output modules
b) Sensors, actuators, and control valves
c) Motors, gears, and bearings
d) Pneumatics, hydraulics, and electronics
Answer: a) CPU, memory, and input/output modules
Explanation: The main components of a PLC system include the central processing unit (CPU),
memory, and input/output (I/O) modules. The CPU is the “brain” of the system and is responsible for
executing the control program. Memory is used to store the program and data, and I/O modules are
used to connect the PLC to sensors and actuators in the industrial process.

198.What are the inputs and outputs in a PLC system?

a) Sensors and actuators
b) Motors and gears
c) Valves and pumps
d) Programs and data
Answer: a) Sensors and actuators
Explanation: In a PLC system, inputs are signals from sensors that are used to monitor the industrial
process, and outputs are signals sent to actuators that control the industrial process. Examples of
inputs include temperature sensors, limit switches, and photoelectric sensors, while examples of
outputs include control valves, motors, and lights.

199.What are the advantages of using a PLC in industrial automation?

a) Cost-effective, reliable, and flexible
b) High speed, high accuracy, and low maintenance
c) Easy to program, easy to install, and easy to use
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: PLCs are widely used in industrial automation because they are cost-effective, reliable,
and flexible. They are also easy to program, easy to install, and easy to use. PLCs are also known for
their high speed, high accuracy, and low maintenance.

200.How do a PLC process input and output signals?

a) By using a central processing unit (CPU)
b) By using a microcontroller
c) By using a microprocessor
d) By using a memory chip
Answer: a) By using a central processing unit (CPU)

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Explanation: The PLC’s central processing unit (CPU) is responsible for processing input and output
signals. The CPU reads input signals from sensors, processes the information using the control
program, and then sends output signals to actuators to control the industrial process.

201.What is the difference between a PLC and a DCS?

a) PLCs are used to control machines while DCSs are used to control entire plants
b) PLCs are used to control machines while DCSs are used to control networks
c) PLCs are used to control machines while DCSs are used to control buildings
d) PLCs are used to control machines while DCSs are used to control vehicles
Answer: a) PLCs are used to control machines while DCSs are used to control entire plants
Explanation: PLCs and DCSs (Distributed Control Systems) are both used for industrial automation,
but they have different functions. PLCs are typically used to control and automate individual machines
or processes, while DCSs are used to control and automate entire plants or factories.

202.What is the difference between a PLC and a microcontroller?

a) PLCs are used for industrial automation while microcontrollers are used for consumer electronics
b) PLCs are used for industrial automation while microcontrollers are used for computer peripherals
c) PLCs are used for industrial automation while microcontrollers are used for robotics
d) PLCs are used for industrial automation while microcontrollers are used for automotive systems
Answer: d) PLCs are used for industrial automation while microcontrollers are used for automotive
Explanation: PLCs and microcontrollers are both types of computer devices, but they are used for
different purposes. PLCs are primarily used for industrial automation, while microcontrollers are used
for a wide range of applications, including automotive systems, robotics, and consumer electronics.

203.How does a PLC handle multiple inputs and outputs?

a) By using a single input/output (I/O) module
b) By using multiple input/output (I/O) modules
c) By using a single input module and multiple output modules
d) By using multiple input modules and a single output module
Answer: b) By using multiple input/output (I/O) modules
Explanation: PLCs can handle multiple inputs and outputs by using multiple input/output (I/O)
modules. These modules connect to sensors and actuators in the industrial process and are
connected to the PLC’s central processing unit (CPU) to read and send signals. This allows the PLC to
control and monitor multiple points in the industrial process.

204.How is a PLC program stored?

a) On a hard disk
b) On a USB drive
c) On a memory chip
d) On a flash memory
Answer: d) On a flash memory
Explanation: PLC programs are stored on a flash memory, which is a type of non-volatile memory that
retains its data even when the power is turned off. This allows the PLC to retain its program and data
even during a power failure and can be reprogrammed as needed.

205.How are PLCs programmed?

a) Using a specialized software
b) Using a web interface
c) Using a command line interface
d) Using a mobile app
Answer: a) Using a specialized software
Explanation: PLCs are programmed using specialized software. This software allows the user to create
and edit the control program using a graphical user interface (GUI). The software also allows the user
to test and debug the program, and download it to the PLC for execution.

206.What is the purpose of a PLC’s communication module?

a) To connect the PLC to other devices and systems
b) To transfer data between the PLC and other devices
c) To send and receive signals from other devices

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d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: The communication module of a PLC is responsible for connecting the PLC to other
devices and systems, transferring data between the PLC and other devices, and sending and receiving
signals from other devices. This allows the PLC to communicate with other devices in the industrial
process, such as sensors, actuators, and other PLCs.

207.What is the purpose of a PLC’s real-time clock?

a) To keep track of the time
b) To schedule tasks
c) To trigger events
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: A PLC’s real-time clock is used to keep track of the time, schedule tasks, and trigger
events. This feature allows the PLC to perform certain actions at specific times, such as turning on a
light at a certain time of day or shutting down a machine after a certain period of time.

208.What is the purpose of a PLC’s input/output (I/O) modules?

a) To connect the PLC to sensors and actuators
b) To transfer data between the PLC and other devices
c) To control the flow of electricity to the PLC
d) To regulate the voltage to the PLC
Answer: a) To connect the PLC to sensors and actuators
Explanation: The input/output (I/O) modules of a PLC are responsible for connecting the PLC to
sensors and actuators in the industrial process. These modules read input signals from sensors and
send output signals to actuators, allowing the PLC to monitor and control the industrial process.

209.What is the purpose of a PLC’s memory?

a) To store the control program
b) To store data from the industrial process
c) To store the PLC’s configuration settings
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: The memory of a PLC is used to store the control program, data from the industrial
process, and the PLC’s configuration settings. This allows the PLC to retain its program and data even
during a power failure, and to be configured to meet the specific needs of the industrial process.

210.What type of I/O does a PLC typically have?

a) Analog and Digital
b) Serial and Parallel
c) Ethernet and USB
d) Wireless and Bluetooth
Answer: a) Analog and Digital
Explanation: PLCs typically have both analog and digital inputs and outputs. Analog inputs are used to
read continuous signals from sensors, such as temperature or pressure, while digital inputs are used
to read discrete signals, such as the position of a switch. Analog outputs are used to control
continuous signals, such as the speed of a motor, while digital outputs are used to control discrete
signals, such as turning a light on or off.

211.What is the difference between a PLC and a PC?

a) PLCs are specialized for industrial automation while PCs are general-purpose
b) PLCs are more powerful than PCs
c) PLCs are less expensive than PCs
d) PLCs are less versatile than PCs
Answer: a) PLCs are specialized for industrial automation while PCs are general-purpose computers
Explanation: PLCs are specialized industrial computers that are designed to control and automate
industrial processes and machinery. They are built to withstand harsh industrial environments and
have specific features that make them well suited for industrial automation applications. On the other

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hand, PCs are general-purpose computers that are designed for a wide range of uses, such as personal
and business use.

212.What is the function of a PLC’s input module?

a) To read input signals from sensors
b) To send output signals to actuators
c) To store data from the industrial process
d) To execute the control program
Answer: a) To read input signals from sensors
Explanation: The function of a PLC’s input module is to read input signals from sensors in the
industrial process. The input module receives signals such as digital or analog signals, and sends the
information to the CPU, which processes the signals according to the control program.

213.What is the function of a PLC’s output module?

a) To read input signals from sensors
b) To send output signals to actuators
c) To store data from the industrial process
d) To execute the control program

Answer: b) To send output signals to actuators

Explanation: The function of a PLC’s output module is to send output signals to actuators in the
industrial process. The output module receives commands from the CPU and sends signals such as
digital or analog signals to actuators, which control the industrial process.

214.What is the difference between a PLC and a microcomputer?

a) PLCs are specialized for industrial automation while microcomputers are general-
purpose controllers
b) PLCs are less powerful than microcomputers
c) PLCs are less expensive than microcomputers
d) PLCs are less versatile than microcomputers
Answer: a) PLCs are specialized for industrial automation while microcomputers are general-purpose
Explanation: PLCs are specialized industrial controllers that are designed to control and automate
industrial processes and machinery. They are built to withstand harsh industrial environments and
have specific features that make them well-suited for industrial automation applications. On the
other hand, microcomputers are general-purpose controllers that are designed for a wide range of
uses, such as custom development for simple automation projects.

215.What is the function of a PLC’s programming software?

a) To create and edit the control program
b) To test and debug the control program
c) To download the control program to the PLC
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: The programming software of a PLC allows the user to create and edit the control
program, test and debug the program, and download it to the PLC for execution. The software
typically includes a graphical user interface (GUI) that makes it easy to create and edit the control
program, and tools for testing and debugging the program to ensure it is functioning correctly.

216.What is the function of a PLC’s communication module?

a) To connect the PLC to other devices and systems
b) To transfer data between the PLC and other devices
c) To send and receive signals from other devices
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: The communication module of a PLC is responsible for connecting the PLC to other
devices and systems, transferring data between the PLC and other devices, and sending and receiving
signals from other devices. This allows the PLC to communicate with other devices in the industrial
process, such as sensors, actuators, and other PLCs, as well as other systems like SCADA, DCS, MES
and ERP systems.

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217.How can a PLC be configured to meet the specific needs of an industrial process?
a) By using specialized software
b) By using a web interface
c) By using a command line interface
d) By using a mobile app
Answer: a) By using specialized software
Explanation: A PLC can be configured to meet the specific needs of an industrial process by using
specialized software. This software allows the user to set the configuration settings of the PLC, such as
the number of inputs and outputs, the type of communication protocol to be used, and the program
logic. This allows the PLC to be tailored to the specific requirements of the industrial process, making
it more efficient and effective.

218.What is the function of a PLC’s operating system?

a) To manage the hardware and software resources of the PLC
b) To execute the control program
c) To connect the PLC to other devices and systems
d) All of the above
Answer: a) To manage the hardware and software resources of the PLC
Explanation: A PLC’s operating system, also known as the firmware, is responsible for managing the
hardware and software resources of the PLC. It controls the execution of the control program,
manages the memory, and manages communication with other devices and systems. This allows the
PLC to efficiently use its resources and ensures that the control program is executed correctly.

219.What is the function of a PLC’s watchdog timer?

a) To keep track of the time
b) To schedule tasks
c) To trigger events
d) To monitor the PLC’s operation and reset the PLC in case of a malfunction
Answer: d) To monitor the PLC’s operation and reset the PLC in case of a malfunction
Explanation: A PLC’s watchdog timer is a safety feature that monitors the PLC’s operation and resets
the PLC in case of a malfunction. It is a timer that is continuously reset by the PLC’s control program,
and when it expires, it triggers a reset of the PLC. This ensures that the PLC is always in a known state
and can recover from unexpected errors or malfunctions.

220.What are the advantages of using a PLC over a relay-based control system?
a) PLCs are more reliable and easier to maintain
b) LCs can be reprogrammed as needed
c) PLCs can handle multiple inputs and outputs
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: PLCs offer several advantages over relay-based control systems. They are more reliable
and easier to maintain, can be reprogrammed as needed, and can handle multiple inputs and outputs.
This flexibility and adaptability makes PLCs a popular choice for industrial automation. PLCs also have
more advanced features such as built-in memory, real-time clocks, and communication capabilities
that are not available in relay-based systems.

221.What is the function of a PLC’s built-in diagnostics?

a) To detect and troubleshoot errors in the control program
b) To monitor the status of the PLC’s inputs and outputs
c) To detect and troubleshoot hardware errors
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: A PLC’s built-in diagnostics are a set of features that allow the PLC to detect and
troubleshoot errors in the control program, monitor the status of the PLC’s inputs and outputs, and
detect and troubleshoot hardware errors. This allows the PLC to identify and resolve problems
quickly, minimizing downtime and ensuring that the industrial process runs smoothly.

222.What is the function of a PLC’s ladder logic?

a) To create and edit the control program

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b) To test and debug the control program
c) To represent the control program in a graphical format
d) All of the above
Answer: c) To represent the control program in a graphical format
Explanation: Ladder logic is a programming language that is used to represent the control program of
a PLC in a graphical format. It is a simplified form of Boolean logic, and it uses symbols and diagrams
to represent the control program, making it easy to understand and modify. Ladder logic is the most
commonly used programming language for PLCs, and is supported by most PLC manufacturers.

223.What is the function of a PLC’s high-speed counter?

a) To count the number of pulses from a sensor
b) To measure the speed of a motor
c) To monitor the frequency of a signal
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: A PLC’s high-speed counter is a specialized input module that can count the number of
pulses from a sensor, measure the speed of a motor, and monitor the frequency of a signal. This
feature is particularly useful for industrial processes that require precise measurement, such as
counting the number of parts produced by a machine or monitoring the speed of a conveyor belt.

224.What is the function of a PLC’s PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) control?

a) To control the speed of a motor
b) To control the temperature of a process
c) To control the flow of a liquid
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: A PLC’s PID control is a control algorithm that can be used to control the speed of a
motor, the temperature of a process, and the flow of a liquid. PID control uses a feedback loop to
compare the desired value of a process variable (such as temperature or flow) to the actual value, and
then adjusts the control output (such as the speed of a motor or the flow of a liquid) to bring the
process variable closer to the desired value. This feature is particularly useful for industrial processes
that require precise control of a process variable.

225.What is the function of a PLC’s communication protocol?

a) To connect the PLC to other devices and systems
b) To transfer data between the PLC and other devices
c) To send and receive signals from other devices
d) To ensure that data is transmitted and received correctly
Answer: d) To ensure that data is transmitted and received correctly
Explanation: A PLC’s communication protocol is a set of rules that define how data is transmitted and
received between the PLC and other devices and systems. It ensures that data is transmitted and
received correctly by defining the format, timing, and error-checking of the data. Different
communication protocols are used for different types of communication, such as Ethernet, Modbus,
Profinet, OPC-UA etc.

226.What is the function of a PLC’s I/O (Input/Output) mapping?

a) To assign physical inputs and outputs to the PLC’s I/O modules
b) To assign virtual inputs and outputs to the PLC’s control program
c) To assign physical inputs and outputs to the PLC’s control program
d) All of the above
Answer: c) To assign physical inputs and outputs to the PLC’s control program
Explanation: I/O mapping is the process of assigning physical inputs and outputs of the PLC to the
control program. It is used to establish a connection between the physical inputs and outputs of the
PLC and the control program, allowing the PLC to read and control the inputs and outputs in the
industrial process. This feature allows the PLC to be tailored to the specific requirements of the
industrial process, making it more efficient and effective.

227.What is the function of a PLC’s data logging?

a) To store data from the industrial process
b) To store the PLC’s configuration settings

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c) To record data over a period of time
d) All of the above
Answer: c) To record data over a period of time
Explanation: Data logging is the process of recording data over a period of time. This feature allows
the PLC to store data from the industrial process such as process variable, alarms, events etc over a
period of time. This data can be used for trend analysis, reporting, and troubleshooting. It also
enables to record historical data for compliance purposes.

228.What is the function of a PLC’s real-time data handling?

a) To process data in real-time
b) To store data in real-time
c) To send data in real-time
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Real-time data handling is the process of processing, storing and sending data in real-
time. This feature allows the PLC to process data as it is received, store it for later use, and send it to
other devices and systems in real-time. This feature is particularly useful for industrial processes that
require precise and timely data, such as monitoring the temperature of a process or controlling the
speed of a motor.

229.What is the function of a PLC’s remote access?

a) To access the PLC from a remote location
b) To access the PLC’s control program from a remote location
c) To access the PLC’s data from a remote location
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Remote access is the ability to access the PLC, the control program and the data from a
remote location. This feature allows the user to monitor, control and troubleshoot the PLC from a
remote location, which is useful for remote monitoring and control, remote maintenance, and remote
troubleshooting. This feature can be achieved by either using a dedicated communication link or by
using the internet. Remote access can be done through a web interface, mobile app or through a
dedicated software.

230.What is the function of a PLC’s redundancy?

a) To provide a backup PLC in case of a failure
b) To provide a backup power supply in case of a failure
c) To provide a backup communication link in case of a failure
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Redundancy is the provision of backup systems or components in case of a failure. This
feature provides a backup PLC, a backup power supply, and a backup communication link in case of a
failure. This ensures that the industrial process continues to run even in case of a failure, minimizing
downtime and ensuring the continuity of the process. This feature is particularly useful for critical
processes that cannot afford to have any downtime.

231.What is the function of a PLC’s motion control?

a) To control the speed and position of a motor
b) To control the speed and direction of a motor
c) To control the speed and acceleration of a motor
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Motion control is the ability of a PLC to control the speed and position, direction, and
acceleration of a motor. This feature allows the PLC to control the movement of machinery and
equipment in an industrial process, such as controlling the position of a robotic arm or the speed of a
conveyor belt. This feature is particularly useful for industrial processes that require precise
movement and positioning.

232.What is the function of a PLC’s Safety Input/Output?

a) To monitor the status of safety devices
b) To shut down the process in case of a safety issue

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c) To trigger an alarm in case of a safety issue
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Safety Input/Output is a specialized type of input/output that is used to monitor the
status of safety devices, shut down the process in case of a safety issue, and trigger an alarm in case
of a safety issue. This feature is particularly useful for industrial processes that require a high level of
safety, such as processes that involve hazardous materials or dangerous machinery.

233.What is the function of a PLC’s Event Logging?

a) To record events from the industrial process
b) To store events for later analysis

c) To trigger an alarm in case of a specific event

d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Event logging is the process of recording events from the industrial process, storing
them for later analysis, and triggering an alarm in case of a specific event. This feature allows the PLC
to record important events, such as alarms, operator actions, and machine status, and store them for
later analysis. This feature is particularly useful for troubleshooting and identifying the root cause of

234.What is the function of a PLC’s Cybersecurity?

a) To protect the PLC from cyberattacks
b) To protect the PLC’s control program from cyberattacks
c) To protect the PLC’s data from cyberattacks
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting a PLC from cyberattacks by implementing
measures to secure the PLC, its control program, and its data. This includes implementing firewalls,
intrusion detection systems, and encryption, as well as regularly updating software and performing
vulnerability assessments. With the increasing connectivity of industrial systems, PLCs are becoming
more vulnerable to cyberattacks, and it’s important to ensure that cybersecurity measures are in
place to protect the PLC and the industrial process from unauthorized access, data breaches, and
other cyber threats.

235.What is the function of a PLC’s Virtualization?

a) To run multiple virtual machines on a single PLC
b) To run multiple control programs on a single PLC
c) To run multiple operating systems on a single PLC
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: Virtualization is the practice of running multiple virtual machines, control programs, or
operating systems on a single PLC. This allows multiple tasks or processes to be run on a single PLC,
increasing its flexibility and efficiency. Virtualization can also be used to separate different control
programs or applications, isolating them from each other and increasing their security. This feature is
particularly useful for industrial processes that require multiple control programs to be run on a single

236.What is the function of a PLC’s IoT (Internet of Things) capability?

a) To connect the PLC to other IoT devices
b) To collect and process data from IoT devices
c) To send and receive commands from IoT devices
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Explanation: IoT capability is the ability of a PLC to connect to other IoT devices, collect and process
data from them, and send and receive commands from them. This feature allows the PLC to integrate
with other IoT devices such as sensors, cameras, and actuators and allows for data and control to be
shared among these devices. This feature allows for a more connected and automated industrial
process, with the ability to gather data from multiple sources and make decisions based on that data.

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