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Knot Theory

Maneesh R.K and Mathivanan M

We are here to proudly represent St. Joan of

arc International School, allithurai, Trichy. Myself

Maneesh .R.K from class 11 and my partner

Mathivanan .M from class 9 are here to present a

model on Knot theory, which deals with the

mathematics and day-to-day knot like tying our shoe

lases to the unknown mystery of the unlimited

In mathematics, topology (from the Greek words τόπος,
'place, location', and λόγος, 'study') is concerned with the
properties of a geometric object that are preserved
under continuous deformations, such
as stretching, twisting, crumpling, and bending;
that is, without closing holes, opening holes, tearing, gluing, or
passing through itself.

Knot theory:
In topology, knot theory is the study of mathematical
knots. While inspired by knots which appear in daily life, such as
those in shoelaces and rope, a mathematical knot differs in that
the ends are joined so it cannot be undone, the simplest knot
being a ring (or "unknot").
The most basic knot in knot theory is known as the "unknot". In
its simplest form, the unknot is simply a ring. Two knots are
considered equivalent if one can be made into a perfect replica of the
other through a series of deformations known as ambient isotopies.

Reidemeister moves:
In 1927, working with this diagrammatic form of knots, J. W.
Alexander and Garland Baird Briggs, and independently Kurt
Reidemeister, demonstrated that two knot diagrams belonging to the
same knot can be related by a sequence of three kinds of moves on the
diagram, shown below. These operations, now called the Reidemeister
moves, are:

I. Twist and untwist in either direction.

II. Move one strand completely over another.
III. Move a strand completely over or under a crossing.
Reidemeister moves

Type I Type II

Type III
DNA knot theory:

DNA knot theory is a subfield of knot theory that focuses on

the knots and links that appear in DNA. DNA is a long molecule
that stores genetic information. Sometimes, DNA can form loops
or coils that are entangled with each other. These entanglements
can affect the stability, replication, and expression of DNA. DNA
knot theory uses mathematical tools to analyze and manipulate
the topology of DNA knots and links. For instance, DNA knot
theory can help us design enzymes that can cut or join DNA
strands at specific locations.

 We would name the knot, with the number of over loop it
contains and the number of variant in their subscript.

 These knots are also being linked with physics such as space
and nature and also with biology as the basic like
chromosomes and other formation.
 This also gives a great idea on that of every complex structure
can be deformed into simple structure as the unknot.
 In future, there are much possibility of in space to use the
application of Knots theory.
 Topological spaces provide a general framework for the study
of convergence, continuity, and compactness.
Topological spaces:
Topological spaces are mathematical structures that define
abstract relations of closeness and connectedness between objects
in terms of relationships between sets rather than geometrical
A topological property is a property of spaces that is
invariant under homeomorphisms. To prove that two spaces are
not homeomorphic it is sufficient to find a topological property
not shared by them. Examples of such properties include
connectedness, compactness, and various separation axioms.

Examples of topological spaces :

Metric spaces.
Proximity spaces.
Uniform spaces.
Function spaces.
Cauchy spaces.
Convergence spaces.
Grothendieck sites.
Other spaces.

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