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Unit 2: Master data

Customizing - HR Master Data

Figure 17: HR Master Data Customizing

Make settings for HR integration (ERP)

A time allocation type must be assigned to each HR infotype/subtype. The working times
(working times and breaks) are assigned to the time assignments for the resource planner to
use in the planning board.

Define Time Allocation Types

In this customizing activity, you define the type of individual time allocations and determine
the parameters required for calculating the availability of a resource.

Assigning time allocation types to resource types

The defined time allocation types can only be used if they are assigned to at least one
resource type.

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Lesson: HR Master Data

Figure 18: HR Time Data and MRS Time Allocations

You should now be able to:
● Explain the integration between SAP HR and SAP MRS
● Make relevant customizing settings for HR-MRS integration
● Perform the relevant customizing in HR-MRS integration

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Unit 2
Lesson 2
MRS Master Data

This lesson covers the MRS-specific master data

Business Example
Your company is looking for a solution for resource planning with SAP MRS and is therefore
evaluating the possibilities of using MRS time data, MRS resources, and MRS qualifications.

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
● Name the most important MRS master data
● Describe the structure of MRS time data
● Define MRS resources
● Define MRS qualifications
● Describe the structure of MRS time data
● Define MRS resources
● Define MRS qualifications

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Lesson: MRS Master Data

Overview of MRS Master Data

Figure 19: Master Data for MRS

MRS has its own master data that can be configured separately for optimization of the
The MRS master data includes:
● Planning structure for resources
● Qualification, qualifications catalog, and qualifications matrix
● Employee and requirements profiles
● Roles and authorizations

Master data from the ERP system is also required. Master data from SAP ERP HR can be
copied to MRS instead of creating new master data.
However, master data for technical objects (equipment/functional locations), work centers,
material masters, and customer masters must be maintained in SAP ERP.

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Unit 2: Master data

Figure 20: Roles in MRS

MRS users can be assigned different roles. The role assignments are based on the relevant
processes that are integrated with MRS. The employee role authorizes a user to maintain the
qualifications profile within MRS or HR.
The roles requester and contact person are used only in the case of integration with the SAP
Project System (PS). The requester maintains details about network activities such as
workloads, lead times, and qualification requirements.
The contact person usually has a monitoring function and can propose qualified personnel for
the requested work.
The resource planner mainly uses the planning board to assign resources to demands and to
resolve appointment conflicts.

MRS Time Data

Changing the time data manually changes the availability of a resource without reference to
the order or network activity. This may be necessary, for example, if an employee is suddenly
absent at short notice, or a tool is not available due to a fault.
The basic availability (working time and shift) of the resource remains unchanged. For human
resources, different time allocations can be selected, for example, vacation, illness, overtime,

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Lesson: MRS Master Data

Figure 21: Different Working Times in MRS

The purpose of time allocations is to enable the evaluation of attendance and absences. The
sum of the attendances and absences forms the time availability of a resource.
The time allocation types must be maintained in MRS Customizing. Once these are created,
they have to be assigned to the resource types for which they will be used.

MRS Resources

Figure 22: Resource Types in SAP MRS

The resource types used in SAP Multiresource Scheduling can be characterized as follows:

You can create persons as resources in SAP Multiresource Scheduling in order to define their
available and non-available times.

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Unit 2: Master data

N.N. resources
You can use N.N. resources as placeholders to enables better estimation of the type and
quantity of the required resources in resource planning.
This can be useful if the number of personnel resources required to fulfil a certain demand is
not yet available in SAP Multiresource Scheduling, or if you want to represent external service
providers in the planning board. With only a few restrictions, you can use N.N. resources in the
same way as personnel resources for resource planning. Each N.N. resource has the capacity
of one human resource.

Technical Objects
You can create technical objects as resources in SAP Multiresource Scheduling.
You use technical objects for the resource planning of demands that originate from PM/CS
and CRM service orders. This is particularly useful if you want to schedule regular
maintenance activities. Here, you can define time periods in which the technical object is
deactivated and is available for these measures.

You can use tools in the web-based planning board.
You can create assignments and time allocations for tools. You can also generate a tool
demand by assigning a tool resources to a demand.

You can use teams in the web-based planning board. You can perform qualification matching
at team level.

The use of the individual resource types is displayed as part of the representation
of processes.

MRS Qualifications
Combinations of qualifications and other criteria form the basis for the comparison between
the requirements of the task and the suitability of the intended employee.
SAP MRS provides filter mechanisms for the available resources to help you perform this
assignment quickly and efficiently. Through the use of qualification matrices, you can rank
resources based on employee profiles and requirements profiles.
You can define MRS qualifications freely, or alternatively you can transfer these to SAP MRS
based on HR qualifications. This enables more efficient matching of requirements and
For qualifications matchups, combinations of qualifications from two different catalogs can
be created and specific skill levels entered in the profiles.
In order to use qualifications matchups, certain master data must be maintained in SAP MRS
or copied to SAP MRS:
● Qualifications catalog
● Qualifications matrices

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Lesson: MRS Master Data

● Employee profiles
● Requirements profiles

In the qualifications catalog, the different activities, processes, or qualifications are defined,
which are then used for the definition of employee qualifications and demand requests.
The matrix is essentially a two-dimensional table that is used for the comparison and
evaluation of a demand and a selected qualification.
Qualifications from the catalog are assigned to the employee profile.
In a similar way, requirements profiles are assigned to each demand, for which matching with
existing qualifications is required.

Figure 23: Qualifications Catalog

A qualifications catalog is a structured list of qualifications that are of interest to the

It contains a tree structure, and can be hierarchically structured and used in various
qualification matrices.

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Unit 2: Master data

Figure 24: Qualifications Matrix

The qualifications matrix is a summary of structured qualifications that refer to qualification

catalogs and evaluation scales.
The qualification matrix consists of a primary dimension and a secondary dimension, which
refers to a specific qualifications catalog.
The third dimension within a matrix is an evaluation scale that can be used to evaluate the
qualifications (e.g. basic knowledge, advanced knowledge, expert knowledge, etc.).
SAP MRS enables you to maintain multiple qualification matrices in order to increase
flexibility when searching for suitable resources.

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Lesson: MRS Master Data

Figure 25: Employee profile

An employee profile contains a certain number of structured and unstructured qualifications

that provide information about the knowledge and skills of an employee. Employee profiles
are used to match qualifications against requirements in an employee search. Employee
profiles can be continually enhanced with the addition of newly obtained qualifications.
An example of a structured qualification is e.g. a technician certification. Structured
qualifications are not maintained directly in the employee profile, but are transferred from a
qualifications catalog.
There are various different types of unstructured qualifications, for example, customer
experience, project experience, etc.
An unstructured qualification contains a short text, a long text, a date of qualification, and
information from the customer (where applicable).
The approval processes for employee profiles are automated through the use of SAP
Business Workflow.
Employee profiles can be edited using the SAP GUI or the Web Interface.
The status of the employee profile also influences the status of the qualifications within the
Active qualifications are displayed with a green traffic light symbol, changed qualifications are
indicated with a yellow light, and rejected qualifications with a red light.

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Unit 2: Master data

Figure 26: Maintaining Requirements Profiles

A requirements profile contains a set of qualifications and other criteria that an employee
must fulfill for a certain demand.
When maintaining structured qualifications in the requirements profile, only qualification
matrices from the same plant as the requirements profile can be used.
If an existing requirements profile is assigned to an object (material, equipment, activity, etc.),
the system checks the plant assignment. If a requirements profile is already being used, the
plant assignment cannot be changed.

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Lesson: MRS Master Data

Figure 27: Qualification matching

SAP MRS offers several methods for qualification matching:

● Structured qualifications
● Unstructured qualifications
● Customer-specific fields
● Additional criteria

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Unit 2: Master data

Customizing - MRS Master Data

Figure 28: Customizing - MRS Master Data

MRS qualifications

Define Maintenance Groups for Qualification Catalogs

The maintenance groups are used to control the use of qualifications catalogs in qualifications
matrices and the authorizations for qualifications catalogs and matrices.
Define a default plant for qualifications
You only need to define the default plant if you have defined in the basic settings that you
don't want to take this plant into account in MRS qualifications.
This is the case if the checkbox Take plant into account in MRS qualifications is not selected in
the IMG activity Configure Basic Settings .

MRS resources

Define time allocation types

In this customizing activity, you define the type of individual time allocations and determine
the parameters required for calculating the availability of a resource.

Assigning time allocation types to resource types

The defined time allocation types can only be used if they are assigned to at least one
resource type.

Define time allocation type for tools

In this IMG activity, you specify a time allocation type that you want to use to generate the
availabilities for the tool in the MRS basis.

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Lesson: MRS Master Data

You should now be able to:
● Name the most important MRS master data
● Describe the structure of MRS time data
● Define MRS resources
● Define MRS qualifications
● Describe the structure of MRS time data
● Define MRS resources
● Define MRS qualifications

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Unit 2
Lesson 3
PM/CS Master Data

This lesson covers the master data in the area of PM/CS.

Business Example
Your company wants to set up resource planning for internal maintenance and technician
resource planning in customer service. The project team is evaluating how existing PM/CS
work centers and production tools/resources can be used.

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
● Maintain work centers with/without HR integration for use in MRS
● Explain the use of production resources/tools in MRS
● Explain the use of production resources/tools for use in MRS

Work Center with HR

Figure 29: Linking a PM/CS Work Center with HR Data

Work center links provide the connection between work centers and other objects within the
SAP system. The following integration perspectives of a work center are relevant for the
implementation of SAP MRS:

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Lesson: PM/CS Master Data

● With positions
● With people
● With qualifications

For more information about qualifications, refer to HR Master Data and MRS
Master Data.

Work Center Without HR

Figure 30: Work Center Capacities in MRS

There are two options for determining the available capacity of a work center used in MRS:
● Maintain the work center capacities in SAP ERP and copy to SAP MRS
● Maintain the individual availabilities in SAP MRS and dynamic summation at work center

The capacity in MRS is calculated by dynamic addition of the available resources.

You have the option to transfer shifts and intervals to MRS.

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Unit 2: Master data

For more information about scheduling and capacity planning at work center
level, see Resource Planning with PM/CS in the lesson Demand Planning PM/CS
— Scheduling.

The Technician as a Work Center

As an alternative method for representing capacities, a separate work center can be defined
for each technician.
As part of a workplace hierarchy, the capacity of the upper levels is formed by the sum of the
levels below. The planner therefore firstly has the choice between different planning levels,
and secondly, has a complete display of resources and assigned work, and can easily assign
The technician must be assigned to the work center in the ERP system.

Production resources and tools

Figure 31: Production resources and tools

In customer service and in plant maintenance, there is frequently a requirement for tools to
be assigned to the order as a resource. You can map these as production resources and tools
Using the task list usage, you can control the use of PRT equipment in the different areas (e.g.
The assignment of PRT equipment to the resource planning node is performed indirectly via
the work center.

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Lesson: PM/CS Master Data

You can assign PRT equipment to individual order operations as part of order planning, or in
the planning board.

Customizing - PM/CS Master Data

Figure 32: PM/CS Master Data Customizing

Check the extent to which the existing customizing for work centers and production
resources/tools can be used in the SAP MRS implementation project.

The customizing for equipment is explained in the course PLM305.
The customizing for work centers is explained in the course PLM315.

You should now be able to:
● Maintain work centers with/without HR integration for use in MRS
● Explain the use of production resources/tools in MRS
● Explain the use of production resources/tools for use in MRS

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UNIT 3 Resource planning with


Lesson 1
Layout of the MRS Planning Board 40

Lesson 2
PM/CS Resource Planning - Basic Functions 48

Lesson 3
Resource Planning PM/CS - Additional Functions 60

Lesson 4
Demand Planning PM/CS - Scheduling 74


● Describe the underlying functions of the MRS planning board

● Explain the relevant customizing settings of the MRS planning board
● Explain the relevant customizing settings of the MRS planning board
● Perform resource planning from PM/CS orders in the MRS planning board
● Explain the different planning alternatives using the planning board
● Create and schedule demand splits
● Perform resource planning from notifications
● Explain the different planning alternatives using the planning board
● Create and schedule demand splits
● Perform resource planning from notifications
● Perform the material availability check in the planning board
● Perform the assignment of production tools/resources
● Create time allocations for resources
● Display availability times for team members

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● Carry out scheduling at work center level

● Explain the resource planning based on system availability
● Explain the bundling of demands
● Take into account relationships as a part of MRS resource planning
● Planning the resource planning based on system availability
● Carry out a bundling of demands
● Take into account relationships as a part of MRS resource planning

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Unit 3
Lesson 1
Layout of the MRS Planning Board

During the assignment of employees to orders, basic functions of the MRS planning board are
also described.

Business Example
Your company is evaluating how to use the MRS planning board to realize a more
comprehensive and more efficient appointment and capacity planning process.

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
● Describe the underlying functions of the MRS planning board
● Explain the relevant customizing settings of the MRS planning board
● Explain the relevant customizing settings of the MRS planning board

Overview of the Planning Board

Figure 33: Loading Resources

You can use the planning board to schedule your own personnel, taking availability and
qualifications into account. If none of your own personnel are available who are either
assigned to the resource planning node of a resource planner, or who have the required
qualifications, the resource planner can access teams and members of other resource
planning nodes and include these in resource planning.
In the planning board, you can assign tools that are required for the execution of work. The
tools do not necessarily have to be assigned to the resource planning node to which the
employees of the work center are assigned.

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Lesson: Layout of the MRS Planning Board

Figure 34: Resource Planning with the MRS Planning Board

Schedulers use the Scheduler Workplace to plan time allocations for personnel and tools in a
Gantt diagram. When planning employees, you can also define travel time and alternative
working times.
You can also use the planning board to map the progress of work. The layout for the
Scheduler Workplace can be adjusted using customizing. The main components of the user
interface are:
● Order worklist
● Item worklist
● Planning Board
● Alert monitor

The order list consists of the orders and assigned order operations.
The position worklist consists of all order operations that are relevant for resource
scheduling, in relation with their availability and assignments that have already been planned.
In the Planning Board, the resource planner plans assignments for resources. "Resources"
refer to persons, teams, or tools. The resource planner can create, move, or delete
assignments using drag&drop.
In the planning board, you can further process demands using various planning alternatives.
● When creating a capacitive assignment, you can assign work that has to be performed
within a certain time period to an employee. However, the duration of this work does not
cover the whole time period.
● A concrete assignment refers precisely to the start and end time of an assignment.
● In a stretched assignment, the availability of an employee to be planned is taken into

The Alert Monitor displays all information about potential conflicts and errors that occur
during the check.

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Unit 3: Resource planning with PM/CS

Figure 35: Functions of the Planning Board

The following basic functions are also available in the Planning Board.
● In resource planning, you can manually select resources.
● You can create demand splits if the duration of the work exceeds the working time of one
technician. Demand splits can be assigned to different technicians.
● If you create demand splits in the Planning Board, new order operations are also created
automatically in the ERP system.
● The operation status and order status can be displayed in the Planning Board.
● Changes can be tracked using change documents (e.g. Demand split history)

Different Versions of the Planning Board

Depending on the roles and associated responsibilities, different transactions are available to
represent different versions of the planning board.
/MRSS/PLBOORGSRV (User Menu - MRS Planning Board). This transaction is the most
complicated way to call the Scheduler Workplace. This access provides you with all options
for selecting resources and demands. You can select the resources using resource planning
nodes and personnel numbers, enter a time period, and restrict the selection of resources to
resources that are available. In the demand selection, you can use resource planning nodes to
select resources, enter demands directly, or restrict the selection by order type or user
status. You can also enter a time period for the demands separately from the time period for
the resources.
/MRSS/PLBOORGM (Planning Board for RP Node) This transaction offers all options
included in transaction /MRSS/PLBOORGSRV apart from the options for entering single
resources or availability types as selection criteria.
/MRSS/PLBOORG (Planning Board via RP Structure) This transaction calls the Scheduler
Workplace and displays the resource planning structure in the organization level manager.
/MRSS/PLBOSRV(Planning Board for Demands) With this transaction, you can call particular
demands directly. To search for demands using specific criteria (e.g. demands for a particular
work center), use the input help.
/MRSS/PLBOTIME (Scheduler Workplace) This is the main transaction used by resource
planners. In this transaction, the resource planner's order worklist displays all orders for their
groups within a certain time period, and the resources of the operations.

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Lesson: Layout of the MRS Planning Board

Figure 36: Graphic-Based Resource Planning

The graphic-based resource planning represents a clear overview of the load situation. You
can also use this planning option to plan assignments simply using drag&drop.

Figure 37: Table-Based Resource Planning

As an alternative to the graphic-based resource planning, you can also use table-based
resource planning.
In table-based resource planning, you can use filters and sorting functions for resource
planning. You can display additional fields in the table display.
Similar to the graphic-based version, you can display further information about assignments
and time allocations in a separate screen area.

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Unit 3: Resource planning with PM/CS

User Parameters for the Planning Board

Figure 38: User Parameters for the MRS Planning Board

You can use the user parameters to configure a large number of parameters defined in
customizing for the Scheduler Workplace specifically for each user.
Main user parameters:
● Planning horizon
● Concretization of assignments
● Availability determination
● Response when moving demands to resources with drag & drop
● Visibility of objects in the planning board
● Settings for selecting resources

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