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彰化縣內安國民小學一○八學年度第二學期英語科 第二次評量試題

(手寫佔總分50% ; 聽力佔總分30% ; 口說佔總分20% =100% )

六年 甲 班 座號 姓名

一、 Listen and Check 仔細聽,勾選正確的發音例字

(每題 1 分,共 10 分)
2 They’re two hundred and twenty dollars.

1. □ pink □ peg 2. □ beak □ bake 3 They’re nine hundred and twenty dollars.

3.□ map □ mop 4. □ wig □ wag

四、 Listen, Number, and Write 仔細聽,依序編號,並完成句子
(編號每題 0.5 分; 完成句子每題 1 分,共 11 分)
5.□ flea □ fly 6. □ fuel □ fool

7.□ bell □ bill 8. □ mug □ leg

9.□ tie □ tea 10. □ slat □ slot

二、 Listen and Choose 仔細聽,依聽到的句子,選出正確的單字

(每題 1 分,共 5 分)
1.( ) My favorite season is ___.

1 winter ○ 2 fall ○3 summer

2.( ) The cap is ___ dollars.

1 two hundred and twenty

2 three hundred and twenty
1. Hank’s favorite season is _______.

3 two hundred and thirty
○ 2. Rita’s favorite season is _______.
3.( ) The pants are ___ dollars. 3. Kevin’s favorite season is _______.
1 five hundred and forty
○ 4. Janet’s favorite season is _______.
2 five hundred and fifty

3 four hundred and fifty

4.( ) It’s ___ in spring.

1 cold ○ 2 hot ○ 3 warm

5.( ) The three little ___ run to the ham on the __

Of the hill.

1 pig / tap ○
2 pigs / top ○
3 peg / tip

三、 Listen and Choose 仔細聽對話或短文,選出適當的答案

(每題 1 分,共 4 分)
1. ( )(1) What’s Andrew’s favorite season?

1 His favorite season is spring. 1. The ___________ is three hundred dollars.

2 His favorite season is summer. 2. The ___________ are three hundred dollars.

3 His favorite season is winter.
3. The ___________ are three hundred dollars.
( )(2) Is it cold in winter in Singapore?
4. The ________ is five hundred and fifty dollars.

1 Yes, it is.
5. The ________ is five hundred and fifty dollars.
2 No, it’s not. It’s warm.

3 No, it’s not. It’s cool.

五、 Read and Choose 依上下文選出正確的答案
2. ( )(1) Does the girl like the black shoes? (每題 2 分,共 10 分)

1 Yes, she does.
1. ( ) How much ___ the jeans?
2 No, she likes the yellow shoes.
○ 1 am
○ ○
2 is 3 are

3 No, she likes the blue shoes.
2. ( ) The hat is one hundred ___.
( )(2) How much are the black shoes?
1 They’re two hundred and ninety dollars.

1 much ○
2 dollars ○
3 dollar

3. ( ) A: What’s your brother’s favorite season?
B: ___ favorite season is spring. Irene: Oh, they were eight hundred and fifty dollars.

1 My ○
2 Her ○
3 His They’re from my dad. *pretty 漂亮
4. ( ) A: How much is the ___? ( )(1) Where was Emma yesterday?
B: It’s four hundred dollars. A She was at the museum.

1 T-shirt ○
2 skirts ○
3 pants B She was at the mall.

5. ( ) A: It’s cold. I need a ___. C She was at the movie theater.

B: Here you are. ( )(2) How much was Emma’s dress?

1 shoes ○
2 skirt ○
3 coat A It’s five hundred and ninety-nine dollars.

B It’s six hundred and twenty dollars.

六、Reading Comprehension 閱讀測驗 C It’s eight hundred dollars.

(每題 3 分,共 24 分) ( )(3) How much are Irene’s shoes?
Ted: Hi, Kitty ! Where are you going? A They’re four hundred dollars.

Kitty: Hello, Ted ! I’m going to the museum. It’s rainy and B They’re six hundred and sixty dollars.

cold today. ○
C They’re eight hundred and fifty dollars.

Ted: Yeah. It’s cold in winter. My favorite season is summer. ( )(4) Who gave Irene the shoes?
How about you? ○
A Her father. ○
B Her mother. ○
C Her

Kitty: My favorite season is fall. It’s cool. I can fly a kite in brother.
Ted: I like to fly a kite, too. Let’s go to the park and fly a kite 七、Translation 中翻英 (每題 4 分,共 8 分)

together in the fall.

1. 時間就是金錢。 __________________________
Kitty: Sure.
2. 一天一蘋果,醫生遠離我。
( )(1) How’s the weather today?
A It’s sunny.
○ B It’s rainy.
○ C It’s
○ windy.
( )(2) Where’s Kitty going?
A She’s going to the museum.

八、Look and Write 看路線圖中 Dino 一行人去了哪些國家探
B She’s going to the bookstore.

險,寫出國家英語名稱。 (每格 2 分,共 8 分)
C She’s going to the park.

( )(3) What’s Ted’s favorite season?

A His favorite season is summer.

B His favorite season is winter.

C His favorite season is fall.

( )(4) What’s Kitty’s favorite season?

A Her favorite season is spring.

B Her favorite season is summer.

C Her favorite season is fall.

Irene: Hello, Emma. Where were you yesterday?

Emma: I was at the mall. Look! This is my new dress.
Irene: Cool! How much was the dress?
Emma: It was five hundred and ninety-nine dollars. It was
my birthday gift.
Irene: It looks good on you.
Emma: Thank you. Your shoes are pretty, too. How much
were the shoes?

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