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Psychology chapter 8

Concept of motivation:
- The concept of motivation focuses on explaining what moves behaviour
- The term motivation is father from the Latin word called ‘Movere’ referring to movement of

Biological basis of hunger and thirst needs:

- the biological basis of hunger and thirst needs are those which are indicated by events inside
and outside the body
- The stimuli for hunger includes contraction in stomach, low concentration of glucose in the
blood, nerve inpuleee sent by the liver to the brain and external factors like aroma, taste and
appearance of food
- Thirst occur due to deprivation of water that lead to loss of the water from the cells and tissue
of the body, drying of mouth and subtly cause dehydration. The anterior hypothalamus contain
nerve cells called osmotic rotors which generate impulses in the case of dehydration

Need for achievement, a liation , and power to

in uence the behaviour of adolescence with examples:
1. The need for achievement: refers to the desire of a person to meet standard of excellence
Eg: A student wants to achieve good marks in an exam in order get an achievement

2. The need for a liation: this is aroused when individual feel threatened and also when they
are happy
Eg: adolescents face lot of peer pressure to be popular, they are motivated to interact socially to
gain popularity

3. The need for power: refers to the ability of a person to take control over others, the various
goal of power motivation is to lead, charm and enhance one’s own reputation in the eyes of
other people
Eg: A student who wants to become head boy is motivated to get power in the school

Types of motives;
1. Biological motives: focuses on biological cause of motivation like hormones
neurotransmitters etc.
2. Psychological motives: focuses on psychological and social factors and how they interact
with each other to produce motivation

- Emotion is a subjective feeling and experience of motion which varies from person to person,
there are at least 6 emotions which are recognised everywhere:
1. Anger
2. Disgust
3. Fear
4. Happiness
5. Sadness
6. Surprise
Key elements of emotion:
1. Subjective experience
2. Physiological experience: these are guided by sympathetic nervous system
[sympathetic nervous system controls body’s ght or ight reaction]

3. Behavioural response: that is understanding emotions correctly

Cultural in uence on the expression of emotions:

- The culture in uences the expression of emotion by shaping the gesture that getups among
di erent societies, facial expression play an important role in everyday life and are the most
common form of expressing emotion
- Cultural di erences have also been found in the gaze behaviour, it has been observed that Latin
Americans and southern Europeans direct their gaze to the interacting, while Asians prefer
peripheral gaze (looking away from the conversational partner)
Eg: In India silence is sometimes used to express deep emotions whereas in western country it
depicts embarrassment

Importance of managing negative emotions:

- It is important to manage negative emotions because negative emotions act as the obstacles
towards rational decision making
Eg: Anxious individuals nd time di cult to concentrate or to make decisions even for the small

Ways to manage negative emotions:

1. Enhance self awareness and being creative
2. Appraise the situations objectively without bias or preconceptions
3. Developing good relations and having empathy for others
4. Participating in community service
5. Perceptual recognition and cognitive reconstruction

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder:

- PTSD is a mental health condition that is triggered by a terrifying event either experiencing it or
by witnessing it
- Symptoms include ashbacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable
thoughts about event

Enhancing positive emotions:

1. Engage in some work
2. Maintain quality connection with others
3. Have positive interpretation of most daily events
4. Inculcating personality traits of optimism, hopefulness, happiness and positive self regard

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