PPH - Email Intake FAQ Doc (4.1.24)

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Freelancer FAQs: Productive Playhouse Inc.

Large Programs

Hello, and thank you for submitting a proposal for this translation project!

Frequently Asked Questions:

● Isn’t it against Upwork’s Terms of Service to share my email address before an active contract
is started?
○ This project is for an Enterprise client. Enterprise clients are exempt from this rule.
Enterprise hiring managers may share or request contact information and may conduct
communication outside of Upwork before a contract is started.
○ Here is more information about sharing information on Upwork. See “Upwork Business
and Enterprise Clients” under “Details and Definitions”.

● I have completed the assessment, and the Google form(s), what happens now?
○ The client will review your results, and we’ll be in touch about next steps.
○ If you pass and are approved to hire, you will receive a contract offer. Otherwise, we’ll let
you know that the client won’t be moving forward with a contract at this time.

● I had technical difficulties while taking the assessment and could not finish it.
○ We’ve heard some freelancers report that the link wasn’t loading, and/or they were
having an internet connectivity issue when they tried to take it. If you experience this or
a similar issue, we recommend taking a break and trying again later.
○ You can also check out TestGorilla’s support site here.

● I received an offer, but I am not able to accept it because there are onboarding tasks that are
○ The client will be sending you messages via Upwork on how to complete the tasks. Once
the tasks are completed, you will be able to accept the offer.

● What will the deadline be for this work?

○ Freelancers are expected to deliver the translation of a 1-minute video in 15 minutes (or
4 minutes of video content in an hour).

● I have questions regarding the Upwork platform.

○ For any questions about using the Upwork platform, please contact:

Thank you again!

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