The Great Fire of London 1638223506 Lekt

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It's London, 1666. It's a hot, dry summer.

A small
fire starts in a ·baker's shop in Pudding Lane. Soon
the city of London is burning and the fire­fighters
can't stop the fire. People are running from their
houses down to the Ri ver Thames.
But how does t he fire begin and who can stop it?
What is the Kin g of Engla nd doing to help?

Illustrated by Lyn Stone

Cover image courtesy of Bri dgeman Ar t Library Ltd {The Great
Fire of London. c.1670 (~il on canvas), English School/Yale
( enter fo r Britis h Art, Pa ul Mellon Collection, USA)
Eo.. . This book Is supported by a IoI ultiROIoI, containing a complete
V d ramatized audio record ing oftl1e story plus Interactive activities.
Series Editors.: 8illBowier and Sue Parminter
Word count 1,901

ISBN 978·0·19­424705·4

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Gre" CLarendon Street. (hSordoXl 6",

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Series Editors: Bill Bowler and Sue Parminter
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The Great Fire
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In", 97S" 19 4H70S .. BOOK

J<BN: 978 0 '9 4~69 9 BOOK "NO Mun,ROM P"cx
Janet Hardy-Gould

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Illitsmltio". by: Lyn Stone Janet Hardy­Gould has worked as a teacher of English for many
11>< pubfu1><T woutd Iikt to ti:Gnl: th< !ollowU\g!Of" p<n1lisrion W "'prod"" p/wrograpm: AKG­lmagcs years. In her free time she enjoys reading history books and
p40 (Vesuviu> erupting. oil on can......); Bridg<>rnan An ubrary Ltd pp iv (The Great Fire
oftondon. 1799. ~ed by J­C St.>dl~ LoucherbouIj:. Philipp" M (1740­1S121Iafrerl modern novels, visiting other European countries, and drir'lking
I Guildhall ubrary. City of London). 31 (Vw ofth~ Monumen,. <.1770. Jame<. W;li~m tea with her friends. She lives in the ancient town of Lewes in
(1731)-80) I PriVolte Colle<:tion /1> C~Ucry. London. UJ(~ {dtty Image, p iv
(Ctysw Palau fire. 1936/poppcrfoto); I'N.. A.rod~tin Ima~ p iv (Windoor Clltlo firo! the south of England with her husband, and their two children.
Flora H.>nwn/pA ,lJ:(hive): Re::< !'e.. p4~ =
(Tho Lord M~yor's ShowfNil< Jorgeruenl. She has written a number of books, including Henry VIII and his
Cov<r: Bridge= An ubr3.l)'Lld(Thc Gre.. Fire of London (Septembe, 16(6)witb Ludg>tc
and Old SI Paul',. <.1670 (oil on an"",). ElliUsh School. (17U, century) I Y,1e Center for
Six Wives, and King Arthur in the Oxford Bookworms series, and
British Art. Paul M<'ll<>rtCoUeruon. US"') Muton, 5mbod and Ibn Battuto ir'l the Oominoes seri~.

,n. Ij
___ ~W
fP.; • F .\ ~
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Complete these sentences about the Great Fire of London.

a The fire happens in the year.

~ .!J1 ~. L~=:

1 0 1668. 2 0 1936. 3 0 1992

b The fire starts

1 0 at a baker's. 2 0 in the street. 3 0 in someone's

c The fire stops.
1 D after ten hours. 2 0 after five days. 3 0 after three months.

2 Your house is on fire! What three things do you take with you?
A lot of people are ill because there are
rats in all the streets and the houses.
a b ,
city (plural cities) a big and narrow not very big rat an animal like a big mouse; it is
important town often dirty and can make people III
One evening. a baker , Thomas Farriner, and Thomas. HarMet and Mary make bread for two hours .
his daughter, Harriet, are making bread, _ __ 1'\: \­.., ,.. '" \ ., . t \\ 1 ­·, // fit""""· }}

T/ulIna5 F:,Tr intT~';<Klr1 C k a'.~ Ir

It is late. 'We must work quickly.' Just then. Mary, the baker's maid, Then Mr Parriner's wife, Anne. Harriet and Mary go up to bed.
says Tbomas. 'We need this bread comes In. caUs down to them. 'Time for bed. Thomas takes the bread from

for Lhe King in tbe morning.' 'You' re late, Mary!' says Thomas.
·Sorry. Mr farriner,' says Mary.
... 7' V" :;>:::3Z 'ti.
girls.' she says.
'We're just flD.ishing.' says Harriet.
...,. }7 30-'"
the oven.

baker , pers.on ",110 rnake5 bread kin, the most important man in a maid a women 1'0'110 wort.l in, rich oven this i, hOI Me! il has a door;
C(l1IIltry; t ~e king here i, Charles
11. pe~ol"'s house YQU make thIngs to eat In II
~jf\g 0' En.'and lS00­IS8­5

2 ,
'Good, The fire is nearly ou t oow,' 'Thomasl' calls Anne. 'V\That are 'Wa ke up girls! Wake up!' cr ies 'Quick. Open the ,·.1ndow.' says
thtnks Thomas. you doing? It's very late: An ne. 'The house is on flIe! ' Thomas. 'Let's go up on the roof.'
• 'h .!ao

But Mary stays

00 the roof of the
baker's shop,
'Jump over here!'
they aU cry. 'Jump!'
'I can' t,' says Mary.
An hour later the baker's shop is on fire. 'I'm afraid:

:;,.. this is reo anc I"IOt aM it hums ollt. not bumint With no fIre on lire when somet/!I"8 is on fire. It wah up 10 SlOP sleepina roof t~ top Of a bUilding next door next to Mis Muse
IS m. hot and bumina;
cry to call or say nOIsily Jump to mOY8 fast en your leis follow to go ,t ~ r ~one
from one thing to, dil'ferent thilli

READING CHECK 2 Use the words from Activity 1 to complete the sentences.

Match the two parts of the sentences. a In 1666, Charles II is th e .... . ~ .~ :.­.3 .... of England.
b london is a very big ..
a Thomas Farriner is ... ~ ' for the King.
c Thomas Farrioer and his wife .. early every morning
b Thomas makes some bread .. ' 2 to bed.
to make bread for the King.
c Harriet and Mary help ... 3 afraid.
d A lot of smoke is coming from that house. Quick! It's on ...... __ . ......... .
d Thomas doesn't close... 4 a baker.
e 'look there's a very big mouse over there!' 'That isn't a mouse. it's a ... . ... .. ' ".
e Thomas goes up .. . 5 on fire. "
t I'm sorry. I ca n't . .... . ... .. . you onto the roof. I'm afra id!
f An hOur later. th e shop is . S across to the next door roof.
g Thomas, Anne and Harriet jump . 7 Thomas to make the breed.
g The old street s in this town are very ..... ... . ......... .
h Some rich people have a ... . .... working in th eir house.
h Mary is ." 8 the oven door.


1 Find words from Chapter 1 to match the pictures. What happens in the next chapter? Tick two boxes.

a 0 Mary jumps to the next door roof.

, c __ _ f ____ _ b 0 Mary doesn't jump because she is afraid.

k ­'­"'­@-

c 0 Thomas goes back to help Mary.

d 0 Thomas. Harriet and An ne go down a ladder.

m __ _ w_ _ _ f __ _ n __ _ _ _

People come out of their hou ses. They aU Just then. someone brings a ladder. Thomas ,
look up at Mary. 'Jump now!, tlley cry. Anne and Harriet quickly climb down.
,R.!C'Aii ~ /:

Ten miDUtes later ...

'Oh mother.' says Harriet. 'Poor
Mary, sh e's ­ she's dead.'
'Don 't go. Thomas!' 'Don't cry, my love,' says her mother.
cries Anne. 'Look.
now this house is on
fire, too.'

'Look at our shop. our things, our hamel' says

Thomas . .' We have nothing. What can we do now?'

ladder YO'" can go up or down tall climb 10 go "'P or dtlWn usmg your
buildings on lilt' handS anc! feet

There is a strong wind, and the fire spreads quickly to more houses in The people in the street begin to ask :
Pudding Lane. 'Where are the fire~ghts?' everybody asks. 'Where is the Lord Mayor or London?'
7Ft ~._ ,­ - . ,- j..
~. hE_",~ 1 .,.... • :>r;?X" 7 _-==- 'He 's asleep in bed.' says au old man.
'We want the Lord Mayor! ' cry the people.

Just then twenty flIe-fighters arrive. ·T hey begin to put water 00 the nre.

'Go and find the Lord Mayor. He 'Wbat can we do ?' asks Anne. 'We
lives in Maiden Lane,' says the can 't stay bere.'
chiefftre-figh ter to a boy. 'He 'Let's go down to the rover Thames,'
must come quickly.' cries Thomas. 'Follow me!'

But the ftre is out of control. and sooa

all the houses in Pudding Lane are on fire.

~ n i! ver"1 Ca st 'I) rud to rnQ¥t to other fire' ~ lIter a penon >MIO slap.! fires l oM! May1)r the fI'IOS l impo rtant c hief tile most importam Thlmu It~ mV

ma n in lon don
wind "rtllal moYeS line ~ na rrow ~d out of control when ~o cannot riyer waler Ihat moves in a
stop somethina or make" do wnat ulup sleeping la niline
o 11
READING CHECK 2 Use the words from Activity 1 to complete these sentences.

Are these sentences true or false? Tick the boxes. True False a The Farriner family ....c.l.i.0.Q.... down the ladder.
b There is a very. and this makes the fire worse.
a Mary jumps to the house next door. 0 I>'r
c The fire ................ quickly to more houses.
h Thomas wants to help Mary. 0 0
d Nobody can stop the fire because it is .
() Thomas, Anne and Harriet die. 0 0
e The. . .............. fire­fighter wants to see the Lord Mayor.
d The house next to the baker's shop is soon on fire. 0 0
f People say, 'The Lord Mayor is. . ............. in his bed,"
e A hundred fire­fighters come to Pudding lane. 0 0
g The Farriner family go down to the. . Thames.
f Someone says, 'The Lord Mayor lives in Pudding Lane.' 0 0
g Thomas, Anne and Harriet stay near the fire. 0 0 GUESS WHAT

WORD WORK rn the next chapter we meet Samuel Pepys. Look at his picture and tick the boxes.

1 Find words from Chapter 2 in the ladder. Samuel Pepys .

a D is thirty­three years old.
o is seventy·three years old.
b 0 works in a book shop.
o writes in his diary every day.
c 0 goes to look at the fire.
D runs away from the fire.

In a different part of London. Pepys goes to the window and 'It isn't a big tU"e.' he says to Jane.
Samuel Pepys is asleep in his bed. looks out across London. Tm going back to bed. Good night:
A!11 , A , t: '''.t..

An bour later. Jane comes back. Pepys jumps out of bed. He quickly
'Sir. there are more than three puts on his clothes.

part some. but nl1t all 01 s.ometlling gournment Ihe peOj)le who wor\l diary a tlOOk whert)'Ov WI'Ite about dotf1es people wear these
with the kine to decide what happeM what ~pP t l'S e.el)" day
Pep15 pif :r~ m tf1 e c:oontry
sir you uy this when you lallt to_
r ich or Impol"lanl man

" 15
'[ must go to the Tower of London,' says Near the Tower. Pepys
Big clouds of smoke are beginning to spread across
Pepys. 'I can see everything from there.' meets his good friend,
London. Bells are ringing from every church in the City.
?",,' "?'fdh!Jt':;·
... [>­.
­ X·~\" . ..
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­" ­ ,·.A..'~
"""1)•.. ,
""",­ ,
',I f ,.. _ ~ '\? . ~ _ ~: .


'What's happening?' asks Pepys.

'It's very bad news: says Moore. 'There:s They climb up the hill to
a big fire down near the dver. Everybody the Tower. It is now six
says it's out of controL' o'clock in the morning.

tower a ta ll building news when som€o ne tells ~ou

cloud a Oil! wtlite or grey Ihtflg in r ing 10 ma~e a nOIse likt a belJ
somethinl1 new bridge people can go 8cron a river
the sky
on this
church Christian peopl e go here
~ . a metal thing that makn a 10 pray
nOlseWl'len)'OO movt it
S(HL lJl l 3R~I ' RY
0 ­db ­ ~5"fi-
Put these s entences in the correct order. Number them 1­8. Use the words in the Tower of london to complete Pepys's diary.

a 0 Pepys meets Su.ntidJ' 2 S(J'{I~er, 1666

1 am lifting aNd wrft/ltg In} (a)

.. .0.. i. t;).X.'j. .... I u." "edT "",tllilld
b 0 An hour later, Jane comes back Three hundred flmug" my ,)m, l'Vi"J6W. All lIu
houses ere on fife! ' she cries. (b) . .•...•...•......• ill (1'''1
( e) ............. ..... 11, L,IlJ,1t _re
( d ) ............. ..... II,,,,. I £«11 lee
c 0 The fire isn't very b i ~ and Pepys goes back to J, ,,u(hiIl6 tJu(lue" My ,..,i"d,w {" . Tlwe «re
(e) ..... ............. 0/ nn,le IYt( flu dty.
I mUJf ,ui 1111 my (f) .••••.....••..•.. . and

d 0 Moore and Pepys go down to the

8' lut "6". 1 wall t It! tlim! u, the
....... . .......... '.I Lift;,,, «Ifa f'41
dowl( Olt the fi re( 1 w«,,1 I, wltll atr611

L,nd,1t (h) ... . " •.. " ....... alld ,ee lite jire
clothes bridge·,i
e m Pepys is jrIJm aum tlte riytfl Tlte K illg (UtJ the
. bells
(i) ...•. , ..... . ...... mlul dtl J4mtllting 14

J14)' tIl.( fite J441t. church

f 0 Pepys quickly puts on his

What happens i n the next chapter? TIck t he boxes.

g 0 Jane wokes up Pepys. She tells him about the Pepys . Yes Ho
a talks [0 the chief fi r e­fi ghter . o 0
b helps the l ite·fi ghter s. o 0
h 0 Pep,s leaves the hOuse. Hego", to the ~ c goes to the lord Mayor's house.
d goes to speak to the King of England.
e meets the Farriner family. o 0

.­ 18
QCbapter _
, Pepys and Moore arrive at the dver. Crowds of people
'It's Thomas Farriner from Pudding Lane.' cries a man in
are r unning down to the river bank. The fire is now in the next street. the crm·vd. 'Te U us about the nre in your baker's shop! '
Thomas is fr igh te ned . 'I ... I'm not a baker.' he says.
'[ have a nower shop in Cat Street:

Famllies leave their houses with Everybody wants a boat on the The Parrioer family leave qu ickly Pepys and Moore walk nearer to
their hands full. They are carrying river. 'Over here!' cries a young and go down the river in the boat. the nre. There are clouds of smoke,
their thin gs a\Aray (rom the fIre. man to the people in the boats. and thousands of rats are in the
i , .. Xl IOn II I ,.e (1 ­ ' 7 . . ( 'I'm flI'st,' says an old woman. s treecs. They are running from the
burning houses.
\ \ ;Q>

Three people climb quickly into

one of the boats. [t is the rarriner
family from Puddin g Lane.

crowd , 101 of people logettler lull with Il'liAgs in tnem boat t~ go acron water 1.11 this frithlened 4tr,i(l buming on fire

banI< wIlen:)IOu can "",III. next to c.arr')' 10 13M


10 21

'What can we do?'

shouts Moore.
'We must spea k to
the King. ' says Pepys.
'Come on . Let's rUld
a boat. We can go up
the river to Whitehall
Palace. Perhaps we
can speak to the
King there:

'Can you stop the flre?' Pepys asks the chief fi re­fighter.
'U's no good.' be answers. 'There's nothing we can do.'
'But you must blow up tbe bu ildings in fron t of the fire!'
says Pepys. 'Then it can 't spread to diITerent par ts of the city.'
c; :;;:> <!2 ..... .\

The wind is stronger, aud m any streets are now on fire. The houses on
London Bridge are buramg fast. and people afe jumping into the r iver.
""'A 1 ., , ( }(

'But we need to asLk - T- h - o - rn as -~d

Bludworth. the Lord Mayor,'
says the chief fire­fig hter.
'Where is be?' asks Pepys.
'Nobody knows,' be answers.
7.•..- ., .

outslc1e In fro nt of blow up 10 I)rta~ into small plliace II big house where iI
piKes noi$l~ IIinlllives

22 23
Choose the correct pictures. 1 Find nine more words from Chapter 4 in the wordsquare.

a of families go to the

I Pif\::::rr:.i

h Some people feel ... when they see Thomas Farriner.

c Thomas Farriner says 'I have a . .. shop.' 2 Use the words from Activity 1 to complete the sentences.
_ • (a\ ' .n,.r 1,r­­oo;,",CA'
·'1"'.7. ­ ­ ,
a The fire­fighters must stop the fire; they must ..9 .\.9.':1...4 'P. the houses.
b We can go for a long walk on the ... .. .. .. . ........ of the river.
c 'Shallt ............... .. tho se bags for you?' 'Yes, please, I'm very tired.'
d There's a lot of smoke in the house. Something is .
d In the streets there are a lot of .
e The children are very ...... ......... .. of thOse big dogs.
o::JO:­=<7'7 I '"O.-r:~ ~, · ~ .- I
f The King lives ill a very big ..... ............. .
g 'Where's Richard?' look, he's .................. thai shop over there.'
h A ................. of people are waiting for Ihe film slar at Ihe airport.
e Pepys and Moore talk to . You can travel to our country by . ...... or by plane.
- 'Can yOu open the door for me?' 'No, sorry. my hands are

What happens at the King's palace? Tick two boxes .
. to the King's palace. The King ...
a 0 doesn't talk to Pepys, d 0 gives Pepys some money.
b 0 lauShs at Pepys. e 0 gives Pepys a letter for the Lord Mayor.
c 0 listens carefully to Pepys. f 0 goes to the fire with Pepys.

24 ;5
They arrive at the Palace of Whitehall . 'What do you two think?' the Pepys wa lks over to [he crowd of m en .
'We're here ro see the Kin g,' says Pepys at the front door. young man calls to Pepys and 'There is only one solution,' he says.
Moore. 'We must blow up the buildings in
front of the fire.'

A crowd of men is standtog outside the door. They are all talking excitedly. Suddenly. everybody goes quiet. Just then tbe guard cnes: 'The King
'We must wait for rain.' says one old man. 'Slow up the buildings in front wants to see Samuel Pepys.'
'No, we must bring more water from the river: says a young man . of the fire?' says the young man. Now Pepys is surprised.
He is surprised.
'Yes, that's right: says Pepys.

'But we need more rlre­fighters to do that! ' cries a third nian.

iluanl a man who SlOPS oeople from only not mONl th~n s'Jlution the answer .to a problem surprised feeling that sornethirlj!
goine inl'J II buildltlt Ye~ new 1$ SIJOd en'Y haocening

Pepys goes into the King's room. 'Good morning, Mr Pepys .' says
The King writes a letter . 'Give thi s 'Nobody can find him,' says Pepys.
'Your Majesty, this is Samuel the King. 'I hear you bave news
letter to Thomas Bludworth . the 'You must find him! ' says th e King.
Pepys,' says the guard. abou t the fire. Is this true?'
Lord Mayor,' h e says.
'Yes. Your Majesty.' says Pepys.

'The fire is now out or control, 'The fire­fi ghters must blow up the
Your Majesty,' says Pepys, 'We houses in front or tbe frre,' says
must do something very quickly.' Pepys.
'But what?' asks the King.

'Yesl' cries the King. 'That's the

solutionl We must blow up the
houses. Then the nre can't spread.'

YWf" MaJ«ty you say Ihl$ wtoen you

talk to .. 'cins or a queen letter a pie­ce 1)f pap er w ith wrltln 8 coach a kind of car witt) horses madly quiCkly and wllhoUllhinking
WIlt you 3end It to someone

What happens in the next chapter? Tick the boxes.
Choose Ihe correct words to complete these sentences.

a At the door of the palace. Pepys ta lks to a 8 t!!.8id.

.a Pepys is angry with . ..
c The fire bums for .
b Outside the pa lace, Pepys meets a crowd of lWomen. Filen.
1 Richard Moore. 1 0 one more day.

c EOore [epys talks to I 2 0 the lord Mayor. 2 0 three more days.

d The King E nts @2e}n'twant to blow up the houses.

3 0 the chief fire·fighter. 3 0 one more week.

e The King gives Pepys a ~ cr. __

f The King wants Pepys to find the lord Mayor. li!'fCh~ fire­fighter.
b Who writes about the fi re in his diary? d The fire burns

g Pepys goes back to the fire In the King's boat. lOach.

o the King. o 300 houses.
2 0 Thomas Farriner. 2 0 3.000 houses.
WORD WORK 3 0 Samuel Pepys. 3 0 13,000 houses.

1 Find words from Chapter 5 i n t hese sentences and complete th e puzzle below.

a You must say 'Your ~ityMes' to a king. '"

b Pepys travels in the King'ssohac .
c 'How can we stop the fire?' asks the Ki ng. Pepys finds
the t,?sl!nou to the King's question.
d A du r ag takes Pepys to see the Xing.
e Pepys and Moore dri ve Lay md through the streets.
f Pepys is very ~: , ~ irdu s when the King wants to see him .
g loyn nine people die in the Great Fire.
h The King gives Pepys a teller for the l ord Mayor.

cI I I I
d I I I I I I ­;>

f li l l e l l: ~
h I,-~'J. -' .J
1114 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (1669) to rem4mber the G, Fire of lon40n.
You can up H tc4t1y.
2 Read the blue squares and write down the name of the high building on page 31 .

" ."
Just then some of the King's
soldiers arrive.
'Lord Mayor. we are here to
blow up houses,' says one of
the soldiers.
'Yes,' says the Lord Mayor.
'Good luck! I'm going home
now. I'm tired and dirty, and I
want to change my clothes.'
'But ... Lord Mayor. Waitl' call
'Hello, Pepys,' says the Lord Mayor. the soldiers.
'I'm very tired ­ I must sit down,'

'Here is a letter from the King,' says Pepys, 'You The soldiers pull down houses
must blow up the buildings in front of the fire: they are very near to the Hre. and blow up shops. It is now nine
/ fiiffJ 1\',1'''­­, ­"'­­­ 7 \\ {j .,'§.MN_5'i'J /;' ~ ' h ~.; 'It's no good,' says Pepys to the o'clock on Sunday evening. Pepys
soldiers. 'You must blow up and Moore go home,
bu ildings one street away from the

'I know,' says the Lord Mayor, 'I want to pull

down houses near the fire but nobody hstens to
me. People don't want to lose their homes.'

tired you feel tired when you need pull down to make a building soldie r a person in an army
to srt down or sleep come down

For three more days the Great Fire or London burns. Frigh tened people On the fourth day the wind changes direction and the Hre slowly stops.
and hungry rats run madly through the streets. The fire­fi ghters stand and watch for the rrrst time in days.

The fire spreads to the most important houses and churches in the city.
Old St Paul's Cathedral bums day and night.

At borne Pepys begins to write

government must work a lot to

g<'e31 _el)' big or Im portant burn to be on fwe cathedl"31 a big im portant churcn
direction where sorn.elhing is gaing

Five days later. Pepys and Moore Fifty years later London is a very different city. There afe no mare old
climb up the tower of the last narrow streets in the city centre. but bea utiful wid e streets in stead.
church in the centre of London. And a new St Pa ul's Cathedral stands not far from the ba nks of the
River Thames. But the most important thlng is .

They look over the city.
'Wh at a black day.' says Pepys. 'Over tbirteen thousand houses and nineLy
churches ... and DOW there is nothing.' ... there are no more rats.
'Dou't feel bad about that: says Moore. 'Instead let's remember
something important. nine people are dead.'

centre t he part In the mIddl e in~e3d in the pl &ee of something wide nOI nll"l'(l....

,. 31
2 Use the words from ActivITy 1 to complete the sentences.
Choose the right words to finiSh the sentences. a The Great Fire of London ...Q4r.'0 ~ . . for five days.
b A church is smaller than a .... . .. ..... .
a When th e soldiers arrive, th e Lord d After four days the wind.
c The lord Mayor IS very . .. ... ... ... . ... and he wants to go to sleep.
Mayor goes ... 1 0 stops.
d Th e fi r e·fighters can't stop t he f ire by pulling down houses: they must blow up the
1 !ia' home. 2 0 changes direction.
houses __ _........ .
2 0 to the King's palace. 3 0 becomes stronger.
e The wind chan ges ... ... ... ... . . . .. after four days and the fire stop s.
3 0 to the Tower 01 london . f A . IS a person whO wor ks tn the army.
g The new . ..... . .. ... .. of London has beautiful . streets.
b At first the soldiers blow up buildings e In the Greet Fire of l ondon.

lOin the fire. o nine people die. GUESS WHAT

2 0 very near the fire. 2 0 ninety people die.
What happens to Samuel Pepys after the fire? Tick two boxes.
3 0 one street away from the fire. 3 0 nine hundred people die.

c SI Paul's Cathedral f Fifty years later l ondon has .

1 0 burns for a long time. lOa new cathedral.
2 0 burns for a shOrt time. 2 0 a lot of rats.
3 0 isn't in th e fire. 3 0 beautiful narrow streets.

Find the words from Chapter 6. a 0 He meets and loves the King's daughter .
b 0 The King gives him a big house and a lot of money.

e w ....
c D He becomes an important person in th e gO'lemment.
a b.I,(C0.$.. .
d 0 Mer the fire he stop s working and is a very poor man.
e 0 He is the next Lord Mayor of l ondon.

f d ....
f 0 lots of people r ead about the fire in his diary hundreds of years later.
b s .....

c i . ... .. g c .... ········

d I.. ..... . .. . h c .....

38 39
'~iN!91. Famous Disasters 2 Use the information in Activity 1 to complete the table.

DISASTER NAME (~Th.£r-uptiO"fVwn·)

1 Use the wordS in the box to complete this news r eport about the Eruption of
Mount Vesuvius. WHERE AND WHEN?
r ,
boats burning city clouds crowds
direction frightened jump letter on fire WHAT ARE PEOPLE DOING?


24AUG~' 79­ '-

. . . ISERUP~NG . ­- ,

Mount Ves uvius is

erupting. the sea, .' Pliny the younger is wriUng
(a)._••••••• , ••••••• ~. rock s a re falling,!=1n ~bou ~ th ~ di~st er .in am ........ ............ . I
the {bl ................. ..o. of­Pompeii. below. · to ·a friend. His und ~. PIiI1}' the o l de~, 3 Complete this table about th e Great Fire O)~ ond.
The sky is black' with (c) ...... ...........:...
of ash,' an9, ·the' city 'is. (d) .., ...............:,.: :
' tells aUthe b9ats'to gO.across the sea.
miny.: t~ e old~r is goi ng witn th em to
j DISASTER NAME (~Th=- . -Gr ..-tF~ir ' -ofl" d- O -.:>
. (e~ .,: ..:....•........... of (f) .~: ..: .., ....:.,,; ... . help the­ i>e9'p!e in p o m~i. ...
people' ·a're. ­nlnning . from­' their.
houses. . They a~
:'fw:erity/ j h<!usaJld people. WHERE AND WHEN?
( :>
' o t ~ j

ru nning', in . the . (j) ......... ,..........: . . bOats and get
(g) ..•,•.. .....•.,.,..•... of'a·.and:wajting
for (M :.•...;...:._:;­:.:...; .. ('0 taJ(:e : · th ~ri · ~ · ~u
.s ~u;d
Pliny the 'older and over
_p'~re 'are left iri the
away. . bu~jng
: city: :rh ~y . · are
the bUrniOg'.foiks . ash
'C :>


C :>

4 Now write a news report about the Great Fire of London.

c :>
Begin your report like this.

3 September 1666
Th i~ j~ the second day of the fire and the city of London is burning.
'Qjlll'lWj':' Conversations about The Fire :3 Here's another conversation. What does Pepys say? Complete the conversation.

1 Who are thes e people from The Great Fire of London? Match the two parts of
the sentences .

1 is th e baker 's wife. •

a Thomas Farnner .
2 is the baker's maid.
b Mary.
;3 is the baker's daughter.
c Anne farriner .
4 is the lord Mayor of london.
d Samuel Pepys .
5 is the baker to th e K:ing.
e Charl es II . ..
6 wor ks (or the government a nd writes
r Thomas Bludworth . .
in hi s diary every day.
g Harriet Farriner .
7 is Samuel Pepys's maid .
h Jane . ..
8 is Samuel Pepys's good friend.
RiChard Moore ..
9 is the King of Engla nd.

2 Use these words to complet e th Is conversation.

girls remb~ Shop smoke talking wake where

ANNE ( a ). .. ". . ... up Thomas! There's a fire!

THOMAS A fire? (b) .. . ... is it?
ANNE ! think it's down in the (c) .
There's a l ot of (d). ........ ..... . .. . on the stair s.
JANE Wake up, sir! There's a fire in the City.
THOM AS Oh no~ I (e) ......... . now! The oven door!
PEPYS (a )
ANNE What are you (f) about?
JANE Over there. l ook out of the window.
THOM AS Oh, iI's not important.
ANNE QuiCk. l et's go and tell the (g) ... ......... .
JANE But irs· spreading very fast, sir.
Come on!
PEPYS W ..............
JANE Back to bed sir? I'm afraid! The fire is out of cont rol.
PEPYS (d) .................... .
JANE They are putting water on the fi r e, but t he wind is ma king the fi re str onger .
PEPYS (el . . ....... . ............. .

42 43
4 Choose one of these pictures from the story. Write the conversation.
Present Simple: affirmative and negative
We make most Present Simple affirmative verbs with the infinitive without to.
We add ­ s or ­ es to make the third person singular for m.
Just then Mary comes in. fhomDS goes uf} to bed.
We make most th ird person Present Simple ne~a tivJerbs with doesn't/don't +
infinitive without to.
He doesn't close the oven door.

The Present Simple affirmative of be ­7 is/a re, ~ and the Present Simple negative of
be ­7 isn 't/aren't.
The fire isn't very big, All the houses ore on fire.

1 Put the verbs in brac:kets into the Present Simple ­ affirmative or negative.
Today, london a) .. . ~, " (have) a
very important mayor: lhe lord Mayor
of london. [ very year, there is a 'l ord
Mayor's Show'. The new lord Mayor
b) ....... (gol thr<lugh the streets of
the old centre of london. Of course, the
lord Mayor c) ......... .. . (not walk). He
d) ............ (drive) in a wonderfu l old
coach with beautiful hOrses! And he
e) ..... . ... ... (not wear) usual clothes. He fl ...... ... (put on) a red coat and a big
black hat
The show g) ...... ... "" (begin) at 1J o'clock in the morning and the lord Mayor
h) ... (move) slowly through the streets in his coach for about three hours. Many
people from different countries i) ..... ....... (come) to watCh, but they j) .. . . ........ (not
know) the lord Mayor's name because he k) ... . ..... . . (not be) a very famous person!
All the people at the lord Mayor's Show I) . (have) an exciting time. The show
m) . . . ... . (finish) at 5 o'clock with lots of fireworks over the River Thames. The lord
Mayor n) ...... (watch) the fireworks and then 0). . . .. ... , (say) goodbye to the
5 Now read your conversation with a friend.

44 45
Modal auxiliary verbs: must Subject and object pronouns
We use must + infinitive without to when we think it is necessary or very important We use subject pronouns ­ I, yo u, he, she, it, we, and they ­ to replace subject
to do something. or when it is an obligation. noun s. Subject pronouns go in front of the main verb.
I must go to the Tower of tondon. Mary helps to bake bread She helps to bake bread ~
She m ust climb do wn the ladder. The Mayor Isn't here He IS asleep
We must help the people of London. We use obj ect pronouns ­ m e, you, him, her, It, us, and them ­ to re ~ace object
nouns. Object pronouns go afte r the main verb. They can also go afterwprepositions.
2 Complete the sentences with must and the verbs in the bOlt.
That's the baker' I kno w tum. Where are the guards? I can't see them.
blow up come help .Jk.'f1'l]1 arrive sit down speak Pepys finds tile King and he speaks to him.

a You ..~Y. t: .'f . ~.r:0? . to the house next door, Mary! 4 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
b The fire­fighters .. .......... . " ... . .. Quickly. _."­­­;7:;"'""
a london is an old City.@te has lots of narrow streets .
c Where is the l ord Mayor? He . b There are rats in all the streets and the , . . ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­­ _ ­
­ ­ ­ ­­ ­­­­;
here soon to see the fire! houses. People don't like they/m ~

d .. ......... ... ...... to the King Of England! It's c An old woman gets into a boat. She/Her is
very important frightened.
e I'm very tired. I . ............. " in a chair. d Samuel Pcpys is in bed. Him/He is asleep.
f We .. . "....... ... the houses in fNlnt of e The fire is very bad. Th e tlre·fighters must
the fire. stop itlthem.
g The government ... . .. ... . the people of london. f 'I want to see Pepys: says the Ki ng. 'Bring him to lime:

~ Wrtte the words in the correct order to make sentences. 5 Complete the sentences. Use the subject and object pronouns in the box,
a the I br ead I King I must I they' make I for' ni ce
he her it you they
.. .Th~'J (0.y~t .. r: .0~ .'0ic;: . ~ .. P. (~0¢ ..f.9.t:'.. t.'0~ .K.I0 ~j. ..
L _ _ _ __ _ _­­­'­­­'_
­ _~t:.h e m him you
b fir e·fi ghters f nnd / more I water' the / must
a Harri et is sixteen ...$.t:! ~ .. lives over a shop. Many young men like.
c must f out I Pepys I of I Quickly I jump I bed b The baker starts the fire. Everybody is angry with. .. .. ... so ,.. .. ..... r uns away.
c The rats run thr ough the streetS......... . ,. are very big and nObadl( likes
d now / house I must /Ieave /1/ the d 'Are .... .. ...... afraid of the fire?' 'Yes, .. ...... , . am!'
............ . ..... ...... ...... . e Please open this letter from the King. He wants. . ...... to r ead ....... . ... . now .
e the r find I a I you I on / boat I river I must

46 47
Adjectives: order before nouns Everybody, everything, nobody, nothIng, somebody, and someth ing
We use adjectives to describe nouns. Adje ctives go in fron t of a noun. We use everybody and everythin g to talk about 'a ll the people' and 'a ll the things'.
london has old, narrow streets. Everybody wants 0 boat on the river. I can see everything from here.
When there is more than one adject ive, we put the adjective that gives our opinion first. We use nobody and nothing to talk about 'no person or people' or 'no thing or things'.
on IfIteresting. new cathedral a mce. big. green boat. Nobody listens to me. We ha'le nothing.
We usually put adjectives in this order: We use somebody and somethin g to ta lk about an unknown person or thing.
Somebody brings 0 ladder. We must do something about the fire.
1 Opinion 2 Size 3Age 4 Shape 5 Colour 6 Nationality
wonderful big old narrow blue English 8 Write the sentences again . Use everybody, everything, nobody, nothing, somebody,
good !ittle new wide red French or something.
a All the people must leave the city... ~ . Yft \ 7:j P9q.:j ~:t .I~0Y ..t.~ . G!t~ ...
6 Wrtte the words in the correct order to make sentences.
b No person can stop the lire. .. ..................... .
a great I EngliSh I he's I writer I a , . tI:~ :­? .0 ._s",_e0t I~9 ).i s ry ..':"!.~ it~ r:.
c There's a person on the root! .
b maid I a / new I nice I she's ..
d We must take all the things out of Our hOuse. .. .
c r ats / brown I they're / long .
e After the fire. there 's not one thjM left in the centr e of london.
d old I he's I bad I mayor I a .
e a I man {he's ! young /tall .

7 What can people see 50 years after the Great Fire of London? Put
the word s in brackets in the correct order and write sentences.
a There are a lot of streets. (wide I nice / big)
f I can see ~

in the river.

9 Complete the dialotue with the words in the box.

everybody nobody nothing .sDP'­letRiilg­

.. T~ .\ E? . 9!f.~ . 0..!9.t. .qf. '0.ic;~) ..Qi£k .'1iQ~ ..~:Ir.ts :
b There's a cathedral. (white f beautiful) Kin g Mr Pepys, you know a) ..~ . ~ . t!") . i Y:\g . about the fire. Please teU me.
Pepys Your MajeSty, the fire is out of contr ol. We must blow up the houses in front of it.

c There are some shops. (French I new I wonderful) King Oh dear! b) ........... must find the l Ord Mayor i

d Ther e's a bridge. (narrow' old) Pepys Yes. Your Majesty, but c) can fi nd

e There are a lot of houses. (red' new' nice) King Take one of my coaches now. Oh. and Pepys ­ is
the cathedral all right?
Pepys No, Your Majesty, d) ............ is safe and
e) ... . .. . .. . . . is frightened . The fire is very big.

Suffixes: ­­ed and ­lng Plural nouns
We can add the s uffixes ­ed and ­ lng to a verb or noun to make some adjectives. We us ually add ­ s to Singular nouns to make p lural nouns.

Adjectives with ­e d usua lly describe how somebody feels. maid ­ maids bridge ­ bridges r iver ­ rivers
Mory IS frightened of the lire. Whe n a noun ends in ­ sh, ­ch, ­ s, ­ 55. ­ x, or - l , we add ­es to make the plural.

Samuel Pepys is in bed because he is tired. bus ­ buses dress ­ dresses watch ­ watches box ­ boxes
Adjectives with ­ing usually describe something. When a noun ends in a consonant + ­ y, we change the y to i and add ­ es.

The fire is frightenin(J. country ­ countriBS story ­ stories family ­ fam ilies
His wor k is very firing. Some nouns have irregular plurals.
man - men woman ­ women Child ­ children person ­ people
10 Choose the correct word t o complete t he sente nces.
a The Lord ~ayor isQiring because he always 12 Complete the sentences with a plural noun, Use the word s in the box,
sleeps badly. ..cAtkt' church city coach day diary per son
b Samuel Pepys's diary is very interested/ Interesting.
c The men are excited/ exciting when th ey meet the King. a The ,. ~h! \ 9r.~'0 .. ru n away from the fire.
d People are surprised/surprising about the number of b In 1666, l ondon is one of the biggest .. . . " ..... in the world,
houses on fire. c When the fire begins, all the bells ring In the rl.•. ­ ­­­:­:­7,~MIT'_;
e The fire is spr eading. It's very frig:htened/frightening.
f Are you interested/ interesting in the King's pelace? d Pepys and Moore drive th rough the streets in
I! The news about the fire isn't SUi'prised/ surpri sing. one of the King's ......... ... . •
e The Great Fire of london stops after five
11 Complete the sentences wfth the correct adjectives.
­ veryln
a l ondon lsa teres+
. ... .. . .. .... iV\/l
.. . i::} . CI'ty .
f Only nin e ....... die in the Gr eat Fire of
b Mary is too fr .. ' to jump to the house next door.
london .
c Pepys is in ........ . in t he Great Fire of london. •
d MakJng bread is ti .. ,.. .. work.
,- -~ g Samuel Pepys's .. are now very famous books.

e The fi re in Pudding l ane is fr... 13 Correct the text. people

f The King is su ....... . .... because nobody can When the fire begins, 811 the a)~r un out of their b) Musses to see it. The
find the lord Mayor. c) boyes and d) girles are frightened. Everybody tell s e) storys about the burning city.

g Harriet and Mary go up to bed because they When the fi re gets worse, all the 0 ratts come out of the g) buitdinges. too. The
are ti .. h) mans, i) womans and j) childs of l ondon all r un through the k) streetes to the
h The crowd at t he Palace of Whitehall ar e 11 bankes of the River Thames. Two or three m) famil ys jump into n) boatts and they
ex .. .. ~ down the river, away from the fir e.
so 51
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