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Disciplina: Língua Estrangeira Moderna - Inglês

Teacher: Joice F. Nicola

Adjective Possessive

Quando estudamos os Pronomes também devemos incluir nessa lista os

Adjective Possessives.
Eles não são pronomes, mas sempre estão acompanhando um substantivo e
de alguma forma trazem a ideia de posse, também destinada aos Possessive
Iniciamos por ele pois é a partir da compreensão deles que passamos a
compreender o uso dos Possessive Pronouns.
São eles:

It´s = It is # its
Sempre que utilizamos um Adjective Possessive, devemos lembrar que ele
sempre acompanha um substantivo trazendo a ideia de posse.

Ex.: My car needs to be fixed.

Her father plays soccer.
Their teacher is young.
Disciplina: Língua Estrangeira Moderna - Inglês
Teacher: Joice F. Nicola

He takes care of his own brothers.

Vídeos sugeridos:
Disciplina: Língua Estrangeira Moderna - Inglês
Teacher: Joice F. Nicola

Possessive Pronouns:

Usamos os Pronomes possessivos para substituir a posse mencionada

anteriormente em uma frase. Essa “posse” pode ser formada por um
Possessive Adjective + substantivo. A utilização do possessive pronoun
geralmente é feita em final de frase ou quando o item de posse já for
identificado inicialmente na frase.


Anna: Whose car is that?

Susan: It´s mine.

Susan: It´s my car.

Carlos: What is your favorite kind of movie?

Anna: My favorite kind of movie is action movies.
Susan: Mine is thriller.

Usos dos pronomes possessivos:

Disciplina: Língua Estrangeira Moderna - Inglês
Teacher: Joice F. Nicola

Usos especiais:

Disciplina: Língua Estrangeira Moderna - Inglês
Teacher: Joice F. Nicola

2. I must have lost _X_ pen. Can you lend me_X pen?
Can you lend me X_?

3. Jane tries to help __X___ friends but… John doesn´t try to help _X__friends?
John doesn´t try to help _X_.

4. Paul loves _X_brother. Does Helen love_X__brother?

Does Helen love __X__?


Vídeos sugeridos:
Disciplina: Língua Estrangeira Moderna - Inglês
Teacher: Joice F. Nicola

Exercício 1:

Choose the right word:

1. It’s their / theirs problem, not our / ours.

2. This is a nice camera. Is it your / yours?

3. That’s not my / mine umbrella. My / mine is black.

4. Whose books are these? Your / yours or my /mine?

5. Catherine is going out with her / hers friends this evening.

6. My / mine room is bigger than her / hers.

7. They have got two children but I don’t know their / theirs names.

8. Can we use your washing machine? Our / ours is broken.

Disciplina: Língua Estrangeira Moderna - Inglês
Teacher: Joice F. Nicola

Exercício 2:
Love me tender (Elvis Presley)
Love ___ tender, Love ___ sweet, Never let ____ go.
____ have made ____ life complete, And ___ love ____so.

Love ___ tender,

Love ___ true,
All ___ dreams fulfilled.
For _____ darling ____love ____,
And ___ always will.

Love ____ tender, Love ____ long,

Take ___ to _______ heart.
Tell _____ ______ are ______.
___’ll be _____ through all the years,

Love ___ tender,

Love ___ true,
All ___ dreams fulfilled.
For ____ darling ____ love _____
And ___ always will.

Love ____ tender, Love ____ dear,

Till the end of time.

Love ___ tender,
Love ___ true,
All ___ dreams fulfilled.
For ____ darling ____ love _____.
And ___ always will.

Link do vídeo:

Disciplina: Língua Estrangeira Moderna - Inglês
Teacher: Joice F. Nicola

Exercício 3:


Highlight all of the pronouns in this passage.

We visited the new planetarium in the city. When w e got there, a

man show ed us w here to leave o ur co ats and backpacks. A special guide
explained the to ur to us. I learned many new things. For example, I
didn’t kno w o ur so lar system w as so big. We counted many moo ns
around so me o f the planets. To w ard the end o f the to ur, the guide
invited me to visit the planetarium again. I w ill definitely co me back
so meday. We co llected o ur things and w ent back to scho ol. I asked
friends to name a favo rite planet. Mine is Saturn because o f its many
rings. The teacher w ants us to d o repo rts o n the
planets. I w ant to report on the planet Saturn, but so
do es Aquil. We decided to w o rk to gether o n the
repo rt. We w ant to talk about Titan, one o f Saturn’s
biggest moo ns. We w ere interested in this mo on,
because Titan is the biggest moo n, bigger than the
planet Mercury!

List the pronouns you found. What do they all have in commo n?

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