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Chapter 3 – Implementing the Curriculum

Module 4, Lesson 4 – Stakeholders in Curriculum Implementation

Intended Learning Outcomes:

• Identify stakeholders in curriculum implementation

• Enumerate the role of each stakeholder

Take off

Who are involved in curriculum development and implementation?? These are the persons who
we call stakeholders. Stakeholders are individuals or institutions that are interested in the curriculum.
They get involved in many different ways. You must be one of them. Together with the teachers, school
managers, parents and even the whole community have interest in the curriculum. You will meet them
in this lesson.

Content Focus

1. Learners are at the core of the curriculum. To what extent are the students involved in
curriculum development? The old view that students are mere recipients of the curriculum is now
changing. Learners have more dynamic participation from planning, designing, implementing and
evaluating. However the degree of their involvement is dependent on their maturity. The older they are
the more they participste. From another angle, whether the learners are in the elementary or college
level, they can make or break curriculum implementation by their active or non-involvement. After all
learners together with the teachers, put action on the curriculum. At the end of the curriculum
development process, the fundamental question is: Have the students learned?

Why do curricularists place a lot of premium on the students? It is because, the learners make
the curriculum alive. A written curriculum that does not consider the students, will have a little chance
to succeed.

2. Teachers are curricularists. Teachers are stakeholders who plan, design, teach, implement and
evaluate the curriculum. No doubt, the most important person in curriculum implementation is the
teacher. Teacher’s influence upon learners cannot be measured. Better teachers foster better learning.
But teachers need to continue with their professional development. Teachers should have full
knowledge of the program philosophy, content and components of curriculum and ways of teaching.

A teacher design, enriches and modifies the curriculum to suit the learners’ characteristics. As
curriculum developers teachers are part of textbook committee, teacher selection, school evaluation
committee or textbook and module writers themselves.

When a curriculum has already been written, the teacher’s roe is to implement like a technician,
however, teachers are reflective persons. They put their heart into what they do. They are very mindful
that in the center of everything they do, is the learner.

Some of the roles that the teacher do in curriculum implementation are:

• Guiding, facilitating and directing the activities of the learners;

• Choosing the activities and the methods to be utilized;
• Choosing the materials that are necessary for the activity;
• Evaluating the whole implementation process; and
• Making a decision whether to continue, modify or terminate the curriculum

All these roles are very crucial to achieve success in the implementation. Unsuccessful
implementation may even lead to educational failure.

3. School leaders as curriculum managers. Principals and school heads, too have important roles
in curriculum implementation process in schools. They should understand fully the need for change and
the implementation process. They should be ready to assist the teachers and the students in the
implementation. The principal should be a good team leader.

Convincing the parents on the merits of the new curriculum is the job of the school leader. He
should be committed to change and employ strategies to meet the needs of the teachers and the
learners like buildings, books, library, and other needed resources.

4. Parents. Parents are significant school partners. They also play an important role in
curriculum implementation. When children bring home a homework from school, some parents are
unable to help. Schools need to listen to parents’ concerns about school curriculum like textbooks,
activites, grading system and others. Schools have one way of engaging the parents’ cooperation
through Brigada Eskwela. They can also be tapped in various co-curricular activities as chaperon to
children in Boy and Girl Scouting, caming and the like. Prents may not directly involved in curriculum
implementation but they are formidable partners for the success of any curriculum development

How do parents help shape the school curriculum? Hee are some observations:

• Schools composed of parents who are positively involved in school activities have better
achievement than schools with uninvolved parents. Disciplinary problems are minimal,
and students are highly motivated. When parents take interest in the education of their
children, they become closer to the school.
• The home is the extended school environment. In lifelong learning, the achieved
learning in school are transferred at home, making the home the laboratory of learning.
Parent see to it that what children learned in school are practiced at home. They follow
up lessons, they make available materials for learning and they give permission for the
participation of their children.
• In most schools parent associations are organized. Many school project are supported
by this organization. This is considered as the best practice in best performing schools.

5. Community as the curriculum resources and a learning environment. “It takes the whole
village to educate the child.” What do you think of this statement? The school is in the community,
hence the community is an extended school ground, a learning environment. The community has a
stake in the curriculum. It is the bigger school community tht becomes the venue of learning. The rich
human and natural resources of the community can assist in educating the children. The community is
the reflection of the school’s influence and the school is a reflection of the community support.
6. Other stakeholders. Some stakeholders may not have direct influence on the school
curriculum. These are agencies that are involved in planning, design, implementation and evaluation
of the curricula. To name a few, the list follows:

• DepEd. TESDA, CHED- trifocal agencies that have regulatory and mandatory authorities
over the implementation of the curricula.
• Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and Civil Service Commission (CSC)-the
agency that certifies and issues teacher licenses to qualify one to teach(PRC) and affirms
and confirms the appointment of teachers in the public schools (CSC).
• Local Government Units (LGU)- some teachers are paid through the budget of LGUs.
They also construct school buildings, provide equipment, support to professional
development of teachers, and provide school supplies and books.(R.A. No. 5447-Special
Education Fund)
• Non-government agencies – Gawad Kalinga, Synergia (Readin, Science, math)
Metrobank Foundation-Contining teacher development program, Professonal
organizations (PAFTE, SUCTEA, NOSTE, MTAP.

A school curriculum, big or small is influenced by many stakeholders. Each one has a
contribution and influence on what should replace, modify, and substitute the current curriculum.

End of Lesson Activity:

1. (Group). With the use of the interview protocol below, ask three persons: one student, one
parent and one LGU.

Interview Protocol on the Roles of Stakeholders

Name of the Interviewee__________________Inteviewer_________________________

Category: __________________ (ex. Teacher)

Lead Questions:

1. What do you know about the curriculum that is taught in this school?
2. Are you involved in the activities in the school? How?
3. Why do you get involve in the school activities?
4. Do the activities contribute to the learning of the students?
5. What is your most important involvement? Give specific examples.
6. Would you lie to continue what you are doing for the school curriculum? Why


1. Bilbao. P. et al (2015). Curriculum development for teachers. Quezon City, MM. Lorimar

2. The roles of stakeholders in curriculum implementation…
3. Importance of Stakeholders in Curriculum Development

Note: No.of Activity for submission: Group activity (1)

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