AI - Human Computer Interaction Quiz - June 2024

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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬


Kassala Center [Engineering College]
Faculty of Engineering

HUC - Biomedical Engineering Dep.

Name:…...……………….……………………. Index No:……………………..

AI - Human computer interaction Quiz

Lecturer: Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif

Answer *[only 20]* Questions


1. What is Artificial Intelligence [AI]?

2. Can Machines Think? Yes or no? Discuss?
Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif
3. Can artificial intelligence replace human intelligence? Discuss?
4. What is Intelligence?
5. How does AI learn?
6. What are Major Applications and Branches of AI?
7. What are the main Advantages of Artificial Intelligence?

Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif

8. What are the main Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence?
9. What is Knowledge?
10. What are the types of Knowledge?
11. There are different ways of representing knowledge. What are
they? And what are Knowledge Representation Techniques?

Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif

12. What are the Advantages Disadvantages of semantic network?
13. What is an expert system? And Basic Functions of Expert Systems?
14. What are the Participants in Expert Systems Development and Use?
15. What are the Stages of creating expert systems?

Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif

16. What are the Components of an Expert System?
17. Complete the table below about Comparison of expert system
with conventional systems and human expert:
n human expert expert system conventional systems

18. What are the General Problems Suitable for Expert systems?
19. What are the Types of Expert Systems?
20. How Expert Systems Work?
Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif
21. What are the Advantages of rule based expert system?
22. What are the Disadvantages of rule based expert system?
23. What is fuzzy thinking?
24. How to represent a fuzzy set in a computer?

Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif

25. What is a fuzzy rule?
26. What is the difference between classical and fuzzy rules?
27. What are intelligent search algorithms?
28. What are Measuring Searching Performance?
29. What is the concept of the 8-puzzle?

Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif

30. What is the concept of The 8-Queens Problem?
31. What are the Types of search algorithm?
32. What is Heuristic Search?
33. What is Heuristic Search - A* Algorithm?
Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif
34. What is difference between artificial intelligence and data science?
35. What is the differences' between artificial intelligence, machine
learning, deep learning, and neural networks?
36. What is machine learning?
37. What are the Types of machine learning algorithms?

Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif

38. Compare between Normal Computer vs Machine learning?
39. What is Supervised Machine Learning?
40. How Supervised Learning works?
41. What are the Types of Supervised Machine Learning Techniques?
42. What is Unsupervised Learning?

Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif

43. What are the Types of Unsupervised Machine Learning Techniques?
44. What are the Applications of machine learning?
45. What are the Best Programming Languages for Machine learning?
46. What are the Advantages of Machine Learning?

Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif

47. What are the disadvantages of Machine Learning?
48. What are the Machine Learning dataset?
49. What is Artificial neural network?
50. How do our brains work?
51. Define Artificial Neural Network (ANN)?

Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif

52. How do Artificial Neural Network ANNs work?
53. What are the Classes of Neural Networks?
54. Can a single neuron learn a task?
55. How does the perceptron learn its classification tasks?

Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif

56. What are the Multilayer neural networks?
57. What does the middle layer hide in Multilayer neural networks?

#*# ‫ مع التمنيات لكم بالنجاح والتوفيق‬#*#

‫ أمير أحمد‬.‫د‬
Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif

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