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Hope you get this on time, I made a trip to market to get some stuff and had my bag stolen

me with my money, credit cards and my ID in it. Unfortunately for me, I can't have access to
funds without my credit card, Have tried calling the card issuer but they told me i won't get
another one until two weeks time. I don't have a dime on me. I was thinking of asking you to lend
me some quick funds that I can give back as soon as I get in. I don't want you to be thinking that
we just met and i am asking you for help but i want you to know that i am asking you this all just
because I have contacted my neighbors and others that i knew, they are all broke at the moment
because of the little boy surgery that they all donated for. I will be very grateful if you can assist
me with this little cash to get my food stuff and I wouldn't mind paying this back in multiple if you
don't mind.


Thanks for accepting my request and sorry to bother you, Facebook suggested you as a friend to
me ,so i add you up. Hope we can be friends? hope to hear from you as soon as possible.


Where are you originally from and where do you live at the moment?

I was Born and raised In Spain, and Im living in, Toledo Ohio


How old are you and what do you do for fun in your free time?

I am 29 and I like camping, fishing, cycling, biking, movies, golf, all kinds of sports. i like the
indoors too but i'm mostly an outdorsey, i also like the city life. I take a walk out when the
weather's mild, but go to the pool or mostly the beach when it's sunny


Do you Like Travelling, If so where have you ever been to ?

I Have been to some Places in Usa, Italy ,I've been to a few. Germany was my favorite! It's
beautiful there


Are you Married, Divorced, Single, Kids?, be honest with me

Am single, never married and no kids and i will love to have kids in the future with the right man,
cos children are the key of relationship and marriage and fruit.


Tell me what happened in your past relationship?

My ex cheated on me which gave me a wrong impression about men generally and made me
thought i wouldn't have anything to do with a them due to my past experiences. Well my ex was
not honest with me and since then i have vowed never to get into any relationship again because
i have been hurts badly and that gives me bad impression about all Men but my best friend made
me to Understand i couldnt trust nor rely on friend , too bad.

I do want to go on with my life and I’ve asked God to bring someone into my life who will want
me for whom i am and be good to me I know that there is someone out there for me because
God never does anything without a reason even if we can’t figure it out, I also believe that the
lord has someone else in mind for me to share the rest of my life with because the lord doesn’t
want me to be alone or lonely.

Being honest and open is very important to me and I expect my match to feel the same way. I am
not a game player


Tell me about yourself and your Family?

What kind of job do you do?

About my family its a long story to tel. I will keep this short, I am the only Child of my parents 5''8
tall, weight 121 lbs, I have a small family because i don't know much about my Mom family in the
Texas she rarely travel to see her relatives. My father is in the Military and we travel alots and
visit lot of places when i was still a Child. My father died in a car accident which affected my
Mother and she got an heart attack but died and am happy she is with God. If you know what i
mean. right now i am an orphan. Since then, i started to live my life by myself and not depending
on my family because we are not that close, i rarely see them and they are not ready to be of
help in any way but i am glad i am whom i am today. So you could see that this world is full of
pain and happiness is like stolen moment from the stream of sadness. Am into wholesales goods
of all kinds I am self Employed, I am into sales of local beads,art works. I'm presently in (Nigeria)
for an art exhibition and i will be back to state as soonest as I'm done with the exhibition here.
I'm here to showcase my art works for a new museum about being establish in Nigeria. I learn
this business, Art(Painting precisely) and selling from my Mom. Am new to this business and
have been doing it all alone for some period of time now. It all about trading from one place to

Well, It's not too fun down here. Just here for that business purpose.

Well I recently left the states exactly 5days ago for Nigeria I will be done totally in 2week time


Tell me about you and your quality of a match?

I am sweet, thoughtful, kind, intelligent, and have a great sense of humor. I am very easy going
and laid back. I am often told that I am very easy to talk with. I am not an angry person, and I am
not interested in someone that is. Having past events shape your life is one thing, carrying the
past as a burden that sits heavily upon your shoulders is not the way i view life. I am happy with
myself, and my life, and I like to think it shows. I would do the best with someone that isn't
extremely uptight, unless of course you are willing to learn to let things go!


What are you looking for in a woman?

I think we are Looking for the same things but mine in a man, Just that i am Looking for a nice,
Honest, Kind and Caring man, a man that will Love and be with me for the Rest of my Life

Am not looking for someone to date but someone to spend the of my life with, All i need from my
man is just being sincere to me,make me feel secured,appreciate,love,care and being
understanding,All my life has been engolfed with misery and loneliness,i watch my life layed wide
spread in front of me and didn't know what to do with it,my life has been so boring and hope
with someone who is ready to Love me for who i am now it's gonna change for the best

I want to find a man who wants to get to know me and love me for me and i want a long term
relationship, hopefully someday we would live the rest of our life together as friends, partners
and lovers.


What Religion are you?

I am a Catholic and i do go to church, I try to go once in every week which is sunday, learning
about the lord. I know that if the lord wasn’t in my life that there are days I would just give up but
because he is, he keeps me going. Sometime I do the wrong things but I know he will forgive me
if I ask and I do that daily because I believe that the lord listens to my prayers and he will always
take care of me even when I don’t think he is listening.


What kind of music do you like?

I like all kinds of music, I like listening to blues, oldies, jazz, R and B hiphops, western, rock etc.But
i mostly like. Lionel Richie and James Blunt, Steven Vaughn Ray, Tim Mcgraw

How many ladies have you meet,talk to,chat with,know or dated through the internet?


What is your favorite color? Movie? TV program ? Food ? Movie?

For me, My favorite color is Yellow, Fav Tv program House swap and maybe Seinfield then CSI.
favorite food, Uhmmm lobster or anything spongy. Favorite Movies, Uhmmm, Probably chick
flicks, Michial , Pretty Woman, ET, 7 Brides for 7 Brothers. Again, the feel good kind of movie,
Christmas movies. Fun ones that is huh. Are you a neat freak or do you leave the bed unmade
sometimes? And dishes in the sink, and laundry to fold/put away. Stuff like that?

I'm not a very good housekeeper. My paperwork is not very organized most of the time because I
believe in living life and enjoying it not being stuck in the house in good weather or even bad if I
feel like it.


What make you a successful man today? what are you really looking for in a relationship? Do you
stay alone?

What has made me the special lady I am today. I am serious about wanting to establish a quality
friendship. I am very serious about my intentions and my feelings. Am looking for a man that will
be able to listen to me, communicate his feelings to me, make me laugh, hold and comfort
me ,stand by myside always, respect me, passionate lover in every way, support each other in
every way, love me and only me, make me smile, protect me when needed, romantic time to
time, and treat me like a queen


What are your goals and dreams, I hope am not too inquisitive
My goals and dreams is to have a successful career and to live a good life, and maybe meet
someone that believes in unconditional love, sure that cant be complete without a honest
husband, someone who know the true meaning of what we call a Family, its really something i
have always dream t of and im really Working hard towards that direction


Is there somewhere you want to go that you have never been before?

I would love to go to Italy someday, Be able to share a train trip with that special someone
through the mountains and valleys, I will also like to visit hawaii I think it would be so beautiful to
see all the flowers growing and the beautiful ocean waters.

I would love someone who is fun to be around, likes to laugh, joke around, enjoy being outdoors
going for long romantic walks, enjoys looking at the stars at night, and watching the sun set and
rise over the ocean. I am looking for someone that enjoys the simple things in life, just as I do.


Is there something special you remember in your past relationships that was good and made you

Well' that was when i first met him, he was nice but he changed all of a sudden. When i was
filled with hope and love and excitement for the future before everything changed and reality set

I want to love a man for who he is, to spoil him, and love him, and let him know just how much
he means to me, by the little things I do or say to make him feel special. While at the same time
he treats me in the same way, with love and respect.


Can you tell me the saddest moment you have ever had in your life?
That was when i caught my Ex with my best friend on our bed.


What is your taste in clothing, are you a business casual person? Or jeans and t-shirt type?

It depends on my mood and where I am going as to what I wear, I guess I'm kinda fashionable


What is one thing you have never done but have always wanted to do?

Well, this may sound crazy, but i have always wanted to ride a bull. like in the rodeo.

I have not given up hope in finding my soul mate, best friend ,confidant, and lover. The one I can
tell my inner most fears to and know he will be there for me through the good time and the not
so good.


What would be your ideal first date with that special someone?

Nothing fancy and contrived, it has to be natural and easy. I think a little seaside restaurant with
lots of Mexican, live music playing, dancing and joking and playfulnessI would prefer, then a long
walk hand in hand on the beach in the moonlight, quietly talking and sharing thoughts and then
to sit in the sand at the edge of the water and then to let what ever happens next just happen.

I'm a straight and easy going person with a kind and gentle heart Full of love. I love to travel and
would love a partner to travel with me. I might live to be a 100 years old or my time could end
tomorrow. Rather than wait and miss life I want to take advantage while I have the opportunity in
front of me.


Are you the Type that like learning new things?

I like to talk to different people and get new points of views and have great conversation about all
sorts of things, I love to try new things and can laugh at myself when I fail miserably. I don't give
up easily, and have so many things I've yet to try. like traveling, going on unknown adventures,
and even something I thought I never would.


What do you like to do with that special someone when it is raining?

I like snuggling on the couch or holding hands watching the rain or when its just raining a little
sitting on the porch in the swing watching and talking. we can also be sharing kissing, jokes and
telling stories.


Do you like to watch the Sun set or rise?

Yes I love to see the sun set but don’t do that much. Would love to have someone to sit and
watch with me.


Do you dance?

I’m not much of a dancer, been a long time since I’ve danced, and i think i can dance so much, cos
like going in slow dance, hip hops and blues.

What is your idea of a romantic evening?

I would like we both cooking together in the kitchen, sharing the fun and the work, laughing,
talking, and then settling down together to eat in quiet, maybe some candles, soft music. I love
togetherness, the more together, the more I fall in love.


Are you a morning person? Or an evening person?

I am both, it depends on the mood and circumstances, when I am anticipating an event, I am

excited, and will act accordingly. I have been known to get so excited about things that will
happen the next day that I don’t sleep the night before, and im the first one out of bed. And if
something is happening…like talking to you at night, I will stay up and be active.


Favorite Pets?

Dogs and Horses


Do you like to pick clothes or styles for your woman?

I love to shop for clothes for a man, any man, it doesn’t matter, I’ve been known to shop for my
dad, before he died.

Are you picky about how your woman behaves in public? Do you prefer a quiet demeanor or
someone who is outgoing and friendly?

I appreciate a man that is confident and not particularly shy in public that is willing to speak up
and say whats on his mind, although not being rude, or discourteous, also friendly to strangers,
and not embarrassed if I speak to other people that we may or may not know. I like to feel
protected and yet free to be my myself, which is quite friendly.


Do you drink alcohol? Have you ever been drunk?

I like a glass of fruity wine every once in a while, and I like the occasional dessert drink, like
amudslide, or pina colada


Have you ever been in trouble with the law? If so, what for?

Nope, never ever been in trouble


Do you like going on trips?

I love road trips, traveling, cruising


Have you ever done anything crazy just for the fun of it?

I do a lot of crazy things but I don’t care because as long as I’m not hurting someone else it is
okay or at least I think it is. I have never danced on the beach because no one has ever asked me
to, stop for ice cream just because, I think is great, haven’t jumped in the rain but sounds fun


Tell me what you think will make you happy in a relationship?

I love to hold hands, hug for no reason, kiss or just put my hand on your leg. I guess you can say
I’m one of those people who like to touch a lot. make love and french kiss


Are you the kind of person that likes being in crowd or just stay on your own?

I’m okay in crowd as long as I know someone because i felt boring when i am alone and i dont like
being alone.

I'm alone by choice, but know it s time to meet my mr right, so may be you are here. I am hoping
to keep company with you if you are searching for the future partner.


Tell me if there anything someone could do to you that would make you hate that person?

I hate being played on and being lied to or accused of things that i've not done. I think the thing
that upsets me the most is someone to lie to me and after they get caught not admit it. You know
I understand that we do things that are not right but when we are wrong we need to be
responsible for it and admit we are wrong. and be big enough to say (I am sorry). That is
something I think a lot of people have a hard time doing.
Honesty is the best policy with me, (I’m a big Woman,I can handle the truth, even when it hurts).
I enjoy a good adventure, friendship, comprehension, tolerance,dialogue,to accept each other as
we are, and of course plenty of love.


How do you handle differences in a relationship?

I want to talk about the differences and try and come up with a solution. There is always a way to
work things out but we have to listen to each other and i also know not to go to bed mad at my

An ideal partner would accept me the way I am, he should respect me and love me, cuddle up to
me before he falls asleep and hold me tight after he awakes.just someone that knows what love
is all about,who will be there for me in good times and not so good.


Are you a trusting person or a controlling person?

I do trust my feelings and I think sometimes I trust them too much and that get me into trouble
because I believe what you tell me until you do something to make me stop. is really very hard to
trust but i am looking forward to trust someone , cos i am not controlling person.


Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?

Yes, one, I was 17 and just out of high school. Sad thing is, It was on the road my house was on


Are you physically loving when you are with a woman? Hold hands? Hugs? In private? And in

I love to hold hands, I think it shows unity, and it also is a comfort, that the person you are
holding hands with is there for you, emotionally and physically. In private. I love love to fool
around, goof off, and carry on, a shaving cream fight is fun as all get out, and I love laughing,


Do you respect the woman you are with? Do you ever downgrade or make fun of her?

Yes I would like to be able to respect the man I end up with, I like for a man to be strong and yet,
able to express his softer side. I do tend to poke fun at times, (it’s a bad habit) but when I think
something will make people laugh, I usually tell all.


Do you like children? Other peoples children? Do you tend to distance yourself from them? Or
play with them?

I love kids, when a toddler giggles, I giggle, I cant help it, to hear that from a baby or small child is
a wonderful thing. I love to jump in and play with the kids, but I do realize there’s a time and
place for it depends on the situation.


Do you have any annoying habits? If so, what are they?

I talk too much. And I tend to say whats on my mind faster than thinking about the consequences
of what I say. Altho, I have to say, that as I’ve gotten older and dealt with the things I have in life,
I’ve gotten more selective in my conversations. That, and I’m a perfectionist on some things, and
other things I let go.

What would your family tell me about you?

I think my family would tell you that I’m a loving, kind, caring person how wish they are alive now,
i am now alone

Well' i am looking for someone that is secure and knows what she want in a man, i want
someone who is not afraid of commitment, someone who can communicate well, both with
words and feelings, and someone who will treat a me as an equal and not an object.


Do you get into a hurry when you are doing something?

I don’t think I hurry when doing a job, I try to do it right and if it takes a while then that is what I’ll


How old were you when you first fell in love? I was 20 years.

I approach this renewed journey with caution as my feelings and heart are quick to get the best
of my head. However, once I give them they are true and deep in every sense. i'd like to meet
someone really caring. i love to take care of the person i'm with.. i love to cuddle. i want
someone who isn't afraid to show me how they feel. i want someone honest and trustworthy.
someone who would let me know what they want and don't want


What is the name of your dream car?

Um, well, I don’treally have dreams like that, im not a material kind of person, although I love my
own things, I don’t covet what I know I cant have, unless its like children and falling in love


When was the last time you cried?

That was when my Ex broke his leg and was really in pain, there was no one to help so i have to
do it all on my own, i have to leave my Order of work and i also lost a contract on that very day
just because i dont have anyone to look after him while i had a business to attend to but my Ex is
also more important..


Favorite Memory?

Mine was when i was little and santa claus came to our house then all of us were so excited that
he came. I'm at the age where i would like to find something serious. i would like to find mr.right
where ever he may be. I am romatic and i want a man who isn't afraid to be the same. I am the
kind of person that will leave a note in your vehicle so when you get in to go to work you have
something sweet from me to start your day and know that i'm thinking of you.


Do you get bored easily?

It depends on what is going on but i try not to be,if my partner is exciting then i will not be bored.


Are you one who watches the clock?

I’m not a clock-watcher, but I do like to be on time for things. I don’t like going to places late. I
would rather be early than late.


Do you forget and forgive someone who has done something to you or do you hold a grudge?

I guess you could say I forgive easily because I don’t like conflict. I would rather just walk away
than to fight but after things are over I don’t hold a grudge against any because I would have said
what I wanted to and you would have said what you wanted and then it would be over.

I am the optimist. I am the one who sees the glass half full, and always looking for the silver
lining. I look for simple pleasures and not so simple pleasures in life. I believe that you do have to
enjoy life to the fullest, you never know when it could end.


What was the last thing you ate?

I just finished eating an Apple.

I am a Fun loving woman looking for the right one to share my life with, can you be the one and
only man for me. Part Teddy Bear, part social butterfly, why not lets go fly a kite together, Can you
handle that..?


Do you wish on stars?

I do sometimes that i feel so lonely.

I have wanted someone who knows what love and being loved means and who will allow
themselves every opportunity to enjoy those wonderful feelings. Someone who has hopes and
dreams about happiness and the future, just as I do.


If you could have one wish, what would it be for?

Mine would be that i would love to have husband be as happy and full of life and enjoy the
pleasures in front of them


Favorite month of the year and days of the weeks?

I will take December and Friday

I've wanted someone who knows how to give and not just on special occasions or when its easy
or convenient, but everyday whenever there was a moment we could share. Someone who
would make time for me regardless of busy or hectic schedules. I want to know I matter and that i
am more important than a business deal.


What turns you on about a woman.?

To see the love in his eyes and you know with out him saying a word but i like it when he say i
love you and when he hugs n kisses me for no reason that is what i like to be able to do for the
man of my dreams and the fact that when i can give the hugs and kisses that it turns him on

I like to be appreciated and complimented to which I would do the same for that special
someone. I like discovering new things about the person you meet. I am a person who looks for
the possibilities versus what cannot be achieved


I hope that this lets you know a little about me, and I hope I don't come across as being too
cynical, harsh, or mean sounding.

I will give anybody the benefit of the doubt (we're all human, we all make mistakes), but I also
don't like being taken advantage of. I'm just asking you to keep it real and be honest from the
beginning; that way, nobody is wasting their time or getting their feelings hurt.

That's fine...we'll see how things go after we get to know each other.

I have been hurt over and over by mean lying men ,so my trust is very low and I feel that there
are very few true men out there

I believe in God and i have faith that with Him all things are Possible, Am looking for a man that
can make me happy, a man that is loving caring, understanding, that will respect my opinion. I am
Looking for a real and serious relationship that will last for ever. I believe that Distance is Nothing
But Love Matters Most to me

I am very understanding, open minded with a heart of forgiving, loving and caring with sense of
humor, hard working., I was raised with a strike Christian background and taught from a young
age to always respect myself and other people and learn how to give mutual respect to my man.

I never speak negatively about people, I take less and listen more to people and does not jump
into other people's affair


I have been In a Relationship which end Up, because the guy was very unfaithful it has Cost me
alot Of pain and i am now Looking for a Loving God fearing and Responsible man To settle down
with that is why i am Here So If you Interested Let get and know More about each Other

In any good relationship, there should be trust, communication, understanding, and honesty. Life
is a precious gift from God, and it should be lived with love and joy
I enjoy various activities. I can bowl, skate, swim, play chess, checkers, draw, bike riding, a little
fishing and crabbing, a little golf, have tried tennis, camping, sports etc. It does not matter. I am a
very average versatile person, and not hard to please. I enjoy the complex as well as the simple
things in life


Im a very outgoing person, who loves to dine out travel and enjoy the simple life. Im a hopeless
romantic and very affectionate. I have a good sense of humor and I like to make you laugh

I like to chill out with a good book or watch and movie and its even more fun when you have a
special someone to do this with. Im very easy to get a long with and a very good listener.. I love
To share My Time with People I Love and care

I am an honest heart that's looking for a stable relationship. I understand it is important to lay
down lasting foundations for a lasting relationship. I am an active person who enjoys cycling and
running best. I believe keeping fit is important. I am not interested in games or drama

I enjoy fine dining and am always looking for someone to share the appreciation of good food
and fine wine

I like getting out and checking out local talent and live concerts, here or anywhere. I enjoy movies
and music for relaxation. A quiet night at home is also enjoyed and welcomed. I am open to try
different activities and up for the challenge

I love spontaneity and being a bit impulsive. I am continually attempting to function from the
inside out and to go with my intuitive impulses, because sometimes the spontaneous actions are
the most fun, not expected and purely delightful

I generally try to live a somewhat healthy lifestyle, exercising and some sort of jogging, 3-4 days a
week and eating healthy, (trust me, I love sweets and pastries, but try not to over do it). I would
also like to find a like-minded male where we can participate in activities together and encourage
each other to pursue their interests as well

I have several hobbies (and wish I could find more time to pursue those) such as swimming,
playing computer, dancing, and reading, and more,and would like someone to share that with, as
well as their sharing their interests with me

I do not expect a man to be a servant to me, spending all his time working and and cleaning; I
believe there is give and take in a relationship, and I realize that at times it's more convenient for
me to do laundry, cook, clean, and I have no problem doing that

I consider myself to be a fairly honest and truthful person and expect the same in return; I'm not
wealthy and don't expect someone to attempt to deceive me or "play" me

I believe that time spent apart helps keep things fresh in a relationship and makes the time we
DO spend together even better

I'm not one who cheats in a relationship; one man is enough trouble ; I don't have the time or
energy to juggle 2, 3, or 4 at the same time - haha

I am generally an optimistic person with a sense of humor, fairly easy-going, and I don't think that
I'm too critical about things, but I also believe that it takes two people contributing to a
relationship to make it work

As I mentioned earlier, I like to do things with the other significant person in my life, but I also
encourage him to go out and spend time with friends and pursue his own interests and hobbies
as well

As you can tell, I am not a bs'er and believe in total communication.. Not that we can do that all
the time, but ultimately we can get the feelings out without too much delay, I hope

I believe in getting to know my partner and communication seems to be the best way to do this. I
am adventurous. love to see new places and experience new things

I will always have the little kid in me ,even though I am very responsible !! love to play,I am on the
computer getting into it more and more!!! dancing is important to me I want soo badly to get
better at it !!!

It is such a positive way of having fun and expressing yourself,and you get to show your woman
to the world on the dance floor like a beautiful flower equal partnership takes to to
tango ,compromise ,communication is sooooo important!!!

I will always be who I am at the core my soul my being who I am and what makes me ,Butttt!!! I
am chuck full of potential I actually can be taught!! LOL!!! woman need to be like a guiding light
for men we sometimes have a tendence to miss the little things ,not on and a
woman should work as a team together ,I cook ,clean,dust ,and do laundry


My desire is to meet a sensitive, sensuous, warm, assertive single man who wants a friend
My interpretation of a friend is one to whom you can pour out all the contents of your heart,
chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentleness of hands will take it all, sift it, keep that
which is worth keeping and, with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away

I thank you in advance for allowing me to be that kind of friend to you

I am looking for a special, loving relationship with a unique Man who is affectionate, sincere,
easygoing, with interests and characteristics similar to mine. Someone who wants a meaningful,
serious, long-term relationship not just a few dates

I am looking for someone who has a great sense of humor and big heart, is curious about new
things that would like to share new experiences or old habits

I am looking for someone who believes that a true intimate partner looks out for the other and
vice versa. While navigating life together, we are caring and concerned for each other's well-being
because we make each other so happy and we love each other very much.

Looking for a serious long term relationship with someone who posesses strong character and is
goal-oriented. He must love the Lord with all of his heart,then I know he will love me with all his

He should enjoy good humor, love to laugh, and be a hopeless romantic.So that would make him
a God-loving romantic guy, and God will My ideal partner must love to take long
walks, holding hands, when I am not giving him a "walk for his money" His yes must be yes, and
his no, no

If you enjoy a good book, walks , watch what you put into your "temple". Just love praising God,
can dance even a little. But I also want to be in a relationship where I can totally trust the other
person and not dwell on how the relationship is NOT working

As far as an ideal partner, i dont have a type. Charisma, humor and charm come in many
packages. I care about honesty, integrity and sincerity you know the basics. Those who know its
impossible to walk a righteous path and do right by everybody, but at least still try(emphasis on
strong effort)

I am attracted to overtly passionate mature people who are totally comfortable in their own skin,
who know who they are(the good and the bad) and recognize their flaws, yet are unashamed
(and not afraid to show) of the quirky, sometimes contradictory, eccentric aspects of their
personality that define their individuality

When you are genuine and sincere, people may not always love you,but they usually respect u (at
least thats been my experience). I am interested in forming a positive, healthy and enjoyable
friendship with a quality person(s)
With regards to a relationships, i now want more from life than family and friends can offer.
Meaning i would like to meet the type of MAN that really would enjoy sensually charged
chemistry, laughter and uncomplicated real time meet and greets

Someone who is highly affectionate, passionate, loving, considerate and is happy with hisself just
the way he is today right now. While i too am highly passionate i am not interested in just mere
sex alone, Additionally, I believe in and would like to continue learning to create and savor the
simple pleasures in life, such as womanhood and learning mor about myself as an individual.
Appreciating those often brief and fleeting moments of beauty & perfection (and not so perfect)
for what they are, nothing more nothing less

Lets communicate, I promise i will be a lady and warm(with a bit of excitability at times as i am
very high spirited and a bit humorous)

I will approach you with hope, and an open dialogue to include a positive and productive goal
with a geniune concern for the future of a healty relationship(friend or otherwise)


I also realize that at times two people are just too different to be in a relationship together; it
doesn't mean that it's anybody's fault, it's just that they're too different to be compatible. Almost
anything I love Italian food, chinese, Tiawanese, spanish, portaguise, rice, pasta, chicken, deer,
pork, fish, shell fish ,potatoe, vegetables, everything but liver

If you feel it would be good for us to meet, write and tell me more about yourself. And please
have good thoughts about our further relationship, for thoughts are like seeds. All the flowers of
all the tomorrows are in the seed of today

Everybody makes mistakes and I usually give people the benefit of the doubt, but if the same
pattern keeps emerging, it's over. I do not want to meet someone who may think that they will
take advantage of me or lie to me and cheat on me under false pretenses

Sorry if that sounds harsh, and I'm not accusing anybody of any wrongdoing, but I'm being
upfront and honest about that, so you know where I stand from the beginning. With all due
respect as well, I hope that you are upfront and honest with me, as well

All it will take to find out whether or not things might work between you and me Thenm Lets Get
Serious and Take this to The Next Level

I wish i could hear your voice as our next step from here, and i dont have a phone , what i mean is
that my phone is not working down here since we both have different telecommunication


It seems so hard to meet the right person these days. I believe in true love but I think very few
people experience it. They end up settling and not finding that one who they would treasure all
their life and that person who would treasure them

I have never found true love. It seems that all the guys I am interested in are not interested in me
and the ones who are interested in me I am not interested in them. Now with on line dating or
what ever you call it, finding a spouse or mate. Well it is a whole different story

I have great respect for great men. I try to treat them tenderly and with kindness. All I have ever
wanted in life is to be with a man who I am attracted to and he is attracted to me

Some one who is all so handsome on the inside. One who is my companion and friend who will
stand by me through thick and thin and will never give up on me. One who is honest, truthful and
faithful and will never ever cheat on me.

I must be the only woman for you forever and always. This is all I ever wanted is true love, to be
loved and encouraged by him and I would do the same, I would die for a man like that. The
problem is there seems to be very few like that in the world today

I have been lonely for a very long time. I long to be with the right man and that is why I am
looking now because I want to find that special man, the right man for me and me for the right
man. I prefer to play for keeps so I want to do this right. Well I must go for now thanks again for
writing. Please take good care and God bless.


I feel I am a woman of integrity and a family provider. I think I am kind in heart and tender of
soul. I am proud in the quality of what I do and responsible. I believe in taking good care of a
man and treating him as a gift that God meant him to be

I would want someone that is kind, caring, loving, enjoys life, one that knows there is stress in
life..but doesn't let it run her life, one that isn't afraid to show and express their feelings,
someone that agrees to disagree at times
I love going to the beach,dancing,swimming, playing games like golf, chess, card and pool, I am
also looking for a very nice,honest,kind,godfearing man,trustfull,faithfull,loyal,caring and loving
man that we are going to spend the rest of how life together

You're a man that knows what he wants, I am a Woman that knows what I and it is exactly the
same, but my luck, you live in another state

You are, kind, sweet, know how to love and cherish a woman the way God meant it to be. Very
special man, a best friend, lover for life. I search for everlasting love the way God meant it to be,
and I am not ashamed of that. My upbringing was to be a woman at all times. I am a well
polished diamond. I don’t like to play games, no wasting anyone’s time, life is to short

I love life with my heart and I promise to love my man with my soul. I am loyal above all, very
intelligent, funny, well adjusted. I enjoy going out as well as staying in. I miss having a man on
my/him couch, watching, laughing, listening, caring, watching, kissing, holding, rubbing each
other sore backs, necks, heads. Just being together, looking into each others eyes and know what
each other is saying without speaking a word

I am a passionate woman and l love to be affectionate. In the long run it is companionship and
enjoyment of what each person loves to do. The compatibility to enjoy it together. I am not into
lust, rather into finding chemistry that will lead to love and monogamy

Most woman today are all about self gratification and not concerned about tomorrow. That is
shallow and leads to a very empty, unfulfilled life

If I should capture your heart you will have, my heart that offers that deep unconditional love we
all desire. My boundless personality that will keep you laughing and loving. And my soul which
you will have captured forever. I am one of a kind. If this is what you desire for the rest of your
life, search no more

Am an energetic and sociable person. I appreciate decency and sincerity in a relationship

between a woman and a man

I'm seeking a man (open, kind, serious, confident, cheerful, responsible) who is ready for

I was raised with a strike Christian background and taught from a young age to always respect
myself and other people.I still maintains this value wherever I goes.The inner beauty is more
important for me than the beauty of appearance

I wish to open a new world in the world of your soul. And if I understand you are the Only whom I
am seeking, i share with you all your sorrows and joys, Ii will be your best friend and life partner I
like to travel very much. It is very interesting to get more knowledge about the new countries,
new people and traditions. It's great to have such a possibility

You are such a gentleman, I also miss having a man in my life, I can say that I truely miss having
time to cuddle and caress, kissing, just being with that special man

I like to stay home sometimes because I don't get to do that much. I am very loyal to all who
know me, I have never betrayed anyone's confidence, it is a part of who I am. I am think I am
intelligent, I am an honor student. I take committments very seriously, if you want good things
from life you have to have goals. My main goal has been to find a loyal, caring, affectionate

I want to find a soulmate that is caring, kind-hearted, passionate, loving, wonderful, intelligent,
passionate about what they do in life as well as their relationship

You are so amazing, I never thought I would find a man who truely is the genuine, kind, loving,
loyal, and caring Man like you in my life

Respect is so important, if you can find all that once in your life you are so very fortunate,I think
you are all that and much more, you are truely amazing. You are one of a kind

I would like to get to know more about who you are and where you come from. I really like what I
know, you are one of a kind. I have not experienced such wonderful conversations with anyone
like this

It truely tells a lot about you, you really sound like who i have been looking for to be with and to
spend all the whole and rest of my life with forever

I am so full of love and affection that I have been waiting for such a special man, I have never let
my standards down even when I was told they were too high, I just prayed that someday I would
find all the wonderful things that I wanted. I don't let people into my life easily, nor do I let them
out of it, I am true and loyal

I'm a quiet, kind, loyal. A great meaning for me is a human's soul. Circle of my interests is various.
I like the literature, music, and cinema. personality traits are; calm, honest, kind, loyal, flexible,
elegant, sociable, sensitive, gentle, cheerful, optimistic, romantic

To be honest Im looking for a partner in life. There is no physical criteria except I must be
attracted to them. i realize attraction is more than skin deep though. Im not looking for someone
to take care of me but someone to share me with. I truly beleived in my role when I'm married
and love being a wife. To be honest miss it greatly

I am looking for my partner for life. Someone to care for someone to love and share with my
hopes my dreams my sorrows. Someone who knows a relationship is a work of art something
that you strive together in building and molding it into place. I miss the touch of a man, and
sharing affection with a man. you might laugh but I miss every aspect that comes with being that
significant other for another I miss talking kissing and laughing with someone

My perception of an ideal, I would like to see near me clever, intelligent, and reliable man. Which
would require my emotional heat, capable to like and respect the man

I have to let you know aswell, that am an honest person as i have said, and i have to be honest
with that, i don't have any boyfriend at present now and am not in any serious relationship

Am very understanding, open minded with a heart of forgiving, loving and caring with sense of
humor, hard working with cheerful character, honest, sincere, kind, warm and intelligent with
good look

I have been Hurt before and will not allow `that to happen to me again,thats why i took my time
to look for my Love Life

It will be so great to be together and love and I hope, someday we'll meet and we will be happy
in our souls and hearts!

Would you embrace my heart and soul as you would your own. I don't let people in often, only
when I feel that are of character and would not hurt me. I so want someone who would cherish
me for all that I am and want to be in life. Everything I give in life is real and from the heart. Your
heart would be safe with my heart

I hope to create a happy, cosy, secure marriage with a nice man, I would love to have a loving
family in a nice house where everyone feels good to come home to

have fully decided to be a role Model to my children and a good, loving and caring wife to my
husband. But I doesn’t want to mess myself with the wrong man. Basically I decided to settle with
a nice, good loving and caring man in any part of the world

If I allow you into my heart which is a very special place, can I trust you to hold it or will you
throw it back in my face? Will you give it alot of love,kindness and affection, or will you lie and
mislead it in all different directions? Would you take care of it as it would take care of you,or
would you rip it out and step on it with your shoe?

If I allow you in my heart which is capable of generating warm feellings of love your way, would
you hold it tenderly and caress it each and everyday? A heart as bright as the sunshine rays
lighting the very corners of you soul, holding you taking your breath away

If I allow you in my heart,through all it's up and downs will you be there holding it to the end,
understanding it's emotions not allowing your love to bend?
If I allow you in my heart to feel the warmth of your hand will you embrace it with your love,your
passions,your plans?

If I allow you in my heart will I know your love for it is real,will you cherish it and show it how a
real woman feels?

If I allow you in my heart will you fill it with all of your manhood your pasion your fire, the very
essense of you. your desire?

To get in my heart it will except no imitation, if you promise to love, cherish,and take care of it,
my heart extends to you.
Hope you get this on time, I made a trip to market to get some stuff and had my bag stolen from
me with my money, credit cards and my ID in it. Unfortunately for me, I can't have access to
funds without my credit card, Have tried calling the card issuer but they told me i won't get
another one until two weeks time. I don't have a dime on me. I was thinking of asking you to lend
me some quick funds that I can give back as soon as I get in. I don't want you to be thinking that
we just met and i am asking you for help but i want you to know that i am asking you this all just
because I have contacted my neighbors and others that i knew, they are all broke at the moment
because of the little boy surgery that they all donated for. I will be very grateful if you can assist
me with this little cash to get my food stuff and I wouldn't mind paying this back in multiple if you
don't mind.


Thanks for accepting my request and sorry to bother you, Facebook suggested you as a friend to
me ,so i add you up. Hope we can be friends? hope to hear from you as soon as possible.


Where are you originally from and where do you live at the moment?

I was Born and raised In Spain, and Im living in, Tennessee


How old are you and what do you do for fun in your free time?
I am 29 and I like camping, fishing, cycling, biking, movies, golf, all kinds of sports. i like the
indoors too but i'm mostly an outdorsey, i also like the city life. I take a walk out when the
weather's mild, but go to the pool or mostly the beach when it's sunny


Do you Like Travelling, If so where have you ever been to ?

I Have been to some Places in Usa, Italy ,I've been to a few. Germany was my favorite! It's
beautiful there


Are you Married, Divorced, Single, Kids?, be honest with me

Am single, never married and no kids and i will love to have kids in the future with the right man,
cos children are the key of relationship and marriage and fruit.


Tell me what happened in your past relationship?

My ex cheated on me which gave me a wrong impression about men generally and made me
thought i wouldn't have anything to do with a them due to my past experiences. Well my ex was
not honest with me and since then i have vowed never to get into any relationship again because
i have been hurts badly and that gives me bad impression about all Men but my best friend made
me to Understand i couldnt trust nor rely on friend , too bad.

I do want to go on with my life and I’ve asked God to bring someone into my life who will want
me for whom i am and be good to me I know that there is someone out there for me because
God never does anything without a reason even if we can’t figure it out, I also believe that the
lord has someone else in mind for me to share the rest of my life with because the lord doesn’t
want me to be alone or lonely.

Being honest and open is very important to me and I expect my match to feel the same way. I am
not a game player


Tell me about yourself and your Family?

What kind of job do you do?

About my family its a long story to tel. I will keep this short, I am the only Child of my parents 5''8
tall, weight 121 lbs, I have a small family because i don't know much about my Mom family in the
Texas she rarely travel to see her relatives. My father is in the Military and we travel alots and
visit lot of places when i was still a Child. My father died in a car accident which affected my
Mother and she got an heart attack but died and am happy she is with God. If you know what i
mean. right now i am an orphan. Since then, i started to live my life by myself and not depending
on my family because we are not that close, i rarely see them and they are not ready to be of
help in any way but i am glad i am whom i am today. So you could see that this world is full of
pain and happiness is like stolen moment from the stream of sadness. Am into wholesales goods
of all kinds I am self Employed, I am into sales of local beads,art works. I'm presently in (Nigeria)
for an art exhibition and i will be back to state as soonest as I'm done with the exhibition here.
I'm here to showcase my art works for a new museum about being establish in Nigeria. I learn
this business, Art(Painting precisely) and selling from my Mom. Am new to this business and
have been doing it all alone for some period of time now. It all about trading from one place to

Well, It's not too fun down here. Just here for that business purpose.

Well I recently left the states exactly 5days ago for Nigeria I will be done totally in 2week time


Tell me about you and your quality of a match?

I am sweet, thoughtful, kind, intelligent, and have a great sense of humor. I am very easy going
and laid back. I am often told that I am very easy to talk with. I am not an angry person, and I am
not interested in someone that is. Having past events shape your life is one thing, carrying the
past as a burden that sits heavily upon your shoulders is not the way i view life. I am happy with
myself, and my life, and I like to think it shows. I would do the best with someone that isn't
extremely uptight, unless of course you are willing to learn to let things go!


What are you looking for in a woman?

I think we are Looking for the same things but mine in a man, Just that i am Looking for a nice,
Honest, Kind and Caring man, a man that will Love and be with me for the Rest of my Life

Am not looking for someone to date but someone to spend the of my life with, All i need from my
man is just being sincere to me,make me feel secured,appreciate,love,care and being
understanding,All my life has been engolfed with misery and loneliness,i watch my life layed wide
spread in front of me and didn't know what to do with it,my life has been so boring and hope
with someone who is ready to Love me for who i am now it's gonna change for the best

I want to find a man who wants to get to know me and love me for me and i want a long term
relationship, hopefully someday we would live the rest of our life together as friends, partners
and lovers.


What Religion are you?

I am a Catholic and i do go to church, I try to go once in every week which is sunday, learning
about the lord. I know that if the lord wasn’t in my life that there are days I would just give up but
because he is, he keeps me going. Sometime I do the wrong things but I know he will forgive me
if I ask and I do that daily because I believe that the lord listens to my prayers and he will always
take care of me even when I don’t think he is listening.


What kind of music do you like?

I like all kinds of music, I like listening to blues, oldies, jazz, R and B hiphops, western, rock etc.But
i mostly like. Lionel Richie and James Blunt, Steven Vaughn Ray, Tim Mcgraw


How many ladies have you meet,talk to,chat with,know or dated through the internet?


What is your favorite color? Movie? TV program ? Food ? Movie?

For me, My favorite color is Yellow, Fav Tv program House swap and maybe Seinfield then CSI.
favorite food, Uhmmm lobster or anything spongy. Favorite Movies, Uhmmm, Probably chick
flicks, Michial , Pretty Woman, ET, 7 Brides for 7 Brothers. Again, the feel good kind of movie,
Christmas movies. Fun ones that is huh. Are you a neat freak or do you leave the bed unmade
sometimes? And dishes in the sink, and laundry to fold/put away. Stuff like that?

Hope you get this on time, I made a trip to market to get some stuff and had my bag stolen from
me with my money, credit cards and my ID in it. Unfortunately for me, I can't have access to
funds without my credit card, Have tried calling the card issuer but they told me i won't get
another one until two weeks time. I don't have a dime on me. I was thinking of asking you to lend
me some quick funds that I can give back as soon as I get in. I don't want you to be thinking that
we just met and i am asking you for help but i want you to know that i am asking you this all just
because I have contacted my neighbors and others that i knew, they are all broke at the moment
because of the little boy surgery that they all donated for. I will be very grateful if you can assist
me with this little cash to get my food stuff and I wouldn't mind paying this back in multiple if you
don't mind.

Thanks for accepting my request and sorry to bother you, Facebook suggested you as a friend to
me ,so i add you up. Hope we can be friends? hope to hear from you as soon as possible.


Where are you originally from and where do you live at the moment?

I was Born and raised In Spain, and Im living in, Tennessee


How old are you and what do you do for fun in your free time?

I am 29 and I like camping, fishing, cycling, biking, movies, golf, all kinds of sports. i like the
indoors too but i'm mostly an outdorsey, i also like the city life. I take a walk out when the
weather's mild, but go to the pool or mostly the beach when it's sunny


Do you Like Travelling, If so where have you ever been to ?

I Have been to some Places in Usa, Italy ,I've been to a few. Germany was my favorite! It's
beautiful there


Are you Married, Divorced, Single, Kids?, be honest with me

Am single, never married and no kids and i will love to have kids in the future with the right man,
cos children are the key of relationship and marriage and fruit.


Tell me what happened in your past relationship?

My ex cheated on me which gave me a wrong impression about men generally and made me
thought i wouldn't have anything to do with a them due to my past experiences. Well my ex was
not honest with me and since then i have vowed never to get into any relationship again because
i have been hurts badly and that gives me bad impression about all Men but my best friend made
me to Understand i couldnt trust nor rely on friend , too bad.

I do want to go on with my life and I’ve asked God to bring someone into my life who will want
me for whom i am and be good to me I know that there is someone out there for me because
God never does anything without a reason even if we can’t figure it out, I also believe that the
lord has someone else in mind for me to share the rest of my life with because the lord doesn’t
want me to be alone or lonely.

Being honest and open is very important to me and I expect my match to feel the same way. I am
not a game player


Tell me about yourself and your Family?

What kind of job do you do?

About my family its a long story to tel. I will keep this short, I am the only Child of my parents 5''8
tall, weight 121 lbs, I have a small family because i don't know much about my Mom family in the
Texas she rarely travel to see her relatives. My father is in the Military and we travel alots and
visit lot of places when i was still a Child. My father died in a car accident which affected my
Mother and she got an heart attack but died and am happy she is with God. If you know what i
mean. right now i am an orphan. Since then, i started to live my life by myself and not depending
on my family because we are not that close, i rarely see them and they are not ready to be of
help in any way but i am glad i am whom i am today. So you could see that this world is full of
pain and happiness is like stolen moment from the stream of sadness. Am into wholesales goods
of all kinds I am self Employed, I am into sales of local beads,art works. I'm presently in (Nigeria)
for an art exhibition and i will be back to state as soonest as I'm done with the exhibition here.
I'm here to showcase my art works for a new museum about being establish in Nigeria. I learn
this business, Art(Painting precisely) and selling from my Mom. Am new to this business and
have been doing it all alone for some period of time now. It all about trading from one place to

Well, It's not too fun down here. Just here for that business purpose.

Well I recently left the states exactly 5days ago for Nigeria I will be done totally in 2week time


Tell me about you and your quality of a match?

I am sweet, thoughtful, kind, intelligent, and have a great sense of humor. I am very easy going
and laid back. I am often told that I am very easy to talk with. I am not an angry person, and I am
not interested in someone that is. Having past events shape your life is one thing, carrying the
past as a burden that sits heavily upon your shoulders is not the way i view life. I am happy with
myself, and my life, and I like to think it shows. I would do the best with someone that isn't
extremely uptight, unless of course you are willing to learn to let things go!


What are you looking for in a woman?

I think we are Looking for the same things but mine in a man, Just that i am Looking for a nice,
Honest, Kind and Caring man, a man that will Love and be with me for the Rest of my Life

Am not looking for someone to date but someone to spend the of my life with, All i need from my
man is just being sincere to me,make me feel secured,appreciate,love,care and being
understanding,All my life has been engolfed with misery and loneliness,i watch my life layed wide
spread in front of me and didn't know what to do with it,my life has been so boring and hope
with someone who is ready to Love me for who i am now it's gonna change for the best

I want to find a man who wants to get to know me and love me for me and i want a long term
relationship, hopefully someday we would live the rest of our life together as friends, partners
and lovers.

What Religion are you?

I am a Catholic and i do go to church, I try to go once in every week which is sunday, learning
about the lord. I know that if the lord wasn’t in my life that there are days I would just give up but
because he is, he keeps me going. Sometime I do the wrong things but I know he will forgive me
if I ask and I do that daily because I believe that the lord listens to my prayers and he will always
take care of me even when I don’t think he is listening.


What kind of music do you like?

I like all kinds of music, I like listening to blues, oldies, jazz, R and B hiphops, western, rock etc.But
i mostly like. Lionel Richie and James Blunt, Steven Vaughn Ray, Tim Mcgraw


How many ladies have you meet,talk to,chat with,know or dated through the internet?


What is your favorite color? Movie? TV program ? Food ? Movie?

For me, My favorite color is Yellow, Fav Tv program House swap and maybe Seinfield then CSI.
favorite food, Uhmmm lobster or anything spongy. Favorite Movies, Uhmmm, Probably chick
flicks, Michial , Pretty Woman, ET, 7 Brides for 7 Brothers. Again, the feel good kind of movie,
Christmas movies. Fun ones that is huh. Are you a neat freak or do you leave the bed unmade
sometimes? And dishes in the sink, and laundry to fold/put away. Stuff like that?
I'm not a very good housekeeper. My paperwork is not very organized most of the time because I
believe in living life and enjoying it not being stuck in the house in good weather or even bad if I
feel like it.


What make you a successful man today? what are you really looking for in a relationship? Do you
stay alone?

What has made me the special lady I am today. I am serious about wanting to establish a quality
friendship. I am very serious about my intentions and my feelings. Am looking for a man that will
be able to listen to me, communicate his feelings to me, make me laugh, hold and comfort
me ,stand by myside always, respect me, passionate lover in every way, support each other in
every way, love me and only me, make me smile, protect me when needed, romantic time to
time, and treat me like a queen


What are your goals and dreams, I hope am not too inquisitive

My goals and dreams is to have a successful career and to live a good life, and maybe meet
someone that believes in unconditional love, sure that cant be complete without a honest
husband, someone who know the true meaning of what we call a Family, its really something i
have always dream t of and im really Working hard towards that direction


Is there somewhere you want to go that you have never been before?

I would love to go to Italy someday, Be able to share a train trip with that special someone
through the mountains and valleys, I will also like to visit hawaii I think it would be so beautiful to
see all the flowers growing and the beautiful ocean waters.

I would love someone who is fun to be around, likes to laugh, joke around, enjoy being outdoors
going for long romantic walks, enjoys looking at the stars at night, and watching the sun set and
rise over the ocean. I am looking for someone that enjoys the simple things in life, just as I do.


Is there something special you remember in your past relationships that was good and made you

Well' that was when i first met him, he was nice but he changed all of a sudden. When i was
filled with hope and love and excitement for the future before everything changed and reality set

I want to love a man for who he is, to spoil him, and love him, and let him know just how much
he means to me, by the little things I do or say to make him feel special. While at the same time
he treats me in the same way, with love and respect.


Can you tell me the saddest moment you have ever had in your life?

That was when i caught my Ex with my best friend on our bed.


What is your taste in clothing, are you a business casual person? Or jeans and t-shirt type?

It depends on my mood and where I am going as to what I wear, I guess I'm kinda fashionable

What is one thing you have never done but have always wanted to do?

Well, this may sound crazy, but i have always wanted to ride a bull. like in the rodeo.

I have not given up hope in finding my soul mate, best friend ,confidant, and lover. The one I can
tell my inner most fears to and know he will be there for me through the good time and the not
so good.


What would be your ideal first date with that special someone?

Nothing fancy and contrived, it has to be natural and easy. I think a little seaside restaurant with
lots of Mexican, live music playing, dancing and joking and playfulnessI would prefer, then a long
walk hand in hand on the beach in the moonlight, quietly talking and sharing thoughts and then
to sit in the sand at the edge of the water and then to let what ever happens next just happen.

I'm a straight and easy going person with a kind and gentle heart Full of love. I love to travel and
would love a partner to travel with me. I might live to be a 100 years old or my time could end
tomorrow. Rather than wait and miss life I want to take advantage while I have the opportunity in
front of me.


Are you the Type that like learning new things?

I like to talk to different people and get new points of views and have great conversation about all
sorts of things, I love to try new things and can laugh at myself when I fail miserably. I don't give
up easily, and have so many things I've yet to try. like traveling, going on unknown adventures,
and even something I thought I never would.

What do you like to do with that special someone when it is raining?

I like snuggling on the couch or holding hands watching the rain or when its just raining a little
sitting on the porch in the swing watching and talking. we can also be sharing kissing, jokes and
telling stories.


Do you like to watch the Sun set or rise?

Yes I love to see the sun set but don’t do that much. Would love to have someone to sit and
watch with me.


Do you dance?

I’m not much of a dancer, been a long time since I’ve danced, and i think i can dance so much, cos
like going in slow dance, hip hops and blues.


What is your idea of a romantic evening?

I would like we both cooking together in the kitchen, sharing the fun and the work, laughing,
talking, and then settling down together to eat in quiet, maybe some candles, soft music. I love
togetherness, the more together, the more I fall in love.


Are you a morning person? Or an evening person?

I am both, it depends on the mood and circumstances, when I am anticipating an event, I am

excited, and will act accordingly. I have been known to get so excited about things that will
happen the next day that I don’t sleep the night before, and im the first one out of bed. And if
something is happening…like talking to you at night, I will stay up and be active.


Favorite Pets?

Dogs and Horses


Do you like to pick clothes or styles for your woman?

I love to shop for clothes for a man, any man, it doesn’t matter, I’ve been known to shop for my
dad, before he died.


Are you picky about how your woman behaves in public? Do you prefer a quiet demeanor or
someone who is outgoing and friendly?

I appreciate a man that is confident and not particularly shy in public that is willing to speak up
and say whats on his mind, although not being rude, or discourteous, also friendly to strangers,
and not embarrassed if I speak to other people that we may or may not know. I like to feel
protected and yet free to be my myself, which is quite friendly.


Do you drink alcohol? Have you ever been drunk?

I like a glass of fruity wine every once in a while, and I like the occasional dessert drink, like
amudslide, or pina colada


Have you ever been in trouble with the law? If so, what for?

Nope, never ever been in trouble


Do you like going on trips?

I love road trips, traveling, cruising


Have you ever done anything crazy just for the fun of it?

I do a lot of crazy things but I don’t care because as long as I’m not hurting someone else it is
okay or at least I think it is. I have never danced on the beach because no one has ever asked me
to, stop for ice cream just because, I think is great, haven’t jumped in the rain but sounds fun


Tell me what you think will make you happy in a relationship?

I love to hold hands, hug for no reason, kiss or just put my hand on your leg. I guess you can say
I’m one of those people who like to touch a lot. make love and french kiss


Are you the kind of person that likes being in crowd or just stay on your own?

I’m okay in crowd as long as I know someone because i felt boring when i am alone and i dont like
being alone.

I'm alone by choice, but know it s time to meet my mr right, so may be you are here. I am hoping
to keep company with you if you are searching for the future partner.


Tell me if there anything someone could do to you that would make you hate that person?

I hate being played on and being lied to or accused of things that i've not done. I think the thing
that upsets me the most is someone to lie to me and after they get caught not admit it. You know
I understand that we do things that are not right but when we are wrong we need to be
responsible for it and admit we are wrong. and be big enough to say (I am sorry). That is
something I think a lot of people have a hard time doing.

Honesty is the best policy with me, (I’m a big Woman,I can handle the truth, even when it hurts).
I enjoy a good adventure, friendship, comprehension, tolerance,dialogue,to accept each other as
we are, and of course plenty of love.


How do you handle differences in a relationship?

I want to talk about the differences and try and come up with a solution. There is always a way to
work things out but we have to listen to each other and i also know not to go to bed mad at my

An ideal partner would accept me the way I am, he should respect me and love me, cuddle up to
me before he falls asleep and hold me tight after he awakes.just someone that knows what love
is all about,who will be there for me in good times and not so good.


Are you a trusting person or a controlling person?

I do trust my feelings and I think sometimes I trust them too much and that get me into trouble
because I believe what you tell me until you do something to make me stop. is really very hard to
trust but i am looking forward to trust someone , cos i am not controlling person.


Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?

Yes, one, I was 17 and just out of high school. Sad thing is, It was on the road my house was on


Are you physically loving when you are with a woman? Hold hands? Hugs? In private? And in

I love to hold hands, I think it shows unity, and it also is a comfort, that the person you are
holding hands with is there for you, emotionally and physically. In private. I love love to fool
around, goof off, and carry on, a shaving cream fight is fun as all get out, and I love laughing,


Do you respect the woman you are with? Do you ever downgrade or make fun of her?

Yes I would like to be able to respect the man I end up with, I like for a man to be strong and yet,
able to express his softer side. I do tend to poke fun at times, (it’s a bad habit) but when I think
something will make people laugh, I usually tell all.


Do you like children? Other peoples children? Do you tend to distance yourself from them? Or
play with them?

I love kids, when a toddler giggles, I giggle, I cant help it, to hear that from a baby or small child is
a wonderful thing. I love to jump in and play with the kids, but I do realize there’s a time and
place for it depends on the situation.


Do you have any annoying habits? If so, what are they?

I talk too much. And I tend to say whats on my mind faster than thinking about the consequences
of what I say. Altho, I have to say, that as I’ve gotten older and dealt with the things I have in life,
I’ve gotten more selective in my conversations. That, and I’m a perfectionist on some things, and
other things I let go.


What would your family tell me about you?

I think my family would tell you that I’m a loving, kind, caring person how wish they are alive now,
i am now alone

Well' i am looking for someone that is secure and knows what she want in a man, i want
someone who is not afraid of commitment, someone who can communicate well, both with
words and feelings, and someone who will treat a me as an equal and not an object.


Do you get into a hurry when you are doing something?

I don’t think I hurry when doing a job, I try to do it right and if it takes a while then that is what I’ll


How old were you when you first fell in love? I was 20 years.

I approach this renewed journey with caution as my feelings and heart are quick to get the best
of my head. However, once I give them they are true and deep in every sense. i'd like to meet
someone really caring. i love to take care of the person i'm with.. i love to cuddle. i want
someone who isn't afraid to show me how they feel. i want someone honest and trustworthy.
someone who would let me know what they want and don't want


What is the name of your dream car?

Um, well, I don’treally have dreams like that, im not a material kind of person, although I love my
own things, I don’t covet what I know I cant have, unless its like children and falling in love


When was the last time you cried?

That was when my Ex broke his leg and was really in pain, there was no one to help so i have to
do it all on my own, i have to leave my Order of work and i also lost a contract on that very day
just because i dont have anyone to look after him while i had a business to attend to but my Ex is
also more important..

Favorite Memory?

Mine was when i was little and santa claus came to our house then all of us were so excited that
he came. I'm at the age where i would like to find something serious. i would like to find mr.right
where ever he may be. I am romatic and i want a man who isn't afraid to be the same. I am the
kind of person that will leave a note in your vehicle so when you get in to go to work you have
something sweet from me to start your day and know that i'm thinking of you.


Do you get bored easily?

It depends on what is going on but i try not to be,if my partner is exciting then i will not be bored.


Are you one who watches the clock?

I’m not a clock-watcher, but I do like to be on time for things. I don’t like going to places late. I
would rather be early than late.


Do you forget and forgive someone who has done something to you or do you hold a grudge?

I guess you could say I forgive easily because I don’t like conflict. I would rather just walk away
than to fight but after things are over I don’t hold a grudge against any because I would have said
what I wanted to and you would have said what you wanted and then it would be over.

I am the optimist. I am the one who sees the glass half full, and always looking for the silver
lining. I look for simple pleasures and not so simple pleasures in life. I believe that you do have to
enjoy life to the fullest, you never know when it could end.


What was the last thing you ate?

I just finished eating an Apple.

I am a Fun loving woman looking for the right one to share my life with, can you be the one and
only man for me. Part Teddy Bear, part social butterfly, why not lets go fly a kite together, Can you
handle that..?


Do you wish on stars?

I do sometimes that i feel so lonely.

I have wanted someone who knows what love and being loved means and who will allow
themselves every opportunity to enjoy those wonderful feelings. Someone who has hopes and
dreams about happiness and the future, just as I do.


If you could have one wish, what would it be for?

Mine would be that i would love to have husband be as happy and full of life and enjoy the
pleasures in front of them


Favorite month of the year and days of the weeks?

I will take December and Friday

I've wanted someone who knows how to give and not just on special occasions or when its easy
or convenient, but everyday whenever there was a moment we could share. Someone who
would make time for me regardless of busy or hectic schedules. I want to know I matter and that i
am more important than a business deal.


What turns you on about a woman.?

To see the love in his eyes and you know with out him saying a word but i like it when he say i
love you and when he hugs n kisses me for no reason that is what i like to be able to do for the
man of my dreams and the fact that when i can give the hugs and kisses that it turns him on

I like to be appreciated and complimented to which I would do the same for that special
someone. I like discovering new things about the person you meet. I am a person who looks for
the possibilities versus what cannot be achieved


I hope that this lets you know a little about me, and I hope I don't come across as being too
cynical, harsh, or mean sounding.

I will give anybody the benefit of the doubt (we're all human, we all make mistakes), but I also
don't like being taken advantage of. I'm just asking you to keep it real and be honest from the
beginning; that way, nobody is wasting their time or getting their feelings hurt.

That's fine...we'll see how things go after we get to know each other.
I have been hurt over and over by mean lying men ,so my trust is very low and I feel that there
are very few true men out there

I believe in God and i have faith that with Him all things are Possible, Am looking for a man that
can make me happy, a man that is loving caring, understanding, that will respect my opinion. I am
Looking for a real and serious relationship that will last for ever. I believe that Distance is Nothing
But Love Matters Most to me

I am very understanding, open minded with a heart of forgiving, loving and caring with sense of
humor, hard working., I was raised with a strike Christian background and taught from a young
age to always respect myself and other people and learn how to give mutual respect to my man.

I never speak negatively about people, I take less and listen more to people and does not jump
into other people's affair


I have been In a Relationship which end Up, because the guy was very unfaithful it has Cost me
alot Of pain and i am now Looking for a Loving God fearing and Responsible man To settle down
with that is why i am Here So If you Interested Let get and know More about each Other

In any good relationship, there should be trust, communication, understanding, and honesty. Life
is a precious gift from God, and it should be lived with love and joy

I enjoy various activities. I can bowl, skate, swim, play chess, checkers, draw, bike riding, a little
fishing and crabbing, a little golf, have tried tennis, camping, sports etc. It does not matter. I am a
very average versatile person, and not hard to please. I enjoy the complex as well as the simple
things in life


Im a very outgoing person, who loves to dine out travel and enjoy the simple life. Im a hopeless
romantic and very affectionate. I have a good sense of humor and I like to make you laugh

I like to chill out with a good book or watch and movie and its even more fun when you have a
special someone to do this with. Im very easy to get a long with and a very good listener.. I love
To share My Time with People I Love and care

I am an honest heart that's looking for a stable relationship. I understand it is important to lay
down lasting foundations for a lasting relationship. I am an active person who enjoys cycling and
running best. I believe keeping fit is important. I am not interested in games or drama

I enjoy fine dining and am always looking for someone to share the appreciation of good food
and fine wine

I like getting out and checking out local talent and live concerts, here or anywhere. I enjoy movies
and music for relaxation. A quiet night at home is also enjoyed and welcomed. I am open to try
different activities and up for the challenge

I love spontaneity and being a bit impulsive. I am continually attempting to function from the
inside out and to go with my intuitive impulses, because sometimes the spontaneous actions are
the most fun, not expected and purely delightful

I generally try to live a somewhat healthy lifestyle, exercising and some sort of jogging, 3-4 days a
week and eating healthy, (trust me, I love sweets and pastries, but try not to over do it). I would
also like to find a like-minded male where we can participate in activities together and encourage
each other to pursue their interests as well

I have several hobbies (and wish I could find more time to pursue those) such as swimming,
playing computer, dancing, and reading, and more,and would like someone to share that with, as
well as their sharing their interests with me

I do not expect a man to be a servant to me, spending all his time working and and cleaning; I
believe there is give and take in a relationship, and I realize that at times it's more convenient for
me to do laundry, cook, clean, and I have no problem doing that

I consider myself to be a fairly honest and truthful person and expect the same in return; I'm not
wealthy and don't expect someone to attempt to deceive me or "play" me

I believe that time spent apart helps keep things fresh in a relationship and makes the time we
DO spend together even better

I'm not one who cheats in a relationship; one man is enough trouble ; I don't have the time or
energy to juggle 2, 3, or 4 at the same time - haha

I am generally an optimistic person with a sense of humor, fairly easy-going, and I don't think that
I'm too critical about things, but I also believe that it takes two people contributing to a
relationship to make it work

As I mentioned earlier, I like to do things with the other significant person in my life, but I also
encourage him to go out and spend time with friends and pursue his own interests and hobbies
as well

As you can tell, I am not a bs'er and believe in total communication.. Not that we can do that all
the time, but ultimately we can get the feelings out without too much delay, I hope

I believe in getting to know my partner and communication seems to be the best way to do this. I
am adventurous. love to see new places and experience new things

I will always have the little kid in me ,even though I am very responsible !! love to play,I am on the
computer getting into it more and more!!! dancing is important to me I want soo badly to get
better at it !!!

It is such a positive way of having fun and expressing yourself,and you get to show your woman
to the world on the dance floor like a beautiful flower equal partnership takes to to
tango ,compromise ,communication is sooooo important!!!

I will always be who I am at the core my soul my being who I am and what makes me ,Butttt!!! I
am chuck full of potential I actually can be taught!! LOL!!! woman need to be like a guiding light
for men we sometimes have a tendence to miss the little things ,not on and a
woman should work as a team together ,I cook ,clean,dust ,and do laundry


My desire is to meet a sensitive, sensuous, warm, assertive single man who wants a friend

My interpretation of a friend is one to whom you can pour out all the contents of your heart,
chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentleness of hands will take it all, sift it, keep that
which is worth keeping and, with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away

I thank you in advance for allowing me to be that kind of friend to you

I am looking for a special, loving relationship with a unique Man who is affectionate, sincere,
easygoing, with interests and characteristics similar to mine. Someone who wants a meaningful,
serious, long-term relationship not just a few dates

I am looking for someone who has a great sense of humor and big heart, is curious about new
things that would like to share new experiences or old habits

I am looking for someone who believes that a true intimate partner looks out for the other and
vice versa. While navigating life together, we are caring and concerned for each other's well-being
because we make each other so happy and we love each other very much.

Looking for a serious long term relationship with someone who posesses strong character and is
goal-oriented. He must love the Lord with all of his heart,then I know he will love me with all his

He should enjoy good humor, love to laugh, and be a hopeless romantic.So that would make him
a God-loving romantic guy, and God will My ideal partner must love to take long
walks, holding hands, when I am not giving him a "walk for his money" His yes must be yes, and
his no, no

If you enjoy a good book, walks , watch what you put into your "temple". Just love praising God,
can dance even a little. But I also want to be in a relationship where I can totally trust the other
person and not dwell on how the relationship is NOT working

As far as an ideal partner, i dont have a type. Charisma, humor and charm come in many
packages. I care about honesty, integrity and sincerity you know the basics. Those who know its
impossible to walk a righteous path and do right by everybody, but at least still try(emphasis on
strong effort)

I am attracted to overtly passionate mature people who are totally comfortable in their own skin,
who know who they are(the good and the bad) and recognize their flaws, yet are unashamed
(and not afraid to show) of the quirky, sometimes contradictory, eccentric aspects of their
personality that define their individuality

When you are genuine and sincere, people may not always love you,but they usually respect u (at
least thats been my experience). I am interested in forming a positive, healthy and enjoyable
friendship with a quality person(s)

With regards to a relationships, i now want more from life than family and friends can offer.
Meaning i would like to meet the type of MAN that really would enjoy sensually charged
chemistry, laughter and uncomplicated real time meet and greets

Someone who is highly affectionate, passionate, loving, considerate and is happy with hisself just
the way he is today right now. While i too am highly passionate i am not interested in just mere
sex alone, Additionally, I believe in and would like to continue learning to create and savor the
simple pleasures in life, such as womanhood and learning mor about myself as an individual.
Appreciating those often brief and fleeting moments of beauty & perfection (and not so perfect)
for what they are, nothing more nothing less

Lets communicate, I promise i will be a lady and warm(with a bit of excitability at times as i am
very high spirited and a bit humorous)

I will approach you with hope, and an open dialogue to include a positive and productive goal
with a geniune concern for the future of a healty relationship(friend or otherwise)


I also realize that at times two people are just too different to be in a relationship together; it
doesn't mean that it's anybody's fault, it's just that they're too different to be compatible. Almost
anything I love Italian food, chinese, Tiawanese, spanish, portaguise, rice, pasta, chicken, deer,
pork, fish, shell fish ,potatoe, vegetables, everything but liver

If you feel it would be good for us to meet, write and tell me more about yourself. And please
have good thoughts about our further relationship, for thoughts are like seeds. All the flowers of
all the tomorrows are in the seed of today

Everybody makes mistakes and I usually give people the benefit of the doubt, but if the same
pattern keeps emerging, it's over. I do not want to meet someone who may think that they will
take advantage of me or lie to me and cheat on me under false pretenses

Sorry if that sounds harsh, and I'm not accusing anybody of any wrongdoing, but I'm being
upfront and honest about that, so you know where I stand from the beginning. With all due
respect as well, I hope that you are upfront and honest with me, as well

All it will take to find out whether or not things might work between you and me Thenm Lets Get
Serious and Take this to The Next Level

I wish i could hear your voice as our next step from here, and i dont have a phone , what i mean is
that my phone is not working down here since we both have different telecommunication


It seems so hard to meet the right person these days. I believe in true love but I think very few
people experience it. They end up settling and not finding that one who they would treasure all
their life and that person who would treasure them

I have never found true love. It seems that all the guys I am interested in are not interested in me
and the ones who are interested in me I am not interested in them. Now with on line dating or
what ever you call it, finding a spouse or mate. Well it is a whole different story
I have great respect for great men. I try to treat them tenderly and with kindness. All I have ever
wanted in life is to be with a man who I am attracted to and he is attracted to me

Some one who is all so handsome on the inside. One who is my companion and friend who will
stand by me through thick and thin and will never give up on me. One who is honest, truthful and
faithful and will never ever cheat on me.

I must be the only woman for you forever and always. This is all I ever wanted is true love, to be
loved and encouraged by him and I would do the same, I would die for a man like that. The
problem is there seems to be very few like that in the world today

I have been lonely for a very long time. I long to be with the right man and that is why I am
looking now because I want to find that special man, the right man for me and me for the right
man. I prefer to play for keeps so I want to do this right. Well I must go for now thanks again for
writing. Please take good care and God bless.


I feel I am a woman of integrity and a family provider. I think I am kind in heart and tender of
soul. I am proud in the quality of what I do and responsible. I believe in taking good care of a
man and treating him as a gift that God meant him to be

I would want someone that is kind, caring, loving, enjoys life, one that knows there is stress in
life..but doesn't let it run her life, one that isn't afraid to show and express their feelings,
someone that agrees to disagree at times

I love going to the beach,dancing,swimming, playing games like golf, chess, card and pool, I am
also looking for a very nice,honest,kind,godfearing man,trustfull,faithfull,loyal,caring and loving
man that we are going to spend the rest of how life together

You're a man that knows what he wants, I am a Woman that knows what I and it is exactly the
same, but my luck, you live in another state

You are, kind, sweet, know how to love and cherish a woman the way God meant it to be. Very
special man, a best friend, lover for life. I search for everlasting love the way God meant it to be,
and I am not ashamed of that. My upbringing was to be a woman at all times. I am a well
polished diamond. I don’t like to play games, no wasting anyone’s time, life is to short

I love life with my heart and I promise to love my man with my soul. I am loyal above all, very
intelligent, funny, well adjusted. I enjoy going out as well as staying in. I miss having a man on
my/him couch, watching, laughing, listening, caring, watching, kissing, holding, rubbing each
other sore backs, necks, heads. Just being together, looking into each others eyes and know what
each other is saying without speaking a word

I am a passionate woman and l love to be affectionate. In the long run it is companionship and
enjoyment of what each person loves to do. The compatibility to enjoy it together. I am not into
lust, rather into finding chemistry that will lead to love and monogamy

Most woman today are all about self gratification and not concerned about tomorrow. That is
shallow and leads to a very empty, unfulfilled life

If I should capture your heart you will have, my heart that offers that deep unconditional love we
all desire. My boundless personality that will keep you laughing and loving. And my soul which
you will have captured forever. I am one of a kind. If this is what you desire for the rest of your
life, search no more

Am an energetic and sociable person. I appreciate decency and sincerity in a relationship

between a woman and a man

I'm seeking a man (open, kind, serious, confident, cheerful, responsible) who is ready for

I was raised with a strike Christian background and taught from a young age to always respect
myself and other people.I still maintains this value wherever I goes.The inner beauty is more
important for me than the beauty of appearance

I wish to open a new world in the world of your soul. And if I understand you are the Only whom I
am seeking, i share with you all your sorrows and joys, Ii will be your best friend and life partner I
like to travel very much. It is very interesting to get more knowledge about the new countries,
new people and traditions. It's great to have such a possibility

You are such a gentleman, I also miss having a man in my life, I can say that I truely miss having
time to cuddle and caress, kissing, just being with that special man

I like to stay home sometimes because I don't get to do that much. I am very loyal to all who
know me, I have never betrayed anyone's confidence, it is a part of who I am. I am think I am
intelligent, I am an honor student. I take committments very seriously, if you want good things
from life you have to have goals. My main goal has been to find a loyal, caring, affectionate

I want to find a soulmate that is caring, kind-hearted, passionate, loving, wonderful, intelligent,
passionate about what they do in life as well as their relationship

You are so amazing, I never thought I would find a man who truely is the genuine, kind, loving,
loyal, and caring Man like you in my life

Respect is so important, if you can find all that once in your life you are so very fortunate,I think
you are all that and much more, you are truely amazing. You are one of a kind

I would like to get to know more about who you are and where you come from. I really like what I
know, you are one of a kind. I have not experienced such wonderful conversations with anyone
like this

It truely tells a lot about you, you really sound like who i have been looking for to be with and to
spend all the whole and rest of my life with forever

I am so full of love and affection that I have been waiting for such a special man, I have never let
my standards down even when I was told they were too high, I just prayed that someday I would
find all the wonderful things that I wanted. I don't let people into my life easily, nor do I let them
out of it, I am true and loyal

I'm a quiet, kind, loyal. A great meaning for me is a human's soul. Circle of my interests is various.
I like the literature, music, and cinema. personality traits are; calm, honest, kind, loyal, flexible,
elegant, sociable, sensitive, gentle, cheerful, optimistic, romantic

To be honest Im looking for a partner in life. There is no physical criteria except I must be
attracted to them. i realize attraction is more than skin deep though. Im not looking for someone
to take care of me but someone to share me with. I truly beleived in my role when I'm married
and love being a wife. To be honest miss it greatly

I am looking for my partner for life. Someone to care for someone to love and share with my
hopes my dreams my sorrows. Someone who knows a relationship is a work of art something
that you strive together in building and molding it into place. I miss the touch of a man, and
sharing affection with a man. you might laugh but I miss every aspect that comes with being that
significant other for another I miss talking kissing and laughing with someone

My perception of an ideal, I would like to see near me clever, intelligent, and reliable man. Which
would require my emotional heat, capable to like and respect the man

I have to let you know aswell, that am an honest person as i have said, and i have to be honest
with that, i don't have any boyfriend at present now and am not in any serious relationship

Am very understanding, open minded with a heart of forgiving, loving and caring with sense of
humor, hard working with cheerful character, honest, sincere, kind, warm and intelligent with
good look

I have been Hurt before and will not allow `that to happen to me again,thats why i took my time
to look for my Love Life

It will be so great to be together and love and I hope, someday we'll meet and we will be happy
in our souls and hearts!

Would you embrace my heart and soul as you would your own. I don't let people in often, only
when I feel that are of character and would not hurt me. I so want someone who would cherish
me for all that I am and want to be in life. Everything I give in life is real and from the heart. Your
heart would be safe with my heart

I hope to create a happy, cosy, secure marriage with a nice man, I would love to have a loving
family in a nice house where everyone feels good to come home to

have fully decided to be a role Model to my children and a good, loving and caring wife to my
husband. But I doesn’t want to mess myself with the wrong man. Basically I decided to settle with
a nice, good loving and caring man in any part of the world

If I allow you into my heart which is a very special place, can I trust you to hold it or will you
throw it back in my face? Will you give it alot of love,kindness and affection, or will you lie and
mislead it in all different directions? Would you take care of it as it would take care of you,or
would you rip it out and step on it with your shoe?

If I allow you in my heart which is capable of generating warm feellings of love your way, would
you hold it tenderly and caress it each and everyday? A heart as bright as the sunshine rays
lighting the very corners of you soul, holding you taking your breath away

If I allow you in my heart,through all it's up and downs will you be there holding it to the end,
understanding it's emotions not allowing your love to bend?

If I allow you in my heart to feel the warmth of your hand will you embrace it with your love,your
passions,your plans?

If I allow you in my heart will I know your love for it is real,will you cherish it and show it how a
real woman feels?

If I allow you in my heart will you fill it with all of your manhood your pasion your fire, the very
essense of you. your desire?

To get in my heart it will except no imitation, if you promise to love, cherish,and take care of it,
my heart extends to you.
Hope you get this on time, I made a trip to market to get some stuff and had my bag stolen from
me with my money, credit cards and my ID in it. Unfortunately for me, I can't have access to
funds without my credit card, Have tried calling the card issuer but they told me i won't get
another one until two weeks time. I don't have a dime on me. I was thinking of asking you to lend
me some quick funds that I can give back as soon as I get in. I don't want you to be thinking that
we just met and i am asking you for help but i want you to know that i am asking you this all just
because I have contacted my neighbors and others that i knew, they are all broke at the moment
because of the little boy surgery that they all donated for. I will be very grateful if you can assist
me with this little cash to get my food stuff and I wouldn't mind paying this back in multiple if you
don't mind.


Thanks for accepting my request and sorry to bother you, Facebook suggested you as a friend to
me ,so i add you up. Hope we can be friends? hope to hear from you as soon as possible.


Where are you originally from and where do you live at the moment?

I was Born and raised In Spain, and Im living in, Tennessee


How old are you and what do you do for fun in your free time?

I am 29 and I like camping, fishing, cycling, biking, movies, golf, all kinds of sports. i like the
indoors too but i'm mostly an outdorsey, i also like the city life. I take a walk out when the
weather's mild, but go to the pool or mostly the beach when it's sunny


Do you Like Travelling, If so where have you ever been to ?

I Have been to some Places in Usa, Italy ,I've been to a few. Germany was my favorite! It's
beautiful there

Are you Married, Divorced, Single, Kids?, be honest with me

Am single, never married and no kids and i will love to have kids in the future with the right man,
cos children are the key of relationship and marriage and fruit.


Tell me what happened in your past relationship?

My ex cheated on me which gave me a wrong impression about men generally and made me
thought i wouldn't have anything to do with a them due to my past experiences. Well my ex was
not honest with me and since then i have vowed never to get into any relationship again because
i have been hurts badly and that gives me bad impression about all Men but my best friend made
me to Understand i couldnt trust nor rely on friend , too bad.

I do want to go on with my life and I’ve asked God to bring someone into my life who will want
me for whom i am and be good to me I know that there is someone out there for me because
God never does anything without a reason even if we can’t figure it out, I also believe that the
lord has someone else in mind for me to share the rest of my life with because the lord doesn’t
want me to be alone or lonely.

Being honest and open is very important to me and I expect my match to feel the same way. I am
not a game player


Tell me about yourself and your Family?

What kind of job do you do?

About my family its a long story to tel. I will keep this short, I am the only Child of my parents 5''8
tall, weight 121 lbs, I have a small family because i don't know much about my Mom family in the
Texas she rarely travel to see her relatives. My father is in the Military and we travel alots and
visit lot of places when i was still a Child. My father died in a car accident which affected my
Mother and she got an heart attack but died and am happy she is with God. If you know what i
mean. right now i am an orphan. Since then, i started to live my life by myself and not depending
on my family because we are not that close, i rarely see them and they are not ready to be of
help in any way but i am glad i am whom i am today. So you could see that this world is full of
pain and happiness is like stolen moment from the stream of sadness. Am into wholesales goods
of all kinds I am self Employed, I am into sales of local beads,art works. I'm presently in (Nigeria)
for an art exhibition and i will be back to state as soonest as I'm done with the exhibition here.
I'm here to showcase my art works for a new museum about being establish in Nigeria. I learn
this business, Art(Painting precisely) and selling from my Mom. Am new to this business and
have been doing it all alone for some period of time now. It all about trading from one place to

Well, It's not too fun down here. Just here for that business purpose.

Well I recently left the states exactly 5days ago for Nigeria I will be done totally in 2week time


Tell me about you and your quality of a match?

I am sweet, thoughtful, kind, intelligent, and have a great sense of humor. I am very easy going
and laid back. I am often told that I am very easy to talk with. I am not an angry person, and I am
not interested in someone that is. Having past events shape your life is one thing, carrying the
past as a burden that sits heavily upon your shoulders is not the way i view life. I am happy with
myself, and my life, and I like to think it shows. I would do the best with someone that isn't
extremely uptight, unless of course you are willing to learn to let things go!


What are you looking for in a woman?

I think we are Looking for the same things but mine in a man, Just that i am Looking for a nice,
Honest, Kind and Caring man, a man that will Love and be with me for the Rest of my Life
Am not looking for someone to date but someone to spend the of my life with, All i need from my
man is just being sincere to me,make me feel secured,appreciate,love,care and being
understanding,All my life has been engolfed with misery and loneliness,i watch my life layed wide
spread in front of me and didn't know what to do with it,my life has been so boring and hope
with someone who is ready to Love me for who i am now it's gonna change for the best

I want to find a man who wants to get to know me and love me for me and i want a long term
relationship, hopefully someday we would live the rest of our life together as friends, partners
and lovers.


What Religion are you?

I am a Catholic and i do go to church, I try to go once in every week which is sunday, learning
about the lord. I know that if the lord wasn’t in my life that there are days I would just give up but
because he is, he keeps me going. Sometime I do the wrong things but I know he will forgive me
if I ask and I do that daily because I believe that the lord listens to my prayers and he will always
take care of me even when I don’t think he is listening.


What kind of music do you like?

I like all kinds of music, I like listening to blues, oldies, jazz, R and B hiphops, western, rock etc.But
i mostly like. Lionel Richie and James Blunt, Steven Vaughn Ray, Tim Mcgraw


How many ladies have you meet,talk to,chat with,know or dated through the internet?


What is your favorite color? Movie? TV program ? Food ? Movie?

For me, My favorite color is Yellow, Fav Tv program House swap and maybe Seinfield then CSI.
favorite food, Uhmmm lobster or anything spongy. Favorite Movies, Uhmmm, Probably chick
flicks, Michial , Pretty Woman, ET, 7 Brides for 7 Brothers. Again, the feel good kind of movie,
Christmas movies. Fun ones that is huh. Are you a neat freak or do you leave the bed unmade
sometimes? And dishes in the sink, and laundry to fold/put away. Stuff like that?

I'm not a very good housekeeper. My paperwork is not very organized most of the time because I

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