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As a result of recent
advances in technology and increased international
This is the entrepreneurial age. More than 500 competition, more companies aim for better
million persons worldwide either were actively methods of grouping and integrating organizational
involved in trying to start a new venture or were activities.
owner-managers of a new business in 2010. More
than one thousand five hundred new businesses Academics and professionals have continuously
are born every hour of every working day in the stressed the need for better interactions between
United States. Entrepreneurs are driving a marketing and the various business functions.
revolution that is transforming and renewing However, most have argued that in order to truly
economies worldwide. Entrepreneurship is the impact fi rm performance, such relationships must
essence of free enterprise because the birth of new go beyond short-term cross-functional teams
businesses gives a market economy its vitality. typically formed within organizations to conduct a
New and emerging businesses create a very large specific task or achieve a one-time common goal.
proportion of the innovative products and services Indeed, the evidence suggests that both function-
that transform the way we work and live, such as specific and organization-wide goals are better
personal computers (PCs), computer software, the achieved if marketing takes a lead role in the
Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW or Web), various business processes central to an
biotechnology drugs, overnight package deliveries, organization’s activities. What is needed is a more
and big-box stores. They generate most new jobs; permanent relationship and enduring philosophy
from 1993 through the third quarter of 2008, that would allow for the absorption of marketing
companies with 500 or fewer employees created thoughts such as “customer first” into the everyday
64% of all new jobs in the United States. planning and strategic goals of the various
functions within an organization. That is, firms need
to develop and foster an environment and
(Lesson 1) organizational structure based on integrated
PROCESS-BASED MANAGEMENT marketing-based decision making or Process-
Based Marketing Management. Perspectives and
Process-based management is a management paradigms supporting the notion of bringing
approach that views a business as a collection of marketing to the forefront of organizational
processes, managed to achieve a desired result. processes are discussed and particular reference is
The processes are managed and improved by given to the implications for function-specific and
organization in purpose of achieving their vision, organization-wide performance. This includes a
mission and core value. A clear correlation between discussion of market orientation and the role of
processes and the vision supports the company to interdepartmental dynamics in the achievement of
plan strategies, build a business structure and use organizational goals. It is followed by a discussion
sufficient resources that are required to achieve of the literature focusing on the degrees of interface
success in the long run. across functions and the corresponding systems
and structures prevalent in today’s organizations.
From a process perspective, an organization The third section of the chapter is devoted to the
regards its business as a system of vision- relevant literature focusing on the interface of
achieving vertical processes rather than specific marketing with Sales, R&D, Operations/Production,
activities and tasks of individual functions. The Finance/Accounting, and Human Resources.
system is not a method or tool for a particular Emphasis is given to the challenges and attempts
process, but a holistic approach to manage all the to improve inter-functional dynamics. The chapter
processes in one organization. Therefore, to concludes with a discussion of various tools
manage processes effectively, the organization facilitating and improving organizational integration
must have an effective team network and full including ERP systems, process-based matrix
knowledge of their vision. structures, and outsourcing.

The general management system focuses on Three stages in process-based management

specific work-knowledge and direct solutions for
cost and budget; on the other hand, process based 1. Documenting the process
management applies these financial measurements To manage its business from a process based
but in an operational way considering how each perspective, an organization requires to understand
performance affects the company as an amalgam
what defines the process and which activities they An organization determines which part of
consist of. processes must be improved and modified. It
A business consists of different departments in analyses how each process influences a set of
charge of specific jobs or functions. Therefore, the activities and applies the improvements to some
processes support these managerial sectors and parts of system. The purpose of implementation is
transform successful outputs. Then a process team to operate its business strategically and to deliver
performs a set of sequential tasks to analyze sufficient resources. In effect, the process based
whether the organization delivers useful outputs to management results in outputs that satisfy their
the customers. customers and develop the business itself.

Basically, processes are built by information that Marketing orientation

indicates the current state of company and There is no universally accepted definition for
research data such as customer satisfaction. The “process-based marketing management” (PBM).
information includes customer-based agreement, Indeed, previous and current marketing literature
management documentation, purchasing manuals rarely uses such a term at all. However, PBM can
and flow charts. For instance, the flow chart is a be considered to be an organization-wide
useful information in order to control the flow of philosophy and structure where the concept of
processes and list several steps and activities in “satisfying consumer needs” permeates all aspects
detail. of business processes and decision making is
based on strong and positive inter-functional
2. Analyzing process performance dynamics. However, this idea that customer needs
Analyzed and clarified processes are allowed to should be at the heart of all business planning
implement on the actual business. Then, an processes is certainly not a contemporary one and
organization monitors its business and improves has been clearly documented in the marketing
the overall stage of process. concept/market orientation literature. The origins of
modern marketing can be attributed to the earlier
To evaluate the sequence of process, work of the father of modern management, Peter
measurement is an essential element that shows Drucker. Remarkably, the fact that Drucker did not
results of process performance with numerical and consider himself to be a marketer made him all the
comparative data. In other words, organizations more credible in highlighting the important role of
obtain a relevant analysis using the measurements marketing in any organization. Marketing, according
that can be shown as graphical representations to Drucker, is “a central dimension of the entire
such as pie charts, bar charts, cause-and-effect business. It is the whole business seen from the
analysis, and gap analysis. point of view of its final result, that is, from the
customer’s point of view. Concern and
Many organizations highly depend on data and responsibility for marketing must, therefore,
visual analysis processed by information system. permeate all aspects of the enterprise”. That is,
For this reason, organization must obtain accurate marketing is more akin to an overall managerial
analysis based on exact data and must be cautious philosophy than a specialized functional activity.
for mistaken output that impacts whole process of
their business. Drucker would later argue that while the goal of
most organizations is to create profit, the ultimate
As a result, the measurements help the company to purpose of any business should be “to create a
analyze current state of performance and give highly satisfied customer”. Therefore, profit is only a
guidance for the firm’s sustainable improvements. means to an end and the true measure of success
is the effectiveness and efficiency in creating the
3. Implementing the improvements output. But since the output is typically evaluated
Having designed the processes of management by the customer, the organization should be geared
system and analyzed the performances using towards the customer. Only if the consumer finds
useful measurements, the final step is how to value in the output will the business prosper. It is
improve the system and maintain its effectiveness. these assertions by Drucker that brought about the
Therefore, implementing the improvements is a key modern marketing era and the emergence of the
activity to examine the processes and improve the so-called marketing concept as a tenet of
flow of the management system. contemporary management and organizational
strategy. The marketing concept emphasizes
“knowing the customer” or “satisfying customer
needs and wants” and it is often defined as “the marketer’s most important role may lie in “selling”
idea that an organization should strive to satisfy the the marketing concept within the firm.
needs of consumers while also trying to achieve the
organization’s goals”. On the other hand, marketing
orientation has been defined as a set of shared
values and beliefs about putting the customer first
in business planning (Despande & Webster, 1987). CUSTOMER FOCUSED MANAGEMENT
However, while intuitively appealing, these
definitions provided few insights into how fi rms can Customer-focused management is a concept that
incorporate such thoughts into actual business goes far beyond just smiling, answering queries,
processes. It is easier said than done to aim the and communicating with buyers. It transcends
entire organization towards satisfying customers. customer service training. Companies must change
Somewhat echoing the vague nature of marketing their focus from products and processes to the
jargon persistent in the late 1980s, asked a simple values they share with customers.
but thought-provoking question – What the hell is
“market orientation”? In his seminal work, Shapiro What does customer focus mean?
put forth for discussion “how exactly does a fi rm To properly understand what the concept ‘customer
implement the so-called marketing concept?” focus’ refers to and what being customer focused
Shapiro noted that in order for a fi rm to truly means, let’s first look at the broader picture and
implement the marketing concept and reach a state how customer focus relates to and differs from
of “market orientation,” fi rms must embrace three ‘customer orientation’. At this point, some might ask
complementary processes: “Aren’t they the same thing?”. Well, not really,
they’re not. But, they are closely related. To
• Information on all important buying influences understand how they interrelate, a good place to
permeates every corporate function; start is to define customer orientation (in the
• Strategic and tactical decisions are made inter- context of selling and buying).
functionally and inter-divisionally;
• Divisions and functions make well-coordinated Customer orientation
decisions and execute them with a sense of When searching for a definition, nowadays many
commitment. people turn to a search engine for help. A quick
Google search results in the Business Dictionary
While Shapiro did not offer empirical data, his work being awarded a top hit for defining customer
is significant because it provided one of the earliest orientation. That definition is rather narrow, merely
illustrations of the role of marketing as a pillar of focusing on actions. This is to some extent helpful
organizational strategy and that the positive but does not quite solve the riddle, which is why a
implications of increasing such a role are somewhat more scientific approach is selected.
contingent on a firm’s ability to create systems
Companion to the Future of Marketing. Process The seminal scientific study on sales vs. customer
based marketing management 65 that advocate orientation of salespeople in the Journal of
and require inter-functional relationships in terms of Marketing Research by Saxe and Weitz (1982),
information sharing and shared decision making. customer-oriented selling refers to the degree to
Market-oriented firms create value and achieve which salespeople practice the marketing concept
competitive advantages through inter-functional by trying to help customers make purchase
synergy. In defining market orientation, the first and decisions that will satisfy customer’s needs. In their
probably most rigorous effort was Kohli & Jaworski article, they present a scale that can be used to
(1990), who defined market orientation as, “the determine the degree to which a salesperson is
organization wide generation of market sales oriented or customer oriented, the SOCO
intelligence pertaining to current and future scale. Being sales oriented refers to focusing on
customer needs, dissemination of the the salesperson’s and selling firm’s interest,
intelligence across departments, and whereas being customer oriented refers to focusing
organization wide responsiveness to it.” This on the customer. A highly customer-oriented
definition echoes the assertion by Levitt (19 that an salespeople engage in behaviors aimed at
organization’s path forward should be the result of increasing customer long-term satisfaction.
the marketing department’s ability to communicate Moreover, as pointed out, adopting a customer-
with and educate other functions and that a oriented way of working involves avoiding actions
that sacrifice customer interest and satisfaction to
increase the likelihood of making an immediate
sale. Focusing on the customer usually makes it more
appealing for customers to work with, it creates
For an organization or salesperson to be truly mutual engagement. A problem that the customer
customer oriented, this involves a customer first thought they are facing suddenly becomes a
oriented behavior and mindset. In the context of mutual project between the entrepreneur and
sales adaptation, it refers to this as double-loop customer. Also, the goal becomes a mutual goal
sales adaptation. A Conceptual Model and an that both the customer are aiming at. For example,
Empirical Investigation published in the Journal of perhaps the customer wants to be awarded a
Business-to-Business Marketing. contract with their customer, but they are missing
something that their competitor has. Once the focus
Customer focus on the customer and understand their situation, it is
With the above introduction, customer orientation in a better position to help them. Their
can be understood as an approach, as a mindset challenge/problem becomes the entrepreneur and
that puts the customer and his/her interest first. customer’s mutual problem. Their challenge to
Although customer focus is closely related to that, become awarded that contract becomes the mutual
customer focus can be understood as forming the goal.
strategy for customer orientation for the
salesperson or organization. Customer orientation As a result of being customer focused, it will not
is – or seems to be – on a higher level of only feel good about both are doing and are
abstraction than customer focus. This is not always working, but it is also likely to sleep better (knowing
prevalent or even included in definitions for that the customer are not being taking advantage),
example found through a simple Google search and – maybe most importantly, at least from a sales
(see, for example, customer focus by the Business perspective – it will probably be more successful
Dictionary). In the context of sales and the than compare to the competitors. In fact, it is not
interaction between the seller and buyer, being unlikely that the “tide will turn” and that you are
customer focused refers to the seller taking the more frequently than before contacted by
viewpoint of the customer. This means putting customers who want your help, as opposed to you
oneself in the shoes of the customer and viewing having to chase them to offer your support. The
things from the buyer’s or customer’s perspective. power of word-of-mouth should not be
This entails feeling what the customer is feeling, underestimated.
thinking of what the customer is dreaming of and
what is aspiring to achieve or become. In brief, it How to become customer focused?
means putting the customer in the driving seat and As pointed out in the double-loop sales adaptation,
focusing on the customer’s needs, wishes, also being customer focused can be understood as
aspirations and dreams – as opposed to focusing occurring on two levels: behavior and mindset.
on oneself and the business. These two are interconnected. Hence, one needs
to work at both levels.
Why is it advisable to be customer focused?
As we have defined, discussed and clarified the Customer-oriented mindset
concepts customer orientation and customer focus, First, it needs to switch on the mindset of focusing
it probably makes sense to elaborate on why it on the customer. This involves letting go of
makes sense to be customer focused. Putting in personal priorities – and ego. Let go of focusing on
the customers’ situations and viewing things from one’s needs and wants, and focus on those on the
their perspective is important because it helps customer. A question should be asked in oneself:
better understand the customer and what is likely to How someone can help customer?
form the right solution. It helps to take away some
of the guesswork and puts the seller on the same Train and practice customer focus skills in reverse:
page with the buyer/customer. when being in a situation where the customer, work
on ones senses and reflection. Ask how the seller
Being customer focused puts in a better position to or service provider makes feel better.
help the customers, in an honest way. The
customer will sense and see that one is making an Customer-oriented behavior
extra effort to understand the situation at which When it comes to improving customer-focused
they are and to really understand them to be better behavior, also there it can be worked in reverse.
able to help them get where they want to be. When you are the customer, reflect on what the
seller or service provider does that causes you to forecasts of factors that will influence organizational
feel the way you do. How do they behave, what do success. Environmental scanning refers to
they do, and how do they do it? Analyze what they possession and utilization of information about
could do better, how they could improve their occasions, patterns, trends, and relationships within
performance? Consider what you would do in their an organization’s internal and external
situation that could increase the level of environment. It helps the managers to decide the
satisfaction, appreciation, and happiness that you future path of the organization. Scanning must
are experiencing. Train yourself in customer focus identify the threats and opportunities existing in the
skills by making the most of service encounters in environment. While strategy formulation, an
daily situations, no matter how small or big they organization must take advantage of the
might be. opportunities and minimize the threats. A threat for
one organization may be an opportunity for

Combining mindset and behavior Internal analysis of the environment is the first step
When you are selling to or serving a customer, of environment scanning. Organizations should
focus on both your mindset and behavior. Ask observe the internal organizational environment.
yourself if your mindset is tuned to primarily help This includes employee interaction with other
your customer and if you are acting in the best employees, employee interaction with
interest of your customer. Be honest, be sincere. If management, manager interaction with other
not, customers will sense your dishonesty and managers, and management interaction with
insincerity, and you will not sleep well (I hope). shareholders, access to natural resources, brand
Keep your focus on your customer and act in the awareness, organizational structure, main staff,
best interest of your customer. operational potential, etc. Also, discussions,
interviews, and surveys can be used to assess the
When done right, focusing on your customers can internal environment. Analysis identifying strengths
help change a company from an ordinary company and of internal environment helps in weaknesses of
to a great one. In fact, as a result of transforming an organization.
their approach and strategy to become highly
customer focused, the biggest challenge a Swedish As business becomes more competitive, and there
company, Upplands Motor which I have covered are rapid changes in the external environment,
before, that it was coping to serve all new information from external environment adds crucial
customers that chose to switch to them. That elements to the effectiveness of long-term plans.
shows how powerful an approach customer As environment is dynamic, it becomes essential to
orientation can be and what the strategy of identify competitors’ moves and actions.
customer focus can result in when properly Organizations have also to update the core
implemented. To me, that validates the points that competencies and internal environment as per
I’m making in this post. external environment. Environmental factors are
infinite, hence, organization should be agile and
Hope this clarifies what customer focus is and, why vigile to accept and adjust to the environmental
being customer focused matters, and how to changes. For instance - Monitoring might indicate
practice becoming more customer focused. that an original forecast of the prices of the raw
materials that are involved in the product are no
ENVIRONMENTAL SCANNING more credible, which could imply the requirement
for more focused scanning, forecasting and
What is Environmental scanning? analysis to create a more trustworthy prediction
Environmental scanning - is the process of about the input costs. In a similar manner, there
gathering information about events and their can be changes in factors such as competitor’s
relationships within an organization's internal and activities, technology, market tastes and
external environments. The basic purpose of preferences.
environmental scanning is to help management
determine the future direction of the organization. While in external analysis, three correlated
environment should be studied and analyzed
Organizational environment consists of both • immediate / industry environment
external and internal factors. Environment must be • national environment
scanned so as to determine development and
• broader socio-economic environment / macro- shift in values or change in which the concern is
environment viewed.

Examining the industry environment needs an • Expectations – Some interested groups have
appraisal of the competitive structure of the demands based on their concern for issues. These
organization’s industry, including the competitive demands are Expectations.
position of a particular organization and its main
rivals. Also, an assessment of the nature, stage,
dynamics and history of the industry is essential. It (Lesson 2)
also implies evaluating the effect of globalization on DEMAND MANAGEMENT (Market and
competition within the industry. Analyzing the Technology Forecasting)
national environment needs an appraisal of
whether the national framework helps in achieving Demand management is a planning methodology
competitive advantage in the globalized used to forecast, plan for and manage the demand
environment. Analysis of macro-environment for products and services. Demand management
includes exploring macro-economic, social, has a defined set of processes, capabilities and
government, legal, technological and international recommended behaviors for companies that
factors that may influence the environment. The produce goods and services.
analysis of organization’s external environment
reveals opportunities and threats for an The purpose, objectives, scope, activities, key
organization. concepts, triggers, inputs & outputs, challenges,
risks, the critical success factor (CSF) and key
Strategic managers must not only recognize the performance indicators (KPI) of Demand
present state of the environment and their industry Management process.
but also be able to predict its future positions.
Demand Management and service lifecycle
IMPORTANT FACTORS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL Demand management is a critical aspect of service
SCANNING management. Poorly managed demand is a source
of risk for service providers while Excess capacity
Before scanning the environment, an organization generates cost without creating value that provides
must take the following into consideration: a basis for cost recovery. Service production
cannot happen without the concurrent presence of
• Events – These are specific occurrences which demand that consumes the output. It is a pull
take place in different environmental sectors of a system in which consumption cycle stimulates
business. These are important for the functioning production cycle. Demand pulls capacity. Demand
and/or success of the business. Events can occur cannot exist simply because capacity exits Demand
either in the internal or the external environment. management through lifecycle:
Organizations can observe and track them.
• Forecast demand and communicate to design &
• Trends – As the name suggests, trends are Support Supplier Performance Management (SPM)
general courses of action or tendencies along
which the events occur. They are groups of similar • Confirm service assets are designed to meet
or related events which tend to move in a specific capacity & availability requirements
direction. Further, trends can be positive or
negative. By observing trends, an organization can • Testing & validating services for forecast
identify any change in the strength or frequency of utilization & the Patterns of Business Activity (PBA)
the events suggesting a change in the respective
area. • Technical, application & operations management
functions will monitor services to ensure demand is
• Issues – In wake of the events and trends, some within normal levels
concerns can arise. These are Issues.
Organizations try to identify emerging issues so • Identify trends in PBA and to initiate changes in
that they can take corrective measures to nip them capabilities of provider/customers In the next slide
in the bud. However, identifying emerging issues is let us understand the purpose and objective of
a difficult task. Usually, emerging issues start with a Demand Management.
Purpose and Objectives of Demand • Identifying user profiles and analyzing their
Management service usage patterns
The purpose of demand management is to • Identifying, agreeing and implementing measures
understand, anticipate and influence customer to influence demand together with capacity
demand for services and to work with capacity management.
management to ensure the service provider has
capacity to meet this demand. Demand This is sometimes called the ‘management of
management works at every stage of the lifecycle demand’. This could be in situations where service
to ensure that services are designed, tested and demand exceeds capacity, and where capacity
delivered to support the achievement of business increases are not feasible (e.g. differential
outcomes at the appropriate levels of activity. This charging, incentives, penalties). It could also be in
is where the service provider has the opportunity to situations where a new service has been launched
understand the customer needs and feed these into and IT wishes to encourage users to use it more.
the service strategies to realize the service Also, it could be used to reduce demand in peak
potential of the customer and to differentiate the utilization times and shift it to less active times –
services to the customers. The objectives of thus more efficiently balancing overall utilization
demand management are to: levels. Demand management is active in every
stage of the service lifecycle, and works closely
• Identify and analyze patterns of business activity with several other processes. One of the closest of
to understand the levels of demand that will be these is capacity management. It is important to
placed on a service note the difference in scope between these two
processes. At first glance the scopes of capacity
• Define and analyze user profiles to understand and demand management seem to overlap, and it
the typical profiles of demand for services from might appear that demand management is just one
different types of user aspect of capacity management. However, this is
an oversimplification of both processes. Both are
• Ensure that services are designed to meet the concerned with achieving the same business
patterns of business activity and the ability to meet outcomes, and both are concerned with optimizing
business outcomes investment, but the processes themselves are
different. To generalize, demand management
• Work with capacity management to ensure that focuses primarily on the business and user aspects
adequate resources are available at the appropriate of providing services, whereas capacity
levels of capacity to meet the demand for services, management focuses primarily on the resourcing
thus maintaining a balance between the cost of and technology aspects. Like any other process,
service and the value that it achieves let’s see how demand management adds value to
business in the next slide.
• Anticipate and prevent or manage situations
where demand for a service exceeds the capacity Value to the Business
to deliver it The main value of demand management is to
achieve a balance between the cost of a service
• Gear the utilization of resources that deliver and the value of the business outcomes it supports.
services to meet the fluctuating levels of demand The other service strategy processes define the
for those services. In the next slide we will look at linkage between (and the investment required for)
the scope of Demand management. business outcomes, services, resources and
capabilities. Demand management refines the
Scope of Demand Management understanding of how, when and to what level
The scope of the demand management process is these elements interact. This enables executives to
to identify and analyze the patterns of business evaluate the real investment required to achieve
activity that initiate demand for services, and to business outcomes at varying levels of activity.
identify and analyze how different types of users Moving ahead, let us learn about the challenges in
influence the demand for services. Demand managing service demand.
management activities should include:
4 Basic Concepts
• Identifying and analyzing patterns of business
activity associated with services 1. From a strategic perspective, demand
management is about matching supply to
demand. Consumption produces demand number of service management actions,
and production consumes demand in a including the following:
highly synchronized pattern as mentioned
in the figure. Unlike goods, services cannot • Identifying the services (through service
be manufactured in advance and stocked portfolio management)
in a finished goods inventory in anticipation • Quantifying the patterns of business
of demand. Demand and capacity are far activity
more tightly coupled in service systems • Specifying the appropriate architecture to
even when compared with just-in-time (JIT) deal with the type and quantity of demand
manufacturing. (for example, deciding on dedicated versus
virtualized processing environment) •
2. In the Figure, customer assets present a Capacity and availability planning to
pattern of demand to the service provider. ensure that the right service assets are
Each time a user consumes a service available at the right time and are
demand is presented to the service performing at the right levels
provider, and this consumes capacity of • Performance management and tuning
the service assets. This, in turn, results in service assets to deal with variations in
the service being supplied to meet the demand.
consumer’s demand. The greater the
consumption of the service, the higher the 4. Demand management through the lifecycle
demand, the higher the consumption of to be fully effective, demand management
capacity, and the more of the service is needs to be active throughout the service
supplied. This cycle of demand and supply lifecycle. It might be tempting to assume
will only function effectively while the that processes that are active in each
service assets have available capacity. As stage of the lifecycle will address demand
soon as capacity is no longer available, the issues. However, if demand management
service provider will not be able to supply is not consciously coordinated and
enough of the services to satisfy customer managed, this will only tend to happen on
demand. For this reason, a major part of an ad hoc, reactive basis. The activities of
demand management is to understand the demand management in each stage of the
potential demand, and the impact of the lifecycle will include:
demand on the service assets. This allows • Service strategy Identify the services and
capacity management to manage service outcomes, and the patterns of business
assets (and investments) towards optimal activity that are generated by achieving
performance and cost. The productive these outcomes. Forecast demand based
capacity of resources available to a service on service utilization scenarios and
is adjusted according to demand forecasts communicates to design teams. Support
and patterns. Some types of capacity can service portfolio management by
be quickly increased as required and estimating activity levels to achieve specific
released when not in use. The arrival of outcomes.
demand can be influenced using pricing • Service design Confirm customer
incentives. However, it is not possible to requirements regarding availability and
produce and stock service output before performance, and validate that the service
demand actually materializes. assets are designed to meet those
requirements. In this stage the primary
3. Gearing service assets, The balance of process interfaces are capacity
supply and demand is achieved by gearing management and availability management,
the service assets to meet the dynamic although demand management will also
patterns of demand on services. This is not contribute to sizing of service continuity
just a case of responding to demand as it options.
presents itself, but it involves anticipating • Service transition Demand management
the demand, identifying the signals of is involved in testing and validating
increasing or decreasing demand and services for forecast utilization and
defining a mechanism to scale investment patterns of business activity. The ability to
and supply as required. Managing service influence and manage demand for a
assets according to demand involves a service should also be tested.
• Service operation Technical, application level management and capacity management to
and operations management functions will understand the new utilization patterns, and to gear
monitor service assets and service the resources and capabilities of the service
utilization levels to ensure that demand is provider appropriately. The new service
within normal levels and, if not, will initiate requirements should also be reflected in the service
performance tuning or corrective action. portfolio.
• Continual service improvement Demand
management will work to identify trends in • The service provider’s forecast for resources was
patterns of business activity and to initiate inaccurate, and there is insufficient budget to
changes to the capabilities of the service increase capacity. It is important to note that
provider, or changes to the behavior of demand management does not work in isolation
customers where appropriate. when influencing demand. This is a complex
situation involving changes to services, the service
Challenges in Managing Service Demand provider’s ability to meet customer demand and the
Here are Challenges encountered in Managing achievement of business outcomes. As a result,
Service Demand demand management always works in conjunction
with capacity management, service level
• Source of Risk management, service portfolio management and
• Poorly managed demand because of uncertainty financial management for IT services.
of demand Activities
• Excess capacity generates cost without creating The Activities of demand management is; To
value identify Patterns of business activity (PBA), coded
• Customers are reluctant to pay for idle capacity and shared across process for clarity and
unless it has value for them completeness of detail. One or more attributes such
• Certain amount of unused capacity is necessary as frequency, volume, location and duration
to deliver service levels describe business activity. They are associated
• Insufficient capacity impacts quality of services with requirements such as security, privacy and
delivered and limits the growth of the service latency or tolerance for delays User profiles (UP)
• Techniques such as off-peak pricing, volume are based on roles and responsibilities within
discounts etc can influence demand. organizations for people, and functions and
operations for processes and applications. As
Management of Operation Demand suggested earlier, business processes and
Management of Operational Demand One of the applications are treated as users in many business
activities of demand management during service contexts. Let us understand demand and capacity
operation is to manage or influence the demand in the next slide.
where services or resources are being over utilized.
Typically, this would occur in the following Activity based Demand Management
situations: Business processes are the primary source of
demand for services. Patterns of business activity
• The patterns of business activity were inaccurate, (PBA) influence the demand patterns seen by the
resulting in over- or underutilization of the service. service providers. It is very important to study the
Demand management could assist by providing customer’s business to identify, analyze and
penalties or incentives for users to reduce service classify such patterns to provide sufficient basis for
usage, to use it at off-peak periods or (where the capacity management. Visualize the customer’s
service is being under-utilized) to increase business activity and plans in terms of the demand
utilization. An example of a measure to influence for supporting services. For example, the fulfillment
demand is differential charging, where customers of a purchase order (business activity) may result in
are billed higher rates for using the service during a set of requests (demand) generated by the order-
peak times. This is normally done in conjunction to-cash process (business process of customer).
with capacity management, service level Analyzing and tracking the activity patterns of the
management and financial management for IT business process makes it possible to predict
services. demand patterns for services in the catalogue that
support the process. It is also possible to predict
• The business environment changed, resulting in a demand for underlying service assets that support
change to the pattern of business activity. This those services. Every additional unit of demand
should be dealt with in conjunction with service generated by business activity is allocated to a unit
of service capacity. Demand patterns occur at • Service portfolio management can approve
multiple levels. Activity-based demand investments in additional capacity, new services, or
management can daisy-chain demand patterns to changes to services
ensure that the business plans of customers are • Service Operation can adjust allocation of
synchronized with the service management plans resources and scheduling
of the service provider. Let us understand this • Service Operation can identify opportunities to
better with a help of a diagram in the next slide. consolidate demand by grouping closely matching
demand patterns
Activity based Demand Management • Financial Management can approve suitable
For example, in the figure of activity-based demand incentives to influence demand Let us now proceed
management, if a business plan calls for the to understand coding patterns of business activity.
allocation of human resources, the addition of an
employee can be translated into additional demand Codifying of PBAs
for the service desk function in terms of service Coding patterns helps in:
requests and service incidents. Similarly, new
instances of business processes can be used as • Multidimensional Analysis.
predictors of demand for the service demand in • criteria such as likeness and nearness.
terms of incidents and requests. After validating the • Develops a simple and standard catalogue of
activity or demand model it is possible to make patterns
adjustments to account for variations such as new • Reduces the number of patterns, make analysis
employees, changes to business processes and easier, and avoid complicated solutions In the next
technology upgrades on the customer’s side. Some slide let us understand User profiles.
of the benefits for analyzing PBA are in the form of
inputs to service management functions and User Profile
processes such as the following: User profiles (UPs) are based on roles and
responsibilities within organizations. As suggested
• Service design can optimize designs to suit earlier, business processes and applications are
demand patterns. treated as users in many business contexts. Many
• Capacity management translates the PBA into processes are not actively executed or controlled
workload profiles so that the appropriate resources by staff or personnel. Process automation allows
can be made available to support the levels of for processes to consume services on their own.
service utilization. Processes and applications can have user profiles.
• Service catalogue can map demand patterns to Each UP can be associated with one or more PBA,
appropriate services. as shown in the Table. This allows aggregations
• Service portfolio management can approve and relations between diverse PBAs connected by
investments in additional capacity, new services or the interactions between their respective UPs. User
changes to services. profiles are constructed using one or more
• Service operation can adjust allocation of predefined PBA. They are also under change
resources and scheduling. control. UPs represent patterns that are persistent
• Service operation can identify opportunities to and correlated. Therefore, lets understand PBAs
consolidate demand by grouping closely matching and user profile relation in the next slide.
demand patterns.
• Financial management for IT services can PBA and User Profile
approve suitable incentives to influence demand. In PBA and User Profile relation ensures that:
the next slide we will look at the benefits of
analyzing patterns of business activity in the next • Pattern matching using PBA and UP ensure a
slide. systematic approach to understanding and
managing demand from customers.
Benefits for analyzing PBA • Customers better understand their own business
PBA can benefit a company in many ways. Some activities and view them as consumers of services
of the benefits with the implementation of PBA are: and producers of demand.
• Service providers have the information necessary
• Service Design can optimize designs to suit to sort and serve the demand with appropriately
demand patterns matched services, service levels, and service
• Service catalogue can map demand patterns to assets.
appropriate services
• This leads to improved value for both customers will contain information about demand and
and service providers by eliminating waste and supply for services.
poor performance. Moving on, in the next slide let’s  Charging models will be assessed to ensure
understand the differentiated offerings. that under- or over-recovery does not occur
in internal service providers; or that pricing
Differentiated Offerings will be profitable for external service
When analyzing the PBA, it may become apparent providers.
that different levels of performances are required at  Chargeable items will need to be validated
different times, or different combinations of utility. In to ensure that customers actually perceive
these cases, it is important to work with service them and use them as defined.
portfolio management to define service packages  Service improvement opportunities and
that meet the variations in PBA. For example, a plans will need to be assessed in terms of
company that produces seasonal goods may vary their impact on demand. Let us understand
its sales process during periods of peak demand. the outputs in the next slide.
During quieter times, sales staff may complete the
entire order process (log the sale, check for Outputs
inventory, initiate shipping and bill the customer), Outputs of demand management include:
thus using all the utility of the service each time an
order is placed. During periods of peak activity, the • User profiles
sales people may only log the sale and check for • Patterns of business activity will be formally
inventory, passing the order to temporary staff for documented and included in the service and
shipping and billing, and then moving to the next customer portfolios
order. In this case there might be two differentiated • Policies for management of demand when
offerings to reflect the two PBA. resources are over-utilized
• Policies for how to deal with situations where
Triggers Inputs and Outputs service utilization is higher or lower than anticipated
Now let us discuss about the Triggers, inputs and by the customer
outputs of demand management. Firstly, the • Documentation of options for differentiated
triggers are: offerings that can be used to create service
packages. In the next slide we will discuss about
• A request from a customer for a new service, or the interfaces of Demand management.
change to an existing service. This will be initiated
through business relationship management and Interfaces
service portfolio management. Major interfaces with demand management include:
• A new service is being created to meet a strategic
initiative – this will be initiated through service • Strategy management for IT services will identify
portfolio management. the key business outcomes and business activities
• A service model needs to be defined, and that will be used to establish patterns of business
patterns of business activity and/or user profiles activity and user profiles.
must be defined.
• Utilization rates are causing potential performance • Service portfolio management uses information
issues, or a potential breach of service level from demand management to create and evaluate
agreement (SLA). service models, to establish and forecast utilization
• An exception has occurred to forecast patterns of requirements and to identify the different types of
business activity. Inputs to demand management user of the service. In addition, SPM will be able to
include: develop service packages based on the information
 Initiative to create a new service, or to about patterns of business activity and user
change an existing service. These inputs profiles.
can come from service portfolio
management or from change management. • Financial management for IT services will help to
 Service models need to be validated and forecast the cost of providing the demand based on
patterns of business activity associated with forecast patterns of business activity. In addition, it
each service model will need to be defined. will work with demand management to identify
 The customer portfolio, service portfolio and measures to regulate demand when there is over-
customer agreement portfolio, all of which utilization of the service (e.g. through differential
charging). Financial management for IT services
will also identify the relative costs of each • Service asset and configuration management will
differentiated offering. identify the relationship between the demand
placed on services and the demand placed on
• Business relationship management is the primary systems and devices. This is an essential link in
source of information about the business activities ensuring that operational teams are able to execute
of the customer. Business relationship what was anticipated during strategy and design.
management will also be useful in validating the
user profiles and differentiated service offerings • Service validation and testing will ensure that the
before they are confirmed in the customer and service has correctly dealt with patterns of demand,
service portfolios. Service level management will and that measures taken to prevent over-utilization
help to formalize agreements in which the customer are effective.
commits to levels of utilization, and the service
provider commits to levels of performance. Actual • Event management, if instrumented correctly, can
levels of performance and utilization will be provide information about actual patterns of service
reviewed at the regular service level review utilization and validate the anticipated patterns of
meetings (using information from demand business activity for a service. Any deviation can be
management and capacity management) and any assessed and adjustments made to the service
deviations noted. Demand management will work through service portfolio management. In the next
with service level management to define policies for slide, we will look at the information management of
how to deal with variances in supply and demand. demand management process.
• Capacity management will work closely with
demand management to define exactly how to Information Management
match supply and demand in the design and The documentation and information required for
operation of the service. Capacity management will effective demand management have been
monitor the actual utilization of service and work described earlier, but an overview of the main
with demand management to understand trends of sources is as follows:
utilization and how to adjust the services for future
use. • The service portfolio
• The customer portfolio to obtain information about
• Availability management uses information about customers and the opportunities that they represent
patterns of business activity to determine when • The project portfolio to ensure that all projects
service availability is most important. This have included demand management as a
information is also helpful for performing service component
outage analysis and project service availability • Minutes of meetings between business
reporting. relationship managers and customers
• Service level agreements are used to set a
• IT service continuity management will use baseline for previous demand levels, and to define
demand management information to perform limits and policies for future utilization The
business impact analysis. It will be able to configuration management system to map service
determine which workloads are impacted, and what assets, customer assets and business outcomes.
volume of work is impacted by major outages at Let us now proceed to learn about the CSFs and
different times. Demand management information KPIs of Demand management.
is also helpful in sizing recovery options to be able
to deal with the minimum levels of business activity Critical Success Factors
to ensure business continuity. The Next two slides provides examples of critical
success factors (CSFs). These are the conditions
• Change management will work with demand that need to be in place, or things that need to
management and capacity management to assess happen, if the demand management process is to
the impact of changes on how the business uses be considered successful. Each CSF will include
services. This is helpful in confirming the impact of examples of key performance indicators (KPIs).
the change and also in evaluating the true cost of These are metrics that are used to evaluate factors
changing the service (a ‘simple’ change may push that are crucial to the success of the process. KPIs,
demand over a threshold where significant as differentiated from general metrics, should be
additional investment is required). related to CSFs. The following list includes some
sample CSFs for demand management. Each
organization should identify appropriate CSFs
based on its objectives for the process. Each • Customers might find it difficult to break down
sample CSF is followed by a small number of individual activities that make sense to the service
typical KPIs that support the CSF. These KPIs provider. Business relationship management
should not be adopted without careful should be able to assist in making this translation.
consideration. Each organization should develop • Lack of formal service portfolio management
KPIs that are appropriate for its level of maturity, its process or service portfolio. This will make it
CSFs and its particular circumstances. difficult to understand the business requirements,
Achievement against KPIs should be monitored relative value and priority of services, and will mean
and used to identify opportunities for improvement, that demand management information might be
which should be logged in the CSI register for recorded on an ad hoc basis, often with little
evaluation and possible implementation. coordination and duplicate effort. In the next slide
we will look at the risks of demand management.
• CSF The service provider has identified and
analyzed the patterns of business activity and is Risks
able to use these to understand the levels of Demand management risks include:
demand that will be placed on a service.
• KPI Patterns of business activity are defined for • Lack of, or inaccurate, configuration management
each relevant service. information, which makes it difficult to estimate the
• KPI Patterns of business activity have been impact of changing demand on the service
translated into workload information by capacity provider’s infrastructure and applications.
management. Next CSF: The service provider has • Service level management is not able to obtain
defined and analyzed user profiles and is able to commitments to minimum or maximum utilization
use these to understand the typical profiles of levels, and it is therefore difficult to commit to levels
demand for services from different types of user. of service. This situation often results in higher than
• KPI Documented user profiles exist and each necessary levels of investment to enable the
contains a demand profile for the services used by service provider to keep ahead of demand – even
that type of user. when not essential. With this we come to the end of
learning 6, let us recap in the next slide.
Key Performance Indicators
Next CSF as A process exists whereby services Demand Management Summary
are designed to meet the patterns of business In this learning unit we looked at the purpose,
activity and meet business outcomes. objectives, scope and value to business of demand
management. We also discussed about the
• KPI Demand management activities are routinely concepts of PBA & UP, challenges in managing
included as part of defining the service portfolio. demand, triggers, inputs, outputs, interface, CSFs
Let’s take one more CSF which states that There is & KPIs, challenges and risks of demand
a means to manage situations where demand for a management.
service exceeds the capacity to deliver it.
• KPI Techniques to manage demand have been
documented in capacity plans and, where (Lesson 3)
appropriate, in service level agreements. STRATEGIC CORPORATE KNOWLEDGE
• KPI Differential charging (as an example of one
such technique) has resulted in a more even Marketing Defined
demand on the service over time. Now let us look What is marketing? Many people think of marketing
into the challenges of demand management. as only selling and advertising. We are bombarded
every day with TV commercials, catalogs, sales
Challenges calls, and e-mail pitches. However, selling and
Challenges for demand management include: advertising are only the tip of the marketing
• The availability of information about business
activities – especially if demand management is not Today, marketing must be understood not in the old
included in the overall set of requirements and has sense of making a sale—“telling and selling”—but
to be collected separately. Customers have a in the new sense of satisfying customer needs. If
limited tolerance for how many people gather the marketer understands consumer needs;
information about their service requirements. develops products that provide superior customer
value; and prices, dis- tributes, and promotes them
effectively, these products will sell easily. In fact, As we discussed in Chapter 2, marketing managers
according to management guru Peter Drucker, “The must work closely with other company
aim of marketing is to make selling unnecessary.” departments. Other departments have an impact on
Selling and advertising are only part of a larger the marketing department’s plans and actions. And,
“marketing mix”—a set of marketing tools that work under the marketing concept, all of these functions
together to satisfy customer needs and build must “think consumer.” According to a former Xerox
customer relationships. CEO, to provide a great customer experience,
Xerox must “find out what customers are facing—
Broadly defined, marketing is a social and what their problems and opportunities are.
managerial process by which individuals and Everyone at Xerox shares this responsibility. That
organizations obtain what they need and want includes people and departments that have not
through creating and exchanging value with others. always been customer facing, like finance, legal,
and human resources.”
In a narrower business context, marketing involves
building profitable, value- laden exchange Suppliers
relationships with customers. Hence, we define Suppliers form an important link in the company’s
marketing as the process by which companies overall customer value delivery net- work. They
create value for customers and build strong provide the resources needed by the company to
customer relationships in order to capture value produce its goods and services. Supplier problems
from customers in return. can seriously affect marketing. Marketing managers
must watch supply availability and costs. Supply
The company should analyze its markets and shortages or delays, labor strikes, and other events
marketing environment to find attractive can cost sales in the short run and damage
opportunities and identify environmental threats. It customer satisfaction in the long run. Rising supply
should analyze company strengths and costs may force price increases that can harm the
weaknesses as well as current and possible company’s sales volume.
marketing actions to determine which opportunities Most marketers today treat their suppliers as
it can best pursue. The goal is to match the partners in creating and delivering customer value.
company’s strengths to attractive opportunities in For example, Toyota knows the importance of
the environment, while eliminating or overcoming building close relationships with its sup- pliers. In
the weaknesses and minimizing the threats. fact, it even includes the phrase achieve supplier
Marketing analysis provides inputs to each of the satisfaction in its mission statement.
other marketing management functions.
Toyota’s competitors often alienate suppliers
Through strategic planning, the company decides through self-serving, heavy-handed dealings.
what it wants to do with each business unit. According to one supplier, U.S. automakers “set
Marketing planning involves choosing marketing annual cost-reduction targets [for the parts they
strategies that will help the company attain its buy]. To realize those targets, they’ll do anything.
overall strategic objectives. A detailed marketing [They’ve unleashed] a reign of terror, and it gets
plan is needed for each business, product, or worse every year.” By contrast, rather than bullying
brand. What does a marketing plan look like? Our suppliers, Toyota partners with them and helps
discussion focuses on product or brand marketing them meet its very high expectations. Toyota learns
plans. about their businesses, conducts joint improvement
activities, helps train sup- plier employees, gives
The Company daily performance feedback, and actively seeks out
In designing marketing plans, marketing supplier concerns. It even recognizes top
management takes other company groups into performers with annual performance awards. High
account— groups such as top management, supplier satisfaction means that Toyota can rely on
finance, research and development (R&D), suppliers to help it improve its own quality, reduce
purchasing, operations, and accounting. All of these costs, and quickly develop new products. Even
interrelated groups form the internal environment. after the recent massive recall following
Top management sets the company’s mission, unanticipated acceleration problems with some
objectives, broad strategies, and policies. Toyota models, the company didn’t point blame at
Marketing managers make decisions within the the accelerator part supplier. Instead, Toyota took
strategies and plans made by top management. blame for a faulty part design and even issued a
statement supporting the “long-term and valued
supplier.” In all, creating satisfied suppliers helps
Toyota produce lower-cost, higher-quality cars, No single competitive marketing strategy is best for
which in turn results in more satisfied customers. all companies. Each firm should consider its own
size and industry position compared to those of its
Marketing intermediaries competitors. Large firms with dominant positions in
Firms that help the company to promote, sell, and an industry can use certain strategies that smaller
distribute its goods to final buyers. firms cannot afford. But being large is not enough.
There are winning strategies for large firms, but
Marketing intermediaries help the company there are also losing ones. And small firms can
promote, sell, and distribute its products to final develop strategies that give them better rates of
buyers. They include resellers, physical distribution return than large firms enjoy.
firms, marketing services agencies, and financial
intermediaries. Resellers are distribution channel Publics
firms that help the company find customers or The company’s marketing environment also
make sales to them. These include wholesalers includes various publics. A public is any group that
and retailers who buy and resell merchandise. has an actual or potential interest in or impact on
Selecting and partnering with resellers is not easy. an organization’s ability to achieve its objectives.
No longer do manufacturers have many small, We can identify seven types of publics:
independent resellers from which to choose. They
now face large and growing reseller organizations, • Financial publics. This group influences the
such as Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Costco, and company’s ability to obtain funds. Banks, in-
Best Buy. These organizations frequently have vestment analysts, and stockholders are the major
enough power to dictate terms or even shut smaller financial publics.
manufacturers out of large markets. • Media publics. This group carries news, features,
and editorial opinion. It includes news- papers,
Physical distribution firms help the company stock magazines, television stations, and blogs and other
and move goods from their points of origin to their Internet media.
destinations. Marketing services agencies are the • Government publics. Management must take
marketing research firms, advertising agencies, government developments into account. Marketers
media firms, and marketing consulting firms that must often consult the company’s lawyers on
help the company target and promote its products issues of product safety, truth in advertising, and
to the right markets. Financial intermediaries other matters.
include banks, credit companies, insurance • Citizen-action publics. A company’s marketing
companies, and other businesses that help finance decisions may be questioned by consumer
transactions or insure against the risks associated organizations, environmental groups, minority
with the buying and selling of goods. groups, and others. Its public relations department
can help it stay in touch with consumer and citizen
Like suppliers, marketing intermediaries form an groups.
important component of the company’s overall • Local publics. This group includes neighborhood
value delivery network. In its quest to create residents and community organizations. Large
satisfying customer relationships, the company companies usually create departments and
must do more than just optimize its own programs that deal with local community issues and
performance. It must partner effectively with provide community support. For example, the P&G
marketing intermediaries to optimize the Tide.
performance of the entire system.
Any group that has an actual or potential interest in
Competitors or impact on an organization’s ability to achieve its
The marketing concept states that, to be objectives.
successful, a company must provide greater
customer value and satisfaction than its Loads of Hope program recognizes the importance
competitors do. Thus, marketers must do more of community publics. It provides mobile
than sim- ply adapt to the needs of target laundromats and loads of clean laundry to families
consumers. They also must gain strategic in disaster-stricken areas. P&G washes, dries, and
advantage by positioning their offerings strongly folds clothes for these families for free because
against competitors’ offerings in the minds of “we’ve learned [that] sometimes even the littlest
consumers. things can make a difference.”
creating new technology at an increasing rate. In
• General public. A company needs to be some segments of industry, technology is changing
concerned about the general public’s attitude to- both how business is conducted and the nature of
ward its products and activities. The public’s image competition. It also is changing product
of the company affects its buying. development and introduction processes by
• Internal publics. This group includes workers, shortening the time firms have to bring new
managers, volunteers, and the board of directors. products to market (time-to-market). New product
Large companies use newsletters and other means development in today’s technology-driven business
to inform and motivate their in-ternal publics. When sector is loaded with risk, yet it is something that
employees feel good about the companies they must occur if a firm is to remain viable. In addition
work for, this positive attitude spills over to the to technological change that is revolutionary rather
external publics. than evolutionary, an unpresented level of
aggressive competition from across the globe
Publics: P&G’s Tide Loads of Hope program resulting in unbelievable rapid market saturation is
recognizes the importance of community characteristic of many business markets today. As
publics. It washes, dries, and folds loads of an example of this second important trend
clothes for families struck by local disasters. A marketers face, an adhesive product in New Jersey
company can prepare marketing plans for these that traditionally has competed for orders with
major publics as well as for its customer markets. regional competitors now competes with set that
Suppose the company wants a specific response traditionally has competed for orders with regional
from a particular public, such as goodwill, favorable competitors now competes with producers from
word of mouth, or donations of time or money. The South Africa to East Asia – all wanting part of the
company would have to design an offer to this market. In addition to a daunting force of
public that is attractive enough to produce the competitors, twenty-first century adhesive
desired response. marketers will have to be constantly alert for
substitute product in development and new
approaches to adhesiveless stantly alert for
Business New Product Development substitute product line can be obsoleted by a less
For products, the old proverbs, “If it works, don’t fix expensive, or stronger, or longer-lasting, or more
it” is overtaken by the new proverb, “If it works, it’s environmentally friendly alternative. A company
probably out of date”. Innovation is the fuel of must look to its marketing function to assure that its
corporate longevity. Heightened competition in both product are positioned optimally.
domestic and international markets often forces
firms to develop new products or find new markets STRATEGIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS
for their existing products. Without continuous (discussion attached)
innovation, organizations sputter and die. In many Strategic information systems (SIS) are information
years business-to-business firms, the designs of systems that are developed in response to
the new products (especially scientific and technical corporate business initiative. They are intended to
products) is the sole responsibility of people within give competitive advantage to the organization.
the engineering discipline. However, much
marketing literature argues that business marketing
managers should pay a major role in the design (Lesson 4)
(development) of new products through the MARKETING MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS
guidelines that marketing research can provide. It
appears today that the important role of business Marketing measurement and analysis is critical
marketers in the design and development of new today in terms of real returns and profitability.
products finally is being recognized. Marketing and Sometimes the sheer affordability of direct mail,
sales personnel frequently are called on to work email and social media marketing can lure small
with – and sometimes to lead – specialists from business owners into a false sense of comfort
other functional areas in the development of the surrounding this allocation of their marketing funds.
new products. Of necessity, a major concern of
sales and marketing managers must be new Relaxed attitudes in regards to analysis and
product development. refinement means these marketing methods may
not be reaching their full potential, which ultimately
Two important trends are facing managers as we equals wasted dollars. This is especially impactful
enter this century. First, worldwide enterprises are
for firms that have little to no room for error when it the goods or services you were trying to promote
comes to their marketing budgets. (think returning a coupon for a free oil change, a
free meal, a free item, etc.). By obtaining something
Lean startups and businesses striving for from each offer redemption and pairing it with the
operational excellence – each of which are total sales that resulted, you can now track your
characterized by the complete eradication of waste return on investment.
– tend to enjoy fewer risks, greater agility and,
perhaps most importantly, stronger profit margins When your campaign has ended, add up the
over time. revenue that resulted from all redemptions, then
subtract the cost of the marketing and your cost of
If you want to model your overall business strategy goods/labor (the actual cost, not the retail value).
after successful ones such as these, the main The remaining amount is your net profit. Keep in
takeaway is to understand (and truly believe) that mind too that your profits should continue to grow,
no dollars should be spent unless the investment as many customers will return to purchase many
directly leads to greater revenues, earning potential times in the future, assuming you provided a
or decreased expenses in one department or positive experience for them.
What does this mean for marketing budget? Similar to direct mail, we recommend asking
When it comes to company’s advertising, the song customers to show an email promotion (either
remains the same, as leaders must ensure that printed or on a smartphone) in order to redeem an
they are doing everything in their power to make offer. You could also implement the use of certain
every piece of the marketing budget count. How do promo codes or special phrases to keep track of
you achieve this? One of the only ways to which campaigns lead to which revenue amounts.
accomplish this objective is to focus on the Again, by tallying up the sales which result from
accurate and consistent measurement of specific email campaigns, you can subtract the cost
performance, ROI and engagement, and kill off any of marketing, then goods and services to arrive at
marketing methods that aren’t bearing any fruit. your net profit.
That may be putting the cart before the horse You can enhance your analysis capabilities even
though. The real first step toward improving further by monitoring customer engagement rates
marketing measurement and analysis is to actually on the emails themselves. Talk to your email
implement it in the first place. marketing provider about which of your subject
lines tend to garner the highest open rates, and
How to get the numbers that matter then match that up with whatever offers give your
When it comes to direct mail, email and social business the highest net profits.
media marketing, data is king. After all, how can
you know what marketing investments to continue if Social Media
you don’t know which are profitable? Below is some This digital tactic is notoriously harder to measure,
direction as to how you can build marketing but you can take steps to ensure that you’re
measurement and analysis into your strategy, but gleaning some useful data from your social media
we also have a handy ROI calculator if you’re in a marketing efforts. Again, you can make use of
hurry. certain promo codes and coupon offers to track
which of your promotions are leading to actual
Direct Mail sales.
Direct mail proves to be one of the more
challenging aspects of marketing measurement and It’s important to keep in mind, however, that there
analysis. VentureBeat pointed out that losses are are certain, crucial trickle-down effects that an
logged because direct mail advertisements are sent effective social media presence provides, even if
to incorrect addresses, or non-targeted campaigns they aren’t immediately quantifiable. For example,
cause lead generation to be off the mark. These directing more traffic to your site leads to stronger
losses can add up quickly, but are also largely brand recognition and a greater probability of
avoidable with the right approach to management. purchasing down the line.

The easiest and best way to measure the success If you’re an active webmaster, use custom
of a direct mail campaign is to require recipients to campaigns in Google Analytics to track what effect
return some form of your collateral in exchange for social media ads and posts have on the number of
users and their resulting behavior on your website.  Google Sheets (Free). Ok, so this isn’t
Develop a strategy to categorize your social nearly as exciting as the previous two tools,
outreach, and compare that against things such as but if you only need basic capabilities, such
brochure downloads, contact form submissions or as tracking coupon redemptions from a
email list signups to get a better idea of how social direct mail campaign, this may be the ideal
media is contributing to the growth of your solution for you. Because the spreadsheet
customer base. is located in Google Drive, you can add to it
anywhere and give others access to it.
Consider a third-party tool for marketing Manually record the sales amounts from
measurement and analysis different initiatives and automatically do the
VentureBeat recently explained some of the more math to see your net profits (or plug your
prominent challenges business leaders and chief totals into our ROI calculator). Of course,
marketing officers are facing with respect to you could use Microsoft Excel as well.
reporting, performance management and metrics in
both digital and traditional advertising strategies. In The path forward
light of these challenges, analytics tools have Businesses getting involved in Print & Digital
become the single most sought after solution marketing campaigns ought to know that there are
because of the their ability to help make sense of so many factors that can lead to inaccurate record
massive volumes of information. keeping, poor measurement and a lack of optimally
efficient marketing strategies. However, simply
It goes without saying that you’ll probably need to taking a more intelligent approach to these matters
get the help of your webmaster or developer to can make all the difference in the world.
implement these tools, but firms are beginning to
make use of newly available data to inform their When in doubt, partnering with a firm that
decision making and refine their marketing specializes in not only marketing best practices, but
strategies. In fact, the source explained that also the measurement and management aspects of
researchers from McKinsey and Company found the campaigns to boot, can work to reduce the risk
that accurate, integrated analytics solutions can of wasteful spending or poor returns on investment
save companies as much as 20 percent on their over time.
marketing investment, which is nothing to shake a
stick at.
Which tools can to use to get the job done?
 Google Analytics (Free). The juggernaut Products move from the producer to the customer
of marketing measurement and analysis, through the market value chain. This chain includes
Google Analytics is the most widely used anyone who handles or enhances the product on its
platform, implemented by businesses big way to the market. Your analysis of this chain can
and small across the country. There’s a bit help you improve profits by helping you understand
of a learning curve when it comes to where costs are accruing, where customer service
navigating the interface, but the data is breaking down and why the competition is failing
collection is robust, and the potential to provide products efficiently. A little time spent in
insights are endless. analyzing this chain can boost your business.

 Facebook Insights (Free). This tool, Identifying Your Place in the Chain
included on the left side of the mini-feed Analysis of the market value chain begins by
under the “Developer” heading, offers just finding your place in the chain. For example, if you
about everything you need to analyze your sell groceries, you have a grower, shipper and a
Facebook post engagement. You can see distribution warehouse ahead of you in the chain.
how your overall page is performing as well You are next in line in the chain, just before the
as dive into the metrics for each individual customer. To give another example, if you
post as well. Additionally, you can use Ads manufacture plastic containers to hold other
Manager (also located in the mini-feed in companies' products, you are somewhere in line
the top left) to monitor paid ad between the producers of those products and their
performance. shippers. The farther you are down the chain, the
more costs have been added to the product. You
pay all the costs for people ahead of you in the number of reasons, from promoting social change
chain. to driving innovation.

Evaluating the Strengths of Chain Actors Entrepreneurs Spur Economic Growth

Each member of the chain must act in a manner New products and services created by
that makes it possible to pass the product forward. entrepreneurs can produce a cascading effect,
One weak member can cause the chain to break. where it stimulates related businesses or sectors
For example, if a delivery service can't deliver that need to support the new venture, furthering
products on time, the receiving entity can lose economic development.
money. A store that can't get shipments on time will
lose customers. Look at the companies in your For example, a few information technology
market value chain and identify any potential companies made up the IT industry in India during
problems with one or more of them. You can the 1990s. The industry quickly expanded and
reconstruct your chain by replacing the entire chain many other sectors benefited from it. Businesses in
or by encouraging the removal of under-performers associated industries—such as call center
in your existing chain. operations, network maintenance companies, and
hardware providers—flourished.
Identifying Competitive Opportunities in the
Value Chain Education and training institutes nurtured a new
Your analysis can result in an understanding of how class of IT workers who were offered better, high
you can compete better. For example, if you paying jobs. Infrastructure development
produce an item and you find that a regional organizations and even real estate companies
distributor down the chain is routinely overcharging capitalized on this growth as workers migrated to
its customers, you can create your own distribution cities where employment was growing.
system. This will allow you to charge less than the
distributor was charging while adding to your own Similarly, future development efforts in
revenues. Similarly, if you are a distributor and you underdeveloped countries require robust logistics
find that a producer makes an inferior product, you support, capital investments, and a qualified
can switch to a new producer and offer better workforce. From the highly qualified programmer to
quality to your customers. the construction worker, entrepreneurship benefits
a large part of the economy.
Identifying Vertical Linkages
Though you can think of the chain running from Entrepreneurs Add to National Income
producer to customer, your analysis should take Entrepreneurial ventures help generate new wealth.
into account the fact that each stop along the way Existing businesses may remain confined to
may involve other companies. For example, the existing markets and may hit the glass ceiling in
plastic container company that packages a product terms of income. New and improved products,
depends on natural gas producers, ethane services or technology from entrepreneurs enable
producers, styrene producers, polystyrene new markets to be developed and new wealth to be
producers and a container manufacturer to provide created.
the containers. One link in your chain could have its
own chain. The failure of any one of those Additionally, increased employment and higher
providers could affect your business. earnings contribute to better national income in the
form of higher tax revenue and higher government
ENTREPRENEURS IN A MARKET ECONOMY spending. This revenue can be used by the
government to invest in other, struggling sectors
Entrepreneurs are frequently thought of as national and human capital. Although it may make a few
assets to be cultivated, motivated, and existing players redundant, the government can
remunerated to the greatest possible extent. Great soften the blow by redirecting surplus wealth to
entrepreneurs have the ability to change the way retrain workers.
we live and work. If successful, their innovations
may improve standards of living, and in addition to Entrepreneurs Create Social Change
creating wealth with entrepreneurial ventures, they Through offering unique goods and services,
also create jobs and contribute to a growing entrepreneurs break away from tradition and
economy. Entrepreneurship is thus important for a reduce dependence on obsolete systems and
technologies. This results in an improved quality of
life, improved morale, and greater economic the old saying, "too many chefs and not enough
freedom. cooks spoil the soup."

For example, the water supply in a water-scarce The Role of Government

region will, at times, forces people to stop working Regulation plays a crucial role in nurturing
to collect water. This will impact their business, entrepreneurship. Unregulated entrepreneurship
productivity, and income. Imagine an innovative may lead to unwanted social outcomes including
and automatic pump that can fill people's water unfair market practices, pervasive corruption, and
containers automatically. This type of innovation criminal activity.
ensures people are able to focus on their jobs
without worrying about a basic necessity like water. Findings from the United Nations University also
More time to devote to work translates to economic indicate the possible implications of “over nurturing"
growth. entrepreneurship. European economist Wim Naudé
argues that “while entrepreneurship may raise
For a more contemporary example, smartphones economic growth and material welfare, it may not
and apps have revolutionized work and play across always result in improvements in non-material
the globe. Smartphones are not exclusive to welfare (or happiness). Promotion of happiness is
wealthy countries or people. As the growth of the increasingly seen as an essential goal.”
smartphone market continues, technological
entrepreneurship can have a profound, long lasting Paradoxically, a significantly high number of
impact on the world. entrepreneurs may lead to fierce competition and
loss of career choices for individuals. With too
Moreover, the globalization of technology means many entrepreneurs, levels of aspirations usually
entrepreneurs in lesser-developed countries have rise. Owing to the variability of success in
access to the same tools as their counterparts in entrepreneurial ventures, the scenario of having too
richer countries. They also have the advantage of a many entrepreneurs may also lead to income
lower cost of living, so a young entrepreneur from inequality, making citizens more unhappy.
an underdeveloped country can compete with a
multi-million-dollar existing product from a The Bottom Line
developed country. The relationship between entrepreneurship and
economic development is important to understand
Community Development for policymakers and business owners.
Entrepreneurs regularly nurture ventures by other Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of
like-minded individuals. They also invest in entrepreneurship allows a balanced approach to
community projects and provide financial support to nurturing entrepreneurship to be taken, which can
local charities. This enables further development result in a positive economic and societal impact.
beyond their own ventures.
Some famous entrepreneurs, such as Bill Gates,
have used their money to finance good causes,
from education to public health. The qualities that
make one an entrepreneur are the same qualities
that help motivate entrepreneurs to pay it forward.

Is All Entrepreneurship Good?

Are there any drawbacks to cultivating
entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship? Is there a
limit to the number of entrepreneurs a society can

Italy may provide an example of a place where high

levels of self-employment have proved to be
inefficient for economic development. Research
has shown that Italy has experienced large
negative impacts on the growth of its economy
because of self-employment. There may be truth in

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